theminecraftbee · 7 months
hermit horror week day 7: season 9 or from beyond
A: That's, uh, quite the thing to start this out on, Joe, I mean. When you said you wanted to interview me for an article about my role at Blue River Raceway, I didn't think you'd... Who do you mean?
A: And you're starting off a bit too strong. Seriously, I might think you're lying.
A: I can leave.
A: I don't have to answer this.
A: I don't know who you're talking about.
A: I think if I knew, she was dangerous. She knew how to modify memories. She wasn't safe to be friends with, Joe. You should--you should get that checked out. I mean, think about what a me who didn't care for you might do, and then, like, go to a doctor about it.
A: I'm... not supposed to. I think she tried to make me forget she was ever there.
A: Look, time is weird. It was after I built my base. Before the Rift. Only slightly before then, though, because time isn't the same on both sides. If I'd known that, I would have been more careful. Sent her better supplies, too. Brought my own memory potions. I wouldn't have just... followed you all blindly. Not that I did.
A: Of course I did. I had to be prepared.
A: Joe, she's dangerous. You have to know she's dangerous. I did what had to be done, after she got dangerous, and I did what had to be done, after she escaped. I was prepared. I knew what would happen if she found you all.
A: Well, when you put it like that...
A: Hey, don't characterize it like that, you know as well as I do how much that was a game--
A: Joe, how much of your time in Cogsmede do you remember?
A: And I'm trying to tell you. How much do you remember? Did she show you everything? Did she tell you why she wanted you there?
A: Because I know she liked to hunt people. That's part of why I locked her up in the first place. Tried to figure out what had gone wrong with her. You kept asking how long she was missing, and I, I tried to keep you all safe. You have to understand I had to do it. And--how much do you remember?
A: Joe.
A: You have to know she's dangerous then. And she just let you remember?
A: It's not that simple.
A: It's not that simple. But yes. Of course I care. Of course I... Of course I do. I couldn't not.
A: Since slightly after the Rift closed. I sent her a letter. I haven't heard back.
A: Fine. I will.
A: I mean, I built the sign. What else is there to say, in the face of all that?
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melodiouswhite · 4 years
Live forever - Ch. 08
“So what is a Persian doing in Athens?”, he asked, when they were having breakfast the next morning. “Aren't Persia and the Ottoman Empire enemies and at war right now?”
Mr. Ibn Aziz sighed: “Yes, but … let's just say I really needed to get away from my father.”
That made the necromancer curious and he read the younger man's mind. What he saw was depressing, but also hilarious in a morbid way.
“Overbearing parents?”, Perenelle guessed.
“Suffocating. I only managed to get away on the pretence of learning-”
“At least they did let you leave at all”, Perenelle sighed, “I remember when my second husband was still alive. I just needed to look pale, cough, sneeze or scratch and he would panic, grab me and chain me to the bed. Granted, we had had an epidemic shortly before¹, but Lord! It didn't help anyhow. I caught the plague anyway.”
“The plague???”, Mr. Ibn Aziz exclaimed in awe. “How in Allah's name did you survive?!”
“Let's not digress from the topic”, the German necromancer continued, “At least you all have or had father's who loved you and cared. I never even knew mine.”
Awkward silence ensued, until Gretchen jumped onto her father's lap and looked up to him with puppy eyes.
“Papa, what are you all talking about?”, she demanded to know; they had been speaking Greek the whole time and she hadn't understood a word.
He laughed and told her in German: “Just boring grown-up stuff.”
The child shrugged: “Alright. Hey, Papa, can we buy sweets today?” Her puppy eyes intensified.
He smiled kindly: “Of course, sunshine. We will go to the market later and you will get lots of sweets and pretty things.”
Right after I have made more gold.
“YAAAYY!”, Gretchen cheered and everyone laughed.
Nicolas translated the dialogue for Mr. Ibn Aziz, which made the Persian chuckle.
Perenelle turned to him and whispered in French: “Do you even have enough money on you?”
He shook his head: “Not right now, I have to make gold fir-”
“You two can come with us”, she suggested, “We also want to go on a shopping tour. We will afford the more expensive stuff and you will just pay us back later?”
“Perenelle, you know my opinion about borrowing money. Besides, I have lots of worthless metal on me …” He reached into his pocket and revealed a handful of tin mints.
“You carry counterfeit money on you?!”
“By St. Jacques, Jean!”
He smirked.
