#35 rhums
serpentinaz · 2 months
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35 shots of Rum (2008) dir. Claire Denis
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chinchillasorchildren · 4 months
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cat 🐈
from 35 shots of rum (2008)
dir. claire denis
Instagram Twitter Letterboxd
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annasfilmclub · 2 years
Denis has eliminated most of the expository material that would tie together the story in a conventional film, but we hardly miss it: the basic plotline—a dutiful daughter must learn to break away from her loving father, and find a life of her own—is familiar from countless Ozu films, and we hardly need to see it spelled out again. Instead, Denis moves her four characters into a choreographic abstraction of coming together and moving apart (most beautifully in a long scene set in a café, where the characters take refuge from a rainstorm when Gabrielle’s taxi breaks down on the way to a concert). As in a dance, gesture and movement subsume dialogue; we know what the characters are thinking and feeling through the ways they approach (and avoid) each other.
Dave Kehr, Film Comment, 35 Shots of Rum
Full review
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coolvieilledentelle · 7 months
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Peut être est-ce à cause de la météo tristounette de cette après-midi mais j’ai une envie de douceurs sucrées et ces petits cannelés bordelais étaient parfait à l’heure du thé...
Hummm... L’extérieur est croustillant et l’intérieur moelleux et aérien.
• 50 cl de lait
• 2 jaunes d’oeuf
• 2 oeufs
• 40 g de beurre
• 1 gousse de vanille (ou 2 cc d’extrait de vanille liquide)
• 1/4 cc de cannelle en poudre
• 100 g de farine T45
• 100 g de sucre en poudre
• 35 g de sucre cassonade
• 1 cs de rhum
1- Versez le lait, le rhum, les graines de la gousse de vanille (ainsi que la gousse), la cannelle et le beurre ensemble dans une casserole.
2- Portez à frémissement.
3- Pendant ce temps, versez les sucres, les jaunes et les oeufs dans un saladier. Fouettez-les jusqu’à ce que le mélange blanchisse.
4- Versez la farine et mélangez au fouet.
5- Versez petit à petit le lait (débarrassé de la gousse) tout en fouettant pour éviter les grumeaux. Vous allez obtenir une pâte se rapprochant de la pâte à crêpe.
6- Filmez le saladier et réservez 24 heures au réfrigérateur.
7- Le lendemain, beurrez l’intérieur des cavités du moule à cannelés et versez la pâte en vous arrêtant à 5 mm du bord.
8- Faites préchauffer votre four à 250°C et enfournez pour 10 minutes.
9- Baissez le four à 180°C et poursuivez la cuisson pendant 1 h. Les cannelés doivent être dorés.
10- Laissez un peu tiédir avant de démouler et laissez complètement refroidir sur une grille.
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maltmemorandum · 30 days
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- Best 36 drams of the year 2023 -
Clynelish 1972 35 year old Cask#12651 Single Malt of Scotland.
GlenMohr 1975 31 year old for Bar Helmsdale.
GlenOrd 1975 28 year old.
Old Pulteney 1997 18 year old Cask#774 for Royal Mile Whisky.
Royal Blackra 16 year old for Zenith Import Bot.1980s.
Bandf 1966 31 year old Old Malt Cask.
GlenDronach 1972 37 year old Oloroso Sherry Butt Cask#703 for Whisk-e.
Kinclaith 1965 24 year old Cadenhead.
Convalmore 1978 24 year old Rare Malt Selection UD.
GlenBurgie 1998 22 year old Cask#900908 Kingsbury for The Whisky Hoop.
GlenBurgie 1998 19 year old Cask#900907 Kingsbury for Bar Helmsdale.
GlenGrant 1965-2003 Gordon & MacPhail.
SMWS 2.68 GlenLivet 1975 30 year old.
Longmorn 1968-2003?Scott’s Selection.
SMWS 44.10 Craigellachie 1973 30 year old.
Dailuaine 1997 24 year old Cask#7239 Signatory for The Whisky Hoop.
SMWS 1.134 Glenfarclas 1970 30 year old.
Springbank 25 year old Bot.2000s for Deutschland.
Springbonk 21 year old James Macarthur’s Fine Malt Selection.
SMWS 114.6 Longrow 1990 17 year old.
Bowmore 1972 36 year old Cask#3881 Preston field.
Caol Ila 1976 20 year old 150th Anniversary.
Lagavulin 1991-2015 Feis Ile 2015.
Laphroaig 2009 12 year old Cask#2483 Single Cask Release 1.
Port Ellen 1982 19 year old Lombard Jewels of Scotland.
Scapa 8 year old Gordon & MacPhail for Sestamte.
