#Byakuran rounding second base like ‘this is just basic affection Tsuna why are you so red?’
dark-elf-writes · 26 days
Tsuna: So I need a fake boyfriend to piss off my dad
Byakuran, seeing an opportunity and about to run with it: Oh, really?
“Why are we doing this again?” Tsuna asked, feeling his cheeks burn as Byakuran caged him back against the door of his dorm. Had he always been that much taller than him? Tsuna felt surrounded, live everything else in the world had faded away and it was only Byakuran’s teasing smile and the hand pushing up the hem of his shirt to grab his waist.
Holding him. Keeping him there.
Tsuna wasn’t sure he could move if he wanted to.
“We’re supposed to be boyfriends, Tsu-chan,” Byakura practically purred the words, dipping his head until his lips were brushing against Tsuna’s as he spoke. “No one will believe it if you blush from something this innocent. You want it to look real, right.”
Tsuna probably would have agreed to anything at that moment as long as Byakuran asked him with that voice, but he did want it to look believable. His dad was a bastard but he was an observant one and the only thing more embarrassing than this crazy plan to make Iemitsu Sawada angry in the thought of his father finding out about it. Still, though…
“Isn’t this a bit much?” Tsuna didn’t squeak when those fingers slid further up his side, even if the heat of skin against skin making him a bit dizzy, but Byakuran’s smile grew like he heard it anyway.
“Boyfriends show affection, Tsu-chan,” Byakuran finally moved away from Tsuna’s lips but the relief was short lived as he ducked further down to run his grinning mouth along Tsuna’s jaw. “Besides, won’t your father be extra mad if he catches us like this?” At the question the hand on his side trails inwards tracing feather light touches over Tsuna’s stomach before drifting down to toy with his waistband.
He would be. Iemitsu might explode on the spot if he saw them like this.
It was perfect for the plan.
It was going to drive Tsuna insane in the meantime.
“So, what? You want us to practice?” He asks trying for annoyed but sounding all together too breathless for it to have any sting.
He felt Byakuran’s smile rather than saw it. He also felt the slight sting of teeth nipping at his chin, before Byakuran spoke, “When have I ever been happy with anything less than perfection?”
Tsuna finally managed to gather the strength to push Byakuran back a step, his friend’s laughter ringing around the cramped dorm room. Byakuran would be the one to take this seriously, well as seriously as he took anything. But it would all be fine. They would practice, put on the perfect performance when Tsuna took Byakuran home for the holidays, and best case scenario give Tsuna’s father a heart attack in the process. All Tsuna had to do was not forget that this was all fake, and do something stupid like fall in love with Byakuran.
How hard could it be?
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