lazyhomestay · 1 year
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*hey, it's for aspiration, not actual outcome
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bigherosixfeels · 5 years
Liv Amara: Analysis and Theories
Hello, everyone! Well, the first ten episodes of Season 2 of BH6:TS have come and gone. Liv Amara, the character most heavily predicted to be our villain for this season was correct. She’s proven to be an extremely clever, manipulative villain. The more we find out about her, the more questions than answers we seem to have, and that’s really exciting!
If you’ve seen all 10 episodes, you know what went down during Lie Detector. We now have a good idea of what Liv’s endgame could be, so let’s get right into this!
If Lie Detector did anything outside of give us an idea of Liv’s true motives, it also has inspired not one, but two strong theories and either could be the outcome. 1) Liv cloned herself or 2) Liv has a twin sister. Why are both these options so good?
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The very last scene of Lie Detector speaks for itself. All this time, Liv’s secret project was working on...Liv? Seeing this moment the first time around is quite shocking, but it puts a lot of pieces together. This is something she’s clearly been working on long before we were even introduced to Liv.
So, what’s going on here? As heavily speculated, the Liv in the capsule is the real Liv. And the “Liv” we’ve known since Big Problem is either a clone or her twin sister. With these two solid theories in mind, it’s only natural to question why as well as realize why the Liv we’ve known up until now has been doing what she’s doing.
As also been pointed out, the real Liv has a rare disorder in need of being cured.
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This is why the real Liv is in the capsule. She has a disorder and the Liv we’ve known is trying to find a way to cure her. That’s what she’s been doing not only throughout the entire season thus far, but since her introduction.
As we all know now, she’s the one responsible for turning Orso Knox into a monster. She injected a bio-chip into his arm and has the ability to change him into a monster at anytime. But as we’ve learned, she doesn’t usually do this unless someone invests in Sycorax first.
Sycorax is a new company which makes sense considering Liv is only 23. With that in mind, I think it’s a safe bet that Knox was the first person to invest in her company. Because he was willing to work with Liv, she used him as her first test subject. She designed a bio-chip, injected it into him and activated it. Knox turned into a monster. Whether or not this was her goal, she needed this outcome for her scientific research. However, I’d like to believe that Knox managed to escape after this and began to follow his schedule.
Perhaps Liv may have thought it was a dead end, but I also like to think she laid low to avoid suspicion. So instead, we saw what we thought was a young entrepreneur generously donating funds to SFIT while also secretly looking for an invention that would further help her studies.
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She’s done her research and is already interested in funding Baymax prior to meeting him. Given what we know about her “secret” project, she clearly wanted Baymax to scan the real Liv. Diagnose her disorder (if possible), scan her vitals and figure out what treatments she would need. Baymax would without a doubt have been a huge help, but Liv immediately lost interest in Baymax when she found out Hiro wasn’t his creator. I’m going to assume she may know of Tadashi’s death and since she knew she couldn’t speak to the actual creator, she moved along.
But luckily, Karmi had an invention of her own that Liv was just as impressed by. The extradermal nanoreceptors.
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It’s no surprise that she takes interest in it right away. These patches are capable of delivering medicine or chemicals through skin. It can be used for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Immediately hearing about this patch, Liv knew she could use it to help cure the real Liv.
A small electric current is applied to an iontophoretic chamber placed on the skin, containing a charged active agent and its solvent vehicle. Another chamber or a skin electrode carries the return current. One or two chambers are filled with a solution containing an active ingredient and its solvent vehicle. The positively charged chamber, called the anode, will repel a positively charged chemical species, whereas the negatively charged chamber, called the cathode, will repel a negatively charged species into the skin. (Source)
She may not have that cure yet, but when she has everything she needs, this patch is the key to curing the real Liv. It’s why she was so quick to fund it.
By the end of Big Problem, we get to see how useful these patches are with them being used on Orso Knox. 