They went to the market in the afternoon, all of them with appropriate amounts of cash.
His wallet was significantly heavier, with the gold and silver mints being no longer counterfeit.
He was walking with his daughter by the hand and the Flamels and Mr. Ibn Aziz behind them, chatting in Arabic.
He understood Arabic a lot better than he spoke it and so he heard Mr. Ibn Aziz ask: “Seriously, though. How did you survive the plague, Madame?”
It made him turn around in interest.
Perenelle answered, like it was the most natural thing in the world (and he knew it was to her): “Through the tender care and prayers of my late husband – the Lord bless his soul – and the mercy of God.”
Nicolas got cranky at the praise of his predecessor, which made the younger alchemist laugh.
“You're not jealous at someone who's long gone, are you?”, he teased and the Frenchman pouted.
Perenelle laughed kindly and gave her husband a peck on the cheek, which was at once requited.
Mr. Ibn Aziz cringed: “Could you two not do that in public, please?”
The Flamels giggled and apologised.
Sweet Mother Mary … almost 300 years and they're still crazy lovebirds!
He had never really enjoyed going to the market.
It was just so hard to tune out all the overlapping thoughts of the people around him.
Just the more reason for him to be glad that he had a daughter now; Gretchen's sweet and innocent thoughts were easy to focus on.
So he wasn't as anxious as he normally would have been, when he and the others returned to the hotel.
Gretchen noticed and was consequently more relaxed too. And also because they were carrying lots of boxes with things they all had liked at the market.
Later he would store their belongings in his magical bag (a tiny leather pocket he always wore around his neck). Hoping that the Persian wouldn't notice and ask questions. After all he didn't know how the people in the East thought about witchcraft and necromancy.
“Now, now”, he scolded Gretchen, when she wanted to gorge herself with nougat. “Don't eat too much or you will have a tummy ache later. Besides, dinner will be in two hours.”
Gretchen pouted, but stopped eating.
“Also, we've been neglecting your lessons in the last days. We need to catch up on your Latin, Greek and French.”
Her pout disappeared and she tilted her head in curiosity.
Perenelle stared at him. “You're already teaching her Latin, French and Greek? Even though she's only seven?!”
He shrugged: “What can I say? She's a genius and a prodigy. And she's my daughter. I will teach her how to use her genius to its fullest potential. So what if she can't become a scholar, because she's a girl. When she grows up, she will surpass them all.”
Perenelle sighed: “Of course, that's so you. No false humility, huh? But don't you think that's a bit pushy?”
Now Gretchen spoke up: “It's okay, Madame. I want to be just as smart as Papa, when I grow up.”
He smirked.
There was nothing quite like getting your ego stroked by your own children.
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santoteez · 5 years
A Manhattan Tale - Seonghwa
Tumblr media
Parts: 1 of ?
Genre: Chef!Seonghwa, FormerDrugdealer!Seonghwa, FormerKingpin!Hongjoong, Bad boy/ Good Girl kinda??
Warnings: Love interest is a Black Female, Mentions of trial evasion, swearing, kinda angsty, eventual smut, eventual fluff
Requested: yes
NOTE: This fic does NOT, in any way, shape, or form, portray the way I view any member of Ateez nor does it depict their true personalities or actions. This AU is just that. An AU.
Seonghwa huffed, chopping vegetables in julienne form. His restaurant had been open a little under a year now, and business was booming. It was November, and reservations were maxed out, and there was a long line outside of foodies hopeful that a spot would open up.  The surplus in customers caused Seonghwa to hire at least a dozen more workers, and he was considering hiring more. He had plans to open up a new location in a quaint part of Brooklyn, hoping soon to be in all 5 boroughs. Seonghwa was satisfied that everything was going his way. Well, almost everything. Everything except Zelie.
Zelie was a 23-year-old recent culinary school graduate. She had melanin-rich skin and long black coils for hair, which she kept neatly in a bun and hairnet. She had big round eyes, almost doe-like, and a full, round pout. And she drove Seonghwa mad in more ways than one.
It began with her mistakes when she was first hired. If Zelie wasn’t overcooking the pasta, she was undercooking the steak. Of course, she got better over time. She also got more comfortable. She insisted on speaking to Seonghwa, even when he didn’t answer. Whether it was cracking a joke on his appearance as he walked into work or complimenting his dishes, she’d just never shut up.
And today was one of those days.
“Chef Park, aren’t those vegetables cut just a little too thin?”
