#Cataract specialist in Mumbai
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Every age group are susceptible to the common eye disorder known as cataracts. They cause the lens of the eye to become cloudy, resulting in blurry or distorted vision. Although cataracts cannot be prevented, there are some lifestyle changes that can help delay the onset of cataracts. In this blog post, we will discuss various ways to slow the progress of cataracts, as well as provide tips for maintaining good eye health.
Learn more about How to Delay the Onset of Cataracts?
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Cataract Treatment and Cataract Surgery In Mumbai
Best Cataract hospital In Mumbai
The opacification of the normal transparent lens is called cataract. The Latin word ‘cataracta’ means ‘waterfall’. Imagine trying to peer through a sheet of falling water or through a frosted or fogged-up window. Development of Cataract varies from person to person but as a general rule, most cataracts develop slowly over a period of time. A cataract can take months or even years to reach a point where it adversely affects vision.
Causes of cataract
Age-related cataract
The cataract occurs as a result of the natural aging process of lens fibres which become opaque over a period of time.
Traumatic cataract
Due to a direct penetrating injury.
Concussion- Electric shock and lightning.
Ionizing radiation done as treatment for ocular tumors.
Surgical trauma
Metabolic cataract: Defect in body metabolism
Galactosaemia -inborn error of metabolism
Calcium disorders
Steroid-induced cataract
This occurs as a result of excess intake of oral steroid or putting steroid drops in the eye.
Secondary cataract
Here, cataract develops as a result of some other primary ocular disease such as chronic eye inflammation or glaucoma.
History of Cataract treatment
The earliest surgery treatment was started in India, by Maharshi Sushruta. It was known as ‘couching’, where the cataractous lens was dislocated backward into the bottom of the eye and out of visual axis.
This procedure was performed for more than two thousand years until the mid-eighteenth century. Great progress in cataract surgery has been made in recent years with the introduction of micro-surgical instruments, microscope and modern surgical techniques like phacoemulsification, which has made couching obsolete.
In the early stages of cataract development, all that is needed to correct your vision with glasses is a change in prescription. As the cataract develops and begins to affect your lifestyle, it needs to be removed. Cataract surgery, the most commonly performed operation, is safe and effective in 95% patients with enhancement in vision.
Methods of evaluation of cataracts:
Visual acuity: Checking vision of both eyes unaided and aided with glasses and pin-hole vision to know the improvement as well as to get the general idea about the macular function of the eyes. This will help in prognostic evaluation of visual recovery after cataract surgery.
Intra ocular pressure: If intra-ocular pressure increases as a secondary to cataract surgery is needed to prevent further complications.
Slit-lamp examination: To know the type of cataract along with its opacity, morphology and etiology or any associated ocular pathology.
Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy: for complete retinal evaluation. Dense cataract will prevent retinal evaluation and such cases need B-scan for retinal evaluation.
A-scan biometry: To calculate the AL and IOL power for implantation in cases of mature cataract the posterior segment of the eye is evaluated.
Optical biometry: this is an advanced non contact method to measure IOL power. It is patient friendly and highly precise
Treatment Options Available For Cataract
Extra Capsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE): is a conventional technique.
ECCE requires an incision of 10-12mmThe doctor removes the clouded lens in one piece.Multiple stitches are required.Doctor implants a non-foldable lens
Are you looking for Cataract Operation, Cataract Treatment or Cataract Surgery in Mumbai City?
If you are looking for Cataract Surgery In Mumbai, Bladeless Lasik in Mumbai or Best Cataract Treatment in Mumbai, Ojas Eye Hospital is here to assist. Ojas Eye Hospital can help with your Cataract surgery procedure, including: Cataract Removal, Cataract Eye Treatments, Refractive Cataract, etc. Ojas Eye Hospital has served many Cataract clients in Mumbai City.
Contact Ojas Eye Hospital today for all your Cataract needs in Mumbai City at Call us (+91) 9137462795.
Tag : Cataract Surgery In Mumbai, best doctor for cataract surgery in mumbai, Eye Hospital In Kandivali
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Cataract is a process related to eyes specifically in the developing nations. Cataract has predominantly been a common cause of impairment of vision, reason beside it is lack of proper surgical care.
