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more dps because i love them with every fiber of my being
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cc-tinslebee · 1 year
This has been rattling in my head since my last rewatch of DPS but fun fact! because I love subtle things!
When the Welton students are getting settled in Keating’s class for the first time, you can hear Charlie shouting “Meeks! Sit next to me!” which is hilarious considering Meeks evidently ignores him and sits in the front of the class
(Respectfully, Charlie, his eyesight is terrible, he can’t be in the back of the class, dummy <3)
Also during the part where they tear the pages from their textbook, you can also hear Charlie in the back encouraging Meeks to rip the pages :)
Gale Hansen’s out here doing the most 🙏
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
I can wait all night But that won't bring you home
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Tagging: @football1921 @jasmine06blog  @cat-or-kitten @itswhatever06 @hotfranchise
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Marty usually waits up for you on the rare nights he gets home before you do. He grabs a beer out of the fridge, pops off the cap and collapses onto the couch, the TV on in the background because he can’t stand the sound of silence.
An hour passes and then two, he flicks open his phone and calls you but it goes straight to voicemail.
“Baby,” He says as his head comes to rest on the back of the couch. “I’m just checking in, will you call me when you get this? Give me an ETA.”
He doesn’t realise he falls asleep, not until he jolts awake to the sound of the Jaws theme tune coming from the TV. His phone is still clutched in his hand, he checks for messages but there’s none. It’s been three hours since he called and still no word from you. His stomach twists because he’s starting to get that feeling, that terrible one that jingles through his nerve endings. He calls you again but it just goes straight to voice mail. He leaves another message but cuts off because he sees the flash of blue and red lights outside the window and his heart just sinks.
When he opens the door, he’s greeted by two police officers, their hands clasped in front of them respectfully.
“Detective Deeks?” Your sergeant says carefully. “There’s been an incident.”
Love Deeks? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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octaviasdread · 16 days
Dead Poets Date HC's
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modern au masterlist of meet cutes, accidental dates, and silly couple antics
Anderperry - Chased by Walt Whiskers
Deeks - Paint Twister
Chameron - Three-Legged Race
Mitts - Arcade Day
Knarlie - Fake Proposals
Chadd - The Bookstore
Noelbury - Running From the Law
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optimistictalia · 4 months
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revisited my adult anderperry and deeks designs after rewatching dps!! one day I’ll do all the boys but these guys will always be the core 4 to me, and I need a reality where they all move away together….. and have a beautiful happy life together 🫶
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inahallucination · 1 year
which dps ship has the 
character a, randomly: ok we’re dating now
character b: okay.
character b: who r u again
dynamic ?
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daveys-sister · 9 months
Meeks: I'm trash. Charlie: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you? Meeks:
Meeks: *squeak*
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cowboybuckleys · 1 year
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felix-the-third · 1 year
Meeks is a more theory person that likes learning by books and Charlie is the more hands on person that learns tons better by actually doing it
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The rain was hitting the windows like a drum, taking its anger and hatred towards the world, the wind joining in on the non existent battle, fighting against who knows what and what knows who. It was similar to the way Charlie's mind was working right now.
It was well past midnight, not a whisper or creak could be heard, except for some snores from Cameron (that sounded more like a choked animal than a human snore in Charlie's view). Under a dim, pale, yellow lamp, Charlie was scratching away his poetry.
Now one might think if the found him like this that he finally decided to be studious and get into his studies, but that one that would find him might not know him well at all. For not really anyone knows what happens in Charlie's head.
It was a love poem. A confession letter one might add. A love letter filled with compliments and wishes to he loved by the one he desires, the one his heart throbs with love and warmth everytime he walks into the room.
Back to Charlie's mind, it was a mess. One side was fighting to give his crush the poem that ofcourse he'll return his feelings, though the other was not so keen, the other fought hard against this, saying that it would be daft. What if he won't return his feelings? What if he doesn't? What if it will all go wrong!
Charlie tried calm himself down, he could do this, he could obviously do this, just creep down to the hallway and slio in the nite under the doorway, easy as that, it was fine. Totally fine. More fine than fine itself. So he got up quietly as to not wake up anyone and went out. It was gonna be fine, he kept telling himself.
Except it really wasn't. It really really wasn't, he was standing right there in the middle of the hallway!
Steven Meeks the crush himself.
Standing by the open window. He was mesmerized how the silver rays shaded his skin makeing him glow, how he himself looked like a painting in that moment.
Charlie's heart started racing, his hands, legs, shaking, he had this uncomfortable nervousness in the very pit of his stomach. He felt as if he wanted to vomit. He couldn't do it. Oh well better luck next time.
That was until he himself spotted Charlie.
"Charlie!" Meeks whispered quietly but audibly, enough for Charlie to hear clear enough, "Are you here to get a bit of fresh air too?"
Charlie cursed under his breath. Why did he come up here in the first place? Why didn't he listen to his negative and logic side for once? Well, it was too late. He let out a shaky breath and put on his signature Dalton smirk.
"So, after being cooped up in your room all night and day wasting away, you finally come out," whispered Charlie teasing Meeks as per usual. Keep it cool Charlie.
"Well, you can thank my teachers for making me pick such odd times to come out," replied back Meeks, in a teasing tone, except there was some tiredness and sadness that intertwined greatly with it all.
Charlie's smirk fell a bit, knowing how hard Meeks works, being the top in all of his subjects is not at all the slightest easy.
"You know Meeks, having a brain like that and put in every good book there is, is challenging, but Steven,"
Meeks was stunned Charlie doesn't usually say his first name, always uses his surname as a sort of nickname for him. He turns to looks at Charlie, stunned by how the bright moon radiates it's cold light all over Charlie's face, making him look younger, and more innocent.
