#Beware The Liveblogging Lem
meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Fourteen: Face-To-Faceless
The show has always been good at running two antagonists at the same time, even if it's just one in the background for a while. Alpha/Hunters in season 1, Gerard and the Kanima in season 2, the Darach and the Alpha Pack in 3A, etc.
Maybe don't all crowd the teenage girl, assholes?
People are dumb when they're scared.
Telling Liam to act like Clark Kent when Dylan played little Clark in Man Of Steel is a good meta joke.
Directed by Linden Ashby. That explains why he hasn't been in it for a while.
Honestly, I'm with Malia at this point, just kill the evil old man.
Welcome to the show, Gabe Of The No Last Name.
"Which one of you is Nolan?" - Coach is such a bastard, lmao.
"I don't condone bullying of any kind," says Monroe, who 100000% condones teenage murder though.
Parrish's turn for some hallucinations.
Oh, there's Linden, never mind.
The morgue drawer beng empty is terrifying in itself, actually.
None of these lacrosse players are teenagers.
"The mass murder of teenagers" should not be the hingepoint on which your negotiation lies, Monroe, let's be honest.
Oh, she was on the Beast bus! Continuity is fun.
This whole Liam scene hurts to watch. It does have one of Coach's best bits though.
It's a wonder no one got shot in that tunnel tbh.
God, that biology teacher's such a useless bitch, I swear.
Parrish needs another new uniform, poor sod.
And the hits just keep on comin'.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 2 years
Season Four, Episode Ten: Monstrous
Ah, I thought Syndey was Brett's sister, never mind.
Not the last time Brett gets chased by hunters, unfortunately.
"How are you all still alive?" - Oh :(
Scott's wonderful reputation proceeds him.
Funky wolf's bane farm you've found there, Chris.
Nothing like similar traumatic experiences to bring a couple back together.
Some more A+ parenting from Melissa there.
I'm guessing Chris stole the wolf's bane to use on Kate, but that's going to backfire spectacularly.
This is all very Magnus Archives, isn't it? With the tapes and people being aware that they're being taped.
So Brunski did all the legwork, that makes sense at least.
Should they not arrest Peter the second he sets foot in that police station? He still killed a lot of people that he never paid for.
Everyone in this firefight has terrible aim.
This whole Peter/Meredith link thing is so clever and unexpected, it's a neat little twist.
It also means Peter effectively stole from himself to finance his own plan that he doesn't remember having lmao.
Lydia's mum is gunna flip when she sees the state of that wall.
"A former lunatic, I'm much better now." - Sure you are, Peter.
I mean as much as you want to blame Peter, it's really not his fault that this happened.
Meanwhile, Scott and friends aren't having much fun being shot at.
That wine thing is a big leap of logic but we'll chalk it up to banshee powers, shall we?
Uh oh, Demon Wolf power for Scott. Deucalion would be proud.
And thus ends the Dead Pool, in time for Kate and Peter to be the Big Bads for the final two episodes.
"Not all monsters do monstrous things." - <3
Peter and Kate working together after Peter killed Kate last time is such a whiplash twist tbh.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 2 years
Season Three, Episode Thirteen: Anchors
Ah, 3B, everyone's beloved. (Though Season 5 is more my thing)
Let's see, what do I remember from this one?
Kira's here, that's always good.
Allison dies, that's less good.
The Nogitsune being creepy AF.
I remember really liking Kira's mum and dad as well.
Who puts a tree in a classroom, honestly? Bad interior design.
Oh the foreshadowing, we love the foreshadowing.
Ooph, they got me with the triple dream Inception, god damn.
Alpha Eyes for Scott and an Oni mask in the opening. Plus the red hue. Changes!
Scott's using the Derek Hale School Of Alpha-ing where you beat up your children apparently.
Oh this is hella creepy, I love it. This is my kind of horror, the suspenseful kind, not the shitty jumpscares.
It feels like ages since we've been at school. I know it's been like 4 episodes or something but it definitely took a back seat after the midpoint of 3A. Really this is the season where Teen Wolf became Teen Wolf, if you ask me.
Noooooo Mister Yukimura don't embarrass Kira you git.
