#DWC 10
aq2003 · 7 months
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here's thirteen!! she's a fun happy gal who just wants to be nice to everybody and spread kindness wherever she goes. and here's ten, he's so fucking sad but is trying very hard to "despite the horrors i am still silly" about it
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late-to-the-fandom · 1 year
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Rumours report Prince Renathal and his former Maw Walker can currently be found in the Dragon Isles. How did they get there and what are they up to? Work in Progress! These are all my Post-Shadowlands stories of Renathal and the (former) Maw Walker starting with the introduction of her name (in A Maw Walker by Any Other Name), the original plotline story explaining how they left the Shadowlands for Azeroth (A Wend in the Shadows) and their various adventures in the Dragon Isles (And there was only one dragon!) Runs a spectrum of ratings from G to E. Read the series on Ao3 here.
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A Maw Walker By Any Other Name (Prologue)
What is the Dark Prince to call his lover now her career in Maw walking has come to an end? In which I finally get around to revealing the Maw Walker's name, so I don't have to call her that throughout the sequel. Takes place before A Wend in the Shadows proper. Rated T for implied sexual scenarios | 1,288 words
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A Wend in the Shadows
Something’s afoot in Revendreth, and the Dark Prince Renathal is determined to discover what. Is it the rumoured rebellion, the Master of the realm himself, or his mysterious mortal guest?  Click here to read the series on Ao3.
Chapter One: The Master Awaits "In spite of everything Renathal's primary senses were telling him, an ominous warning still lurked underneath. There was something indefinably wrong about how he had woken up today."
Chapter Two: The Lay of the Land "Centuries - epochs, even - of endless, unvaried routine, and suddenly the Dark Prince of Revendreth found himself up to his ragged ears in mysteries."
Chapter Three: The Endmire "But it was not what loomed above them that made Renathal’s cold skin crawl. It was what lurked below them. The unnatural chill that crept through his veins even before his booted feet touched the ground."
Chapter Four: Anima Awakening "An ache had awoken within Renathal that had nothing to do with the Endmire, an urge he had fought to keep quelled for many centuries with creditable success; and which, with three scattered encounters and hardly an effort on her part, Elisewin, the Master’s singularly sinful mortal, had brought roaring back to life."
Chapter Five: The Proper Punishment "It felt more, the Dark Prince reflected as he led the mortal into Darkwall Tower, like hosting a foreign dignitary than punishing a penitent soul."
Chapter Six: Home Improvement "Renathal was flirting with disaster. Quite literally. And as long as flirting was where he kept it, he and Elisewin would both be safe."
Chapter Seven: Formal Refreshments "Discipline bid him go no further. Renathal swept it ruthlessly aside. There was no reason not to take what he wanted now. Elisewin would soon be gone. The least they both deserved was to enjoy themselves before the end."
Chapter Eight: Safe in the Shadows "Renathal would have stormed up to the castle then and there and demanded answers of Denathrius, refused to leave until he had them, were it not for the… extenuating circumstances…"
Chapter Nine: Into the Light "Elisewin was singular, but she did not - could not - understand. That Renathal had waited steadfastly for eternity and finally had everything he wanted."
Chapter 10: Mix, Mingle, and Meddle "Renathal was determined not to let anyone or anything - even the Sire - ruin the happiness he had only begun to savour."
Chapter 11: An Invitation to Treachery "In a different, not-so-distant time in his history, Renathal might have enjoyed, perhaps even instigated, such a rebellion; the challenge of outright revolt against the creator of the realm did hold a certain contumacious appeal."
Chapter 12: Rebels on the Road “ 'Relies on a lot of risky assumptions, this plan.' 'Why, my dear,” said Renathal with lavish humour. “Since when is the Dark Prince of Revendreth’s consort afraid of a little risk?' "
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Small Bites - Drabbles from Wend in the Shadows
Time - DWC July 29 Drabble - Shameless flirting between Renathal and Elisewin. Takes place between chapters 5 and 6. Chandelier, Crimson, Chaos - Writing Prompt. Takes place between chapters 5 and 6. Acquired Taste - EXPLICIT SMUT. Takes place in the middle of chapter 8. Nightmare - Arguments, angst, and POV shift practice. Another Interruption - EXPLICIT SMUT. Takes place between chapters 9 and 10. Aftermath - Writing warmup taking place after chapter 7.
