#112 answers
maddieandangel · 2 months
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icedmetaltea · 4 months
Titana Boa eclipse angry he was caught: >:(
Researchers: where’s the intern? Y/n.
Eclipse wanting to leave: I ate them.
Y/n: sup’ apparently eclipse ate me so I’m just gonna go cuddle Moon.
tbegd cijxokgtrfvdn how they gonna cuddle moon if they got eaten 😭 How large is that stomach?? You got a whole suite in there???
Edit: it has come to my attention that was a lie and I am stupid
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bloo-the-dragon · 8 months
BloodMoon!! Here have a treat!!
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Here’s the smiling moon from my backyard!
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trashbatistrash · 5 months
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schoenht · 7 months
I wanna shake Rollo like a blender omg I’m so glad I found your Rollo messages 💜
rollo lovers ONLY up in here i want to shake him like a snowglobe and bite him like he's a rubber chicken
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fullscoreshenanigans · 9 months
Okay, since you're asking for, well, asks:
What would you change to make Andrew a more compelling villain? How should his arc have been dealt so we, as the fandom, would be more fond of him, despite Andrew killing of at least two fandom favourites?
Swap him out with Isabella and give me the Isabella pursues the kids AU that S2 teased to facilitate the Grace Field escapees having a talk about the trauma she put them through that I crave or have him take Phil to Lambda.
Joking aside, almost anything that makes his conflict more personal with characters as individual characters rather than them as a monolithic group of cattle children would work for me, or giving him a personality beyond "Peter's lackey from the Ratri branch family with a one-dimensional hater boner for the cattle children."
I'd like him to stick around longer to simultaneously build up a greater antagonistic dynamic with the kids and show them strategizing how they'll neutralize him in an environment they aren't as familiar with, but are still knowledgeable enough about so the reader is privy to most of the elements in play and can deduct how at least some of them factor into the plan ahead of time, and then look back on any they missed without feeling cheated because they were introduced earlier rather than in the moment. Something along the lines of the kids luring him to a location the search party visited while looking for the Seven Walls.
Alternatively, an area they actively avoided because of rumors, like what evanescent puts forth here in always a riddle inside my head (aesop’s kin).
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Comes with the potential bonus of providing more insight into demon world culture on top of adding a factor of risk of both sides trying to utilize the area to their advantage while trying to avoid succumbing to it themselves, especially if they ultimately decide to keep the group together as opposed to splitting up until the threat is dealt with.
I'd also like to see Andrew deducing Phil is a child of interest, either before he arrives at Grace Field due to his score and whatever else might be in his file or while he's at Grace Field and picks up on any odd behavior. Something for the reader to follow along with to build up tension and give us insight into both his personality and reasoning in a more lowkey setting to build anticipation for when he's in a higher energy one like confronting the escapees. It was most likely to save on page space, but him showing up at Grace Field only to do nothing with the encounter but use the fact he talked to Phil to taunt the Grace Field escapees in chapter 111 was such a letdown. Him doing something to Phil besides killing him offscreen makes for a more immediate threat than one of the many kids at Grace Field the audience might be aware of but doesn't have nearly as strong of an attachment to maybe getting shipped out at the two-year deadline. It also shows him taking some initiative on his own prior to the escapee confrontation when up until that point we just see him following Peter's lead.
Him following along the escapees' trail from Grace Field and stumbling across the coordinates to B06-32 Ray left carved in the tree would also be something deliciously angsty to taunt them with in their first encounter, chiding them for being sloppy. There's no guarantee they wouldn't have eventually been found anyway and no one really blames Ray for it given the circumstances, but still, the guilt of leading them to the location sooner rather than after they were long gone and putting Yuugo and Lucas into the position where they had to sacrifice their lives for them, oof.
Further rambling under the cut that turned into a semi-tangent:
Isabella is my favorite villain for, among other things, how intertwined she was in the children's lives. Very high personal stakes with a betrayal from someone who almost all of them believed was a normal, loving mother, to say nothing of the anguish Ray's biological connection to her brought him.
Leuvis made things more personal with Emma by going after children she saved earlier in the day to taunt her and affirmed to her face they were fundamentally opposed in their goals, making conflict unavoidable. He also killed Lucas and Yuugo's friends, forcing them to live separately with that guilt for over a decade.
Legravalima forced Mujika into hiding for 700 years after having her entire clan slaughtered, and she had an interest in the full score trio as the most delicious meat that was forbidden to her, making her one of the two key figures responsible for Norman ending up in Lambda that leads to a dramatically charged meeting between them in the imperial capital. It's a bit more distant of a connection, but it's workable for me when combined with her acting as a vehicle for criticism of systemic exploitation to maintain centuries of hegemony and how it inevitably implodes on itself. I half count Sonju here because their confrontation is also charged when they finally do meet, but it's never alluded to at all prior to this so there's zero build-up, and even in the "Two Destinies" story from the third light novel we don't see them interact.
