#Barbatos is Luke's dad™
beelzebuddy-catan · 2 years
My headcanons, part 2
Once the brothers went to Disney and Asmo made them wear character inspired outfits everyday
Solomon and Satan play words with friends and scrabble in other languages.
They both cheat.
MC was making fun of a stereotypical white dad ™ and said: y'all ready to rock in roll once
Diavolo says that whenever he leaves a restaurant now.
Satan pronounces places with the dialect/accent of the locals. Much to everyone's chagrin
Mammon stages fake photos like they were taken by random people of himself and Asmo so he can sell them.
Diavolo mispronounces MC's name (no matter how simple) for the first three weeks.
Satan has beautiful penmanship but will purposely write like shit to piss off Lucifer.
Levi sometimes refers to time like the military (e.g. oh-five hundred hours)
MC got bored in class one day and made friendship bracelets for Simeon and Luke.
Mammon moped around the house for a week before MC broke down and made him one.
Levi's alarm is a bougle sound.
He's worse than Belphie at sleeping through it.
To the point Belphie has had to shut off Levi's alarm.
Mammon has red green color blindness and didn't find out until MC showed him one of those numbers pictures and he thought they were joking at first.
MC worked with Solomon to create a sigil that when touched, it blasts any demon you have a pact with back at least ten feet.
MC got it as a tattoo and whenever one of the brothers pisses them off they tap it to send them flying.
Sure they could just make a command, but there's something weirdly satisfying and absolutely hilarious about knocking the avatar of pride on his ass.
Beel once forgot where he parked and straight up just left the car there.
The only reason the car made it back is because Belphie was napping in the backseat when he drove it and Beel didn't notice it.
When the car showed up house, Beel was as confused as Belphie had been waking up with the car in a random parking lot.
Whenever one of the brothers treats MC likes they're stupid because they're human (by what I am referring to as "demonsplaining"), MC reacts like someone would when a child tells a story in a really sarcastic, fascinated way until they stop explaining.
Usually sometimes Belphie doesn't pick up on it and just gets more and more frustrated until he gives up.
Though it's rare for Beel to do it, he genuinely takes time to explain and matches MC's enthusiasm to the point MC can't break it to him they're kidding.
Whenever MC says something stupid or embarrassing (or just doesn't feel like explaining something that is definitely not a normal human thing), they say: "oh that's a human thing".
Barbatos sleeps with his eyes open.
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rainiishowers · 5 months
Another Obey Me MC: Navy
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Design made with this picrew
Full Name: Navy Kodi Farmer Age: 19 (At the beginning of the exchange program) Voice Claim: Daman Mills Gender: Nonbinary (AMAB) Pronouns: They/Them Sexuality: Poly-Pansexual Birthday: October 31st (Shares a birthday with Diavolo! :D) Height: 6'2 (187.96 cm) Likes: Multi-tasking, shooting stars/stargazing, cosplay Dislikes: School, heights, being rejected
Dating: Literally Everyone ™ (Execept Luke, for very obvious reasons) Positive Personality Traits: Witty, innovative, punctual Negative Personality Traits: Stubborn, overly meticulous, hurtfully blunt Strengths: Has management/leader skills, mechanically gifted, able to catch small details Flaws: Gets overwhelmed easily when there is too much to do, sometimes uses escapism to not think about personal issues, unable to trust easily Pact Marks: Lucifer- Right shoulder, right smack on it, because Navy tends to wear sleeveless shirts Mammon- Neck, since that's the space he has claimed as his spot when he wants to rest his head on them (although he does throw hissy fits when their shirts hide his pact mark sometimes) Leviathan- Palm of their right hand, because that's the hand Navy typically hold his hand with when calming him down or showing affection Satan- Wrapped around their middle finger on the left hand, so they can say "f u" with the power of Wrath Asmodeus- Left arm, he likes to hook onto it when he's with Navy Beelzebub- Stomach, because he thinks it's very fitting, and he likes to sneak up behind them and hug them close, typically wrapping his arms around their stomach or waist Belphegor- Back across from Beel's pact mark, because he likes to rest there, and especially because they can pick him up and he can piggy back ride them Fun Facts: They have hearing aids, although don't wear them all the time. When their bfs have pissed them off, they take em out and "pretend" not to hear them (they actually can't hear them very well) They have an owl familiar (I actually don't know if that is an owl in the picrew, but let's pretend it is). His name is Hazel :) They live in the HoL but tries to make time to visit the castle and Purgatory Hall (Barbatos has said that the Young Master gets upset when they don't visit) Navy likes pickles, and while Diavolo had look at them horrified the first time he realized this, he now gives any pickles he may get on his food to them Navy has convinced Barbatos to let Hazel be the castle's rat hunter, so Barbatos calls them to deal with rat problems Backstory: Navy's childhood was spent at an orphanage, but they by no means suffered. In fact, they were a leader among their peers and made sure everyone was healthy and well. When they started developing magic, they kept it hidden in fear they weren't going to be looked at the same way. Eventually, around 14 years old, Navy was adopted by two sorcerers, two dads that love them very much. The two parents were supportive through every struggle, getting help for their difficulty hearing and expressing themselves. Unfortunately, they were labelled the "weird kid" growing up in middle school and high school, but tried not to let it bother them too much. Navy's magic started becoming an annoyance when looking for a stable career as a mechanic, so they became a part-time apprentice under one of their two dads. During this apprenticeship, the other dad gave them Hazel. And then, they were dropped into the Devildom, but were by no means happy with it.