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cataracteyesurgeon · 2 years
A total of 3821 women age 50 and above were analyzed. Only those participants were included in the study that did not have any eye surgery. The mean age of participants in the study was 62.2 years and 46.8 months was the mean breastfeed duration. The ocular health of the participants was comprehensively evaluated to diagnose age-related cataract in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Participants were also required to provide information about their breastfeeding experience through health interview and health examination survey.
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Ojas Eye Hospital is an advanced ophthalmic clinic that offers a variety of high end medical solutions to people requiring correction in vision. Ojas, which comprises a dedicated team of ophthalmic specialists led by Dr. Niteen C Dedhia, has brought leading technology for ophthalmic treatment to India.
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saideepeyeclinic · 22 days
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Saideep Eye Clinic: Top choice for premier cataract treatment in Mumbai. Experienced care you can trust.
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goneha1503us-blog · 7 months
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vaidyaeyehospital · 7 months
How is vitrectomy different from other eye surgeries, like cataract surgery?
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Vitrectomy surgery and cataract surgery are distinct procedures that address different eye issues. Here's how they differ:
Vitrectomy Surgery:
1-Purpose: Vitrectomy is performed to treat various conditions affecting the vitreous gel or the retina at the back of the eye.
2-Procedure: During a vitrectomy, the procedure involves making small incisions in the eye to access and work on the retina and vitreous.
3-Anesthesia: Vitrectomy surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient's comfort and the complexity of the case.
4-Replacement: The vitreous gel is not replaced with anything after removal. The eye naturally fills with aqueous humor, a clear fluid that maintains its shape.
5-Vision Outcome: The primary goal of vitrectomy is to address underlying eye conditions, prevent further deterioration, and possibly improve vision.
Cataract Surgery:
1-Purpose: Cataract surgery is specifically performed to treat cataracts, which are the clouding of the eye's natural lens.
2-Procedure: In cataract surgery, the procedure involves making a small incision in the eye, breaking up the cloudy lens, and implanting the IOL.
3-Anesthesia: Cataract surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia, with the patient awake and alert during the procedure.
4-Replacement: The natural lens is replaced with an artificial IOL, which can significantly improve vision and, in many cases, eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses.
5-Vision Outcome: Cataract surgery is highly successful in restoring clear vision. Patients often experience a significant improvement in their ability to see and may no longer require corrective lenses for distance vision.
In summary, vitrectomy surgery focuses on addressing retinal and vitreous issues, often to prevent further deterioration and possibly improve vision. Both surgeries serve different purposes and are chosen based on the patient's unique eye condition and needs.
Looking for a Cataract Specialist in Andheri? Dr. Vaidya is here to help you regain clear vision. Schedule your consultation today. 📞Contact us: 9004496621 🌐 Visit: https://drvaidyaeyehospital.com/ Don't let cataracts or Vitrectomy surgery cloud your vision.
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drniteen · 2 years
Cataract Myths And Facts, You Should Know Before Undergoing Cataract Surgery In Mumbai
Cataract surgery is a common surgery for restoring clear vision. Various myths are associated with cataract and cataract surgery. You should bust those myths before undergoing cataract surgery in India.
Various Myths And Facts Related To Cataract
Myth 1: Only older people get cataract
Myth Buster: Although the condition of cataract is common in people over the age of 40, the condition can occur at any age. Various factors increase the risk of developing a cataract. These include eye injuries, eye disease, diabetes, ocular inflammation, long term steroid use, prolonged exposure to UV radiations, Severe long-term nearsightedness, and certain hereditary conditions.
Myth 2: Diet, supplementation or exercise completely prevents cataract
Myth Buster: Diet, vitamin supplementation or exercise cannot completely prevent or cure cataract. The only sure method to treat a cataract is cataract surgery. It is also to be noted that many cases of cataract does not progress and thus do not require treatment. Taking vitamin E or C for preventing or treating cataract is not backed up by enough scientific evidence.
Myth 3: Close and focus-requiring task such as seeing makes cataract worse
Myth Buster: Many people think that close activities such as reading or sewing make the cataract worse and progress the disease faster. However, the progression of cataract does not depend on the use of eyes. It may be possible that while doing such activities, the symptoms are more noticeable. The person may also require increased light to perform the same activities.
