#Caleb also has ADHD but we’re not talking about that
a1asta1r · 2 years
Adam “Low-Empathy” Hayes and Caleb “literally an Empath” Michaels is the best fictional gay couple ever
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nonbino-chaos-fox · 3 years
Am watching episode four of Julie and the Phantoms with my mum and here are notes I'm taking during it. (Also ended up watching episode five and six.)
Why am I doing this? Because I can.
(I've seen the show a few times, my mum hasn't seen it yet.)
She likes Julie's outfits during the opening, and also just generally. (The costumers did really well with all of the characters.)
I love all of the plants in the studio, just really green witch vibes. (Rose is a green witch confirmed.)
I just noticed that the boys waved back at Flynn, that is sweet.
My mum likes Flynn, we can all agree Flynn is great.
Unrelated, but I only got to steal one of my mum's chips. :(
Haunting is one of the best revenge strategies in my opinion. More people should haunt.
Everyone should have regular therapy, like at least once every month or two. More if you need to. But therapy is important, even for mentally healthy people.
Willie says ACAB.
I really like Julie's outfit for the dance.
We're onto episode five now!
Same Alex, same. When in doubt note one of your friends as the meat shield.
Heck yeah, we're up to TOSOH.
My mum stopped crocheting for a solid minute when it started.
I have no doubts that rich people would probably do something like this if it was possible. Rich people are weird.
My mum paused again in her crocheting to just watch everything that was going on.
God Carrie gives me too many emotions.
Nick is a sweetheart, I would die for him tbh. I am also here for any lgbt+ headcanons for him, love both the bi headcanons and the aroace headcanon I saw like once which doesn't get enough love.
Same Reggie, same, those movies were disappointing.
Oh, gods, Willie and Alex are too cute and it is going to be the death of me. Also, we stan a supportive Luke, he ships it.
Caleb has no right to be that gay dude.
My mum wants to be able to have someone with a chair nearby for her to sit on always. Just be able to snap your fingers and have a chair.
Reggie is just so no thoughts head empty TM always and I love that. He is my dumbass.
I think we would all act the same with the food in that situation dude, I would sell my soul for garlic bread tbh.
Goddamnit Nick, stop trying to be supportive, I love you man but that isn't what she needs right now.
The outfit Carrie is wearing is weird, but honestly, I'm here for her top and jacket.
Also, Carrie honey, that is not how you do a good mic drop.
I still can't believe the boys ate all that food even if they are magic.
My mum wants Caleb's coat. Same here tbh. It's like a wonderful mix between so many different styles and I love it.
The choreo in this show doesn't get enough love, it's hard to do those high energy large group stuff.
I just noticed Caleb gestures to Willie for him to leave, damn dude. Stop blocking my boys from their love.
Random fact! The haunting hour is either midnight or three am depending on who you ask. For me, it is three am.
My mum pointed out that Caleb's band is all women. Caleb just said 'equality because I'm gonna own everyone's soul'.
Also, Reggie copying Caleb's chuckle is golden, dude. (Reggie is my ASD ADHD child and I would die for him.)
I love how Julie always wears those three necklaces. I like how most of the jewellery for the characters is the same for most, if not all, of their outfits.
Damn, that fist jolt really comes out of nowhere dude.
Managed to get episode six because of the cliffhanger the last one ended on!
Is no one going to talk about how that dance was on a school night?
I like Julie's bandana pattern accents on her outfit.
And yes, dance is very useful for people who play sports! (Community taught me that.)
I forgot Nick has a little sister, I want to see more of his family. I just want to see all of the character's backstories/families.
Also, good for Nick for breaking up with Carrie. They really didn't work together. (Plus Carrie is 100% a repressed lesbian if we are being real.)
Reggie messing with the woman at the cafe is great.
How did Luke find out the band name?
He's wearing his sad flannel today. He's sad about Julie. :(
Reggie is a smart dumbass and I love it.
Willie, love, you aren't being as sneaky as you think you are. (But also p a i n)
My mum just loves Caleb's outfits all of the time. "He has the best coats." - my mum
Little shoutout for Julie's outfit with the blue dress. I want that dress dude, gotta figure out where to get it, or where to get its fabric.
Just noticed that Luke has a rabbit's foot on his hip chain stuff. (I think it is blue which is weird tho.)
Why does my brain make me smile during this scene, it is not a smiling scene. It is a sad flannel scene.
Crying while eating is such an odd mood for me. Like I have a memory of eating pizza while crying in my art class once. Was a weird day.
Carlos is great, dude.
Also, loving that Reggie is using Carlos' laptop because Julie would probably yell at him if he used her's.
I feel like Victoria doesn't get enough love, she is trying her best even if it might be a little bit unwanted sometimes. Also, I once read a fic where she went to the HGC with a lawyer and a priest to exorcise the fuck out of Caleb.
Heck yeah, we're up to All Eyes on Me.
Absolutely stanning Carrie because she's going out there to get her name out herself. She got some advantages, but she is working to get her success herself.
Also stanning Alex for his amazing dancing. We love a man who isn't afraid of his interests.
My mum also loves Alex's dancing.
Finally Free is such an amazing song and it is def up in my top songs. (Favourite is The Band is Back btw.)
My mum loves the lgbt headcanons for the characters.
Reggie and Alex just staring at Luke and Julie singing together like 'yeah they like each other.'
Andi Parker gives of trans vibes and I don't know why.
Finishing it off there because my mum is tired. My mum is enjoying it a lot. The cheese won her over. (Plus she ships Willex too.)
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loquaciousquark · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E91 (Jan. 21, 2020)
Good evening, everyone! Sorry about missing last week; @eponymous-rose​ was out of town and I had some other commitments. Regardless, here we are! Brian is looking handsome and cold, as are Sam & Travis on the couch. Everyone is wearing coats. Is the heat broken?
That said, tonight’s guests are Travis Willingham & Sam Riegel.
Brian starts us off asking Sam if he’s remaking the Wire in Beverly Hills. Sam basically embodies that hello fellow kids meme tonight in a hand-knitted beanie from his wife, a bomber jacket, a yellow tee, and skinny jeans. They quickly photoshop in smoke trailing out of his mouth. We’re just a few minutes in and this is off the rails already.
Announcements: The next issue (#5) of Vox Machina comics comes out Wednesday, Feb. 19! It’s also available online at Dark Horse Digital and Comixology. And that’s it! Huh.
