#Beep really out here exposing her friend as a massive softie
These are all So Important to me. Right now.
I’m just gonna put them here because I love them so much and probably ramble and gush in the tags okay? Okay!!
Unfortunately I can’t seem to find the Bo one except in this video (around 3:55)
Which is… unfortunate.
#These are just so so cute#Beep is such a polite little sweetheart and she loves her friends so much#like that’s the first thing she brings up when introducing herself#that she loves her friends and she loves her job and she especially loves doing her job with her friends#AND HER LITTLE GIGGLE AT THE END OF THE BOOP ONE#Grop I love her so#This has been her dream since she was a teeny tiny wee little Storybot!#(I don’t know how to break it to ya Beep but you are still teeny tiny. So small!!)#And Bang!! Also very cute!! He doesn’t quite know what information to lead with at first which is kind of a mood#And when he goes off repeating roll over and over that is also a mood#you know? Just like me fr. Except he doesn’t have anxiety and I do#Friendly friend guy yeas#The sheer confidence of Bing rattling off all those positive traits he has#he literally brags about how funny he is and then makes the worst pun (?) ever and laughs so hard at his own bad pun#I wish I had his confidence#Boop just does not even want to be here you can tell Beep talked him into it#“I think her just pretends to be grumpy because he doesn’t want to let people know he cares.”#Beep really out here exposing her friend as a massive softie#she’s not wrong of course#I really like their dynamic honestly#Not great that the Bo video is trapped within the other video where they play bang’s video backwards for some reason#but her video itself is also very cute#*pats Bo gently on the forehead* this Storybot can fit so much love in her#Her going on and on about all the things she loves and forgetting what she was even talking about#First of all she’s such a sweetie pie second of all same honestly I ramble and then forget what I was originally talking about all the time#So same#storybots
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