#Alpha3 Cloud
hostingcloud · 2 years
Why Should Your Business Run on the Cloud
Regardless of the size of a company, its IT infrastructure should be geared to meet the challenges of cloud computing, social media, responsive websites, and data analytics. Almost all business decision-makers today feel that being on the cloud is critical to optimizing operating efficiencies.
And why is this so?
First, the cloud offers better analytics to derive insights from big data helping to more effectively target customers and product opportunities. Next, the cloud permits users to access the systems from multiple devices and remote locations thus collaborating better on shared data. Finally, there is the speed of performance and no dropping or slowing down of database speeds even when multiple users simultaneously execute multiple intricate queries. All these and more can be had on the Alpha3 Cloud platform.
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Benefits of Being on the Cloud
When you migrate to the cloud there are several benefits and cutting-edge advantages that you bring to the table for your business. Let’s take a look at them in general and the solution offered by Alpha3 Cloud in particular.
The cloud platform delivers powerful computing resources so that production environments can be delivered optimally with modern tools and technologies. You, therefore, get best-in-class security, a high rate of return in price vs performance ratio, and round-the-clock customer backup.
Benefits Offered by the Alpha3 Cloud Solution
High-performing latest hardware and CPU customization capabilities that deliver consistent speeds even with very high workloads on any operating system.   
On the Alpha3 Cloud platform you can create a flexible and customized storage infrastructure for both SSD and magnetic storage. The storage facility is available on the cloud with a pay as per resources consumed model. 
APIs for cloud automation are user-friendly and rich in features and can be tailor-made as per your requirements.  
The infrastructure and services of the Alpha3 Cloud have the highest security certifications and data privacy standard of ISO 27001, ensuring that your data is safe from any breaches or loss.
Multiple gigabit speeds make sure of seamless data streaming without network bottlenecks even when experiencing 4K videos, gaming, big data runs, and more. 
In case of a sudden spike in demand for computing or storage capabilities, deploy new resources such as servers, IPs, private networks, virtual machines, and anything else required almost immediately.
When you spend $10 or more, Alpha3 Cloud offers free 1GB of RAM, 50GB SSD, and 5TB of outbound data transfer to innovate and experiment with.
Virtually any quantum of computing resources required can be met on this cloud solution. Get the benefit of up to 40 CPU cores, 128GB RAM per server, 5TB per SSD drive, and 100TB per magnetic drive.
As in any optimized cloud computing platform, Alpha3 Cloud continually strives to make the cloud faster, work cost-effectively, and be user-friendly. This is achieved through incessant innovations, technology evolution, adding external integrations and drivers, and third-party APIs for increased value to customers.      
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lewiskdavid90 · 7 years
67% off #Web Development Tools the Pros Use: Code Productivity Hacks – $10
Take your web development skills to the next level. Beyond the basics, you’ll learn the tricks of the trade from a pro.
Beginner Level,  – 4 hours,  39 lectures 
Average rating 3.9/5 (3.9 (11 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
You can start this course with what you are using now and decide after seeing the tools explained what is right for you.
Course description:
“Is there anyone so wise as to learn by the experience of others?” – Voltaire
Basic front end web development isn’t terribly hard to learn. It can be tricky to remember all the things you learn, but after you get comfortable with the code, what comes next? Many developers spend time optimizing code and trying to make it perform better. A lot of time is spent making things work, simplifying functions, making things faster and eliminating confusion. Most developers miss one of the most important parts of development. Optimizing YOURSELF as a coder.
Many companies wish they knew what would make their developers happier and more productive. Putting in place agile software development methodologies helps a lot, but what about beyond that? Is there anything you can do as an ambitious developer to wipe the floor with the competition? Yes, there is.
There are many developers making 6 figures in web development today. This doesn’t happen over night, and we’ve never heard of a get-rich-quick scheme in web development, but given enough time and best practices, it is definitely possible. It takes skill, talent, ambition, but it also takes speed and efficiency. It takes building upon the shoulders of giants, people who have already done what you’re trying to do, and doing it better. Finding a better way is what makes programming fun and challenging. Gladly, making use of these resources and becoming one of the best developers out there is largely free, enjoyable, and is only a matter of time. If you have the passion to get there.