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The first time you watch these scene, it simply looks like Liv is about to be attacked by Knox, but Karmi saves her with her patches. But now, these scene is much different. Knox was mutated by Liv and when he sees her, he gets in her face and growls at her. And look at Liv! She is totally defenseless here and she knows it! She couldn’t pull out her phone and deactivate the bio-chip.
Luckily, Karmi was there to save her. Her patches have a medication that calmly put him to sleep. Because of this, Liv is not only safe, but no one is suspicious of her. She looked to be a harmless victim and even offered to help Knox which made her look more innocent.
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This entire outcome worked in Liv’s favor by the end. No one suspected that she was behind Knox’s mutation and she was able to get Knox back to Sycorax where she could continue to monitor him.
Suspicions don’t rise until Prey Date where Hiro realizes that Liv has been saying she’s confident that they’re two to three weeks from a breakthrough. A statement she’s been saying for the last two months. It’s concerning that Knox hasn’t been cured yet which results in Hiro asking Karmi if she knows anything. This leads to Karmi trying to access the Orso Knox file, but she can’t get through. And then this happens...
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The second Karmi mentions wanting to open the Knox file, Liv’s face falls. She’s not happy about Karmi wanting to get involved the the Knox project. She’s trying to keep Knox as a monster and it’s pretty obvious she doesn’t have a team for this so-called project. Keeping Knox as a monster is no longer for her studies, but instead to make sure he keeps his mouth shut about what she’s doing. Curing him would risk that, but she can’t tell that to Karmi.
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Completely unaware of Liv’s true intentions, Karmi truly believes she has the answer to curing him. She’s excited about the idea of working on such a huge project. Even if she was tricked into finding out about Knox because of Hiro, she knows she has the skill and intellect to help.
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I don’t think I need to go into detail over how emotionally manipulative Liv treats Karmi in this episode and definitely in this scene. Karmi truly feels that Liv and her are BFFs. And we already know (based on what Gogo said in Issue 188) that Karmi doesn’t have friends. We got to see these two appearing to have fun in Big Problem and with Liv funding her project and giving her an internship, it’s understandable as to why Karmi sees her as a best friend. She believes that Liv takes her seriously and would tell her anything.
But that’s not the case. This “friendship” is purely one-sided. Liv doesn’t take Karmi seriously at all and is using her for her invention and intellect. She belittles her by buttering her up with compliments while turning her down.
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It disappoints Karmi a lot. She wanted to help and thought Liv would happily accept her offer, but being turned down by her idol and “friend” was far from what she expected to hear. She just doesn’t know the motives behind it.
Naturally, she doesn’t want to risk her internship, but Hiro convinces her that Knox needs to be cured. When they make it to Sub-Level 9 and find the cell Knox is being kept in, Karmi finds a console of Knox’s information.
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She’s typing away and within less than a minute, she passes a trial. But before that trial is deemed passable, Liv catches them all in the act.
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Her presence immediately has Karmi panicked. She knew she doesn’t belong here, especially after Liv has told her that she wouldn’t be working on the Knox project. With Liv catching them, she fears her job is on the line and it nearly is. Liv not only tells Karmi she’s disappointed in her for breaking a rule, but even points to her face for her to see that disappointment. It would have been simple for Liv to fire her for breaking a rule. Karmi would have been upset, but understood she disobeyed and wouldn’t have found it suspicious.
But then Liv sees what Karmi did
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Liv sounds surprised at first. She knows they hadn’t been in Sub-Level 9 that long, so for Karmi to pass this trial in seconds is quite astonishing. And also threatening for her too. She’s admittedly impressed because of the quickness of her figuring this out, but with Karmi doing this despite rejecting her offer to help, she can’t have that. If Karmi was willing to break one rule, chances are she’s continue to help find a cure for Knox. Because of all of this, Liv appears to overlook it.
She may not have fired Karmi, but she thinks quickly. We already know that she took Fred out of the room, appearing to have a normal conversation about his mother, but this was just to get him out of the room.
