#Charlotte has five disciples
rize-said-so · 10 months
Go Away, Romeo (chapter 33)
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"Is this the face of someone who misses you? I feel nothing but disgust. Besides, who would miss a deceitful deadbeat?"
He tried to stir something in her, remind her of the past but he just spit venom like Reputation Taylor Swift.
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manhwa-animated-cover · 4 months
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
I’m too scared to pick up Charlotte Has Five Disciples again due to the fear of Jeffrey still not being the ml so, just to be sure, someone tell me when they get married so I don’t live in constant fear.
I don’t mean confessions and all that. I need that marriage certificate framed in A2 size metallic plate and hung on the wall so I can be rest assured and pick it up again
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thinkingnot · 1 year
5 reasons why charlotte aria should be with Jeffrey Thane Louister:
1. man’s HOTTER than the sun
2. appropriate age (same generation of people whose age are in the 3 digits club)
3. funny (asf)
4. would turn into threads and weave himself into a carpet for her to walk on and if she was a worm he would become dirt for her to flourish and when it rains he will shape a suitable terrain for her to lay and comfortably breathe through her skin without being hindered by moisture (she is still a worm in this scenario)
5. is patient
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ch5d-stuff · 2 years
"Of all things I know...
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It's probably the most beautiful thing."
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FUCK, MY HEART. My heart is aching. Deep angst anyone?
The way that during those panels in his point of view, everything was dark and gloomy but Charlotte was as bright as a star. His small shiny star
I suddenly remembered Jeffrey's quote, "For some people, one person... can become their entire world." MHMMM
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kuranalex · 11 months
say 5 FL that you hate/love the most and the same for ML (hate/love) and why
your 10 favorite manga/anime ever and why?
I will answer you in two parts because this will be long and difficult:
Ok, here we go: my top five of heroines
1, my undisputed number one is JUMI (That Summer) I really love her, she is perfect, honest, strong, sweet etc in a very realistic way, i really think she is the best built character I've ever seen, don't get me wrong she is not the typical manga heroine she is on another level.
2. Touma Kazusa (WA2) she is a little more cliché unlike Jumi, but I still love her, I like that she always knew how to keep her dignity, she was loved, but she made a very realistic decision and she is so incredibly talented and I love how the writer reaffirm it over and over again. She is very loyal to me, and although he understands Setsuna, he always says what she thinks, and although I suffer a lot bc the ending, I am happy because they loved each other.
3. Charlotte Eleonor She is a very coherent character, she is always cold, but straight the point and loyal. I like the way she realizes that she is in love for the first time, but she is not the typical corny one, she is incredible, and I love her relationship with Jeffrey
4. Eba Yuzi (Kimi no iru machi) This is one of my favorite mangas, I've read it a thousand times, and I don't know, I like that despite everything she becomes more honest with what she feels and goes for it no matter what, she's sexy and pretty.
5. An Hao (Bringing the Nation's Husband Home) and Chizuru (Hakuoki) there is a tie, I like both, I love both stories, I have read the manga a million times and I have also seen the Hakuoki anime another million times.
my 5 most hated girls:
Misa (Death note) This woman lacks intelligence and dignity, she is the epitome of the ridiculous.
Sekai (school days) this Fucking bitch...she doesn't deserve more, No words.
Rui ( Domestic no Kanojo) I can't stand this woman, I hate her, she is so easier than the table of one, she's a treacherous bitch, always as a lapdog behind that boy.
Nana Hachi (Nana) This girl is so unbearable, she represents everything I hate in a woman, many people justify her by saying she is immature and she only wants to be loved, she is indecisive, cowardly, spoiled, cheesy like no one else, incapable of being loyal, not even with Nana whom she claims to love till death, she is jealous freak and a crybaby unable to face life without a man by her side (I'm sorry eternal, but I can't stand her)
Taiga Aisaka I can't stand how scandalous this girl is, Toradora is one of the worst things I've started to see, but both leading roles are unbearable for me
Hina (domestic no Kanojo) Hina, in the first 100 chapters she was one of my favorite heroines, but then the mangaka blurred her so much that I found her pathetic. The ending of this manga along with its development is the most awful thing I've seen in a very long time.
the second part is more difficult because there are too many boys that I love.
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rainberrydrops · 2 years
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this Jeffrey with amnesia is reallyyyy dangerous 😏🤭
too bad that kiss didn't happen 😢 but let's wait for further chapters~ 🤭
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fawkslen · 1 year
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Charlotte and Jeffrey They are so far, my favorite pair of semi-immortal besties who have been through thick and thin. Both is extremely competent and yet so fragile at the thought of their long-lived lives that the thought of separation seems to unknowingly bothers them enough. tl;dr they are my OTP
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stuckinzarry · 2 years
Finally the BACKSTORY of Jeffrey and Eleanor I've been waiting for its here!!!
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Now i know why HE IS SMILE ALOTS in current timeline 🥺
He fell in love first dan fell harder
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kheithsstuff · 2 years
I would like to feel 😭😍 . They kissed people! I'm late posting this but they kiss finally!!
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curiouslylazy · 2 years
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If Jeffrey said this to me I would submit on the spot
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catsmile-scarlet · 2 years
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I love them so much 💕
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manhwa-animated-cover · 9 months
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baeshijima · 2 years
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life has no rights.
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thinkingnot · 1 year
fist fighting author-nim in the parking lot rn
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ch5d-stuff · 1 year
Okay, so this is what I understood from the latest chapter:
"Cataclysm" is the name for the holder of "that power".
"That power" has the ability to also hold the memories of all holders of that power.
If there is a new holder of "that power", who is Evan in this case, they are able to access the memories (and maybe feelings*) of the past holders.
A trace of Cataclysm can cause a curse.
Charlotte took Evan's curse**
Is Evan really the resurrection of the previous holder? If so, why did Charlotte say "that memory was never yours"?
Evan is too beautiful, especially in the sixth panel. That smile - oml.
* is this the reason as to why Evan feels so drawn towards Charlotte? Does this mean that the "previous holder" of the power really did have feelings for Charlotte?
** After taking the curse, we noticed that Charlotte, back in chapter 1, was able to resurrect. So maybe that means that the bearer of the curse is able to resurrect when they die. This can range from resurrecting right away or a progressive resurrection (the contrast from Charlotte and Evan). So perhaps since Charlotte's soul had really wanted "love", she had something to live for and so she was quickly resurrected after. For Evan's soul, he knew that if he was resurrected, he would only cause more people to die and he did not want that. So he resisted the resurrection until it was far too painful to bear and he "gave into" it. (Bro held on for almost what? 90 years? 100?)
I mean… things are connecting a little far too well.
Evan, when he still had the curse and was resurrected, had no mana left. When Charlotte took the curse, died, and was later resurrected, she had no mana left either.
I'm probably wrong with this but oh well.
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