Irish Single Malt 1988 32 year old for Three Rivers.
Copper works Cask#51-2 Hamd filled by Bar Gosse.
Chichibu Ichiro’s Malt 2014 9 year old 志賀高原IPA Cask.
Hanyu Ichiro’s Malt 1988-2005 Vintage Single Malt.
Komagatake 1986 30 year old American White Oak.
SMWS 116.17 Yoichi 1987 25 year old.
Yamazaki 1998 10 years old The Owner’s Cask Cask#CN70172 ‘Cassiopeia’.
Willett Family Estate 9 year old Barrel No.5225 141.6 Proof.
Rhum Vieix du Pere Labat Millesime 1985.
Romano Levi con Erbe Limontina y Salvia.
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mapimunoz · 5 months
35 Shots of Rum Response
35 Rhums is a 2009 film directed by Claire Denis. This is the kind of film where you have to look beyond what is said on screen to pick up on what is happening in the narrative. The story isn’t handed to you, it is shown and it’s up to you as the audience to make sure you pick up on it. Denis' use of symbolism is genius and powerful throughout the film. The scene where Josephine and her father are dancing in the bar after the car broke down was one of my favorite scenes in the film. It’s a long shot with no dialogue, everything that is communicated in that scene is through the actor’s motions. At first, Joséphine is dancing with her father, they are close together in an embrace, swaying to the music, enjoying each other's company. Then Noé steps into the frame and Josephine immediately looks up, feeling his presence, he did not need to announce himself or interrupt the dance. No words are exchanged, only a knowing smile with both Joséphine and Lionel. Lionel steps away with a smile and Joséphine and Noé start dancing together. The atmosphere of the scene shifts from an endearing father-daughter dance to the romantic/sexual tension between Joséphine and Noé. The shot momentarily switches from the couple to Lionel watching them. Noé starts to make physical advances on Joséphine and we see Lionel watching that. Joséphine seems a bit uncomfortable with the advances but it is unsure whether it is because of the advances themselves or because her father is watching as has been established from the camera to the audience. There was a choice made for the audience to be aware of the spectatorial gaze coming from Lionel, as we watch the couple we are aware that he is also watching them, taking that into account. At least I felt uncomfortable with the knowledge that her father was watching what to me was such an intimate scene between Joséphine and Noé.
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aditipurandare · 6 months
Kwanku Ananse and 35 Rhums: Viewing Response #10
In both Clare Denis’s 35 Shots of Rum and Akosua Adoma Owusus’s Kwaku Ananse, the relationship between father and daughter and the consequent intergenerational conflicts are central to film’s story. 35 Shots of Rum follows the evolving dynamics between widowed train driver, Lionel, and his daughter, Josephine, through a series of slow paced vignettes and isolated moments. Lionel and Josephine have lived alone together their entire life, and naturally, Lionel has a difficult time letting go. The father/daughter pair and their neighbors, Noe and Gabrielle, go out one night and end up dancing at a bar when their car breaks down. Lionel reluctantly lets Josephine dance with Noe, who finally shows his feelings for her, and realizes that she is going to lead her own life separate from him. His reaction is bittersweet—he sees the bond between them, but is reminded of the passage of time and silently acknowledges his daughter’s independence. In his essay, “Romancing the Father in Clare Denis’s 35 Shots of Rum”, James Williams writes, “By deregulating and romancing the Father, and all the while assuming the risk of sentimentality, 35 Shots of Rum successfully negotiates and reinvests familiar structures and social prohibitions”. Kwaku Ananse similarly explores the idea of finding independence within existing familial structures through Nyan, a young woman from America who comes back to Ghana for her father’s funeral, and is conflicted by his two separate lives. She knows nothing about her father, yet is influenced by the legacy of her father’s beliefs and values. She leaves his funeral in order to reconcile the internal conflict between her independence and search for the truth about her father. 
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roselynchin · 6 months
35 Rhums and Kwaku Anase
Both the father-daughter pairs in 35 Rhums and Kwaku Anase have complex, intertwined relationships but both daughters are ultimately independent of their fathers. In Kwaku Anase, Nyan is frustrated by her father’s different identities and the lack of clarity she has in regards to his intentions and home. However, she is able to free herself from these chains by retreating to find her father and uncover the truth. In 35 Rhums, Josephine and her father, Lionel, are deeply connected and are intimate parts of each others’ lives. However, by the end, we understand that Lionel is forced to come to terms that their lives are separate. Lionel must let her go to shape her own future but this doesn’t stop him from still being in her life, albeit a much smaller part. William notes that “Lionel does not tell his daughter what to do, or allow anyone else to arrange her affairs” (Williams 47). This shows how even though he has to step back, Lionel still fulfills his responsibilities as a father and ensures that she has the necessary conditions to succeed. As a result, Josephine guides herself to a new chapter and understanding of life just like Nyan.
