#But with these - these Easily averaged into the double digits each
sysig · 5 months
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Btw, this is what editing on this paper has been like (Patreon)
#In other words: Hell#Lol#Normally I wouldn't show my process but I Must drag this paper it is So bad#Plus you can see some of the other little tricks I do! I leave things mo~stly alone but I will sometimes cheat where I can!#I'll also reconstruct if something can't be saved or if I just forgot to draw something on paper lol - or if I ran out of room#Ughhhh these edits took foreverrrrrr#I did some quick math on it somewhat recently actually#An average single edit takes ~4 minutes of continuous work#Averaged between the low of a couple minutes and high of getting into double digits#There was a whole thing about each page having approx. 30 doodles and each doodle being 4mins of editing and each set being 6 doodles etc. e#Basically I put a lot of time into my art and the majority of that isn't even drawing lol#I have Got to find a way to flip that metric...#But with these - these Easily averaged into the double digits each#It's mostly cleaning - stray lines don't take much time at all! Even reconstruction isn't bad#But for whatever reason this paper just Textures Horribly#Leave my blank spaces blank! I don't want toning there!#You can even see! I didn't leave behind all that many guidelines! It was just the paper being awful!#Some of it's still there if you tip your screen at certain angles#I can't because - broken hinge lol - so I mostly had to guess where to hit#Ugh. I'm just glad I'm finally done with this paper#I miss Norcom so bad :( I haven't been able to track down a distributor for years now
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wavering-eyes · 2 months
Age of Fire - April 2024 Banlist
Konami has once again dropped the banlist mid-YCS, this time interrupting YCS Guadalajara. Honestly, it's about time.
Analysis below.
If you've been paying attention at all, you probably know we're still well into FIRE format. Your choices of tier 1 decks were Snake-Eye and Fire King Snake-Eye and that's about it. Both packed similarly highly advantageous engines with 1-card starters and high redundancy alongside up to 18 defensive cards. The mirror became common enough that the pure deck started playing Crossout in main, either to deal with the slew of handtraps or to cut off your opponent's engine in case you went first and didn't need to insulate your own plays.
Snake-Eye Ash goes like, double-digits plus by itself. The pure version has an extra deck of classic combo boss monsters like Apollousa, Borreload Savage Dragon, and Baronne de Fleur which it summons off of lines involving Jet Synchron, which is easily accessible off of Original Sinful Spoils, Snake-Eye Ash, or any card that searches the above two cards, which is probably also in the double digits now. Granted, you needed to see specifically Diabellestar in order to make Savage, but people started playing a lot more copies of her once the addition of Poplar made the engine's high redundancy one of its biggest strengths.
Of these, the pure version was usually superior for reasons that are a bit complex. Compared to pure, the Fire King version has a pretty bad chokepoint at Fire King Island where, if that card was interrupted, you were generally locked out of any Fire King engine cards you didn't draw. This was a problem since the deck started cutting down on the Fire King cards towards the end of the format, usually playing 2-3 Kirin and Ponix, 1 Garunix and 1 each of Arvata/Sanctuary/Island (and maybe Circle), and its second turn disruptive plays were pretty reliant on Garunix being in rotation. Playing more of these wasn't really an option since the Snake-Eye cards were on average a lot better to draw, and there is basically no way to make a real board with just Fire King cards going first. It was also a fair bit weaker to blowouts, both because the deck ends on no Spell/Trap negates (Rangbali was cut pretty early on since it's much worse than Arvata, and because old rulings prevent you from triggering it alongside Garunix) and because so much of the board's interruptions were actually in the GY, so in addition to being weak to Dimension Shifter, you could also blow the deck out with just Soul Release and a playable hand.
Of course it still had plenty of advantages. Arvata being a recursive monster negate is a huge deal in simplified board states, and it was pretty easy to put on board as long as you could resolve Garunix, either by popping it from deck on your turn to summon something back and summoning Arvata later with Promethean Princess (or by destroying Kirin), or in hands where you didn't draw any other Normal Summons, etc. Naturally you could also start with something like, pop Kirin for Island, search Arvata, Special Summon it and then use any of your myriad of ways to put Snake-Eye Ash on board and win the game off of that alone, now with additional insulation against hand traps. Random hands where you drew tons of Fire King engine could actually put up negates or destructive disruption on turn 0 since Kirin is a Quick Effect. Kirin is all kinds of insane; Infinite Impermanence sees near-universal play and Kirin basically invalidates it since you can just destroy the card in response and it will still resolve, possibly triggering one of your many float effects...
On that note, Imperm saw that much play because successfully using it on Snake-Eye Ash meant that your opponent would then have to jump through hoops to summon Oak or another copy of Ash to get out Flamberge, sort of killing two birds with one stone. Of course, this deck had ways to deal with that too... If you drew Bonfire, you could Bonfire for Poplar to grab Original Sinful Spoils, then make Linkuriboh and send Linkuriboh for cost, summoning a Snake-Eye Ash from deck that could be protected from targeting with Linkuriboh's GY effect. It's hard to put into words how frustrating this was; people wanted Linkuriboh banned because of it. Not to mention that it was a recursive Link Monster that enabled easy access to S:P Little Knight.
Generally this led to end boards with obscene amounts of card advantage. In the Fire King deck, just Snake-Eye Ash alone can lead to something like Amblowhale + Flamberge Dragon with I:P Masquerena in the Spell/Trap zone and Kirin in hand, which doesn't seem like much at first, but that's Flamberge summoning I:P which makes S:P, banishing an opponent's card while summoning back both Snake-Eye Ash and Ponix, searching cards off of both. Or using Kirin to pop Amblowhale, triggering that and to summon back a Link Monster and making a giant Apollousa that still floats into tons of advantage (you can summon a Sunlight Wolf underneath the EMZ to get another card back, etc). And yet there are still lines where you can trigger Garunix to pop Arvata, then summon and destroy Kirin to summon that back...
What you were giving up for this was basically raw disruptive power. These decks probably have ten Extra Deck cards in common but those differences are all a huge deal; the pure deck's lines into Formula Synchron leading to Baronne made on the opponent's turn with itself and Flamberge Dragon similarly led to a lot of advantage, of course there was still Savage if you saw Diabellestar, and the worst you could end on was usually I:P with Flamberge, which still lets your entire engine recur.
What you might not know is that those decks actually did have counters. Both were theoretically shut down pretty hard by Dimension Shifter, and since Floowandereeze got Swallow's Cowrie last set, lots of people went back to birds at first, though they naturally fell off in the same way and for the same reasons Floowandereeze players always do: it's too inconsistent for its own good, and it was always highly reliant on seeing non-engine to go second. Both versions of Snake-Eye were also pretty bad at removing big Towers monsters, so a few people experimented with Raidraptors to minor success.
I don't have much else to say about it, but Voiceless Voice also saw a fair bit of play. I don't think it was ever particularly good into Snake-Eye though, it just sort of does okay against it and bullies everything else.
There's also been a recent uptick in people playing straight-up stun, with and without Runick cards, and it's easy to see why as well. Runick engine is basically all going-second cards, all of which are useful in some way against the board. Flashing Fire and Freezing Curses are useful for pretty obvious reasons, but Destruction threatens Fire King Island, Sanctuary, any cards that Flamberge intends to summon, and any cards Set off of Diabellestar. The engine of these decks doesn't directly threaten Runick Fountain in any really effective way--Kirin can pop it potentially the chain after it hits field, so you can draw a card by protecting it with Hugin, and Baronne and Savage can negate it, but assuming you can't deal with those monsters directly, you could just get the card back off of Geri.
Why so many people are on pure stun is beyond me, but... yeah, the engine is not great if you can't use the GY or Special Summon. Better win some die rolls.
So that's where we're at. Two deck format, both playing mostly the same cards, so people liked to call it Tier 0 anyways. Snake-Eye cards both out-advantage every other deck and out-interrupt all of them due to the massive number of hand traps and random card draw from things like Wanted! and Formula Synchron.
Before we get into the list proper, for no reason in particular, here's a little snippet from the wishlist included in my last banlist post...
Banned: Baronne de Fleur Baronne is miles better than almost every other Synchro released in years. I think the only deck where it's actually healthy is Swordsoul, and it would be a shame for that deck to lose this, but it's way too strong. This is also a wide hit, it hurts the combo variants of R-ACE and every version of Mannadium and Infernoble. Hot RDA King Calamity King Calamity lock should not be a thing, I don't really care how good/bad Centur-Ion is.
And let me take a brief victory lap for predicting both Ishizu millers getting banned, Air Lifter to 1, Sharvara to 1, and some hit to Infernoble.
Without further ado...
Banned Linkuriboh
I think I made a good enough case for this above. With Linkuriboh banned, Snake-Eye decks will have a lot harder time dodging targeted negation and making S:P on later turns without committing more cards from the Extra Deck. Granted, I think they'll just play Relinquished Anima instead, but that card is basically only useful once and isn't a recursive menace like this one.
