The reason why Dottore wears a mask might be because he has eleazar??? And the scales are forming all over his body already so he needs to hide them???? Maybe because he looked into this forbidden knowledge while he was in Sumeru?????? And maybe that's why he can take segments of himself for clones since he can't feel pain???????? losing my MIND bc of this
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caramelstarlight · 11 months
You may not see me, but I’ll always trek the same path. Promise.
Tighnari x blind reader :D
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Had no idea what to do with this. Also I’m going to a birthday party I’m so sorry if I don’t see any inbox requests-! 😭🤚 (dw Zamadness I see yours) ✅/⭐️
tried to make it slightly comfort but mostly fluff oh him just helping. Am tired of Tighnari not coming home. *cries*
Reader was blind for a few years. Still clumsy tho. (It’s like Layla where she can’t see her well-rested side and only tired. 2 different people helping another. In this case your the one who needs help and Tighnari always delivers.)
Story under cut / Drabble idk.
He stayed silent as he watched you clumsily come in with a walking stick. His tail flicked with his ears. Trying to figure out where you were going.
“Y/N, where are you trying to go-?” He’d ask as he went back to his writing. His ears perked up waiting for an answer.
“Sorry Tighnari… I’m still so confused and clumsy after these years. I was trying to go to the couch actually.” Using your walking stick to point near the ground. Trying to hopefully hit one of its legs.
“I’ll help you with that.” He’d say grabbing your hand as he told you to sit. His hand lingered for a few moments like his gaze did. If you could see he would absolutely be flustered.
“Do you need anything before I go back to my research? I can get collei to help you.” Tighnari told you as he caressed your hand with his thumb and a soft voice. His tail wagged slowly as he waited.
“I don’t think I need anything yet besides getting more used to this. It’s so tricky to navigate without eyes anymore.” You slightly complained to him.
“Yes it’s unfortunate that blindness cannot be reversed and only if it’s minor ones. Your body thinks your eyes were threats and dealt with them. The body doesn’t know your eyes are apart of it.” He’d tell you.
He pulled you into a hug comforting you silently as he wrapped his tail around you. “But you’ll always know where you’re going with me. You’re safe here.” You stayed silent with a slight unknown blush on your face as he held you.
His head pulled away as he saw your slight blush. Giving you a kiss on the forehead before getting up and back towards the desk. Slightly wishing to put it on hold to just well. Hold you. But his research needed to be completed.
Although it could be impossible, he would at least try. He looked at the concotion he made reading the information he has gathered from testing. Trying to cure you of you being blind. Hoping one day you’d see him for the first time in years since the akademiya and love him back with his looks as well. The same adoration he has for you in his eyes.
Collei came into the room and sat next to Y/N. Giving them Cuilien-Anbae as you realized who it was. “Oh! Hey collei.” You’d perk up in spirits and stopped thinking about your blindness. “Hey Y/N! I made a flower crown for you. I chose your favorites. Stay still!” She stated as she placed it on your head, adjusting it to fit perfectly without it falling apart or coming off.
“I think that’ll work.” She stated as she chatted with you. Tighnari listened slightly as he finished his work for the day. Wondering if the potion would work and make you able to see again.
He’d sit next to you on the couch with collei listening to her ramble about things.
(Didn’t know how to end this aughh) take pic of this dating sim vid with Tighnari)
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