adharastarlight · 7 months
Sirius: would you still love me if-
Remus: yes.
Sirius: I didn't finish
Remus: I'd still love you if you were bald, if you were two inches tall, if you were a worm, if you were a dragon. I'd still love you even if you repeatedly woke me up at 3am to ask me if I'd still love you
Sirius: you would?
Remus: yes, but I also might kick you. Go to fucking sleep
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abiiors · 7 months
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a theatrical performance of an intimate moment — ross
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imtoolazytoo · 3 months
…Oh shit the manifesting worked???
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sillysnack · 10 months
mmgmhmhmmmmm click for toritsuka and maybe torisai thoughts........ im so sad i dont think i've seen kurumi and reita interact? maybe they did Idk #fake fan 😞 but yeah heres some toritsuka with kurumi and kusuo. kuniharu's at work idk.
i have to tell you all i never really knew where i was going with this. omg.
toritsuka who. i assume hasnt rly met saikis parents and just hears mentions in conversations with saiki. almost every mention comes with a ridiculous (at least, to toritsuka) background. saiki's like "im used to it"– toritsuka's bewildered. sure he's had an unusual upbringing as well, being raised in a temple full of monks, but hearing about saiki's parents... if hes being honest with himself, toritsuka doesnt know what he expected.
one day, toritsuka does meet saiki's mom as he stops by saiki's home, hoping to ask him to hang out. its then that toritsuka gets invited by saiki's mom to stay inside the house and wait for kusuo to get home. toritsuka wonders just how far the apple fell from the tree. saiki's mom is so lively in comparison to her son. eh, it's not really a deal-breaker. toritsuka mentally shudders at the thought of saiki with kurumi's attitude.
as how he makes conversation with everyone, toritsuka introduces himself as a spirit medium. he reveals he has powers, though he comments that it is nothing as impressive as any of saiki's powers. kurumi reassures him that any power is impressive. after all, there are only a few of them who are blessed with such abilities, no?
toritsuka can only nod. he doesn't really feel the sentiment resonate with him.
anyway! kurumi is really glad, though, to have found out that kusuo is friends with someone his age who also has powers. she hopes toritsuka and kusuo stay friends for a long time.
toritsuka nods again. this time, he shares the sentiment. he really hopes he and saiki stay friends for a long time, as well. saiki's his first friend, after all. maybe even the only person he can really call a friend. (toritsuka makes a mental note that he means no offense to aiura, he's just worried they aren't at that point yet.)
kurumi tells toritsuka that she was actually in the middle of making coffee jelly for kusuo. she assumes saiki's probably bought his own on the way home, but nothing beats anything homemade with the special ingredient called a mother's love, right?
toritsuka agrees with kurumi's assumption before revealing his living situation. the two talk for a bit, have a heart-to-heart, before kurumi asks reita if he wants to help out in making the coffee jelly for kusuo.
of course, reita says yes. he figures it would be a fun activity.
finally, kusuo arrives home. he had gone out to run errands on his mothers behalf and is greeted with kurumi's warm acts of affection. naturally, kusuo softens at such gestures. he doesn't really mind the fact that toritsuka could see this more domestic side of him.
although kusuo pretends he didnt just hear toritsuka think he was cute at that moment.
"ah! reita and i made you coffee jelly"
kusuo turns to toritsuka with a slight surprised look on his face. he doesnt even call him by his name. toritsuka rolls his eyes at saiki and tells him to just eat. the coffee jelly is great. he cant believe toritsuka even had a hand in making the sweet treat. he quickly shoots a half-assed apology at reita for even assuming he'd be shit at anything related to making food of any kind. though he assumes its because his mother still helped.
kurumi reveals that reita made a few cups all by himself, including the one kusuo was eating at the moment.
kusuo and reita lounge in kusuo's room. still, he cannot belueve that toritsuka reita had made such tasty coffee jelly. it's an easy thing to make, but given reita's history with simple tasks...
