#Cadet Sylvia Tilly
ilovefredjones · 3 months
tilly is doing too much to be a cadet goddamn
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And here’s the Final bracket for the Best Star Trek Character! Round One will go live tomorrow 7/24 at 10 am EST!
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After asking a poll, I’m including both participants from the finals of each show’s poll! There’s a total of 22 characters in this round, which means everything’s a little awkward with the number. I took the ten characters with the highest number of votes from each final, and they will be introduced into the bracket in Round Two to hopefully give everyone else a fairer chance!
Full List:
Round One:
Left Side:
Rok-Tahk (PRDO) vs. Lt. Erica Ortegas (SNW): poll here (winner vs. Commander Data (TNG)) 
[Round Two: Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge (TNG) vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko (DS9)
Ensign Hoshi Sato (ENT) vs. Dr. Leonard McCoy (TOS): poll here (winner vs. Mr. Spock (TOS))
Captain Michael Burnham (DISC) vs. Lt. Saavik (Films): poll here (winner vs. Captain Kathryn Janeway (VOY))
Right Side
Hologram Captain Janeway (PROD) vs. George & Gracie (Films): poll here (winner vs. Lt. Cmdr. Jadzia Dax (DS9))
Ensign Sylvia Tilly (DISC) vs. Subcommander T’Pol (ENT): poll here (winner vs. Seven of Nine (VOY))
[Round Two: Ensign Beckett Mariner (LWD) vs. Elnor (PIC)]
Ensign Brad Boimler (LWD) vs. Cadet Nyota Uhura (SNW): poll here (winner vs. Geordi La Forge (PIC))
Round Two:
Left Side:
Lt. Erica Ortegas (SNW) vs. Commander Data (TNG): poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge (TNG) vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko (DS9): poll here
Dr. Leonard McCoy (TOS) vs. Mr. Spock (TOS): poll here
Captain Michael Burnham (DISC) vs. Captain Kathryn Janeway (VOY): poll here
Right Side:
George & Gracie (Films) vs. Lt. Cmdr. Jadzia Dax (DS9): poll here
Ensign Sylvia Tilly (DISC) vs. Seven of Nine (VOY): poll here
Ensign Beckett Mariner (LWD) vs. Elnor (PIC): poll here
Cadet Nyota Uhura (SNW) vs. Geordi La Forge (PIC): poll here
Left Side:
Commander Data (TNG) vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko (DS9): poll here
Mr. Spock (TOS) vs. Captain Kathryn Janeway (VOY): poll here
Right Side:
Lt. Cmdr. Jadzia Dax (DS9) vs. Seven of Nine (VOY): poll here
Ensign Beckett Mariner (LWD) vs. Cadet Nyota Uhura (SNW): poll here
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reginaldqueribundus · 2 years
The “If I Fought This Star Trek Discovery Character, Would I Win?” Post
Michael Burnham
End Fight Probability: There is a 1000% chance Michael knocks you out. 
Listen. Michael has seen some shit. She killed a Klingon in hand-to-hand combat, in an EVA suit, by accident. She’s been to prison, she’s been to the mirror universe where she had to win a surprise knife fight in an elevator, she spent a year as a courier getting chased by the Emerald Chain. Even if you best her in physical strength, she can outwit you with her razor-sharp mind honed by years of Sarek’s disapproving perfectionism. Also, she’s got main character powers. You don’t stand a chance. Do not fight Michael Burnham.
End Fight Probability: There is a 300% chance Saru knocks you out. 
No. Please no. You might think he’s a pushover and you can startle him into submission like one of those fainting goats, but the man can run like a gazelle and crush communicators with his bare hands, and that was BEFORE he went through double puberty and lost the ability to fear death. Don’t let his friendly exterior fool you. He’s 8 feet tall and can shoot spikes out of his face. If you even look at him he'll stomp you to death with his hooves. Please don’t fight Saru.
Sylvia Tilly
End Fight Probability: There is a 50% chance Tilly knocks you out. 
Sure, you could fight Tilly, but why would you want to? She's a ray of fucking sunshine, you heartless bastard! Plus when she gets cornered she will remind you why the Terrans call her Captain Killy. And you’re going to end up with Admiral Vance, the entire crew of Discovery, and a horde of pissed-off Starfleet cadets on your ass. Don’t bother trying to fight Tilly.
Paul Stamets
End Fight Probability: There is a 0% chance Paul knocks you out.
Yeah, you could absolutely beat Paul Stamets, but you really shouldn't. Paul doesn't want to fight anyone. He's so tired. He just wants to hang out in engineering with his tools and his mushrooms and his alien children. He's been shoved through the mycelial network and had his brain turned inside out so many times he probably doesn't even register pain anymore. Just don't.
Hugh Culber
End Fight Probability: There is a 100% chance Hugh knocks you out and a 150% chance Paul sends your ass to the mushroom dimension.