Episode 91: Stone to Clay
Brian tells us this is the first time ever to have Sam & Travis alone on Talks. I’m stunned and so are they. Sam says, “between me, Brian, Dani, and Travis right now, there’s four tens on this show right now.”
We’re already into questions less than ten minutes into the show. Truly this is a remarkable night.
63 in game days and 21 episodes passed between Caduceus’s first mention of Stone (episode 71) and Fjord connecting the dots. Travis blames the internet connection and his really bad ADHD night, as that was the night he and Laura remoted in from the hotel.
Brian tells us that when Ashley used to skype in, she could only see Matt & couldn’t see or really hear anyone else.
Travis says there was a huge delay for him between mouths moving and the audio coming through, and then that audio was pretty distorted. Laura could handle it okay, but Travis just heard a jumble and couldn’t parse it.
Sam took a CBD bath the other day and found it exactly as relaxing as a normal bath. Sam & Travis commiserate about taking baths only to have their knees pop out of the water. Tall people problems smh
Caleb & Nott completed the spell in less than a week, including dealing with the Angel of Irons & brokering peace treaties. Travis though the laughter was going to be Helas.
Travis says he definitely didn’t hear the name the first time (he remembered dust but not stone from the lava pits). “Look! Yes! No, I was not listening before! Thursday nights are my times to enjoy my friends and food! Marisha is an amazing note-taker; why would I ever take my own? This is how I got through college!”
Sam says he keeps a mission checklist in his head and has for ages. He has a page in his notebook labeled “To Do” that includes things like visiting Kiri or Shakaste, in case they have downtime and need ideas.
Travis asks if he continues writing in his (apparently) very small handwriting, and Sam says he has to leave room for Laura to draw all her dicks. They all marvel that she is actually a very good artist.
Travis honestly still thinks the Stone name is a huge coincidence, especially since Taliesin didn’t have access to Fjord’s last name when he created Caduceus’s last name and backstory. Sam challenges Travis that even if that were true, doesn’t he think Matt will find a way to tie it together?
Travis says Fjord doesn’t want anything to do with the last name and it’s not even his real name. He’s not convinced this isn’t a coincidence.
Travis did a lot of research into orphanage naming conventions when coming up with Stone. He does have a backstory as to how the orphanage manager picked Stone as his name.
Travis thinks Matt would have emphasized the Stone name more sooner if it had been a true connection and not coincidence.
Brian: “He does like to take credit for coincidences, doesn’t he?”
Nott didn’t think there was a catch in the ritual; Sam was more surprised they were allowed to achieve the milestone at all. He was shocked it happened so soon in the story and that the spell is relatively easy to cast.
He didn’t know it would fail, but there was a moment when he wasn’t sure if he wanted to go through with it. Travis agrees everyone was shocked when it didn’t work.
Fjord’s current stance on faith and destiny hasn’t changed since the last time he discussed it. Faith is a slow thing for Fjord and he really does think the name is a coincidence.
Sam as a player is excited to see what comes next for Nott; “if she had been transformed into Veth at that moment, I would have been excited to see what comes next. The fact that it’s still Nott makes me excited too. I’m excited to see more of Nott since she’s the best character in the M9.” He also confesses he was a bit relieved, in part because it’s delayed the inevitable. At some point she must decide if she is going to stay or go with the M9.
Cosplay of the Week: @kajicosplays​ on instagram of a lovely lady Percy. Brian: “Isn’t it fun when Taliesin’s characters live?”
Deep down, Nott knows she will do the transformation at some point, but at that last moment where she had to make a decision she had to check in with herself to make sure she was ready. Sam Riegel as a D&D player also knows that you have to trust your DM and make choices.
Brian misreads the word “ribbing.” Sam teaches Travis what rimming is. We all learn a lot about each other.
Sam thinks Fjord can realize when the time comes to set jokes aside. He thinks Fjord was very respectful. Travis has honestly forgotten that the conversation took place.
Travis has Dani answer from Fjord’s perspective. It’s actually pretty insightful, talking about how Fjord recognized someone hesitant to give up these newfound powers that have become intrinsically tied to self-worth.
Fjord has always been loyal, and Travis sees his protectiveness of the M9 as a logical extension of this.
Right now, he has found some agency & self-direction and is hopeful to share that sense with everyone else (he especially mentions Yasha).
Sam & Travis start quoting from Half-Baked. This is chaos.
Nott does want to stay with the M9, but she also wants to go home for sure, both of those things. The kiss with Caleb wasn’t necessarily a goodbye; it felt like the closing of a chapter. It felt like something to mark the end of the experience.
Now they’re quoting Beverly Hills Cop. Oh, boy.
“You look like you wrote Pitch Perfect.” When did this turn into a roast?
Tumblr media
Fjord has no memories earlier than the orphanage (The Driftwood Asylum). There were a couple dozen kids there aside from him; Travis thinks some of them might have been named Stone. It also operated as a small child-labor workshop for carpentry & woodshop stuff. “It was a terrible place all around.” He has no images of parents or being dropped off.
Sam thought the Nott transformation would be more endgame, though he feels it makes sense that it’s not. “While Nott transforming into Veth was my original goal, what’s great about these long games is that your goals can change two or three times before the end. Now I can explore all these other things: does she want to go back and be a housewife? How does she rectify her obligations to her husband and child to the life that she’s made with the M9? It’s so exciting and interesting.”
Brian asks a hypothetical: if she could transform back but lose all Nott’s memories, would she do it? Sam: “Oh, that’s tough. I don’t know.”
Fanart of the Week: a lovely piece by @pen_draws with everyone in the hot tub.
Travis is very trepidatious about returning to the open ocean after rejecting Uk’otoa. He wants to make sure the third temple is sealed. It feels like it would be too easy for someone not to come and try to collect the job he left half-finished. He also wants to go back to Darktow.
Sam doesn’t know if Nott is still in love with Yeza, although she definitely still loves him. He’s playing with the idea of a high school sweetheart being exposed to the world and then going back home. But Yeza’s amazing, a great guy, perfect. “I guess we’ll find out when/if she turns back into Veth.” Sam feels guilty talking about him. “He’s a fictional character and I feel guilty that he might be watching the show.”
