Is anyone else a bit hesitant about seeing the balance dataslate for 40k this thursday?
I know a bunch of armies are in need of a rebalance, mostly buffs for the least powerfull factions like the drukhari, admech, grey knights, etc.. But as someone with 2 whole armies who are on the lower end of the mid tier by power right now, I'm not too sure GW won't fuck me over.
Especially since they've absolutely refused to buff the sanguinary guard in a meaningful way in 10th, presumably in fear that they'll be as broken as in 9th, or made the sororitas the glass cannons they used to be.
On one hand I whish Games workshop would put out more balance updates to 40k purely to do incremental changes every month or so, but on the one hand even with the quarterly updates it often feels like too damn many.
In any case, I feel as if Gee Dubs will unnecessarily do something stupid to both the codex marines and the sororitas because some metq-chasing assholes figured out that they can spam one too many Arco-flagelants or some guy showed up to LVO with 30 Assoult Terminators with stormshields. Or even worse, they'll skyrocket the points on a unit because everyone is using it instead of thinking about why they're using it, like they constantly do with the Infiltrators.
Anyway, rant over...
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