#Aix reqs
obeymeswdwritings · 1 year
Lucifer with an MC who is also the oldest child and is expected to take care of their siblings like he is? Idk I just think he'd find it refreshing to have somebody who understands his struggle
Of course!
Characters - Lucifer, brothers as appearance/mentioned
Warnings- Swearing
Category- Headcanons, Ask reqs
Lucifer had to admit, it was rather amusing to see you automatically snap your head around as Mammon reached for a castle treasure. He knew, of course, about the fact that you had younger siblings, he did read your file before you arrived, but he hadn't expected you to have so many similarities to him.
His brothers didn’t seem to find it nearly as amusing, especially since your lectures were much more about personal disappointment. Which, surprisingly, seemed more effective.
It was about three months after your arrival that you actually had a conversation about it, after coming downstairs seemingly annoyed.
“Did something happen? You seem kind of mad.”  Lucifer exhaled, relieved that someone else had brought it up. If Levi hadn’t brought it up, it almost certainly would’ve stewed and caused you ridiculous amounts of stress.
“It’s fine, my little siblings are just trying to bring me into their nonsense again. Even across realms, I can’t catch a break . . .”
“Anything bad?”
“Nah, which honestly makes it worse. It wouldn’t have been hard to handle it themselves, or ask a teacher or anything, but no. They just had to call me at two in the morning. It’s absolutely ridiculous!” Lucifer could certainly understand the sentiment, but as to how he could help . . .
“Why don’t you take today off? It wouldn’t do to have a human passing out in the middle of R.A.D, and you look like you would. Get some rest, I’ll have Mammon bring you assignments. Satan, you catch them up on any lessons.”
Lucifer stood up, picking up his bag and ignoring the shocked looks on everyone’s faces, including yours, as he left. A singular day of rest may not be enough to make up for the exhaustion, but perhaps he would talk to Barbatos about some of the tea common in the human realm. A familiar flavour could be quite relaxing, after all.
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tonimartz · 4 years
Continuamos con nuestra serie de artículos donde vamos publicando diferentes herramientas relacionadas con la ciberseguridad, eso sí, siempre con Docker como eje principal. En el primer artículo de esta serie contamos cómo crear nuestro propio Proxy para poder navegar por la red TOR. En esta ocasión, vamos a sacar partido a los contenedores Docker que también utilizan la GPU del equipo para romper o crackear contraseñas. Figura 1: Aplicaciones prácticas de Docker en ciberseguridad:Contenedores para “crackear” passwords utilizando GPUDe esta forma, de una manera limpia y sencilla, puedes desplegar este tipo de herramientas en tu ordenador durante un Ethical Hacking. Recuerda que un buen punto de partida para comenzar en el maravilloso mundo de Docker es nuestro libro Docker:SecDevOps ;) Como ya hemos comentado más de una vez, la gran ventaja de Docker es el poder desplegar en pocos segundos, cualquier aplicación que necesitemos sin tener que realizar cambios en nuestro ordenador principal. Vamos con el caso de hoy.Creando la imagen con doig (Docket Image Generator)Para crear la colección de herramientas que necesites puedes utilizar la herramienta de Tuxotron, llamada doig, que ya presentamos en el anterior artículo. Para preparar la imagen que vamos a utilizar, ejecutaremos el siguiente comando: doig -i mytools -t hashcat hashid seclists johntheripper Step 1/7 : FROM ubuntu:18.04 ---> c3c304cb4f22 ... ... Step 7/7 : COPY tools.txt . ---> 6d818093f1f0 Successfully built 6d818093f1f0 Successfully tagged mytools:latest Tools added to the image: [-] johntheripper: All john tools are under /opt/john/run [-] hashcat [-] hashid [-] seclists Y ahora, lo primero que necesitamos saber a la hora de crackear una contraseña, asumiendo siempre que le tengamos en forma de hash, es precisamente saber que tipo de algoritmo de generación de hash es el que tenemos entre manos.: md5, sha1, bcrypt, etcétera. Identificando el tipo de HashPara ello, si no sabemos qué tipo de hash tenemos, la herramienta hashid (que hemos añadido antes en nuestra imagen) es nuestra amiga. En nuestro caso vamos a crear un fichero de texto llamado samples.txt con varios hashes. Estos no tienen porque ser del mismo tipo. Vamos a utilizar hashid para que nos identifique los tipos. Por supuesto, no podemos dejar de recomendar el libro de Cifrado de las comunicaciones digitales: de la cifra clásica a RSA (2ª Edición) que explica en detalle el cifrado y el hashing. Asumiendo que tenemos nuestro fichero samples.txt en el directorio en el que nos encontramos, podemos ejecutar nuestro contenedor montando dicho fichero dentro del mismo a modo de volumen: docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/samples.txt:/opt/samples.txt mytoolsVeamos el contenido de nuestro fichero samples.txt: cat samples.txt 8743b52063cd84097a65d1633f5c74f5 b89eaac7e61417341b710b727768294d0e6a277b fcf7c1b8749cf99d88e5f34271d636178fb5d130 b4b9b02e6f09a9bd760f388b67351e2b 127e6fbfe24a750e72930c220a8e138275656b8e5d8f48a98c3c92df2caba935 Como podemos ver tenemos 5 hashes en dicho fichero. Veamos que nos dice hashid: hashid samples.txt --File 'samples.txt'-- Analyzing '8743b52063cd84097a65d1633f5c74f5' [+] MD2 [+] MD5 [+] MD4 ... ... [+] RAdmin v2.x Analyzing '127e6fbfe24a750e72930c220a8e138275656b8e5d8f48a98c3c92df2caba935' [+] Snefru-256 [+] SHA-256 [+] RIPEMD-256 [+] Haval-256 [+] GOST R 34.11-94 [+] GOST CryptoPro S-Box [+] SHA3-256 [+] Skein-256 [+] Skein-512(256) --End of file 'samples.txt'— Con hashid, se analiza cada hash y nos da una lista de posibles algoritmos correspondientes a cada hash. hashid también nos puede proporcionar el tipo de hash en formato john the ripper o hashcat. La opción *-j* nos ofrece el format jonh: hashid -j samples.txt --File 'samples.txt'-- Analyzing '8743b52063cd84097a65d1633f5c74f5' [+] MD2 [JtR Format: md2] [+] MD5 [JtR Format: raw-md5] [+] MD4 [JtR Format: raw-md4] ... ...Figura 4: Ejemplo de ejecución de hascat desde un contenedor buscando una contraseña usando fuerza bruta y utilizando GPU.En el vídeo al final del artículo se detalla su ejecución. Y la opción -m para el formato hashcat: hashid -m samples.txt --File 'samples.txt'-- Analyzing '8743b52063cd84097a65d1633f5c74f5' [+] MD2 [+] MD5 [Hashcat Mode: 0] [+] MD4 [Hashcat Mode: 900] [+] Double MD5 [Hashcat Mode: 2600] ... ... Hashcat Ahora vamos a ver un poco de información sobre hashcat. Para ver todas las opciones de esta herramienta, podemos ejecutarlo con la opción --help. Una de las opciones más importantes de hashcat son los tipos de hash, el cual podemos averiguar con el comando anteriormente visto hashid. Con la opción -m podemos especificar qué tipo de hash queremos usar. Mirando la ayuda podemos ver que la lista de modos es bastante amplia. Los modos más usados son: 900 - MD4 0 - MD5 1000 - NTLM 5500 - NetNTLMv1 5600 - NetNTLMv2 1100 - mscache1 (xp, w2k3) 2100 - mscache2 (v, w7, w8, w10,w2k8+) 3000 - LanManager 1700 - SHA512 7500 - Kerberos REQ 13100 - Kerberos TGS-REP 400 - Wordpress 2500 - WPA 2501 - WPA PMK Otra opción importante a tener en cuenta es el tipo de ataque: 0 - Straight (ataques basados en lista o diccionario de palabras) 1 - Combination (ataques basados en varias listas o diccionarios de palabras) 3 - Brute-force (fuerza bruta o con máscara) 6 - Hybrid Wordlist + Mask (lista de palabras + fuerza bruta/máscara) 7 - Hybrid Mask + Wordlist (fuerza bruta/máscara + lista de palabras) Veamos un ejemplo de como crackear un hash md5 usando un diccionario: echo -n iloveu | md5sum edbd0effac3fcc98e725920a512881e0 - hashcat -m 0 -a 0 edbd0effac3fcc98e725920a512881e0 /opt/SecLists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10k-most-common.txt OpenCL API (OpenCL 1.2 LINUX) - Platform #1 [Intel(R) Corporation] ================================================================== * Device #1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz, 15953/16017 MB (4004 MB allocatable), 8MCU ... ... Dictionary cache built: * Filename..: /opt/SecLists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10k-most-common.txt * Passwords.: 10000 * Bytes.....: 83017 * Keyspace..: 10000 * Runtime...: 0 secs edbd0effac3fcc98e725920a512881e0:iloveu Session..........: hashcat ... ... Como se puede apreciar, el hash edbd0effac3fcc98e725920a512881e0 ha sido encontrado: edbd0effac3fcc98e725920a512881e0:iloveu Con el parámetro -m especificamos el tipo de hash (0 - MD5), con -a el tipo de ataque, en este caso por diccionario, usando: /opt/SecLists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10k-most-common.txt Es posible usar varios diccionarios, en cuyo caso usaríamos la opción -a 1: hashcat -a 1 -m 0 hash-to-crack diccionario1.txt diccionario2.txt ... Es posible pasar un fichero de hashes también en vez de hashes individuales. Y por supuesto se pueden hacer ataques por fuerza bruta basado en patrones con ataques del tipo 3, y mezclando la fuerza bruta con patrones usando los ataques del tipo 6 y 7. VIDEOFigura 5: Cracking Passwords con Docker Incrementando la potencia de cálculo con contenedores y GPU Hasta ahora, lo que hemos visto es el crackeo basado en CPU, pero realmente donde sacaremos más partido a todo este proceso será cuando usemos GPUs o FPGAs. Y esto también podemos hacerlo activando el acceso a la GPU del ordenador host por parte de los contenedores. Para poder usar la/s GPU/s dentro de contenedores Docker, tienes que instalar dentro de tu contenedor los drivers de tu GPU, y en el caso de NVIDIA tienes que instalar en tu host el paquete nvidia-docker2, como se especifica en este enlace. Pero para que te sea más sencillo de utilizar en un Ethical Hacking, nosotros hemos preparado una imagen de hashcat ya con todos estos requisitos instalados (excepto nvidia-docker2, eso lo tienes que instalar en el host) que hemos llamado hashcat-nvidia y que puedes añadir en la construcción con doig como puedes ver a continuación: doig -u -i mytools -t seclists hashcat-nvidia hashid johntheripper Una vez creada la imagen, levantamos el contenedor. Aún estamos perfeccionando la imagen, pero todavía tenemos que pasar algunas variables de entorno desde la misma línea de comandos cuando ejecutamos el docker run: docker run -it --gpus all --rm -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/nvidia/lib:/usr/local/nvidia/lib64: -e PATH=/usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,utility mytools Aquí es importante introducir el comando –gpus all para que, de esta forma, podamos utilizar todas las GPUs disponibles en el host. En el siguiente vídeo podéis ver una prueba de crackeo por fuerza bruta de la misma contraseña (“iloveyou”) que utilizamos antes: VIDEOFigura 7: Cracking password con Docker usando GPUs El viejo rockero, John the Ripper Hasta ahora hemos hablado de hashcat que es quizás actualmente la herramienta más usada para estos menesteres. Pero hablemos también de un viejo rockero: John The Ripper (JtR), protagonista sin duda de muchas de las anécdotas de la historia de la informática y los hackers.Como hemos visto al inicio de esta entrada, creamos una imagen Docker en la que incluíamos JtR, así que si has seguido los pasos descritos hasta ahora debes de tener en tu contenedor dicha herramienta bajo el directorio /opt/john/run. Desde dicho directorio podemos invocar el comando john. Veamos la lista de tipos de hashes que JtR soporta: ./john --list=formats descrypt, bsdicrypt, md5crypt, md5crypt-long, bcrypt, scrypt, LM, AFS, tripcode, AndroidBackup, adxcrypt, agilekeychain, aix-ssha1, aix-ssha256, aix-ssha512, andOTP, ansible, argon2, as400-des, as400-ssha1, asa-md5, AxCrypt, AzureAD, BestCrypt, bfegg, Bitcoin, BitLocker, bitshares, Bitwarden, BKS, Blackberry-ES10, WoWSRP, Blockchain, chap, Clipperz, cloudkeychain, ... El uso de JtR es muy sencillo, al igual que hashcat podemos usar diccionarios y fuerza bruta con patrones. Así que no vamos a entrar en más detalles sobre el propio JtR. Pero sí queremos añadir que la versión de JtR que instala doig es la versión Jumbo comunitaria, la cual viene cargada con utilidades que nos permite la conversión de ficheros en formato que JtR entiende. Por ejemplo: # En salida tendríamos los usuarios con sus hashes listo para ser crackeados con JtR ./unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > salida # Para convertir ficheros ssh con clave encriptada python3 ssh2john.py fichero-ssh-clave-encriptada > salida # Pone en salida el hash de la contreseña de una base de datos de keepass ./keepass2john fichero.kdb > salida Si ejecutamos un ls -l en el directorio /opt/john/run veremos que existen muchas más herramientas de conversión. Restricción a los contenedores Si ejecutamos un ls -l en el directorio /opt/john/run veremos que existen muchas más herramientas de conversión. Para finalizar, es importante destacar que la utilización en GNU/Linux de los contenedores no hay límites en el uso de memoria o CPU (en cambio en Windows y MacOS sí que existen). Por lo tanto, es importante limitarlos para evitar llevar al colapso el host. Por ejemplo, para limitar la memoria, podrías utilizar el parámetro –memory durante la ejecución del docker run: docker run -it --gpus all --rm --memory="256m" mytools En este enlace encontrarás más información sobre cómo aplicar estas restricciones. De todas formas, para el caso que nos ocupa, seguramente no quieras restringir los recursos para romper las contraseñas los más rápido posible.
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realtalk-princeton · 7 years
Thoughts on Aix-en-Provence? Is it worth it? How easy is it? How competitive is it to get in?
Response from Maybach Renntech:
Doubt anyone here has done it. However, having studied abroad previously, I strongly recommend going to a foreign country in general. I found it to be an enriching experience and much easier academically than Princeton (some students who went to Oxford will obviously disagree though).
Competition is very variable depending on GPA requirements, other pre-reqs, and the number of applicants. I only know one person who did the summer program and he though it wasn’t too hard and he improved very quickly. My advice to you is to reach out to the French and Italian departmental rep by email or wait until you get back in order to get the best possible information. None of us will have better advice unless one the readers has done the program before and can submit more details.
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
hi!!! could you please write a short fic (for Mammon x trans man reader) where the reader is having a really bad dysphoria day and so Mammon comforts him?
of course anon! it turned into dialogue pretty fast, hopefully that's okay. Wishing you the best, anon, emotionally, mentally, and otherwise!
