#BostonNick destroyed me
yujeong · 8 months
Ok, Ok, I think I need to lay down. Yes, SandRay floored us today. Yes, Khaotung wanted to personally kill me with his acting and First with his huge eyes filled with tears. Yes, whatever the fuck TopMew had going on this episode had me pull my hair in frustration in a good way, because Mew is a hilariously horrible person and Boeing is unhinged. BUT. Listen. BostonNick stole the episode for me. That scene. That fucking scene. Everything that happened before that scene was the perfect set up. Atom setting Boston up. Cheum and co going to his house to shame him and denounce him as their friend. Nick and Dan. Their encounter at Nick's shop. It was all delicious and perfectly executed but it could never prepare me for this. We see Boston looking sad at the distance and Nick coming to him to talk (after he saw Boston's feelings about him through the fucking phone wallpaper pls, I'm not OK). He asks him and Boston is defensive but then Nick insists and Boston, in his need to have someone comfort him FINALLY, says what happened. At first Nick responds by telling him how things are; seems legit, he says, given what you've done. Boston tells him to cut it off but not in his usual way, he's not cruel or rude, he's simply asking to not be shit on rn. Nick listens and apologizes and he means it and I love it.
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But Boston feels weird and cannot understand wtf is wrong with him and it's real and I love that he trusted Nick to ask him about it. And Nick's answer is perfect for Boston, because sure, for us, the audience it seems so obvious; of course Boston is doing fucked up shit in his desperation to be loved and accepted, but Boston doesn't know that. No one TOLD him that, no one SHOWED him that.
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Boston's answer to that is even better, because he still doesn't understand. And he needs a more valid reason than that.
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Nick's answer? Oh, my beautiful nasty little boy. He was so real for it. He needed to gather himself to say it. He needed time to utter those words. "I also did nasty shit to you, Boston" he tells him. "Maybe we belong together" What Boston said next was breathtaking. I love him for that.
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He might as well have said "I love you" here. It has the same weight as that phrase. That's why Nick breaks down. That's why he kisses him like that, crying uncontrollably and telling him he missed him too. Because we already knew about Nick's feelings towards Boston. We knew the guy had an obsession turned love towards him. But with Boston it's different. And Nick thought so too before this phrase was uttered, before Boston basically confessed he has feelings for Nick, or more precisely, that Nick is special to Boston. And he proceeds to say it AGAIN, after Nick says it. He says AGAIN how he missed him and he THANKS him for staying by his side with TEARS in his own eyes. They hug while crying together, please, I'm too weak for this. And then they make LOVE. They don't just fuck, they make sweet love to each other while staring at each other's eyes and kissing and being cute and I fucking DIED right there. BostonNick is all I ever wanted and more. I need MORE, please, I can't handle myself. This episode was SO GOOD, I can't DEAL with this.
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thatgirl4815 · 9 months
Intimacy (Ep4)
So there is a lot of behind the scenes work happening in this episode, diving into character histories and further developing how they've come to find themselves in the relationships they're in. All of these details will likely play a large role in how each couples' bonds deepen or widen.
Ray's behavior gets a lot of context this episode, particularly in regards to Mew, who he is still crushing on. Because this is such a big plot point this episode, it has a lot of subtle implications for Ray's burgeoning relationship with Sand. Forgive me while I go on a tangent about Ray...
It's become clear--and I think Ray himself even realizes this--that Ray's feelings for Mew are more about the role Mew can fulfill rather than the person Mew really is. How many times does Ray say "No one loves me" in that opening scene? Ray needs so desperately to feel that someone loves him, and he's grown accustomed to being called a brat and a burden because he sees himself that way too.
Ray tells Mew that he isn't looking for a real relationship, but he seems to crave one. I think though that if Ray did date Mew, he would find himself in a similar situation as what he is (eventually) going to find with Sand: having someone love him is all he wants, but the threat of that person leaving him is worse than receiving no love at all. The thought of having Mew return his feelings is perfect because it's just a fantasy--a reflection of what he needs to feel whole again.
Ray turns back to Sand to distract himself from Mew, but Ray's relationship with Sand is going to show him what happens when the fantasy of being loved by someone becomes a reality. Being loved means acknowledging all of the hurt and pain that Ray has likely worked so hard to suppress in the years since his mother's death.
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Ray and Sand are edging closer and closer to the edge of the "feelings" abyss, and at the moment, Sand is still the only one who seems aware of it. They've already developed an intimate relationship physically, but small gestures like this reflect the emotional intimacy they're working towards. That's what could end up destroying both of them.