"I could set myself on fire and be noticed." Foreshadowing!
Ok maybe the Nemeton darkness thing does go somewhere lmao, I clearly remember less of this show than I thought.
Super foreshadowing now, Kate's not back till next season.
Maliaaaa, we gotta see herrrrr 🎵
Fucking Rafe, causing problems again.
"Stilinski, stop reminding me why I drink. Every...night." Coach, I love you.
Kira comin' in clutch with the knowledge.
"Try something!" Not THAT, Scott, bloody hell.
Don't kill your dad, Scott. Not a good look.
"Be your own anchor." Can I love Melissa any more? Yes, probably, but not by much.
Throwback to the pilot, nice.
Oh Isaac, Scott's going to kill you lmao.
The whole 'Malia's actually a werecoyote' thing is a pretty good misdirect in hindsight.
"I'm hungry!" MotherFUCK that made me jump.
Oh wait, IS Kate in this season properly? Huh.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Twenty: The Wolves Of War
Last one! ;_;
I had a lot of thoughts on this one.
This is the second of two episodes that were longer than the usual forty minutes.
I don't usually comment on the recap, but Lydia says Ethan and Derek, but the screen shows Derek and Jackson. Oops?
Oh good, some bad matting for the finale. At least we're consistent.
Hey, it's the Deadly Class kid. Benjamin Wadsworth?
Well, doesn't all this look familiar.
Vague Allison reference so she's present in the finale in some form :)
"How does it end?" - :(
Meanwhile, picking up where we left off...
"You didn't think you were doing this without me, did you?" "Without us!" - Best entrance, welcome back guys.
I love that Stiles took the time to go get Roscoe for himself.
Yeah, you better all run!
Twisting the knife with Deuc. But at least he got a proper send-off.
The Guest Starring roll for this episode is Very Long. Almost everyone's here again.
"Cry havoc, and let loose the dogs of war..." - Chilling.
Gerard, you enormous cunt. I've held off on saying it, but he really is.
Eichen House, getting in on the finale action after all.
Time to split the party, that always ends well.
Gerard really has no idea what he's unleashed, or what's coming for him.
No Deaton for the finale? He was only in like one episode in this arc I think, probably too busy on Walking Dead.
Stiles and Derek are doing a "The Man Who Killed Batman" thing, with the different perspectives on the same experience.
Eleventh hour I love yous are the best. Mason and Corey are so cute.
They're all surprisingly capable without you actually, Stiles.
Kind of fitting for everything to end at the high school. Plus it's one of their four sets, so y'know.
There's our first Anuk-Ite victim of the night, RIP Peter (for now).
Oh, this guard with Jackson was the idiot with the rifle in Eichen House.
"I can't drive sports cars any more. There's no room for my tail." - Iconique.
My first thought here was that they'd do a Medusa and make the Anuk-Ite look at itself.
Stiles, don't ruin Lydia and Jackson's reunion! He's actually a bit of a tit this episode tbh.
"I thought you'd never figure it out!" - Well that's certainly one way of coming out to your friends.
Gabe's gun is HUGE, that thing looks like it fires grenades.
Theo, comin' in clutch.
Monroe, you are also an enormous cunt.
Invisible boyfriends!
Liam and Theo in the Hellevator once again.
Melissa and Nolan (!) with the save!
Oh burny Wolf's Bane bullet time. At least Monroe only had the one.
Parrish-cicle Mark II.
Noah gets his BAMF moment, well deserved.
"What are you, like 60?" - Oh you idiots are cruisin' for a bruisin'.
Malia's down. Lydia's vision is coming true.
Jackson, defeated by love.
I think the only time we actually hear the Anuk-Ite's real voice is when it was talking to Gerard a few episodes ago.
Dad team-up, team-up of the dads.
Oh hey Jennifer. It's a shame Braeden didn't come back, or even get a mention. Presumably she and Derek broke up at some point, she's obviously not Eli's mom.
Derek, undone by temptation and/or stupidity, delete as appropriate.
Mutually assured destruction for the two Evil Argents.
Void Stiles being Scott's greatest fear, his best friend being corrupted by evil, is kind of fitting actually.