Baronne de Fleur
I won't say I particularly expected this to happen but I agree word for word with what I said earlier. Baronne is a lot better than almost every Synchro printed before or since, it's totally generic, it's got an omni-negate, it pops cards on your turn to push through boards (and enable float effects if you're Mannadium), it's got 3000 ATK so it's not trivial to out, and once you've used the one negate, you can put it back in your Extra Deck to summon it again! There were a couple of variants of Ghoti I was testing that would literally just make Baronne for the pop and to synchro with Arionpos a second time, not really caring whether the negate ended up getting used or not.
Pure Snake-Eye loses an interruption for this, but lower-tier decks are even worse off. Mannadium now hard loses to Nibiru. Swordsoul loses to both that and Impermanence, since half the time you stuck early Baronne, you were basically just trying to protect Mo Ye. It's gonna be rough for pretty much any Synchro-focused deck (well, except Resonator) since this saw play in every single one that could make it.
Borreload Savage Dragon
Another hit for Pure Snake-Eye, Savage was by far the best Level 8 synchro in any deck that played Link Monsters. (Incidentally this also excludes Resonator, which would otherwise happily take an omni-negate on a Level 8 DARK Dragon Synchro.) This also saw some play in Mannadium piles where you were hoping to summon it with, big surprise, Diabellestar and Jet Synchron.
And of course, its home for the past several years has been Dragon Link, where you could make it off of just Rokket Tracer. That deck now ends on no omni-negates; it doesn't necessarily hard lose to Nibiru now since it kind of always did (your best answer was to hope your opponent uses it too early or to stick Spheres, pass, hope your opponent uses Nibiru and hope you could make a better board afterwards).
These lines suffered a bit already since Linkuriboh was usually the Link Monster you'd put in GY to enable this (outside of Dragon Link), but Savage being banned dug a void into a lot of decks that one copy of Psy-Framelord Omega probably can't fill.
For the record, I think this card was well-designed, at least compared to Baronne (notably, it doesn't destroy the card it negates, and it basically never played under Nibiru), but if we want generic Extra Deck negates out of the game, so be it.
Summon Limit
Konami hit Rivalry, TCBOO, and Gozen to 1 on the last list and everyone immediately started playing sets of the next best floodgates, Summon Limit and Anti-Spell Fragrance. And yes, this card is worse than all of those, but it's toxic all the same and will not be missed.
Honestly, great job so far from Konami. I'm at worst positive on all of these bans.
Limited Archnemeses Protos
And just when I give them credit, they give me reason to worry. Protos was last seen two years ago in Swordsoul where it could be searched off of Emergence and activated calling DARK to both wipe the board of DARK monsters and to activate a lingering effect that prevents them from being Summoned. (As a reminder, this card has to declare an Attribute that is currently on the field, so DARK was always available since this card itself is DARK, but you could make plays to put other Attributes on field, at least in theory, though you'd be negging yourself.) This was a lot more relevant then since Verte was still legal and everyone was playing DPE or Dragoon in everything. Nowadays it's a little bit diminished in impact since most engines aren't DARK, but a lot of staples are. This card stops Diabellestar, S:P, I:P, and Accesscode Talker from hitting field and for that reason alone it is concerning.
As I mentioned, this last saw play in Swordsoul since it's a Wyrm searchable off of Emergence if you control a Synchro, but Nemeses have their own search card--Nemeses Flag, a Level 2 Pyro monster that summons itself by shuffling back a banished card. That card is now searchable off of Bonfire and Infernal Flame Banshee, so you could potentially see this in other decks as well.
I'm gonna make a wild claim here: I think this card will see play, and I don't think Swordsoul is gonna be the deck that makes it good. It might take a few years but this is a very degenerate card in the right format.
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
Tidal is the last Dragon Ruler to be unbanned and it's definitely the best one... the hand effect triggers Atlanteans while giving you a totally generic Foolish Burial, and as an added bonus you get a Level 7 body on later turns to combine with Mermails or the like.
Of course, this was all true in HAT format, which was the last time Tidal was legal, and I don't think Mermails will be making an impact even with this in tow. It's got some potential but I don't expect much immediately, and I think the Rulers could all go to 3 with no negative impact on the game, and minimal impact in general.
Thunder Dragon Colossus
In another retro format throwback, Colossus was last seen in Eternal format in Danger! Thunder which used the draw power of Dangers to pitch Thunder Dragon monsters in order to enable summons of chaos monsters like White Dragon Wyverburster and Black Dragon Collapserpent. Colossus was an essential part of the end board, both for being an easy to summon Level 8 body and for being an indestructible Mistake on legs, and the deck usually played two for this reason. On top of that, since its alternate summoning condition tributed the monster from field, this would also trigger Darkest Diabolos in variants that played it in order to rip another card out of hand.
This deck's boards were some of the best of the entire VRAINS era; you could open a hand like Batteryman Solar and Wyverburster and end on Spheres + Hot Red/Crystal Wing + Colossus + Hope Harbinger + Starliege Photon Blast Dragon (boosted by Saryuja Skull Dread so everything but Spheres is untargetable), and potentially more interruptions or hand rips depending on the other cards you saw. This was pre-Shifter and Dark Ruler No More (at least during that year's NAWCQ) so that wasn't a consideration, but lots of people played Droll and Lancea to interrupt the combo and later variants just didn't care.
It this card healthy? No, not really. If you open a hand with a lot of search cards, you're shit out of luck. However, we've got a lot better ways to deal with it now than we did then, and there's not really a deck that currently exists that would want to play Colossus, so one will have to be reinvented. But I fully expect that it will. Maybe Bystial Danger! Thunder?
For your consideration... this card was never legal alongside Nemeses Corridor, a Level 4 Thunder monster that activates in hand to shuffle back a banished monster and summon itself to the board. That provides both the body and the condition necessary to summon this card. Nemeses Corridor is searchable off of both Nemeses Flag and Cupid Pitch.
Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin
Another throwback, this card has been banned since, what, 2016? It never saw play in Majespecter since the deck's scales wouldn't let you Pendulum Summon it, but was a generic recursive untargetable disruption in other Pendulum decks, sort of like a less bricky and powerful Apex Avian since it was also a low scale.
This card's reasons for being on the banlist have been very pedestrian for years, and Majespecter just got a new wave of support that lets them actually summon this card, so it's definitely time for this to come back.
Now someone tell the guys making the OCG banlist, clearly they haven't noticed. This card is still banned there and it's been months.
Chicken Game
This card has a lot of text for what is essentially Upstart Goblin on a Field Spell, so I'll repeat here what I said about that when it went to 3:
Most decks play hand traps and seeing Upstart going second when it could have been a hand trap is bad. This card is also unbelievably bad into Droll & Lock Bird which has seen near-constant Side Deck play since 2019, so that doesn't help either. The only reason you'd play this is for synergy or deck-thinning in decks that simply don't play going-second cards, so I would expect this to see play in Dark World (the illusion of free choice: you will still lose to Droll), Endymion decks (since those cards no longer see play in Pendulum piles) and Sky Striker (mega-cope) and very little else.
I don't know if Dark World ended up playing Upstart, by the way; it could easily have 40 cards it actually wants to play. Upstart is very good in Sky Striker and this is significantly worse since this doesn't put a Spell in the GY unless you play Area Zero over it or send it with Multirole or Linkage, and Linkage is usually already free or better saved to dodge interruptions anyways.
That said, there are a few points of obvious synergy. This is a pretty good card to send for any card that has to send something else to activate, such as, for example... Snake-Eye Ash's second effect, Diabellestar's summoning condition, Original Sinful Spoils' cost... But I would not expect to see this along Snake-Eye cards; the Fire King version has had plenty of opportunities to play Tenki for Arvata and has declined every time, and their own Field Spell is really good already.
Anti-Spell Fragrance
See Summon Limit. This card was worse at disrupting hands of monsters, but much better at disrupting hands of search cards like Bonfire and Fire King Island. It was also better against blowout cards like Lightning Storm and Harpie's Feather Duster. Given the speed of the game, this was basically Imperial Order, and I think this should have been banned alongside Summon Limit, but one is better than three.
And no, Pendulum players, we are not back, not as long as Flamberge is in the format.
Semi-Limited Armageddon Knight
This card's been up and down the list tons of times. It was last hit after the Danger! Dark World deck debuted, where this card enabled a one-card FTK via Cannon Soldier, but it saw a bunch of play before that by dumping Destrudo to make Ancient Fairy Dragon or Yazi. It's a good card but doesn't fit into any decks right now. I would say that some Thunder Dragon combo deck might play this, but Batteryman Solar was better in that deck anyways, and eventually Danger! Thunder cut all of its Normal Summons for Crusadia monsters anyways.
Purrely Delicious Memory
If this deck ever becomes good, Goblin cards destroy it, Book of Moon helps a lot, etc. This is the best Memory card in most cases since it most directly enables turn 1 5-material Expurrely Noir summons and buffs its stats while doing so, but the deck is a lot weaker now than it ever has been in the past, and I swear around 2/3 of the time I lose to this deck, it's because the player drew a floodgate.
Unlimited Destiny HERO - Malicious
This was also last seen at 3 in that Danger! Dark World deck, and... yeah, this card is basically the reason you'd play Armageddon Knight instead of Batteryman Solar as your starter.