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cocktailsalamaison · 1 year
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Voici ma dernière création de l’hiver en « After-Dinner »
Nom : POPY
Recette :
45 Ml Rhum black spiced « Black Magic »
35 Ml Liqueur de Vanille (Joseph Cartron)
20 Ml Sirop de noisette (Monin)
40 Ml Crème fraiche
Verser tous les ingrédients dans le shaker rempli de glaçons.
Secouer quelques secondes et filtrer dans un double verre à cocktail avec une passoire.
Soupoudrer de noisette sur le dessus du verre et servir bien frais.
« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »
Here is the last creation of the winter in "After-Dinner
Name : POPY
Recipe :
45 Ml Black spiced rum "Black Magic
35 Ml Vanilla Liqueur (Joseph Cartron)
20 Ml Hazelnut syrup (Monin)
40 Ml Crème fraiche
Pour all the ingredients into the shaker filled with ice cubes.
Shake for a few seconds and strain into a double cocktail glass with a strainer.
Sprinkle hazelnut on top of the glass and serve chilled.
#Rhum #SiropMonin #Liqueur #Vanille #Spiced #hazelnut #cocktails #Afterdinner #
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carmenvicinanza · 2 months
Mati Diop
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Restituire significa rendere giustizia. Possiamo sbarazzarci del passato come un fardello spiacevole che ostacola solo la nostra evoluzione, oppure possiamo assumerci la responsabilità e usarlo come base per andare avanti. Dobbiamo scegliere.
È fondamentale che il cinema e la letteratura diano non solo visibilità a chi è oppresso, ma che lo rappresentino anche in maniera autentica
Quella tra il Senegal e la Francia è una storia violenta, ma io e la mia generazione la stiamo superando per scriverne una nuova.
Mati Diop è la regista e sceneggiatrice che ha vinto l’Orso d’oro al Festival di Berlino 2024 con Dahomey.
Nel 2019 è entrata nella storia per essere la prima regista nera a presentare un film in concorso a Cannes per poi aggiudicarsi il Grand Prix della Giuria.
Il suo lungometraggio d’esordio, Atlantics, che ha vinto anche il premio inaugurale Mary Pickford al Toronto Film Festival era stato selezionato come candidato dal Senegal agli Oscar.
Nello stesso anno, Vanity Fair l’ha inserita nella sua lista delle cinquanta persone francesi più influenti al mondo.
È nata a Parigi il 22 giugno 1982 da madre francese e padre senegalese, il musicista Wasis Diop, ha respirato arte sin da piccola, suo zio paterno è Djbril Diop Mambéty, il celebre regista senegalese di Touki bouki e Iene.
Ha studiato al laboratorio di ricerca artistica del Palais de Tokyo e poi al centro di studi nazionale d’arti contemporanee Le Fresnoy, dove si è laureata, nel 2007. Dopo il liceo ha svolto diversi lavori, dalla cameriera alla figura che crea paesaggi sonori per il teatro.
Ha esordito nel mondo del cinema come attrice, nel 2008, recitando nel film di Claire Denis 35 rhums, per il quale ha ricevuto una candidatura al Premio Lumière per la migliore promessa femminile. 
L’esperienza con la famosa regista le ha fatto comprendere che la sua strada era dietro alla macchina da presa e ha iniziato girando diversi cortometraggi.
Sporadicamente ha continuato la carriera d’attrice, in film come Simon Killer (2012), Fort Buchanan (2014) e Hermia & Helena (2016) e Incroci sentimentali (2022).
Nel 2019 la grande svolta della sua carriera è avvenuta con l’uscita del suo primo lungometraggio Atlantics, selezionato al Festival di Cannes, che l’ha vista, trentaseienne, in concorso con un film girato a Dakar in lingua Wolof.
Il film, tratto dal suo omonimo cortometraggio del 2009, tratta il tema della migrazione attraverso una poetica storia di fantasmi, sul trauma, la perdita e la persistenza dell’amore.
Distribuito a livello internazionale da Netflix, è arrivato a un soffio dalla cinquina finale dei titoli candidati all’Oscar come Miglior Film Straniero.  Una collisione tra la sua ricerca cinematografica e la riesplorazione dell’identità africana da un punto di vista femminile e comunitario. Un ribaltamento della narrazione, l’immigrazione vista dal punto di vista di chi decide di restare invece di partire.