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She’s trying to get his mother be an investor for Sycorax. And she knows Fred’s mom won’t invest in the company if he gets hurt or worse when she leaves Karmi and Hiro in Sub-Level 9, disabling Knox’s cage to let him out.
Liv is so determined to not have anyone find about what really happened to Knox nor have Karmi find a cure that she was willing to let Knox try to kill them. Or at the very least this was meant to scare both of them as a warning to never come back to Sub-Level 9 and for Karmi to not get invested in the Knox project.
Whatever the case may be, things didn’t work out the way Liv had hoped. Hiro and Karmi managed to get away unharmed. Karmi was able to work on a cure for Knox. Hiro got kidnapped by Knox, but as speculated, Knox was probably taking Hiro out of Sycorax in fear of him getting mutated.
Knox is not trying to hurt anyone. Even if he’s been mutated for at least two months, he still has his morals intact. But Liv doesn’t know that. Not only that, but she still wants to make sure a cure doesn’t happen and that suspicions of how he was mutated stay on the down-low. So what does she suggest when he escapes Sycorax?
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She doesn’t outright say what she wants to say, but it’s heavily implied. Again, she’s willing to have someone killed so no one finds out about what she’s really up to. This suggestion shocks our team especially since they all know he’s still a person.
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And again Karmi knows she’s onto something for a cure. And again Liv shuts her down and simply tells her there’s no time. And again Karmi is left disappointed because she knows she can help save Knox, but doesn’t want to argue or go against Liv because she believes her and doesn’t want to lose her internship.
As we know, things don’t work in Liv’s favor. Knox isn’t as dangerous as he seems and Karmi does find the cure for him. However, Liv makes sure that her mutations remain under the radar. She tells the press that he graciously and generously has decided to invest in the future of Sycroax, but we know it’s all a threat behind closed doors.
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She makes it very clear that she can turn him back into a monster whenever she pleases. He may be cured, but there’s still a bio-chip in his arm and if word gets out as to how he was mutated or anything about what Liv is doing, she’ll change him back. And he knows it.
Throughout the season thus far, we get to see Liv work with some villains as well. It’s seems simple. If villains pay her, she’ll mutate them and give them upgrades that enhance what they’re already skilled in.
We get to see how this process works with Momakase first in Seventh Wheel. She willingly agrees to work with her by getting money from the wealthiest people in San Fransokyo by hosting a fancy dinner. Before she got her money, Liv injected her with a bio-chip and once she got her money, she activated the chip.
This was pretty well constructed. No one knew that Liv and Momakase had made a deal together. When Granville tried to stop Momakase, everyone including Liv left the building which made her look as innocent as everyone else. And when the team things she’s been defeated, she allows her fingernails to transform into graphene. They eventually trap her in ice, but in a matter of minutes, her transformation takes a more monstrous turn.
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In a matter of minutes she went from just having yellow eyes, to having graphene nails to this! She manages to escape and it’s easy to assume she went back to Sycorax.
Why? Because High Voltage had a similar experience with Liv. In Something’s Fishy, Liv breeaks High Voltage out of jail. She does this because she needs their crime dancing skills to get her more money for “investing”. They don’t want to be part of crimes anymore, but Liv says they have to because of the favor she did for them. After some convincing, they agree to help and we should know what happens here. Off screen, she injected bio-chips into them which gave them both the ability to use their electricity without the need of an energy orb. And she was able to achieve doing this by using electric eels.
Their mutation overall seems happen a little slower in comparison to Momakase’s. The day before they transform, they show a massive craving for fish. The night of their transformation, they truly didn’t realize what they were getting themselves into. They only thought that they got upgrades for the electricity so when they saw their appearance change to eels, they freaked out.
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It’s a sad moment at first. Barb had just done a solo number about them both being on the good side and then this happens to them. They’r horrified about who they’ve turned into. In the end, they do fight against Big Hero 6 and like what Momakase did, they leave before they can be caught.