And here's the Nogitsune.
Oh, there's a proper Allison reference. Considering he was the only villain who actually killed a main character (and it stuck), him being part of the finale is neat too.
Scott doing the Wonder Woman bit. What a fucking hero.
Monroe sacrificing her own soldiers, just like Gerard taught her.
Oh we're doing the Villain Greatest Hits - there's a Berserker, an Oni, a Dread Doctor. Marti Matulis is pulling overtime.
Say it Gerard, say it! One last time! MOUNTAIN AAAAASSHHHH!
Little Stiles spark to save the day.
Oh hi Coach! I know he's a recovering alcoholic, but honestly he deserves a drink after what he's been through.
I do want to feel bad for Gabe. But I do also feel like he was kind of a fucker even before the Anuk-Ite and Monroe got their claws into him, unlike Nolan who was just scared.
Raeken's Redemption :)
There's actually a villain from every season in this episode when you about it. Peter, Chris, Kate, Gerard, Jackson, Deucalion, Jennifer, Stiles, Theo, and Monroe. I think we're just missing a Ghost Rider, unless they were in the fight scene and I missed them while I was taking notes.
Au revoir, Gerard. I hope it fucking hurt.
Hellhound Used Heat Haze! It's super effective!
"You lost!" - Liam forgot to add "you absolute fucking bitch" to that, but it's an MTV show so I guess he couldn't.
I guess this is why they had to pair Scott with someone, so they could do this whole power-of-love bit to repair his eyeballs.
Although we did know he was fine, since he had eyes in the framing sequence.
"I am a great coach." - What a dickhead, I love him a lot.
Oh, there's Deaton, they used some stock footage from earlier this season.
Chris + Melissa confirmed <3
That entire little montage is so good, tbh.
"They're my friends. My pack." - I am going to CRY.
"You're not a monster. You're a werewolf. Like me." - Okay, NOW I'm going to cry. I forgot we ended on that, fuck sake ;_;
What a finale. Wraps up all the loose ends, while leaving the show open for a revival (or a movie ;) ). Everyone gets time to shine, and some screen time to themselves, plus Scott gets to be the True Alpha Of My Heart all over the place. My only complaint really is that the Anuk-Ite gets captured a little too easy, but the fight scene beforehand makes up for it.
I'm glad I rewatched this tbh. It's reminded me just why it's one of my favourite shows.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Nineteen: Broken Glass
Chris emptying his pockets is going to take a while.
It BEGAN with a mass murder? Jesus, how bad did it get?
Derek on the war path!
Hey Derek! Nice to see you again.
Stealing from werewolf hunters is a victimless crime.
This whole thing is why Derek was wanted by the FBI in 06x10, presumably.
Syndey? Nooooooo!
Honestly, killing Monroe is where this should have ended, even if it wasn't Scott doing it.
There's that Beast in the library reference I was looking for.
You really shouldn't be celebrating a sixteen year old boy shooting up a house and injuring four people, Monroe, you fucking psycho.
Free guns for everyone! >_>
"Where's Jackson?" :(
At last, Nolan's starting to realise he's in over his head.
Of course Liam likes the plan where he gets to beat Nolan's ass.
"Parental concern?" - Yeah, try again, Peter. No one's believing that.
"You don't have a phone!" - Derek's face when he realises this is very funny.
Daredevil training with Deucalion!
"Because we don't run!" - Scott McCall, True Alpha Of My Heart.
Scott did his homework, even if Malia didn't.
Hello Kate, you evil bitch. Nice to see that plot thread tied off before the end of the show.
There's that covered parking lot set again.
Getting called to Eichen House out of nowhere is 100000% a trap, Parrish.
"Do you ever see anything remotely optimistic?" - No, Peter, of course not, she's a banshee, not a Care Bear.
"I am actually starting to wish I was blind again." - Line of the episode there.
Remarkable levels of restraint from Liam.
Fuck all the way off, Gabe.
Oh, The Night Of Broken Glass, there's our episode title.
Nolan's getting an ass kicking one way or another.
"People aren't inherently bad." - Scott, I love you.
Mason and Corey absolutely should have gone into that hospital invisible.