Top and Mew make more headway as far as physical intimacy this episode, but their emotional intimacy has taken a few steps back from the steady incline it's been on so far...Mew just doesn't know it yet. The trust they have in one another is going to be put to the test again and again as Top tries to conceal the truth about his hookup with Boston.
While I admire how strongly Mew holds to his convictions, particularly where sex is concerned, something still feels missing from their relationship both emotionally and physically. I can't decide if it's intentional or not. If it's intentional, perhaps it's meant to reflect that all is not as it seems between them, that there are still substantial barriers they'll have to overcome to make their relationship work (trust issues, for one). Part of it might also be that we have witnessed Top try again and again to win Mew over, but Mew still seems resistant in any case. Again, I don't blame him given Top's reputation, but even when he opens up, Mew still comes across extremely guarded, almost as if he isn't completely sold on being in a relationship at all.
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This might just be my take on it. I'm curious if anyone else feels similarly. I want to be invested in Top and Mew's relationship, but the very obvious cheating and lying going on is making it difficult for me to anticipate a happy ending, and it casts a cloud over their intimate scenes already. (Again, probably intentional. I'm anxious to see where it'll go from here.)
Boston never changes. He plays Nick like a fiddle. The only change we see between them this episode comes from Nick's side, with him finally admitting verbally that he's into Boston (as if we did not already know that). I find it funny that Nick agrees with everyone who tells him that Boston is bad news, yet he's just as down bad as before. I think Nick takes the cake for most pathetic character on the show (*affectionate*)...can't say I condone his obvious spying and breaking into Boston's phone though. At least Nick has flaws too, otherwise Boston would be blowing him out of the water as far as negative traits are concerned.
Boston's ego is also extremely apparent in every scene with Nick. I think Boston likes knowing that Nick is developing feelings, even if he has no intention of returning them. He sees himself as a prize, and Nick's affection just reaffirms that (something he desperately needs while Top is rejecting him).
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Boston and Ray both take the cake as far as getting back into Nick and Sand's good graces though. Those cheek kisses and puppy dog eyes haven't failed them yet.
(Not entirely related, but I am not ready for Boston and Nick to crash RaySand's makeout session next week. Let the boys kiss in peace please.)
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wangjiclub · 7 months
I need to take this off my chest so I can move on.
Only Friends was a TopMew show disguised as an attempt to release a disruptive and innovative queer media.
Now that the show has ended and the world could see the product in its entirety we're able to judge it. I have no idea what actually went on behind the curtains or what was the real intention of the creators or how they view polygamy. But, as part of the audience and the target consumer, I feel like I'm able to talk about it and criticize it.
What they did to not only BostonNick but to NeoMark as well was horrible. How do you introduce them as part of the main 6, then forget about them along the way? The amount of screentime was diminishing as the episodes were released, and it was clear that scenes were cut off. The amount of disrespect.
Now, talking specifically about Boston. Up until episode 11 there were a lot of discussions going on about how Boston would pursue his relationship with Nick. First I'd like to side with the people who criticized his action when he spent a lot of time leading Nick on. He indeed did that and the scene I can give as an example was that one at the pool. Boston clearly said that he wanted to stop sleeping around so much because he'd rather fuck with someone who he could talk to. Now, he never said anything about being exclusive, but he knew how Nick felt and was manipulating the guy with his words so Nick could be more pliant. But I also agree with people saying that at that time he was already falling for Nick, just didn't know how to act upon it. He never felt like this before, it was all new to him.
When everything broke down (because of Sand) he felt so betrayed and more than that: heartbroken. He was already falling in love with Nick, he felt like he could be himself with Nick, so the punch hit hard. Now this is the moment when everything went wrong, including the narrative and the writer's view of the character. How come, in the middle of all these nasty young adults, the only one who gets kicked like he's nothing over and over again is the one who has a very active and out of the norm sex life? How dare them keep giving the majority part of the episodes to TopMew so they could develop that shitty plot line and cut it all all BostonNick/NeoMark scenes, the couple who actually needed the time?