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And there was only one dragon! - Renathal & the (former) Maw Walker's Tales from the Dragon Isles
Orgrimmar - In which the Prince of Revendreth arrives in Azeroth. Ruby Lifeshrine - In which Elisewin makes a case for completing quests in geographic rather than campaign order. The Obsidian Throne - In which Renathal and Elisewin determine their loyalties. The Ohn'Ahran Plains - In which a certain centaur couple has a wedding, illuminating new possibilities for Renathal and his former Maw Walker. The Waking Shores - In which Elisewin has the more difficult time acclimating to certain customs in the Dragon Isles. Algeth'ar Academy - In which Renathal and Elisewin interact with a certain familiar sounding NPC. The Temporal Conflux - In which Renathal and Elisewin discover a mutual temptation. Iskaara - In which Renathal indulges. Vakthros - In which Elisewin is too slow, and Renathal finally has a good reason to destroy Raszageth. Valdraaken - In which Renathal and Elisewin enjoy a well-deserved break. Orgimmar, Again - In which our heroes return to Azeroth and await their next adventure.
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Sheila Hebert, 27 (USA 1984)
Sheila Elizabeth Marks Hebert was 27 years old and had a 10-year-old son. She had a well-documented history of asthma. In early June of 1984, she underwent a legal abortion at Delta Women’s Clinic in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Richardson Glidden was the abortionist. Glidden and the other Delta staff failed to monitor Sheila in recovery. Even though she hadn’t been struggling to breathe before she came to the abortion facility, she suffered from chest pain and told staff members that she couldn’t breathe. The staff failed to react properly when her condition was discovered and did nothing to help until after Sheila lost consciousness. Delta did not have adequate emergency equipment and did not call 911 for some time.
The 911 call was so delayed that by the time the ambulance got there, Sheila’s body was cold, blue and showed no signs of life even after being injected with adrenaline. Sheila was taken to a hospital and placed in the ICU at Our Lady Of The Lake Medical Center, but it was already too late. She was officially declared dead on June 6, 1984.
The coroner who performed the autopsy said that Sheila’s abortion triggered a reaction known as “acute asthmatic bronchitis”, which eventually sent her into cardiorespiratory arrest when Delta failed to act. An investigation was launched into the abortion facility.
The Delta abortion facility had a disturbing record. Despite a seemingly endless list of health and safety violations found during inspections and many malpractice cases, Delta was allowed to remain open. Had it been shut down after killing Sheila, the needless deaths of Ingar Weber and her baby could have been avoided. Instead, Delta continued to kill and mutilate.
“DA to investigate abortion death,” Baton Rough Advocate, July 11, 1984
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Louisiana Daily World, June 8, 1984
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(grave records)
(Deficiency reports, malpractice cases, client death/injuries, criminal records for DWC)
East Baton Rouge Parish District Court Case No. 289518
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sirdolraan · 2 years
DWC November 2022 Day 4: Children/Vision @daily-writing-challenge
"Incendiary shells, one box of two-hundred."
"Pistol maintenance kit, one."
"Goggles, three pair"
"And check!"
"Alright sis, that's your combat kit set, now for your personals."
Lorellai stretched her arms, rolling her shoulders and sighing. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate her brother's assistance with packing her gear for the expedition, but to credit Holden Truthhammer with an attention to detail would be greatly underselling the matter.
Holden picked up the next sheet of paper from his meticulously prepared notes."Okay, matching pairs of socks, (10)."
Lorellai looked into the second bag, and started loading. "Check."
"Heavy trousers, three pairs"
"Anti-Ugly cream, one bottle"
"... what did you say?"