Conveniently labeled Cell Phone Blocker is conveniently labeled.
Wow, it's chucking it down in this scene.
Oh no, Deuc! I thought he lived! :(
One episode to go!
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Eighteen: Genotype
What a team-up Theo and Mason is going to be.
Did Monroe miss initially when she shot Halwyn? I thought they found the slug in the tree.
Oh, the banter, the banter is good!
Heh, it's taken two seasons, but Marti Matulis has gotten a guest starring credit instead of an also starring at the end.
It was always going to be dark and spooky.
"What are you gonna say?" "Hello?" - Comedy gold.
It's Evil Bio Teacher!
Again, everyone distracts Lydia when she's trying to get her premonitions, just leave her alone, lmao.
Casey Deidrick has spent 2 of his 3 episodes as a dead body so far, poor guy.
Do not bludgeon Lydia please Malia!
IIRC, Ms Finch (did we know her name before now?) is human, but her son's a werewolf.
Punnett squares! Everyone loves a punnett square.
Achoo! - More comedy gold.
One more visit to Eichen House before the end, because why not.
At least Halwyn got to wear pants this time.
Lydia and Malia masked themselves up, but didn't bother covering the big ol' bullet wound in Halwyn's head?
Can't beat a good instruction book!
Finch's daughter is Quinn, isn't it?
Booyeah, look at me, remembering things.
Cody's so little, aww.
It's heeeere…. twice.
Chekov's erasers.
Silver dripping out of a nose. How very Season 5.
"You can't take pain if you don't care." - Theo's face is heartbreaking, my god.
Pretty sure it's a bit late for Halwyn's warning at this point.
Shit. Double Face time.
Oh, Ms Finch is an alpha. That's a surprise.
Nice try, Liam. No, really, leaping over the tables and getting instantly whalloped was great.
A kiss and an ass-kicking. The perfect bonding ritual.
Bye Aaron. Bye Quinn. Hello, Anuk-Ite.
Nice save, Lydia.
How does it roar with no mouth? Asking the big questions.
This is probably the most human I've ever seen Marti Matulis look between this show and Evil.
Deucalion's gotta save the day, again.
Time for some shower sex, because how else do you end a day like this?
Gerard and the Anuk-Ite. Talk about a match made in heaven.
"You need an Argent!" - He's a giant bag of cocks, but Gerard does get some great lines.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Seventeen: Werewolves Of London
Great, I'm gonna have that in my head all night now.
The fact that literally no one says anything about Jackson having a boyfriend when he gets back to Beacon Hills is very funny tbh. He really is everyone's type.
A long awaited and well worth it return.
Melissa's been in danger before, but never this bad :(
Oh neat, Special Guest Star billing for Charlie and Colton - I thought it'd just be Colton.
Melissa still manages to be Best Mom even with holes in her <3
Oh god, it wasn't just Melissa either, wow.
Monroe is such a smug bitch, I swear to god.
Hey Deuc! Looking better than the last time we saw you, no bullets holes at the moment.
"So what, you live in a cave, took a vow of uselessness?" - Line of the episode from Malia here. Drag him!
"Gonna get our eyes stabbed out." - Malia's actually closer to the truth than you might think there.
"Where are you getting your juice?" Part Two up in here, Jackson interrogating the hunters.
That's like the third time that locker room mirror's been broken.
Better angels is never gonna work on Monroe, but it's a nice try from the Sheriff.
As recurring villains go, Gerard really does have his fingers in a lot of pies across the seasons. He, Kate, and Peter are pretty much a three way tie.
Yes, of course this is all Stilinski's fault. Monroe's mad, she really is.
I was wondering if Peter was coming back. Guess that answers that.
He raises a good point, but Scott's never gonna take the easy way over the right way, Peter should know that by now.
God, I hate this woman SO much.
Lydia's premonitions never take her anywhere nice, do they?
Guess the Primal are a dead end. Emphasis on the dead.
That's some twisted love from Gabe.
Oh look, Peter's been on fire again. What a running joke.
Aww, Peter wants to protect Scott because Malia's in love with him :')
Jackson and Ethan are so confident, yet so dumb. You silly pair.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Sixteen: Triggers
Is that Baby Ed Sheeran? Aww.