A lot of things rubbed me the wrong way at the finale. The main one was the BostonBoeing situation. Not gonna lie, the kiss was insanely good, but there was no reason for it to happen. How come Boston was all lovey dovey towards Nick for at least two episodes, and like a sudden shift, he went all hoe mode (nothing against it honestly) and even talked about his boyfriend????? This doesn't make any sense. In the balcony scene, Boston TOLD Nick he would be the only one, and that's why people started to talk about how he could be monogamic. Then suddenly, someone who always defended himself by saying he never lied, just lies? Why didn't the writers put Boston and Nick to have a conversation about how things would work out? Open relationships are already very common, they could discuss some rules and limits. Nick could say that as Boston were about to leave in a few months he would feel better if it was exclusive and maybe Boston could accept it because it would be only for a few months and he loved Nick and he was leaving. Or Nick could try to understand and say what he wouldn't accept and they could try. It would be just for a moment, it's not like neither of them would have to become another person entirely. They. Could. Work. It. All.
The writers decided not to.
But bow down to Neo in his final scene. The emotion on his eyes. Wow. Boston was so sad, so miserable at this moment. He didn't deserve any of that.
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They destroyed BostonNick to give the righteous couple, TopMew, the space and dedication so the audience would not be upset. F*ck me. If they wanted to please these people, why did they approve of Only Friends? Why didn't they turn TopMew's plot into a solo show or something? The whole narrative loved to make Mew stand out like the moral standard he thinks he is. But congratulations to Book! His acting made me dislike Mew entirely.
And I'd like to talk a little about Force. I felt like he did much better when he was acting opposed to anyone but Book. I didn't feel ForceBook's chemistry at all. But maybe it was just this time, I still have to watch their other works.
But that's it. I'm tired of being angry, I'll search fanfics to cure my broken heart.
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jenyifer · 9 months
Okay finally watched the BostonNick confrontation again. Couple of things I find hope in for BostonNick. Boston didn’t want it to be Nick. When top confronts him he keeps looking to the side trying to come up with an explanation to fit that isn’t Nick. Why would Ray have seen what happened in the car? He can’t master mind an explanation where he gets to keep Nick.
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Then we get to the confrontation which hurts badly. Boston is looking for ANY REASON why this would have happened that doesn’t include the truth.
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Boston kept leading Nick on despite knowing boy had crazy feelings for Boston. In fact it all starts from him. Episode 2 BEFORE NICK FINDS THE PHOTO OF TOP Boston assures Nick that they can push their status further than fuck buddies with sweet cheek kisses etc. It only gets worse from there. Boston is the one who kept making things fuzzy. ESPECIALLY after the TopBoston car incident. Nick after episode 3 is torturing himself with the audios to remind himself not to be in love with Boston because Bostons words lean that way. We know this from Nick’s end credit photo that Boston telling him he might just want to be with Nick for a while really screwed with his head. I think Boston definitely knew how Nick felt. In fact are we really believing Boston didn’t want Anyone to find out about him and Top? He pursued that man hard core not because of feelings for Top but out of Competition with Mew. I was surprised when he didn’t hold it over Top’s head after the Elevator fight. Instead? He goes fucks Nick again and tells Nick to come over to his house whenever he likes. (Makes nick do the self punishing audio listen again too). Boston then just ignores Top and Mew. He could have used the car incident as bait. But no. I think what he said in the fight was true.
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Boston wanted it to be over with Top and his competition with Mew (harder said than done). He really pushed the tell Nick he’s the only one for me thing to the maximum following this. He didn’t want his friends or Nick to know playing that game obviously hadn’t worked out for him and he wasn’t willing to take it further. What truly hurts Boston as bad or worse than Top telling him he isn’t as good Mew or Ray yelling at Boston was Nick saying the truth out loud that he loves Boston.
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Because Boston is in love with him too. Boston didn’t want the TopBoston thing to come out because he didn’t want to hurt Nick. He didn’t give a shit about Mew or Top. He didn’t want the new thing that brought him happiness to think he was inferior enough to sleep with his besties boyfriend. It is a step beyond normal evil isn’t it. That’s why when Nick says “why would I want to hurt you?” Boston pauses. What Boston has been doing becomes all too real for him in that moment. It is crazy to him to Love ANYONE. Boston has fucked up family dynamics and is probably in the closet. He couldn’t only love Nick if he wanted to. But he’s been wasting his time chasing him anyways. I feel like his last words to Nick are lies that Boston 100% knows should apply from Nick to him. Boston is the one who can’t get enough of Nick and he’s the one who can’t love. He has boundaries that he’s been too close to crossing because of Nick. In that moment he’d rathe hit nick than admit the truth.
“I never love you. You just can’t get enough of me.”