Characters - Mammon, others mentioned briefly
Warnings- Swearing, stated romantic relationship with character, 2nd person ish with mostly "you" used to refer to reader in narration, dysphoria implied but not stated explicitly
Category- Short fic, Req answer
"Has anyone seen the human today?" Lucifer asked, looking up from his paperwork. There was a general consensus from the table that no, nobody had, so Mammon was sent upstairs to find you.
Mammon peeked into your room cautiously, knocking on the doorframe quietly. "Treasure? What's going on?"
You were huddled on your bed, curled up in the soft blanket, and didn't answer.
He walked over to the bed, (sprinted, really, but don't point it out), and plopped down.
"Listen, human, either ya tell me what's going on or we both stay home until ya tell me."
"same thing, Mams. and I don't really wanna go anywhere."
"Hey, at least talk to me! I'm yer boyfriend, after all. C'mon, treasure, trust me here!"
"I just- it's not really something you could help with, could you just stay here? I don't wanna be completely alone right now."
"Of course I can, but even if I can't help it might still be nice for ya to talk about it, right? I won't push if ya don't want to, but I'm here for a reason."
"Yeah, cause Lucifer sent you."
"Hey! that's not what I meant, and ya know it. I mean because yer my boyfriend, so ya talk to me. And just me, not my brothers. Just cause, y'know, I'm clearly the better choice here."
"Mhm. I just don't want to go outside or anything, y'know? Not today. and I don't really want to see anyone. 'cept you, obviously."
"Alright, treasure. I'll tell Lucifer yer sick, but yer gonna have to persuade him to let me stay, damn goody-two-shoes."
"You've got a deal."
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
would u call me crazy if i requested a short fic where mc accidentally calls lucifer 'dad':( (platonic ofc)
first thing that popped into my head was that brooklyn 99 clip, gonna be honest
absolutely, anon!
Characters - Lucifer-centric, others mentioned/involved
Warnings- Swearing, friendly teasing
Category- short fic, Request answers
The challenge: go as long as possible not cleaning your room without Lucifer noticing.
How it was going: a week in and Lucifer once again proves that he doesn't understand the concept of knocking.
And that's how you got here, sitting on the living room couch with Satan, Belphie, and Levi, being chewed out about your rooms.
" -and honestly, it's just a matter of overall safety! Especially for humans, not to mention that clutter makes it impossible to find-"
"I get it, okay? Can I go now? I'll clean up."
"Fine, although I'll be checking in regularly to ensure that you're making progress. The rest of you are not dismissed."
"Okay, thanks dad."
You didn't seem to realize what you'd said as you ran upstairs, but Lucifer stopped in his rant, trying to process what you'd said.
(Obviously the brothers took the opportunity to escape, making a note that they probably should clean soon.)
Lucifer was still processing by dinner, at which point Asmo noticed, and decided to bring up how quiet he was being.
"Lucifeerr? You alright? You're being awfully quiet."
"mm, that's because the human called him dad earlier."
"No? When was this?"
"When you left! You said thanks dad!" Levi chimed in through a mouthful of noodles, gesturing with his water glass.
"I don't think I did, sounds like a mass hallucination to me. I probably said thanks man or something, maybe you misheard?"
Hope this is alright anon, I wasn't entirely sure how to go about it. Fair warning, would this ever happen, none of the brothers would let you live it down.
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
Hi! If you're comfortable with it, can I get the obey me! characters with a transmasc MC who cant transition? I'm going through th at rn and it sucks :(
Of course you can get that, anon! I'm sorry you have to go through that, and I'm really proud of you! Remember that you are who and what you are regardless of anything to do with transitioning, and you have at least the support of a stranger on the internet.
Characters- All
Transmasculine!Reader (he/him and masc/male terms used)
Warnings- Dysphoria discussion and mention, Swearing, romantic relationships/implications aside from Luke
Category- Headcanons, Request answers
Well first of all, would you prefer a male uniform? It's not a bother or anything.
he can get the paperwork changed fairly easily, and although he doesn't know where to get you a binder he can pay for one!
He's a great support, insisting that you keep your chin up. The Avatar of Pride isn't about to let you doubt yourself, not now, not ever.
What can he do to help? Let him know, even if it seems small or insignificant. He wants to do everything he can for you.
Later into your relationship, he proudly refers to you as his boyfriend, regardless of who he's talking to. Even Diavolo's heard him call you that.
Are you feeling down? If there's a reason, he'll fight it, but if there's not, or it's not a physical reason, you'll get your favorite drink, a blanket, and the rare affection he shows.
He's not always sure how to be supportive, but he does his best. early on, he wakes you up by yelling boy. Like just the word. He means nothing but the best!
Extra luck for you. Except, instead of being all about gambling, your luck is always centered in affirmation- finding clothes that can hide feminine features while still being nice, people assuming correctly, and so on.
He's more than a bit of a tsundere, but he's massively overprotective, and anyone who misgenders you is gonna have to face the second-eldest avatar.
he's more than happy to bully anyone and everyone into respecting you, and for once they never have something to respond with. Except for an apology, that is.
He likes to refer to you as his treasure, and when you're out of earshot, his future trophy husband. Frankly, that's reserved for when everyone but Goldie is out of earshot.
This man is a regular tumblr user, he knows all the tips and tricks and best places to get gender affirming stuff.
The first gift you get from him is delivered anonymously to your door, and it's a box from Akuzon that, when opened, reveals one of the little coming out boxes and a note in his surprisingly neat handwriting that reads simply "We're all proud of you."
He's shy as hell, but that's not quite enough to stop him from stammering comments about how handsome, masculine, and cool you look whenever he can work up the courage.
He's always happy to love the gender euphoria back into you, wrapping his arms around you, hiding his face in your neck, and murmuring about how lucky he is to have such a good boyfriend.
He gets flustered easily, sure, but he's the Avatar of Envy, and the type of possessive jealousy is well within his realm, showing when he puts his head on your shoulder to show his fangs, hissing his claim on you to any lesser demon with the nerve to act like they can flirt with you.
He can write things without stuttering, so in order to get his point across, you'll start finding notes with all sorts of things written on them.
(Ex. "beautiful boy <3" written in a careful scrawl, a "good morning, handsome" scribbled on a sticky note attached to your tie, everything he wants to say written in a notebook.)
mwah mwah motherfucker, it's time for reassurance.
He'll often point to male characters and explain which of their traits reminded him of you, smiling both at the book and at you.
Satan likes to remind you that you're valid, but in subtle ways. He leaves neatly wrapped gifts on your bed, addressed to "my lovely boyfriend", and lovingly calling you ridiculous.
Satan's not about to treat you any differently for not being cis, or for not transitioning, he loves you for who you are, regardless of any of that.
He's proud of you! He's proud of you for accepting yourself, for sharing, for doing so well with dysphoria. He's incredibly proud. (In a smug, look-at-my-boyfriend way and a look-at-how-well-you're-doing-good-job way, not a Lucifer way)
"Darling dearest light of my life" prefaces like at least one thing he says at least twice a week. Nothing's cringe if you're the Avatar of Wrath!
He likes to comfort you by reading to you, performing every bit of odd writing in the book.
he'll happily go out of his way to comfort you, even if it means doing something vaguely embarrassing (i.e. put on the cat ears, pretty boy)
You're definitely not the first trans guy he's met. I mean c'mon, look at him! you think he cares if you're trans? Only in the sense that he wants to gender you properly!
He's always happy to let you borrow cologne or perfume, both because if it helps, yay! and because all of his is custom, so it clearly shows whose it is.
"And this is my absolutely stunning boyfriend!" is how he tends to introduce you later in your relationship, and before that he sticks to "my handsome chaos friend."
Asmo likes to hear your voice, of course, but if you get dysphoria from it he's perfectly fine with carrying the conversation. Still, don't think you're getting out of a compliment about it.
Hmm? You're feeling a bit low? well we can't have that!
