blissfali · 2 years
cdream breaking down all of ctommys defiant “walls” in exile with the show of putting his items in the hole. yes, it was about keeping him weak. yes, it was about stripping him of any physical power, but it was also about stripping him of any mental power that he used to have. ctommys mouth is literally his best weapon even though he prefers swords, because, well, he doesnt talk people into a corner like cwilbur does, but he sure does annoy the ever-loving fuck out of them and doesnt shut up or stay quiet. ctommy is very defiant and he doesnt bend to people. he is literally a silly band do you know what i am talkign about? you can pull and tug the bands in any direction but at the end of the day, they always return back to the same shape, and thats how tommy was until exile essentially. meticulously is not the word i would use for what cdream was doing each day, but he definitely did like. achieve what he wanted, you know? he beat ctommy down until he stopped fighting back with his words. every time tommy gave in to dream and dropped his items, that was basically his autonomy being taken from him, thats one of the things that literally cracked a plate over the head of his decision making, down and down until suddenly he was apologizing for not giving dream his armor in a timely manner. 
as tommy's exile went on, he went from defiant to feeling as if he was "gifting" cdream by letting him blow up his armor. at the start, he said no, he sweared, he did not want to do at all. the second time he was hesitant, he said no, and went on with it after being threatened. each time, he let his guard down more and more. dream asked him to ignite the tnt and while ctommy was hesitant, he ended up doing it. tommy THANKED dream for gifting him armor after blowing up his own hard earned armor. he blew up the gift slippers phil gave to tommy with no remorse. tommy went on genuinely beleiving he was doing dream good by giving him his armor and tools. when dream never asked for his armor at the beginning of his exile beach party stream, he APOLOGIZED to dream and gave him his armor, and thanked dream for letting him keep it. cdream conditioned him to feel as though giving up his physical protection was a gift and in turn ctommy lost his own mental protection. does this make sense
none of this is new obviously I just wanted to talk abt this cause it’s been on my mind since i literally first watched exile !  
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