They're just fucking stabbing people in the middle of the school now, I guess.
The Anuk-Ite's looking for its other half, I presume.
Monroe's double standards are phenomenal. She's so delusional.
Baby Ed Sheeran didn't have a big part then.
Paperwork would have been a funny way to catch Gerard out, like Al Capone.
"Just kill your classmate" - What a great guidance counselor she is.
Gabe's a piece of work. I'm sure he dies.
This episode, sponsored by...whatever car this is, don't ask me, I'm gay.
Theo's plan is 'punch Liam in the face', because what else?
Having the pack on the run kinda handles the whole "what are the pack supposed to be doing if they're not going to college" deal, because the answer is "running for their lives".
"You broke my nose! Twice!" - Comedy Gold.
I really do love that they don't leave Lydia behind any more.
Gerard's somehow even worse than Monroe, wow.
Time for the Resident Evil laser grid.
Gerard's gone global. That's setting up the pack's season finale mission.
Teenagers, like guidance counselors and evil grandpas, are also bastards.
"Run." - Damn it Theo, that's hot.
Also, Nolan totally pissed himself here.
And it was all going so well...
Bad time for a premonition, let's be fair.
I'm calling Lydia next time I forget my keys so she can scream my door off.
Don't look too pleased about beating Liam unconscious five times, Theo, lmao.
Uh oh, dissension in the ranks? What a shame.
Hook-up time for Scott and Malia. Not sure now's the best time but hey, you could all get murdered any day now so why the hell not.
Should they really be back at Scott's house? Like, the jig isn't completely up, they should probably go somewhere people aren't expecting them to be.
Fucking Nemetons, man. The source of all evil.
Hey, final season, let's smash some sets!
Oh shit, who got shot? I don't remember? Melissa makes the most sense, but. Oh nooooo.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Fifteen: Pressure Test
This is one of those whole-episode-in-one-location things they do every now and then that I always like. This is one of my favourite episodes of the season.
Schrader, you motherfucker. What a sadist.
Theo! I think he's in every episode from now till the end.
This isn't the first time Theo's electrocuted himself on purpose.
Yeah, let Schrader fry. He deserves it.
Oh yeah, the girl playing Tierney is Sprayberry's sister. And Scott's dad comes back, I wasn't sure if we'd seen the last of him.
Deaton's investigating Halwyn's cell presumably? Makes sense that he would have kept that tablet nearby.
"If there's a problem…" - Yeah, here she comes now, her name's Monroe.
Theo's dynamic with the pack is always hilarious. Everyone's the best of frenemies.
Noah's negotiation techniques are exactly what I was saying last episode - if everything hinges on the murder of kids, you're on the wrong side.
Lydia wanting to fight shows how confident she is in her new control, that's nice.
Of course Monroe brought kids to the kid murder. What a lovely group activity.
Theo's not entirely wrong here, he's just not…saying it very nicely.
Nolan, what is wrong with you? Things I will say more and more often as the season goes on.
Oh, Scott's pissed now. That's his Alpha Daddy Voice.
Corey comin' in clutch again.
God, both sides in this fight are in the wrong. Self-defence is one thing but premeditated revenge is a little different, guys.
Again, this is very graphic for an MTV show.
Oh, we're staying on theme, the Anuk-Ite (first time we hear its name) is a shapeshifter too.
Well, that plan didn't last long, even for Teen Wolf standards.
Hey Rafe, I can't believe I'm actually pleased to see you.
This scene of everyone leaving is so fucking sad, I swear. And after all that, Jiang and Tierney still died :(
Corey really said :)
"What did you think we were gonna do? Run?" - One of my favourite lines. Chills!
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Thirteen: After Images
I know this episode ends badly for Brett and Lori but I still hope it ends nicely.
Fucking ouch, man. These kids endure some shit.
The hunters become the hunt- oh never mind.
This Liam/Mason conversation sounds familiar…
Oh, that's fucking creepy, the body in the doorway.
People need to stop standing in Roscoe's way when Scott tries to drive places.
Why do people insist on helping Lydia with her premonitions when they always, always distract her?