This card has outlived tons of decks and it will probably outlive me. It's been up and down the list several times at 1, 2, and 3, forming an infinite cycle of getting put to 3, only to enable some insane combo that proves it should have stayed at 2, and consequently getting hit again.
Nowadays most of its enablers are gone. Nobody's gonna be using Mali as an engine for Tribute Summon fodder, I wouldn't expect it to see much play in Synchro decks, and the best Link-2 to make with it and Armageddon Knight was Isolde, which is now banned. That said, it's seen play in HERO ever since they got Cross Crusader and subsequently Denier (which might as well be a HERO-exclusive third copy of this), and that deck will definitely appreciate it. If this saw play outside of HERO it would be in a pile deck or something like Tearlament that wants to make Beatrice by any means necessary.
Orcust Harp Horror
I said last time that this could go to 3 with no downsides and that's still the case. Bystials dunk on this deck and we still have all of them but Magnamhut at 3.
I think Orcusts have a chance still since the engine is so strong and accessible (not to mention they also played Armageddon Knight), but any Synchro focused variants lost Savage Dragon and these cards are still bricks. I think the best variant so far has been Orcust Horus and that seems alright if not exactly inspiring.
Speedroid Terrortop
Speedroid doesn't really appreciate the difference between this at 2 and 3 since it was mostly getting summoned off of Rubber Band Shooter, but it's not nothing. Unfortunately they also lost Baronne, and it's not looking likely that they'll be able to come back from that.
If the deck ever becomes real, I would expect to see this in Goblin Riders as a free Rank 3 engine, since that deck hardly seems to play its own maindeck monsters. It also appreciates a quick Gossip Shadow to play around handtraps, Droll aside, and interrupting Terrortop was virtually always a bad idea.
In short, very strong card which very few decks want to play.
Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage
Oh god yes.
Engage was last seen at 3 in late Eternal Format as a part of Sky Striker Orcust, since the one copy of Hornet Drones could make Knightmare Mermaid which did your entire combo, and any other Spells you happened to put in the GY could enable free draws. To its credit, that deck actually played several other Sky Striker spells for disruption since you could make a real end board with just a single monster in the EMZ and a bunch of backrow.
In the pure deck it caused eternal frustration, since this card being at 3 and not being once per turn meant that your free draw off of Engage could draw you into another Engage, which might draw you into another Engage... Hands like that were basically the only times Striker was threatening going first, floodgates aside, and well, here we are again. That version of the deck didn't even have 3 Kagari!
I should also mention that there's been some recent experimentation with a small Sky Striker engine in Snake-Eye decks (I have reason to believe that Kagari being a fire matters to this somehow, but how exactly, I'm not certain), but it's sort of fallen off. Maybe this is what brings it back?
More importantly, we have full power Striker back, well, full power with 1 Drones, which is a reasonable concession. I don't think it's going to see much success but it will definitely see play, and I will certainly be playing it. Not to mention, Sky Striker Ace - Camellia is just around the corner, with a speculative release coming in this year's Battles of Legend set.
Here's where I pull the rug: I think some version of Snake-Eye is still the best deck and I don't think these changes help any currently existing decks deal with it at all, Runick aside. That said. This banlist gives a lot of old decks toys to play with, and I'm really excited to see what the real deckbuilders can do with pile enablers like Colossus and Protos back, even if the cards themselves are degenerate.
To summarize, though:
Pure Snake-Eye lost its entire Synchro line. I did some testing with Psy-Framelord Omega and Bystial Dis Pater or Chengying in place of Baronne and Savage, but going for double handrip is not practical and the board overall is much worse against blowouts. (With this in mind, Evenly kind of cooks every deck right now, apart from heavily under-extended Fire King. I would expect it to see a lot of play until Tenpai comes out.)
Fire King Snake-Eye lost Linkuriboh and that's about it, so it could see more play compared to pure. The pure version also lost this so you can now pretty safely imperm Ash until they decide to start playing Sauravis or something.
Voiceless Voice is untouched and still gets dunked on by Bystials and blowout cards, and I think the Fire King matchup seems really bad.
Labrynth, as always, is probably okay. Skill Drain hasn't been good lately, but the engine is still very strong. Fire King is a pretty bad matchup though.
I don't think the Yubel decks are even slightly real until they get the new fusion. I also don't think HERO is real until it gets that, assuming it's fine cutting Faris and Cross Crusader for a counter to Nibiru and Droll, which remains to be seen. (The combo is A HERO Lives for Prisma, revealing the new fusion to dump Yubel, then contact fusing.)
Almost every deck that used Synchro as its main mechanic is dead, Centur-Ion and Resonator aside. I expect to see some amount of success from Runick decks, but Synchro-focused builds like Bystial Runick are not looking great without Baronne.
Striker best deck. Raye is bae. We are so fucking back.
Thanks for reading.
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flutteragency · 3 months
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Having clear project requirements helps in better estimation for budgeting of mobile app development. A clear and much defined project scope with outlined goals, features and functionalities helps in budget estimation and then decreasing costs.
Initially, focus on the core functionalities of your app that solve the basic user issues. Not expecting a tech-savvy and user-friendly app like uber initially is sensible. Focusing on the core functionalities will save development time and save development costs while getting validation from your users.
There are ready-made tools which are available with no development platforms that can be utilized for app creation. The no code tools streamline and ease the development process, initiating a rapid cost saving process. The main idea behind choosing an MVP to launch your mobile application is its low costs and the time taken to build it. It can be quickly built and gain profits, while giving you an advantage to know your audience engagement comparatively faster.
These tools might have some limitations, but they ensure an effective solution for serving the purpose of creating MVP for user validation.
Developing different apps requires a lot of development, especially for iOS and Android separately. It can almost double your development costs because it requires a lot of coding, which in turn takes a lot of time. Considering frameworks like flutter reduces the development costs greatly and allows you to code once and deploy on both platforms which saves a lot of resources. It is a great way to save costs in the initial stages of your app development.
Opting for open-source technologies proves to be a smart strategy for reducing app development costs while keeping a nice quality standard. It also benefits in cost-saving and reduces development times, while providing customizations and flexibility when compared to proprietary solutions.
Instead of hiring developers, outsourcing developers does the same work done but at a significantly lower charge. Sometimes, there are better and much cheaper developers, working independently in outside countries. These professionals can help you to get your desired mobile application with a lower cost and supreme quality. The quality is not compromised, and the work is delivered with less costs involved.
For the beginning, avoid overly complex designs and animations because that require extensive coding. Focusing on a clean, intuitive user interface prioritizes essential features more appropriately. You can recall the number of apps that have started with simple interfaces and then upgraded over time. One such common example is Instagram!
Having a to-the-point and simple design grabs focus of your audience to the message or service that you are trying to sell directly. Anyways, minimalism is trending that gives an advantage to ditch complex designs and incline towards more subtle ones. Sometimes, making your app too design savvy can also lead to making your app look clumsy and congested. Hence, the key is using simple design and moving forward.
There exists many resources that offer pre-designed app screens and UI elements which can be customized to fit your brand and functionality. This saves design time and costs while maintaining a professional look. This also helps in early delivery of the app which can help you start your expected research and observe user interaction with the app effectively.
Instead of investing costs on design and development practices, prioritizing quality of working of the application will be more fruitful. You can invest in thorough testing of your applications, which can give you quality assurance and ensure a smooth and steady user experience. This investment is important because it can help in identifying bugs, crashes, and ultimately, user dissatisfaction.
Fitting the needs of your mobile application with your desired budget is a balancing act. With careful consideration of the features, platforms, designs, integrations and maintenance needs, you can make informed decisions that can bring your app imagination to life, while fitting your budget. Exploration is the key to successful and cost-friendly app development. Don’t shy away from exploring cost-effective solutions while leveraging available resources wisely and inaugurating the foundation of your mobile app.
The mobile app development realm is constantly evolving, with newer features being introduced every now and then. By recognizing your exact needs and finding the best, cost-reasonable solutions for it, you can save hugely on your app development costs.
What you need to keep in mind while creating an app is opting for a user-centric approach. By doing that, you can consciously achieve your desired results and witness your app imaginations turn to reality.
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foodnutra · 6 months
How to Make Dried Cashew Last Longer? — FoodNutra
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Dried cashews are a great way to add a crunchy, savory note to any dish. However, if you don’t store them correctly and they get damp or warm, they can become rancid and spoil quickly. This guide will show you how to make your dried cashew last longer so that you can use them in recipes for months instead of days!
For more info: How to Make Dried Cashew Last Longer? - FoodNutra
Never Keep in the Pantry
Never store cashews in the pantry.
The pantry is too hot and humid, which can lead to mold growth on the cashews. If you don’t want to throw away your money, you’ll have to make sure that you don’t leave them there too long. In addition to being too humid, the pantry also tends to be dryer than other parts of your home (especially if there’s an air conditioning unit nearby), so it’s best not to risk letting your precious nuts get dried out!
Store in an airtight container or food saver bag, with a silica gel packet or oxygen absorber
Store in an airtight container or food saver bag, with a silica gel packet or oxygen absorber.
