#Clawdeen is willing to trust her
ratstuckinamarble · 3 months
so like running theory on why gen 1 toradeen is happening is to continue the trend of certain gen 1 couples carrying over to gen 3 + to add more excitement to when gen 3 toradeen happens and catch the attention of gen 1 only peeps?
Ooh I like that theory... Definitely down for that being foreshadowing of sorts. Though I gotta say, I don't think that would convince the g1 only folks to give g3 a shot.
Still, the thought of the different people working on mh deciding to make things match up somewhat around the same time is really fun to me. I'm generally more for keeping things new and different between the gens but since Toradeen wasn't present for the bulk of g1 and is actually something new, I don't mind in this case (plus my queer bias XD). Though my thoughts might change depending on how this ship is handled. For now, I'm feeling cautiously optimistic.
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victini-shipps · 4 months
Even after all this time I still can't describe how good this scene is and all the steps needed to get to it.
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From the beginning of the episode, Toralei was so committed to the new relationship she built with Clawdeen, joking, laughing and studied the whole werewolf/werecat rivalry (how ironic, right?). And then we are shown how prepared Toralei is about defending her friendship with Deen, confronting her mother in a way that has never been shown in the series (shame on you Toralei, a puppy offers you comfort and you adopt it in such a short time).
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Another interesting thing is the fact that Catarina forces Toralei to choose between taking the werewolf necklace or siding with her enemy (because you know she doesn't care if they are friends). In my opinion, this was her way of saying “you are choosing between me or wolf girl, because there will be consequences.”
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and although Toralei seems distressed by the conversation (she is her mother after all) in the next scene she is completely willing to help Deen. This kitten really entered this friendship with her heart, she believes what she said, Clawdeen is her friend. From the beginning of the episode, this was never a doubt for her. However, on the other side we have Clawdeen who is cautious, mainly because of her friends, but let's be empathetic, they just want to protect her (and it's not like Toralei has never done anything to harm them). She wants to believe it, but it's not that simple when everything around her says it's a bad idea. So she makes the safest decision, leaving Toralei out because it's easier to have things under control when she knows what to expect.
(my poor needy kitten, she just wanted to help)
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As we get closer to the end, Clawdeen decides to give the necklace to Toralei instead of Clawd and at that moment we have one of the scenes that melted my heart the most. Toralei is not only surprised that Deen is trusting her, but she also doesn't seem to believe that she deserves that trust, "after all everything she's done” she wouldn't blame Clawdeen for not trusting her. And then we have one of the most powerful lines Toralei could speak:
"Thank you for forgiving me, for believing in me"
Validation is something very important for Toralei, her entire career in the series was in search of validation, whether from her mother, her superiors and even the other students at the school. Toralei needs to be seen constantly because if she catches attention at least someone will see that she exists. But when Clawdeen sees her and believes in her, it validates her feelings and Toralei holds on, holds on tight, because validation means Clawdeen cares.
These two have built a very strong bond and even though the creators don't intend to focus so deeply on their relationship, it's cool to theorize these details because it gives depth to the characters. I'm looking forward to seeing their evolution in the second season, I want more cute and very gay moments to freak out
Sorry for the English, the translator doesn't help much ;)
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adorkabledemon · 2 years
Since today seems to be Monster High G3 day, I’ve typed up something for Dexter’s backstory for this iteration! It’s only a first draft though since there’s still a lot about G3 we don’t know and I might decide to make changes later. Please feel free to leave any feedback!!!
Born to Dracula’s less famous younger brother and a human mother, Dexter Arkham (or Layla Dracula as her parents named her) learned to hide her dual nature from a young age. Amongst monsters, she played the role of Jaxith’s dutiful eldest daughter and a full-blooded vampire. On the rare occasions she was among humans, she had to hide her tell-tale canines so she wouldn’t potentially put her whole family in danger. Every day she did her best to be what her father wanted her to be. Yet even then her rebellious nature manifested in her relationship with her cousin Draculaura. Draculaura was the only being outside of her immediate family Layla trusted with the truth: that she was a dhampir, a half-human half-vampire. This forged a bond between the two ghouls that would last even after Dracula discovered his brother’s treachery and they were forbidden from speaking. 