And this time, we do get to see where they go which is not only Sycorax, but specifically the fish tank in her office.
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This is beyond disturbing. Before they left the dance, we saw that they had slithered their way out. It’s hard to say when they got to the point of becoming full on eel, but instead of being free and good people like they had tried to be, they’re now Liv’s pets.
Mutating Knox on top of villains is not actually necessarily for research purposes, but for them to be forced to work for her to get the money she desires so she can have it to cure the real Liv. And she’s working with villains because she knows they’ll commit crimes so long as she provides upgrades. And if they refuse her, she’ll convince them.
Somehow, word got around about villains being given powers. Without having to go to Mr. Sparkles next, he spends the entirety of The Fate of the Roommates to earn money from wealthy thrill seekers for his new game. Once Mr. Sparkles has all the money he needs, he gets away before he can be caught and goes to Sycorax with the cash.
Before we can see the outcome to his mutation, we get to see a more risky approach to Liv mutating someone in Muira-Horror! Liv wants the woods so she can find Bessie which she’s been trying to do for six months. While Krei manages to buy the land, Hiro spills who has the meteorite to Liv and Chris. Because of this, Liv plans on getting the meteorite while also plans to get rid of Krei and Hiro.
At first, things do seem to go well for Liv. They find where Ned lives, calmly knock him out and Liv puts one of Karmi’s patches on him. We know the patch has a sedative, but he was already knocked out because of Chris. But she says this...
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We know that Karmi is the inventor of the extradermal nanoreceptors. We know what their purpose is. Despite Liv being impressed with her invention, she still altered it to her favor. Instead of a bio-chip, this time around she used a patch.
Off screen, I’m going to say they dumped Ned out of his tree house. By the time they got Bessie secured in a containment unit, Liv activates the patch which immediately turns Ned into a monster. There is no slow transition into it. All he can ask is what’s happening before he fully becomes the true Hibagon.
Again, she is willing to have people killed so no one finds out about what she’s up to. The only thing she didn’t count for was Krei’s impressive survival skills That saved himself, Hiro and Gogo on numerous occasions. Ned is still after them all the way to the middle of San Fransokyo Bridge. But because this was a patch instead of a bio-chip, Mochi, by complete luck, managed to scrape it off his neck.
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Hiro grabs it and he knows exactly what this is. He saw Karmi’s patches. He held one of them. He heard Liv tell Karmi that her invention was being funded. So in this exact moment, this is where the mutations and Liv align for him.
Once the patch is off Ned, he gradually returns back to normal. Hiro and Gogo take him back home. They both know that someone turned him into a monster and their suspicions as to why are confirmed when Ned tells them that Bessie is gone.
Everything makes more sense to Hiro. He knows now that Liv is turning people into monsters.
And in Something Fluffy, he’s willing to call her out on it during a public speaker’s event. Everyone else is fooled with Liv giving vague answers about how Sycorax is the future, but Hiro no longer buys it. He asks her what they actually do and yet again she answers by saying “Sycorax invests in the future”.
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But Hiro continues to challenge her with another question. And naturally, she doesn’t have an answer. The “product” as we know is turning people into monsters, but obviously Liv can’t say that. And as we can see, Liv is visibly unsure of how to answer it right away. She laughs it off and gives shifty eyes.
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She gives her answer, but it’s not really an answer. Instead, she says this as says it in a manner that makes it so people won’t take interest in it. What’s going on isn’t a big deal. What should only matter is that people care about Sycorax being “the future”.
Liv is quick to ask who’s next to ask a question, but Hiro is not going to stop. Since she’s avoiding directly answering his questions, his next one is straight to the point.
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He’s starting to corner her. It’s no longer about what Sycorax is doing, but what Liv is up to. He knows she’s behind the mutations and he’s going to at least try to get some answers.
