#Botting was a bit of an inside joke whenever someone in that group made a poll in fact.
especdreamy · 2 years
People being overtly serious on fandom surveys will never not be funny
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Big Hero 7 : the series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Fred: *Narrating* San Fransokyo! Greatest city in the world! Once threatened by nefarious forces, now a beacon of peace thanks to the fortitude of Big Hero 7!
*As it turns out, Fred is at Hiro's garage as he pulls out a paper with his drawing of the team. He is simply sitting on the chair while Hiro is tinkering with his project. But while he was narrating he stands up on his seat, which is noticed by Baymax.*
Baymax: You are unstable-
Fred: What?
Baymax: Falling from a chair, is a major cause of injuries. would you like a step ladder?
Fred:*Sitting back down* Oh no, I'm good, I guess I just got carried away with my excitement about today?
Baymax: Wednesday?
Fred: No, although Wednesdays are pretty underrated. I mean today is the start of Phase two!
Hiro: *Distractedly* Ah.. Phase two?
Fred: Ah Hiro, sometimes I forget how young you are. *Crosses out a sketch of Obake* Defeating Obake was the epic conclusion to phase one.
Hiro: *Still focused on project* Phase one?
Fred: And that part with those three guys helping us fight of an emo anime kid who goes about 'Darkness" was a good interlude. But now, its time to extended to Phase two of the Big Hero-Verse! And now its time for all new adventures! Thus, phase two!
Hiro: Is it still phase two if nothing happens?
Fred: *Chuckles* So young, so innocent. Something always happens Hiro, only in phase two its way bigger. Who knows what darkness lurks in the vast unknown?
(?): Vast unknown what?
*Fred and Hiro look up to see Cora at the entrance of the garage, smiling warmly at the two. Hiro gets up and smiles widely as he hugs his girlfriend in greeting.*
Hiro: Hey Babe, you feeling good? Got everything?
Cora: Yep! All of it here!
*Cora pulls out her two backpacks to show. This Fred notices.*
Fred: Everything for what?
Hiro: Cora is gonna be spending a few days here.
Fred: Jeesh! I get you two are an item, but now you two live together? Especially with Cora's Giant dad's permission?*sniff* They grow up so fast.
Cora: Its not that! *Blushes before her eyes gaze down.* I just.. need some time out of the house.
Fred: What for?
Hiro:*Looking up to fred as he places a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.* Fred, you do know what today also is right?
*Fred tilts his head in confusion until he sees his scrunched up sketch of Obake, which causes Fred to look up to see Cora placing a hand on his as a small way to thank for his comfort. As of while, a car stops in front of the Mizichio household, with Mizuchi and Kaguya standing outside. The driver exits out to reveal commander, along with a man and a very familiar robot. The new man was dressed in a black leather jacket, blue jeans and a button up white shirt; a gaze wrap still on his head as he looks at Mizuchi and Kaguya. Mizuchi finally steps forward and gently places a hand on the man's shoulder while Kaguya smiles at the robot.*
Mizuchi: Welcome Home...Kage.
*Kage only nods as he looks at his robot companion, the first Baymax, who says his usual greeting to the two.*
Baymax 1: Hello, I am Baymax. Kage Mizichio's personal healthcare companion. I am accompanying my patient to survey and take care of Kage's health and well being.
Kaguya: Thank you Baymax. *To Kage and Mizuchi* Now lets head inside, you two are lucky Cora left behind a few days worth of dinner.
Kage: Co...*He pauses before he continues* She isn't here?
Mizuchi: *Sighs deeply* Cora isn't ready yet, and I can't force her to see you.
Kage: I know...after all I did to them...
Mizuchi: Correction; after what you did as Obake. Now, you are Kage Mizichio. My little brother. Come on now, we better head inside.
*Kage hesitantly follows the two inside, his heart pounding as he enters into the small but cozy house with his Baymax close behind. While that is happening, from the depths of San Fransokyo Bay; a seaweed creature like monstrosity emerges as it drags behind a large crate. Finally it removes the seaweed from its face to reveal a set of glowing, red, familiar eyes.*
N.B.B: Hee Hee. Hee Hee. Hee Hee.
*The following day; the whole gang (Minus Fred) are with Professor Grandville on an exclusive visit to a rather renowned scientist: Liv Amara and her laboratory: Sycorax.*
Honey Lemon: Sycorax is even more amazing then I imagined!