Whether you’re fresh out of one of Udemy’s best intro to web development courses, or have been doing it for a while, you can always take it to the next level. Inside this HD video course, you’ll find the tools to do just that.
I am so excited that you’re looking at what it takes to become a top web developer and advance your skills. I will get right to the point. Inside this course, you will learn:
The difference between “front end” and “back end” web development. Why Google is a developer’s best friend, even though it seems so simple. The best place to find programming answers from the top developers How to talk directly to the developers who invented the open source libraries you’re using, live in real time How communication is critical in day-to-day operations and growing quickly as a developer How social media is a powerful tool in getting information, connecting with the industry and staying on the cutting edge of your field How to use annotated screenshots to eliminate misunderstanding and make your point visually What javascript frameworks you must know and some that just make things simpler, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every day Discover a handful of chrome tools that make you more productive and less frustrated Find out how Twitter’s bootstrap framework can make your own prototypes and projects look great with no design experience The best way to get free sharp icons that load fast to use in any new or existing web project. They scale well too, even on mobile devices What tools to use to optimize and monitor servers and applications from Yahoo and others. How to test Internet Explorer natively (even old ones) with free tools from Microsoft Productivity hacks and personal shortcuts I currently use as a professional developer
We cover all this and a lot more inside, and will be expanding content to cover new topics in the near future. We are most interested in adding content that you specifically request, because we find it provides the most value to you. Simply let us know and we’ll make new videos on the subject you want to know about if we can.
More than 4 hours of video on leveling up your skills as a programmer, you’ll have access to the course discussions, where other students ask questions and instructors answer, usually in a matter of hours to help you with anything that doesn’t make sense or to provide more information on anything related to the cour
“Useful tools!” (Artem Bykov)
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  About Instructor:
Ryan Carter
I’ve been playing with technology since I was a kid. At 13 I was building websites by hand in HTML and Frontpage 98 (which is how I learned what not to do). Since then I’ve been a computer addict and web programmer. I was programming Alpha3 databases on an old green monochrome IBM years before, but at the time I didn’t know THAT was programming. I’ve always been an avid reader and insatiable learner, I started rearranging bits and bytes to make the computer behave the way I wanted as a kid and have always had a knack for explaining complex things in simple language. I like to help anyone I can in my area of expertise. I’ve been developing for the web professionally for 20+ years and I am currently a Sr. Software Engineer for a major telecom company. I specialize in front end web development with a current focus on Angular, Node, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, SASS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, WordPress, Drupal. I have experience in the LAMP stack, Node stack, Ruby on Rails stack, C# ASP DOTNET and many others. If you ever need help, I personally answer all discussions as soon as possible and all comments on my YouTube channel as well. I am here to help with your technology learning so anytime I can assist you, please contact me. Thanks!
Instructor Other Courses:
Never Lose Photos Again: Cloud Sync w/ Dropbox & OneDrive Ryan Carter, Sr. Software Engineer, YouTuber, Nerdlinger, Father of 5 (7) $10 $20 Minecraft 101: Learn to Play, Craft, Build, & Save the Day Save on a Computer: Run Windows, Mac, & Linux w/ VirtualBox …………………………………………………………… Ryan Carter coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Web Development course coupon Udemy Web Development course coupon Web Development Tools the Pros Use: Code Productivity Hacks Web Development Tools the Pros Use: Code Productivity Hacks course coupon Web Development Tools the Pros Use: Code Productivity Hacks coupon coupons
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hostingcloud · 2 years
How to leverage cloud infrastructure services to grow your business
Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing facets of technology, and its reach, scale and impact for businesses is ever expanding. Thanks to cloud based infrastructure, companies can access software, hardware and various components on demand and get up and running without going through complex steps. Over the last few decades, cloud computing has evolved from its original model, and with new technologies, arrived at a dynamic, virtual and fully scalable phase.
In its current phase, cloud computing has evolved to become an Infrastructure first model, sometimes also known as Platform as a Service (PaaS) model. The combination of various cloud infrastructure services has enabled faster and easier development and deployment of applications. The advent of cloud computing has opened the avenues of getting access to the building blocks required to design, develop, test and scale applications.