The two paused, staring at one another, then heard the giggles emerging from the doorway. Her face reddening, Lorellai stalked over and threw the bedroom door open to the hallway, shouting after the retreating forms of the twins. "You'd better run you little devils!"
She turned back to see Holden going through his notes, removing no less than four sheets that had been doctored by the impish kids. "No respect for hard work, honestly. Alright, I've think I've got their doctoring out of the way."
"Alright, I'll get them later. Let's get this done, Da' wants everything ready to take down to Stormwind by dinnertime."
"Okay... rubber boots, two pairs."
"Pads, two boxes... wait, pads?... aw gross sis!"
"Oh grow -up- Holden, it's part of being a lady!"
"Yeah, the grossest part!"
"Get back to the list or I'll lump you in with those twin terrors when time comes for my revenge."
Holden grinned as only a younger brother could as Lorellai threw a towel at his head, and then started to laugh. Lorellai's angry face broke and she started laughing too.
"Aw, I'm gonna miss having you around, sis."
"Me too little brother, me too. Come on, let's finish up."
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wonwooslibrary · 1 year
wonwooslibrary has hit a milestone!
Dear Readers, Fellow Writers, Mutuals, Members of Caratblr, and anyone else who may stumble upon this, 
Wonwooslibrary has hit a milestone I never expected to reach, and I would like to celebrate it with you all, by sharing a probably-too-in-depth story: Why did I create my blog? Well, let’s begin! (I’ve been watching a bit too much of How I Met Your Mother recently lmao)
Back in about 2015, I read the first book I truly fell in love with: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. This novel is what developed my love for reading and English, later becoming something that would completely take over my life, and my future career. From becoming a member of the PJO fandom, I began venturing so far into the internet that I became a “fandom stan”...that name still haunts me. Since 2015, I have been reading and writing...and reading more and writing more. Of course, the beginning was horribly written sentences with no commas, like the word version of drawing the sun in the corner of the page. I began writing fanfiction in 2015, too. Naturally, it started with Percy Jackson, then Harry Potter, oh and of course 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction (I’ve always been more of a music-based fanfic writer!) But 2020...that year really changed it all. 
In 2020, I found something that really changed my life. Caratblr. The Seventeen and Carat side of Tumblr, an app I thought everyone except me stopped using in 2016. At this particular point in time, I honestly was just looking for a very specific gif of Junhui from Seventeen (center Jun from the DWC mv in the rooftop scene lmao). Thanks to this gif, something amazing happened: I found the wonderful creators associated with caratblr here on Tumblr. 
At this time, I was not writing on Tumblr. In fact, the account I was using is hopefully hidden in the depths of the internet, because I really never want to look at it again. Using this Tumblr, I found some of the most inspiring people (and their content). These amazing people inspired me to create what is now one of the most cherished things in my life: 
I made this blog at 8:29pm on December 23rd, 2020, EST. My first fic, a horribly written Joshua fanfic that I will NEVER read again, currently has 35 notes. I am not going to lie, I only posted that fanfic because of one thing: caratwritersclub’s open member applications. Freshly 16-year-old me was desperate to do something with the one thing I actually enjoyed doing. So, I wrote that Joshua fic. I posted it ONLY to be able to become a member of caratwritersclub. And on January 8th, 2021, I was officially a member of caratwritersclub. Here, I met these aforementioned amazing people within caratblr, and I would love to say a couple of things to them right now. 
@gallivantingheart ♡ taylor. oh my god. you are literally my best friend. i could not ask for anyone better than you. from everything we have in common: our biases, our favorite colors, our sun, moon and rising signs, our love for miraculous and stationary. i love having a friend that is on the complete other side of the word (rip 14/15 hour time differences) but still loves to talk and yell about every small detail in our lives, whether it is a bit too personal or not. you have been such an inspiration to me, and i love you so damn much. i am proud of you for everything you have done. ps. i miss your cats xx they’re cute. 