Myth 4: Cataract is reversible
Myth Buster: Cataract is a non-reversible condition. The protein of the lens gets degenerated and can never come in their original structure. In some cases, the progression of the disease is stopped presenting a feeling of reversal of the condition. The progression of the disease can also be slowed by avoiding smoking and eating a healthy diet.
Myth 5: If your eyes do not hurt, you do not have cataract
Myth Buster: Pain in eyes is not a usual symptom of cataract. This is because, during the disease, there is no inflammation inside the eyes. The condition is characterized by cloudiness in the lens. The symptoms experienced by the patient include blurred vision, discoloration, glare, double vision and frequent changing in glass prescription.
Myth 6: Laser is used to remove a cataract
Myth Buster: Cataracts per se cannot be removed by Laser surgery. The only effective method for treating cataracts is replacing the old, naturally damaged lens with a new artificial lens. In some cases, the membrane near the lens gets cloudy after cataract surgery. The laser can be used to open the cloudy membrane.
Myth 7: Cataract surgery is dangerous
Myth Buster: Although cataract is a delicate surgery involving a vital organ, it is one of the safest surgeries with more than a 95% success rate. Only 5% of patients undergoing surgeries have surgery-related complications.
Myth 8: Recovery time is long after cataract surgery
Myth Buster: Cataract surgery is one of the most rapid and least-time consuming surgery. The surgery takes place between 15 minutes to 30 minutes. The time of recovery is too short and the patient recovers within 30 minutes to one hour. However, aftercare is important to avoid any complications.
Myth 9: Taking Aspirin prevents cataracts
Myth Buster: There is a misconception that taking aspirin for a long period may prevent cataracts. There is not enough scientific data to authenticate this fact. Prolonged aspirin may cause side effects and you should avoid taking the aspirin unless it is prescribed by your doctor for any other disease.
Myth 10: Cataract grows back
Myth Buster: Once the damaged lens is replaced by the new synthetic lens, there is no source of the cataract to come back. Although the capsule behind the lens becomes cloudy after surgery, this can be treated with laser surgery.
Myth 11: Spectacles are never required after cataract surgery
Myth Buster: Removal of spectacles after cataract surgery, in many cases, is not possible due to a variety of reasons. The patient who has opted for monofocal lens has good distance vision but the patient has to use spectacles for close-distance activities such as reading. A multifocal lens is also available but is not suitable for all patients.
Myth 12: Cataract surgery should be done after-ripening of the cataract
Myth Buster: Cataract surgery should have been opted at the initial stage when the symptoms are mild. This will help to improve the quality of life because of a clear vision.
Myth 13: Replacement lens may not be suitable for the patient
Myth Buster: Various lenses are available according to the need and ocular condition of the patient. Your doctor will decide which lens is most suitable for you.
For more information = https://www.ojaseyehospital.com/ 0r https://www.cataractindia.in/
Tag =  Cataract Surgery in Mumbai, Cataract surgery cost in Mumbai, Cataract specialist in Mumbai, eye hospital in Mumbai, Eye specialist in Mumbai, Eye Care Hospital in Kandivali
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Cataract medical procedure is a short-term system, which means you’ll have the option to return home that very day. That, the medical procedure itself will just require around 30 minutes.
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Recovery After Cataract Surgery - Dr. Niteen Dedhia
Cataract is a process related to eyes specifically in the developing nations. Cataract has predominantly been a common cause of impairment of vision, reason beside it is lack of proper surgical care.
As recently reported by World Health Organization that there is a lack of concentration on vision impairment in developed areas, the worldwide causes of ocular impairment are non-rectified refractive errors (43%) followed by cataract (33%). Overall cataract is the most important root cause of blindness considering 51% of overall conditions to eyes which the principle source of vision impairment because of difference in opacity of ocular lens. Metabolic disturbances lead to the earlier loss of visual transparency and cause the blur redness of vision.
The best and simplified remedy to get rid from the cataract is a surgical intervention. By removing opaque lens and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). However in developing nations, cataract has undoubtedly been a specific reason for the loss of visual power of eyed due to the inappropriate surgical care.