Neither Nott nor Fjord trust Essek. Travis: “He just went from being cold and aloof to being really warm. I know there’s been time and he’s lived an isolated life, but...time will show if he’s being genuine. All of our haunches were up. All of us were on level five alert.” He’s being so helpful that Travis doesn’t trust Mercer with him.
Fjord never ever considered becoming a paladin of the Traveler. “No. Fuck no!” The Wildmother reached out and directly intervened to save him. Travis gets super creepy bad vibes from the Traveler’s relationship with Jester (Sam agrees).
Nott feels more pressure when her own problems become the focus. It’s hard for her to open up and talk about her feelings. She’d rather pick up on other people’s problems. Sam also acknowledges it’s more pressure on him (and anyone) as a player when the whole table is looking at you.
And that’s that! Is it Thursday yet?
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interestray · 4 years
it’s always a good moment when I see a critical role episode with so many things happening that my adhd can’t help but develop a mind of its own, so now that my hyper-fixations have stopped beating the shit out of me theres a couple things I wanna bring up most of it theory stuff and the rest personal things. btw its a long post be warned.
SPOILER ALERT- I’m talking about ep 117 of critical role and its a doozy.
 I’ve doing my recent posts in a different format and I’m liking it so I’m gonna use it here. btw I gonna mention some ship stuff I want to make clear I have no hate for any ships mentioned but unless I say I like the ship just assume I’m indifferent.
1. I gonna say I called it because even if I’m wrong about about future stuff I was right that it’s not just Lucien in that body, even if Lucien is completely right about molly as the group knew him is gone forever Molly (which I don’t believe at all) is still a fragment of lucien’s soul. now past that I do think molly as a conscious being is still in there and trying to connect with his friends. why? because theres this weird disconnect with how lucien acts communicating with the m9 from a far vs in person, in person it seems like he had his guard way up but when they scry or message him the barrier is lowered a bit I think when his guard isn’t up Molly bleeds into his actions and mind more. I personally see Lucien at being 130% whole because Molly grew into his own thing.
2. regarding my predictions for this episode I’m gonna give myself 2 points (with 1 of the points being made up of half points) I was hoping for flirting and I think we definitely got some version of flirting between Lucien and Caleb so I get a half point for that, not gonna lie I was a little freaked out (in a good way) how fast Lucien zeroed in on Caleb, I hope if things don’t go pear shaped we get to see those two interact more.
3. Personal thing I really wanted to smack Fjord and Veth for most of the episode like they both had moments of being rational (fjord more so) but for the most part i just want to slap them.
4. it was kind of hilarious to see how freaked out Lucien was of the m9, like there was a little of the bad kind of freaked out feeling I think it was mostly like how Ludinus felt meeting Jester. like poor Lucien he’s just doing his thing and suddenly this group of puppies imprints on him and follows him around poor guy. Seems like Lucien has so distrust towards the tomb takers with the whole ‘we are one’ thing, it seemed to be a recent development. I’ve seen people talk about whether the tomb takers/Cree will backstab Lucien I think it’s possible.
5. I think some members of the m9 have realized Caleb’s not doing ok, most likely from the corpse scene and him talking over Beau (bad caleb bad). what they do with this info is gonna be interesting I personally think Cad should talk with him in private maybe have yasha there as well (also hugs please someone hug the sad wizard man him and Yasha both need it).
6. personal thing I don’t understand jester x Fjord as a possible canon ship at this point in the story like i got it in early campaign but I think they’ve both grown and changed to the point where a relationship between the two would end quickly after starting (whether in tears or not). the only times I like seeing their romantic interactions is when Laura and Travis bleed through and at that point its nots really jester and fjord. again no hate you do you I just don’t understand the appeal.
7. I’ve not watched campaign 1 for a few reasons yet but I’ve done research on some of the bigger events one of which was Percy’s resurrection where Taliesin watched how everyone was acting to decide whether to come back or not. I think Cad’s whole talk about what the rest of the m9′s goals towards Molly/Lucien is first Taliesin’s way of deciding whether Molly will be a npc after this arc or if he picks up playing him again (this all of course depending on whether the m9′s stupid actions don’t get Lucien killed), second I think this is Cad’s way of deciding whether his “debt” is payed and if it’s time for him to leave. To be clear I don’t think this was the final decision I think it was the first step to see whether anyone could say they want their friend back and we had two (almost 3) say yeah they do so I think it was a good start.
8. I can totally see Lucien kidnapping some of the m9. this sounds weird but stick with me, it looks like the tomb takers as a whole have a few important spots missing in their mission like they (probably) have a blood cleric in Cree the goliath and halfing seems more strength based I’m not sure about the human and Lucien is filling spot of a little bit of everything. Lucien has already pointed out Caleb as being curious and smart so I think out of the party is Lucien steals any of them it will be Caleb, if not Caleb tho I think Yasha could also be one that gets his attention (especially if Lucien ever sees them fight) I don’t he would kidnap anyone unprompted but if they go through with their stupid plan I’m sure he’ll want payback.
9. I get a full point for crying at both the Yasha clover scene and Molly’s card about Caleb. 
10. So my best friend is also a fan of critical role but he always works Thursday’s so he’s behind on actively watching the shows, but I can watch them so I take notes of all the funny, interesting, and weird shit that happens then I call when he gets off work to tell him everything that happened then we talk about what we think will happen next. why does this matter? because before the molly reveal when we first heard about them going to aore (I don’t know how to spell the ruin place) I said I had a feeling Essek would probably show up and run into the m9. well I was right so i’m supper happy, hearing floaty bois voice was awesome I hope Essek and Lucien meet at some point (hopefully not while trying to kill each other that would be sad).
11. Caleb’s eighth floor is so interesting like I hope we get to see all the rooms at some point, I think the room we saw this episode was his room at the asylum (mostly from it’s disarray and how drab it was) as for who he was talking to? I’ve seen a lot of people says its Essek or Astrid (I can smell the incoming discourse) I think it’s neither, it’s probably the simplest answer himself or more specificly Bren. I think he was talking to the Bren that spent years in that bed and chair wasting away.
12. wtf do you mean the big snow worm has a double reason for hunting the party Matt?! (I have no clue what that means).