Keep cashews in an airtight container or food saver bag, with a silica gel packet or oxygen absorber. Airtight containers are the best way to keep your cashews fresh for long periods of time (more on this below). If you don’t have one on hand and don’t want to buy one, use another sealed container instead–but make sure it’s as tight as possible so that no light gets through!
Don’t store them near other foods with strong odors (like onions) because they’ll absorb those odors easily! Also be careful about storing them too close together; if two cashews touch each other for too long during storage then they might become moldy faster than normal because there’s more surface area exposed between the two pieces than if only one was exposed directly against air molecules available at room temperature levels without any kind of barrier like glass separating them physically from each other first off before anything else could happen inside either piece individually plus both pieces together would create double-digit percentages regarding overall surface area coverage which means greater risk factors involved later down line when conditions aren’t ideal anymore either due mostly likely factor being humidity levels rising higher than average over time due lackadaisical carelessness by consumers who don’t realize what consequences come along side ignorance towards basic precautions needed daily living conditions.”
Keep in a dark, cool place
Dark and cool is the way to go when it comes to storing your cashews. Keep them in an airtight container and store them in a dark area with low humidity, like a pantry or cupboard that’s not directly exposed to sunlight. If you have room in your refrigerator, that will also work just fine!
Use a Dehydrator to Dry Faster
If you have a dehydrator, then it’s easy to dry cashews.
First, place the cashews on a non-stick baking sheet and spread them out evenly. Then put them in your dehydrator at 95 degrees Fahrenheit for 12 hours or until they’re completely dry and brittle. You can tell when they’re done because they’ll be light brown in color and feel crunchy when broken open (like how raw almonds would).
You can also use this method if you don’t have a dehydrator: simply place your cashews directly on top of an oven rack with nothing underneath it (no pan), then turn on the oven to its lowest setting–about 200 degrees Fahrenheit–and let them sit there overnight until they’re completely dried out and brittle.
Dried cashews are a great snack, but they can go bad quickly if you don’t store them correctly. If you follow these tips, you can make sure your cashews stay fresh for longer!
For more info: How to Make Dried Cashew Last Longer? - FoodNutra
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modelsbytalias · 8 months
Excel: An Introduction and Tutorial.
Excel from Microsoft is a robust spreadsheet programme that has proven useful for both personal and professional use. Learn the fundamentals of Excel whether you're a student, a working professional, or just someone interested in improving your data management abilities. To get you started on the road to spreadsheet mastery, this article will cover Excel's essential principles and functionalities.
Getting Acquainted with Excel's User Interface
When you launch Excel, you'll see a grid of rows and columns that you may use to create cells. A unique reference, such as "A1," is assigned to each cell, where the letter stands for the column and the number stands for the row. The Ribbon is located at the top of the screen, and each of its tabs provides access to a different set of functions and tools for manipulating your data.Excel Vlookup is actually very good.
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Data Input
You may start typing into a cell after clicking on it in Excel. Enter any combination of words, digits, and/or dates. Press the "Enter" key to advance to the next empty cell.Xlookup has been excellent. To make changes to the contents of a cell, double-click on it, then type in your new data and hit "Enter" again.
Cell Layout Modifications
Excel's numerous formatting tools allow you to give your numbers a polished, well-organized look. Excel Match Function will always help you. Change the font, colour, border, and orientation of your text, numbers, and dates. Choose "Format Cells" from the context menu that appears when you right-click a cell.
4.Fundamental arithmetic procedures
Excel is capable of performing arithmetic functions such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. Add "+", subtract "-", multiply "*", and divide "/" to perform basic mathematical operations. You can find Excel If Function easily.
You can execute sophisticated calculations and analyses with the help of Excel's many in-built features. Standard operations consist of SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, COUNT, and IF. Hlookup is also the best. To call a function, enter "=" followed by the name of the function and any arguments it takes. As you type, Excel will offer recommendations to help you along.
AutoFill is a time-saving and labor-reducing function in Microsoft Excel. Countifs Function In Excel is used widely. You may fill in neighbouring cells with a pattern or series by entering data (such as numbers, dates, or text) in a column or row, selecting the cells, and dragging the fill handle.
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Refinement by Category
You can sort and filter your data to get it in order for analysis. Sumifs Function In Excel has the finest results. Select the data you want to sort and then use the "Sort A to Z" or "Sort Z to A" button on the Ribbon to arrange the columns alphabetically or numerically, respectively. You may select certain statistics to display depending on certain criteria by clicking the "Filter" button. You can find Index Match Multiple Criteria.
Graphs and Diagrams
Excel's chart and graph features make it easy to see patterns and trends in your data. To create a graph or chart from your selected data, click the "Insert" tab and pick the appropriate option from the drop-down menu. Subtotal Function in Excel is indeed outstanding. Excel's charting tools include both bar and line graphs, as well as pie charts.
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aadiyogi123 · 11 months
Streamline Your Workspace with Effective Meeting Room Management
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In today's fast-paced business environment, efficient meeting room management is crucial for optimizing workspace utilization, enhancing productivity, and creating a seamless experience for employees and visitors alike. With the right tools and strategies in place, organizations can streamline their meeting room booking process, ensure smooth operations, and make the most out of their workspace resources. One such tool that has revolutionized the way businesses handle their meeting spaces is meeting room management software.
Meeting Room Management: Simplifying Space Allocation and Beyond
Meeting room management software, such as hipla.io, offers a comprehensive solution for effectively managing meeting spaces within an organization. It simplifies the entire process of reserving, tracking, and optimizing meeting rooms, leading to improved resource utilization, reduced conflicts, and enhanced overall productivity. By incorporating intelligent features and automation, meeting room management software helps businesses take control of their workspace environment.
Key Features and Benefits of Meeting Room Management Software
1. Seamless Booking Process: Meeting room management software enables employees to easily find and reserve available meeting rooms through an intuitive user interface. By providing real-time visibility into room availability, capacities, and amenities, employees can make informed decisions when scheduling meetings, reducing the chances of conflicts or double bookings.
2. Visitor Management Integration: Many meeting room management software platforms offer integration with visitor management systems. This integration simplifies the process of registering and managing visitors attending meetings. Hosts can pre-register visitors, capture their details, and ensure a smooth check-in experience, enhancing overall visitor management within the organization.
3. Resource Optimization: Meeting room management software allows organizations to gain insights into meeting room utilization patterns and trends. By analyzing data on room occupancy rates, average meeting durations, and peak usage hours, businesses can optimize their space allocation, identify underutilized rooms, and make informed decisions about workspace planning and expansion.
4. Automated Notifications and Reminders: Meeting room management software eliminates the need for manual communication by automatically sending notifications and reminders to meeting organizers and participants. This ensures that everyone involved is well-informed about meeting details, reducing the chances of missed appointments and confusion.
5. Integration with Digital Signage: Some meeting room management software platforms offer integration with digital signage solutions. This allows businesses to display real-time meeting room availability and schedules on digital displays outside each meeting room. It eliminates the need for physical signage and empowers employees to quickly locate available rooms.
Effective meeting room management is a vital aspect of creating a productive and collaborative workspace environment. By adopting a meeting room management software like hipla.io, businesses can streamline their meeting room booking process, optimize resource utilization, and enhance the overall meeting experience for employees and visitors. With features like seamless booking, visitor management integration, resource optimization, automated notifications, and digital signage integration, meeting room management software empowers organizations to make the most out of their meeting spaces and unlock the true potential of their workspace.
