exiled-hacker · 3 years
This was back when I rp’d with Bleachedpages. I did a bunch of work like this, but I do not know their new blog! If they are still active, feel free to tag em. I know they gave me permission to post this kinda stuff.
“Artemis?” His head ached and throbbed, and something was wrapped gently around the man's brow, continuing around his head in several layers.
 He couldn't figure out where he was, nor how he'd gotten someplace so soft, but the smell of coffee, of the cleanliness of the room caught him, and he gave a small groan, turning his head slowly to crack his eyes open. “You're awake.” Came a familiar voice, and Artemis hissed, “I do believe you are.” Someone settled onto the chair adjacent to him, and Artemis looked at the white-clad figure, his memories flooding back to him.
 The Purification had gone wrong. So wrong, and they'd fought. It had indeed been a bloodbath, but Artemis had spared the spy from death.
 What happened after.. well, Artemis assumed the Pure had no idea.
  The blood of the spy, as well as his own, caked his clothing, dripping onto the red carpet, and smearing onto the pews.
 No one was there, no one was around to see the Brutal, nor the glint of the gun he held, as he marched right on up to the cross on the wall, eyes staring with accusation. “I did everything,” Artemis hissed, “Everything.. except one. I did not know I held onto it.. I did not know I didn't let go, but that.. that spy's touch, trigged the last purification memories. I had not meant to attack him..” His voice choked at this point, and he took in a breath, the next word tumbling forth as a broken man, “Why?” “Why am I not allowed to become a Pure? I want to be good. A good man... and I'm not. I'm a Brutal. All I know is how to kill...” He looked at the ground, slowly contemplating his next few words. “I know you're there. You're always around, in my mind, heart, and soul. You know I'm suffering. He was my friend, my only friend. And I have no one.” The glint of the metal weapon, pressing against his temple as footsteps sounded behind him, pausing as the figure realized what Artemis as going to do, a cry, as the Brutal turned. There was Joseph, eyes wide, having heard his words. He'd just been walking around, getting ready to pray for the night, and visiting Father Benjamin, who was following. Both watched, horror eyed at the Brutal, who merely gave a calm smile. “You freed me, Joe.. You f-freed me..” “Artemis, you don't have to do this. You're a good man.” Joseph spoke, raising his hands, “Calm down, let us talk.” “No,” Artemis whimpered, “I-I'm done talking. I'm n-not good, I”m just.. just..a Brutal.” “You are not,” Joseph replied, “You're a wonderful human being, and the Almighty loves you. What did you not let go of? We can still do the purification if you just talk to me.” “I..” Artemis gulped, lowering the weapon for a moment, chaos written on his face. He was going to be dead soon, so it didn't matter, did it? “I tried to be purified once before. We got to the hands, but.. something went wrong. The man I trusted was no Pure as he led me to believe, and I ended up being burned alive. Scars on my hands are triggers because of that.” “I see,” The white-clad man answered, “That is why you attacked?” “Yes.” Artemis gulped, keeping the weapon held in a white-knuckled grip, and moved it back to his temple. “We can help you move on, then purify you,” Joseph suggested, “Please?” “I-it's too late,” Artemis grunted, and the next sound anyone heard was the gun going off, and the blood and skull fragments splattering against the gold of the cross, Artemis' body slumping to the ground.
  “Do you remember?”
 “I didn't think you knew,” Artemis answered, looking at Joseph through his icy blue eye, wondering why everything was dark on the left side. “For a sniper, you missed.” The spy chuckled, “You managed to get some of your brain and what not, but.. you're not dead.” “How..?” “Well,” Joseph sighed, “The Almighty is still with you. He does care and love you. Being a Brutal is something you can work from being, and if it's that important for you to be a purified man, then we can try.” “Friendship is more important, mate.” Artemis spoke, tears slipping down his face, “W-we were friends. Not anymore. I..” There was silence for a moment, then the other spoke up. “Yet, you flirt with me and asked about the Brutal and Pure.” “I.. I do love you,” Artemis admitted, “Always was scared to tell you, but I just.. Friends..” Joseph shook his head, still feeling bitter over what had happened. If Artemis had explained, but.. he'd attacked, rather than talk. -------------------------------------------------
 “You have something you didn't let go,” Joseph hissed, staring at the Brutal angerly, scooting away as he drew his knife.