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Although it does look like his punch was shocking and possibly regrettable. Boston has eliminated EVERY SINGLE PERSON FROM HIS LIFE IN ONE GO. But as we see later in the episode he does try to see Ray. I want Boston to come back to Nick on his knees but I know that’s unlikely to happen. I do think Boston does still have feelings for Nick but Nick did betray him and won’t tell him how Ray got the audio file. Boston gets to ponder that for a bit. It might even be why he went over to check on Ray in the first place to ask him how he got the audio so it could be destroyed. He also probably wanted to know the depth of Nick’s betrayal so he could justify to himself punching Nick.
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le-trash-prince · 8 months
Okay I am sooooo nervous about Boston getting his hoe card rescinded by the narrative. I’d be less nervous if there were more time left in the show, but with only one episode remaining who knows what could happen 😭 It would just not sit well with me to hear Nick say that Boston doesn’t need to change only to not commit to that statement. I’m very tired of seeing monogamy framed as the only shape a relationship can take. It makes my heart sink to my stomach and my feelings about this episode are all over the place. Again, I really just need to wait and see how the final episode goes.
An open relationship is my ideal for Boston, however, I do maintain as I’ve said before that Boston and Nick need time to focus on each other, so I can’t be mad about Boston saying he’s only interested in Nick. We saw in this ep that Nick is too uncertain of Boston’s feelings to feel secure whenever Boston even so much as looks at someone else.
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Even when Boston is asking Nick to be his boyfriend, Nick is too scared to believe it. He’s got to get to a point of really understanding that Boston does actually love him, and that goes doubly with an LDR looming in the near future. Non-monogamy only works with a strong foundation of emotional security, and Nick is not there right now. Honestly I’m not sure he’s even at the point of being able to handle a monogamous relationship if it’s LDR. Dating Boston just to say goodbye when he leaves could destroy Nick.
But is one episode enough time to cover that much ground without a time-skip? I don’t know lmfaooo I’m honestly so nervous because I would really hate to see Boston punished by the narrative for sleeping around and then not have those societal expectations inverted. He’s owed a big apology from his friends, but I’m also getting tired of Nick’s comments.
The way Nick constantly criticizes Boston’s habits to shield his own insecurity is a problem, and I really do want to see more growth from him in that department. If Boston weren’t prone to hooking up with strangers—he never would have gotten to know Nick in the first place. I truly hope Nick can see that someday. But that kind of understanding can take years to develop, so again I’m just 😬😬😬
I do think Boston is earnest in saying that he doesn’t want to sleep with anyone other than Nick because why would he need to right now? But I can’t see him being happy with that forever, and I hope Nick can see that too. They want to make each other happy, but I don’t buy that monogamy for life will make Boston happy.
With things continuing to remain unresolved with Dan, I do wonder if Nick will decide in the end that he’s too scared for a LDR with Boston, meaning things don’t pick up between them for a while. (Or if he will miraculously come to the understanding that enjoying his time with Dan doesn’t invalidate his feelings for Boston and the same would go for Boston’s feelings haha I wish)
I also wonder if BostonNick may simply date with the intention of breaking up after four months, which I’ve seen people do irl (and I’ve also seen people decide at the end of that period to give LDR a shot anyways because they don’t want to let go).
Admission of mutual feelings is usually enough to secure a ship in a romcom, but Only Friends doesn’t fall under that genre. Even if it’s based off of a real relationship—real life can take so many directions and real people make so many different choices that it’s hard to say what could happen.
Anyways I’ve got more thoughts to unpack regarding Nick’s feelings on TopBoston so I need to do that this week.
ETA: Please don't bring book spoilers thank u
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lilssea · 9 months
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people tend to compare SandRay and BostonNick as they have the same situation when first all:
- Nick and Boston had a friends with benefits situation where Boston put at the first some “boundaries” but then he completely ignored them; Nick, because of Boston behaviour and obvious attraction, fall for Boston. (oh, and lets not forget how they met because…the photo? the hookup in the back of the store?)
- Sand and Ray had a strange power dynamic at first and then it changed as some kind of friends (plus their sleeping together so like kinda friends with benefits) meanwhile Sand became more and more attached to Ray with the progress of his feelings.
The most important things is between the two couple is: Sand has always been vocal about what Ray did was wrong or what he didn’t like meanwhile Nick didn’t much do anything because of Boston mixing signal (and manipulation)
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They started all their relationships on a hookup in the back of the store after the selfie Nick took on Ton’s phone for letting him know that he was there and ready for it. They tried to set boundaries and they literally didn’t even followed them. Of course, after some time (literally none) Nick fell for Boston; and obviously he wanted more than a just mere fwb situation.