With the truth revealed, Layla, her parents, and two siblings were banished from monster society, forcing them all to hide as humans. In an ill conceived attempt to salvage his children’s reputations (as well as his own) Jaxith then turned her, Aneska, Lysette, and Elias into full-blooded vampires…without thinking of how much harder that would make it for them all to blend in with humans from then on. But it was all for nothing, as the majority of monsters wouldn’t accept the family back, including the other vampires. 
Eventually, Layla broke from her family to find her own way in the world, even if she could never truly be herself completely around another. For a thousand years, the only one she could ever fully confide in was her cousin, whom she was never able to meet in person. And in turn, Draculaura told her cousin of her interest in witchcraft, despite it being expressly forbidden by her father. Despite the distance, the two managed to maintain a strong relationship over the centuries.
Then, there came Clawdeen Wolf. While by no means the first half-human monster, Draculaura was excited to tell her cousin (now going by Dexter) all about her newest friend and student at Monster High. Perhaps now they could join her? Perhaps they no longer needed to hide? There were complications of course, not the least of which being Dexter themself. They were unmoved by the tale of Clawdeen’s acceptance into Monster High, another place where they’d never been welcomed even after losing their human half.
There was also the matter of Count Dracula himself, and his involvement with the school. They pointed out that he would never accept them, he was the one who’d banished them and their family! He was the one who Draculaura was still hiding her magic from. He hadn’t been willing to bend the rules for family a thousand years ago, why would he be any different now? Still, their cousin persisted in her attempts to convince them. Surely there was a way, surely things were changing! And perhaps she would wear them down eventually, only time would tell…
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strwbrrysugarz · 2 years
oddly specific monster high headcanons that i need to get out somewhere (all that autism)
venus is willing to go absolutely apeshit on people who hurt their friends but refuses to ever curse. they'll literally beat up a man for you but will say shit like "you stinker!! you doodoo head!!" against their enemies
they also shave their eyebrows
frankie is the literal definition of the "this push pop is banging yo!" meme (clawdeen is telling them they're eating a glue stick)
ghoulia has watched neon genesis evangelion at least once and can fully understand the ending and everything about it, probably reported on it for a school project at least once and took up a whole class period (she is also a huge marvel fan)
lagoona is a mitski stan
clawdeen came out to clawd n he replied w "woaah you like girls? that's awesome me too! it must run in the family"
lagoona has taken an "am i gay" quiz at least once after getting close to toralei
avea hates people actually taking horseback rides on her but makes one single exception for bonita (despite bonita flying everywhere)
vandala died during a shipwreck which is why she's constantly timing herself and working on improving its pirate skills. it also has ptsd from dying n river helps her cope w it
kiyomi n river were born ghosts, porter doesn't tell people how they died n makes up stories Abt it like spectra (in reality he probably died in some stupid ass way like falling down the stairs)
speaking of them porter n spectra r t4t but opposite directions. porter transfem and agender pansexual + spectra transmasc gay demiboy
rochelle and garrott are the couple who date for years only to realize they are both gay as hell. they spend weeks talking to friends trying to figure out how to tell the other n when they finally come out to each other they're like "phew thank goodness". they're wlw n mlm bffs
heath loves silly shows like impractical jokers and walk the prank and uses them to think of new silly ways to prank the other students (fails miserably each time)
howleen listens to hatsune miku and is her biggest fan
venus porter holt and deuce definitely smoke weed together/hsrs
luna n lorna are cryptid best friends (lorna probably checks out boo york after monster high and they meet at bloodway)
luna and bonita are half siblings who occasionally hang out together to infodump abt their special interests or hyperfixations (luna's is musical theater, bonita's is fashion design) and their blue-purple gfs (elle and avea)
bonita and skelita are also cousins
g1 frankie uses they/them the most but is comfortable w any prns
being that they're made of slime gooliope is prone to occasionally melting during the summer. they just kinda come apart sometimes but reform easily. they're very flexible being made of goo and use this to freak people out w silly gymnastic tricks
cleo wears wigs which is how she changes hair so much, her real hair length is that of i heart shoes/skull shores
draculaura is super into zodiac stuff despite not knowing the difference between astronomy and astrology
this is all i can think of rn trust me there's more.
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