#2024 is HERRR YEAR
aycias-archived · 4 months
debnamcarey: when netflix drops $17 mill to buy your film from sundance. 💅🏻
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faszaakisshobbi · 6 months
last meeting with her of 2023 :(
I saw Б yesterday and she was really sweet!! im a little sad I won't see her until the new year. she really appreciated the card I gave her. I also made her some cute little home made beaded flowers along with other locally crafted things. she was really grateful for all of it.
im so happy she liked my gifts, especially the ones I made her. she was really impressed and found them endearing, then she really loved the note. she placed the things I made on her piano with stuff her son makes for her!! her other gifts are thing she will have around. I like gifts that make the person think about me whenever they see it.
but the best of all is she was taking to me as I was packing up and she told me I had to put my sweater on despite me saying im fine. she said, "You have to wear your sweater honey, I'm saying this as your second mom, okay?" then "i hope its okay I'm your second mom now?" and I just wanted to giggle and kick my feet oh my goshhhhh!! she's so kind and sweet and adorable ugdhdfhdjsj I LOVE HERRR. and then she later said "now ive adopted some here" (im 99% sure I know exactly who the other student is) and then she gave me two hugs before I left!! her hugs are so so warm and comforting I want more of themmm ugh
im gonna miss her so muchhhh ugh. see her in 2024 but thats not soon enough :(
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