Wasabi: And even cleaner than I imagined! Its immaculate!
Gogo: Its fine.
*Cora looks around the room as her stomach slowly flips over itself being in the building that was run by Liv Amara, but it did ease her mind that her friends are with her, especially her boyfriend Hiro.*
Grandville: Liv Amara pledged a fortune to the school. I expect best behavior.
*Cora turns her head to see a large man, not as large as her dad though, carry Hiro back to the group which Cora realizes she hadn't noticed till now. Hiro looks at Cora who has a raised eyebrow in her face to which he sheepishly smiles back. *
Hiro: I-I know it said no photos, I didn't know it meant 'no photos'.
Grandville: I trust you will ALL supportive of Karmi and her new internship.
Hiro: its an internship, its not a big deal.
Gogo: You're right... its a huge deal.
Cora: *Taps Hiro's shoulder* Um, Hiro... mind if I talk to you for a moment? *To big buff and Grandville* Can I talk to Hiro for little bit alone?
*The man soon pushes the two out to the hall and closes the door as Cora grabs Hiro's shoulders and looks at him in the eyes.*
Cora: Hiro, you are missing the bright side of Karmi's internship with Liv Amara.
Hiro: I get it, she's a biotech major and Liv would go for her, I get it. That's what the gang told me.
Cora:... OK... But what I mean to say is that Karmi being on an internship with Sycorax means she would be busy HERE, rather then SFIT.
Hiro: *Catches on* Which means she won't be around often to do her tricks!
Cora: Exactly! Her internship means we can finally breathe without her annoyance in our school days!
Hiro:*Caught in excitement that he picks her up and twirls her around* Which means no more Karmi!
Cora: Yeah! No more Karmi!*giggles*
*After calming down from their excitement, Hiro and Cora are let in with huge smiles on their faces as they join back the group. Finally Liv Amara shows up.*
Liv: Grace! Sorry to keep you waiting. I was stuck in a holoconference, you know how tedious those are. Lets get this tour started! *then a man appears beside her, a tall and tanned man.* This is my assistant Chris.
Chris: Ooh! Do the joke! Do the joke with my name!
Liv: My,'chrisistant'.
Chris:*Laughs* She makes me laugh! Any who, your name tags have been individually programmed to display your age, height, interests-
Wasabi: And names?
Chris: Course!...Wasabi!
Wasabi: He knows my name!
Cora: Your real name?
Wasabi: Yeah!
*Cora was about to ask when she notices the rest of the group are moving forward and so quickly catches up. They soon enter a greenery where small bots are floating around where the scientists employed by her are hard at work.*
Liv: I know Sycorax's just another biotech company, Mother Nature is an artist, and I see myself as her protégé. Studying and even improving on her work.
Grandville: Inspiring.
*Hiro turns his face to see Cora's face slightly laced with suspicion and worry as Liv phrased that. This is something he had noticed when Liv's continued visits to SFIT happened often and around Karmi, which made him concerned for since this look of apprehensiveness had stayed with Cora whenever Liv Amara was around or mentioned.*
Liv: I favor a holistic approach to the work life balance. In fact, right now you're all walking on biometric scanners which are linked to your name tags.
*The group look down to see a bright circle around Liv Amara as it speaks her name.*
Liv: Watch.
Voice: Liv Amara, your ratings are normal and healthy. Have a great day.
*Two little robots float to Chris... and Cora. The first bot went to Chris as it reveals sushi. Cora blinks as she opens it to reveal a small bowl of Miso soup with red seaweed and mussels in it, which causes Cora to widen her eyes in surprise. Everyone else was surprised that Cora even had lunch considering that Liv said its for employees.*
Liv: You've also noticed these little guys flying by. Employee lunches are fresh and delivered right to their desk.
Chris: *Whispering to Wasabi* I sourced the ingredients myself!
Wasabi: Ooh!~
Cora: *Innocently pointing out* These little bots remind me of the Buddy Guards Krei made! Only difference is that they're green!
*Hiro turns his head to see Liv Amara's eye slightly twitch along with her mouth at being compared to Krei, which raised suspicion in his head. But Liv Amara quickly wipes away the twitching and continues on with the tour.*
Liv: Course, we're proudest of our state of the art, Vent-Tech lab.