“The recipe calls for julienne, Chef Carter. That’s the point.”
“I mean, I guess so but, it doesn’t call for vegetable chips.”
Seonghwa set his knife down and glanced up at the ceiling in frustration. He turned to the short girl. “Do you ever stop talking?”
“Sometimes. Why? You don’t wanna be my friend anymore?” She asked sarcastically.
“In order for that to be true, we’d have to be friends first, Chef Carter.”
She laughed. “Why are you so mean?”
He shrugged. “Why you so nice?” He placed the veggies into the pan along with the pasta before sliding it to Carlos to put on the stove.
He took his hat off, wiping the sweat off his forehead. “I’m taking my break.” He called out to the entire kitchen.
“Have fun,” Zelie said, to which Seonghwa didn’t answer.
He headed for the backroom, straight for the door that led to his office. He said in the swivel chair, sighing.
He groaned when he heard a knock at the door. “Yes?” He asked politely.
Mitch walked in. “No need to be nice, it’s just me.”
“What you want, fool?” Seonghwa asked, closing his eyes.
“Why you always at Zelie’s neck for, man?”
“Chef Carter? She starts it!”
“Okay, first of all, you sound like a child. Second, you’re literally the only one that insists on calling her by her last name. Hell, she’s the only one you call by last name. I know you’re typically cold, but what’s your deal?”
Seonghwa sighed. “I don’t know. I expected her to give up on being nice to me after a while, like the rest of the workers. But she just doesn’t give up. I don’t get why she likes me so much.”
“Could it be because she senses the feeling’s mutual?”
“Me? Like Carter? No way.” Seonghwa shook his head.
“I’m gonna tell you what you used to tell me back at the warehouse. Don’t be a fuckin’ meathead. Everyone sees how you look at her when she’s not looking, rightfully so. She’s bangin’. Anyways, you also entertain her banter. You know you could easily ignore her and eventually, she’d stop. But you answer her every time. Why?”
Seonghwa couldn’t answer.
“Exactly. Just be fuckin’ nice for once. How long you been single? Forever. Even Bossman damn near ready to tie the knot. Then there’s you.”
Mitch was right. Just the other day Minjoon, Soojin, Hongjoong and Santana came in for their reservation with big news: Santana was pregnant. They feasted on the most expensive dishes and left big tips in the wake of their celebration. Seonghwa would be lying if he said it didn’t remind him of his loneliness. Hongjoong had an entire family, meanwhile, he was still going home to a pint-sized bachelor pad.
“He’s thinking now.” Mitch laughed. “I don’t know, man. Even if by some magical force, you don’t end up with Zelie, at least get yourself out there. You’ve run an empire before. You’re running another one now. It’s time you found someone to help you run it. I’m heading back to the kitchen now. Enjoy your break. Alone.”
Seonghwa scowled. As much as he was annoyed by Mitch, he knew he meant well. He napped for the most of his break, awoken by a text from Hongjoong. After replying he decided to head back to the kitchen.
Stopping at the sink to wash his hands, Zelie passed by with a steaming pot of potatoes.
“Have fun on your break?”
“I did actually. Because you weren’t there.” Seonghwa wanted to prove Mitch wrong, but he couldn’t help but respond. She got under his skin in a way not many people have. It was like she hit a specific nerve every time.
“Being without me sounds like a tragedy. Are you okay?” She dumped the water into a nearby sink, careful not to drop the potatoes.
“I’ll manage,” Seonghwa said, heading to the front of the kitchen to check the rotating ticket holder to see what orders weren’t being made yet.
“You can get started on order #67, it just came in.” Zelie called out.
Just as Seonghwa was about to grab the ticket, the hostess of the restaurant, Leslie, popped into the kitchen. She never came to the back unless it was time to leave or an emergency, so Seonghwa knew something was up.
“Chef Park, there’s someone out there demanding to talk to you. At first, I thought it might be because of the food so I tried reassuring them that they could speak to the cook that actually made the food, but they insisted that they wanted to speak to you and only you.” She said, rubbing her hands together nervously.
Seonghwa nodded. “Take me to them.” He said, taking his hat off once again. He was itching to find out who could possibly be so persistent.
When Leslie led him out of the kitchen and pointed to the table, Seonghwa wished he had stayed inside. The guests were none other than Ray-Ray and Spider. They were with family, so Seonghwa knew they wouldn’t try anything crazy, but he was still cautious. He thanked Leslie and allowed her to return to the front door before making his way over.