13. the m9′s decision to try and get to A2 before Lucien and take whatever is there is such a shit idea, why did he kill Vess because she was a traitor she betrayed him what are they m9 about to do betray him even after the warning about straying from the path (which btw I think was molly warning them). If they actually go through with this plan I hope Cad is right on Lucien getting amused at them instead of fucking pissed. good news is that even if they get there before Lucien they could still salvage the thing with Lucien by saying they wanted unbiased answers. I get they’re grieving and in a bunch of pain but use the common sense I know you have and learn more about whats happening before fucking it all up. (also I get half a point from Lucien kicking Vess’s body)
14. I will say I mostly loved this episode (except for the ending) but them talking about possibly scattering Lucien to get Molly back no matter how brief did unsettle me a lot. no matter my feelings about Molly this is Lucien’s body when he was scattered molly did have the right to the body so I don't think any of his actions were wrong or bad but now that Lucien is whole again his bodily autonomy should not be violated just for a unsure chance Molly would come back. As it is Lucien seemed already uneasy and annoyed with stuff molly did (ex-tattoos).
15. I originally wasn’t gonna put this point but I think I should. when Taliesin said “he thought they would be on the other side of this” I think most people thought it was in reference to how it seems like Lucien is evil (I still don’t think he is) but what if he meant Molly’s arc. think of it wouldn’t it make sense for Molly’s arc to focus on his past coming back to meet him what if they always intended for Lucien to become whole again and it was suppose to be Lucien’s thoughts/feelings bleeding into molly’s. but Molly died so instead we’re getting the inverse Lucien has to come to terms with his past as Molly and the people Molly left behind coming into his life. I think it would be a good arc him learning that you can’t run from or ignore the past no matter how much you want to it can and will come bite you in the ass. would also make sense why Lucien and Molly both have that attitude towards their pasts (you know other than being pieces of the same person). 
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nochiquinn · 4 years
campaign 2 episode 91: ch-ch-ch-changes
booooook that I absolutely can not afford or justify buying
oh no he got laura
oh no she's pretty
ashley is also very pretty
they're all pretty
fjord invents new accents when he gets drunk
"do we want to murder them?"
travis is PEAK adhd tonight
snea snake
"is anything out that's illegal" xhorhouse more like frat house
essek social link
"is he a reverse krang?" "don't google reverse krang"
(the chat is full of infants who don't know what a krang is)
he did an accent in middle school and now he's stuck doing it forever
get drunk and talk about yourself
nott quit talking around the point
why does laura look like this just occured to her
essek is the kid who got baptised before he knew what it meant
him BABY
oh god someone is going to tie this to kin memories aren't they
the beacon spins a roulette wheel to pick the next body
jes ter
he has a HOME LAB
"he killed his wife with the time machine!" that's a reference
"why do you like us" you need Eloquent expression to ask this question
"toss my cookies"
you have unlocked the Essek of Den Theylas social link
essek will now DIE FOR YOU
yasha :(
beau :(
tf are laura and sam doing
"have you heard of the traveler" "oh no"
"it's not a cult!" narrator: it was totally a cult
take a penny leave a penny
oh well shit
yasha is absolutely thinking about molly and so is a large portion of the fandom I'm going to be muting immediately
I mean they have an empty bottle right there, they might as well spin it
there are truths behind truths and truths behind lies
stop giving caleb stuff he's just holding onto it so he can wave it at people he wants to impress
stop making this a metaphor
dunamancer in the hot tub: hot tub time machine
I'm kinkshaming
was travis miming dunking essek
that look matt gave over the cup
"I always seem slightly drunk anyway"
cad :(
oh my god they were neighbors
this just keeps getting more edda-earth
beau ships it. beau ships the fuck out of it.
SEE marisha gets me
is this a bad time to mention every time I picture essek he's wearing Mastermind's outfit from the movie Mastermind
this is a Very Serious Episode
you know what this is a solid pitch
while we're talking about my mental images I picture the traveler the same way I picture loki from Edda-Earth. I don't know if that says something about the traveler or loki or me
crave that mineral
ohhh no. there he go.
fjord.exe has stopped working
liam just came up with that line an hour ago and wanted to use it before break
cad: I can't MAKE you talk about your emotions but I will HEAVILY ENDORSE you talk about your emotions
"can I sleep in your room" weH
tol friends
ngl I am probably going to miss a lot of the second half running back and forth to check on emily; this is the first night that I gave her her medicine and I am Terrified of something fucking up in the middle of the night
"I think we may have a spider problem in the house" tal
"heY yasha"
essek breakfast??
"I'm not litTLE"
"trust me." "okay!"
"great nott!" n o
I'm under a blanket now bc it's both cold and I am tired but: beau. fjord.
"there are cheeses"
essek uses fantasy instacart
I absolutely fell all the fuck the way asleep and now I'm too tired to have actual reactions. I'm just a big heart emoji.
I’m not awake enough for this
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opalsiren · 5 years
W.I.T.C.H. Reboot! W.I.T.C.H. Reboot! W.I.T.C.H. Reboot!
hi love! so, with the plethora of reboots kicking around mainstream media these days, its no surprise that the question of a w.i.t.c.h reboot has been broached by its fans. i have so, so, so many thoughts and this, but ill divide them into three categories for the purpose of brevity: firstly, general thoughts on what i would like to see if a w.i.t.c.h reboot is on the cards; secondly, what i would like to see in a live-action w.i.t.c.h reboot; and finally, what a decent animated reboot of w.i.t.c.h might entail. this is not an exhaustive list so please feel free to add onto this if youve any more thoughts! without further ado because jesus, we might be here a while….
general thoughts:
a w.i.t.c.h live action reboot should largely use the comics are source material. while the cartoons are beloved by many including myself, i reckon the good parts of each should be combined to be thematically consistent, fix plot holes etc. but the comics should be the bible here
the target demographic of younger women and girls would need to be established early on by the producers (personally i would love to see a slightly more mature, w.i.t.c.h college AU where the target demographic could be teens/young adult women and girls, but more on that later). this isnt to say that young men and boys would be absolutely excluded as an audience, but misogyny is alive and well in 2019, and our voices as women need to be uplifted. this is exemplified by the fact that caleb was given far, far, far too much screentime in the cartoon so that the show could reach a young, male audience, and his characters was mangled by chauvinistic tendencies. thank u, next.
