#Alukath the Shadespinner
spider-and-scarab · 6 years
Side Character Blog Renovation
Hello all! I’ve recently made an alt I’ve been growing more and more enthralled with, but since his story overlaps with another I have in my roster I thought “Hm. Perhaps I should have them on the same site?”
And so I did just that.
@hazukhota is no longer and it is now @spider-and-scarab!
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Lurking in his shadowy natural habitat, may I present to you Hazu’s new partner-in-crime: Alukath the Shadespinner.
He’s a formidable mage hunter, trapper, aaaand he’s also a giant spider creature...
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It’s a story I’m looking forward to tell one day (hands and time permitting)! But to make a long story short, Hazu’khota found himself an ally with a disenfranchised Fal’dorei strider ---
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(One of THESE guys)
--- and helped him get the hell out of Suramar now that the Nightborne are newly liberated and, surely, are going to go on a spider-elf squishing spree when they’ve half a chance.
Armed with a sweet glamour, a whole lot of moxie, and a very sparse grasp of the Common tongue, Alukath is doing his best to integrate into this new and strange world the Alliance has to offer and eat as little of its citizens as possible.
We hope you will enjoy the trip as well. <3
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