“Ladies, gentlemen, how are we tonight?” Seonghwa smiled, approaching the table.
Ray-Ray laughed. “No need to be that polite, Dragon. You act like you don’t know a motherfucker.”
“Huh?” Ray- Ray furrowed his eyebrows.
“My name is Seonghwa. The establishment is called The Majestic Dragon, but that is not my name. If you’d like, you may call me Chef Park.”
Ray-Ray looked at Spider, who shrugged and chuckled. Ray- Ray sighed. “Okay, Chef Park. I called you over to ask you something.” He got up, leaning to Seonghwa’s ear.
“How the fuck you dodge a trial? Everyone knows HJ never traveled alone. A smart kingpin never does? You buy this place with all that dirty money? The city would hate to hear that. Should watch your back. Chef Park.”
He sat down. “I give you props, though. This shit is slammin. All them years cooking actually did something for you.” Ray-Ray said, the look in his eye showing he definitely wasn’t talking about food.
Seonghwa smiled falsely. “Enjoy your food, and I hope you come again. Thanks for dining with the dragon.”
He stormed back into the kitchen, practically fuming at the ears.
“What happened to you? You look like these tomatoes over here.” Zelie said.
“Not now, Zelie.” Seonghwa rubbed his temples.
“First name basis? Something’s really wrong.” Zelie said, visibly concerned.
“What’s wrong, boss?” Mitch asked, picking up on Seonghwa’s vibe.
“I don’t know yet. I gotta call HJ. Handle that order for me.” Seonghwa gestured to his station, where the order ticket remained, untouched. Mitch nodded, snatching it up and preparing it himself.
Seonghwa headed to the office once again, dialing Hongjoong’s number. He answered on the first ring.
“Hwa you good?”
“I don’t know, man. Some weird shit just happened.” Seonghwa immediately told him everything from his encounter with Ray-Ray and Spider, from the questions about how he avoided trial to the speculation of the city finding out where the money came from.”
“That is some weird shit. I guess that explains the rock.”
“What? What rock?” Seonghwa asked.
Hongjoong glanced at the large rock, with Boy or Girl? Let’s see if you live long enough to find out.
“There was a knock at the door, and I figured it was some pregnancy shit Santana ordered. When I opened it no one was there. Just the rock. I looked around the hall but I saw nobody which is weird as shit because the only way up here is the elevator in the hall, the one in our living room, and the staircase down the hall. There’s no way they made it from my door to the stairs in literally five seconds. Santana’s freaking out.”
Seonghwa pinched the bridge of his nose. “I guess you really can’t run from the hustle. Can’t believe after three fucking years, somebody has it in for us.”
“Well, Dragon, how fast can you get here?” Hongjoong asked.
“Give me 30,” Seonghwa said, switching his kitchen coat for his winter one.
He gave Mitch and Carlos instructions to hold the kitchen down while he was gone. He passed Zelie on his way out.
“I know I grind your gears, but I really do hope you’re okay.” She said in a small voice.
Seonghwa turned to her and gave her a small smile. “Me too.”
On his way out, he turned to look at Ray-Ray’s table. The man had an ugly smirk on his face.
“Leaving so soon, Chef Park? What could possibly have a head chef running out of his own restaurant?” He asked, tilting his head to the side.
Seonghwa shook his head and stormed out as his table erupted into laughter.
Stephie here! No idea where I was going with this chapter jsdjssj, I suck at starting off fics but I promise once you see my vision it gets better!
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midnakoopa · 7 years
In Which I Rant About Rune Factory 4
Anyone who takes even a cursory glance at my blog over the past few months could tell that Rune Factory 4 has quickly become my new favorite game.
That being said, there are a few things that really bother me. A few things that I’d like to talk about.
SO FUCKLE THE BUCK UP IF YOU’RE GONNA READ THIS, ‘cause I’m gonna discuss, at length:
Spoilers for pretty much the whole game’s plot
Spoilers for Xiao Pai and Amber’s marriage events
Why I fucking hate Kiel
Also for the sake of not driving myself fucking insane I’m just gonna use Lest to refer to the main character.
Let’s start with the plot. Which I’ve discussed before, but fuck it, let’s do it again.
So. The plot itself, the reasons for doing whatever, I don’t have much of a problem with from a general standpoint. But holy shit, everyone in this game who plays any part in the plot is fucking worthless, including Lest.