Directed by Posey, that's neat.
68 is…Brett's lacrosse number, if I remember right?
This episode feels very Season 1 - if you take the Anuk-Ite subplot out, it's just hunters vs. werewolves for 40 minutes.
Scott out-thought you more than once Gerard, I wouldn't underestimate him again if I were you.
Liam's learned from Scott, whether he likes it or not.
Oh, someone's fishing for supernatural knowledge.
Nolan's such a little psycho.
Oh, 68 is Nolan's lacrosse number, I knew it was on someone.
It says something that of all the creepy supernatural villains this show has, the best one is just an evil, prejudiced old grandpa.
Scott/Malia is probably the only thing this season that I don't think ever serves a purpose? Like, no one cares about romance at this point. Liam and Hayden broke up. Stiles and Lydia are split. The only other solid relationship is Mason and Corey, or whatever Melissa and Chris have going on.
Bye Brett. Bye Lori. :(
Everyone look at the monster!
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Twelve: Raw Talent
Raw Talent is from a Gerard quote, isn't it…
Theo! I didn't think we saw him again this early. Also, this entire scene is so sad, just let my boy sleep!
In case we all forgot, Cody is BIG.
He should have just called Scott :(
Fear hallucinations out the wazoo this season.
Mason's long-standing crush on Brett is one of my favourite bits of continuity.
Hey, Rhenzy Feliz! With the Season 1 Stiles haircut.
I have an open door policy, says Monroe, until she closes it in your face.
Gross. Spider-food.
"Guns" "Lots of guns" - Amazing password guesses from Malia. But of course it's Allison, what else would it be?
That's a nice bit of lore actually, it was Halwyn that built Eichen House.
Another hope for the movie - someone burns this fucking building down.
Do Beacon Hills ever actually win a lacrosse game?
Look at that, medical malpractise at Eichen House. Well I never.
They use this set a few times in 6B I think, the whole covered over parking lot thing.
How the turn tables. Now Lydia has to get Parrish out of Eichen.
"That's incredible. No one should be able to do that." - Monroe, you twat.
There's what's left of Aaron. Ew.
Lydia really should know better than to go into Eichen House alone.
Mission successful! Doctor Fenris deserved worse tbh.
People bond over the strangest things.
Actual silver bullets are too soft, I thought?
Thank you Chris, that's what I just said.
E V I L G R A N D P A.
And there's your Raw Talent line.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Eleven: Said The Spider To The Fly
Final 10 episodes, let's get it!
Theo's in the recap but he's not in the episode :(
The way they managed to keep everyone around for this last arc was a little contrived, but I guess they kind of had to given the timeline.
"Nothing motivates more than withering criticism." - Oh Coach, never change.
Oh, this is where Hayden leaves. This entire sequence with Liam, Mason, and Corey is gold.
Unnecessary flippy shit, my beloved!
Hey Nolan, you good? No, probably not.
Dead doggies :( That's not ominous at all.
Ah the 6B credits are the same as the first half, they're just missing DOB.
Speaking of whom, Special Guest Star credit for him since he's in this episode for like a minute at the end.
Good ol' duct tape.
Hey Doctor Fenris. I bet Doctor Vallack left a mountain of paperwork after Season 5, no wonder we haven't seen him since.
And there's Halwyn. Someone else who likes wandering around nekked and on fire.
Tamora Monroe, my beloathed.
Honestly, this plotline of the entire town turning against the supernaturals is really a good way to bring the show to a close, it's not something they could have done early on.
Halwyn gets a pass on the whole 'wandering around the school unsupervised' thing I usually moan about, because there's a lot of rats running around.
Rat king! I know they're gross as shit but I do love the idea of rat kings.
No one else wanted to be Principal then. Again, with the head in the sand. Natalie, we've done this plot, and it never ends well.
Fear. That's the theme for the entire story arc.
If I remember this right, the Anuk-Ite was trapped outside of our world by the Wild Hunt, but Douglas fucking about with the worlds last arc let it out.
Hellhound fight!
Parrish gets Worfed, again.
"We can't leave." - Yeah, no shit Lydia, there's another 9 episodes of the show left.