Nick literally thinks he’s gonna be with Boston and he even accepted the fact Boston slept with Top. He is “okay” with it and its even “okay” for him be abandoned by Boston for some random shit.
like?? the party?? Where Boston literally told Nick to go back home by himself? Only because he wants to fuck Top??
And lets be honest who sane in his mind would actually be okay with their own crush or situationship whatever fucking around especially having something with someone who his crush has a past with it
To be honest im not saying that Nick doesn’t have his own faults because the recording? the most disturbing thing ever. I’m not condoning revenge porn. But at first you can see that Nick is trying to be just fwb with Boston, no feeling etc but Ton always used some kind word and gesture that made Nick fell for him; thinking he was even special (maybe he is/was we still dont actually know but tbh i dont think so).
one of the examples that i can say is the photo they took together when they “meet” Drake’s character (who i dont even remember the name sorry not sorry) when at first Ton doesnt want to have any proof of him be with Nick in any kind of way because of his father.
or every time Boston told Nick how special he was and how maybe “one day” they would be something more just for letting Nick be calm in this kind of relationship-ish they have.
And we even know that Boston cant take a no as an answer (like the scene in the shower with Top? horrible). He knows what he wants, who he wants and doesn’t care anything if it’s not something for him. He knows his own value and how easy he can have someone else because thats what he does. Even if does mean to destroy your own friendship (for some dick)
oh and Boston doesnt like losing what he thinks its his own like Top (as we talk about his hookups) or his comfortable zone (his group of friends).
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Meanwhile Ray and Sand are polar opposite of BostonNick because the relationship between Ray and Sand started as a “job” where Sand was literally paid for driving Ray at home and just spending some time with him because Ray felt alone and miserable with himself.
Yes, at the end they slept together (plus the little thing they did in the car before Mew called) but they started their friendship after that where you see both of them talking about their family, trauma and why Saund doesnt like Top. oh, lets not forget the fact Saund literally took Ray to see his mom (technically not really but they do meet and spoke a little bit).
examples: Sand talking to Ray after the car thing saying how he felt and didnt like the feeling of being left by Ray in that kind of situation (which im with Ray because if my friends call me drunk in needing of help ill drop anything for them)
the talking about Sand’s nonexistent dad and Ray’s mom/ relationship he has with his father after his mother’s death
Ray’s alcoholism’s and how he would literally die if he doesn’t stop of doing his own sabotage.
or the time where Sand literally screamed at Ray because he doesn’t want the money anymore because he genuinely care about him now
literally the part where Ray is drunk and driving the car and Sand is following and the all scene in the hospital.
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you can see in the hospital scene is concern but he actually act like a friend because he has feelings but he is truly trying to protect himself from it and trying of be there for Ray after the shitty night they had.
oh and the fact: Sand KNOWS about Ray’s crush on Mew. Of course, its not like Ray told him first (thanks Boston) but they spoke about it.
certainly Sand and Nick both fell in love but Boston is not emotionally available because he doesn’t want to be in a relationship and having a something with someone who is so much easy to get; meanwhile Ray cant just flip his feelings for Mew but you can see he sees Sand in another kind of way. He values Sand and try new things with him or just be around Sand environment instead of be alone or be drunk.
Both Nick and Sand receive different way of be treated both in acting and speaking with their own crushes; because at the end they are two completely different dynamics of relationships and way of thinking and communicating things or just coping with it.
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cagedinreality · 9 months
Ep 7
"Learn to love yourself" ????? Really Sand? Really?
We all knew the "dad" is not gonna care about Ray's wellbeing.
You know... every time i see these characters have huge apartments, living by themselves... i wish it could be a reality for me lmao...
Omg Cheum has lines, would you look at that
Here we go..... Boston's downfall
but then again they will reconcile since they go skating in that new MV 🥲
I wanna see boston cry so bad
I keep pausing it every 2 seconds i cant...
I can't believe i actually pity Top
Are they gonna talk about Ray calling Sand a whore orrr
They could've at least pretended Ray took off his underwear too..
Not Ton having his tits out
He still isn't taking it seriously ofc... he has some balls to show his face I wouldn't be able to if i did that lmao
He picked you first did he....what are you a toy to be picked? An apple from a tree? Learn some self respect boy...