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So, what exactly are these building blocks which constitute the cloud infrastructure services for computing? Primarily, there are three ways to categorise the building blocks of cloud infrastructure, naley - Computing, Networking and Storage. Essentially, cloud infrastructure consists of the following foundational components - servers, software, network devices, database management systems, operating systems, development tools and other resources. All of these combined form the development and deployment environment in the cloud. The applications made using three building blocks can be accessed, managed and updated from anywhere via the internet.
So, what are the use cases of cloud infrastructure services for businesses? If you look around your daily life, cloud computing has its footprint across every fabric of modern living. From streaming platforms and chatbots to file hosting services, banking apps and ecommerce websites, the modern infrastructure of the internet is built upon computing in the cloud.
Now that we understand the fundamentals and applications of cloud infrastructure services, let’s look at the numerous benefits of Infrastructure as a Service model of computing:
Flexibility: Businesses can easily scale up or down as per their needs
Scalability: Businesses can easily increase or decrease their resource usage
Cost Efficiency: Businesses can save infrastructural overheads and expenses
Technology: Businesses can leverage best software, hardware and industry tools
Mobility: Businesses can access infrastructure and solutions from anywhere
If your business is looking for scalable, secure and flexible cloud infrastructure services then your search ends at Alpha3 Cloud which delivers cutting-edge cloud computing solutions and services. As a ISO 27001/ISO 27017/ ISO 27018 certified company, Alpha3 Cloud provides an entire spectrum of high performance cloud solutions at your terms.
With so many benefits and advantages of embracing cloud computing, it’s time for your business to modernise your existing development and deployment environment. By migrating their current infrastructure and applications to the cloud, you can leverage technology for innovation and growth.
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hostingcloud · 2 years
How to get your reseller hosting program up and running in 2022
As the internet grows and expands, there’s no stopping the massive demand for websites, personal and professional. No matter what industry you’re looking at, chances are, there’s a rising potential for new businesses, be it big, small or medium. Thanks to the proliferation of smartphones and the internet, there’s immense opportunity for sales and commerce, and this has led to an unprecedented demand for web hosting solutions across the globe.
Whether it’s an emerging brand or an already established one, having a robust, scalable and secure website hosting is a must to grow and expand a digital e-commerce business. Thanks to the power of the cloud, businesses can enjoy greater flexibility and instant scalability to meet their hosting needs. Compared to traditional hosting, cloud based hosting offers increased server uptime, security and features. If you are looking to ride on the growing wave of internet driven businesses, then it’s time to consider the lucrative route of choosing a cloud hosting reseller program in 2022.
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Now before you get all too excited to jump on the hosting reselling bandwagon, it is important to understand what it really is and how it works. For the uninitiated, a reseller hosting program is a way to rent out digital space (or bandwidth) to a medium scale business or a company, who then rents out this bandwidth to entrepreneurs, freelancers, individuals or clients. Thus, a cloud hosting reseller program works in layers i.e. anyone can select a dedicated hosting provider and rent out bandwidth to further set up their own hosting packages, based on the market demand and opportunity, which can then be repackaged and resold to their clients.
If this sounds lucrative to you, it sure is! Reseller hosting is a great way to easily make profits while acting as a hosting company with its own clients and websites. The best part is - cloud based website hosting services are fully scale and flexible, which means you can easily upscale or downscale on the basis of your or your clients’ needs and requirements.
So, if you are ready to get started with a trusted and reliable cloud hosting reseller program, it’s time to start your journey with Alpha3 Cloud which offers high performance hybrid cloud solutions. Alpha3 Cloud’s customizable, scalable cloud hosting reseller program offers exceptional service, support and guidance to their reseller partners. This means you can get started as a complete newbie, and put your best foot forward as a hosting reseller.
The best part? Website hosting resellers can earn a minimum fixed 15% commission for lifetime with Alpha3 Cloud’s hosting reseller program. It’s a simple, trusted and transparent way to maximise your earnings with the power of the cloud! 
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