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We all know this is a huge lie. Hiro knows it too. But others that are attending this event don’t know that and why should they believe Hiro over her? Liv’s statement would sound true to just about anyone else because of Knox being cured. No one else suspects that Liv is mutating people. It’s also interesting to note that while Liv didn’t want to have Knox cured, she’s now using it to her advantage. And everyone else believes her.
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He shows her the patch that she put on Ned. And she states that she’s seen something similar to it. She knew she couldn’t say no because she knows Hiro was in the room when Karmi introduced her to the patches. And Hiro continues to put her in her place, knowing that Liv had to be the only person to have put that patch on Ned since her and Chris were the only two other people in Muirahara Woods most recently.
But Liv isn’t going to admit defeat. She tells the room it’s just a coincidence and immediately tries to change the subject. She doesn’t get to finish her sentence, but her intentions are clear. She’s asking if people want an autograph in hopes they’ll all start to line up and keep Hiro from asking more questions.
But Hiro cuts her off.
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This moment. This is the moment where you can practically feel the tension between the hero and the villain. From the moment Hiro started asking her questions to here, he’s slowly been asking more difficult questions towards Liv who’s been trying to brush them off. But Hiro knows she’s the one turning people into monsters and he flat out tells her the connection. Sycorax show up when monsters show up. Hiro wants her to know that he’s onto her.
And this time around, Liv isn’t trying to defend herself. She’s not making another attempt to change the subject or say it’s a coincidence. She glares back. She’s furious that Hiro knows what she’s doing. She knows now that she’s underestimated Hiro for far too long. The same kid that turned out to not be the creator of Baymax, created a huge thermometer in an attempt to impress her, and indirectly told her where she could find Bessie is much smarter than she realized. And if he’s able to get proof that it’s her, she’s in trouble.
Luckily for her, the speaker’s event is out of time and now Liv has to figure out a way to make herself look innocent. Not just to convince Hiro, but the entire city. Even if people at this event seemed to believe her more, she knew what he had to say may get some people thinking. So, her first move is to keep the city distracted by monsters. The Mayoi!
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Look at these things! Adorable, right? Of course they are! Because Liv made them that way. The mutations that have turned people into monsters have been undeniably terrifying. So what did Liv do this time? She created an entire species of Mayoi that are super cute and they distract the entire city. Everyone thinks they’re cute and no one cares where they came from.
The only person that thinks through this logically and doesn’t once fall for this trick is Hiro. He knows Liv is behind this and just when he’s starting to wonder if he may be losing it, we all find out what’s happening. The Mayoi can grow.
And they’re growing fast and huge due to them being photosynthetic and after managing to get them all in one place, the team is in for quite the surprise.
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Mr. Sparkles publicly takes the credit for all the monsters that have been appearing in San Fransokyo! The Mayoi and every mutation our team has witnessed.
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But as we can see here, Hiro isn’t convinced. He’s understandably confused, but not because he thinks he was wrong. But more because in this moment, he doesn’t yet understand why Mr. Sparkles is taking the credit.
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And now we get to see what Mr. Sparkles mutation is. He’s taken on a form that has a similar look to the Mayoi. And his power is mind control. He can speak with the Mayoi using vibrations. With the Mayoi being under his control and at their maximum size, the team is in a lot of trouble. And right before a Mayoi has the chance to strike Hiro and Baymax, it’s blasted and returns to its original size.
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That’s right! Liv Amara! This has been her plan since the speaker’s event. She knew she needed to come up with a plan that would make her look good so no one would think she creates monsters and therefore continue her work in peace. And since Mr. Sparkles offered to invest in her, she had him be the one to take credit for the monsters so she could show up and act as a savior to the city alongside Big Hero 6! And it works!