Of course.... the whole thing with Boston is that he wants to be wanted... but he sabotages himself lmao
Can he even punch him properly in the water lol
They gonna drown each other lmao
How did Sand destroy your happiness when you decided to record him yourself lmao
Fuuuck this hurtssss
Wait its actually kinda cool Too can draw, he's a designer right? He doesn't look like an artsy type at all
Mew you......not the seducing...
So much for self respect...
Not gonna lie i eas hoping for more bottom Boston content
That's right....you should beg for it...what goes around comes around
I absolutely don't support Mew in any shape or form btw lmao
Fuuuck noooo
I'm sorry guys i really am but i don't like mewray
What I don't understand is...we know Ray likes Sand and Ray knows he likes Sand....why is he so hung up on Mew...
Of course Sand is there to see it all...
not that this isn't but....it always seems like next week is gonna be worse
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neo-neos · 7 months
I've seen people talk about it here already but I might as well, ya know, cus I can
Only friends the series.
Yeah. So, I finished watching it and I must say... It could have been better. It started off quite strong, Boston screwing some random people, flirting happening here and there... But then it just fell flat. Where did the mess go?
And with that I mean where did all of the scenes from the trailer go? When was Sand gonna be swinging some bats, when was Mew gonna beat up Boston at the top of those stairs? Ray jail era anyone???
I'm not saying that shows can't make changes once a trailer is out of course but damn I would have LOVED to see more of that mess.
As for the couples:
SandRay - Interesting, somewhat complicated which I liked. They shoulda had a threesome with Boeing not gonna lie. But overall not bad. I wish they would have done more with Sand finding his dad and all that. But I guess it's hard to fit everything into 12 eps with so many other couples.
TopMew - Sorry but I found them extremely boring????? I don't know why but lord I did not give 2 shits about their entire fight and then getting back together. I also felt like they had a lot of screentime sometimes and I was just not feeling it. This is obviously a personal opinion.
BostonNick - Nick sweetheart... I would have loved to see you destroy Boston a lil more. These two were interesting, shit was messy, shit was fucked but I wish Nick was a little meaner. Them together messing with people was fun to watch though but idk... In the end I wasn't really feeling them anymore and don't love how it ended either.
AprilCheum - I needed a lot more of these two. That's all I can say. Give me my lesbians.
Overall.. Not bad, wish it was more.
Give me more of Mix next time.
Okay thanks bye bye xo
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invisiblegarters · 10 months
Some thoughts on the trailer, now that it's had time to settle a little.
I genuinely do not see romantic interest from Ray > Sand in that trailer. I see a lot of possessiveness, which makes me think he hires him for sure (and assumes, like a too-rich asshole, that the monetary transaction gives him ownership). Sand is busy falling in love. Ray is busy being a selfish prick.
I'm so ready for Khaotung's Asshole Era haha.
BostonNick intrigues me, however. I did not expect that. It does seem like Boston genuinely likes Nick, at least up to a point, which I didn't expect. But that twisted, bitter look on his face before Mew kicks him into the pool...I think he's in love with Top. So it's gonna be one of those stories.
I wish there'd been more Mew. I get what they're doing with the trailer - everyone has said that the RaySand storyline is the most angsty and dramatic and so of course they'd feature in a trailer meant to entice people to watch (preference for happy endings aside, I think we can all agree we love drama) - but I'd still like to have some idea of who Mew is, considering he's clearly our main POV character. Right now I get a lot of nothing except that he's very pretty and a hunch that he's probably not that sweet & innocent. Sorry but look at his friends, man.
I hope Top and Sand are bitter exes and that they make out about it at least once. I could also get behind Sand and Nick having angsty "the assholes we love love someone else" sex at some point.
I want to know why Sand is stomping out that phone. Is it his? Someone else's? If it's his, does he realize he doesn't actually need to destroy the phone, he can just remove the SIM card? Like what is the goal here, drama queen? If it's someone else's, whose and again, why?
WHO is Boston making out with towards the end? I've heard Ray, whoever Papang is playing, and Nes (Title's character) all tossed out as possibilities. Personally I like the idea of Ray mostly because Tonhon Chonlatee made me want a Neo/Khaotung pair up. However I don't think it is because dude isn't wearing an earring and Ray has both his ears done.
First getting to reprise the Alan Scream (TM) from Moonlight Chicken. <3
Why do I get the feeling someone is gonna die, and why is it going to be Top or Sand?
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thatgirl4815 · 8 months
Maturity & Mirrors
I think where Only Friends succeeds in being more than just a messy romance drama is in the way it promotes long-term growth through the presentation of multiple transient (or potentially transient) relationships.