Peter is the thirty-sixth Ratri to uphold the promise, giving some twisted credence to his assertion he is the father of the current generation of cattle children. He took advantage of Legravalima's greed to become the other key figure in Norman ending up at Lambda (though we don't get to see them interact much. We knew he was in conflict with his brother, the man who sought to end the Neverland despite knowing how critical it was to maintain the balance between the two worlds and how he should view it as an honor, since he was introduced. Again I have to fall back on the symbolism of what his defeat represented—his entire identity founded on a purposefully manufactured hierarchy and how he couldn't comprehend existence outside of that rigid mindset, of there not being an inherent inferiority to the cattle children that made their fate as food deserved—since on its surface his suicide is highly unsatisfying. Roughly a hundred chapters of build-up, and he just conveniently offs himself. No final stand, pathetic or grand, that pushes the characters to act or challenge something about themselves (yet again giving a shoutout to @salsae's vowsverse for having Emma shoot Peter and how for better, not only explores the toll that takes on her, but also how it affects the people around her).
Andrew's mindset is essentially the same as Peter's, so there's some symbolism in his wrath consuming him and contributing to his demise, but it's devoid of Peter's familial conflict. His meeting with Phil is framed in a sinister light that makes it reasonable to worry about his safety, but Shirai states in the mystic code book he never intended to do anything with it beyond using the meeting taking place as a way to briefly taunt Emma.
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He also lacks the long history Leuvis had with Yuugo and Lucas. You could argue this speaks to how there's a disconnect between the upper echelons who profit off the exploitation of those at the bottom and the banal mundanity of it all, and how his death in the jaws of a wild demon was indicative of the indifference of the universe, but to me it feels empty when earlier villains gave us conflict that was simultaneously symbolic and personal.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 4 | December 2020 Exhibition Interview)
The children maintaining their "whiteness"/innocence would have been fine by itself if it was preceded by a more prolonged pursuit that would at least give us a peek into Andrew's past and personality while also showing the children carefully crafting plans ahead of time like they did in previous arcs so we could follow along with them and build up anticipation due to being provided with all the potential elements in play.
Instead, he shows up at the bunker when we as an audience have spent very little time in it and only learned about its intricate tunnel system during the raid, he blows it up, and then he shows up again instigating a hostage situation. After the enormous blow of losing Yuugo and Lucas interspersed with the deaths of children who were meant to stress the gravity of the situation (but with their lack of focus it's frustratingly obvious they're cheap canon fodder; we don't even get their names until the chapter 119 bonus sketch) on top of all ten members of the Goldy Pond crew surviving Goldy Pond despite some suffering injuries that could have justifiably killed them, there's a lack of tension for seasoned readers when Alicia and Dominic are on the chopping block.
Such a frustratingly disappointing character who doesn't even have a fun personality to make up for it.
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iersei · 8 months
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we're winning right now, but we've been fighting with a margin of 1% for a While now. it's too early to call it, so we can't rest just yet!
that's why everyone should remember to vote! because every vote counts!!!
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38 boops
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avianii · 8 months
2, 5 and 19 for the gaming asks :)
2. Top 5 Games
Absolutely in LOVE with Hollow Knight and have always been and will always be, but after that it's anything Monster Hunter, Hades, Sekiro Shadows Die Twice and Horizon Zero Dawn. Used to be a huge FPS player but I'm going thru my RPG phase right now lol
5. Most Memorable Gaming Moment
The second I beat the Radiance in Hollow Knight for the first time. Because HK was my first like real game and after like a good 3 months of pure grind I FINALLY KILLED THAT DAMN MOTH WHY R U SO ANNOYING STOP SPAWNING SWORDS IN MY FACE. and the pure sense of joy seeing this screen will never be recreated again
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or it was playing overcooked with @sevdidntdie this past summer LMAO
19. A game that you wish you could play for the first time again.
Gris. It just hits in all the right spots and makes me really sad but I love it anyways
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glazedvsion · 5 months
calc 2 sucks bc i dont know how to find an online calculator that can check my work
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112-darling · 2 years
SBH : hey im cold :(
dark : herr have my jacket :)
112 : im coooold :(((
actor : fuck you want me to do, change the weather?! OH-uhm i meant... would you like.. my jacket?? that i am definetly wearing rn...