"You should never put school before your work, alright, if you need a break just tell me, and I'll make sure you do no work during it,"
Meeks smiled softly, he loved this side of Charlie, the one that took care of his friends. The one that made sure everyone was alright. He loved this side to much. Before he could thank Charlie, his eyes wandered to, what seemed to be a letter in Charlie's hand.
Before thinking, Meeks asked, "Oh, what's that you have there?"
Charlie froze, oh God he saw it!?!? No, he had to say it now, ut was now or never, it was the perfect timing too!
"This is for you," and he handed Meeks the poem "Read it now if you want or never, I don't mind at all really," he said his voice going quiet.
Meeks without a word read instantly. Charlie was nervous. Was he just supposed to stand there? Should he move? Give him space? It was a bit awkward while Meeks read, but very soon he finished.
Meeks was blushing. Charlie had liked him back. Charlie and him liked each other, still stummed, he asked, "Is it true?"
Charlie was gonna melt. "Ofcourse it's true every last word of what I wrote and more, your are like the moon I see in the night sky, you hold me in place without you I don't know where I'd be in, you're smart and the most beautiful person I've ever met. So believe me when I say, everything I wrote and more, it's all true, I love you Steven. "
Meeks couldn't contain himself with how happy he was at Charlie's response, so without thinking to cupped both of his cheeks and kissed him. At first Charlie was surprised was soon learned into it too. It was soft yet full of emotion, longing, romance, everything into the pot.
When they broke, Charlie leaned his forehead against Meeks', and whispered final time, "I love you."
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arachidenitida · 1 year
meeks loves take photos of his friends and his favourite subject is charlie
"meeks, stop taking me photos for god sake, im trying to relax"
"but you're so photogenic, just pretend I'm not here!"
*charlie secretly loves it 😶‍🌫️*
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densiland · 11 months
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A decade. Wow. Simply unimaginable what one little personal reflection blog and a single tweet would lead to.
Remembering all the posts, replies, and experiences over the last 10 years leaves me stunned. It was a ride of forever memories and eternal appreciation. A remarkable accomplishment in TV history and a surprising chapter of my life.
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cc-tinslebee · 1 year
Charlie: So, Meeks is super attractive, and he's super smart, and he's way into me, like way more than a normal person should be. And sex! There's so much sex! The problem is the part after.
Neil: When you have to apologize for your performance.
Charlie: No. When we do pillow talk.
Todd: Oh. That's the best part. Everything before that is just foreplay.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Talk Radio: Marty Deeks x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989
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It’s early when Deeks let’s himself into the house or late depending on how you look at it. The sun is just starting to rise in the distance, the orange glow casting shadows across the floorboards before he closes the front door quietly behind him.
If he strains his ears he can hear the low sounds of talk radio emitting from the bedroom. You say that his constant dialogue has conditioned you, that the only way you can sleep when he’s not there is with the sound of a radio host constantly in your ear.
You’re completely out of it when he slips into the bedroom, tangled up in the sheets, wearing one of his shirts, face pressed into his pillow. Deek thinks it’s freaking adorable. He can’t believe he gets to come home to you every day, that he gets to love you.
He undresses quietly, peeling off each layer and leaving them in a heap on the floor because he’s too tired to do anything more than climb into bed with you. He’s been running on full steam over the past couple of days, barely been home for anything more than a quick shower before he’s back out chasing down leads.
He turns off the small battery powered radio on the nightstand, the one that used to belong to your father before he climbs in underneath the sheets. You mumble in your sleep, draping yourself over him like a weighted blanket. He wraps his arms around you, burying his face into your hair as he inhales the scent of your coconut shampoo.
Already he can feel himself starting to settle, his eyelids fluttering closed as his body starts to relax. His lips brush over your hairline as he whispers into the dark.
“Sweet dreams baby.”
Love Deeks? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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octaviasdread · 19 hours
Dead Poets Date Hc’s
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Meeks x Charlie - Paint Twister
Initially, Charlie’s looking for subtle ways to get his boyfriend away from his work desk.
Meeks is obsessive - hunched over, glassy eyed, and forgetting to eat until Charlie (lovingly) shoves the straw of protein shake between his lips.
It needs to end.
So Charlie turns to Youtube.
Sports aren’t Steven’s thing, but Charlie reckons stretching counts as exercise, and spirals into a rabbit hole of sappy couples yoga full of poses Meeks would never do.
But he needs to do something. Dinner is cold (again) by the time Steven leaves his desk.
He’s an hour late and squinting through a screen headache, but his eyes hold so much love that Charlie opens his arms wide as his boyfriend stumbles into their kitchen.
His phone, like the search, lays forgotten.
Three days pass with similar, fruitless efforts.
It’s an accident when he finds it. He’s scrolling mindlessly as his algorithm finds a game that’s dumb enough to be his idea, yet simple enough to entice his boyfriend’s too generous nature.
It’s perfect.
He hardly spends five minutes annoying pouting sweetly before Meeks abandons his work with a deep sigh.
It takes three successful poses and two spilled paint cans for that dazzling grin to displace the tense set of Steven’s shoulders. 
The arrow whirls again and again in haze of tangled limbs, laughter and rainbow paints.
But there’s one thing Charlie hasn’t counted on - how much he appreciates the sight of his handprints stamped boldly across his boyfriend’s body.
His manager might not know it, but Meeks doesn’t return to his desk until breakfast.
In Charlie’s eyes that alone is worth the clean up.
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ejzah · 11 months
One of my (many) favorite things is when the normally talkative character is quiet and everyone knows something is wrong.
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