BostonNick’s relationship could be a good opportunity to capitalize on Boston’s individual maturity. Something transient—a person passing through your life for only few months or even mere weeks—could become the perfect mirror. Nick is that person to Boston. Their short term relationship spiraled into chaos, but this episode revealed to Boston that Nick’s obsession with him actually runs much deeper. The implications of Nick's feelings are what Boston could take with him in the future. (I'm kind of fascinated with the idea that maybe Boston and Nick don't end up together, but they remain close friends in the end.)
I find it ironic that Nick finally taking Sand’s advice to move on from Boston is the very thing that seems to bring Boston back to him. It takes Nick offering that closure in the form of a lengthy admission for Boston to realize what he’s missing with Nick--not only from Nick, but from himself.
Atom and Nick mirror each other for their seeming innocence. Clearly Atom is still coming to terms with his sexuality, whereas Nick started the series fully aware of his. We’ve been given the impression that Nick has never been in a FWB relationship before (at least, not one like this), and the emotions crept in before he could stop them. This seems to be the case with Atom as well. The way they match each other is so fascinating, because their relationship with sex stands in contrast to Boston's (@waitmyturtles wrote an excellent breakdown of the emotional aspect of sex in Ep6 here).
Nick and Atom don't seem to know each other at all, but I think they could start a good friendship over their mutual interest in Boston despite Boston's insistence that he only wants sex. Ironically, I think what Boston is learning through both experiences is that he has bound himself to a lifestyle that is slowly destroying him. I'd argue he's grown opposed to being viewed as a sexual object, but he doesn't know how to be anything else, so he stays in the cycle despite himself. He's tied his worth to his promiscuity, but he's coming to understand that he wants more than that.
Similarly, Sand brings a mirror to Ray's issues, but not with the negative bluntness that Mew seems to. Sand's illuminating the harm that Ray is bringing to himself through his addictive habits--not only to himself but to others as well. It is a mirror, but it is also a call to action. There's an encouragement there that Mew's own lectures have been lacking in. What's so fascinating is that Sand has been able to bring out these issues in a healthy way in such a short amount of time. It got me thinking...maybe that's the point. Sand could bring out these flaws precisely because he hasn't known Ray before now. (@bird-inacage does a great job describing the parental love and support that Sand offers Ray here).
Looking the other way, all the drama with Ray is reminding Sand of his values. It's reaffirming to Sand just who he is and how he thinks of himself.
I'm not sure how much they realize it, but Mew and Top are mirroring each other's insane superiority complexes. Top illustrates Mew's own fixation with boundaries, while Top has notably grown out of his previous promiscuous lifestyle (not to admonish him for this in any way, because it is not inherently wrong, but we've seen Top become more empathetic and tender as a result of his feelings for Mew). Top has learned what it is to be committed to someone, which I think he will carry with him even if things with Mew end on a bad note. I can't say with certainty yet, but it seems like Mew is learning the deep ties between love and forgiveness. He's also learning to interrogate his rigid values and lifestyle, much like Top has. In that way, I think Top and Mew are much more similar than they might think.
The question is, will Top and Mew maintain their superiority complexes? Or will breaking free of them be part of their growth?
~ X ~
Not sure if I really contributed much to the conversation here or just let myself ramble, but I'll tag the ephemerality squad for the references to transient relationships leading to long-term growth: @ranchthoughts @chickenstrangers @twig-tea @distant-screaming @lurkingshan @neuroticbookworm @wen-kexing-apologist @clara-maybe-ontheroad @kayatoasted
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yujeong · 3 months
Fandom lads to get to know better
Tagged by @obsessionmv, omg that's so sweet, thank you so much ❤️❤️
3 ships you like:
VegasPete, from KinnPorsche The Series (because I'm super predictable)
BostonNick, from Only Friends (we could have had it aaaall)
Yona x Hak, from Akatsuki no Yona (I used to be a weeb once)
First ship ever: I'm generally a person who rarely cared about romance... or that used to be the case until the phenomenon that was VegasPete came into my life and slapped me in the face. However, I do have a ship that had an almost similar effect on me before VP and that is Chihaya x Taichi from Chihayafuru. They were everything to me, I loved that ship to death. Now, I'm more indifferent towards it, but it holds a special place in my heart.
