#Also people were talking about other physical problems they had post-extraction that freaked me out too
seahydra · 2 months
Aaahhhhhh I forgot I have teeth extraction tomorrow. Hell world
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misslavendertown · 4 years
🌹My thoughts on Steven universe future!🌹
WARNING this post contains a lot of steven universe future spoilers if you haven't seen the new episodes and don't want to be spoiled don't read. I would put a read more link below the warning but Tumblr mobile sucks.
Little homeschool
So Steven can heal corrupted gems using a mixture of what I expect are the diamonds escents? Maybe it's from the extraction Chambers? I can't remember what they're called but yellow's sauna and blue's bath.
Pamphlets about being uncorrupted. Kind of makes me think of those awkward puberty pamphlets you get from school.
The next few minutes are just the trailer.
Connie's preparing for college. I'm so proud. 😊
Pearl teaching gems how to use phones is just golden. Also Holo Pearl is back.
"took me forever to pull those puny green earthlings out of the ground" "you mean grass"
People are gonna hate me for saying this but I actually kind of feel bad for Jasper I think she's bored. She just wants to fight maybe she can take up boxing or wrestling. You know what never mind she'll kill the first person who steps in the ring.
F I G H T M E!
Steven putting a bubble around baby birds to protect them from him and Jasper's fight is purest thing I've seen on the show.
Pink Steven shows up but we already knew about that.
Steven seeking guidance from Jasper disturbs me. This obviously isn't going to end well.
Guidance counselor amethyst!
Mr. Smiley has gem employees now maybe he can finally get some sleep. Does anyone remember that?
Amethyst assigned human jobs to the gems and a lot of them are doing jobs they did on homeworld. Steven has a big problem with that but I'm not going to be quick to judge him because I also had a problem with it and I'm sure I'm not the only one who did.
I thought little larimar would be smaller
Larimar and snowflake have I've powers. It's really hard not to make a Frozen joke.
Snowflake seems to have a "male" voice like rainbow 2.0 I think it's Ian Jones-Quarty voicing them but I could be wrong so don't get your hopes up.
I just hope people won't start thinking the gems have genders. The gems don't have genders and I'm tired of explaining that to people.
"I wish to hear the humans scream forever" - little Larimar 2019
Steven is becoming a bit of a control freak that must be the diamond in him.
Uncle Andy is back.
One of the rubies has a #1 body guard mug. I love the idea of a Ruby drinking coffee
As expected Steven forcing gems to do things they suck at goes horribly wrong and now there's all kinds of crazy stuff happening including a runaway rollercoaster.
Pink smoky and they have super speed now or Steven has super speed. they're so fast everything is slow motion like that one episode of regular show with the double glazed apple fritters.
For some odd reason amethyst never questions Steven's new abilities but then again she probably doesn't know that it might be a bad thing.
Some of the gems actually enjoy what they did on homeworld. Amethyst is a really good guidance counselor I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this in the future.
"sometimes you save all the people and the rollercoaster still crashes into the ocean....and that's okay" words of wisdom.
Amethyst found out who she is and what she wants to do.
Larimar likes children and now she hands out prizes for them at one of the game stands.
"I love their laughter it's sounds just like screaming"
"OH NO WE FORGOT ONION!!! eh he's fine"
Onion is immortal apparently. Whatever it's onion don't question his logic.
Rose buds
The homeworld humans are back! They've taken control of the zoo after the diamonds freed everyone and now it's a cruise ship.
J10 and y6 being salty about Greg not choosening them. J10 annoyed at the amethysts for being lazy. I guess he doesn't realize that's how cruise ships work.
Holly blue agate and the famethyst are back! Holly doesn't know how to relax.
They consider Steven their hero and are super excited to see what the Earth has become since they've been. There's only three of them staying.
Steven feels overwhelmed by all their questions and accidentally invites them to dinner.
Only three of the roses come a bubbly rose, a laid back rose and the one we saw in the trailer
As expected it's super awkward for everyone the gang isn't ready to face them yet.
They call carrots carrot beans and it's so adorable. I love them so much.
Greg considers the human zoo humans his exes. He mentions he hasn't had this many exes in one place since and then he's cut off I would like to know more about Greg's exes and the incident he was talking about.
"I can feel the rest of my hair falling out!" -Greg Universe 2019 seriously though poor Greg.
They all hide in the bathroom.
The rose quartz want to stay with Steven. he's uncomfortable around them but doesn't want to seem rude and hurt their feelings or make them feel unwelcome.
Steven tells the roses how he really feels and turns out they were faking their feelings too. They're really hurt over what happened and they know what Steven is going through with the whole pink diamond fiasco and their conflicting feelings regarding her. It's a very sweet and touching moment between them.
Steven considers them siblings now because they were all created by pink diamond and understand what it's like living in Rose's shadow
I know they don't stay on earth with Steven but I hope we get to see the roses again before the series ends.
Doctor Steven > Doctor Mario don't @ me.
long necked Ruby is hilarious
Pink Pearl's crack can't be healed by Steven's spit.
She doesn't remember being under White's control which makes sense. She was under her control for 8000 years.
So Pink hurt pink pearl why am I not surprised? 😒
I think she's still grieving obviously. Again trailer stuff.
Pink pearl is older than pearl
Some Pearls were made on Earth and the facility doubles as a repair shop. It also has accessories basically it's like a place where you can get your phone fixed and shop for phone cases and other stuff.
Pink pearl is a ribbon dancer. That's what they're called right?
The problem isn't her gem it's a psychological thing.
Gems can damage their physical forms without damaging their gem. That's very interesting and I don't think we've seen this in the show before.
Pink had destructive tendencies It was a tantrum that hurt pink pearl after being denied a planet and gave her PTSD or something similar.