Starting at the beginning, you’re on a ship to deliver the rune spheres, you fight some Sechs goons, whatever. After beating them, Lest turns his back on them, goes over to the edge of the ship, and holds up the rune sphere. It is at this point that one of the Sechs soldiers, in full view of the other two people on the ship who just stand there like fucking cabbages, comes over and, with a single blow to the head, somehow knocks Lest out and breaks his fucking mind in half, because of fucking course our main character has to lose their fucking memory. And I don’t have a huge problem with amnesia subplots if they’re done right. But this wasn’t? It was basically just an excuse to hide the plot from the player? But back on the subject I was on about... This is the first of many, MANY problems in this game that could’ve been avoided if literally anyone did literally anything.
Moving along, let’s talk a little bit about Doug. Doug has it out for Ventuswill, guardian dragon of Selphia, because the Sechs Empire, who have a history of being fuckers, told him she destroyed his village. I’m just gonna leave that there and move on to the rune spheres.
So... I don’t get it. From where I’m standing, the rune spheres are giant crystals that let off massive amounts of light and, presumably, power. Is that just to let the player know how important they are? Because from the way Lest treats them, you’d think they looked wholly fucking unimpressive. You can find the one in Water Ruins early, but you can’t do anything with it because ????. Like. Here’s a glowing sphere in a ruin, well that doesn’t look like something I want or am even going to acknowledge at all. And when you find the one in Yokmir Cave. Lest does this fucking do-si-do all around it with a Chipsqueek, and again, doesn’t even acknowledge it until the Chipsqueek leaves and he’s basically like “Huh, that thing sure was interested in this super uninteresting stone.”
And then there’s when the spheres were stolen. At one point, a Sechs soldier comes into town with a rune sphere and Etherlinks with a dragon. After beating this dragon back into a man, no one thinks to, oh, I don’t know, immediately apprehend him? No, instead they just stand there and let him run off. Fast-forward to Sechs Territory, we fight 3 Etherlinked Sechs soldiers. And once you beat the one with the sphere, he just lies there, sphere in his hand, out in the open. To Lest’s credit, as soon as the battle actually ends, he makes a move for it before Ethelberd comes in, but it’s kind of frustrating that you can beat the guy with the sphere first and you just have to let it lie there until the battle’s over.
Speaking of Ethelberd, there’s my next issue. An issue I like to call: FUCKING. KILL. HIM. HOOOOOLY SHIT, who fucking cares about his fucking monologues or motivations? With Ethelberd, we run into so many problems that could’ve been solved by not listening to him talk about how fucking great he is, and instead slitting his fucking throat. Like when he’s making Aquameleon. Or after said battle. Speaking of which, Doug, holy shit, maybe don’t fucking loudly announce your presence to an enemy with his back turned to you? And at the end of the second arc. After Lest and Ventuswill beat him. They just fucking stand there while Ethelberd, with the rune spheres still in hand, walks away from them while talking about how fucking great he is. Like. He’s clearly fucking trying to do something? Maybe, just maybe, while he’s weak, run him through, take the spheres, and hurl him off the fucking empire? Fucking hell.
And there’s enough about the main plot. Now I’d like to talk about those marriage events. Let’s start with Amber’s. Now. I like Amber a lot, I really do. And this whole event was sad and made me feel really bad for her. But at the same time. It’s... kind of entirely her fault? Okay, so. We learn that Ambrosia’s sharing Amber’s body, and that if Ambrosia doesn’t disappear, Amber will. Where we run into a problem here. Is that no one, literally no one involved wants Amber to disappear. The townsfolk wouldn’t want that, Lest especially in this case wouldn’t want that. Ambrosia herself says that she wants Amber to erase her, and we learn later that she, and I might be paraphrasing here, wanted to live in the world with Amber, not as her or instead of her. Amber herself says in her anime-style cutscene that she doesn’t want to vanish. And so we are left with Amber, who has full and final control over which of them vanishes, making the decision that satisfies literally no one, and in fact is saddening to all of them. So, you know. I feel like that could’ve been done better.
Moving on to Xiao Pai, by which I mean moving on to Yang Fan. Before going over the marriage event, I’d just like to talk about the other event he’s in. In which we hear about ants outside town, and go and find the ants around him. Later on, the ants get into town and chew holes in these buckets at the inn. And Yang Fan, who sells buckets, is conveniently in town for this to happen. Nothing overt, but I’m more than a little suspicious, especially after learning what a fucking asshole this guy is.