i have my own preferences wrt to ships, but i think we can all agree that introducing male characters as mere plot devices for drama/conflict only to put them ‘on a bus’ when theyre no longer useful is just plain bad writing. this is a critique levelled both at the cartoon and comics, but largely the comics (see: Eric)(rip in peace).
i also believe that sticking to the conventions of a particular genre, or hybrid genre, would be preferable if a w.i.t.c.h reboot were to take place. some shows get it right, but I’ve seen a ton of shows go off the rails when they try to be a fantasy/comedy/crime/drama/horror/sci-fi/occult/soap-opera extravaganza all in one. i reckon a YA fantasy drama with comedic moments, something with a similar vibe to Shadowhunters or The Shannara Chronicles, could work really well. if we’re talking animated reboot, something with a similar tonal atmosphere to The Dragon Prince or Into the Spiderverse, would also be great
this shouldnt even need to be said but please, for the love of god, no musical episodes (heres looking at you, Riverdale).
i think i speak on everyones behalf when i say that, irrespective of the age demographic of the show, LGBT rep in w.i.t.c.h would be amazing. irma/cornelia have always been a practically canon fan favourite, but cassidy and nerissa’s relationship is definitely more than strictly platonic, so that could be developed upon too. trans/nonbinary!will is also a popular headcanon that could work. once there are lgbt heroes, and not just lgbt villains, i think we’ll all be happy.
similarly, seeing some neurodivergency in the characters could also be great: elyon dealing with pts after the fallout with phobos; irma struggling with adhd in school or college; hay lin and taranee also exhibit some traits of anxiety in canon. autistic!will would also work, and someone else in the squad is bound to be affected by depression given its pervasive nature these days.
much and all as i adore the guardian outfits, i think there would need to be a few changes made. the midriff-and-leg-baring get-ups, though very cute, become very jarring when you realise the characters are meant to range in age from 12 to 14. i dont have any specific thoughts on how improvements could be made, but lengthening hemlines could be a start. if anyone has any more thoughts, i’d love to hear them!
of course, there needs to be women in the writers room, lgbt people in the writers room, poc in the writers room, people with neurodivergencies in the writers room, etc. we all know what happens when writers rooms lack diversity, and it sure as hell aint pretty.
body diversity was something that was tentatively approached in the comics (irma is curvier than the others, at least in her mundane form), but eschewed almost entirely in the cartoon, with all the girls maintaining similar heights and waifish proportions. it would be worthwhile, not to mention realistic, for the girls to go through some body-image hang ups. maybe will is insecure about her ‘underdeveloped’ body, or maybe taranee longs to have the same curvaceous figures as other dancers her age. i think if they were to go for a message of body positivity, irma, loud and brash with no fucks to give, should love every inch of her fat body and encourage the girls to adopt her 'devil-may-care’ attitude. the patriarchy be damned.
one flaw with the comics AND the cartoons are that they dont really explore the worldbuilding a lot. we do spend some time on meridian in the comics and the cartoon, but largely from the perspective of either elyon, or caleb and the rebels. i wonder what a day on meridian would look like for the average meridianite peasant? what do meridianites do for fun? what language(s) do they speak? what are their religious/spiritual belief(s)? what are the styles of dress dictated by? meridian is based on medieval societies, and a caste system is suggested, but i would have loved to see the social hierarchies expanded on a little more. does the matriarchal nature of meridian rule value women and their labour? what about LGBT people on meridian? people with disabilities and neurodivergencies? is there any discrimination against the different species on meridian? in fact, i dont know if it was ever explicitly outlined to us the different species of peoples on meridian, in the cartoon or the comics. honestly id be happy to see a filler, AtLA Tales of Ba Sing Se-esque episode on meridian to cover all of these bases
one thing i loved from the comics that didnt translate as well in the cartoon were the girls’ passions and interests. will is obsessed with frogs, she rides her bike to her job at pet store, she swims, stresses over math homework. irma loves music and talking to her pet turtle, leafy; i could totally see her doing a stint at the college radio station or working part time at a record store. cornelia loves ice skating and has received tons of awards and accolades for her achievements on the ice. taranee is an avid photographer and dancer, but i could totally see her spending her spare time at rallies and protests too. hay lin is a proficient artist, making her own clothes and poring over paintings between shifts at the silver dragon. all of these things and more are what make these characters so well-rounded, relatable, likeable. their hobbies need to be weaved into the fabric of the show (not just brought up once for a silly plot device in cornelia’s case, or never brought up at all in taranee’s, as seen in the cartoon) in order for it to work
live action reboot thoughts:
this should go out without saying, but a live action w.i.t.c.h reboot should cast actors of colour to play characters of colour. hay lin, and by extension her family, need to be played by Chinese actors, while taranee needs to be played by a black actor, preferably one of east asian descent, etc. if they add a little more diversity to the cast i would be totally pleased. latina!irma is a popular headcanon that i ascribe to, and will has always been kinda ambiguously brown, so adding less ambiguous representation for poc to the cast would really be excellent
of course, age-appropriate casting is a must. more specifically, there should not be any 25-30 year olds playing characters in their mid-late teens, unless ofc they could actually pass for the age they are trying to play. shows like The OA and The End of the Fucking World really get this right (most other teen/YA dramas, not so much. less of the chiseled abs and rock hard pecs on teens, please)
this one might be tricky to get right, particularly with budget constraints, but i think a really good CGI/visual effects team is necessary for a w.i.t.c.h reboot to work. unless an adequate amount of the budget is spent on making sure the magic looks realistic, almost plausible, it will make everything else look cheap by comparison
also, this is more of a personal preference, but i’d love to see someone with a really beautiful visual aesthetic and scope of cinematography. i’m talking Sense8-esque levels of cinematographic beauty
i’m really rambling now but, similarly, it’d be so cool to see someone who could use lighting/colour theory in very particular ways. in Marvel’s Netflix Originals, each character has their own theme colour; in Jessica Jones, for example, all of the scenes are very blue and almost leeched of warmth, while in Luke Cage there seems to be a warm yellow filter over everything. how cool would it be if all Taranee-centric scenes had a slight gold hue? or if all of cornelia’s scenes were lit with green? maybe all of the colours could combine in the a subtle yet effective way when all of the guardians are together to show their unity and combined strength.