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mammons-best-boi · 2 years
Can I request a scenario where Barbatos gets told he is a bad influence on Luke by a random angel after hearing they he's giving Luke baking lessons. (Cause you know, despite being a sweet butler boy Barbatos also has a reputation as big bad and scary) But then Luke steps in and actually defends Barbatos as a good mentor!! I love their cute father-son relationship and it's cool how Luke has grown despite being taught to hate demons.
Also sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm dyslexic
(it's totally fine, I'm dyslexic too. Also I too am an avid enjoyer of Dadbatos and our son Luke! I hope you like this!)
Archangel Michael was on an embassy trip to the Devildom. The three angels that were sent had show growth, but the council has yet to determine whether they've grown for better or worse.
What better way to see than to send Michael himself to stay for a while and experience the Devildom! If he thinks that it's no longer a good idea, the council will advocate for the Father to let the three angels fall. To nip another rebellion in the bud.
As important as Michael is, he's sent with four other angels to protect him. Not that he's going to need it.
As the days grow closer, Luke and Barbatos (with the help of Raphael, Thirteen, Mammon, and Levi) collect various ingredients from the three realms.
Luke and Barbatos make cuisine from the Devildom as Raphael and Thirteen collect things from the celestial realm and Mammon and Levi collect things from the human realm.
The gaggle of fresh faces arrive in the hall as Luke and Barbatos carry out the large five tear cake. The angels that surround Michael start whispering.
"I can't believe that the council would poison our youth like this!"
"I know! Letting them prepare our food is bad enough! But the only reason I'd trust this "food" is because Luke made most of it."
"I bet Luke made all of it and the demon is just taking credit for it!"
Luke whips around, letting go of the cake. "That's not true!" Barbatos shifts to his demon form to keep the cake from hitting the ground. "Barbatos is the best chief I've ever seen! His food is so good! Too good for ungrateful angels like you! Barbatos has taught me so much about, not only the Devildom food, but about being kind, and accepting, and forgiving. He's taught me more in a few years than I've learned in the celestial realm in thousands of years!"
Barbatos, who was fighting to hold not just the cake, but his tears as well, smiles. He sets the cake on the table and walks up to Luke, letting his demon form fall. "Thank you, Luke. You didn't have to do that."
Luke looks up at Barbatos. "I did! You're my friend and I won't stand for anyone treating you..." He looks at his feet.. "like I did.."
Barbatos hugs Luke, uncaring about the lack of professionalism. "Don't forget, you've grown. You're not that same angel anymore. Don't lose your progress just because someone else reminds you."
Luke hugs him back. "Thank you Barbatos, for always being there."
Michael clears his throat. Everyone stands straight. "I've seen enough." Michael moves to the front of the group of angels. "This program has done good, not only for the Devil's realm -excuse me, the Devildom, but for the Celestial realm as well." He smiles at Luke. "I am proud of you, Luke. And you Barbatos, I owe thanks to you. For helping our youth be open in heart and mind. When I return, I will "green light" the continuation of your program."
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