@seokmingiggles ♡ lannie!!!!! i don’t even know where to begin. you’ve been here since the VERY beginning and i just. i could sob. we have so many inside jokes and fun memories (like samanter, the popcorn-eating cat emote, the like. 10 hour discord call with ven, or even lawn). the fact that you read Baby, I’ll Be Right There, all the way through, like 4 times??? insane. i am extremely proud of you for everything you have done recently. even though i might not say it a lot, i love you and you’re still one of my best friends, even if we don’t talk nearly as much as we used to. everytime i see seokmin or hobi, i still think of you. even forks make me think of you sometimes (rip fork mf). please, feel free to reach out at any time, and i cannot wait for our next conversation (ps. #lisslansam)
@sansang ♡ liiiiissssaaaaaa <3 I cannot believe how much we have grown!! i know we haven’t talked in literally forever but...you were my first friend not only in cwc, but also on caratblr in general. i owe so much to you. you’ve believed in me and cheered me on so much, i don’t even know where to begin with making you feel as encouraged as you have made me. i love you, and i am so proud of you, especially for making important decisions like deciding to make gifs instead of writing, and i know that you are going to be amazing. the future would not be the same without you in it, and i hope we can talk more :D ps. every time i see jihoon or san, or anything abt swimming, i think of you <3 oh and also wav by ateez :3 it’s still your brand in my heart <333 (also #lisslansam)
There are, of course, a couple others who I am not close to/am not close to anymore who definitely need a huge thank you for everything: ven @heartshxkr ; alexis @woozisnoots ; eun @bermudas ; jo @ahloveisboo ; vic @svtskneecaps ; fel @minghaofilm ; meraki @merakiiverse ...I have no idea what I would do without you all! 
These wonderful people, as well as other readers and creators on this hellsite have made me want to continue my writing journey here. My biggest accomplishment so far, has been the LONG process of writing, rereading, and editing my Jihoon/Woozi fic, Baby, I’ll Be Right There. This fic is almost 11,000 words long. It took me three days to write, and with the help of Lannie (@seokmingiggles), six and a half months to edit. Lannie reread this fic and helped me edit SO MUCH, that this fic is just as much hers and it is mine. (Lannie, if you’re still reading this, I’m a bit too emotional lol I’m tearing up :EUWAH:). It currently has !! 197 !! notes. Writing BIBRT has made me realize that I love writing. No, it’s not what I’m doing as a career (I’m an education student lol), but I want to keep this blog around for as long as possible. 
And with wonwooslibrary, I want to encourage all those writers who are just as young as I was reading fanfics on Wattpad. I repeatedly posted and deleted fics because I thought they weren’t good enough, but here is some advice for you: you write for you. You should write because you enjoy it, not because people make you feel like you have to. Write what you enjoy, what tropes you like. Don't let people tell you what to write, that’s what takes the fun away from it. 
To end this unreasonably long, sappy, over-emotional post, 
Thank you to EVERYONE who has supported me this far. I am excited to take my writing blog to the next steps and continue writing and making friends with the wonderful people in caratblr. 
And for the actual milestone: HAPPY TWO YEARS TO WONWOOSLIBRARY!!! 
Thank you, once again, for everything, lovely readers, fellow writers, mutuals and patrons of caratblr. Thank you. 
Your friendly neighborhood huihui, Samantha Jayn (wonwooslibrary)
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mintibunny · 1 year
Writer's Game: First Sentences
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Tagged by @autumnslance ♥️
Tagging: @circle-woman, @ranekvilmas, @trixcuomo, @darbiebot, and @bread-elf.
This is going to take some digging, but let me see what I got. And thank you for the tag! It's nice to see people reading my offerings.
I could've sworn there was another Suzaku writing in my blog, but I can't find it. I'll give you a cookie if you can dig it up for me!
Edit: FOUND IT! On Sabbac's blog. Unfortunately, it was posted in September, so it doesn't count for this meme. :\
"Lost Things," posted 3/8/23. A short about Suzaku and the WoL.
"There were no feathers on the windowsill today. Same as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before."