thoughts on an animated reboot:
i know very little about animation so these thoughts will be brief, but an art and animation style something like that of Into the Spiderverse would be really gorgeous. it is fluid, dynamic, beautiful to look at and, most importantly, reflects the comic format in a moving image perfectly. alternatively, the animation studio behind The Legend of Korra could also be wonderful. the visual effects used for magic would look absolutely incredible
one thing i have to praise the Jetix cartoon for is their choice of voice actors, which were, in many cases, spot on. while cornelia’s VA was annoying and shrill, the actors playing characters of colour were themselves people of colour. if an animated reboot was on the cards, i think it could be a great opportunity to once again include some diversity to the cast, namely hiring actors of colour to play characters of colour
please let no one who worked on voltron near a w.i.t.c.h animated reboot with a ten foot pole. no i will not elaborate
tl;dr at the risk of sounding like an entitled millennial, a w.i.t.c.h reboot should be less about creating something entirely new for a brand new audience, and more about building on what the longtime fans of w.i.t.c.h already love and bringing it forward for the older generation. all on all, we grew up with w.i.t.c.h, so it’s time for us to have our reboot. thanks for coming to my TED talk!
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blatherkatt · 5 years
i just started reading your blumenthal kids reunionfic and i LOVE IT! Its so good and so full of potential and angst and I LOVE IT!!!💞💞💞 The way you write Eodwulf is soooo good hes such a mess and so gay help him. and Astrid Omg... I cant wait for more of her i checked out some of your posts on here and shes just great??? You've clearly put a lot of thought into them with the child designs and stuff, did you have any major inspo for the two of them like songs or other characters and stuff???
hey tumblr dont…delete part of my answer what the heck
anyway!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH,,, ed ( @tactfulgrimalkin ) is the one doing the actual writing but we plan everything together and i edit and do artwork so he deserves lots of love for the great writing…i dont remember what else i had here before tumblr deleted it so i hope thats the gist of it 
eodwulf is a gay disaster of a bastard man and astrid is SO fun and im SO GLAD UR EXCITED TOO BECAUSE WE SURE ARE
anyway you just opened pandora’s box and i’m very sorry for the length of the rest of this answer but here we go prepare for some cursed content necessary to answer that question ( | ) w ( | ) it was a Wild Ride getting these two characters to where they are boy howdy 
so the thing is in order to explain how we created these characters i actually have to get into the origins of the fic on the whole because the two are inextricably linked, and also, the origins of this fic are incredibly cursed and you can send all ur hatemail right here go on blast us we’re ready 
but we were talking about caleb and how we’re both excited for whenever astrid and eodwulf turn up, and the thought came up for basically the rough skeleton of that scene in chapter 2: 
“hey how messed up would it be if instead of them both hunting him down like we’re expecting…one of them comes in with a huge savior complex and sincerely thinks he’s delusional and should still be in the asylum, how MESSED UP would that be” 
…and then shortly after that, this happened 
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thats the cursed part dont say i didnt warn u but listen you know we’re right
also that pic of caduceus didnt exist back then i went back and got this screenshot just to share the curse with you all
in classic us format we got carried away and eodwulf got slotted into the role of that scene in chapter two and his character was largely developed around that scene, like, what kind of person would still be clinging to caleb after all this time to that degree to make that happen? and what was come up with was an extremely avoidant person clinging to a fantasy version of things wherein they don’t have to fight
(eodwulf was developed into a Person before astrid, i should note at this point, and ed did most of that developing; i took point on astrid later on)
but around this time i went “screw it im gonna do some concept art we’re both in too deep now” so here’s some of that for u guys 
started with them all as teens and did a couple sketches as well as one of baby (well. teen. so baby) caleb/bren/we were calling him felix at the time as some of u probably already know 
first draft had astrid with longer hair than eodwulf lmao check this out 
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flipped the hair length on those two which was for the best because at the time we were imagining eodwulf as a bit more mischevious which is another thing that got reversed over time now astrids the prankster and eodwulfs the overworked mom friend because bren takes astrid’s ideas and makes them SO MUCH WORSE but he still looks better with longer hair and then i played around w/ colors for a while and wound up w/ this
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voila, the initial kid concepts, to which subtle yet vital changes were  made after time. if any of you are curious about if im frustrated that that’s still the best i’ve ever drawn eodwulf’s nose the answer is yes. yes i am. 
astrid’s hair is not messy enough, theres not enough freckles, and she does not look ready to fight the entire world for a dare. 0/10. 
anyway then i did adult versions which look WAY OFF NOW LMAO 
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eodwulf with way too much beard, looking far too messy when he ought to look very clean so that he can hide how much of a disaster he actually is, and also a glimpse into the very boring Ice Queen/Heartless Bitch we vaguely had astrid as to start with. even more out of character tho is the earring, astrid as she is today would absolutely never tolerate an earring unless she absolutely had to, girl’s got sensory issues but she didn’t back then. ALSO STILL NOT ENOUGH FRECKLE 
anyWHO a while after this it was decided that eodwulf has ADHD, something both the authors have a whole lot of lmao, and that was the point where ed REALLY took off and developing eodwulf went out of control and we both went Well I Guess We’re Gonna Have To Write This At Some Point Now
and with that happening is when developing astrid took more priority i think, because man, at that point in the game she came way too close to that really  annoying trope that shows up in fanfic a lot wherein The Girl is A Bitch who is Getting In The Way Of ~*The Yaois*~ and thats like, thats bad. we knew from the outset we were absolutely not setting this up as a love triangle because we both hate those but even w/ her having no romantic relationship to either of the two, like…she was kind of just There and the one who was most loyal to trent (the only thing of her original characterization that really stuck, honestly) and sooo boring???? 
so like, and i say this honestly, i managed to COMPLETELY FORGET that “reverse sasuke” cursed comment from the beginning of all this and STILL go “well what if we made her more like caleb’s rival that’d be fun” 
and that’s how astrid sorta wound up accidentally morphing into the Scrappy Underdog of this anime trio and calling her a naruto analogue is extremely cursed but also not inaccurate tbh 
started out with the concept of her popping into bren’s window because she heard they were doing magic and wanted to learn it too and evolved from there; we decided that she was gonna be neurodivergent too but, hilariously, initially that she was “the best at pretending to be neurotypical” (WE COMPLETELY REVERSED THAT AND IT IS FOR THE BETTER. SHE’S SO MUCH MORE FUN NOW) and made her also autistic because it one meant she could be like SAME HAT at bren really hard which’d make her feel more like part of the group instead of just the odd one out, and two because it fits with the whole rivals thing
branching off of that we made her just. INCREDIBLY direct. like. astrid’s thought process is “how can i accomplish what i want accomplished with the smallest number of steps? what are the consequences of doing it this way? do i give a shit? no? im gonna do that.” 