So, during Xiao Pai’s marriage event, we learn that Yang Fan, her father, started a false rumor that Lest is really going after Lin Fa, her mother. And yes, Yang Fan does say the rumor spread more quickly than he anticipated and kind of got out of hand. My takeaway from this is that the sole person he told this rumor to was Kiel. Which is supported by the fact that Kiel is the one both Lest and Xiao Pai hear this rumor from. More on that later, believe me. But back to Yang Fan, he tells Lest that he started the rumor. And he goes on to say that if he says anything to Xiao Pai about that, he’ll take her and Lin Fa and just leave?
First of all, no. For as serious as he tries to sound, this threat cannot be anything other than completely fucking empty. Because let’s assume Lest does tell Xiao Pai what her father said. The logical next step is that he is confronted on this. And then what? He just decides, yeah, no, you’re both coming with me, c’mon, we’re leaving forever. First of all, you really think Xiao Pai, who’s finally found love, and Lin Fa, who’s found happiness and livelihood in Selphia, are just gonna fucking leave with you, no questions asked? Second, you especially think that’s gonna go through after you get called out for doing something real fucking shady? No. Go fuck yourself.
Anyways. We learn that Yang Fan apparently doesn’t approve of this relationship for question mark reason. And along this event we learn even more about dad of the fucking year. Such as him traveling a lot, and taking Xiao Pai with him, leaving her away from home a lot. Which must’ve been hard on her, because we find out she would often venture out to this bridge alone and cry. Another point to add, traveling with her father, she grew up to pick up his way of speaking, something she seems a bit self-conscious about, and is often teased about, even by her father in one scene.
And at the end of it all? After everything he pulled, Yang Fan just admits it was him. Which, fine, whatever. You could make the argument that he had Xiao Pai’s interests in mind. And I would make the argument that he’s a huge prick. Because at one point Lest says something along the lines of “You knew this would work out all along, didn’t you?”, to which Yang Fan basically replies “Absolutely fucking not.”. Which implies to me that, since he didn’t know whether it would end badly or not, he had considered and was completely fucking okay with the fact that he may very well have ruined at least two people’s lives, including his own fucking daughter’s. His daughter who had quite frankly already been through way too fucking much because of him, and he comes along with this fucked up scheme that may very well have destroyed the love and happiness she finally found.
I said in a post before that at the end of it all, I didn’t despise Yang Fan like I did during the event. Looking back, I think that’s because I was in a good mood after the event ended, and his attempt at making himself look okay again kinda worked on me at the time. But since then, after looking back and thinking real hard on everything. I can safely say that I do in fact fucking hate Yang Fan. In fact, I can confidently say that I hate Yang Fan more than I hate Aura Blackquill.
AND NOW, to move onto my final point: Kiel. I fucking hate Kiel. Owing in decently large part to the fact that Xiao Pai is my favorite girl in the game, and the first I went for. Because there are at least three events, including the aforementioned marriage event, in which Kiel being a fuckwit causes her distress. And yes. To be fair. I get that Kiel is naïve. I get that he’s young. I get that he doesn’t mean any harm. And that... kind of makes it worse? Because he just never seems to fucking get it?
I said above I’d come back to this: The rumor spread in Xiao Pai’s marriage event. What has to be going on in your fucking head that you hear a rumor that might put someone’s relationship in jeopardy, and instead of, oh, I don’t know, going directly to the party being talked about to do any fact-checking, you just decide to tell literally everyone you come across? And again, he just never fucking gets it. He never gets that spreading these rumors without checking if there’s any credibility to them, surprise, surprise, might just cause people distress. Or that there are some things people just don’t want him fucking talking about.
Again, I get it. Kiel’s young, and pretty fucking stupid for someone so smart. He wants to help a lot of the time, and sometimes he even succeeds. Sometimes I want to like him. But he’s just so fucking clueless in ways that are damaging to characters I like so much better than him. Which makes me like him less.
AND THERE GOES THE BATTLE. That’s all I’ve gotta say, and I honestly feel a lot better after saying it. Those are pretty much all my biggest complaints about Rune Factory 4 out there now. It continues to be one of my favorite games, maybe even my very favorite game at the time I’m typing this. And not even my own complaints are gonna change that. Take easy, all.
Koopa, out.
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