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ayejayque · 11 months
The Real Estate Markets in China, Japan, & the USA
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The Real Estate Market in China The Chinese real estate market has undergone a real transformation. In the not-too-distant past, Chinese workers were guaranteed secure housing by their communist administration. The new drift in Chinese real estate has made real estate too expensive even for the highly-paid middle-class workers making it a different ball game altogether. This is a complete shift from socialism to capitalism. Communism The Chinese real estate market is a tale of the rise of staunch free enterprise in a communist state. In 1978, Chinese real estate had zero prices. This was because the land of China was possessed by the government. The Chinese constitution banned private proprietorship and transfer of land. All buy or sell transactions were forbidden. All the workers were government employees. They were entitled to housing on the basis of their seniority, number of years of service, and size of their household among other aspects. It was impossible to predict that China would one day, become one of the main real estate markets in the world. It would end up being a major case used in discussions relating to real estate bubbles. Denationalization takes over Things began to alter in socialist China. The economy no longer remained communist in 1988 when the constitution was revised. Laws that did not permit private possession of land now stood modified. The latest laws separated the land into 2 classes: - One category was for lower-income households. These houses were to be sold on a cost-plus foundation. Also, the administration would keep a firm check on the expenses incurred in constructing these houses. Developers who created and implemented these plans without any glitches would get tax credits. Ideally, these houses were sold at 5% above the cost price to low-income households. There were obstructive conditions that made it hard to meet the requirements for such a home. Also, selling your own home was prohibited by the government for a period of at least 5 years after its acquisition. - The other category of houses being sold was commodity housing. This real estate market was driven by the markets i.e., investors could easily purchase and sell their properties at whatever prices they liked. One could also rent out these properties. The rent control act of 1994 finished the transformation of a part of the Chinese property market from socialistic to capitalistic. Property prosperity The next 20 years witnessed property booms the likes of which, the world never saw. The government-controlled affordable homes in the economy had steadily declined. They were replaced by commodity housing. The prices and the supply of commodity houses have greatly increased across China. The average price rise over 20 years has been in double digits each year. This is an 8-fold price increase over 2 decades. In some cities, the means have been as high as 26% compounded annual growth rate! This can be one of the biggest and longest-lasting bull runs in any property market worldwide. Expensive prices made real estate go beyond the reach of the working-class population. This encouraged the Chinese government to once again endorse firmer laws. Firm laws on 2nd and 3rd home The Chinese government has passed firm laws to control the acquisition of second and third homes in most cities. These laws were passed to guarantee that poor first-home debtors were not facing rivalry from wealthy second or third-home debtors. The laws necessitate those individuals buying their second home to make a down payment of at least 60% of their property value. If the person is buying a third home, they would be given no financing and would be required to pay the whole sum in cash. This law had serious consequences on housing sales in tier-1 and tier-2 towns. The quickly rising house prices swiftly saw an improvement. China witnessed its first real estate bust in these times! Stimulus Package In 2008, a stimulus package to revive the banking sector and encourage lending was awarded in China. This increased real estate prices, which the government tried for so long, to subdue. The banks were full of cash and real estate developers wanted loans. As such, a lot of cash was lent to them at a wild pace. For some time, the bust became a boom, which was extremely short-lived. Misallocation The Chinese developers constructed huge gated societies and towns. These were built for the higher-class people. But the elite class has not bought these communities. China now has uninhabited new ghost towns which have never been lived in. They are one of the largest misallocations of capital in the history of the centrally managed Chinese economy. Presently, some Chinese cities are seeing a slump in their property prices while the prices have deteriorated in some other towns. If the market sentiment is to be believed China is bound to see a rectification of real estate values. The Real Estate Market in Japan The Japanese real estate tale is significant as well as unique. These stories include mentions of periods of booms and busts. The property market downwards for a few years only to mend a few years in the future. This Japanese story is very different. The Japanese market saw a bull run never seen earlier. This continued till 1991. Then came the slump! Since 1991, Japan has seen a collapse of epic magnitude. The property estimates have fallen and have stayed there for 20 years despite the wild hard work of the Japanese administration to recover them. The 30-year-long economic miracle After WW2, the Japanese economy was practically wrecked. They had been fighting for years and as such their economy had hurt a lot. Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been bombed by the United States. The worker morale was at an all-time low.  The Japanese economy post-war experienced an economic boom. Japanese businesses started making major progress in the electronics and automobile marketplaces of the world. This led to increased success in the economy. The high success created jobs for many Japanese workers. Japanese companies consider workers to be a part of their family. They never fire them. This gave rise to augmented buying power. By the late 70s and early 80s, Japan had become the second-largest economy in the world. It was slowly moving closer to the United States. To many economic observers, this was an economic miracle that Japan had pulled off in 30 years. During this time the Japanese real estate market saw a stable upward boom. The prices were being driven up at around the rate of economic growth and no one anticipated any sort of bubble being formed. Tax Laws improved In the 1980s, Japan decided to relax its previously traditional property markets. The Japanese property markets had a draconian tax system regime that prohibited any modification in the possession of properties. If a property was sold in under 2 years after its purchase, taxes we over 90% of the capital appreciation! If the same property was sold between 2-5 years after its purchase, around 75% of the capital gains made by the stakeholders were due to the Japanese government as tax. If the stakeholders sold the property after 5 years, 50% of the capital appreciation was due as tax. The transaction costs of the Japanese real estate market made it useless for anyone else except genuine home buyers to buy a house. Come the 80s and the Japanese government revoked a lot of these rules to fashion an open real estate market to suit the requirements of the open Japanese economy. Stock Market & Real Estate Market Because of ease in the rules and laws, a circumstance was shaped wherein the real estate and the stock market started feeding off one another. Many people ended up selling highly valued stocks to acquire real estate. This shaped a demand for real estate that was increasing in value. Many real estate investors would liquidate and once again buy stocks and shares of Japanese businesses. Both these asset classes were outperforming every other investment there is. As such, they attracted more and more money. The value of both these asset classes went sky-high! By 1991, real estate estimates in Tokyo were several times higher than rival valuations in more wealthy cities like New York and London. The Real Estate crash of the 90s The 90s saw the end of the real estate market in Japan. The Bank of Japan raised interest rates. This was done to control the inflation that was triggered by the loose fiscal policy that it had followed for years. The money supply in the market became tight. The mortgages became more expensive to deal with. The Japanese real estate rapidly went down. This created the ultimate downward spiral. Property prices ended up plummeting more than 64% in Japan in just 10 years. Stakeholders and homeowners, who were highly leveraged, lost a noteworthy portion of their funds as prices constantly crumbled. Worth Half the Price in 2015 By 2015, the Japanese housing market had still not improved. The Japanese held its interest rates near 0% for many years on end. They have also had a quantitative easing program. That too, has been ineffective in raising the prices of the real estate market again. Compared to 1991, the present value of today is 50% of its value. If you had participated in Japanese real estate in 1985 and wanted to cash out after 30 years, you would have ZERO capital increase!  The Real Estate Market in the USA The USA is one of the most advanced countries in the world. It has the most see-through market system in the world. Most world economies are entangled with the US economy. This means that a small movement in the USA markets sends ripples worldwide. In 2007, a local real estate crisis in the US markets became a catastrophe of global magnitudes and endangered the financial system of the world! In this section, I will describe the two major boom-bust cycles that the US real estate sector has seen since the 1980s. Phase 1: The Bust The American real estate market was seeing a bust from the 1980s onwards. This was formed by the Savings and Loan disaster that was existing in the markets during this time. Before the 1980s, most of the homes being bought in the US were being bought as a result of money on loan from these Savings and Loans establishments. In the 1980s the Fed understood that price rises were slipping out of control. The interest rates were then increased by a staggering 20%! This interest rate hike almost wiped out the savings and credit industry. They could not attract new capital at these rates. The number of people who afford this rate to buy a home went down significantly. It brought a crash in the real estate market in the US. The savings and loans catastrophe were one of the lowest points in the history of US real estate. Even then, no one could predict what was to follow. Phase 2: The Manmade Boom The 90s saw the recovery from the savings and loan catastrophe. These institutions had become bankrupt. Some other financial organizations were also under severe monetary pressure. The lending was at an all-time low. The government passed many laws to raise lending and in particular, lending to the real estate segment. Soon, the radical motive of satisfying the so-called “America Dream” took over all wisdom. The legislators were inflexible in creating rules that would allow more people to purchase homes. The long-term consequences of these rules were simply not understood. One of the largest boom periods in American history followed. This was enabled by the 1% interest rate that was prevalent in the Us then. Banks were instructed by law to lower their loaning standards to confirm that they book as many loans as is probable! The Real Estate market was swamped with buyers who had a lot of money. They were willing to buy properties that appreciated in value making their proprietors rich. This lasted from the late 1990s to 2007. It was manmade. It was the rest of the US policies. It is often referred to as the manufactured boom. Phase 3: The Crisis 2007, saw perhaps the biggest financial crisis that the world had ever seen. It originated from the US real estate industry. The manufactured boom soon became a manufactured catastrophe. The interest rates in the economy were raised again. This increase created an extraordinary disaster called the subprime mortgage crisis. The increased interest rates caused the once-a-month payments of loans to go up. Many homeowners could not afford an increased mortgage. The houses had to be foreclosed. The declining value of the houses created an excess supply in which the prices were diminishing even more. During this atrocity, almost most worldwide markets were badly affected. The US real estate market lost almost half of its value. It was the worst hit. Phase 4: The Market Beyond the Crisis The US real estate market has been healing post-2008. This has been a slow process. The severe drops that were seen by the real estate market are now being swapped by a stable rise. This time, government intervention in the market is negligible. This moderate growth is not being driven by insanely low-interest rates. Some pundits see the Quantitative Easing policies being followed in the US as the main culprit. However, nothing can be overwhelmingly said till now. The US real estate sector has had its ups and downs. Real estate is not the safest investment as people this it is. It is as risky as any other investment, if not more.    Read the full article
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thxnews · 1 year
Apple Report: Last 2 years income for App Store developers Increased by 71%
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  An independent study conducted by economists at Analysis Group found that small developers on the App Store grew their businesses and reached more customers around the world, even outpacing larger developers. With the support of a wide range of App Store tools and initiatives, small developers globally — defined as those earning up to $1 million a year and with fewer than 1 million annual downloads — grew revenue 71 percent between 2020 and 2022. In the U.S., those developers saw an above-average increase of 83 percent in earnings during the same period.  
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Apple's Hey Muma. Artwork by Apple.  
