#Alexander Gianni Morelli
FicTober: Day 3
Prompt #3:"Okay, show me." Original Fiction: Broken Mirrors Series Rating:  T Warnings: Mentions of death, war, manipulation
Characters: Isabella Hummel, Lovino Bellincioni, Alexander Morelli Ships: N/A
Alexander couldn’t believe his ears, this couldn’t be happening, how was she even able to do this?
“Okay Isabella, show me.”
His eyes widened as he turned to Lovino, did his best friend not hear the same thing he did?
“Lovi, you can’t be serious. She-”
Alexander flinched as Lovino glared at him, “If she has a way to bring back the dead, why shouldn’t I investigate it?”
He couldn’t believe his best friend, he had to know this was not a good idea, “Because it’s unstable, old, dark magic that even scared the Sweeney and Ayers Clan.”
Lovino’s glare hardened, “And?”
“And?! And they are the most powerful magic clans in Tebos! If they’ve sworn off raising the dead then it either can’t be done or the cost is too high.”
Isabella shrugged, walking away from them, “Or they don’t value life as much as us. We’d give anything to have our loved ones back, right Lovino? Nothing is too steep a price.”
To Alexander’s horror, Lovino nodded as he began to follow her retreating form, “They started this war, so why shouldn’t they pay the price to return those they slayed?”
Alexander couldn’t understand where he drew that conclusion, “What are you saying? You know it was your aunt and mother that started this war.”
“No, it was King Wyn. If the Sweeney clan wasn’t so high and mighty, the Epherial Kingdom wouldn’t have stepped out of line against us!”
Alexander glared at Isaeblla’s back, she was the one putting these ideas into his friend’s head. He wouldn’t be saying any of this if she hadn’t wormed her way into their ranks. She may have been born in Epherial, but she was born with the bloodthirsty spirit of the Avis Kingdom she called home.
“Look, Lovi, let's just talk to Alice. Hell, we can take your dragon over to the Grissirynn Island and talk to the Ayers trio! There’s no way you should just jump into this without asking them. I’m sure Isabella’s done her research, but their families made those spells.”
“Alex, I’ve made my decision. You’re either with me or against me.”
Alexander sighed, he couldn’t let him do this on his own, “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
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lartificio · 7 years
arrivederci e grazie
L'Artificio “arti applicate” cessa l'attività, è quindi arrivato il momento dei saluti e dei ringraziamenti:
cominciando dall'inizio dell'avventura, voglio ringraziare mio fratello, il pittore Pier Luigi Puccini per lo stimolo e la collaborazione e poi la casa editrice Maria Pacini Fazzi per l'assistenza e la disponibilità.
Grazie ai “maestri” Antonio Possenti e Maria Stuarda Varetti per il supporto ed i preziosi consigli ed ancora grazie a tutti gli artisti che mi sono stati vicini in questo viaggio. Sperando di non dimenticare nessuno........ grazie a Fabrizio Orlandini,  ad Alessandro Tofanelli, a Maria Galano, a Tista Meschi ed ancora agli scultori ceramisti Giancarlo Montuschi, Fabrizio Falchi, Paolo Vannucchi, Daria Machneva e Jean Denis Cruchet e poi Gigi Degli Abbati, Robert Francis Dolman e Jhon Hunt.
Grazie ad Oriana Rispoli dell'associazione “Nuove Tendenze” che mi coadiuvò  nell'allestimento della mostra di Monica Spicciani (che ringrazio), grazie ad Alexander Daniloff, grazie a Michele Lovi, a Lisandro e Roberto Rota, al giovane artista Alessandro Sorbera e a Giampaolo Bianchi per il sostegno e la simpatia.
Grazie al fotografo Sergio Garbari, grazie a Riccardo Colzi e a Sergio Brecevich. Grazie a  Fabrizio Accarino ed al gallerista Massimo Fraddanni con i quali organizzammo la mostra di Renzo Giunti. 
Grazie a Gianni Costa della galleria  “Mercurio” di Viareggio organizzatore delle mostre di Armando Orfeo, Guido Morelli e Valente Taddei che ringrazio. Grazie ancora ad Antonietta Capecchi, Alessandro Ballerini, Roberto Barberi, Tito Mucci, Eleonora Rossi, Mariastella Gaveglia, Fabrizio Barsotti, Dino Boccaccini, Annamaria Buonamici, Gianni Pitta, Laura Ballini, Bruno Pollacci ed alla fotografa Angela Palese.
Ancora un grazie al critico d'arte e scrittore Mario Rocchi ed al giovane giornalista Gregorio Andreini per la grande collaborazione.
Sicuramente ho dimenticato qualcuno.....spero non me ne voglia
Roberto Puccini
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FicTober: Day 8
Prompt #8: "Give me that, before anything happens." Original Fiction: Broken Mirrors Series Rating: G Warnings: N/A
Characters: Lizard Morelli, Alex Morelli, Lukkas Holt Ships: N/A
Nicola smiled brightly as he shook his new treasure in front of his brother’s face. He was very proud of the necklace he managed to steal from the Oklever prince. He had heard the roomers that the boy would be the next great ruler of Ephariel but he had been one of the easiest marks he’d ever seen! The boy hadn’t even dressed for their weather and ended up trusting his pile of royal linen to be watched after by his brother’s guards.
“Hey Alex, look what I got! Isn’t it pretty?”
He frowned as Alexander shot him a glare, trying to grab the necklace from him, “Give me that before anything happens to it! How did you even get that, Lizard?”
Nicola pouted, annoyed by his brother’s response, “It’s not my fault the ice boy left it in the open. You never know who has access to the rooms in the castle.”
“Hand it over, now! If Jason finds out you stole it, he’ll turn you into a popsicle for the griffens!”
Nicola quickly moved his hand out of Alexander’s reach, “And you’d let him? In our own home? That would be an act of war, and you know it.”
“Or you could leave my master’s belongings alone instead of pilfering a royal guest’s items when you are the host, Prince Nicola.”
Alexander and Nicola quickly turned to face Lukkas, who snatched the necklace from Nicola’s hand. The two nervously watched the boy, they didn’t know much about the Oklever guard.
They watched Lukkas boredly eye them before turning his attention to Nicola, “The Lizard moniker seems to suit your stealth. I’d recommend that in the future you make sure your target doesn’t have a vampyric guard lounging in his suite to see you steal.”
Nicola’s eyes widened in wonder, “Wait, are you a vampyre?! I heard Oklever had some but I’ve never met one!”
Alexander shrugged when Lukkas shot him a confused look at Nicola’s quick change in demeanor, “No, but my associate is. He was napping in Prince Jason’s room when you snuck in. He keeps night watch over the prince.”
Nicola quickly grabbed Alexander, marching toward the castle, “I must meet him! I have so many questions!”
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