Treating doctor provides eye drop one day before surgery which helps to prevent infection and control the swelling of eyes before and after the surgery.
- Post-Surgery Care And Recovery
- It takes almost one month usually for the complete recovery and stabilization of eye power of the  operated eye.
- New power for the glasses is prescribed by the ophthalmologist if required in any case.
- To experience best, successful and uncomplicated surgery period, is to follow the instructions of the operating surgeon strictly.
- Do not compare your surgery period recovery with your friends, relative or neighbors, health, healing  ability and tolerance to cataract eye surgery may vary from person to person and from eye to eye.
- Person may have to use eye drops post-surgery. Follow your doctor’s instructions for using the drops properly
- Keep away soap or water directly in the eye.
- Don’t rub or press on your eye. Wearing of eye glasses may require or a shield to protect your eye.
- Need of wearing a protective eye shield when you sleep is mandatory.
- Daily activity needed to change soon after surgery. Safe exercise, drive or do other activities again  will be advised by the ophthalmologist
- Do not watch TV or read, and it is better to just rest at home.
- Dirty water or soap/ shampoo from hair washing should not enter the eyes
- Excessive bending or heavy weight lifting should be avoided for one week
- Strenuous work should be avoided one next one month of surgery
- Healthy diet also plays a vital role in better recovery.
TAG-  Best cataract hospital in Mumbai,  Cataract specialist in Mumbai, Cataract Surgery in Mumbai  
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cataracteyesurgeon · 2 years
Cataract surgery is probably one of the most ancient surgeries done by humans. In the initial days the surgery done was known as couching. The procedure of Couching, unlike today, was done in the patients who have a completely opaque lens, which becomes rigid and subsequently so heavy that fragility occurs in the supporting zonules. The techniques evolved from the past and it was in 1748, the first surgical removal of cataract was done. The development of anesthesia plays a major role in the evolution of this surgery.
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The earliest surgical treatment for cataract began in India and was called couching. In this procedure the sclera is incised and the lens is dislocated backward into the vitreous and displaced out of the optical axis. This procedure was performed for more than 2000 years until mid-eighteenth century.
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drsoniamaheshwari · 8 months
What is the role of vision therapy in pediatric ophthalmology?
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Vision therapy plays a crucial role in pediatric ophthalmology as a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment approach aimed at improving and enhancing a child's visual skills and abilities. It is often prescribed by pediatric ophthalmologists to address a range of vision problems and conditions, particularly those related to eye coordination, eye movement, focusing, and visual perception. Here are some key aspects of the role of vision therapy in pediatric ophthalmology:
1- Treatment of Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): Vision therapy is commonly used to treat amblyopia, a condition where one eye does not develop normal vision.
2- Strabismus (Crossed Eyes) Management: For children with strabismus, vision therapy can be an effective treatment option.
3- Enhancing Eye-Tracking Skills: Vision therapy exercises can enhance a child's ability to track moving objects smoothly and accurately.
4- Improving Focusing Abilities: Vision therapy can help children develop better focusing abilities, which are important for maintaining clear vision at various distances and during near tasks like reading or using digital devices.
5- Visual Perception Enhancement: Vision therapy can address visual perceptual problems, helping children process and interpret visual information more efficiently.
6- Reducing Eye Strain and Fatigue: For children experiencing eye strain, discomfort, or fatigue, vision therapy can help alleviate these symptoms by teaching them how to use their visual system more efficiently.
7- Binocular Vision Improvement: Vision therapy aims to improve the coordination between both eyes, leading to improved depth perception and 3D vision.
8- Customized Treatment Plans: Vision therapy programs are tailored to the specific needs of each child. The pediatric ophthalmologist and vision therapist work together to create a plan that addresses the child's unique vision challenges.
Vision therapy success relies on the child's condition, commitment to exercises, and guidance from a trained therapist. Pediatric ophthalmologists assess each child's vision issues and decide if vision therapy can enhance their visual skills, comfort, and quality of life.
For better knowing you can reach out Dr. Sonia Maheshwari, Eye Specialist in Mumbai practicing at Clear Sight Eye care and Laser Center.
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