Entrepreneurs Find New Possibilities and Global Growth
In a new study titled “Small Business Developers and App Creators on the App Store in 2022,” Analysis Group economists found that revenue growth for small developers active on the storefront since 2020 exceeded that of large developers as these entrepreneurs identified new ways to tap into the needs of their users. Small developers — who comprise more than 90 percent of all developers on the App Store — saw earnings increase across all app categories; health and fitness, sports, and lifestyle apps from small developers in particular more than doubled their earnings in the last two years. Developers of all sizes have built successful businesses while benefiting from the App Store’s global reach in 175 countries and over 40 languages, and Apple’s installed base of over 2 billion active devices around the world. In 2022, nearly 80 percent of small developers were active on multiple storefronts and about 40 percent of total app downloads from all small developers came from users outside of each developer’s home country. Additionally, the economists found that developers who monetize their apps by selling digital goods and services on multiple storefronts have earnings from users on more than 40 storefronts on average. An infographic titled “Global Entrepreneur on the App Store” contains the following statistics: 1) 90% of all developers are small on the App Store; 2) 71% increase in earnings for active small developers between 2020 and 2022; 3) 80% of small developers were active on multiple storefronts in 2020; 4) 40% of app downloads for small developers in 2022 originated outside of their home countries; 5) 4.5x growth rate in earnings for small developers compared to large developers; 6) 40% app creators making $1M+ who were not on the App Store or had less than $10K in earnings five years ago.   The research also found the App Store has helped developers grow beyond small teams to scale their businesses to establish a worldwide reach. Many developers who sold digital goods and services on the App Store and earned more than $1 million in 2022 were previously small developers. From these global developers, 40 percent were either not on the App Store or had less than $10,000 in earnings just five years ago. Analysis Group economists also found that thousands of new developers and entrepreneurs joined the App Store in 2022 from all over the world. Also, this set of new developers, approximately 25 percent came from Europe, 23 percent from China, 14 percent from the U.S., 4 percent from Japan, and 35 percent from other regions including South Korea, India, and Brazil. As conversations around mental health became more transparent, LaRock saw an opportunity to provide easily accessible tools to support moms through evidence-based guided meditation, sleep stories, and lessons that help users reduce anxiety and stress. As a small team of four, Mindful Mamas has relied on a variety of resources to help further its mission, including Apple’s Small Business Program. The team has been able to build out new features and expand strategic relationships with healthcare providers who leverage the app as a part of their services. “Having more revenue available has given our business a longer runway to invest in more feature development and deliver personalized experiences to moms,” says LaRock, Mindful Mamas’ CEO.   In the last year, this has included new in-app events and the introduction of a mood tracker that delivers more customized insights to “mamas,” as the app endearingly calls its users. “This program has also allowed us to begin developing more of the great features offered by Apple, like a daily encouragement widget, currently in development and planned for release this summer,” says Jillian Lee Stout, Mindful Mamas’ cofounder and chief product and technology officer.   Today, Mindful Mamas has over 20,000 moms turning to the app for support every month. Moms most active in the app are using it twice per day, and 86 percent of them report feeling better or much better after completing a single practice. Mindful Mamas is focused on expanding its current offering of programs for children, and delivering more content for all moms and parents as their needs evolve. Since 2020, the Mindful Mamas app has helped mothers find time for themselves through evidence-based guided meditation, sleep stories, and lessons that help users reduce anxiety and stress. previous next Launched in 2018, landscape design app iScape helps users easily visualize outdoor projects from start to finish. With more than a decade of experience as a landscape contractor, CEO and founder Patrick Pozzuto created the augmented reality app to put inspiration back into the hands of homeowners and professionals. “I had this feeling that things could be successful, and that technology would be a powerful solution to help users save time and see a finished project before things even begin,” Pozzuto explains.   Taking his idea from inception to reality, Pozzuto developed iScape, which leverages ARKit and SpriteKit to add in 2D and 3D models to a user’s surroundings, helping them visualize, design, and plan out what is needed for an outdoor living project. “As a founder, you have to stay at it with the latest and greatest technologies, and Apple has helped me do this. Even with the growth we naturally experienced during the pandemic, as people had more time to invest in home projects, we have continued to benefit year after year from our investment in industry-leading technologies,” he also said.   With over 2.5 million downloads already, iScape has seen triple-digit percent growth year over year. With a talented team supporting the app, iScape has a bright future ahead as professionals, retailers, and homeowners alike turn to the app for its technical capabilities and its ability to save users time, money, and effort.  
Developer Resources Are Growing
Developers of all sizes have built successful businesses while benefiting from the App Store’s global reach. Apple provides a number of initiatives to support small developers on the App Store, including the App Store Small Business Program, Apple Entrepreneur Camp, App Accelerators, and Apple Developer Academies. Additionally, ongoing informational series like App Store Sessions, Ask Apple, and Tech Talks offer developers even more opportunities to connect directly with Apple experts year-round for insight, support, and feedback on the latest features and technologies available. An extensive suite of free tools and frameworks — including software development kits (SDKs) and developer services with more than 250,000 APIs — support developers building apps for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. These tools enable developers to add new functionalities to their apps easily and quickly, and harness powerful capabilities like machine learning, augmented reality, and many more. The Swift Student Challenge, as well as open access tools like Everyone Can Code and Swift Playgrounds, ensure the power of coding technology is accessible and inclusive.   Sources: THX News & Apple. Read the full article
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bitcoinera1 · 2 years
What are the features of bitcoin era software?
Bitcoin Era is a blockchain-based platform for the development of decentralized applications. It provides a decentralized, secure and cost-efficient infrastructure for DApps development.
The Bitcoin Era platform consists of an open source core that can be used as a base for any kind of application. The core has been designed to allow developers to create their own customized blockchains and tokens. It also allows them to deploy decentralized applications on its public blockchain with an existing user base of over 1 million active users.
Bitcoin Era Software is a new type of software that provides high-quality services to users. It is designed to provide a simple and easy way for users to buy and sell bitcoin, ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. This software has several features that make it one of the most reliable platforms available on the market today:
- The interface is easy to use, so even novice users can access it without any problems.
- The platform offers users access to reliable tools that help them manage their funds easily and securely.
- The platform offers users access to social trading options where they can interact with other users who are also trading in this market.
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The bitcoin era software is a decentralized digital currency that allows users to make payments online. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that was invented by an anonymous person or group of people called Satoshi Nakamoto. A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units and verify the transfer of assets.
There are many advantages to using bitcoin era software, including:
-Improved security: Bitcoin era software can help you keep your data safe and secure, which is essential in a world where cybercrime is on the rise.
-Faster payments: Bitcoin era software allows you to make payments quickly and easily, without having to wait for bank transfers or other traditional methods of payment.
-Lower fees: Bitcoin era software allows you to send money with lower fees than some traditional methods of payment, such as checks or credit cards.
- It is easy to use. The user interface is simple and easy to understand, making it easy to get started with the bitcoin era right away.
- The Bitcoin era is secure. All of your data is encrypted using military-grade encryption, so no one can access or tamper with the information you store on your computer or mobile device.
- The Bitcoin era is free to use. There are no monthly fees or hidden charges when using this software, which means you can send and receive bitcoins whenever you want without having to worry about paying for anything!
How does the bitcoin era software work?
The bitcoin era software is a distributed ledger that contains a record of all transactions. Each transaction is recorded in a block and is linked to the previous transaction, creating a chain of blocks. The blockchain is open to anyone and provides a transparent view of all transactions that have been made on the network.
A transaction can only be made when it has been verified by the network as being valid. This process involves confirming that an individual owns the amount of bitcoin they want to transfer, and that they are not trying to spend their own money twice (double spending).
When an individual makes a bitcoin transaction, they send it through a peer-to-peer network where it is verified by other nodes on the network before being added to the blockchain. This process takes about ten minutes on average, but can take longer depending on how many people are using the network at any given time.
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vorphyxredtech · 2 years
Metaverse: a new way for businesses to trade with consumers and clients?
As consumers spend more time in the metaverse, it is inevitable that companies will start advertising in VR locations. Metaverse offers businesses a great marketing opportunity as it allows them to provide customers with a highly personalized and engaging experience. Instead of leaving a comment on a company's Facebook page, as the average customer can today, customers can chat with the brand itself, represented by a person or avatar, in the future. future. Supermarkets have the power to permanently change consumer tastes and buying behaviour in ways that we cannot predict. To keep their marketing strategies relevant and effective, brands need to keep an eye on evolving trends.
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What makes the Metaverse so compelling?
The enormous financial potential of this technology has prompted a number of companies to establish their own “omniverses”. They have to realize that users enter the metaverse to escape the real world, as it gives them a captivating opportunity to create their own personality, their own reality:
to express themselves as they are. "feel" they really are, thus improving the user experience. Brands have recognized the metaverse as a way to create realism and ambitious self-expression that users sometimes can't develop or translate into their real lives.
Here are four ways brands and marketers can prepare now for the future of the metaverse.
Learn more about building blocks.
Web3, blockchain, NFT, cryptocurrency and other connected and related technologies will form the metaverse. Because no one can know everything, savvy companies develop learning communities (interest groups, magazine clubs, etc.) to regularly evaluate, test, and invest in technology and related phenomena. Start building your discovery team right away.
Make sure you are familiar with the concept of accessibility.