2. "Untitled," posted 2/24/23. A letter from the esteemed Lady Frangelica Treleaux to Lord Edmont Fortemps. I tend to make these things very formal.
"From the desk of Lady Frangelica Treleaux."
3. "And Now We Say Good-Night," posted 11/17/22. Zoissette gets time with her Scion.
"I don't know what to tell you, other than that she's been lying on the fainting couch for hours, not really moving."
4. "DWC, Day 7 - Endless," posted 11/26/22. Zeragosa the dragon takes to new skies, and Sabbac the troll gets her happily ever after.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for the portal to Dalaran."
5. "DWC, Day 6 - Unnatural," posted 11/25/22. Caramelle the Lightforged entertains at the Darkmoon Faire.
"Gather round, children of all ages! Come close. I promise I don't bite."
6. "DWC, Day 5 - Lush," posted 11/24/22. Dakora the Tauren writes about Pilgrim's Bounty in a haiku
"This day is for thanks"
7. "DWC, Day 4 - Children," posted 11/23/22. Belle "Anne" Fairweather continues a cycle of familial violence.
"Through heavy rains and lingering clouds of blight, Belle Anne flew, her raven form giving her the speed she needed tonight."
8. "DWC, Day 3 - Mortality," posted 11/22/22. Satoyo Ironpaw, an aging Pandaren, gives a tavern speech.
"Friends! Friends, family. How wonderful it is that we are gathered here at one of the finest eating establishments in all of Pandaria – no, the whole of Azeroth!"
9. "DWC, Day 2 - Orbit," posted 11/21/22. Goblin engineering at their finest. I don't have a good summary for this writing.
"Field Notes! Official! For Grunilda Torchlite (with an e, babe, that’s how I fucking roll)."
10. "DWC, Day 1 - Neglect," posted 11/20/22. This was the first writing where I was ending Sabbac's story.
"Sabbac, was, at this moment, surrounded by dark tan boxes in her Silvermoon studio apartment."
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theanticool · 1 year
Rodolfo “Trator” Bellato vs Marcos Matos - Future FC 10
While his bid on the DWCS ended in him getting finished, 27 year old Rodolfo “Trator” Bellato (9-2) is probably on his way to a big organization soon. Such is the nature of 205 and Trator is an entertaining fighter who basically never goes to decision.
Trator will be fighting for the vacant LFA Light Heavyweight title this Saturday (May 27) in the co-main event of LFA 159. He’ll face off with Acácio dos Santos (15-5).
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fallingtohim · 2 years
Akhir Juni 2022, mentor nonfiksi 30 DWC Rezky Firmansyah lewat status WhatsApp nya bertanya; momen apa yang paling membuat kamu bersyukur?
Rasanya ingin berteriak lantang "Free Financial Issue". Tapi belum bisa, karena sejujurnya saya belum sepenuhnya berada di fase itu. Masih ada beberapa kewajiban yang harus diselesaikan. Lalu saya menjawab dengan hal lain.
Mau jawab ah, momen yang paling buat bersyukur pas bisa gunting 3 credit card tahun lalu, dan dapet surat pelunasan KTA (Kredit Tanpa Agunan) tahun ini. Bismillah konteksnya bukan pamer, tapi bisa terbebas dari hutang, bener2 buat bersyukur banget.
Begitulah kira-kira pesan yang saya kirim lewat whatsapp.
Banyak orang bersorak bahagia ketika pengajuan kartu kreditnya disetujui. Limit lima juta, sepuluh juta, dua puluh juta bahkan lebih. Seolah rejeki nomplok yang datang dari langit. Komitmen awalnya, hanya akan memakai jika membutuhkan. Lalu berujung terus dan terus sampai pada batas limit akhir yang tersedia. Apalagi saat ini banyak layanan gesek tunai dengan bunga yang lebih ringan.
Tagihan menumpuk, endingnya, setiap bulan hanya mampu membayar minimal payment 10% dari seluruh total tagihan. Begitu seterusnya. Bulan demi bulan, tahun demi tahun.