"i wanted to impress you." reita grins before asking if it worked, to which saiki would reply with an opening to a different conversation topic (cringe)
reita considers it his victory, and even thinks of baking more sweets in the future for kusuo. reita rarely ever cooks for himself, so its surprising to him as well when the thought even crosses his mind. though, as long as kusuo is involved, he isn't surprised with how quick he is to stick to his idea.
kusuo would be the first to taste every one of reita's baking. it is an unspoken agreement between the two of them.
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hows-my-handwriting · 7 months
what if i put all my stupid and silly hobie headcanons in one massive text post on tumblr.com.
thatd be weird wouldnt it
very strange indeed.
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candyredterezii · 1 year
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I’m gonna end up just drawing a bunch of princesses this December it seems
★ Commission Info ★ Art Twitter ★  
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atheaterkid45 · 5 months
SakiHona eats every time
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arcadechan · 10 months
I love how colorful and stylized your art is
lately, i've been hitting that point in learning and practice where my eyes and brain are starting to outdo what my hands can keep up with. not quite an imposter, but also not quite satisfied.
compliments like this are really...very grounding. I appreciate it. thank you for such a simple, direct compliment. i receive comments about my color work often (thank you for that also), but style and stylization is actually what i've been trying to work on the most lately, so this...feels especially kind.
i feel like i'm ready to enjoy the ride again. thank you and yeehaw!!
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benefactordreams · 1 month
⌞ notes. — I wrote this a long while ago but I'm itching to share content of these two.. I love them so so dearly :(( ⌝
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Frostedleaf was sitting under a tree in his front yard with a book in his hands, tuning out everything around him. Suddenly, he was pulled out of his trance to his name being called and he looked up to see his brunette friend, Rosemary. “Really, Frostedleaf? You have your nose buried in that book again?” she teased as she sat beside him. Frostedleaf glanced away, his cheeks flushing a little red from embarrassment as he took off his reading glasses.
“So what? I like it,” he defended himself as he straightened his posture and gently closed his book. He had his chest puffed out slightly and Rosemary laughed affectionately at his actions.
“I was only teasing,” she said with a playful hit to Frostedleafs shoulder and he groaned slightly, standing up.
“Whatever Rosemary,” he said fondly as he reached down to offer his friend a hand, and she gratefully took it with a smile. Frostedleaf pulled her up and looked down at her, being about 2 inches taller than her despite being younger. “So, I'm assuming you're here to go flower hunting?” He asked as he put his glasses away in his pocket and held his book in both hands. Rosemary nodded gleefully.
“You bet! Go inside and put that book away though, you won't need it,” she said with a gesture to the book Frostedleaf held in his hands.
“I will, but I'm bringing my flower book with me in case we come across a flower we haven't identified yet,” he answered as he took a step to his house but stumbled on a rock, almost falling. Rosemary was quick to be at his side if he did fall, this now being a subconscious action due to how much Frostedleaf fell and him being a little more on the fragile side. Rosemary let out a small sigh of relief when Frostedleaf stood up straight again.
“Frostedleaf, you scared the living daylights out of me, you idiot!” she scolded, crossing her arms and furrowing her eyebrows.
“Sorry..” he mumbled with a sheepish, toothy smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. The sound of the front door opening alerted the two teenagers and they looked over to see Daisy, one of Frostedleafs mothers, standing in the doorway. She instantly smiled at the sight of the brunette, her eyes practically shining.
“Rosemary!” she called as she stepped outside and ran over to hug her, Olga now standing in the doorway with a tired look and crossed arms. “Oh it's so good to see you again! Going flower hunting with my son I assume?” she asked cheerfully, pulling away from the hug but her hands now on Rosemary's shoulder.
“Mooom,” Frostedleaf whined, but said nothing more as Rosemary chuckled at the family's dynamic, hugging Daisy back before she pulled away and nodded at her question.
“Yes! We are, Frostedleaf was just about to go inside to put away his things,” she informed Daisy, Olga now beside Frostedleaf with her arms still crossed.