There is not only one type of equipment in the metaverse. People will be able to access metaverse content on many, if not all, devices. Universal VR and AR hardware is available to enhance the Metaverse user experience, but it is not and should not be required to use the content in Metaverse.
Master the fundamentals of interoperability.
The super inverse revolves around interoperability, or the ability of computer systems to easily interact and communicate with each other. Therefore, being able to produce shared assets is essential to developing metaverse content. By changing your attitude and adopting a digital work ethic that prioritizes interoperability now, you can create material that can be used later in the metaverse.
Visualize your brand's future in the metaverse.
While you may not be ready to invest in the metaverse yet, start thinking and envisioning how your brand will be experienced once you do. To foster creative thinking, consider creating a pilot test or even a vision statement. For example, a retailer's vision might be:
"We will be the best destination retailer ... in the metaverse." "We're going to make outdoor electrical equipment that will help people maintain their homes ... in the metaverse," an electrical appliance company might strive.
How will consumers connect and interact with Metaverse?
Consumers always tend to prefer this experience which gives them complete satisfaction when purchasing a product. Virtual products are inherently interactive. They can help us achieve our goals, overcome obstacles, and express ourselves while having fun. Since the birth of micro transactions 15 years ago, we have witnessed this fact in gaming culture. Now, blockchain-powered NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are proving this in the financial sector with significantly higher stakes. Purchasing can fill an emotional void, and virtual products are the purest example. Power-ups, such as double in-game experience, better weapons and armor, or a character's unique wardrobe, make us feel cooler, more attractive and and more wonderful than we actually are. Through a very smooth exchange of money for emotions, virtual products provide instant gratification.
Metaverse for Business
AR, Video Rendering and Graphics Enabled work with graphics processing units that allow the technology industry to push boundaries. Millions of people are establishing the framework of a metaverse where flexibly moving between the physical and virtual worlds is as natural as texting, thanks to working from home and hybrid working methods.
NFT is a part of our daily lives, allowing us to buy, own, license and protect digital assets. As recorded 3D data is larger in size than the datasets we deal with with 2D objects, the metaverse will drive a renaissance of innovation in privacy, security, and data protection. . These apps will affect our lives at work and at home as headphones, glasses, and earphones become more affordable.
Is Metaverse safe for brands?
The Company has always adopted these measures to provide them with security and a good experience. Metaverse will be most useful to those born in Generation Z and alpha. Users must have technical knowledge of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and irreplaceable tokens for the exchange system.
metaverse offers limitless possibilities, especially in the commercial arena. According to technology company Wild bytes, 70% of major brands will be at Metaverse within the next five years. Some companies have announced that they will launch a new product in 2023, while others are exploring the potential of building malls, boutiques and virtual stores where avatars can be found. You can buy NFT products and pay with cryptocurrencies.
One of the most invested areas in Metaverse is retail. For example, Gucci has started selling its own virtual apparel, Gucci Virtual 25 sneakers, and H&M has just released its first virtual collection through Nintendo's Animal Crossing social simulation game.
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lasclintl · 2 years
Hp deskjet 1000 cartridge
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Lack of sharing options might be an issue for a multi-user household, but individual users should find it to be a great solution for their needs, and at a very affordable price. The HP 2000 is a solid inkjet printer for the home with average speed and good print quality. The high-capacity versions of HP 2000 ink more than double these at 330 and 480 pages each. The Deskjet 1000 Series and Deskjet 2000 Series are not wireless network capable. The standard Deskjet 2000 ink cartridges have yields of 165 and 190 pages for tricolor and black, respectively. The HP Deskjet 3000 Printer Series (J310a and J310c) is wireless network capable. The only problem with the HP 1000 ink is that it will become a little pricey over the life of the printer. This tank of printer ink will last about 790 pages before expiring, so buyers probably won't need to replace Deskjet 1000 ink too frequently. Users can choose either standard or high-capacity versions of Deskjet 2000 printer ink. Because this is a monochrome inkjet unit, only one black HP 1000 ink cartridge is needed for prints. WARNING: HP’s recent firmware updates for this printer may ‘lock’ the genuine HP ink cartridges.
#Hp deskjet 1000 cartridge for free
The machine measures 10.5x16.6x15 inches, but weighs only 4.4 pounds without the HP 2000 ink cartridges installed, so moving it around or setting it on a shelf for storage will be easy, especially with its fold-up trays. Buy HP Deskjet 1000 Ink Cartridges at Internet-ink for free delivery, a 1 year guarantee and 10 off your next ink order. Both Windows and Mac platforms are supported, however. 1000-1900 Series Digital Copier Series Inkjet WorkCentre Series 2000-2900 Series DocuColor Series Nuvera Series 3000-3900 Series DocuPrint Series Phaser Series 4000-4900 Series. Get an HP DeskJet printer ink or DeskJet cartridge delivered straight to your door. This kit contains 40 ml of pigmented black ink (8 refills) plus all refill tools and instructions. One-year technical phone support one-year limited hardware warranty. Get your HP DeskJet ink and HP DeskJet ink cartridge needs at a low price. DeskJet 1000 Series BLACK Refill Kits: Each kit includes pigmented black ink plus all refill-tools and instructions needed to easily refill your CH561WN (HP-61-Black) cartridge. Easy installation of our ink cartridge for HP DeskJet 1000 gives you the advantage of quickly replacing your old cartridge and reduce downtime. 10 OFF on orders over 30 - Use Code: TAKE10. Valuetoner Remanufactured Ink Cartridges Replacement for HP 61XL 61 XL to use with Envy 4500 Deskjet 1000 1056 1510 1512 1010 1055 OfficeJet 4630 Printer (1 Black, 1 Tri-Color, 2-Pack) 4.4 out of 5 stars. Shop the best low prices on High Yield HP 61 Ink Cartridges with 100 satisfaction guaranteed.
#Hp deskjet 1000 cartridge software
Sharing features like wired or wireless networking are not supported, with only a single USB port available for connection to a PC. WHAT’S IN THE BOX HP Deskjet 1000 Printer (J110a), HP 61 Black Ink Cartridge ( 190 pages), HP 61 Tri-color Ink Cartridge ( 165 pages), Software CD, Setup Guide, Power supply, Power cord, Reusable Tote WARRANTY World-class service and support. Get incredible deals on high-quality HP DeskJet 1000 Ink. This requires less of a bend from the paper and should result in fewer paper jams, while also opening up possibilities for using thicker media such as card stock without issues. Note: This is not the same printer as the HP Photosmart P1000. Unlike many of HP's home models, which have a front-facing input and output tray, the 2000 has a flip-up tray toward the rear of the machine for input, with a total capacity of 60 sheets. HP 1000 Ink HP Deskjet 1000 Ink Cartridges. It can print at up to 16 color pages per minute and 20 monochrome pages per minute, and high-capacity options for HP 2000 printer ink can help to make it more cost-effective.
Browser - Google Chrome 10+, Internet Explorer (IE)10.0+, and Firefox 3.6.x, 12.The HP Deskjet 2000 color inkjet printer has an uncomplicated and simple design paired with an affordable price that will make it an excellent choice for home users on a budget.
Browser - Google Chrome 10+, Internet Explorer (IE)10.0+, and Firefox 3.6.x, 12.0+.
#Hp deskjet 1000 cartridge windows 10
Operating System - Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.
#Hp deskjet 1000 cartridge Pc
Remove "HP Support Solutions Framework" through Add/Remove programs on PC.
HP Support Solutions Framework - Windows Service, localhost Web server, and Software.
This tool will detect HP PCs and HP printers. Note: This tool applies to Microsoft Windows PC's only.
#Hp deskjet 1000 cartridge update
Technical data is gathered for the products supported by this tool and is used to identify products, provide relevant solutions and automatically update this tool, to improve our products, solutions, services, and your experience as our customer. This product detection tool installs software on your Microsoft Windows device that allows HP to detect and gather data about your HP and Compaq products to provide quick access to support information and solutions.
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bakerhansson · 2 years
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When it involves the menswear developments, the best concepts don’t congeal. They are Loewe’s anti-meta ready-to-wear and Prada’s ageless and genderless armor coats. The big shearlings at Alyx and 4SDesigns are sure to realize traction, as will the queer stylings of GmbH and Fendi. Sensors on the telephone embody Face unlock, Fingerprint sensor, Proximity sensor, Accelerometer and Ambient mild sensor.. They revamped their workers as they have been having concern with them too. The proprietor also tells her story of how Authentic AF happened. They made their web site easier, and extra appealing too. I was initially there for the small basic flap in pink however I ended up getting a small gorgeous blue chevron as I couldn’t cross on this nice find. When the national media started to attack the Tennessee fan base I told y’all that John Currie was stroking media members behind the scenes to get them to make the case for him. And now we've direct, tangible evidence of USA Today’s Dan Wolken cheering on John Currie after which agreeing to do PR on behalf of the Schiano hire. First, Tennessee believed they'd Dan Mullen set and ready to go. And they did, until Chip Kelly bailed on Florida and took the UCLA job. The Gators believed they had Chip Kelly and after they didn’t they fell back to Dan Mullen which meant John Currie panicked and made an atrocious tried hire, Greg Schiano. It rising market and last time I even have seen plenty of account (some of them even don’t have website) that offering a lot of superior baggage. I’m pondering to make a purchase now, even the worth a higher, however the high quality looks higher that at any web site I’ve seen before. On the entrance high aspect of the replica bag there may be the authenticity marking “HERMES PARIS MADE IN FRANCE” written on three different rows. Copyright © Smartbuyfashion Group since 2005, All Rights Reserved. Unfortunately this web site just disappeared from the face of the earth. I don’t update my earlier articles because it happen so typically and I can’t look for new domains of the sellers. 2 years in the past I ordered a maxi off an ig vendor and it turned out actually badly, on footage sent it was lovely but on arrival you would tell a mile off it was so fake and badly done, not well value the 1800$ I paid. I purchased from them before, high quality is value with the price, i believe is just 3A products, but i was on the lookout for premium quality, if you wanna purchase with cheaper worth then pursevalley is the choice. Please let me know if you get a bag from this web company and give your evaluation. 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ddevices · 2 years
Remote or Not Remote? That is Actually NOT the Question
Has your CEO made a similar pronouncement? Or on the other hand would you say you are perusing this in your pajama bottoms on your lounge chair?