(which is why she climbed a tree to get into bren’s attic instead of using the door because that way she just completely skipped having to convince his mom to let her in)
i cant get into it much here because so many spoilers and we’re gonna explore it all, but like, astrid’s backstory turned into this exploration of the intersection of sexism and ableism especially as applied to a medieval-esque society in which the word “autism” doesn’t even EXIST and in which a convenient double standard exists Right There in the form of bren and like,, its gonna be good guys im excited for it 
as far as characters tho she does also have just a touch of Vimes from discworld to her, albeit like, she’s lawful evil to his lawful good, but she’s got the same tendency to stick REALLY FIERCELY to the rules that she thinks are important, even when they inconvenience her, even if it’d be so much easier to bend them just this once 
and for songs i cannot link like any astrid songs because they all might accidentally give away so much BUT I CAN LINK AN EODWULF SONG 
this one was HUGE for him 
uhhhh i think that’s everything i can think of that we can say right now unfortunately so i’ll end this with a comparison to the current teen designs we have now that are being used in the actual fic, even tho im not fond of how bren came out in this picture, but like, for the sake of comparison 
lets see how far we’ve come 
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I N C R E A S E    F R E C K L E 
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arodrwho · 5 years
i’m kind of feeling okay about myself, currently? i’m back to where i was a little while ago, i think. trying to wrap my head around deserving to live. not that it’s really about deserving, of course, because, y’know, it’s not. that’s silly & not how it works
and i’m also, kind of. i’m thinking about where the hell do i go from here. how do i climb the hell back out of this hole i’ve dug myself. how do i find myself a job, how do i move out, how do i–keep moving? how do i not just sit & be stagnant for another year or three
and i’m thinking about friendships, and being aro, and what my future might look in that respect? because it’s just kinda. idk thinking about caleb’s aro sads gave me some aro sads of my own i guess
and then there’s also, just, like. the thing from before of wanting to be cared for but not knowing how to like, ask for that?
i want, really kind of a lot, for it to be my turn. just…for once? i want it to be my turn for once. it’s never my turn, and i’ve not been okay with that, but i’ve been going along with it because i was also not okay with making it my turn. i just… yeah. yeah
but–things are quieter right now than they’ve been in a very long time? i mean. everyone has something going on, but we’re on an upswing. if i was ever going to make it me-time, now seems…decent?
give it a few days after moo’s adoption on friday, give my mom some time t’get everything feeling settled, and then….maybe i can talk to her about some things? not even any particularly huge things–i’m not about to unload the whole what’s-up-i’ve-been-depressed-and-lowkey-suicidal-for-nearly-three-years-now-and-also-might-have-ocd-and-am-autistic thing on her, there’s literally no point to that–but just some smaller stuff?
like maybe some of the options i’ve been considering? and the maybe-adhd thing, i do want to say something about that, because it would make things easier if i–you know? things would be easier if i had some more executive function juice
so it’s like. [caleb widogast voice] i’m feeling hopeful
but also [jester voice] wow u sure look hopeful @me 
cos of the aforementioned…nonsense? dunno dude. s’a weird night kinda
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inside-aut-blog · 5 years
Autistic Beau (Critical Role)
right out the gate the most obvious thing is that fjord explicitly coaches her on social skills. like, several times. several at her own request
the How To Give Compliments lesson in particular stands out, bc she’s like “wait. i sounded rude?? but i was being genuine!”, & she asks for his help practicing doing compliments right (& proceeds to do…badly); perfect example of missing social cues & struggling w/tone + facial expressions
literally the…entire aftermath of the bowl argument tbh:
explicitly asks fjord for help w/the apology bc she isn’t sure how to do it
when fjord goes “you, not good at apologizing??” she has to check if he’s joking; “you’re being facetious, aren’t you?
fjord: a great place to start w/apologies is to mention the stuff you just said beau: that i’m not good at apologies?
(a completely logical but also also very literalresponse)
fjord goes, “it takes a big person to apologize for something. little people are the ones that make mistakes and just let them go,” & beau’s all, “oh, like nott? a little person”; behold, another literal response
beau says “oh okay” when fjord tells her she shouldn’t smile while apologizing; seems genuinely surprised + grateful for the advice
fjord: there’s a thing called sarcasm that you ride a line with sometimes beau: okay, that’s good to know
(canonically struggles w/unintentional sarcasm, heyo)
an example of this is when she’s telling the group about what happened when she first met dairon, & they don’t really believe her bc she doesn’t sound entirely serious, even though she rly is
fjord also has to kinda talk her through that first hug w/caleb? she doesn’t know how to do it; unfamiliar & uncomfortable w/comforting folks
oh! fjord jester & nott all coach her through her awkward apology to toya
she’s generally low-empathy. like, she has to be told to apologize to toya, she struggles to understand caleb’s pov whenever they argue, she thinks jester’s genuinely happy & unbothered after the iron shepards stuff, she’s not all broken up by the dragon debacle, she affectionpunches the injured guy in felderwin, etc. etc.
on that note–she outright says that punches & the like are how she shows affection, & uhhh showing affection in unusual ways? that’s autistic.
relatedly. she seems most comfortable doing more traditional affection quietly? like, silently handing jester a tissue, waiting til jester’s asleep to tuck her in, wordlessly putting a hand on caleb’s shoulder, etc. (which isn’t necessarily autistic in itself, but is a mood for this autistic, so on the list it goes)
also like, ppl remark over & over again abt her poor social skills, particularly nott (“you think she was dropped on her head or something? she’s just very sort of…you know…”, “beau is terrible at relationships and social interactions,” [paraphrased] “you shouldn’t talk to yussa you’re abrasive and bad at this sort of thing”) and fjord (“sometimes when you compliment people it sounds like a fuckin insult,” “there’s a thing called sarcasm you ride a line with sometimes,” “[insert various bits of socialing advice here]”)
is the very first person to remark that holding + petting frumpkin, Designated Emotional Support Stim Cat, is therapeutic
on that note, again–beau has that weird characteristically autistic thing of mixing up informal & hyperformal speech? she speaks aggressively casually most of the time, but will still drop in shit like “facetious” instead of “joking,” & “therapeutic” instead of “calming,” & etc.