“Mother?” he called, Olga looking over.
“Hm?” she hummed, encouraging Frostedleaf to continue.
“Can Rosemary stay for dinner? I'm sure Stonehenge and Clover wouldn't mind, it happens a lot anyways,” he asked, looking up at his mother with pleading eyes and a beaming smile. Olga laughed a bit and shook her head.
“Of course she can stay, Frostedleaf, she gives someone else Daisy can bug,” she agreed as she looked at Daisy and Rosemary with a fondness in her gray-blue eyes. “Daisy! Frostedleaf asked if Rosemary could stay over for dinner,” she called out to the two Deerlings and Daisy enthusiastically nodded.
“Of course! If she wants to, you want to stay right, Rosemary?” she said rather fast-paced, but Rosemary nodded and Daisy happily cheered and dragged her into the house, Rosemary just following with an amused expression. Olga just let out a breath of laughter.
“Oh those two, they always keep you on your hooves, don't they?” she asked as her and Frostedleaf started to walk over to the house. Frostedleaf laughed a bit and nodded, letting his mother in first with a little polite bow of his head and went in after her, shutting the door gently behind him.
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⌞ ★ — © benefactordreams || I'd appreciate if you didn't claim my ocs as your own and not repost my stuff anywhere else, ty — ✦ ⌝
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rambling-addict · 1 year
(The gang, minus Beatrice, finds Ava crying.)
Camila, Mary, Lilith: *enters Avatrice’s apartment, only to find it almost completely engulfed in darkness*
Camila: Uh, hello? Ava?
Mary: What the fuck happened here?
Lilith: *in a low voice* Stay vigilant, sisters. Something’s not right.
Mary: *nods* Camila, text Bea.
Camila: Already sent.
Lilith: Let’s check the bedroom first.
Silently, the three walked to the bedroom and there they found Ava curled on the bed and bawling her eyes out.
Camila: Ava! *rushes towards the girl* Are you okay?!
Ava: *slumps into Camila’s arms and sobs into her chest* I-It hurts…
Mary: *also frowning and goes to the other side of Ava, looking her over for visible injuries* What hurts? Talk to us!
Ava: Bea…
Lilith: *watches in worry* You know what? I’ll grab Beatrice myself. I’ll be back! *teleports away and to the bar where Beatrice is currently on shift*
Ava: *cries harder*
Camila: *starts tearing up*
Mary: C’mon, Silva. Tell us what’s wrong.
Ava: I… *hiccups*
Mary: *gently coaxes her to continue*
Ava: *grabs her phone* H-Here, listen… *plays Taylor Swift’s song, You’re Losing Me*
Mary: *frowns in confusion* Cam, explain this to me?
Camila: *eyes widening* Did you and Bea break up??
Ava: *wails*
Camila, Mary: *jaws dropped open as the sad song kept playing in the background*
Camila: *crying along and hugs Ava tighter* Oh Ava… (In her mind, she’s thinking, ‘my ship has sunk, oh nooo, this is the worst day of my life’)
Mary: Maybe you misunderstood, Ava… Bea loves you!
Ava: *hiccups* I-I know… we’re not…
Mary: Not what?
Ava: We’re not broken up…
Camila: *stops and wipes her eyes* Wait, what? You’re not?
Ava: *shakes her head*
Mary: Now, I’m even more confused. What the fuck is going on then?!
Just then, Lilith teleports in with Beatrice.
Camila: Bea! Are you thinking of breaking up with Ava?!?
Beatrice: That’s absurd. Of course not!
Lilith: Then for crying out loud, explain this madness!
Beatrice: *sighs and casually walks over to the trio on the bed* Ava…
Ava: *automatically clings to Beatrice like a koala* Don’t leave me, Bea…
Beatrice: *rolls her eyes and stops the playing song* I thought I told you to stop listening to the song, darling.
Ava: *sniffles* I can’t help it… it’s sooo good, but it’s so fuckin’ sad!