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She’s playing innocent and making sure she looks like a hero. And Hiro knows it. He knows she’s really the one who created the Mayoi and now he’s beginning to realize why. This was all a stunt on Liv’s part and now he’s the one that’s cornered. He can’t turn down working with Liv because that would make him (and the team) look bad, especially since her method is working. He’s reluctant to do so, but in the end he gives in because he knows it’s the only way to defeat the Mayoi.
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And it sucks that it was the only option because if anyone had any doubts that Liv was a horrible person, all those doubts have vanished. She made a good move and she executed it well.
But thankfully she hasn’t fooled our main characters. They all know Mr. Sparkles isn’t behind the monsters and that Liv was faking her act of heroism. It only leaves them with one question and that’s wondering what her endgame is.
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This is the scene that truly gets us all thinking. Everything Liv has been working for. Every person she’s mutated. Every risk she’s taken. It’s all because of who’s inside that capsule. So we can only assume that the person inside is very important.
But before we get to find out who it is, we get to see what Lie Detector brings and it’s a roller coaster. Hiro spends the majority of this episode trying to catch Liv in a lie to prove that she’s the one creating the monsters. And with Baymax as both his lie detector and witness, they find a moment to confront Liv directly.
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Except Hiro is thrown off when this happens. Baymax’s lie detector is as accurate as you can get. Earlier in the episode, he detected both truths and lies from Liv during her conversation with Bluff. He’s expected to catch Liv in a lie when he straight up asks her if she’s creating the monsters. But her answering that Liv isn’t creating the monsters is a truthful answer.
Because she’s not the real Liv. As pointed out, she answers what Hiro wants to know by saying that “Liv Amara is not creating the monsters.” If she had answered by saying “I am not creating the monsters.” Then Baymax would have detected it as a lie. But “Liv” outsmarts Hiro by both telling the truth and again making her look innocent. It’s incredibly clever because while Hiro knows that the Liv we’ve known is behind the mutations, he doesn’t know that it’s actually not the real Liv.
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We’re left with this. The person inside the capsule is the real Liv. We’re left now with more questions than answers. Who is the fake Liv? A clone or her twin sister? What happened to the real Liv? Why is the fake Liv posing as the real Liv?
Well, this is where the theories begin. As already discussed, the real Liv has a rare disorder in need of being cured. And as we get to see in Lie Detector, Liv has (pun unintended) struck gold.
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After what I’d guess is months of trying to find what she needs to cure Liv, she now knows it’s gold. And she’s not going to reveal everything about this rare disorder and who she’s trying to cure, but she needs a lot of gold to do so.
But why gold?
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Earlier on, Chris indirectly gives her the idea. She discovers that gold is a great match for the cure because it’s bio-compatible and has nanoparticles.
Now, we don’t know the rare disorder that Liv has, but upon doing research, it makes perfect sense as to why gold is a perfect match.
First off, the gold won’t be harmful to living tissue. But it’s the nanoparticles that are more important.
The transport of therapeutic agents to the cells by AuNPs is a critical process in biomedical treatment.
Effective targeting and delivery strategies using AuNPs have been developed for therapeutic applications including photothermal therapy,genetic regulation, and drug treatment.
In one arena, AuNPs have been exploited as attractive scaffolds for the creation of transfection agents in gene therapy to cure cancer and genetic disorders. In one arena, AuNPs have been exploited as attractive scaffolds for the creation of transfection agents in gene therapy to cure cancer and genetic disorders. (Source)
This is definitely not something I’m knowledgeable in, but this source helped me understand why Liv realized gold was the answer she’s been looking for. Based on this information, I’m theorizing that the real Liv has a rare genetic disorder. It’s hard to guess which one exactly, but to narrow it down a little bit, I’m going to guess that’s it’s either a single-gene disorder or a more complex disorder that affects two or more of her genes.
I also just want to point out how literal Liv is when she tells Chris that he’s a lifesaver. While he didn’t intentionally give Liv the idea about using gold, she discovered it was the best match for the cure because of him and now she knows she could help the real Liv. 
