#Callie is so fun to draw omg
epic-and-kitty · 22 days
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A Callie head canon with a bit of Calf1sh and self ship goofs
Callie lost her eye after splat 2 story mode because Marie's shot damaged her eye beyond fixing (in my head canon the first hypno shades shattered and several shards got in her eye) Because she's still an idol and agent, she got an experimental procedure that gave her a glass eye that does allow her to see, albeit in a lessened color spectrum at first. It worked, but the first few iterations would cut out a lot which led to Callie becoming extremely clumsy for a time. The current prosthetic is highly advanced and allows her to see most colors now but her depth perception is still a work in progress. She loves her eye but finds putting it in in the morning both painful and gross and tends to get up super early now so her partners don't see her putting it in
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callilouv · 10 months
hi calli hehehe i have been so tired bcs of school omg (IT IS FUN THO ... yay <3) ANDDD i am in a good mood rn resting and i just rmbrd but i js wna tell u that my irl best friend is actually an artist too etc etc BUT U SEE sometimes when the topic is On Art i mention u, da friend from tumblr who is super pretty at drawing and DOES SO W HER FINGERS ... oki thats all i just thought itd be nice if u knew lol ^_^ HAVE A good week lou lou louv !!!
AJGFLKF RLLY???🥺.... tt tt that makes me so happy pls??? it happens rarely but whenevr someboy tells me that they talk abt my art to their friends im like :3 wowowwow..... i feel special HELKHJF
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wepreeshjohnegbert · 4 years
dude i love you, this blog, and your tags omg. as someone who trys to put something in all the tags it makes me so happy to someone else do it too! also I adore your Crocker au. does it follow the alpha timeline or does it branch off? do you have any hc’s you’d like to share? anyway your blog is amazing, have a great day!! ❤️❤️❤️
Oh dude thank you so much!! You have NO idea how happy it makes me to see another person who always puts things in the tags, internet high five dude!!
Ooohoho boy, my Crocker au, yeah that’s a bit of a pickle! See, I’d originally made it to stick within the original alpha timeline buuuuuuuut I made a mistake in this drawing I did; I made them use smartphones and they wouldn’t exist in that time-frame which.. was dumb on my part. But it led me to think: what if I actually had my own au? Make things easier on me to just make it an au which DOES follow the original Alphaverse but with subtle changes (for example: they would live and grow up in the modern age with Dave and Rose but I still need to iron it out a bit, need to figure out how that’ll work). If that makes sense? It’s confusing, I know! It’s one of two aus we have here on Preesh ;D
And headcanons!! YES! Now, I’m not sure if you mean Crocker HCs or just ordinary John HCs so.. I’ll direct you to this post I did a while back with my John HCs and add a few new ones here!! ^^
• John C. would most definitely come up with new recipes and try to improve his skills in the world of baking to impress Condy • John E. loves sending Dave recordings of him playing the piano for him to use in his remixes • Going from the previous HC I think John E. would have made a band with the other beta kids on Earth C, they’d come together and play just for fun • John E. and Gcatavrossprite would love spending time together due to their aspects being Breath • Roxy and John E. would be very close with each other due to their similarities and natures, but would not get together due to John not wanting to intrude upon their relationship to Callie • John E. would harness and train his powers when he’s feeling down to distract himself from the pain of the past • John C. would constantly text Jade in hopes of an answer, but most of the time would get ignored due to Jade being careful (It would come to a point where she just cuts all contact off with him, with him trying desperately to find her again) • John C. would continue to help Crocker Corp. thrive and grow even when he’s moved on to comedy • John C. develops abandonment and trust issues after Jade leaves, becoming dependent on Condy and any new friends he might make • John C. meets Dave at one of his SB&HJ movie premiers by pure chance and they hit it off immediately, becoming great friends thereafter
And I’m gonna leave it there because this is long enough already ^^
AND THANK YOU! I’m SO glad people like and enjoy this blog it makes me unbelievably happy!! You have a nice day too, dude!! :D
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callilouv · 2 years
lady grey vira and miranda heck yeah and RACKAM YEAH WHAHSJWBSJ he's like a big bro to me tbh but yes i see 😳😳 okok just a lil notice too but yeah !!! the free draws last until march 31 i think? so have fun >:D
ima give more advice ofc yes yes but for now i'd say the gbf wiki is really useful !! there's also a new player checklist and you can see a list of the characters too and tier lists stuff and a lot more, including more info on characters/units <3 as a newbie it's just best to use the ssrs (or srs) you have !!
in gbf elemental weaknesses r rlly important so you're gonna end up needing a team of each element, but you're still new so feel free to just use your strongest !! best to do side stories asap too bcs some give free characters, and also summons !!
glad ure enjoying gbf callie huehuehue >:D
BRO EXACTLYLLYLY when I saw him acting like a big bro to Io, I immediately FELL to my knees😭 characters who r good big brothers/sisters r always a green flag <3 SKJHD
AND THANK U OMG I REALLY NEEDED THIS ADVICE >:OO I struggle with putting together teams a lot so this helps a BUNCH thank u vv much fkhdjgvsdh <3
ill still stick with my strongest units for now bc yeah im still a newbie </3 but ill keep the "needing a team for each element" part tq <33
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