Camila, Mary, Lilith: *gapes in shock and annoyance, finally catching on why Ava was being dramatic*
Camila: Were you crying because of Taylor Swift’s song?? I mean, yeah, it’s good, but c’mon! Ava! I thought you guys broke up!! My ship! You almost gave me a heart attack!
Ava: *grins guiltily* Sorry?
Lilith: What a nuisance. I’m out of here. *teleports away*
Mary: *flicks Ava on the forehead*
Ava: Ow!! The hell was that?! *leaning into Bea’s hand as she caressed her forehead*
Mary: That’s what you get, you dumbass! You had us worried for nothing!
Ava: I said I’m sorry! The song just got to me!
Mary: *rolls her eyes* Come, Cam… let’s go find Lil…
Camila: *hugs Avatrice* I’m so glad you two aren’t broken up! We’ll come back with Lilith for dinner!
The couple waved as Mary and Camila left.
Beatrice: So… are you okay?
Ava: Yeah, I’m okay. Just the thought of losing you… I can’t fathom it, Bea. You’ll tell me when you’re not happy, right?
Beatrice: As long as you do the same, darling.
Ava: *smiles* Deal.
Beatrice: *kisses her forehead and smiles back, eyes shining* And for the record… I will always do anything and everything to keep you happy. I’ll risk it all, if that means I’ll never lose you. And most importantly, I will always choose you.
Ava: I choose you, too. *kisses Beatrice with all the love she had*
A few minutes later…
Ava: *comfortable in Bea’s cuddle* So you listened to the song, too, huh?
Beatrice: It’s relatable. She’s well-versed.
Ava: *chuckles* Don’t worry. I won’t tell Lilith you’re a Swiftie, too.
Beatrice: *shrugs* Pretty sure she’s one, too, to be honest.
Ava: *laughs* Oh, I love you, Bea…
Beatrice: *smiles softly* I love you, too, darling.
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I just know Ava is a Swiftie. Bea is, too. Can’t convince me otherwise, lol.
On a serious note, isn’t it mind-blowing how Taylor Swift always writes the most heartbreaking songs? It’s another level. The songs just speak to your soul sometimes. My god, I’m a simp, I know. Sue me, lol.
Other WN incorrect quotes/ dialogue fics: 22 | 23
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durn3h · 5 months
I don’t know what my deals is but I have been oozing pre at random times for days
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ifoundyoufake · 1 year
Trying a new art style
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alotofadhd · 1 year
Big ramble about Fabiniku…
Okay so this LONG ass post is gonna focus on my interpretations of fabiniku aka “life with an ordinary guy who got reincarnated as a fantasy knockout” buckle up I got a lot of thoughts and I’m trying to get it all out in one(ish) post and I don’t think the thoughts all make sense:
I also feel like I’m saying the same thing 5x before I get to the point so apologies in advance….
Tachibana is the reason that Jinguuji has the power that he has. Tachibana loves Jinguuji and currently I am not talking about Love in the romantic sense. You can love family and friends just as deeply as a romantic partner. And this love is why the goddess was drawn to him and this love is why Jinguuji is so dang strong day one. But I also believe we can pinpoint exactly where the turn from platonic to romantic happened and what that means for jinguuji’s strength.
This also plays into my theories on tachibana’s lack of strength.
At the start of the whole story the curse makes both protagonists “see” each other but it’s way easier for Tachibana to get past and ignore it seemingly than Jinguuji. It is theorised by many that that’s because Jinguuji has loved tachibana the whole time pre-isekai and is too repressed to understand any of it. Tachibana being a pretty girl and the two of them being cursed to actually “see” each other just punches him in the face with his OWN feelings. on the other hand Tachibana is just like “okay I’m totally into my friend now and I’ll be keeping that nightmare to myself(ish)”. We don’t see Tachibana struggling a much as Jinguuji does. (Tho they do struggle)
But then the robot fight happens and Jinguuji praised the shit out of his best friend and Tachibana can barely take the embarrassment of it all which causes Jinguuji to fully and genuinely laugh in front of Tachibana for probably the first time EVER. That whole moment put Jinguuji to Tachibana’s heart in a way he previously wasn’t. This is when we see Tachibana get charmed for first time too.