Asmo likes to spend casual, domestic time with you when you're upset, knowing you're aware of the fact that to him, time spent doing nothing is the most valuable he can give.
The affection he gives declares loud and clear, he doesn't care one way or the other, as long as you're by his side.
That's cool! He thinks it's really interesting, and he's happy you told him!
Although he's not entirely sure how to go about supporting you, he'll do his best! He finds it fun to just stand behind you, taking full advantage of his stature to intimidate lesser demons into being nicer to you.
He's always got, at the very least, a smile and your comfort snack, believing firmly in the power of food to help problems. And hey, he's not wrong!
You can borrow his clothes if you want, they'll probably be really big on you.
Boyfriend cooking sessions! just be careful not to let him convince you to let him eat it all, that pout of his is too cute for his own good.
He shares food with you when you're feeling dysphoric, explaining that food always makes him feel better, and even if it's not the same problem, it might help!
His automatic response to someone making any big announcement is “congratulations” before his brain processes it, so that might be a little amusing.
Once his brain’s caught up, he won’t rescind the congratulations, but will ask if you have everything you need. He’s got a lot of comfy oversized hoodies, if you’d like one.
His method for comforting you isn’t all that intricate, he just drags you into a nap and changes your dreams a little bit.
pretty boy (derogatory) and bitchboy (affectionate)
when you’re feeling dysphoric, sleep. It’ll solve all your problems. After all, what are boyfriends who can manipulate the dreams of their boyfriend for if not gender affirmation?
Belphie’s a big fan of casual affirmation, he doesn’t see the point in making a big deal out of it. He’ll just happily call you his boyfriend, and ensure that you know that that’s what you are.
He’s the future king of the Devildom, of fucking course he can make a law that you have to ask for pronouns. 
this walking golden retriever of a man will gladly make sure you know you’re valid, of course! From calling you his boyfriend to cheerfully handing you a binder, he’s determined to make sure you’re fully aware.
Firm believer in affirmation cuddles. can’t have self-doubt if you’re being hugged too tightly to get the oxygen your brain needs! Just kidding, he won’t hug you that tightly, just make sure that you’re getting a good amount of affection.
He’s very proud of you. It takes courage to come out, he knows that, and he’s especially proud of you for doing it in an unfamiliar environment, especially considering you don’t have the chance to transition.
Now, if the only obstacle is money, he’ll get you whatever you need, but if the problem is medical or mental or anything else he’s here to support you. He’s here to support you either way.
Dia’s main form of comforting you resides with his affinity for physical affection, but of course he’ll gladly provide you with verbal love if you’d rather.
As an extremely powerful demon, he’s intimidating. Not in the murderous way of Lucifer, or the hair-trigger way of Satan, but in the way that only he can be. A smile that threatens someone more than any sentence ever could. 
And all that really means is that you’ll never have to worry about getting misgendered or deadnamed, here or in the human realm.  
likes to address you by adding a teasing “Mister” to the beginning of your name, or murmuring something in the Devildom language that you can never quite catch, but that makes Diavolo giggle happily every time he hears it. 
Mr. Acts of Service himself, Barbatos is a big fan of making you a soothing cup of tea and butter cookies after a long day, and if you have allergies, well, that’s what spells are for.
his preferred method of comforting you is just to wrap a blanket around your shoulders, set out a tray of your comfort foods, he pays attention to these things, and talk with you. He likes to carry on a conversation, talking about nothing in particular. 
However long he has to spend with you, he’ll stay with you.
Solomon’s human, even if he isn’t technically mortal. As such, he’s met his fair share of trans people, and cheerfully offers you the methods he’s been told of to help dysphoria.
He likes you too much to use you as a test subject, so that’s off-limits as a transitioner. 
You’re quickly going to wind up pulling all sorts of pranks with him, though, and he decides that you shall forever be known as the chaos boyfriends, cheerfully putting it in graffiti or a note next to some of your works. 
Solomon’s main method of comfort is distraction. Be it asking for help with a study, cooking lessons, or anything inbetween, he knows that sometimes getting your mind off things is important.
Solomon isn’t just a tumblr user, he’s practically staff. He set up an account when it was first created because he thought it would be funny and follows exclusively wizard blogs, which you’ll be send screenshots of at the most ridiculous times.
He likes to calm you down from dysphoria by giving you a new problem to worry about cooking!
Angel to the end, Simeon’s a calming barrier against dysphoria. He always knows what to say to get you to stop worrying, or shut down dysphoria altogether.
Shows you snippets of writing, his and others, where trans people are there, just existing, without transitioning. “It doesn’t make you any less you” is his simple explanation.
He loves getting to watch you happy, and he’ll do a lot to get the privilege of that! The fact of the matter is, finding you a binder isn't all that hard, once you get down to it. Neither is stealing a male uniform, but that’s totally irrelevant, y’know? I mean really, surely nobody’d ever do that, right? 
He stole like three, sorry, borrowed for a good cause, since he wasn’t sure what size and didn’t want to ask.
Simeon likes to give hugs, just big ol hugs. 
He’s a big supporter overall, and never misses a chance to remind you of that.
You have achieved what Simeon could not: Luke openly considers you a brother. 
Now he’s interesting in that he comforts people in the way he was comforted, which means that he’ll drag you to his room and start telling you about his stuffed animals.
He might not entirely understand dysphoria, but he does understand wanting to fight people and not being able to because of reputation and also physical strength!
Luke invites you to baking sessions, and he has a sign to put on the door that says “brothers working, enter at own risk” in calligraphy. He likes to make your favorite pastries!
He will genuinely try to fight anyone who bitches at you, gender or otherwise. 
A good solution to all problems is making cupcakes and passing them out. People are always nice to the bakers!
Anon! Remember, they’re all proud of you.
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
mc falling asleep next to the obey me bois 😍
Characters- All (Platonic Luke)
Warnings- Swearing
Category- Headcanons, Aix reqs
He was talking more to himself than anything, you on the other end of the couch as he did so. 
When he looked up from his paperwork, he wasn’t entirely surprised to see you asleep, but he was a little worried about your position. Of course, humans are more flexible than demons, but that couldn’t be good for your neck.
He carefully moved you, setting a velvet pillow under your head and his coat over you like a blanket.
He’ll stay there until you wake up, peacefully humming as he fills out the forms. 
He’s going to tease you for falling asleep when you wake up, in his own way. Don’t tell his brothers.
at first he’s a little offended you fell asleep while he was talking, he’s interesting, dammit, but that was quickly moved aside in favor of memorizing your face when you were asleep, and looked completely peaceful and safe. 
Not in a creepy way, it’s just not often you get to look so at ease, no matter how comfortable or happy you are. It’s nice.
He doesn’t want to risk moving you, but he’ll put a soft blanket over you, and send a quick message to the groupchat containing a selfie that clearly shows you and the caption, “they’re asleep everyone shut the fuck up”
He contemplates not telling them, of course, but decides that otherwise you’re too at risk of being woken up by their loud arguing.
He’s gonna get a lecture later, though. Worth it.
If there’s one thing he wasn’t expecting, it was for you to fall asleep with him halfway on your lap while watching TSL. For one thing, how could anyone fall asleep during TSL, for another, he would’ve expected you to be uncomfortable. 
He doesn’t want to move, both out of not wanting to wake you up and wanting to bask in the position for a while. That’s okay, right?
You’re already under a blanket, and you’ve got pillows, snacks, TSL playing in the back . . . is this the Celestial Realm?
He’ll stay there for as long as he can, pretending to have also fallen asleep if he feels you waking up, just for the sake of avoiding confrontation. 
Go ahead and use him like a giant plushie while you’re asleep, he won’t mind at all.
