#Ah i love rendoc SO MUCH
jestroer · 1 year
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The beloveds :)
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riacte · 3 years
MCC 16 hermit team thoughts:
Cub will likely be in this one, he plays every other MCC
Dunno about Pearl’s trend, she skipped 13 and 14, but she was in MCCP and 15, so probably she’ll be back
False is pretty much confirmed because she hasn’t skipped any canon MCC
Grian pretty much confirmed too
Ren will likely be in this too, he only skipped twice
5/5 hermits pog?
This season, Grian has been pretty much teamed with Evo buddies and Pete. He has not teamed with any hermit another than Pearl
Pearl also been with Evo buddies / Grian instead of being with FRC
FalseRen have been with Fruit and Illumina
You can feel the trend here (what am I saying lol, there’s only been two MCCs), and that’s 1) hermits x mcsr 2) falseren(cub) 3) grianpearl + evo + old friends
Martyn is not joining, so no Renchanting
We can assume H isn’t joining, so no H and hermits as well
Grian has been with Pete three times, and pretty much consecutively (MCC 13, 14, 15), so maybe it’s time for G to team with Fruit again?
I don’t feel we’ll get Lime Liches, because at this point we’ve seen a LOT of FalseRenFruit trios, and no way in hell are FalseRen splitting up
I can see Grian Cub Pearl Fruit maybe (*Lime12 noises*) if we go with Scott nerfing Fruit AGAIN, but I sincerely hope Fruit gets a strong team this time. It’s not about him winning, it’s just sad to be in the 10th when other players around his skill level get stronger teams. Fruity B is nice and chill and adaptable, but they’ve done him dirty. Would love to see Fruit on a strong team for ONCE
That being said, Illumina and hermits (and co) got along extremely well, I can see Illumina being “the next Fruit” and starts teaming with hermit trios
You know what? Jordan is an honorary hermit now. And he has NOT teamed with a single hermit. This is a crime. I’m sure they’ll get along well because Iskall adores him. He has the Hermit Seal of Approval
Quig and hermits would be cute tbh. Let them adopt another one. I want to see Ren and Quig in a vc after their practice Dodgebolt ;-;
Fun facts: Grian and Cub have not been teamed together. Neither have Ren and Pete.
One interesting case is Wilbur…? We could get like MCC P Pink redemption (RIP TECHNOBLADE </3) or at least a 2/4 because that team is so beloved. I hope we get Jimmy and Wilbur because I’m low-key sick of the Grian-Wilbur clout domination sorry. C’mon, we miss Mr Gaming.
Ah yes, my guilty pleasure team: False and Wilbutt. She legit gave him a nickname and she told her teammates?? He bothered her frequently??? They had more interaction than gRiAN ANd wiLbUr before MCCP????
False had more two-sided interaction with SBI than Grian with SBI before MCCP. Fight me.
You know what, Phil and hermits would be nice as well. Like Phil and Pearl. Or Phil and Wilbur and False. Oh fuck now I actually want this.
Phil Wilbur False Ren— the “do not separate” duos
Is it bad that I want the clout people to team with any hermit that isn’t Grian, because some parts of the fandom pretty much only talk about Grian. Yeah it’s probably bad of me
At this point, I don’t have any teams I actively want because H and Martyn aren’t participating
But I want hermit duos more than hermit trios. Hermit duo teams are just SO GOOD *blows kisses to Blue9 and Purple15 in particular because I’m biased*
If Doc is in this MCC I fully expect Rendoc team
If Iskall is in this MCC I fully expect Renskall team
I’ll patiently await my FalseRen team as always. For the 11th time. Yes it literally never gets old.
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riacte · 3 years
Unnecessary Hermit MCC Team Speculation
So according to Scott, teams are in the works, applications likely closed a few days ago, MCC 14 date is known to participants, MCC Twitter says they’re gonna steal CPK’s spotlight after wishing him a happy birthday. So we’re getting MCC 14 relatively soon. Hence I’m making my 284927391 hermit MCC team speculation.
Hermit duos:
Actually I think we’ll be seeing more duos in MCC S2.
1) Hermits and Scott have probably realized hermit duos perform way better than trios/ quartet (the only hermit duo team that didn’t get to DB is the first time False and Ren played)
2) They wanna meet new people, but they also want to play with friends. So 2+2 will be a good combo. You can meet new people while having a buddy you a stick to.
False + Cub
I don’t think any of the hermits are confirmed to join (Doc has shown interest) but I feel these two would most likely be in MCC 14?
1) False has been in every MCC since debut
2) Cub plays every other MCC, and he skipped MCC 13
3) Most important of all, they’ve both been polishing their skills through parkour and speedrunning etc. I think they’re currently the most competitive of the hermits, so I won’t be surprised at all if they pair up for a competitive team.
False + Grian
A surprisingly popular duo in post-MCC 13 team predictions. I like them as a duo, and I used to think we’ll have a bigger chance of getting False + Cub/Ren, but now I think about, the team predictions may be right.
1) False has been with Ren and Cub for their first victory, so according to ✨meta✨ she’ll be with Grian for his first victory and her third. The Hermit Winner enabler.
2) Grian is the only hermit regular who hasn’t won yet, and really really wants to win (he said he was gonna cry himself to sleep after he lost MCC 13 lol)
3) False is seen as the most competitive
So if Grian wants to win and go full competitive, and I feel Scott will likely pair him with False. Also Reddit loves this duo apparently. Another incentive.