*Once the doors open, it revealed to be as spacious as it is impressive in tech. Hiro looks around as Cora gazes up on the ceiling to see the lights before looking back to her boyfriend.*
Hiro: This must belong to someone really important!
Karmi: It does.
*And both Hiro and Cora's mood sour at the sight of Karmi, but both thankfully retain their memory of how after this Karmi wouldn't be a huge bane in their lives at SFIT.*
Hiro: *Puts on a smile* Glad to know that you'll be working here with Liv Amara after school! After all, you do love Bio-Tech!
Karmi:*Smug and condensending smirk* I know.
Cora:*Walks over to Hiro and Karmi as she places her hand on her boyfriend and smiles 'sweetly' at her.* Its too bad though, it also means you'll be too busy here to actually see your 'friends', but they'll manage without you!
*That's when Karmi sees through Cora's meaning and her smile quickly wipes away before returning to its cheery self cause Liv Amara is there.*
Grandville: Karmi, this is your lab?
Karmi: Just temporarily, my real lab is being modified to my specs.
Liv: We treat our interns well... and speaking of interns...*Looks at Cora* There's something I would like to show you all. Its a surprise!
*This causes rising excitement in the group, though it does leave Karmi and Cora slightly confused. Soon they all arrive at a blue door.*
Liv: As a Bio-Tech business woman, I knew I would have to expand my knowledge onto the ocean itself, and all the mysteries it holds!
*The door opens to reveal a huge lab just as spacious as Karmi's but themed around aquatics and containing rare and exotic fish in large tanks, holograms of marine life moving.*
Cora: *Star-eyed* Wow! This is awesome! Look at that! The Starfish Hologram is showcasing how it moves!
Liv: I'm glad you enjoy this lab... cause its all yours.
*Cora's eyes widen as she looks up to see if she heard it correctly. The others are looking at Liv Amara as she extends her hand to Cora.*
Liv: It would be a great honor if you join Sycorax as my Marine-Bio Intern!
Cora: What?
Chris: What?
Hiro, Wasabi, Gogo, Honey Lemon, Grandville: What?
Karmi: *In complete shock* WHAT?!
Liv: So what do you say Cora?
*Now everyone's eyes were on Cora, who's heart and mind are racing at the equivalent speed of a Mach 1 jet. She sees her friends, boyfriend, and teacher having large supporting smiles, Chris squealing in delight, and behind Liv Amara, Karmi seething in envy*
Cora: Umm...*Sighs, and puts on her best smile* The offer does sound lovely... but there's somethings in my life that I need to..think over... could you at least... give me some time before I make a decision?
*Liv Amara and Karmi blink at Cora's answer as did the gang, but Hiro is more concerned about Cora and how she felt, and from what he is seeing she wasn't feeling so good.*
*But while that was happening, an old abandoned warehouse is currently being housed by Noodle Burge Boy who is opening the crate he was carrying from the bay.*
N.B.B: Howdy and Hello Trina!
Trina: Hey Noodle, come on, help me put myself together.
*Trina's body climbs out of the crate as N.B.B looks back at her head.*
N.B.B: Can't complete that order now Big sis! I-I-I have to go home.
Trina: What are you talking about?
N.B.B: Home.
Trina: Home is gone, Father's gone.
N.B.B:*Placing Trina's head on a table.* Not Dad's house! My real home! See ya around!
*N.B.B runs off leaving Trina and her clueless body.*
Trina: Wait! I need my body!
*The body tried to place her head back on, but quickly falls off. Back at SFIT, Baymax is playing with the ping pong bot, to which he easily loses to.*
Baymax: Nice shot.
*Fred scoots over to which he positions Baymax so he can properly hit the ball back to the Ping Pong bot. His hit allows the bot to miss, causing Fred to cheer. After they fistbump they turn around and see the gang return.*
Baymax: Hello.
Fred: Was Sycorax the coolest?
Honey Lemon: It was incredible!
Wasabi: Chrisitant!
Cora: It was something alright...
Fred:*Noticing Cora's look* Hey, what up? You don't look so good.
Cora: I just have something to think about... please excuse me... I need some alone time...
*Cora walks over to Hiro's lab to which he notices the looks his friends are having.*
Fred: What happened?
Baymax: Judging from Cora's troubled eyes and 'long face', she is in a state of apprehension and doubt.
