boygirlctommy · 1 month
watching ark: tas and <3 the animation is so bad even my dad can tell
#my post#i am. what#what. what. what.#who made this. who let this happen.#i know nothnig about the game idc about the game. one why do the people look like that two why do the people move like that#this show drew me in and LIED to me the animation in the trailer i saw was beautiful and not the stilted oddness that is the actual show.#AND WHY DO THE MAIN CHARACTER AND HER FRIDGED WIFE HAVE THE SAME EXACT BODY.#its not even an issue where every single woman has the same model!!! because there are other women and they look DIFFERENT#not hugely so but!! the only difference between helena and victoria are their hair and eyebrows and the colors.#they are the same height the same build the same face shape the same nose#i thought they were sisters or cousins at first..#also why was the inside of the evil roman guys tent ORANGE who looked at this and went you know whats an intimidating and roman color.#ORANGE. GIRL WHAT?#AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE VOICE ACTING??? its like entirely a celebrity cast#why is gerard butler driving the bus all of a sudden#i knew it was celebrities before going in but im still disappointed and sad. they sound really bad.#and the lipsync is almost always off by like half a second#and the faces show little to no emotion#sorry um um um im just. im having so much fun watching this show aha.#the show feels like a videogame. i was talking about it to my brother and he said ark doesnt have a plot its like rust and minecraft but if#there were dinosaurs. ok. sure#why is this WRITTEN like a videogame though like it FEELS like im watching a letsplay or one of those edited together videogame movies#this feels like when i watched sonic adventure 2 but sonic adventure 2 looked better
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huntershelper25 · 5 years
Path of the Chosen: Ch 3
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PotC: Ch 3
Summary: Brooke is a 21 year old girl who’s life is flipped upside down when she receives a phone call from someone she hasn’t heard from in years. This phone call leads to events that cause her to get sucked back into the lives of two young men whom she hasn’t spoken to in years. Her life is never the same. Along the way she learns a secret about herself that not even her father had known. She is forced to face her destiny. Which path will she choose: duty or family?
A/N: I suck at summaries. I started writing this fic YEARS ago. It was posted here on Tumblr, but I have made some edits recently and have decided to repost it. This requires some introduction though. I had a thought one day of what the show would look like if there was a female character that was brought in that actually stuck around for longer than a season or two. And because the thought wouldn’t go away this story and Brooke were born. I had a lot of good feedback the last time I posted this years ago so I decided to repost it for my new followers with some edits.
Disclaimer: There is a LOT of direct quotes and scenes from the show. Especially in the first few chapters. I do not own any of it. I only claim the character of Brooke and how she fits into the story. All else is credited to the writers and copyright holders of the show Supernatural.
Warning: There is some smut thrown in randomly for the first 5 chapters as flashbacks to establish timeline, character building, and relationships, but after that the smut dies off.  Also, let’s just assume condoms are implied. They aren’t mentioned, but let’s assume they are used.
Pairings (through entire story): Dean/Brooke (OFC), Sam/Brooke (OFC)(in later chapters)
Word count: 1700
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
As she stood watching the paramedics take Meg’s body out the front door she couldn’t help but think about what had happened to her father’s body. Had whoever found him given him a proper burial? Did they cremate him or did they bury him? Had anyone actually found him or was his body still lying there, cold and alone?
“Miss?” The deputy said bringing her back to reality. “Can you repeat that last bit for me please?”
“Yeah, sure. I came in and saw Bobby on the phone, apparently talking to you guys, and saw the girl on the floor, dead.” Just as she and Bobby had rehearsed.
“And where were you when the fall occurred?” The deputy said as he wrote her statement down.
“I wasn’t here. I just arrived.”
“Just arrived?”
“I’m just visiting.” She took a deep breath, “My father just passed and Bobby is the only family I have and he offered to put me up for a while.” She felt a stitch in her side tighten. She had said it out loud for the first time.
“Alright, and just to clarify, you’ve never seen this girl before today?”
“No, sir, I have not.”
Bobby’s story was that she was a transient that was helping him on a few projects in exchange for cash and she was up on the roof of the shop fixing a leak when she slipped and fell. It was the only “accident” he could think of that would explain her injuries.
When the deputies and the paramedics had gotten on their way Bobby turned to Brooke and looked her straight in the eye. He didn’t speak, he just looked at her for a good few seconds, then gestured for her to follow him outside. As they walked through the lot her mind went back to what had happened to her father’s body. She didn’t want to think about it, it hurt to think the man that had always been there, the man that had protected her all her life was reduced to a body, an empty shell. Sure they didn’t get along much the past few years and he always made her feel underappreciated and useless, but he was her father and she had to know if he was given the proper respects, the respects of a hunter. She wiped away a tear as she spoke, “Bobby, do you know what happened to my dad’s body?”
He stopped walking and turned to face her. A look of surprise mixed with utter concern on his face. She could tell he was surprised she was ready to even talk about my father yet. “A hunter friend of mine found him and Caleb and gave them both a hunter’s send off. Proper respects were paid and proper care was given.”