He completely understands that having a book read out loud can be sleep-inducing, especially if it’s not something you’re particularly interested in. 
He clears off his bed, gently carries you over, and lays you down with your head in his lap, still reading the book quietly.
He might start absently petting your hair, but really what’s to be expected? It’s soft and fluffy and he’s a huge cat lover, how could he not?
If he has to leave at any point, you’ll get the fluffiest pillow and the warmest blanket he has, along with a note and some tea or hot chocolate, depending on your preference.
“Good morning, darling, have a good rest?”
Awww, that’s sweet. 
Asmo probably won’t carry you, but that’s alright because if you’re in an uncomfortable position he’ll still adjust you.
He’s already got everything you could need for comfort in his room, so assuming you’re in there, you’ll be fine.
He might decide to go to sleep next to you, considering that sleep is ultimately good for your skin and your sanity.
when you’re awake, you’ll find that he has a diffuser going, and a plate of snickerdoodle cookies on the table. 
It wasn’t expected, but he doesn’t mind. After all, he spends all his time with Belphie, who falls asleep completely randomly.
He’s used to carrying people who are very asleep without waking them up, and he’s happy to do that for you! It’s pretty easy, too.
You can have his bed for now, he doesn’t want to go into your room without your say-so. Plus, it’s got a good mattress for both back support and comfort.
As long as you’re asleep, he should make some soup, it’s supposed to be good for humans. Something about vitamins.
Listen, he didn’t mean to eat all of it. He could make more with you supervising, maybe?
damn, fuckin mood.
he’ll move you if you’re not already on a couch or a bed, but either way you’ll end up either in the attic, on his bed, or on yours. chances are high Beel’ll be the one to move you.
Honestly bold of you to assume he didn’t fall asleep before you. He does that a lot. 
However, if he manages to stay awake long enough, he’ll make you some tea for when you wake up, although it’ll be hard to reach from his sleepy grip.
Avatar of Sloth sure but that title comes with the ability to keep anyone locked in your affection even while asleep. Or so he claims. You can make your own conclusions, if you like
he’s honored. For all his ridiculous research before the exchange program, he’s fully convinced that human can only fall asleep around people they trust. Which can be true, but it probably has more to do with the all-nighters you pulled for the exam.
He doesn’t want to wake you up by moving you, but it’s probably not a good plan to leave you with your head on his shoulder, right?
Logic dictates that he should just pull you into resting more on his lap, so that you’re not straining your muscles or anything. That’s a good plan, right? Probably!
Plus, he can just keep doing his work this way, and there’s a lot of it. It’s not completely his fault, he thinks.
He’ll keep glancing at you, purely to make sure you’re still asleep of course.
Oh that’s- unexpected might be the right word. 
He’ll carefully lift you, choosing to take you to a guest room rather than his, which is full of timeline portals and thus maybe not a great place.
He has enough to do that he can’t stay for long, but he’ll make sure you’re comfortable before leaving to do his work, a caffeinated cup of tea on the night-stand for when you wake up.
He’ll gently tease you about it for at least a week, although you’ll notice that tea seems to be magically appearing in your room, half of it a sleep aid and the other half caffeinated enough to pull three all-nighters in a row.
he cares, it shows up in small ways but holy shit does it show up
fucking L.
He’s going to pull the infamous sleepover shit, you’re getting a mustache. Congrats.
He gets it, exams are tough, but that sounds like a you problem, just like the permanent-marker fake eyelashes he drew for you. He’s being nice!
Leaves notecards in your room to study with. The main problem is that they’re enchanted to yell at you when you don’t study, and they’re LOUD
wakes you up the only way he knows how- a bucket of cold water to the face and then cookies (baked by Luke and Barbatos, don’t worry) so you don’t kill him.
he’s in shock. You look so peaceful and sweet and holy cow can you just keep that expression forever
He’s had to carry Luke when he fell asleep during study sessions before, so he doesn’t really hesitate to scoop you up. 
You can have his bed in Purgatory Hall, it’ll probably be comfortable.
He’ll read over the study material as many times as he can, making sure that at the very least some of the words will be in your head.
He won’t leave his room until you wake up, knowing full well Solomon would probably pull some human shenanigans if he did.
Well he can’t carry you, but he’ll grab a blanket and pillow, set you up, and run around the house to prepare whatever you’ve said was your favorite dessert before you wake up. 
Whisper-yells at Simeon and Solomon to be quiet, threatening them with not letting them have any dessert. 
Hmmm, is that enough blankets? It’s only like four, don’t humans need a lot of blankets to sleep well?
Expect to wake up to the smell of freshly baked goods and frosting, and under a giant mountain of blankets. The kid means well.
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
Could I request headcanons for a scenario where the boys walk into reader’s room and it just accidentally looks completely like something from a horror movie. Like the reader is holding a knife, there ketchup/jam/fake blood everywhere, and a large suspicious person-sized bag, and just stuff like that
this is a ridiculously funny prompt, thank you anon!
Characters- All
Warnings- Swearing, mentions of death/murder/violence, people being shit at knocking. suggestive themes (Asmo and slight Belphie)
Category- Headcanons, Req answers
hm this is unexpected-
clean up when you're done? uh he's just gonna leave, although he does need to talk to you so meet him in his study
This is the sort of thing he's expect from Satan (actually no, not in his room, the blood would get on his books), or Levi maybe (nah, not his room, the blood would get on his figurines), but not you, actually are humans even really capable of killing a demon?
He's difficult to interrupt, so it'll be at least halfway through his lecture on not getting into fights before you can get a word about props in.
He's extremely embarrassed to not have noticed it was fake blood, demons have a good sense of smell after all so it's utterly ridiculous of him.
Okay but why the knife? If you were doing props Levi probably would've had something so why the fucking knife?
holy fucking shit what the fuck what the fuck
Well rest assured he'll never try to get out of a debt with you! small wins!
hm. why? what happened? are you alright? who's in the bag?
Mammon is just vibing with the whole murder thing, but he's very unnerved that you managed to kill someone. His sweet, gentle human? what's happening?
Bodyswap maybe? what's going on? please explain.
Once you stop laughing, explain that it's fine, you didn't kill anyone, it's just a project. He's still a little intimidated, though. Could be kinda fun!
Frankly, he realizes. He walks in and immediately smells fake blood, he's an otaku who cosplays, you really think he wouldn't know that smell by heart?
His only question is why. Just, yknow, why? He’s not gonna ask or anything, but he’s curious.
Was it a cosplay set-up? A project for class or anything?
You could’ve asked him for props, he’s got just about all the props, and you’re less likely to accidentally stab yourself in the foot.
Do you need help with anything? It’s just, he finished his game and the new one doesn’t get here until eight, so yknow, if you want help with anything?
. . . he can come back later. <3
He didn’t get anything from the pact, so either you killed someone for fun, you weren’t pissed off when you killed them, or- oh, or you didn’t kill anyone.
Clean up before you come to his room okay? And don’t track blood on the floor, sheath your knife, dispose of the body respectfully. 
Listen you made this mess you clean it up. He’s not helping. You’ll be fine. Surely you didn’t do this without a plan, hm?
(Of course he’s going to clean up for you. Don’t worry, he’s just going to wait until you leave for a bit, then use one of his cursed books to clean up. It’ll never be mentioned.)
Of course he would gladly get rid of a body for you if necessary, but you see it’s not necessary. And not technically a body.
babe secondhand blood is bad for your skin and your health. Get away from there immediately. 
Local demon wonders how many jokes about sadism he can make before being thrown out
Listen, he cares about you! Don’t ruin your reputation and social life over whatever that asshole did, just walk away from the situation!
Oh? you didn’t kill anyone? oh good, but then what’s all this for? Props? That makes sense.