Hiro: Well, you see... at first it was fine. Liv Amara showed us around and saw cool stuff...*frowns a little* even got to see Karmi's new lab, *retains normal voice* But then Liv Amara shows us this Marine Bio lab and offered Cora an internship right on the spot!
Honey Lemon: Yeah! Liv Amara even offered her a full scholarship and payment if she joined.
Wasabi: I've never seen Karmi so green at that moment.
Hiro:*Remembering the girl's face and smiling smugly* Oh yeah.
Fred: So did Cora accept?
Gogo: The thing is, Cora said no.
Fred: No?
Hiro:*In defense of Cora* What Gogo means is that Cora said to Liv Amara that she would think about the internship. She said that she has to deal with stuff at home first before she makes her decision.
Fred: So Basically, she said No to a woman who has so far, gotten everything she wanted and for the first time in her life received a maybe?
Gogo: What makes you say that about Liv Amara?
Fred: New sprouting big business often leads to interesting plot threads on the Hero's journey.
Hiro: I don't know how to feel about this... I'm happy that Cora is offered an internship at Liv Amara's company... but she didn't look too happy... or comfortable.
Gogo: what do you think happened?
Baymax: I have two new messages just now: According to Baymax 1, Kage is adjusting to his new room at Cora's house and is currently resting in his new room. Neuroscans show that he is stable.
Hiro: Whats the second news?
Baymax: There will be a parade in a few days for Karmi and Cora by Liv Amara.
*Soon enough they all received messages about the parade, much to their surprise.*
Honey Lemon: A parade for Karmi and Cora?
Gogo: *Raises eyebrow* Even though Cora said she'll think about it?
Fred: She probably interpreted it as a yes.
Cora: *Frustrated yell*
Hiro: Scuse' me guys!
*Hiro goes over to his lab where he sees Cora looking peeved at the phone.*
Hiro: Hehe...Guess you're not taking it well...
Cora: Its just... *Remembers something* Hiro... there's something you and the gang should know about Liv Amara!
Hiro: W-What is it?
Cora: Ya see, at the honor gala for her... Krei-
*Hiro's phone beeps as he gets a message... from Krei himself. Before either of them knows it, Hiro and Cora are in Krei's office with Mizuchi standing by.*
Krei: I don't usually call this abruptly but considering you both saved my life I figured *To Hiro*, if you would be interested.
Hiro: *Raising eyebrow* Interested in what exactly?
Krei: How would you like to be my intern?
Hiro: R-Really?
Krei: Of course! After all you've done for me I figured I do something in return for you!
Lois: Also because he heard about the parade Liv Amara is throwing a parade for two of her interns.
Cora:*Mumbles* Not something I'm very comfortable with to be honest.
*Mizuchi walks over to Hiro and pats his head, to which Hiro lets out a small smile. He then looks at his daughter as he then goes over and hugs her tightly.*
Mizuchi: Remember Cora, you have a voice in the matter.
Cora: OK Papa.
*At night, the Noodle Burger restaurant is closing up for the night as the manager turn off the lights. She sighs sadly as she looks at the figurine of N.B.B. But when she is about to leave she hears the little pitter patter of little walking gears. She quickly turns on the lights and sees the thing. N.B.B had snuck inside and is now observing his old charging pad.*
Manager: Noodle Burger Boy!
*She goes to hug to the burger bot tightly.*
Manager: You broke an Assistant Manager's heart! OOh~ But I'm just so happy to have you back!
N.B.B: Can you tell me how to get home?
Manager: But you-You are home baby.
N.B.B: *Twicthing* No-I-I need home cooking.
Manager:You want a hot noodle pie?
N.B.B: No! You can't help me then- Order up!
Manager: Wait! no!
*But soon enough, noodle burger boy jumps over and starts wrecking the restaurant*
N.B.B: I-I-I have to go home!
*The manager hid herself as she hears the twisted and corrupted version of his theme song play, destroying all he knew. N.B.B then pukes out pickles.*
N.B.B: So long lady! I'm going home.
*After N.B.B leaves, the Assistant manager quickly calls someone.*
: Bryan, I have bad news.
*Bryan could only gape in shock as he is told the news.*
N.B.B: So long lady! I'm going home.
Blunder: A familiar noodle nuisance has attacked a local fast food franchise.
*From Trina's side, after fixing herself up, she is working on something.*
Trina: Don't worry little brother, soon as I finish this, I'll find you.