when she tells the truth, she’s almost invariably blunt, eg “i’m kinda concerned for your well-being–it’s fine, i’m not that concerned,” “i don’t know why i told you [i slept with dairon],” [insert literally any argument here], etc.
uhhhhhh sth abt her reaction to caduceus’s “tell the truth” thing–like, it doesn’t seem to’ve fully occurred to her before then that she could be selectively honest, or just bend the truth rather than outright lying? which strikes me as potentially autismrelated in the sense of. that’s a shade of gray, & black n white thinking is autism thing
pocket bacon. a) doesn’t seem to realize it’s weird, & b) samefood…….
voice edges on monotone at times
just the fact she’s still wearing the cobalt vestiges early in the campaign, when she’s left the monks & hasn’t joined back up yet–sticking w/what’s familiar when it’s not necessary or even rly practical? autisti c
undercut + topknot? easy-to-take-care-of hairstyle, tie it n go
her eagerness to Get Into Sneaky Shit & quiet disappointment when she’s left out of said sneaky shit “bc it’s her whole thing” makes me think that like. that sort of espionage junk was maybe an old special interest of hers, in addition to obviously being Her Trade
big emotions that she struggles to regulate, esp. anger/frustration; has openly admitted having anger issues
relatedly she’s canonically gotten so frustrated & upset that she’s just started crying (granted it was at a broadly overwhelming moment–the succubus fight–but none of the others cried so like,)
lowkey has that “connects easier to animals than people” thing going on? is noticeably delighted every time she’s given frumpkin to hold; the very first time she holds him she’s all “he likes me :D!” –is also noticeably upset when the prof thaddeus saga goes down
lifelong struggle to make friends; never rly had them before the m9
asks a dude why he’s afraid of fire, ie why he has dissociative & nonverbal episodes whenever he burns someone to death. is then shocked that the reason is So Heavy
mmmm perseverates; eg in battles she’ll often Keep Trying To Stun over & over despite lack of success, in arguments she’ll keep hammering the same point, in General once she decides she wants to know a thing she digs & digs until she finds it out (file that under adhd as well)
sometimes overshares w/strangers w/out realizing she’s overshared; eg “yeah my parents named me beau because they always wanted a son,” said to bo like 30 seconds after meeting him
is shouty when they first meet keg & then apologizes for it & says “i’m trying to work on the manners thing”
the “long may he rein” bit at molly’s grave was echolalia
ok SO we all know traci is beau’s straightsona yes? but i hereby propose……….she is Also beau’s ntsona (sociable, bubbly, polite, uses more variation wrt tone of voice,,,)
when she touches the little window thing in halas’s study & pulls jester along with her, she’s like “ahhh! my actions have consequences that affect other people!!!” & that. is what we here in this house call an Autistic Mood (specifically a low-empathy autistic mood)
“is it wrong for me to feel okay when everyone else feels really bad” is Also an autistic mood (of the same variety)
she’s a great negotiator in terms of like. tactical shit? but when it comes to fuckin–emotional mediation stuff, she rly struggles. see: when she tries to mediate between nott & caleb in the apothecary basement (trips over her words & trails off, doesn’t seem to know what else to do/say)
canonically hates the color yellow. consider: is bc sensory bad
makes name puns. i’ve not met an autistic yet who didn’t love puns
seems surprised that no one else caught that her name is beau & she fights w/a bo staff–the redundancy is obvious to her, so surely it must be to everyone else aswell?? (what do u mEAN no????)
OH. when beau says to jester “i mean…you could watch if u wanted” re: her hypothetically kissing dairon & then is like “…would that make you uncomfortable? –nevermind” that’s. autism; foot in mouth not realizing how other ppl will feel
misses…..unstated implications. like down in the sewer w/the drow, they decide to just leave the dude & the beacon behind & beau’s like “we’re letting him leave without it?” & the others are like. we’re leaving both we don’t know if he’ll take it [wonk] not our problem, & she’s again like “but he won’t take it?” until fjord translates & goes “yes, he’s taking it”
she’s like “caleb u can just get a new fuckign jacket, god” but does she get herself a new one?? no. she jus adds a new lining to the monk robes she’s already got & calls it good, like a goddamn Dweeb
also when her arm wraps got burned off she immediately went to replace them; i’m betting she just Feels Weird w/out them bc Is Different, + that they provide some nice pressure times
also after the yussa encounter she says “ i could barely speak i could barely get words out,” which like. semiverbal……….
in ep 57 she said the “sensory overload” words, so mark that down for a phrase she is readily familiar with
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genderhawk · 4 years
for the salty asks: 1 15 27 5 and 18
(jk, i wont kill u... i’ll just infodump till ur in my fandom too)
ur NOT caught up so if this salt spoils ur supper ur fault
1. a ship I dont get
hm...  I COULD agree w/ some folks in the autistic/adhd cr server about one ship that reads as really fetishizing and also just like.....  comphet at best.  but also im not brave enough to even name that ship with severe censorship so..............................  lmao dont come for me i’ll say literally any monoship for the m9.  ADVENTURERS CAN HAVE LITTLE A POLYAMORY
15. Unpopular opinion about the show?
i do not, as a rule, monitor popular opinions.  So, instwead,  Here is a little opinion:
I think that people should not forget to love each other, in this fandom, and especially y’all on twotter u kno who
27. LEAST shippable character?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...............................  Cad bc that boy gotta learn to see ppl as ppl not prpjects before I’ll let him date (this is a lie, i’ve let him date already BUT I WASNT PLEASED about it)
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
The unspoken pairing from q1
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
I dont care.  I do NOT care. ship whatever...  Even if its nasty and i think its morally wrong I will not interact.  I’ll talk to u as a friend if we’re close and im worried for ur moral health but like...................................  in will block u on the internet if i gotta and its fine.  I ship so many rare ships....  I ship people who NEVER MET and MIGHT NEVER MEET (looking at Essek/Caleb/Mollymauk fic on my drive rn) and its fun we are here to have fun and make the characters kiss so do whatever
Look y’all my salt is mostly at fandom members who dont got anyone teachin em how to FUCKING act
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