Speaking of props, can you help him film a video for Devilgram? All this fake blood would be perfect for a concept he thought of. Obviously you’ll get full credit and compensation for your contribution!
He’ll just turn and leave. You seem busy <3
To be fair, he’s seen enough murder scenes not to really care. Obviously he’s a bit worried, though, and he’ll make sure you’re not hurt at all.
He supports you and all your decisions!
damn, mood
Anyways, he’s bored. Come sleep with him- not like that, dumbass, he’s cold.
You can clean up the blood later, it dries like fuckin watercolors. You’ll be fine. But do put the knife down first.
Oh it’s not real blood? Cool, blackmail Solomon into using magic to clean it then. He doesn’t care.
Hm! Is this human culture?
Would it be alright for him to partake in this ritual? Or is it exclusive to humans? On closer examination, it might just be murder.
It’s not real? Why though?
curious man wants answers! But he wants to spend time with you more, so c’mon!
Well internally he’s screaming, do you have any idea how hard it is to get blood out of things? And you’re not a magic-user which means you can’t cast anything, plus if it dries it’ll take even more work-
The murder? like he gives a shit.
Oh it’s fake blood? Good, most of that dissolves in water easily.
Listen, he’ll help. Of course he will, he cares about your sanity. Just don’t do this again, at least not in the house.
he likes cleanliness, he likes organization, he is calm, he’s always calm, just put away the props.
This is fucking hilarious! Lucifer’s probably gonna kill you but hey, still funny!
Oh, can he borrow some of that blood? He’s got a few spells that need blood, and for some reason nobody’ll let him draw theirs.
It’s fake blood? Damn. Eh, whatever. 
So anyways, he says, while moving to lounge on your bed, have you heard of hamsters? because he may have kind of sort of convinced Simeon to help him get one from the human realm. You wanna see?
oh dear
Is that your blood, or-
It’s not? fantastic! So now that that’s covered, What Is Happening.
mhm yep sure that’s not real blood he knew that, just explain what is happening. Please. He’s so terribly confused
What. Is. Going. On. Here.
Fear. just immense fear.
are you okay? what happened? what’s going on? what’s in the bag? he has so many questions, he’s going full-angelic panic mode
okay, you’re not hurt and you didn’t kill anyone. that’s really good. That’s great. 
He is processing many things. Give him a moment.
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
if this isnt a big trouble for you can you do male mc and undateables taking care of their kids? whenever i see family aus or preg mc its always strictly fem for some season..
of course! in theory I'm good with kids but only those above the age of six, so for the sake of writing, they're gonna be seven. Also, this is kinda short, I'm very sorry about that
Characters- Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon
Warnings- Swearing, children, healthy family relationships
Category- Headcanons, Req answers
Dia's a great dad. He's eager to make bad puns, grinning in delight every time you let out an exasperated, albeit fond, sigh, and he has a habit of celebrating any and every event with confetti. He'd use glitter if you let him. Don't let him.
He can cook! Definitely! let him cook!
Well at least it wasn't as bad as Solomon's cooking. Plus, great opportunity to teach your kid all about being polite
If he wasn't the king of the demons, he'd essentially be a househusband. As it is, he's both a stay-at-home-dad and a 'fuck fuck fuck I have to run this place' dad.
Expect lots of family bear hugs! Dia's also really good at comforting your kid after a nightmare or a bad day, and is more than happy to play prank after prank on you. keep your guard up, your family is plotting!
Obviously, you're never going to have to worry about housework. He likes cleaning and cooking, explaining that it's vaguely therapeutic.
He's a fairly strict parent, but still makes sure that you and your kid know that you're loved. Also fully prepared to fight anyone who says shit.
If you like a calm home life, here you go. Even with a seven-year-old running around making mischief, Barbatos manages to keep the house feeling relaxed.
He's good with kids, and can easily get through the rebellious years. After all, he essentially raised a golden retriever of a man for over- he doesn't know how long, but it was a while.
I'm sorry but he's a board dad. He lectures the board of whatever school your kid goes to every time something happens.
Chaos husbands? Oh yeah. Your family only gets more hyperactive after having a kid, considering that kids are, well, kids, and Solomon is more than happy to encourage your child's antics.
Your kid is gonna be a very happy kid, as long as you're the one making dinner.
If either of you is gonna be strict, it'll have to be you. Solomon doesn't give a shit what your kid does as long as he doesn't have to do paperwork and they don't get hurt.
Let's fuckin' hope that the kid has common sense, because Sol doesn't know how to put away his fuckin' experiments.
I cannot say this enough do not let him cook. this should be obvious but just don't. He's a great dad, but only as long as he doesn't cook.
He's Luke's legal guardian, to be fair
The two of you insist on treating Luke like your kid, to the point it's not really a joke. He is your kid now. Good luck.
He's a great dad! Just exactly what you'd expect, from puns to encouraging homework as a great learning exercise.
He can make three foods and that's it. Chicken noodle soup, mashed potatoes, and something you can't pronounce that tastes fucking amazing.
I mean with Luke there you'll always have desserts, so no worries!
Simeon's a great dad and a very chaotic husband send tweet
He folds socks to be mismatched. It's shocking he hasn't Fallen yet, because holy shit that's evil.
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
could you do a trans male or gn/nb mc who almost cut their chest off with a chainsaw/knife in a mental breakdown with the dateables? i couldnt really see boundaries about this in ur rules section so feel free to just delete this if you feel like you cant write it. <3 love the mlm themed blog!
I'm fine with writing this, but I am going to skip to aftermath, hope that's alright! I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Characters- Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon
Trans male!Reader
Warnings- SH, DIY top surgery, gender dysphoria discussion/mention, worried characters, Swearing
Category- Headcanons, Req answers
he is panicking
He's not used to humans! He doesn't know how much blood means 'dying' and how much blood means 'get barbatos' and how much blood means 'you can't move them'!
Frantically tries to remember what he researched before the exchange program
Very surprised when you claim to be fine the next day, that's not the time it takes to heal for most things
He's very worried and overprotective for a few months, you'll have to explain dysphoria to him and he'll offer to get you HRT, or professional surgery, or find a cursed book to help or something just please don't do that again
He got a flashback/flashforward in the middle of dinner and went "oh shit" out loud'
Immediately rushes to the House of Lamentation to check on you, bringing a first-aid kit that's overflowing slightly. He wasn't sure what to bring, alright?
Fuck off Lucifer he doesn't have time for protocol
He's actually pretty competent! three cheers!
He's going to ask how he can help, explaining spells that could help you transition if you'd like, offering to get you professionals from the human realm if that'd help, and so on
Weekly letter talking about everything and nothing from there on out. They'll always be addressed to "the handsome moron", which caused some confusion at first.
what the fuck dude
He's been alive long enough to know quite a few trans guys and also how to perform first aid. I mean hey, at least it's better than his cooking!
you should've said something :( he's got spells and shit, he could've helped
With your permission, he'd be happy to perform magic top surgery after you recover!
he sets up a mirror in your room that shows you messages from him at random times. You have to be looking at the mirror, but once you do, hoo boy
Messages include: "you look nice!" "hey pretty boy *fuckboy emoji*" "you have eyes!" "you look really handsome!" "How are you today" and whatever he wants to say at three in the morning. You can write back if you like!
Convinces Luke to call you his older brother (the bribery included knowledge of Michael's favorite cake recipe but that's not important)
Tells you stories of some of the trans people in the Celestial Realm, to make sure you know that you're not isolated in this
If you're in a relationship, you can bet on him proudly talking about his boyfriend, especially when he doesn't think you can hear.
He's not entirely sure how to help with dysphoria but he'll do his best!
If what you need is top surgery, he'll gladly help you research and pick out a surgeon, if what you need is hormone therapy he'll find a way to get it from the human realm!