*But the project in question twitches before it knocks off her head. The gang are currently look over the report as well at the cafeteria.*
Blunder: Lettuce hope that Big Hero 7 will ketchup to this mechanical menace *Chuckles* I wrote that myself. But seriously the property damage was extensive.
Gogo: How did Noodle Burger Boy survive?
Cora: He probably booked it when the lab was destroyed...
Wasabi: And what do you think he meant by home?
Honey Lemon: We have to find him!
Cora: and get Krei and...that guy to fix him!
Honey Lemon: That guy?
Hiro:*forced coughs to muffle the name.*
Fred: What was that? Who else is gonna fix noodle Burger boy?
Cora: Kage...I mean Kage...He broke him, he can easily fix him.
Fred: Oh yeah!... Your step uncle...that's gonna be awkward when they meet up considering you know...Kage as Obake did all that stuff...and stole from Krei..
Hiro:*Changing the topic* I say we go on day patrol.
*Baymax's belly glows as it shows Mizuchi's picture. Soon his voice is heard.*
Mizuchi: Hello? Hiro? I am near the school to pick you up for your internship. Be ready as I'll be around the entrance.
Hiro: K, thanks Mizuchi!
*The picture disappears as Hiro gets up.*
Gogo: still can't believe that Krei, of all people, would offer you an internship.
Hiro: I'm just lucky I guess.
Cora: Mind if I come too? I want to see my Papa.
Hiro: Sure.
Honey Lemon: Guess we'll save it for night patrol.
*Hiro and Cora walk together holding hands as they pass by Karmi, who looked up to see Hiro and Cora. Karmi's eyes narrowed at Cora specifically as her hand snaps her pencil in half, which soon revealed a poorly drawn doodle of Cora with multiple pencil stabs. Finally she gets up so she can get a little satisfaction from at least getting a rise from either of them. All the while thinking over Liv Amara's offer to Cora; why would she also pick her? Sure she's a marine bio student but still? What did she have that she doesn't? She finally catches up to them and is about to blurt out her mouth when a badass motorcycle drives through the school grounds and finally stop in front of the two teens. The Driver himself is clearly large in stature and muscles, and the black helmet gave off the aura of fear. Then the motorcyclist removes the helmet to look at the two.*
Cora: Hi Papa!
Mizuchi: Hello my little Cora. *To Hiro* Ready for your new internship Hiro?
Hiro: Ready as I'll ever be.
* After Hiro puts on his helmet and drives off with Mizuchi Cora walks back to join the gang only to see Karmi gobsmacked at what she saw.*
Cora: Oh! Umm.. that was my dad! He's taking Hiro to his internship at Krei Tech! Thankfully since Papa works there too, the rides there would be easier...
Karmi:*No response*
Cora: Well bye.
*Just then a man wearing a sycorax uniform comes by with a large box.*
Man: Came looking for Liv Amara's new intern.
*Karmi smiles at the man sweetly as she could, only to be pushed aside to go to Cora, who was just heading back inside.*
Man: Are you Cora Mizichio?
Cora: Yes? *Raises eyebrow.*
Man: Ms. Amara has sent you this dress to wear for you and Karmi's parade.
*The man lifts up to show it was a beautiful, a reddish pink, short sleeved and knee length skirt dress for the occasion. Cora looks up at the man and then to Karmi, who is now practically seething in rage. Soon after Cora goes towards Grandville's office.*
Grandville: Hello Cora, how can I help you?
Cora: Well...can I talk to you about the internship Liv Amara gave me?
Grandville: Of course, it was a rather unexpected but pleasant surprise that Liv Amara would choose two of SFITs finest students to intern for her.
Cora: You could say that...
Grandville: Is something the matter?
Cora:...Don't take this the wrong way... but... I don't think... I should agree to be her intern?
Grandville:*Blinks eyes in surprise before she regains her composure* Is that so?
Cora: I know she's a famous Biotech business woman who's done stuff.. but... I don't really comfortable being near her. And the fact that she is throwing a parade for Karmi and I just makes me a little uneasy...especially after... you know... And why would she want her as an intern? And all these gifts and offers to me just makes me feel so yucky... What should I do?
*Grandville could only look at the girl as she thinks over her response to the girl. Finally she goes up to her and speaks to her.*
Grandville: Working for Liv Amara would raise the reputation of our school and her work has defiantly improved lives, it would be a waste to throw it away.