 For CIOs and IT groups, the discussion opens a more difficult arrangement of inquiries than closet choice. Frequently on the grounds that the orders from the top are not as highly contrasting.
 Are workers going to the workplace? Indeed.
 Will representatives keep on working remote? Additionally, yes.
 It's not quite as basic as, "Will they or could they," but instead "What number? Where? When?" And in particular, "How would I make the representative experience, and the security around it, indistinguishable regardless of where they work?"
  Another first light is rising
 As the residue chooses the pandemic and another typical is by all accounts coming to fruition, CIOs are rising up out of their conflict time orders of 'keep things working' to another arrangement of difficulties. The hurried change that was pushed onto them is beginning to show its breaks.
 ·         Is the VPN that is hanging along with channel tape and organization engineer sweat actually a feasible, long haul arrangement?
·         Am I going to continue to manage five unique transporters so I can interface that one office that is involved for a lunch meeting each and every other Thursday?
·         At any point can the workplace in China download a 30MB record in under hour?
·         How would I stop the help tickets for Office 365? (If it's not too much trouble, JUST MAKE IT STOP!)
While a portion of the inquiries are enjoyable to make fun of, the consequences are huge. Particularly in the ongoing financial environment.
  Difficult stretches Ahead
 The following year for the economy doesn't look perfect. War, oil costs, expansion, loan fees. The rundown is overwhelming and it's seeming as though we are made a beeline for a downturn. Subsequently, board-level calls for both genuine change and monetary belt-fixing are being heard all over.
 The choices that CIOs make today will in a real sense decide the destiny of certain associations' monetary reasonability 10 or even a long time from now. Not on the grounds that they save 10% on their yearly spending plan (and they should). But since the effect those choices make on the work insight, and likewise, the nature of representative they can keep in the association.
 Great individuals simply don't have any desire to work at places that make it hard to go about their responsibilities.
  Reevaluating the Center of the Universe.
 The problem requires IT pioneers to reevaluate the perspective on their venture world. In the past times, organization and security arranging began with where workers were found. It then, at that point, reached out to the server farm.
 Presently, workers are all over the place. The server farm is the cloud. What's more, the model breaks. Attempting to adjust the present venture organization, security, and application conveyance to the previous structure is similar to contending how the earth is currently at the focal point of the universe.
 Rethinking the representative experience expects CIOs to begin, unexpectedly, not with workers. All things being equal, it starts with the applications and administrations those representatives are getting to go about their responsibilities.
 Zeroing in on conveying those jobs anyplace, safely, is really the establishment for worker fulfillment. It's not foosball or psychological well-being days, yet rather the capacity to associate, convey, team up, and assemble flawlessly. Easily.
 At the point when the emphasis is on safely conveying any application to any gadget, anyplace on the planet, and making that experience easy for the worker, whether or not representatives are going to the workplace or not becomes unimportant.
Long before Apple set an average consumers mindset to replacing their handheld gadgets in two years, Digital Devices Ltd believed in Moore's law that computing will double every two years. With our heritage from the days of IBM Personal Computer XT, our founders have gone through the technology advancements of the 1990s and 2000s realizing that technology is an instrumental part of any business's success. With such a fast pace industry, an IT department can never be equipped with the tools and training needed to maintain their competitive edge. Hence, Digital Devices has put together a team of engineers and vendor partners to keep up with the latest industry trends and recommend clients on various solutions and options available to them. From forming close relationships with networking and storage vendors like Juniper, SolarWinds and VMWare to high-performance computing by HPE or AWS Cloud solutions, Digital Devices Limited offers the latest technology solutions to fit the ever-growing needs of the industry.
Our experts can guide you through the specifications and build cost efficiencies while providing high end, state-of-the-art customer services. We research and analyses market and its current demand and supply chain by offering wide range of bulk supplies of products like AKG C414 XLII, Shireen Cables DC-1021, Shireen Cables DC-2021, Dell p2419h monitor, Dell U2419H, Dell P2719H, Dell P2219H, Lenovo 62A9GAT1UK, LG 65UH5F-H and Complete IT Infrastructure products and services.
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cannibal-wings · 2 years
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Update on what I’m working on. So, besides doing fanfic, I’m working hard to translate the characters from Survivors (my main Outlast fic) into characters for my novel project. I’ve changed the setting quite a bit, as you can probably see. This is the current updated concept for “Waylon”. I’m still debating keeping the name Waylon or using my backup name Wyatt. Basic info: Species: Sivosi Age: 35 years (Terran Standard) Pronouns: Xe/Xem Sex: NA (Sivosi have no biological difference in sex) Sexuality: Bisexual Job: Software engineer and programmer for the genetics lab of BHET. (Xe works in a high security clearance area where things are a tad more shady than most.) More info under the cut: including an info dump on the species
Xe is pretty similar to the Waylon you know from the fic. Works in tech, very smart, eventually has enough of the pain being caused on others via experiments at work and blows the whistle. Only this time, xe decides to go directly to a reporter, Miles, and spill everything, instead of using an email. Wyatt knows three languages, in a major port town most folks know at least three or have a translator aug. Wyatt does not have a family in this version of the story, no children, but xe wouldn’t be opposed to carrying a child in the future. Xe was adopted by a Terran couple, so xe’s pretty disconnected from major Sivosi culture and grew up in a capital city, later moving to the port town the story takes place in.
Wyatt will be the secondary protagonist, along with Miles and R. I know that xe looks wildly different from what most are use to, but you’ll have to trust me, it’ll all work out, you’ll see. I prefer doing alien species that look outside of the norm in terms of body structures you’d expect to see when you hear “sci-fi alien species”.
Sivosi are quite large, xe is easily 8-9 feet (244-274cm), and heavy. Wyatt is heavier set than average, with a larger abdomen, partly due to fat, partly due to genetics giving xem a larger than necessary swim bladder and a larger egg pocket. The swim bladder is mostly useless as the Sivosi are no longer strictly aquatic, however xe has been told that the extra large egg pocket would assist xem greatly in carrying healthy clutches of eggs.
Sivosi rarely walk on the forelimb, preferring to keep themselves in an upright posture, but they can do it if needed. The four hind-legs have feet with three toes. The smaller forelimb has four digits in a zygodactyl formation, two on top and two on the bottom. The larger human like forelimb has six digits with two “thumbs”.
They have four eyes, though the smaller eyes are for sensing heat and not visible light. They also have long antenna for sensing chemicals in the air. They are vary adapt at catching pheromones and the like. They are omnivorous, with grinding parts in their mouth as well as a tongue that can double as a tube for drinking fluid.
Sivosi emote using body language, the frills on the side of their necks are used primarily in gesturing, with flicking, raising, and flattening being ways of communicating emotion. The position of the antenna can be used in emoting as well. They do not have flexible facial muscles for conveying emotion. Their voices and frills do most of the heavy lifting.
The tail can be curled under when they need to take up less space, and the tail also holds eggs close to the body during incubation. Sivosi prefer not to leave their young in a household incubator, like other egg laying species. Instead they carry their eggs with them at all times. The tail is very strong and tough for this very reason. Tradition states that each pair lay and carry the same number of eggs so that every part of the parenting process is equal. Sivosi in Offworlder relations will compromise and conceive and carry an egg for them if they cannot. (This is very rare, as only certain Terrans are able to crossbreed with Sivosi.) In situations where the Offworlder partner cannot fertilize an egg, the pair might opt to adopt.
Sivosi are no longer fully aquatic and haven’t been for generations. They still have gill slits under first few plates on the neck, and these gills have evolved to pull oxygen from the air. If they need to, they can swim rather well though.
The Sivosi have no nudity taboo, and don’t wear much in terms of clothing on their home planet. However, Sivosi in port towns or on ships will attempt to cover up with elaborate draping fabrics, to make the Offworlders they share a living space with more comfortable. They do not have much in terms of body mods and jewelry or other such ornamentation is kept to rings and bands worn on the arms and legs. Makeup isn’t popular, as they are already brightly colored, but some will enhance markings with paint.
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