Her desire for Globby’s glob in Nega-Globby make sense now. She believed that his glob had potential for curing Liv’s disorder. But when it became unstable, she knew it was a dead end and left it for the city to handle. But now she has the key component to her cure.
So let’s talk about the main theories. Is the fake Liv a clone or a twin sister? Both options are very possible and it’s hard to say which one is the true outcome.
Why a clone? Because who else could Liv trust to help her than herself? If the fake Liv is anything like the real Liv, she knows that a clone of herself will have the intellect and determination to cure her. And when she finds the cure, all she has to do is dispose of this clone and return to her life as if the fake Liv never existed. And no one will ever know the real Liv was sick in the first place. Plus, we know Sycorax has the technology that’s possible for cloning people. If “Liv” can turn people into monsters, surely there’s a way to clone people.
Why a twin sister? Because who else could Liv trust to help her than her own twin? Similiar to the clone theory, there’s a chance that if Liv has a twin, they both have an interest in biotech. And if we’re going along with the real Liv having a single-gene or complex disorder, that means that the disorder was passed down from their parents. So, what if Liv got affected by the disorder, but the twin sister didn’t? Or at very least could be a carrier? If that’s the case, I’m theorizing that both of them wanted to create Sycorax, but then Liv’s disorder got worse to the point where she’s almost dying. So her twin put her in a capsule, promising to not let her down and do whatever it taken to cure her. And then so no one would find out that Liv is sick, her twin decided to use her name.
Either way, it’s pretty obvious that Liv doesn’t want anyone to know that she’s sick and dying.
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I’m not surprised that a place like Sycorax have nametags that are advanced enough to tell your readings, but look at that smile. No one would suspect that Liv has a disorder when both the fake Liv is standing in for her and saying that her readings are normal and healthy.
Whether a clone or twin, “Liv” needed to have someone on her side that she could trust to help her with the process of curing the real Liv. While what’s going on with Chris is a completely different theory post for another time, I’ll just say that Chris is either a clone, their family dog that she somehow genetically modified into a human which would explain the dog-like personality, or “person” she created that has dog-like characteristics. Someone she knew would stay loyal to her during this entire process.
While my first thought upon seeing the real Liv in the capsule was believing it’s a clone (and still very well could be the outcome), I’m definitely leaning more towards the Liv we’ve known actually being a twin. This Liv (who I’m headcanoning the name of Viv for her) is talking tons of risks and desperate measures to cure the real Liv. She’s more than likely seen Liv struggle with this disorder her whole life so when now at a point where she could lose her twin sister, she’s doing everything to keep her alive. And on top of that, now because Hiro suspects her, she’s also trying to make sure she doesn’t ruin Liv’s name. That’s another reason why she played hero in Something Fluffy. This entire journey to cure Liv hasn’t gone completely as planned so she has to also make sure that when Liv is cured that no one thinks badly of her for actions that she didn’t do.
What this means for what’s to come, I don’t know. I’d like to hope the real Liv will be cured, but I do wonder what her reaction will be when she finds out what the fake Liv has been up to. Since I’m leaning towards the twin theory more, I’m going to say that Liv is going to be thankful, but mostly horrified at the chaos her sister has caused.
For the other characters, I’m sure they’re going to be shocked when they learn the truth. But are they going to try stopping “Liv” before she can cure the real Liv? And I can’t begin to imagine what Karmi is going to think. She’ll more than likely feel betrayed and used by her idol and “friend” and I wouldn’t put it past Liv to attempt turning her into a monster just so she can continue her work. I also like the possibility of “Liv” mutating herself just so she can defeat everyone and return to normal to make sure no one knows. She did say in Seventh Wheel that “At Sycorax we believe in progress. At any cost.”
TD:LR (wouldn’t blame you) - The Liv in the capsule is the real Liv and whether or not the fake Liv is a clone or twin, she has had good intentions with trying to cure Liv of her disorder, but has gone about it in many wrong ways.
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