Last song you heard: Enigmatic Feeling by Ling Tosite Sigure (I keep craving a Psycho Pass rewatch lately but I haven't convinced myself to press play yet - only the first season obviously, the rest can go rot)
Favorite childhood book: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I loved this book so much. My mum had bought me a children's version when I was a kid and I adored it. My little brother destroyed it though. I want to read it again as an adult one day.
Currently reading: Oh dear. I've started like 5 different books lately, on top of another 6+ ones I already had and haven't finished yet. My reading slump is still going strong, though I have managed to finish 3 books so far this year, which is 1 book more than last year. Isn't that depressing? But if I were to be specific, the book I'm currently reading is The Future of Geography by Tim Marshall (it was chosen by my colleagues at work for our bookclub which I created, I wouldn't have touched this book with a ten-foot pole otherwise)
Currently watching: Oh dear. Again. I keep starting shows which I never finish, I think my attention span is getting shorter lately. But, since I did watch episodes of it as recently as yesterday, I'll answer Manner of Death. I'm literally half-way through and I *adore* Bun, he's such a cute, naive, little baby man who needs to be pampered and protected at all costs. If Tan breaks his heart, I will riot.
Currently consuming: salty mini crackers. A little snack as my last meal of the day :3
Currently craving: Hmm, nothing honestly. Maybe it's because I'm a bit sick right now.
I'm tagging @wretchedamaranth, @thisautistic and anyone else who would like to do this ❤️
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jenyifer · 8 months
Red Flag Boys into the Soup
So I fucked up my sleep schedule again. And as usual my go to go back to sleep comfort show is Theory of Love. Gun cries I cry we have a good time. But because BostonNick lay heavy on my soul at the moment I can’t help but Compare Boston and Khai. Both playboys who are blind to the one who loves them the most and they hurt that person over and over again. So Boston and Khai maybe… have some fun in the soup pot (jk Boston would destroy Khai tbh)
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Khai is much better off than Boston in a lot of aspects. Mainly he does keep his friend group. Even when Two and Bone are really on Thirds side they don’t completely abandon their shithead friend. Boston loses EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Khai does “lose” Third but it’s only in visuals only Third continues to love Khai even when he’s pushing back in Khai’s eyes in the second half of the series. Third doesn’t actively seek anyone else he just throws himself into his art trying to mask his pain in accepting that Khai will never want to be with him.
Boston and Khai both don’t realize their feelings for their partners until the end stretch. But while Khai always had feelings for Third even if he couldn’t identify what they were. Khai feels empty wrong without Third and he loves spoiling third by doing his YouTube show or feeding him snacks. Khai just doesn’t know his feelings because he is a bisexual mess who doesn’t realize it yet. Boston had to learn grow feelings for Nick. BostonNick we get to see the progression of Boston wanting to push things a step further each time.
Boston does win over Khai in the punishing their partner department. Now I need to make things clear here we are talking about series Khai and Boston not the book version because book Khai really doesn’t torture Third constantly. Boston is aware of Nick’s feelings for him. He doesn’t try to discourage them. He probably would have been happily delusionally moving their relationship into more and more boyfriends status if the audio hadn’t come out. Boston didn’t want to hurt Nick. Nick stabbed him in the back first. Boston never claimed to be in a closed relationship with Nick so Boston sleeping with Top wasn’t a purposeful attack on Nick. Khai on the other hand does purposefully hurt Third multiple times. The one that hurts me the most was Khai bringing a girl home while he and Third are roomies and leaving the door to his room open. He knew thirds feelings at this point so it’s just cruel. Boston does verbally fight back against Nick at the Halloween party it’s very pointed and deliberate. Boston wanted to end things cleanly with Nick despite his lingering feelings we see he has when he’s looking at their photo at the bar. Boston could have been a lot worse. He wasn’t.
Boston also wins in the reconciliation category. Boston seeks Nick out after nick makes his final goodbyes. I love how Boston apologized to Nick in the phone isle. It was very beautiful and careful. He didn’t say “I need you” or “I’m sorry” he showed Nick he cared and wanted the door open for them. He acknowledged his flaws and left things in Nicks court. Khai doesn’t do this he basically bull runs his way back into Thirds life making it impossible for third to do anything. After Khai’s accident he does try to be a better friend until they get together at the end. But he doesn’t trust Third to still love him.
Idk I just thought it was interesting to compare my red flag babies. I think I’d take Boston over Khai. Khai is much more sneaky and insidious in the way he manipulates Third. Boston is Honest. Boston knows he isn’t the best for Nick but he’s trying to be there for him. Trying his best to learn how to love someone.
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