False + Ren
Ah yes, the hermit team staple. Ex base-buddies my beloved. The duo that’s always been together. I miss them lmfao
I feel they’re gonna continue pairing up because False said she’s gonna collect all ranks with Ren? Also I feel Ren likely asks for False every time (Scott said someone asked for False back in MCC 9, we thought it was H, but apparently neither H or Fruit specified a person, so I guess it’s Ren. Makes sense because Ren’s with False literally every single time).
There’s not much to say except if they team up again, everyone saw it coming.
But also exactly because they’ve teamed up for so many times that they may decided to split for a MCC or two? That doesn’t seem to be what they’re doing though.
Ren + Cub
Honestly every time I think of this potential duo, I just see False sandwiched between them lmao. Because this a hermit trio. These two are probably False’s most frequent collaborators?? (Although there’s not much False and Ren collab this season)
Basically I somehow can’t see this happening without False. I’m sorry lmao
Grian + Cub
To a lot of people’s surprise, they haven’t teamed before. They’re probably the duo that collabs the least often on Hermitcraft so I kinda get why. Still wanna see this duo.
Grian + Ren
They’re close enough that they apparently visit each other irl. Which is very sweet. I can honestly see them as a duo, just chilling and having fun.
Hermit trios:
False + Ren + Grian/Cub. With the FRG trio happening more often in recent MCCs, FRC trio happening more often in the early, chill days. Hermit trio + S tier (aka. Lime Liches) is the most powerful version of hermit trios, and may even rival the strength of hermit duo + S tier teams.
Honestly this seems like a feasible trio, especially when Cub skips a MCC/ plays with non hermits (MCC 7, 11, 12). There’s also the Lime Liches bias with this trio, so Scott might be more inclined to put them together?
Also if Cub skips, it means Scott will either have to make a hermit duo + solo hermit OR make a hermit trio. And Scott will probably put the solo hermit with hermit adjacent (eg. Grian with Pearl). Also pretty sure for this case, it’s gonna be False + Ren duo, Grian with hermit adjacent people just like MCC 9. That being said, MCC 9 was special because I think False and Ren specifically said they were gonna go competitive, while Grian not, so it makes sense for the split. For the current meta of competitive hermits, it might be easier for Scott to stuff the hermits together in a trio (eg. Lime Liches)??
The last time this trio appeared was MCC 8. From that moment onwards, Cub has been in competitive teams either in a duo or solo, and had gotten to Dodgebolt in all his post-MCC 8 tourneys. So I honestly don’t know if we’ll see them together again. Maybe we’ll get something like Lime Liches.
New hermits:
I can see False-Ren-Doc as a trio for Doc’s first MCC.
1) This team appeared in CotC
2) To use Ren and Doc’s words: #ShipRendoc
3) Putting False here because I feel non hermits will be very ?!!???? at the Rendoc flirting
I can also see Iskall in a hermit trio. In particular Iskall-Grian-Ren
1) We got Team FRIC in MCC 5, so maybe something new?
2) Renskall. That’s it.
3) Everyone wants Grian-Iskall interaction, especially because they don’t collab that much this season compared to the last
But really I can see Iskall with every hermit regular. The reason I feel newcomers will be in trios not duos is that having two veterans to coach the newbie(s) is better than having one.
Hermit quartet
Genuinely don’t think this will happen if the hermits go competitive. Maybe we’ll get this for a chill MCC. Maybe not.
The hermit quartet in MCC 5 did pretty good though, but team standards have changed a lot since then. I kinda wanna see Iskall in another hermit quartet.
The famous Grian-False-Techno-Wilbur team, if you ignore the swearing thing and opposite Dodgebolt strategies. This team will have a fuckton of clout, probably comparable to MCC 13 Pink.
I actually feel this might happen because it’s highly popular and highly requested
But also 1) the swearing thing 2) Scott tends to put people who have similar attitudes (eg. hermits play with people who advocate arrow splitting) 3) they’re a powerful team. So maybe not.
Lime Liches. I seriously believe this might happen because of the very high demand and the Blue Bats bias. They got screwed over bc of parkour, many people think they deserve a redemption. They’re not too strong as a team either. It’ll be like MCC 8/9 Green.
Also the Fruit+Grian duo. I’m pretty sure this duo will happen at least once in S2. Grian famously commented he wants to team with Fruit, Fruit replied, even had an alt Twitch called “grianstanaccount”. Won’t be surprised at ALL if they ask for each other. Maybe this will happen along with LL redemption.
Hermits and H? This is to pacify the Blue Bats fandom. Also if we have hermit trio + Fruit, why not H lmao. But H said he wants to play with new people, and I think he said he wants to team with Puffy, sooo.... imagine we get sth like False Cub H Puffy. Lmao.
Hermits and Dream? I said I can’t see this happening, esp with Ren, but maybe Scott will do it for the Dreamslayer memes
Hermits and Quig? After Pete and Fruit, Quig is probably the most hermit friendly S tier. I think people said he would vibe well with the hermits. Quig is also involved in the X Life circle, which overlaps with the hermits’ circle.
Anyways. I’ve liked all Hermit teams so far, I’m sure Scott will make them fantastic as always. If you’ve reached this point, thank you for reading my pointless speculation. See you when MCC 14 teams are revealed :)
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