The fact that better angels actually works on Malia shows that she's come a long way.
Monroe - fucking things up from the first moment she shows up to the last. God I hate her, but she plays it so well.
Oh Derek, what have you been up to?
That sets up DOB and Hoechlin's return in the final episode at least.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Ten: Riders On The Storm
Taking a break for Christmas after this so I can watch some movies and stuff, then I'll hit the last 10 between Christmas and New Year.
So who's even left at this point? Scott, Lydia, Malia, Liam, and now Stiles? That's it?
Didn't they stop filming the season for a while at some point, so DOB could come back? So like, Theo's hair is really long when he gets out of the Hunt, among other things.
Ominous ticket board is ominous.
Well this is heartbreaking.
And he came back in Roscoe instead of the forest because...dramatic effect, presumably?
Uh. Who put those there? That's some speedy construction.
"A Stiles?" - Yesssssss
Yeah, you can tell there's been a time jump behind the scenes, DOB looks different. His hair's longer, and his face is a little chunkier.
Ooh, green fire. Parrish got a Wild Hunt upgrade.
This is the Corey-is-a-machine bit, isn't it? Time for pain.
That's Corey's voice!
Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow? Or divert the tracks, same thing.
Corey is the VIP for this episode, I'm calling it now. He's the key here.
"Wanna split up?" "Never again." <3
Theooooooo. They probably let him out for being too much of a bastard and annoying them all tbh.
Liam, comedy genius.
"Welp, guess everyone dies." - Speaking of comedy genius.
Malia's never called Peter 'dad' before, has she? That's why it works this time, especially since there really isn't an emotional connection there other than mutual irritation.
Should Liam not be...on fire? Or is the rift just wide open now?
Pfft, gone again, well done Stiles.
I guess because the worlds are merging it makes less difference. Same reason why Scott and Stiles don't end up in the train station.
Is Peter in 6B? I feel like he isn't, or not much if he is.
There's that blue hallway again.
Unnecessary flippy shit, my one true love.
Oh Corey, sweetie.
Puppy Pack reunited though.
Stiles with a gun to his head in a locker room. We've been here before.
Yesssss Lydia!
"I didn't say it back." "You didn't have to." - :')
What's the point of having ghostly cowboys if you're not gonna have a Mexican standoff?
Woooo, snog time!
"That was so hot!" - Melissa, oh my god lmao.
"You would have made an excellent Nazi youth." - He's Latino, so I doubt it, but also, what a fucking insult.
Fake Claudia making one last attempt at being a horrible cow.
Ew, that make-up's not...nice...
"No one likes a Nazi." - Line of the episode.
You lose, you Nazi scumbag.
Scott doesn't have his split fangs any more? Aww.
Banshee scream powered bullet? Now that's what I call teamwork.
Someone pushed his luck too far, didn't he? Nazi Ghost Rider is a bad look.
So yeah, Beacon Hills is safe, but won't the Hunt just go take somewhere else? They're not really defeated as much as diverted away from the people we care about.
The Nine Herbs have become a bit of a deus ex machina at this point, haven't they?
Aww, baseball bat bequeathment.
"They'll always need us." - Hell yeah they will. 06x01 callback.
With a little more epilogue, that could have been a series finale tbh. But nope, 10 more episodes to go!
I do hope everyone got to finish college between 06x20 and the movie, they deserve at least that much.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Nine: Memory Found
Mmm, Scottsicle. My favourite ice cream.
That Sheriff's Station gets wrecked so often, it's like they only have four sets or something. Oh wait.
"I'm an atheist. Fire at will." - He's such an asshole, I love him so much.
"He was smart! Smart enough not to trust me!" - :(
Theo's so big, you can see how tight his damn shirt is, jeez.
Bye Sheriff.
Theo and Liam are the comedic duo of the season, here and in 6B. "This isn't even a car key!"
Look, I say this as a man with a crush on T-Pose, does Scott really need to be shirtless in the ice box?
Time for a trip down memory lane.
But first, some PTSD flashbacks to remind Theo he's meant to be being nicer to people now.
£10 says they hide in the morgue, to traumatise Theo some more.
Memory palace, Persona 5 style.