 “I..” Artemis turned his head, then glared back at the man, “You're a bleedin' preacher! You're supposed to understand!!” “Understand what?!” Joseph spat, eyes narrowed, “What did you not let go of?” “ITS NOT YOUR BLEEDIN BUSINESS.” The Brutal roared, seeming lost of an void of sanity, the eyes flashing dangerously, as he lunged. He held no weapons, but Joseph knew that it didn't matter. He still had the strength and speed, and it wasn't long before the stronger male grabbed him and tried to slam him into the nearby tree. The spy struck out, slashing with his knife, forcing the blade into the tender flesh, listening to the man give a meager grunt in response, his free hand moving to grab the blade. Joseph didn't give him the chance, as he slashed the open palm, listening to the pained cry, as Artemis let go, confusion etched on the sniper's face.
 It was the opening he needed as he ran foreward, pushing the blade into Artemis' gut, the other pulling back in shock and anger, then kicked out. Joseph felt the crack as he was struck in the leg, his body tumbling a bit as he was thrown back. He couldn't help but give a cry, his leg broken. Artemis ran forward, like a beast, as he grabbed him, a fist slamming into Joseph's face, causing the Pure to cry out. Another, than another, each blow filled with anger and pain, but the spy pushed his leg into the other's groin, hearing the audible grunt. Good. He rolled away, and sought out some form of protection, only to wrap his hands around a thick slab of rock. Artemis barrled toward the weakend man, and it was instant, the crack as the stone hit him, hard. His body twisted and spun, crashing to the ground where he didn't move. No sign of a twitch, and Joseph panted, face already swelling from the bruises.
 What had gotten into the man he called a friend? What got into the man who so dearly wanted to be a Pure?
 He had no idea, but the feelings of hurt and anger consumed him, and he stalked off, getting himself cleaned, and left to go to the church to speak to Father Benjamin.
 “I hurt..” Artemis' voice caught Joseph out of his deep reverie, and he glanced at the icey blue eye, a small smile on his face. “Of course you do,” He responded, “You took a stone and bullet to the head.” “Do I not get pain killers?” “Yes,” there was laughter in the spy's voice, and he stood. “Sorry,” came a mumble, and the other looked down, seeing Artemis' hands grip the blanket, “I should have said something. I pushed the memory so far back and tried to.. to.. leave it be. I got rid of all other sins, but that one. I couldn't let go of. I was scared, and.. I was stupid. I want to be a good man. I want to be.. be like you... no death and killing.” “You still can be, Artemis. Just let yourself move on and get rid of the sins.” “You don't..” Artemis' eyes pleaded with him, and a hand reached out, grasping the other's wrist, “Don't go.. please.” “I'm getting you some pain pills. I will be back,” The spy answered, gently patting Arty's hand, “When I do, we will talk more. I want you to tell me everything. Understood?”
 “I.. yeah.” Artemis smiled softly, “I do. Just.. please don't be angry. Please let us be friends.” “We..” Joseph recalled something. The Lord always forgave. “I forgive you.”
 “Good..” “Now, I”ll be back, okay?”
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nastypieceofwxrk · 7 years
——— ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰ
“What can I say? Seems I just can’t stay away from that which is,” paused by a low velvet laugh, mockery. “So innocent and pure.”
A smile breaks out at the end of it, all teeth yet just as dangerous if they had points. But there’s that smooth charm and handsome grace, unshaken, ever confident as he stands in relaxed ease, hands hidden away in the pockets of dark slacks. “I apologize. I almost made it through that being completely serious but it was too much even for me.”