After this In the Manga, when the two encounter the elf on the ship Jinguuji strikes a major hit against her new weapon that mimics what heart beam would look like later in the arc. I believe this is because Tachibana’s feelings for him have grown and he is now capable of even more than before.
Then the single time we have seen the two be emotionally vulnerable with each other (in terms of their feelings for one another) it has resulted in a power boost for Jinguuji and him using heart beam. Tachibana refused to let jinguuji get away with his bullshit and made him call them cute! This moment tho was all spurred on by Tachibana. The blessing was given by Tachibana. Tachibana is the source of it all.
So long story short: Tachibana’s love makes Jinguuji strong.
But then the question is if Tachibana’s platonic love alone was enough to make jinguugi strong why isn’t the reverse true? Jinguuji clearly cares for Tachibana more than anything just because he refuses to call it love doesn’t change that the feelings are there? Well…
Tachibana, being the Hero, is the source of Jinguuji’s power, as the weapon, and I doubt the weapon can affect the hero directly. This is why I don’t think jinguuji’s love for tachibana wether named or not matters in the magic sense of it all.(tho it definitely matters over all)
I think Tachibana’s love is the source of Tachibana’s power and the one thing we truly haven’t seen is Tachibana Loving themselves. They didn’t love themselves before being isekai’d and they don’t now. And being put in a strange body with what look like only hinderances attached to it doesn’t help. The one time we’ve seen strength/skill come from Tachibana was again when they were being emotionally vulnerable and demanding the acknowledgment they felt they deserved.
1. They had a handle on a robot they should have had no idea how to use. Also they were good strategic attacks
2. Over powered Jinguuji for the forehead kissy.
I don’t think Tachibana is going to grow in skill and strength till they’re able to truly accept and love themselves.
And I think that Jinguuji is as much a part of the problem as he is the solution.
Well intentioned or not, Jinguugi does not accept Tachibana as they currently are and hasn’t made it a secret AT ALL. Even if Tachibana was in agreement the whole time after a while the constant reminders that “you are wrong” would get to anyone.
It’s a weird way to put it but I think they have a co-dependent relationship and time a part would strengthen there relationship and by extension Tachibana’s power maybe? Like self love plays into any relationship and I feel like the two of these idiots are growing more unhealthy in the relationship by the day… idk
I think Jinguuji is going to have to at minimum accept his friend where they’re at and commit to taking the journey with them and emotionally support them thru this genuinely tough time. But I also know Jinguuji is an idiot and won’t do this…
I’m cutting my self off if y’all want more ask…
FINAL NOTES: Jinguuji during the robot fight didn’t regain strength unti AFTER he acknowledged he was jealous of Tachibana’s attention and when he agreed to start praising Tachibana. Idk if that mean that Jinguuji’s had to comply with tachibana to keep his strength or if it is more of a reflection that their relationship needs to be strong in order for him to be strong… I feel like I am still close with my above interpretation but also I think I have thought myself into a hole… save me I’m stuck down here…
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sillysnack · 9 months
i've been thinking about kusuke making his own limiter to match kusuo's and i cant properly put it into words. i hope the tags do it justice (they dont😭😭😭😭) bad sibling relationships always make me
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kitty-chan-art-den · 20 days
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“sometimes it’s not as simple as that. this kind of shit gets messy. everybody’s got issues. especially dads. and sometimes they fuck up, well…ugh, ALL the time. …that doesn’t mean they don’t care. … I mean, try to cut your dad some slack. he may not always get it right, but…he’s trying. that’s more important than you think.”
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kekewshad · 9 months
So I ended up getting more screenshots of Keegan rather than achievement hunting this time.
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I just wish weapon concealment was an option at all times so my damned gun wasn't VISIBLE 24/7
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