*Cora looks down at her feet as she wrings the edge of her skirt.*
Grandville: But, to throw away your comfort just so you can please others when you're not ready is just as much waste. For both the student and the employer. I cannot force you to accept Liv Amara's internship, even if I wanted to. You will have to do whats best for your interest, and decide when you are ready.
Cora: Thank you Grandville.
Grandville: Cora... How is Kage doing?...
Cora: Kage… He's fine...I guess.. hadn't seen him though... I'm taking a few days off the house so I could... you know.. breathe...
Grandville: It is tough to face him... especially after all he has done. Just promise me this...that you'll check over Kage… and be careful.
Cora: Thank you again. Now, I gotta go prepare for night patrol.
Grandville: Ah yes, cause of Noodle Burger Boy.
*Cora walks off the door and waves goodbye*
Cora: Wish us luck!
*Later one that night, Six of Big Hero 7 join up at the rooftops of the city. Its there that Honey Lemon and Fred are paired up together.*
Honey Lemon: Fred look!
*She pulls out her chem ball to create a cushion for them to fall into as she points out a trail of green juice. Fred kneels down to sniff out this mysterious trail.*
Fred: Picking up loads of dill... Briny... Pickle Juice!
*Fred and Honey Lemon both find where the trail goes and soon finds N.B.B, stuck to the wall as it tried to walk away with pickle juice dribbling from his face. Then his head spun to see them.*
N.B.B: Howdy!
Fred: Ugh, the head spin is so creepy right?
N.B.B: Relish it!
*Soon N.B.B pukes out more pickles as Fred and Honey Lemon run.*
N.B.B: You can't stop me! From going home!
*Soon N.B.B spritz into the public glitching.*
Fred: Super jump!
N.B.B: Do you wanna be fried with that?
*Fred avoids being hit by N.B.B's laser eyes as Honey Lemon ducks.*
N.B.B: Order up!
*Fred quickly jumps out of his hiding spot and saves a woman from being hit by the laser. N.B.B walks away after the chaos he has caused, but before Honey Lemon could stop him she heard a little girl's cry for help. She goes over to protect the little girl from the laser beam and a guy not paying attention to the fact that there was a malfunctioning burger bot on the loose. Fred tries to hold him down but he couldn't, and so he escapes via speeding trolley.*
N.B.B: Toodle Doodles!
*Fred and Honey Lemon could only gasp. As of while Hiro and Mizuchi are the breakroom as the older man pops his back.*
Mizuchi: Agh… that was some day of work huh?
Hiro: Yeah... you know, when I thought about this place and what its like, I never thought it would be like this.
*Over the day Hiro had been tailgating Mizuchi as Krei realized he had no idea what to do with an intern. He almost suggests Hiro should pick up his dry cleaning till Lois points out that was her job and not appropriate work for an intern. So instead, Mizuchi and Hiro went through the day standing guard, lifting crates, and even sparing during break time. The employees were actually pretty decent, friendly too; and this aura made Hiro think about Liv amara's employees and tried to compare them to hers...and found it...that Krei's employees were much happier then Amara's...which was saying a lot. But now Hiro and Mizuchi are in Krei's office after their day of work.*
Mizuchi: Alright now, We just gotta check up with Krei and then we're heading home!
Hiro: I agree... *Rubs shoulder* That lifting was really a work out.
Mizuchi: One that you have improved greatly. Glad to know our lessons have been doing you some good.
Hiro: Thanks Mizuchi...So...how's...Kage?
Mizuchi: Little brother... is still getting used to his new life... For now we share a room. He's always been quiet and thoughtful, and could only speak in short sentences.
Hiro: OK... so its just slow.
Mizuchi: I just worry that will happen if Cora and Kage see each other again... or you and anyone else. He's freezes up at the thought of meeting you all... and could barely speak my daughter's name...either he's tremendously guilty... or he's pushing himself away..
Hiro:* Looking thoughtful before responding* Mizuchi, You know we all have your back right? Well...we'll keep an eye of Kage… maybe we could visit him for a change.
Mizuchi: That does sound nice.
* N.B.B is still searching for his home as he pukes at the truck before merrily skipping his way. This time, Gogo and Wasabi are in the scene.*
Wasabi: He's acting weird. And he's pretty weird to start.
Gogo: Lets move.
*Gogo skates down as Wasabi joins to stop N.B.B.*
Gogo: Noodle Burger Boy, you're coming with us!