Yeah, here's the morgue.
Motel California would be a good memory, right about now.
Oh. There it is. Brothers :)
An Exposition Workshop. Great title for a book.
The Dalek Effect hits the Ghost Riders so hard. The more there are, the easier they go down.
Nice that there's still time for some levity in amongst all the doom and gloom. Malia reading Lydia's notepad is hilarious, as is "You smoked when you were ten?"
Aww, the almost fistbump :(
"Being the bait." - :(((((
Theo would have been the Derek of the spin-off, presumably.
The most commonly spoken word this season is most definitely Stiles' name.
Lydia x Stiles, the slowest of slowburns with the greatest of payoffs. It's a shame we never really get to actually see them as a proper couple.
"Stiles?" - :O
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Eight: Blitzkrieg
Pete Ploszek's German accent > Crystal Reed's French one, though not by much.
"Ze occult is nothing to toy with," he says to the were-lion.
Noah literally connecting the dots :)
Oh, shut up, Peter.
Corey only having pictures of him and Mason is cute.
Löwenmensch. That's a fun word.
Typical Nazi asshole, sacrificing his own men.
Don't shoot the horsie!
Alwasys nice to see the Dread Doctors again.
Poor Douglas. Couldn't have happened to a nicer asshole.
Ooh, Parrish in a box. Beacon Hills' most popular toy that Christmas.
"Did you hear that?!" - Chris Argent ftw.
Oh, Chris gone. And Melissa. And Mason. Jeez.
You can tell we're getting to the end of the season, everyone's dropping like flies.
Liam's better at timing his love confessions than Scott, at least.
There goes Hayden.
They were really setting up this whole Puppy Pack spin-off thing, weren't they? All the pieces are there.
Face to face with the Big Bad for the first time.
Poor Parrish. Dude never catches a break. Now he's a Nazi lapdog.
Time for Claudia to be on her way. A+ acting from Linden Ashby as well.
Oh yeah, remembering people, really remembering them, opens a rift too.
Hi Peter. Bye Peter!
They don't take banshees, do they, so Lydia would never see Stiles again whatever happened with the Ghost Riders :(
Stiles' name reveal! And the fandom goes wild!
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 1 year
Season Six, Episode Seven: Heartless
Ah yes, Theo's eternal torture. 3A (I think?)flashbacks for Scott.
Free feet pics? In this economy? Put them away Theo.
I too would like to touch Theo's tiddies, but perhaps not as violently as his sister.
"You don't have to stop." - Cody Christian being a superb actor again.
They keep killing Madrox Theo.
"It's so awkward when Mum and Dad fight." - They're gunna hit you, Theo.
Oh come on, Scott's redeemed killers before - Deucalion, the Twins? Theo's not that much of a stretch.
~There's a hole in my wall tonight~ - I feel like Noah would like the Eagles.
Stiles' room isn't upstairs?
Liam and Hayden are very cute.
"Peter always has a devious plan to hurt everyone around him." - Pretty much, yep.
Shouldn't Peter be bald, not beardy, considering he was set on fire? I know the Nine Herbs sorted him out but still.
Melissa's revenge! Brilliant.
Right as always, Lydia.
This is actually a pretty good plan, till Douglas fouls it all up.
Mr. Ghost Rider? Pfft.
Mason being able to find Corey when he's invisible is adorable too.
Honestly, this is such a good way to keep Stiles relevant even with DOB missing for 90% of the season.
Terrible parental advice from Peter Hale. What a surprise.
"You have no self-preservation instincts. How are you my daughter?" - Line of the episode.
The Hunt's just a force of nature, isn't it? That's why they don't have a motivation other than doing what they do. It's just a bad case of wrong place, wrong time. If anything, it might even have been Douglas' presence in the town that brought them there, to finish off unfinished business from the war.
Did evryone just forget that Hellhounds ride with the Wild Hunt?
Hello, Douglas. Here to fuck everything up.
That's a nice face. Very Demon Wolf.
Mmm, Ghost Rider brains. Tasty. That's one way to assert your dominance, I guess.
Corey :(
Those blue/green spectral eyes are a neat colour, ngl.
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