#BUT YEAH . metal sonic seems really interesting 2 me. ive seen that fucked up little part where he dips his finger in the metal virus shit
rivalsilveryuri ยท 5 months
holding a microphone uncomfortably close to ur face๐ŸŽคwhos ur favorite sonic character
Oh! Hmmm. Tbh, I'm pretty passively into sonic. I like peeking into what's going on in sonic a lot, since it really interests me, but the only sonic games I've played are... waorh. Sonic generations when i likr. A preteen maybe, and when i was likr. Even younger, some vaguely shitty wii game . ..i think. It's so hazy in my mind I can't remember the title, bur I'm 90% sure it was a sonic game .
So I'm probably not.. TOO knowledgeable on it..
But I think my most certain "favourite" of sorts woulld be metal sonic.... idkkk they intrigue me . I like the design, I really tend 2 enjoy robot characters, and I think there's some interesting things going on wirh their character.. at least from whay I've seen in the comics .. weird littlle guy with Problems and Issues
Oh and Omega .. but thats just cause theyre funny 2 me. Though 4 . Not robot characters .. i like Blaze.. though i DEFINITELY dont know too much on her .. Oh ! And Amy seems cool ! Big hwmmer... i think she deserves a lot of lovr in the fanbase tbh. I also thiink a lot of her designs are cute !
i alsoo likr Shadow, but its kinda only specific characterisations 2 me ? While I'm not the biggest sonic fan, sometimes they really seem to veer a little too hard into being cold, to rhe point where he becomes selfish and mean? Idkk. I know he's supposed 2 be cold and a bit standoffish, but i feel likr it sometimes gets out of hand . Oh and i think whatever the hell Surge and Kits deal is in the comics is fascinating. Get help .
SORRY this post started me rambling cause I'm awful at picking just one thing when asked, but arggg. Who's your favourites ? I'd be interested 2 know !! :]
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