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
request you shall recieve!!!
may i request a flirty mc who always asks him out on dates in the most inappropriate time possible and get (playfully) rejected each time because the timing is just that ridiculous with solomon and simeon 😩
honestly this is just how i imagine my mc and you dont have to write it lol just a fun idea i also wanted to share!!
Characters- Solomon, Simeon
Warnings- Swearing, bad flirting
Category- Headcanons, Req answers
He's gonna laugh, he's definitely going to laugh, but he's also kind of annoyed. Honestly, it's just not appropriate to ask someone out in the middle of a demon summoning, but it was unexpected!
"Consider timing next time, but no." Well at least he mentioned a next time! That's not total rejection!
You considered the timing, that doesn't mean it was good.
He'd just had a mishap with one of his potions, namely turning his hair bright green and making his voice take on an australian accent, so he definitely wasn't prepared for you to casually ask to take him out to dinner.
does he look fucking presentable to you? no. come back in a week.
As you exit, call "did the potion also turn your face pink?" and scurry off to the safety of the House of Lamentation.
He's overall not expecting you to ask him out, let alone in the middle of a spellcasting class. Fortunately, he wasn't in the middle of a chant or anything, but still
"Wha- no, we're in the middle of class."
that has nothing to do with dinner, but okay
Use the worst imaginable pick-up lines, it'll be funny
Use every single angel-related line you can, call him sweetheart at random times, it'll be funny
he's having a serious conversation? Cool, is he free this weekend though?
Now here's the really fun part- flirt with him over text. He's incompetent with tech, so you'll get a combination of flustered keysmashes and frantic requests for advice addressed to Asmo.
And! You can flirt with him over the D.D.D anytime, instead of being limited to when he's right in front of you. Have fun.
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
Hello hello! Could I please request headcanons for Beel, Dia, Asmo, Simeon and lil brother Luke with a very cuddly reader that mainly communicates through either ASL or Writing? Thank you!
(Feel free to decline or edit for any reason, stay safe!)
And if you take Anons, could I be 🧸 Anon?
I approve of this, 10/10! 🧸 anon it is for you!
Characters- Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Diavolo, Simeon, Luke
Warnings- Swearing
Category- Headcanons, Req answers
Obviously Asmo loves physical affection. He really does believe that even if actions aren't necessarily louder than words, it's a lot harder to lie.
He knows some sign language, and picks up on it fairly quickly, insisting that you teach him at least a sign a day.
He starts carrying two small notebooks, one that he makes notes for the more complex signs, and another for days when you don't want to sign, or would just prefer to write.
Over time, he'll develop small physical indicators outside of sign language, ones that just the two of you know.
He likes to sign things across the room during class, charming his way out of getting into trouble.
As we've all noticed, Asmo likes to talk. And you can sign without interrupting him, so he's positively thrilled. He loves being able to tell a story and interact with you without any interruptions to make him lose his train of thought!
Beel loves getting to cuddle with you. He's used to people falling asleep on him thanks to Belphie, so the only way that it's unexpected for him is how comfortable you seem.
He doesn't originally know any sign language, but he's happy to learn!
If you'd prefer to write, he'll happily carry around loose paper and a pen, they fit in a smaller pocket of his bag.
If you let him, he'll just pick you up whenever someone's being irritating, and he's always down to translate for the demons and professors that don't know sign language.
He's regularly asked about signs he's seen his brothers make, only to find that the translation isn't the nicest, as they'd quickly picked up on anything and everything that was an insult, keeping the knowledge away from Lucifer for as long as possible.
He's fascinated by sign language overall, and wants to learn as much as possible. He'll ask for lessons, offering to exchange them for whatever your least favorite class is.
Dia puts up a whiteboard in the Student Council meeting room, so that your opinions and input are available!
He's so very not fuckin used to affection. This man is touch-starved, give him a hug and he might cry.
Once he gets to know sign language, he absent-mindedly signs compliments and I love yous, seemingly not realizing what he's doing.
he gets in the habit of greeting hugs, and Lucifer has been subjected to this multiple times.
He knows quite a bit of sign language from studying it for one of his books, and is happy to communicate in it, whether both of you are using it or you're the only one.
He already carries around notebooks, no worries! Just make sure yours has a distinct design
You want a hug? Why not? He might start linking arms or holding hands with you every time you go somewhere.
if you're a fan of cuddle-naps, you'd better believe he is too! He loves the domestic shows of affection more than just about any other kind.
He actively teases you in sign language, finding it immensely funny to make small, one-hand signs that only you are likely to pick up on.
Luke may not know any sign language, but he'll learn! While he's making some of the more familiar recipes, he'll watch you sign, and try to guess what you're saying through context. It'll take a while, but with the combined help of you and Simeon, he'll figure it out.
In the meantime, feel free to write notes for him. You can leave them anywhere, Solomon and Simeon don't touch anything addressed to him, but the recipe book's probably a good plan.
He loves hugs, even if he won't admit it. Pick him up and spin him around, if you can!
Luke's a big fan of guessing games, so he'll always be excited to learn new signs. For difficult ones, you can write down a translation, but give him the occasional chance to guess.
He falls asleep in random places after long days, you can just pick him up and tuck him in. He'll always be happy to just stay on the couch with you, though!
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
how about m!mc with a savior complex actually getting to save their partner for once with the undateables
Alright! Fair warning, he's saving them from stupid shit since I'm very bad at writing serious things
Characters- Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon
Warnings- Swearing, rodents, Solomon's cooking, tomfoolery of the sleep-deprived genre
Category- Headcanons, Req answers
What you're saving him from: the joint efforts of Lucifer and Barbatos to get him to have a really productive day
He runs into your room, hides under your bed, and about six seconds later, Lucifer and Barbatos walk in, armed with several stacks of paperwork.
"Sorry to disturb you, but have you seen Lord Diavolo recently? We need to find him."
"Uhh . . . no?"
Diavolo waits until they're gone, then crawls out from under your bed.
"Dia, what's going on?"
"Thank you so much, I owe you"
"what the fuck is going on though?"
"I have the best boyfriend ever is what's going on, thank you"
You can feel your chest swell with pride, and force it down out of concern.
"Uh. . . can I stay here for a while? I don't think it's safe to leave."
you nod, patting the bed for him to sit down. He does, deciding to rest his head on your shoulder.
Questioning him can wait, just for a little bit.
What you're saving him from: a rat infestation in his room
You're visiting Diavolo to help with the exchange program reports when you hear an oddly terrified shriek, muffled through several walls.
"I'll be right back, if that's alright?"
Diavolo nods, concern evident on his face, and you leave, trying to find the source of the scream. To your surprise, you find Barbatos standing outside the door to his room, which is shut and sealed with a magic barrier.
"Is something wrong?"
"Yes, but I'll sort it out, you don't need to worry about it."
"What's going on?"
"There is a nest of rats in my room. I will take care of it, I just need a moment to get supplies."
"Do you want me to handle it? I used to get rid of rats in my house all the time."
"If you're certain, then absolutely."
You smile, grab the rat poison, and walk through the temporarily open door. There aren't very many rats, just three, so it's not too difficult to dispatch them.
"Barbatos? I'm done, where should I put them?"
"Anywhere is fine, as long as it's away from here."
Maybe you should get him a cat.
What you're saving him from: his own stupidity
There's an explosion from Solomon's room, which would be concerning enough without the immediate "FUCK" that follows.
You consider your options for a second before deciding to check on your boyfriend, who is covered in a bright pink potion.
"Don't laugh-"
you're laughing. It's hilarious, how could you not?
"What was this one for?"
"It was supposed to be a temporary flight assistor, but now it's fuckin goop."
"Yeah, I can see that. Want some help cleaning up?"
