#Also anyone remember those old cartoon network ads with characters interacting?
Villain rando: Are you three like friends or something?
*Lord Dominator and Bill Cipher shrug*
Slade:*deadpan* I'm being held hostage.
Dominator: *about Slade* Old man Joe is just the coolest ya know?
Villain rando: Who's Joe?
Dominator: *inhale* JOE M-
The Beast:*about Belos* 🎶Something wicked this way comes~🎶
Dominator: Congrats you literally described everyone here
Cozy Glow: Excuse you i'm a delight!
*in a library like place Slade sits comfortably in an armchair and reads a book*
Dominator: Heeey Joseph!
Slade:..*sigh* What is it?
Dominator: Beast says that there is new folk about to appear soon in these ports of Void and i with Bill plan on bullying the villain newbie a bit.. A lot actually.. So! Ya wanna come and make em cry?
Slade: Who will be gracing us with their presence?
Dominator: That Belos.. Philip guy.. The one who killed and cloned his brother a lot or something like that *shrugs* A worstie like us
Slade: Joy.
Dominator: Are you coming then?
Slade: I pass.. *resumes reading* Have fun.
Dominator: *looks at the book cover*.. Why are you reading Warrior cats?
Emperor Belos: Why is a child there?
Cozy Glow: Mind your own business.
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Why we started shipping Shaphne. Just Random Rambling-
I’m gonna go ahead and say this is not an argument on why Shaphne is better than Fraphne because no ship in better than another, especially in the Scooby-Doo universe.
I’m gonna take a few moments to discuss the worst portrayal that ruined my opinion on Fraphne for a long time. 
And just because Shaphne is always gonna be the OTP of this blog doesn’t mean I don’t get why people ship Fraphne. I’ve seen every incarnation of Fraphne to date and they actually are cute, I get it.
Okay with that, let’s have some fun!
Mystery Incorporated:
Let’s start by addressing the only Scooby show that actually made Fraphne canon, and how they managed to screw it up so poorly it wasn’t even funny.
Now listen, MI was the incarnation I grew up with so I do actually have a lot of sentiment attached to it. But I am not going to argue with the fact that it did a poor job of characterizing all of the gang, Scooby included.
It tried it’s best to try and flesh out the gang to have them feel more, real. Like actual teenagers.
But oh my Lord they just made it worse.
And I think the one who got the worst of it was Daphne.
Her amazing and well rounded character that had existed since forever had been pushed down to the pretty girl that had a crush on Fred. And for most of the first season none of her actions were outside of her crush shenanigans. 
And she absolutely did not deserve that, Daphne was not part of Scooby-Doo solely to be Fred’s love interest. Way back in 1969 they understood that because Daph’s actions did not revolve around Fred 24/7.
When I watched the show when I was younger I never caught onto just how much of her “development” was her managing to get Fred to say something romantic to her. I honestly love the episodes in season 2 where Daphne isn’t in love with anybody because she actually gets the chance to just be herself.
Be quirky awkward Daphne.
And then she comes full circle and returns to having the same kind of relationship she had with Fred in season 1.
When they were together it wasn’t any better.
Rewatching the episodes when they were dating now when I’m older honestly made me uncomfortable. And when they got engaged it was laughable how poorly that was executed. Tbh I’m sure Fred had no idea that he proposed to Daph and just went along with whatever she said.
Then he just goes ahead and dumps her like it’s not painful or any sort of big deal while it actually crushes Daph enough to distance herself from the rest of the gang.
Season 2 Fred made me incredibly freaked out, like I love Fred Jones to bits and pieces but MI season 2 Freddie was the worst version of him and anyone who believes otherwise can explain why they disagree. 
I’m honestly curious if other people weren’t bothered by his disturbing behavior towards Daph for the beginning of that season.
Anyway bottom line, MI was why I had lost interest in Fraphne.
And why I gained a new interest in Shaphne.
I’m sure everyone remembers that episode in season 2 where...um...stuff happened.
Mod Silas is still convinced they slept together and I feel like it’s strongly implied but whatever.
That’s not what made me ship Shaphne since during all of that Daphne though Shag was Fred and Shag also thought he was Fred. Anyone feel like explaining how they managed to experience the same hallucination? So seeing that whole thing as Shaphne does kinda seem pointless.
What made me ship them was the short scene that happened afterward.
Both Shag and Daph quickly figured out what had happened and for like a few seconds they just stare at each other and don’t say anything. Like no panic or weirdness until Fred and Scoob reacted.
Shaggy ogles over being kissed by an angel, like twice I think.
Now both of those things don’t seem like a huge deal until you remember how much of a disaster these two’s relationships in the past were.
Both of them being in very forceful and controlling relationships.
Now it’s very probable that both of those reasons mean absolutely nothing and of course I’m reading into things as always.
But that was enough to catch my attention and pull me down into a void.
Because I’m gonna go ahead and be 100% honest with everyone:
Shaphne is never gonna be canon!
We all know it.