La casa di moda Chanel, per la sfilata Métiers d’art 2022 2023 di Chanel, ha scelto di esplorare diversi dialoghi creativi attraverso un film diretto da Mati Diop, Tokyo Trip in cui la protagonista è stata Mama Sané vista in Atlantics. 
Il 24 febbraio 2024, il suo secondo film, Dahomey,  che racconta la restituzione al Benin di 26 oggetti trafugati del Regno di Dahomey durante la guerra di colonizzazione, ha vinto l’Orso d’oro al Festival del cinema di Berlino.
Una profonda riflessione sul post-colonialismo (mai veramente affrontato), un documentario fantasy che è, allo stesso tempo, un manifesto politico e un film d’arte.
Mostra come una società che si riconnette con la propria eredità acquisisca forza e futuro. I temi dell’identità, della memoria e della perdita, sono sempre al centro delle opere di Mati Diop.
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floatmagazin · 4 months
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denisearef · 6 months
35 shots of rhum
"35 Shots of Rum," directed by Claire Denis in 2008, is an exploration of intergenerational relationships, focusing on the bond between a father and his daughter. Set in a Parisian suburb, the film depicts the emotional intricacies of the characters, particularly Lionel, a train conductor, and his daughter Joséphine.
The film navigates the connections that bind Lionel and Joséphine. The train journeys, symbolic of life's transient nature, become a backdrop to their shared moments and unexpressed emotions. The film's strength lies in its ability to convey the silent tenderness and mutual dependence that define Lionel and Joséphine's relationship. The absence of a maternal figure adds layers to their connection, emphasizing the unique father-daughter dynamic.
The 35 shots of rum, a ritual shared between father and daughter, further emphasize the passage of time and the evolving dynamics of their relationship. Each shot becomes a marker of a moment, a celebration, or a silent acknowledgment of their interconnected lives. Through its restrained storytelling and evocative imagery, this film captures the quiet beauty and emotional resonance inherent in the father-daughter relationship.
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Chicago Weekend Edition:
Thursday, 3 August 2023:
Claire Denis Film Scores 1996-2009 Tindersticks (Constellation) (released in 2011)
Record collecting is always fraught with 'I-didn't-buy-this-when-I-had-the-chance" and it's always beloved counterpoint "Why-did-I-buy-this-when-it-came-out?" I think about this box set often wondering why I didn't buy it when I saw it 12 years ago at Parasol Records in Champaign. Of course, I didn't even bother with the CD version of the set either. I own two of these soundtracks (I'll tell you which ones as they crop up) so I have zero excuse for ignoring this set.
While in Chicago this past weekend, somehow the topic of this box came up. One of my brother's friends had to sell his own copy of it and I bemoaned not ever buying this set. My brother leaps up, runs into his music room, procures this and hands it to me. "Take it! Keep it! Never return it, but don't trade it!" Music trades back and forth between us, sometimes permanently, sometimes for 20 years. The last thing he borrowed from me I assured him I only wanted it back when I was dead.
Above are the front and the back of the box which contains six soundtracks (two of which appear on one album) on five albums. It contains six album jackets however. The first album jacket photos appear below. This album jacket contains a CD sized booklet and two posters. First up are the front and back of the jacket (which look exactly like the front and back of the box).
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Below you will find the front of the CD sized booklet (one of my pet peeves is when an album uses the CD booklet). I didn't provide the back of the booklet because it looks the same as the front and we've now seen that damn photo far too many times.
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Below are two photos of the posters included in this set.
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The first soundtrack is White Material. You will find the front and back of the album followed by both sides of the record label.
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Soundtrack number two is 35 Rhums. I'll follow the same order for this and the remaining three albums: cover, back of jacket, A and B side label.
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Album number three contains two different soundtracks. The first is L'Intrus and it is by Stuart A Staples (the lead vocalist of Tindersticks). The second soundtrack on this album is Vendredi Soir and it is by Dickon Hinchliffe, longtime member of Tindersticks (although he may not be in the band any longer, although I could be wrong).
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The next soundtrack is Trouble Every Day (which I own as a stand alone Tindersticks album). It is the fifth soundtrack in this set.
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The final soundtrack is Nénette et Boni which is the other Tindersticks soundtrack I own. I've actually seen all these films save for the Staples/ Hinchliffe ones.
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mixergiltron · 9 months
There IS a cure for the summertime blues.
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So,Sharkfest is over,and it might hit 100 F today. But it's ok,because I have my AC and my blender. Blended drinks are perfect for cooling down in hot weather(that it to say,they're 'perfect' when they have rum in them). And it just so happens that there are many excellent Tiki recipes that call for blending. Here are the few that I've tried. A note about blending: many Tiki recipes call for blending only three to five seconds,while others aren't specific. I blend my drinks to the consistency of a slushy,just personal preference. I suggest you do the same and just blend them the way you want.