N.B.B: No can do! I've got to go home!
Wasabi: Where is home?
*N.B.B shoots laser eyes again as Gogo dodges out of the way. During the scuffle Wasabi's laser redirected the laser beam and cut off his leg.*
N.B.B: Oopsie! Work place injury!
Wasabi: Oh that's just wrong.
*N.B.B starts attacking Wasabi with his dismembered foot when he looks at the logo.*
N.B.B: Order up I-I-I-I have to go home!
*Gogo zooms in only to notice she is skating in ketchup. N.B.B throws a mailbox to her to which Wasabi slices in half before it could hurt Gogo.*
Gogo: Gross...*Notices foot prints* wait. Home is Krei Tech...Hiro!
*Gogo quickly calls Hiro but his phone sadly died while he was working so he barely noticed. Mizuchi noticed how tired Hiro looked so he picks him up and carries him on his shoulders.*
Hiro: Whoa! Hey Mizuchi!
*the tall man doesn't respond as she continues on his way, ignoring his own call when it comes from his daughter. When they got there they are asked to review something from Krei.*
Krei: Be honest, which is better, smile one or smile two?
*But before either could answer, N.B.B bursts through the door.*
N.B.B: Hello! Did somebody order a noodle burger?!
Krei: *peeking from Mizuchi* No, I ordered a cappuccino.
Mizuchi: In translation, macchiato.
N.B.B: Honey I'm home! I need all the fixings!
Hiro: Home...because he's not functioning and needs to be fixed! He's come back to where he was made!
Mizuchi: And here I thought he was an alien.*Dad Sarcasm*
N.B.b: Ding ding, dignity ding ding!
Krei: But, I don't know how to fix you, I'm management that only dabbles in electric engineering.
N.B.B: No problem mister! *To Hiro* He does!He's the order to go!
Krei: We're not going anywhere! I'm calling BH7-
*But N.B.B zaps away his phone.*
Krei: So... where to?
*Mizuchi immediately punches N.B.B forward to which he lands across the room.*
Mizuchi: Run! I'll be able to hold him off till you can get BH7 here!
Hiro: Got it!
*When N.B.B sees the two escaping, N.B.B uses his running electric shocks to electrocute Mizuchi. And due to him having wires in his body, he quickly goes down and drops unconscious. So when Krei and Hiro run out they are puked on by N.B.B and dragged to the N.B.B factory.*
N.B.B: Get ready to put on the fry works , where the magic happens!
*Hiro is forced to be in the controller room with N.B.B as the bot placed Krei at the beginning roster of making a noodle burger.*
N.B.B: Time to fry the buns!
*Soon he activates the roster where its shown the makings of a noodle burger, and on the beginning of the conveyer belt is Krei, who is soon covered by noodles.*
Krei: This cannot by sanitary.
*Hiro tries to stop the machine, only to have the controllers busted by N.B.B... then the exit slammed shut. In all other words, Hiro is trapped.*
N.B.B: You're not going anywhere Hee hee.
Hiro: This is crazy! Noodle Burger Boy, let Krei go and lets just talk about it,
N.B.B: After you fix my burger, I'll let that burger go!
*With no other choice as time is running short, hiro quickly starts fixing up noodle burger boy.*
Hiro: OK, let me take a look. *Looks inside N.B.B's head* Salt water corroded your logic circuits.
*Meanwhile the team finally decided to show up rather than wait for an answer. Cora runs in, not caring about tactful planning at the moment since both her boyfriend and father are in serious danger. When she reaches to Krei's office she sees her father unconscious.*
Cora: Papa!
*The gang catch up as they see Cora run off the giant slowly rising from his slumber.*
Mizuchi: Ugh.. my head..
Cora: Papa what happened?
Mizuchi: The burger bot came in and told Hiro he wants him to fix his head. Krei tried to call for help but you know... this happened. I told them to run away...
Cora: But its most likely that Noodle burger boy got them. He could be in trouble.
Fred: *Noticing behind him.* Uh guys.. we might be in trouble.
*Its there that the team and Mizuchi are face to face with Trina, with a new look and in a mecha suit.*
Trina: Ya think?
Baymax: Hello Trina.
Trina: Hey Baymax
*And soon one by one, she stops Gogo, Baymax, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Fred and Cora.*
Fred: Quick question Trina, did you change your hair? Last I checked Cora said you were a robot.