Not a good idea. This man is shredded. He was dead for half a season and spent the entire time doing crunches, then came back to life just so he could fistfight the fucker that killed him. He will kick your ass, Hippocratic Oath notwithstanding. Don't make him write you a prescription for those hands. Maybe schedule a therapy session with him instead, talk through whatever it is that's causing you to try to fight him and all of his friends. Otherwise his husband might smear your atoms across the multiverse.
(former) Emperor Philippa Georgiou
End Fight Probability: There is a 1000000% chance Georgiou straight up kills you.
Ash Tyler
End Fight Probability: There is a 200% chance Ash snaps your neck.
Absolutely do not fight Ash. He's part Klingon, part Space CIA Agent, all crazy. He probably knows 87 different ways to kill you, and his Section 31 pals will make it like you never existed — and that's if his ex-girlfriend doesn't kill you and eat your face first. Please, do not fight Ash. The universe already beat the crap out of him way harder than you ever could.
Christopher Pike
End Fight Probability: There is a 1701% chance Pike knocks you out.
You might think Pike is a pushover but he walks into every fight with the brazen confidence of a man who has seen his own future. And on Talos IV he learned how to fight with spears and shit. Don't fight Pike, you won't even muss up his hair.
Cleveland Booker
End Fight Probability: There is a 250% chance Book knocks you out.
You really, really don't want to fight Book. He has Disney Princess powers. You try to fight him, you might get eaten by a giant space worm. He killed a dude for dissing his cat. Don't fuck with Book, man.
Keyla Detmer
End Fight Probability: There is a 100% chance Detmer knocks you out.
Absolutely under no circumstances should you fight Detmer. She flew a starship out of an explosion into a completely different universe. She flew through the Galactic Barrier and a toxic void in space. She has nerves of literal steel. Don't fight Detmer.
Joann Owosekun
End Fight Probability: There is a 500% chance Owo knocks you out.
Listen. You don't want to mess with people who live on Star Trek Future Earth and still choose to be Amish. Did you not see her punch out that huge guy in the casino episode? Hell no. Don't fight Owo.
Adira Tal
End Fight Probability: There is a 480% chance Paul and Hugh come and knock you out.
Sure, you could probably take Adira. They're small and awkward and a big nerd. But they've also got two dads who will absolutely annihilate you from this plane of existence if you lay a hand on their little nerd baby. Fight Adira at your own risk.
Gabriel Lorca
End Fight Probability: There is a 40% chance Lorca shoots you.
Yeah, he's tough and he's got a bunch of weapons on his wall, but you're morally compelled to fight him because he is The Worst™. He kidnapped Michael because he was her other self's creepy uncle and he tried to overthrow the genocidal space Emperor because he thought she wasn't racist enough. Please, please, fight his disgusting, skeevy, murderous, predatory ass.
(shamelessly copied off this brilliant post by @shevathegun)
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eastsideofthemoon · 1 year
Discovery characters as track and field athletes
Captain Michael Burnham - Mid Distance Runner 400m/800m
Keyla Detmer - High Jump/Long Jump
Dr. Hugh Culbert - Sprinter 100m/200m
Joanne Owusekun - Sprinter 100m/200m
Nilsson - Pole Volter/High Jump
Roland Bryce - 300m hurdles/long jump
Gen Rhys - Mid Distance 400m/800m
Cleveland Booker - Shot Put/Discus
Paul Stamens - lol he’s not participating but he did create the perfect stationary treadmill that can go at high speeds to ensure Hugh is at optimal performance… that treadmill is now in the ship’s gym thanks to Reno
Adria and Grey - Long Distance 1600m/3200m
Sylvia Tilly - Had to get the cadets organized to help at the meets, but she’s adamantly cheering on the Disco crew
Saru - 100m/200m (He’s with the alien games)
Jett Reno - 1600m
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defconprime · 2 years
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Autograph Card for Mary Wiseman as Cadet Sylvia Tilly
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squireofgeekdom · 1 year
post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
tagged by @fezwearingjellybananas ! thank you!
1. Sent, Unsent, and Said  (Peter Parker & Harry Osborn, MSM 2017 S2)
Peter: How’d the doctor’s appointment go?
2. this world is not made for you (E2bard, The Flash)
“Central City knows who their Flash is,” Barry says, sitting down next to Eobard.
3. Light Switch (Peter Parker/Harry Osborn, Raimiverse)
“Don’t tell Harry.”
4. when you’re gone we won’t say a word (but you know that’s okay) (A Quality of Mercy Christopher Pike, Star Trek SNW)
There’s a vidscreen playing old Earth television in the background as he fills out reports.
5. Being the Captain (Christopher Pike & Spock, Star Trek SNW) 
His quarters are painfully silent.