Another quiet chuckle. “Innocent and pure is something you are so very far removed from. At least in my memories. Does it persist even now?”
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bigdogbigtrouble · 7 years
There’s a cold front that night.
Not altogether ominous for a thus far wintry January, but it didn’t bode well.
There was howling- not the sound of coyotes, but the strong, haunting melody of a wolf pack together. This, too, would not be particularly ominous, until you considered that there was no local wolf pack nearby.
There were sounds that came from outside Pure’s house some nights. Something big brushing against the old home, crushing stalks of grass, and great slurping sounds from drinking from the pond in Pure’s backyard. There were the occasional howls just outside his window, a dark shape or shapes moving if he should glance out the window. Come the next couple of mornings, animal carcasses were left by his porch step. A deer that’d been picked clean. Multiple rabbits. A dog, by the looks of it a stray mutt. 
The activity of the new wolf pack died as the moon waned. A coincidence? Correlation? Lycanthropy was not outside the realm of possibility. 
When the moon next grew fat and yellow, the wolf pack returned.
One of the wolves, the largest, was disturbingly and strikingly familiar. Laying in a pool of moonlight, a long-haired, dark-furred wolf. Its eyes burned, sharp and intelligent, a shade of blue matched by a particular sniper that seemed to have walked out of Pure’s life many, many, many months ago- In fact, the last discussion they’d shared was the man telling the preacher he was leaving to take care of his child. 
The eyes were unmistakable. The broad, gashing scar over his left eye, the dark, rich brown of the beast’s fur... It seemed the man obsessed with dogs had become one himself.
And now Pure had to decide what to do about it. 
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He definitely hadn't expected the hug when he turned up at Pure's door.It had been so long...why did he decide to come back here?? The Facility had caught wind of him being in this neighbourhood a few months ago and Dhon had to bail.He never thought he'd be able to come back here again. Not with surveillance being so tight.After a moment of hesitation, he melted into the embrace. Wrapping his arms around Pure and hugging him tight."Heh...long time no see, hermano."@bleachedpages
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exiled-hacker · 3 years
A Purely Brutal Halloween
I know it’s not Halloween, but I found this in my WIP stuff, and I decided to share. If anything, I recall Joseph belonging to Bleachedpages and I don’t recall their other blog. They are Birdy on Discord, though! If anyone knows them and wants to show them!
I think this was one of the ones I was proud of but also nervous of. SO! Here goes. c:
Halloween was on its way, which meant the crisp fall colors, teeth-rotting candy, and the ever present pumpkin smashing that would ensue. For the BIO team, it meant heading home to loved ones, perhaps even taking any children trick-or-treating... if they had any, that is. For Artemis, it meant going home to feed his cats and pets, followed by visiting Joseph. Perhaps he'd bring him out pumpkin shopping... Maybe. Artemis stepped out of the base, feeling the cool morning air hit his face. The forest around them was full of bright leaves, all within the beautiful fire colors of fall. The crisp scent caused him to sigh in delight, deeming to pick up some apple cider for the Pure Spy. His boots moved toward his car, which he entered and drove into town. His eyes gazed upon the multitude of costumes, and he wondered just how much he could pursuade Joseph into wearing one. The man was so.. different from the Brutal, however. Yet, he wondered if Joseph would have some fun when he got there. His eyes planted on a store, well.. mega-mall. Deciding that was the best place to find some candy and costumes, he wandered inside. It'd been a while since he'd been here and sought out the bookstore first. There was plenty of new books, which he felt he had to add to his growing library. This was followed by hitting the arts store for book making materials, something he did in his spare time. But the biggest place he hit was a halloween store, seeking out something for both himself and Joseph. Something he felt both the spy would like and he would feel comfortable in. Eyeing the costumes, he came across several angel based ones; finally setting his eyes upon the mechanical wings, which spread at the push of a button. This would be perfect for the Pure spy! He pondered about for a moment, seeking out anything he'd enjoy. Seeing nothing, he decided that perhaps it'd be better if he hand made both costumes.
