#Bullion Defi Swap
bulliondefi · 7 months
What is Bullion Coin (BLO)?
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Bullion is a cutting-edge DeFi platform that is designed and introduced to help you grow your cryptocurrencies effortlessly. With Bullion, you can earn passive income like never before. Our innovative protocols provide opportunities for yield farming, staking, and liquidity provision, all while ensuring the utmost security and transparency.
Be a Bullioniare!
Introducing you to the all-new Bullion Coin (BLO asset) which is a powerful standard multi-chain cryptocurrency backed by bullion assets such as gold, silver, and platinum for you to boost your earnings up to 100X. This asset is issued by Bullion Defi — a decentralised finance platform for you to lend, borrow, and earn interest in order to stake bullion assets.
BLO coin was developed and introduced to offer a secure, transparent, and scalable platform to imply bullion trading and get better investment options. The asset denotes the value of its decentralized application and serves as a mechanism in terms of utility in the ecosystem. This asset is planned to be released in different standard blockchains including BEP20, ERC20, SOL51, POLYGON, etc.
Some of the functionalities, opportunities, and benefits of Bullion Coin BLO are as follows:
- It is pegged to the value of bullion assets that gets stored in safe vaults and audited on serial regular basis.
- It has low volatility giving a user high liquidity due to the easy exchange of bullion assets or any other cryptocurrencies.
- It provides high returns for staking where you can earn much interest/rewards by locking your owned/held BLO coins in smart contracts.
- It allows you to access the global market and wide opportunities for bullion trading and investment where you can feasibly interact with other participants on the blockchain network.
- It supports the development and exploration of the bullion industry while leveraging the adoption of blockchain technology as well as great innovation in the sector.
Bullion DeFi project is on the verge of building, innovating, and exploring one of the biggest and strongest communities that will believe in the core intention, and potential of the project. The team and project consider the community not to be only the holder of the BLO assets but also to hold the right to share technical/promotional suggestions getting all involved in the decision-making activities and betterment of the project.
This project intends to develop, initiate, and promote the BLO ecosystem to eventually dedicate its resources to research, development, and governance. Bullion Coin is a utility token which is not supposed to hold any value outside the BLO ecosystem.
Total Supply: 20 million (20,000,000 BLO)
· Seed Sale: 6%
· Presale: 4%
· Staking: 36%
· Scheduled minting: 30%
· Marketing: 5%
· Development: 5%
· Team Reserve: 3%
· Initial Developers reserve: 1%
· Contract Royalty: 10%
To buy Bullion Coin BLO, follow the below-mentioned steps:
Step 1: Apply and get a compatible wallet to store BLO coins. You have the option to download the official Bullion Defi wallet from the official website or apply to any other wallet supporting ERC-20 tokens.
Step 2: Hold some cryptocurrency in your wallet, as BLO coins are deployed and support the Ether blockchain protocols. So, you hold some cryptocurrency exchange from Coinbase or Binance.
Step 3: Swap your Ethereum assets for BLO coins on a decentralized exchange that lists BLO coins like Uniswap or say SushiSwap. Check out the contract address and the token symbol of BLO coins from the Bullion Defi official portal.
Step 4: Finally, confirm the transaction and wait for the time period to get processed by the blockchain network. Once approved, you get the amount of BLO coins in your wallet balance.
If you are interested and want to learn more about Bullion Coin (BLO) and the Bullion Defi project, you can visit the official website or read out the whitepaper. You can also follow the team on social media channels like Twitter and Telegram.
website: https://www.bulliondefi.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bulliondefi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BullionDefi
Telegram: https://t.me/bulliondefi
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/bulliondefi
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bulliondefi · 8 months
Introducing Bullion Defi Earning Platform!
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In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, Bullion emerges as a pioneering DeFi platform dedicated to simplifying your path to financial growth. With Bullion, your crypto assets can flourish effortlessly, opening doors to unprecedented passive income opportunities.
Our avant-garde protocols empower you with versatile options such as yield farming, staking, and liquidity provision, all meticulously designed to maximize your returns.
At Bullion, we prioritize security and transparency, guaranteeing your peace of mind as you navigate the dynamic crypto landscape. Welcome to a new era of financial freedom, where your crypto assets are poised to thrive with Bullion.
This lite paper gives you an idea of the root cause of why we initiated Upcomings and our vision to build user-centric crypto solutions. We are setting up the ecosystem developments on the open source for developers and other contributors to work with us and enjoy their shares.
We invite the crypto community to learn about the motive and goal of Upcomings and share their support and interest. As we go big, Upcomings has a perfect design token economy that serves every participant of the ecosystem.
website: http://www.bulliondefi.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bulliondefi
Telegram: https://t.me/bulliondefi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bulliondefi
Medium: https://medium.com/@bulliondefi
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/bulliondefi
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