Trina: True *To Cora* You and I are gonna have a little chat. Later!
Mizuchi: *Growls!*
*Soon afterwards Trina and Mizuchi rolled through the streets fighting as Cora is dropped to the ground and quickly scrambles them up by shaking them.*
Cora: Come on! Get your butts up and lets move!
Baymax: Everyone else is suffering form a concussion. They will not wake in a few hours.
Cora: Dang it!
*And so Cora has to hop on Baymax and fly off to the direction of the fight.*
Hiro: Hang on Krei! I'm almost done fixing him!
*While Krei is attempting to save himself, Hiro is continuing doing the repairs on N.B.B. until he is finally fixed.*
N.B.B: Aw thanks mister! I feel really swell!
Hiro: I just have to reboot you and the fixes will be permanent.
N.B.B: Don't mess with my order mister, or your friend will be crispy style.
Krei: Hurry up Hiro!
Hiro: This is the last step Noodle Burger boy! I promise!
Krei: Whatever it is! Do it now!
*Hiro looks at the back and finds an old chip.*
Hiro: Obake's chip.
*But before he could touch it, Trina zapped his hand.*
Trina: Hands off Hamada!
Hiro: Trina?!
Trina: I gave myself an upgrade, I just tried on your friends and your girlfriend. I've been trying to find my little brother for days, we've been close you know. ever since you and your stupid girlfriend destroyed our home and killed our father!
Hiro: You consider Noodle burger boy as your brother?
Trina: Says the kid who hangs out with a walking hugging marshmallow. But on the plus side...
*Trina pulls up Mizuchi, his hands struggling to free himself as Trina's claws tightened around him.*
Trina: We're gonna get even.
Cora: Well this marshmallow is gonna get you both burned!
*Soon Baymax with Cora on top punches Trina and N.B.B to a wall and knocks them out of the park.*
Krei: Stop standing there and save me!
*Hiro immediately runs out and grabs onto a crane and grabs Krei before he could be considered Kentucky fried chicken.*
Krei: Thanks Hiro!
*Just then they hear the loud crash of the wall crashing to see Trina and N.B.B walking out.*
N.B.b: Toodle noodles!
Baymax: they have escaped.
Krei: Well, if your obvious bot is finished, get me out of here.
Cora: Right away sir.
*After a lengthy drive home and getting the team healed up with Kaguya's tea, the gang meet up at the Café where they discuss over last night's events.*
Wasabi: So I guess Trina and Noodle Burger Boy are a team now?
Fred: Oh yeah, classic phase two super villain team up.
Gogo: Phase two?
Fred: Defeating Obake was the epic conclusion to phase one of the Big Hero-verse. Now-
Gogo: Uh uh. Nevermind.
Cora: And need I remind you that Obake turned out to be my uncle... who is now living at my house...and today is the day I have to move back in...
Honey Lemon: Oh! Right!... Cora... are you sure about this? You can spend some time with us if you want.
Cora: That's appreciated honey Lemon...but I did tell Liv Amara that I first have to go through family issues... and better now then never...
Hiro: How about we go together? That way you don't have to face him alone.
*Cora smiles at Hiro before she hugs him tightly. Soon they all arrive at the door of her house, where the soft noises of tea is heard as Cora looks at the door. She turns to the gang who then nod at her to open. And when she does she sees Kaguya making green tea with Kage, sitting down as he reads a book. He looks up to see Cora at the doorway, the rest of the gang behind her far enough to not be spotted but close enough to see what is going on inside. Cora slowly walks in as she looks at the two adults. Kaguya turns to see Cora look at Kage and for a moment held her breath as Cora walks over...to sit on the opposite side of the table. Cora then grabs a plate of piles it with Ube Cookies she bought from the super market and places it in the middle, with the teen girl eating one cookie. Kage blinks in shock, looking at Kaguya for help, looking at his Baymax for help. But seeing nothing actually bad happening... he decides to take a deep breath and just simply enjoy this quiet company. As did the team outside, who walk away, with Hiro softly smiling at the house. At least for now, Cora is safe.*
A.N: And that's Intern About! I'm sorry its such a mess! School and mixed up premiers leave a dent on your writing, especially since you'll be spinning around at midnight, anyway, love you all and thank you for following BH7! I hope you enjoy this belated chapter!
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