 With the idea of the wings in mind, he hit up the craft store again and bought some real feathers. Next was the stop to the supermarket, which he bought his favorite chocolate, chose out steaks and potatoes for he and Joseph, followed by candles that changed colors as they melted. Blacks and oranges for Halloween! The candles would be the center piece in each window, castng the eerie glow upon the rooms. This was followed by a few more decorations and some cider for the two. Who needed wine when warm apple cider was to be had? Artemis then began his way home, seeking out a simple way to get there and arrive on time to surprise Joseph. He trusted the man now to give him a key to his home and have him feed his pets when on the job, yet Artemis felt he owed it to Joseph to atleast get him something! The home was empty, something the man was used to. He headed to his library, placed the books on the shelf, then moved outside to a barn along the pathway into the woods. It was there he set to work on the wings. He molded metal, fused wires, and added the feathers; studying his white raven's wings in order to gain some form of understanding on how to place each individual feather. The outside he painted gold, which the inside was given a varinish to shine in the sunlight, followed by a white glow for the night hours. Testing the wings, he felt satisfied with his work and glanced at the clock. It was near three A.M. And Artemis realized he'd forgotten about dinner and Joseph! Hurrying with the wings back to his home, he made his way inside. There, he was greeted by Joseph, who took in the grime coated man and the wings which he struggled to hide behind his back. “Hey, Joseph..” Artemis spoke with a shakey breath, “I.. er.. sorry, I was working a tad... too late.” “I see,” Joseph spoke calmly, “May I ask what the wings are for?” “Er..” He paused, “Oh! Just a project I'm working on! Don't worry about it. Just something silly..” It was partially a lie. It was indeed a project, but not silly. It was important to Artemis. Very important. Joseph's grey eyes settled upon the man. He knew he was lying, and watched as Artemis squirmed under the piercing gaze. Quickly, Artemis removed his black jacket and placed it over the wings as he finally revealed several scars upon his arms and neck. Many that looked like battle wounds. Recent and red as they healed. “Artemis..” Joseph spoke, his tone a bit stricter than Artemis was accustomed to. “Alright, Alright,” Artemis raised his hands and pulled the jacket off of the wings; hanging it by a peg in the doorway, “They're for.. a friend. Someone special in my life. I want to repay them.. and well..” He glanced at the finished project, “Truth be told, Joseph.. they're for you. For Halloween..” “Artemis..” Joseph was going to scold him when he heard the second part, “You... you really didn't have to..” He moved over to inspect the wings. It had such intricute detail when it came to the feathers, each placed in their proper place so that they looked like real wings. He even jumped back when they spread, the varnish doing it's job as it shined within the light. “I don't.. really celebrate Halloween,” Joseph spoke, voice soft, “But thank you.. Perhaps I will this year.” “I know people always have their kids dressed up as monsters and demons.. but.. I thought.. maybe you'd enjoy being something that.. well suited you.” “I am but a humble servent of the Almighty,” Joseph responded, “You know this, Artemis.” “I know, but.. I thought.. maybe.. I dunno.” He gave a small smile, “As I tell you when you say that.. 'Even servents have their rewards.'”