He nodded and continued walking toward the shop.
It was customary to salt and burn the body of a hunter upon their demise. Angry ghosts are generally created through a brutal death. Many hunters don’t wish to roam this earth and become the things that they hunt, and as they more often than not die a gruesome death, the only way to prevent this is to salt and burn the body. It’s become almost ritualistic with wrapping the body in white cloth and then placing it upon a large pyre of wood to be burned. There were still some that opted for the traditional burial, but her dad had wanted to be burned and she was happy to hear his wishes had been carried out.
They stopped walking just outside the shop next to a beaten up, rusting sedan. To which Bobby gestured.
“What about it?” It was a piece of junk, not even worth a dime.
“This is your project to earn your keep. Tear her down. Anything worth keeping I want you to put in the shop, everything else is to go over in that bin. And when you’re done with this one, I’ll give ya another.” He tipped his hat and walked away.
Brooke knew this project was a bunch of bull. There was nothing on this car worth salvaging so tearing this car down served no purpose but to keep her busy. Bobby of course was well aware that she knew this. She just shook my head and got to work. She welcomed the busy work. The less idle she was the less likely she was to let her mind wander. She knew she would have to face it all eventually, and that she would have to deal with it, but she just wasn’t ready to do that all quite yet. She knew my father had been given a hunter’s send off and for now that was enough for her. She would deal with the rest of it later.
 As she wiped grease from her hands she realized the sun was going down. She hadn’t realized she had been at this project for that long. She tossed the rag in a bin and headed up to the house.
“I was just about to give you a holler.” Bobby said from in front of the stove, as she walked in the back door and took off her boots. “I hope you like sausage it’s all I got right now,” he gave her a sheepish smile. Bobby was a constant bachelor and lived alone with very few guests. She hardly expected him to prepare her a five course meal with game hen as the main course, let alone cook for her at all.
“Sausage is fine.” She said as she grabbed a couple beers from the nearly empty fridge. She made a mental note to do some proper grocery shopping tomorrow.
She sat down at the small kitchen table and set one of the beers on the side closest to him. As Bobby cooked she looked around the room and realized how run down this place really was. When she was younger she thought it was cool that Bobby lived in this run down place, gave him more of an edge, but now, as she took in the peeling wallpaper and discolored kitchen cabinets, she realized just how alone Bobby really was. His wife had died long before she had met him and he’d been alone ever since.
She was lost in thoughts about Bobby and his life when she felt something scratch her arm. She looked down and saw that on the arm of the chair were rub marks. This had been the chair they had tied Meg to earlier. This was the chair that innocent girl had been strapped down to while they exorcised the demon that had taken over her body. Brooke wondered if she had been awake through it all and if she had lived would she still feel the straps rubbing her wrists raw years later as Brooke still did. She closed her eyes and reminded herself that John had been doing what he thought he had to.
She looked up to see Bobby standing beside the table, plates in hand, staring at her. When they made eye contact he gave an unsure smile and set a plate in front of her. They ate in silence. She could tell by his sideways glances that Bobby was concerned for her. She had been through a lot these past couple days. She would be concerned for her too if she were him. She wanted to tell him that she was okay, that she would get through it, but she honestly didn’t know if she was okay or not.
She thanked Bobby for the meal and headed off to the spare room. On her way out of the kitchen she spotted a bottle of whiskey amongst some books that was still half full. She grabbed it as she walked by, hoping Bobby didn’t see, but she knew he had.
She sat on the floor with her back against the bed and stared at the wall. Her mind immediately began to reel. She wasn’t sure which emotion to feel first or which thought was forming when. They all just came in a rush all jumbled together. She took a long draw from the whiskey and welcomed the burn.
She didn’t want to think about any of it. She didn’t want to think about her father dying and leaving her alone in this world. She didn’t want to think about why these old memories of that night in Illinois kept creeping back up. She didn’t want to think about that poor innocent girl that had died earlier today. She didn’t want to feel the pain, she didn’t want to feel the anger, she didn’t want to feel the emptiness. Because than it would all be real, and she didn’t want to accept that it was real, that it was all really happening. She took another draw from the bottle and felt the world around her slip away just slightly. She had never been one to turn to the bottle, but she wasn’t ready to face reality, not yet. She wasn’t ready to feel the pain. Yes, she had exacted her revenge for her father and that demon bitch was back in hell where she belonged, but for some reason that didn’t seem to matter, it didn’t seem to make anything better. She took another long swig and slowly allowed its poisons to take her over. She remembered the promise she had made to herself the night before, the demon was gone, and she smiled slightly at how fast that revenge had been taken out, but now that it was all over she was getting out. She needed to get away from all this death and pain. She wanted a regular life. She took another draw from the bottle as she realized that Sam, who had wanted out so badly, had seemed to get pulled back in, but she didn’t have a brother like Dean to drag her ass back in. She had no one so a fresh start was possible for her. As she finished off the bottle and the world began to slip away she made the decision to start her new life at first light.
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