Accurate as heck
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romanticallyghosting · 4 months
Whore tube time in a few minutes like- 16 minutes
good for you!!!
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icedmetaltea · 4 months
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Makes these 4 u
Idk if I'd trust your cooking, I feel like these have a 50/50 chance of being real dirt
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yellow-stars · 5 months
Mother fucker I regret having notifications when you post
you have notifications on? for me?
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arda-ancalima · 7 months
@california-112 asked: Trick or treat! 🎃🧛
Thanks for the ask! :D I got an email with your ask but it wasn't in my inbox so I hope this is all right!
I found this in a word doc from 2019 - it's a missing scene from Endeavour series 6, just some Morse and Thursday friendship fluff :)
Thursday finished his sentence then leaned over with a groan.
He mostly straightened again. “Fine. Just sore.” His voice caught on the last word.
Morse pulled a chair closer. “Here, sit down. What exactly did they do to you?”
Thursday didn’t argue, but lowered himself slowly into the chair. “They had batons, I think. Box came in before they could do any real damage. Just bruising, mostly.”
“You sure you don’t need a hospital? Or I could ask Dr. Debryn.”
“Nah, I’m fine.” He hissed as he settled onto the back of the chair.
“Here, wait a minute.” Morse took off the hall and returned with a thin towel full of ice that he had twisted shut.
Thursday gave him a funny look when Morse handed him the makeshift ice pack. “You can figure this out but won’t take care of yourself after all your scrapes?”
Morse stuffed his hands in his pockets and smiled sheepishly. “I did actually take it easy when I was on light duties.”
“You saying I’m not?” Thursday said with mock offense, gingerly holding the pack to his side.
“Well, I didn’t get involved in any murder cases under DI Church.”
“Must not have been any interesting ones.”
Morse huffed a laugh. “You’re right. Can I get you some tea? Or anything?”
“Oh no, you’re all right.”
They fell silent as Morse paced around a little while Thursday adjusted the pack and breathed deeply.
“Thanks, for this,” Thursday said, more or less gesturing to the pack, or somewhat in general. “I’m sure you have things to do, you don’t have to fuss.”
“Of course. I’m not too worried, I’m sure Mrs. Thursday will take good care of you,” Morse said with a smile, one that Thursday did not return.
“Is…Mrs. Thursday all right, sir?” Morse asked hesitantly.
“She’s fine." Thursday sighed. "Not sure we are.”
Morse’s face fell. He looked off in the distance, and then at the floor. “I’m…sorry to hear that.”
“It’s my fault,” Thursday said more to himself. “I’ve been making a right mess of things. I just don’t know how to fix it.”
“You love each other, I’m sure you’ll work it out. Just a bump in the road.” Morse spoke quickly and flashed an attempt at a smile which ended up as more a grimace.
“Yeah.” Thursday stared straight ahead. After a few moments he sighed again. “How are you settling into your office?”
“Oh, not bad, I suppose,” Morse said, relieved at the change in subject. Imaging the Thursdays having the same troubles his parents did was almost too much to bear. “Away from ringing phones and typewriter clacks makes it easier to think. But it’s a lot of stairs and waiting for elevators.”
Thursday nodded. “I was hoping one of these days it’d be you and me in one of these shared offices.”
“With Jago’s connections I imagine he’ll be wanting to move up whenever the opportunity arises.”
Thursday gave Morse a bit of a look but didn’t contradict him.
“Can I give you a lift?”
Thursday managed a small smile. “At least that’s back to normal.”
“Slightly different route. But I’m glad to be back in a jag.”
“What, you didn’t like the little blue marked cars for uniform?” Thursday teased.
Morse offered a hand to help him up. “As you’ve said sir, a good detective and a poor policeman.”
Happy Halloween!!!
Ask box trick-or-treat (fic writer edition)
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vidalinav · 2 years
Any nezriel snippets you can share? Some nezriel boob head cannons?
Midnight wraps her in its own ribbon and Nesta glows with the reverence of stars. The velvet dress is almost as soft as her skin. 
She’s a gift and like a present all tied and true, there’s even a bow waiting for him at the back of her bodice, right where her body delectably curves. 
“You’re all wrapped for me,” he says. 
At the soft touch of his lips on her neck, Nesta shivers. In this dress, Azriel finds that he most definitely appreciates the holiday that has Nesta wearing dark blue. 
“You’re tied up tight,” he muses, running his fingers down her back where the laces are tied. He could easily tear them--let Nesta take in one good breath before she’s trying to catch it. But the restriction... the faint blush on her breasts... He warms his hands rubbing up her waist. “Should I fuck you in this, you think? My perfect little present.” 
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