This isn’t a Riverdale/Bughead situation where people had wanted Betty and Jughead to get together long before the idea of Riverdale was created.
People were always for Fred and Daphne. And since the dawn of time it’s been clear that Fred and Daph are always gonna be each other’s respective love interest.
Hence why Shaphne is a void of pain.
But as I became open to the idea of it I made an observation.
Though Shag and Daph have very little interaction in most of the shows it was enough.
Shaggy and Daphne always take care of and understand each other. And it’s also super obvious that Daphne is very protective of Shaggy. Different from how she’s protective of the rest of the gang.
I’m not sure why their dynamic has always been like that, but it’s a dynamic that’s survived all the way into the modern age which means a lot to me.
Another thing that’s clear is Daphne loves Scooby.
Possibly just as much as Shaggy does idk.
The significance of that fact is best explained through a motto that Mod Silas and I have always had since we started shipping it:
“You can’t get Shaggy without getting Scooby.”
This was the biggest amount of drama with Shelma in MI was that Velma always saw Scooby as a dumb dog, as Shaggy’s pet, when it came to their relationship. And never saw him as Shag’s best friend, which is exactly what he is.
So when Shag broke up with her, she chose to blame the dog even though the reason he gave her was he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship.
And for the rest of the show Velma only ever gives Scoob sarcastic and condescending treatment.
 But Daphne has always loved Scooby, that much is clear,
Scooby and Daphne’s bond within MI alone is something to be appreciated.
And over the course of time I just kind of enjoyed the fact that Shaggy and Daphne would have a very healthy relationship, platonic or otherwise, if it had ever been further explored.
That’s a good portion of Shaphne, unexplored potential. 
And it’s definitely gonna stay unexplored.
However MI was just the beginning of my unhealthy Shaphne obsession.
The rest of the Universe:
Now the other Scooby shows had me approaching Shaphne differently because I wasn’t comparing it to Fraphne or Shelma in anyway since I didn’t have anything against the other incarnations of the ships.
For this I was able to just appreciate the dynamic Shag and Daph provided as a whole and not have to have that be my central focus for whatever show I was watching.
Like I can actual enjoy the friendship between the gang.
This version of Shaphne is the most relaxed and the one I wish got more attention, because this is the one where you see that they respect and understand each other. They also seem bonded over their love and protectiveness over Scooby which always gets me grinning like an idiot.
Daphne being protective of Shag is also another nice thing that’s presented.
However, in the old Hanna Barbera cartoons, romance was never supposed to be the main focus, or even really an element in the shows.
And to be fair romance isn’t meant to be the center of Scooby-Doo, it’s the friendship between four kids from very different social classes. 
I will say that shipping Shaphne and keeping up with all of the made for TV films is typically a treat since there are a good handful of them that just provide plenty of scenes showing the perfect dynamic they share.
For people who are looking for recommendations I’d say #1 is Scooby-Doo and the Legend of the Phantosaur, which on it’s own is a really good movie just to watch. But the Shaphne on top of it is a nice addition.
For #2 I’d say both of those live-action movies Cartoon Network made. The Mystery Begins and Curse of the Lake Monster.
While I have problems with those movies, *cough cough* Fred with brown hair *cough cough* 
I think those movies do the best job of portraying Shaggy and Daphne’s relationship and it’s really sweet to watch.
13 Ghosts + New Scooby and Scrappy:
I’m gonna go ahead and finish this off with the two key pieces in the Shaphne art museum.
I’m sure everyone is already aware of the existence of the two shows where it’s just Shag and Daph and company.
These are the ones where we actually get to see Shaggy and Daphne work as a team it’s all I ever needed and more. While the main reason these exist is because Shaggy was the most popular character and then they added Daph ‘cause they needed a pretty girl.
“How to make a famous cartoon in the 70′s 101.”
Now both of these shows focus like a lot more on the “comedic relief” and their fun shenanigans than on the duo but that’s to be expected since this show was made for kids.
But for the most part it’s worth sitting through Flim Flam just always talking and never shutting up or Scrappy constantly saying “Puh-pup-puuuppyy Powweerrr!!” Every 8 seconds to see Shag and Daph in the background acting like overwhelmed babysitters that aren’t getting paid enough.
Plus there was all that fun drama where people thought they were living in the same house together.
While I am very certain that these shows don’t exist because everyone at HB was secretly the biggest Shaphne shippers in the world, I am very thankful for them.
In then end I think the reasons I ship Shaphne aren’t because I want the underdog to get the girl in the end. And I don’t want it to be like some sort of ‘guy on the wrong side of the tracks dating a pretty, rich girl.’
I really just want these two to be happy and functional and honest and themselves.
I always just see it as them being there for each other because though they may be really different people it’s never bothered them before. I just see two people who accept and help each other and that’s just something I see even though their dynamic gets no screen time.
At the end of the day Shaphne is always gonna be a fill in the blanks kinda ship. 
And I’m fine with that.
-Mod Ninja 
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