He nods, asking you to get a towel, and you do, making sure the water's warm.
When all is said and done he'll thank you, but you already know that there'll be a repeat by next week, if not tomorrow.
What you're saving him from: Solomon's cooking
It's about 5pm when he bursts into your room, looking terrified.
"What's wrong?"
"Luke's sick which means Solomon is cooking and please help I don't want that to happen"
Okay, that's a problem. You nod, standing up and walking to the door, and motion for him to lead the way.
Once at Purgatory Hall, you ask Simeon to take care of Luke, and set to work making a fairly simple chicken noodle soup.
When you finish the soup, it's poured into bowls and taken to Luke's room, where Simeon is reading to him while he pouts.
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
mammon levi and satan taking care of mc with a broken leg plze
Characters- Mammon, Levi, Satan
Warnings- Injured reader (broken leg), Swearing, demons being absolute fools, non-canonical hobbies and discussions of them, my own sleep-deprived nonsense (Satan's part)
Category- Headcanons, Aix reqs
He spent at least an hour fussing over you as Solomon and Lucifer took you to a human doctor who could fix you up properly, which certainly isn't to say he didn't continue fussing after you got a cast.
Do you need him to carry you? He can get your classes switched to the first floor, actually no, online, he doesn't want you to have to navigate halls or anything
He means well, but he's gonna get kinda smothering in his efforts to help you get better. If you need some space, let him know, he'll respect it for as long as he can, but he'll get restless and start texting you after an hour max.
He'll take over cooking duty for as long as Lucifer'll let him, or until you're better.
Is there anything from the human world you want or miss or anything? he's here, and so is Goldie!
You'll get to know him a bit better through his attempts to help speed up your recovery, from finding out he used to play guitar to finding that he's good at telling stories. Ask him for a bedtime story and he'll spin you a tale that anybody'd consider interesting.
this is not what he meant when he said he wished real life imitated anime. it was supposed to be superpowers.
Still, anime did teach him a little about how to help you recover! He knows it wasn't entirely accurate, but still, at least he knows how to contact a doctor.
Since you're supposed to rest for a while, there's a couple new shows he was wondering if you might want to watch, just because, yknow, he doesn't want you to get bored or anything!
If not, he can get access to human world streaming services, in case there's a comfort show of yours?
Oh, or he could read to you? or bake something, he's not great at cooking but he can bake some things!
He's gonna fret over you a lot, even after you recover, making sure you do strengthening exercises and watch out for yourself more. He'll get kind of hypocritical about it, telling you worriedly to drink water when he's only had energy drinks for two days. Negotiate a bit.
He knows what a broken bone is thanks to his books, and he's extremely worried
Which shouldn't surprise you, considering how much he cares about you. Honestly, wasn't it obvious?
Hm? You're feeling bored? that's understandable. He got some books from the human world recently, would you like him to read them to you? Or, this one's about feline pack habits, would you prefer that?
He's here for whatever you need! Macarons from Madame Scream's? He'll bring twenty boxes, and protect them from Beel! Human fragrances? sure, peppermint, lavender, tea tree, or citrus? It's up to you!
Okay, he draws the line at cat ears. That's definitely not gonna help you heal, even if it would make you less bored. He has some dignity!
He'll put on the cat ears if you look sad instead of mirthful at this. On one condition- no pictures.
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
Hello hello! I was wondering if I could please request headcanons for Simeon, lil brother Luke, asmo, beel and dia with a reader who can and will infodump about mythology and history at any chance given? Thank you!
(Feel free to decline for any reason, stay safe!)
-🧸 Anon
I focused on Greek mythology since I know a lot about that, hopefully that's okay!
Characters- Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Diavolo, Simeon, Luke
Warnings- Swearing, my personal rants about mythology, certain historians, excessive use of petnames
Category- Headcanons, Request answers
go on, babe, tell him about the French Revolution while he does your nails.
Asmo gets very attached to learning about human-world history. It annoys Lucifer to no end, though, since he starts calling guillotines and anarchy romantic.
He's absolutely fascinated by the idea of multiple gods, and loves learning about the various jobs they have. (He's very upset about Zeus, though. Just Zeus overall.)
Absolutely loves hearing you talk while he focuses on his skincare, his latest cosmetic masterpiece, or even just while you hang out. Getting to learn about your interests is lovely!
makes you talk to him whenever he’s trying to sleep, explaining that he likes your voice and enjoys having you talk, he finds it calming!
Beel may not have the best attention span when it comes to non-food-related things, but he’s happy to at least hear you talk, even if he zones out!
He starts wanting to make (eat) historical dishes, so they’ll probably become a thing whenever it’s his turn to cook.
as he mentions rather frequently, you being around often helps his hunger, so having you happy to talk about something for long periods of time is definitely helpful.
He’s always happy to listen to you, even if he doesn’t understand everything in the myths. (To be fair, between the differing versions and family tree, they’re fairly complex.)
he’s so confused. Human history is so complicated, thanks to the much shorter lives. Plus they have like a war and a half, and you have how many again?
Of course, he’s also fascinated. all of the intricacies are thrilling to hear about!
He takes notes, because of course he does.
finds as many history and mythology books as he can find and insists you read them to him, happily curling up by your side with his paperwork.
Sooner or later you’re gonna have to sleep, but until then, he’s an absolutely fabulous listener.
mhm mhm this all makes a lot of sense! Ignore his fragmented, panicked texts to Solomon asking what the difference between a tyrant and a dictator is, at least he’s trying to learn!
Simeon is a very sits-on-tables kinda guy, which’ll lead to a lot of funny situations, as he’ll fall off of the table, screaming the whole time. He jumps whenever he’s surprised, shocked, or startled.
He’s happy to supply you with Celestial Realm history in return, even though it’s not nearly as interesting.
He’s the best at not zoning out, literally ever. It’s a bit unnerving
why were there so many murderers? he asks. is it because they got cool names? he continues. Please help him.
he’s confused, mostly by the family trees. (“I don’t think even Asmodeus would come up with that! That’s horrible!”)
look! miniature cakes shaped like historical objects! He made them for the Devildom History teacher, and you of course! There’s even little constellations in the back of some landscapes!
Mentions at one point that Hestia sounds like a lovely person. He’s right, you know.
Just absolutely loves having you talk while he bakes. For newer recipes, stick to simpler tales until he’s reached the decorations.
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obeymeswdwritings · 2 years
Have you heard the song rush E? What if the MC bet Lucifer he couldent play it on piano, but MC only showed the start of it, so of course Lucifer is all smug about how he can. How would it turn out? (Crack, with only Lucifer or all, whichever is easier or you prefer)
oh this is fucking AMAZING
Characters- Lucifer
Warnings- Swearing, demon rage
Category- Headcanons, Req answers
Note: for anyone who doesn't know, rush E is a song that starts off chicken pecking one key and graduates into pure pain. For anyone who's not a pianist, imagine the most difficult test you've ever taken, multiply it a couple times, and give it a ten minute time limit. There you go.
Now Lucifer, Avatar of Pride, was almost offended that you thought he couldn't play a song so simple. Still, a chance to show off was a chance to show off, so might as well.
"How long is it?" You passed him the full sheet music, smiling at how only the first page showed.
"Not too long, but part of the fun with this song is not being entirely aware of how it goes! It's like a rite of passage back in the human realm." Lying is okay sometimes, like right then.
Lucifer smiled condescendingly, sitting at his piano. "I'm sure it's fairly difficult, then." mhm. yeah. do you think so, luci.
It takes him two hours to get it perfect, which hey, actually impressive! Satan has a video of his first couple attempts if you'd like to see it, but Lucifer will probably be complaining for at least a week. Challenges are nice, but that's just an atrocity.
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