6. Not Alone (Joseph M’Benga & Christopher Pike, Star Trek SNW)
Chris isn’t in uniform when he walks into his office, just a heather grey sweater that says he’s Chris, not Captain Pike, as blurred as any distinction between the two was.
7. Fungus Not-Amongus (Sylvia Tilly & Christopher Pike, Star Trek Discovery)
“And how’s our cadet doing?”
8. Ghosts in Your Head, Ghosts in My Head (Harry Wells & Cisco Ramon (&Eobard Thawne) The Flash Pac Rim AU) 
“Marshal West.”
9. Artificial Survivor (Wen Ning, The Untamed Murderbot AU)
10. Break Glass In Case Of Emergency (Jayce&Viktor, Jayce/Mel, Arcane post S1)
It comes back to him in flashes. 
brain is mush so tagging whoever wants to!
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tvsotherworlds · 1 year
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writinredhead · 4 years
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patricpeter · 5 years
Happy Birthday, Captain Tilly!
— Mary Wiseman of Star Trek: Discovery
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Happy Birthday, @may_wise! Help celebrate her by sharing your favorite Tilly moment. #StarTrekFamily
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Project Daedalus Gives Discovery More Questions But Few Answers
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The death a series regular can be a difficult thing to handle in a script.  Throw in the idea that the character has virtually no backstory and may be under the control of a shadow government, and, well, the task doesn’t get any easier.  ‘Project Daedalus’ handles the departure of Airiam gracefully, giving us just enough of what made her tick to make us care when it is time for her to leave. 
The actual scene of Airiam’s death is handled oddly though.  There is an attempt to build desperation as Michael Burnham attempts to find a different solution.  During all of this, Command Nhan is desperately trying to retrieve her breathing apparatus, which was forcibly removed by Airiam during a fight.  Understanding that Michael has only served with Nhan for a short time compared to Airiam it’s still noticeable and jarring that she never checks on her condition.  Presumably, this is done so we can have the shock of it being Nhan that is responsible for the airlock getting open and the growing threat of Airiam getting stopped, but it doesn’t quite add up emotionally.  Michael doesn’t seem the type to just ignore that a fellow crew member is impaired, especially considering that to help her would have been so easy.  
Then there is the other side of this scene that doesn’t quite add up emotionally.  As Michael tries to deal with the threat of Airiam, Tilly tries to appeal to the Airiam we all knew before she was infected with whatever was trying to destroy the ship a few episodes back.  Not to say that Michael being forced to make the decision to open the airlock and kill Airiam had no emotional impact, but it seems like Tilly would have made more sense in this position since the episode took the time to establish an actual connection between the characters.  
The positioning of Section 31 seems on shakier ground than ever.  Discovery battles to get to 31′s headquarters to remove their command and re-establish Starfleet’s link with an AI called ‘Control’.  The AI is used to make strategic decisions but it seems that lately the process is reversed and the AI is telling Starfleet what to do.  This would seem to set the scene for Discovery and Section 31 to work together again to stop ‘Control’ from ultimately wiping out all sentient life in the galaxy, as Spock has been shown will happen by the Red Angel.
Speaking of Spock, we do get to spend some time with him in the episode.  Pike orders Michael to continue to try to figure out why the angel chose Spock to impart the warning to.  Spock claims it is because he is special but cannot figure out why and that is the key to the mystery.  The episode begins to hint that Spock is special because of his relationship to Michael, which leads me back to the idea that whoever the red angel is, they are acting to preserve or perhaps even alter Michael’s timeline specifically.  It’s almost as if the end of all sentient life isn’t all that important so long as Michael ends up happy.  And I can only think of three people who might go to these lengths to achieve that goal.  
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startrekdiskovery · 6 years
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Everything is different. #StarTrekDiscovery
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of-aenar · 6 years
I'm so grateful for Cadet Sylvia Tilly and the way she's presented as an empathetic and kind person and that without having any special abilities or being a telepathic alien race.
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ilikalite · 6 years
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Sylvia Tilly is amazing in this look. Like if you agree ^^
She’s amazing in any look, but this is just.... wow *_*
Aaand Season 1 is over... Sigh... It was an amazing journey, that’s all I’m saying.
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cadetxtilly · 6 years
Tilly doing the Happy Flappy arms in front of Stamets for the first time, and she forces herself to stop Bc she’s worried it’s “unprofessional.” Stamets softens (like in that moment where he basically adopted Tilly) and tells her that it’s okay to stim on the job and it doesn’t detract from her professionalism.
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Star Trek discover ep 14
Ahhhhhh Tilly is The Best Ash sat on his own expecting hate and ridicule and instead Tilly sat with him and incouraged him to talk and be comfortable with himself and because she’s so wonderful and kind everyone else followed suit and while I love the rest of the crew I wonder if they would have done that if Tilly hadn’t first. She’s the honestly such a wonderful character and I love her dearly.
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