Maybe it was PD hurting Pink pearl that made the other diamonds realize she was a force to be reckoned with and that led to them giving into her demands and giving her Earth.
Seems like those destructive tendencies are starting to come out through pink Steven. Maybe the corrupted Steven theory is right?
Steven should really consider anger management but hey puberty will do that to you. Just kidding I am genuinely concerned.
Apparently the Pearls were both in denial and kept making excuses, never really accepting who PD really was. pink pearl kept saying "she didn't mean to hurt me" this is clearly a metaphor for abuse.
The crack must've been caused by her burying her feelings.
I swear rose/pink gets worse every episode I get she was abused herself but that's not a good enough excuse. Not saying I don't like pink diamond l just hate the things she's done.
I love how the two Pearls bonded over pink hurting them and how they never stopped hurting. it's so sweet and wholesome how can you not ship it? Pearl's gotta stick together.
I'm assuming the fusion's name is red pearl.
I can't tell if it's a different voice actor playing the pearl or if Deedee is speaking in a low voice.
They didn't show pink Pearl's eye so whether or not if it's healed is up for interpretation.
I think this is easily my favorite episode so far.
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The Secret Commonwealth
Like everyone else, I’m very excited for the HDM tv show release. But when I think about the semester to come, The Secret Commonwealth is by far the hdm-related thing that worries me the most, its premise having been haunting me for a few months now. So I’ll just vent about it because it's only 7 weeks away and I’M. NOT. READY. (SPOILERS for hdm and the extracts of tsc that came out so far)
When I first reread hdm, 4 years ago, something that struck me the most was the theme of solitude. Perhaps it had been unconsciously affecting me since my first read as a child, but it was then that I became truly aware of it. Daemons, when friends with their humans, were a perfect solution to our intrinsic solitude. Lyra and Pan, Lee and Hester, etc -  they always had each other, so wherever they were, they would be at "home". Rereading the books, I was at a phase in my life where I had to make some decisions which to me then were all too similar to Lyra abandoning Pan. Abandoning all sense of comfort and of belonging, to accomplish something that was perhaps more important. Complete and utter betrayal for those who could not follow you. Lyra's decision affected my own, and from then on I had to deal with the fact that I was even more alone than I had been before (which I expect is an all too common feeling for anyone transitioning into adult life - I'll eventually get there). But then, I knew that Pan would return to Lyra and that they would always be together, which offered me a lot of comfort. On one hand to know that at least someone in the world (even if ficticious) was not facing eternal solitude, and on the other the hope that, if Lyra had been able to find solace in herself, then perhaps we all could too. Of course, it's much easier when there's an actual physical representation of your soul talking to you in the shape of a cute animal, but hey, metaphors. So I set out to it, and for 2 years it actually worked quite well, but then it started getting harder. So I reread hdm again, a few months ago.
Rereading The Subtle Knife, I kept comparing Lyra and Will, imagining how each of them would be leading their lives after the separation. Will was someone who knew very well what solitude was and it seemed to me that even with Kirjava, Mary, and his mom, he would always feel dissatisfied away from Lyra, because it had been with her that he had first known companionship. As for Lyra (to quote a scene that always makes me cry from the BBC W&P series), she "seemed to have the gift of happiness". She shared such love with Pan, that I had no doubt she would eventually lead a full and joyous life. And then on the day when I was going to read her separation from Pan, the extract from the Secret Commonwealth where they are no longer together came out. And now the scene had to be read with the incertitude of whether they would ever be as close as they had once been. Then, having finished the book, it struck me that, even with all of his own problems, Will in the end was not as alone as Lyra, and certainly not as alone as we will see her in tsc. Of course, as any person, he will have a lot to face growing up (and we would know the details if Pullman ever made up his mind to release the long-promised green book), but there is such tragedy to what is happening to Lyra, given what we see of her in Northern Lights ("we're not alone, anyway...") , and I don't really know how to deal with it.
Across the series, we see Lyra losing some of her confidence, and as I have claimed other times, I fully support it as part of her development towards wisdom. But there's overconfidence which leads to hubris, and then there's self-love, which she's apparently struggling to find in tsc. And I can only too well relate to how she's breaking apart and, as aforementioned, expect that everyone else can, at some level, relate too. Growing up comes with doubting yourself, and the people around you. It comes with separating yourself from whom you once were and finding out who you now want to be. There will inevitably come a moment of rupture, within you or with others, and you will have to find out how to heal. For the past year, however, looking at the grown ups around me, I have come to doubt whether this process of healing even exists, or whether we just keep breaking apart more and more and having to come to terms with a solitude that only gets more oppressive each time. And I have come to a point where I expect to find the answer to it in tsc, and am deeply afraid that Pullman might have reached some very negative conclusions. So I'm hoping that by the end of the book Lyra and Pan will be fine, because if Lyra, who has faced ruptures more deeply and more literally than any of us can conceive, can heal, then so can we all. But if not, if even their love cannot be strong enough, then I seriously don't know what to do (probably hide the book and don't open it for the next 10 years, creating happy fanfic in my own head until the trauma is half-forgotten, just like I did when I first read hdm).
PS: I understand it's all fiction and fully respect Pullman's right to write whatever story he wants to! I also enjoy the drama! Everything I say is in a very human-condition-y kind of way, but would love to read once the book is released analyses on Lyra's mental health! Anyway, I only decided to write this post because I haven't been seeing as many people freaking out about what we know so far of tsc and wanted to bring in more hype/nervousness. 
PPS: on the bright side, we'll most certainly see Malcolm and Lyra getting to know each other and you bet I'll be a crying mess once they open up about their adventures. 
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