#ALSO ANON UR CHILL BTW I noticed my tone reads too harsh here sorry about that!
unchained-hound · 9 months
Honestly, I think that people having an issue with Viv donating 5k to Lackadaisy isn't because she donated, it was the manner of the announcement itself. I've been a fan of her work for a while, but posting about it and outright showing the amount she donated on her Twitter... even as a fan of hers the manner of it really rubbed me the wrong way, particularly because she posted a pic of the donation. It almost felt as if she was showing off.
If she had just posted saying something along the lines of "We at Spindlehorse donated to help fund Lackadaisy! It's a fantastic indie project that really needs more love, go support them if you can!" and left it at that (maybe having a link to the Kickstarter but even that text alone could have worked) with no clarification on the donation size, that would have been fine. I don't think anyone would have had issue with that.
As it was, outright showing the donation amount seemed less "Support Lackadaisy, they're awesome!" and more "Look how much I donated!"
Anon you literally just admitted people are doing pic related
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