Mix #33 Megalodon
1oz Lemon Hart 151 1oz white rum 1.25oz lime juice 1oz agave syrup 1tsp red fassionola
Blend with a cup of ice for 5sec.
Sweet and powerful drink from my previous Sharkfest post.
Mix #27 Saturn
1.5oz gin 1/3oz orgeat 1/3oz falernum 1/2oz passion fruit syrup 1/2oz lemon juice
Blend with ice until slushy.
This was from my gin post. A nice light drink.
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Mix #34 Singapore Symphony
1oz gold rum 1oz gin 1.5oz pineapple juice 1/2oz lemon juice 1/2oz passion fruit syrup 1/4oz grenadine
Blend with ice and pour into Tiki mug.
If you join Trader Vic's mailing list,you get occasional drink recipes. This was one I just got around to trying. The rum and gin do well together in this,and it's just the right amount of sweet. Will be putting this in my regular rotation.
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Mix #35 Tonga Punch
2oz light rum 2oz orange juice 1oz lemon juice 1/2oz orange curacao 1/4oz grenadine
Flash blend with ice,pour into tall glass,garnish with mint sprig.
This is another Trader Vic's drink,this time off the back off their grenadine bottle. It's a bit sour for my taste. If I were to make another,I'd reduce the lemon juice and up the grenadine.
Mix #36 A Taste of Honey
1oz overproof rhum* 3/4oz honey syrup 1/2oz lime juice 8 drops allspice dram
Blend with 6oz ice until it can be eaten with a spoon.
*I used Pusser's Gunpowder
From BG Reynolds site. A very nice concoction. But watch how many you have,as the overproof rum and all that honey will no doubt give you a taste of hangover.
Mix #37 Derby Daiquiri
1.5oz light rum 1oz orange juice 1/2oz lime juice 1/2oz rock candy syrup*
Blend for 15sec. Serve in a coupe glass.
*Rock candy syrup is sweeter than standard simple syrup. If you only have standard,then double it to a full ounce.
Another BGR recipe,from the back of their Rock Candy Syrup(which they no longer make). As long as you get the syrup measurement right,it's a nice drink. One of these days I need to just get a bottle of rock candy syrup,just because that's what the Trader used in his Mai Tais.
Mix #38 Pago Pago
1oz dark rum 1oz orange juice 3/4oz lime juice 3/4oz grapefruit juice 3/4oz honey syrup dash Angostura bitters
BGR wants you to blend just the ingredients without ice,then pour it into a glass filled with crushed ice. I just blended the damn thing and it turned out very nice.
Mix #39 Coco Naut
2oz white overproof rum* 1.5oz cream of coconut 1oz lime juice
Blend with 12oz ice.
*I used Maggie's Farm Queen's Share Unaged.
I found this on the web. One blog posting attributed this to Beachbum Berry,but it had a ridiculous amount of cream of coconut and three ounces of rum. Didn't really sound like his style,so some searching found me this version on Difford's Guide. I trust them as a reliable source,so I went with theirs. Sweet and strong,again too many of these will lead to a hangover.
Mix #40 Beachcomber's Gold
1oz light rum 1/2oz dark rum 3/4oz passionfruit syrup 1/2oz honey syrup 1/2oz lime juice 2 dashes Angostura bitters
Blend with crushed ice.
There's a couple versions of this Don the Beachcomber's classic. Most are fairly consistent and just play with the proportions of the syrups and juice,so feel free to experiment to dial it in just the way you like. A nice summer drink.
As Jimmy Buffett would say,there's booze in the blender and soon it will render,that frozen concoction that helps me hang on. Aloha folks!
BTW,my weapon of choice is a Blendjet. Perfect for bachelors.
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zehub · 10 months
« Ce sport ne respecte rien » : Stan Thuret, le skipper qui a quitté la compétition
À 35 ans, l’ex-skipper émérite Stan Thuret a décidé d’abandonner son sport, qu’il juge être dans « l’hyperconsommation ». Et rêve d’inventer de nouvelles formes de compétition, plus écologiques. Concarneau (Finistère), reportage Pas facile de mettre la main sur Stan Thuret. Lorsque le navigateur a annoncé, en février dernier, qu’il arrêtait la course au large pour « raison écologique », il se trouvait aux Antilles, où l’avait mené la Route du Rhum. On n’allait tout de même pas prendre l’avion pour discuter des (...)
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