 This was somehing that seemed to happen whenever they spoke with gifts. Joseph had gotten something for the Brutal as well. Holding out the package, he gave a small smile, “I thought you'd appreciate this.” The Brutal gingerly opened the paper, fearful he'd tear the beauty of such a simple brown paper. He then looked at the book in awe, fingers tracing over the cover. “I've wanted this since I was a boy..” He spoke softly, “T.S. Elliot... I could never find any of his works in the store.. never. I..” He gave a small smile, fingers running over the pristine edges as if they'd be destroyed within an instant. “Thanks, Mate,” He spoke, then moved to grab the candles. “Artemis,” Joseph began, “Are you going to court me again?” “Nah,” Artemis responded, “These are for the windows. For Halloween and all.” He then moved to make the very late dinner, handing a small bag of chocolate to Joseph. The chocolate was not the ones he had prior. In fact, they were shaped like bunnies, seashells, and other animals. Joseph eyed them, then took a bite. Such delicious belgian chocolate seeped through his tastebuds and he gave a small murmur of how good it was. Artemis chuckled, noting that the spy made dinner already. Eyebrow raised, he glanced at Joseph. He supposed he should thank him again, but instead gave a yawn. He didn't realize how tired he was. Any thoughts about decorating the house would have to wait. He needed to eat and sleep, so, with that thought in mind; he began to eat the prepared meal. Eventually, however, his eyes drooped and his head dropped into the mashed potatoes, coating them in their fluffy whiteness. Joseph watched for a moment, then gave a small chuckle. Quickly, he scolded himself and picked the man up. Far heavier and bigger than he, Joseph made it to Artemis' bedroom. He'd never seen the interior, but now he had.. Pictures of birds, people, and family covered the man's desk. On the walls hung his team, people he knew, and his boyhood. Joseph glanced at them, then decided to ask later. Grabbing a wet cloth, he cleaned Artemis' face and shook his head. Gingerly, he felt the gloved hand wrap around his suit, grey eyes filled with surprise as Artemis pulled him into bed, the sniper still snoring away as he did so. The Brutal pushed his face into Joseph and gave a small happy snort. “Brother,” He spoke in his sleep, “I love ya.. P-Papa..yer warm..” Joseph sighed, then pulled a blanket onto the sniper, followed by one around himself, letting his head hit the pillow. Friends often slept in the same bed, so Joseph felt there was no harm. And somewhere in him, he knew the Almighty had no problems with this sleep over at all. Slowly, the grey eyes shut and Joseph fell asleep; drifting off into the pleasant world of dreamland.
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crimson-warrior · 8 years
bleachedpages said: “ I thrive on your delectable tears.”
“D-do you even hear yourself?!  You sound just like a fucking brutal!  God, I hate you so much!”
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bleachedpages replied to your post:“It’s funny preacher I am a being that could go to...
“ Being a woman, prevents me from nothing. I remain on my way to heaven.”
“I am not suggesting that your current gender is going to kept you away from your afterlife. I am merely saying that I am more likely to achieve it in this state than you are currently.” 
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
" Wallace? Wallace, are you in?" She's leaning against the door, knocking on it as she glances about the BLU hallways.
Having been away from his quarters for so long, it was rare to find the Spy actually here and catering to his pet snake. Looking over his shoulder to the voice, he suddenly became confused. The voice didn’t sound familiar to him, so he could only reply with a “Yes?” in return. 
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exsecutorem · 8 years
"Your opinions are irrelevant."
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nastypieceofwxrk · 8 years
Tumblr media
“Don’t worry, Pure. I’ll still be around to keep you company.”
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bleachedpages replied to your post: “And here I am thinking that preachers accept all,...
“ And you are too.”
“I am what, exactly? I do not understand what concept you are trying to convey.”
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bigdogbigtrouble · 8 years
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
“... He scares me. But, oh God, I’m scared of what he’ll think of me rather than what he’ll do to me.” 
0 notes
exsecutorem · 8 years
bleachedpages replied to your post:“Like you’re any better, preacher.”
“ I’m much better than that shell that calls itself a man.”
Shell. Bloody shell. What was that even supposed to mean?
“It’s a bit too early to poke a stick at the beast, isn’t it? So, go take your crucifix, and shove it as far as you can up your arse instead.” 
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@bleachedpages Dhon shot the glare of all fucking deathglares at Pure, his anger seething off of him. "Don't you fuckin' even try..." He practically snarled.
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