Aku melihayt beberapa anak muda, dengan bangga pamer limit kepada kolega dan rekan kerja. Gesek sana sini dengan dalih dapet discount tambahan belanja di merchant MAP, restaurant, dan travelling...! Oh no, sungguh hidup yang hedonist dan berjiwa sosialita.
Well, sedikit memalukan. I've been on that phase, indeed it was not easy to survive. Ketika sudah terjatuh barulah ingat akan ajaran islam tentang betapa kejamnya RIBA. Aku perlu waktu tiga tahun untuk benar-benar lepas dari jeratan hutang yang membuat sulit untuk bernapas. Lepas apapun alasan dibalik penggunaan dana, tetap tak akan berkah jika menggunakan uang RIBA.
Itu kenapa, saat aku berhasil menggunting 3 kartu kredit tahun lalu dan pelunasan KTA tahun ini adalah momen yang paling aku syukuri. Rasanya, ini adalah kebebasan yang aku tunggu-tunggu. Bebas bernapas dan tidur tanpa rasa khawatir.
Tentang Riba. Saat ini Teknologi berkembang sangat pesat. Segala proses pinjam meminjam jauh lebih mudah. Aplikasi online menawarkan option pay later dengan iming-iming keuntungan menggiurkan apabila berhasil mengajak orang lain untuk gabung. Banyak orang terperdaya.
Temanku, dalam waktu tiga bulan terjerat hutang sebesar tiga ratus dua puluh juta. Berawal dari mengenal pinjaman online di sebuah applikasi. Hanya dengan mengisi identitas seperti KTP, KK, Slip Gaji, serta foto selfie. Walla... lima menit kemudian pinjaman masuk ke dalam rekening.
Katakan pinjaman dua juta rupiah. Dana yang masuk ke dalam rekening adalah satu juta tujuh ratus ribu rupiah. Sementara tenor dua minggu pengembalian, nominalnya adalah dua juta tiga ratus rupiah. Hitunglah, dalam waktu dua minggu bunga yang kita bayarkan sebesar lima ratus ribu rupiah.
Siapa yang mampu bertahan? Apalagi jika hidup hanya mengandalkan upah tidak tetap, yang untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari aja sulit. Saat gagal bayar meski baru satu hari, depcol sudah menyebar foto kita ke semua contact handphone. Mulai dari kalimat untuk bantu mengingatkan, dampai berujung pada kata "DICARI MALING".
Sehingga pilihannya adalah menutup riba dengan riba yang lain. Hutang menggunung, tak ada lubang yang bisa digali lagi. Nama baik hancur berkeping. Di sanalah kebebasan untuk hidup pun sirna. Semua seakan berat. Belum lagi stigma masyarakat, teman, kerabat yang cenderung menghakimi.
Temanku, memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hidupnya dengan cara gantung diri. Meninggalkan kedua anaknya. Temanku yang lain, dikeluarkan dari perusahaan dengan tidak hormat.
Tragis memang, tapi ayo kita belajar.
The Value of Freedom tidak lagi bercerita tentang perang melawan penjajah atau sikap kita melawan kapitalisme. Jangan berpikir jauh kesana deh sebelum kita bisa memaknai value kebebasan untuk diri kita sendiri. Kita loh kita, coba tunjuk diri sendiri.
Saya menulis ini untuk reminder kediri saya, bagus jika orang lain bisa mememetik.
Jika belum pernah ada di fase ini, jangan memulai. JANGAN PERNAH. Catat dalam memory pakai huruf besar bertinta merah. Hidup tanpa hutang adalah KEBEBASAN.
Jika saat ini tengah berjuang untuk bebas. Jangn putus asa, terus berusaha untuk keluar, ikhtiar dan doa. Ada kalimat yang di ucapkan oleh ustadz Adi Hidayat di salah satu ceramah.
"Manusia kadang lupa, fokusnya adalah minta dikasih jalan untuk bayar hutang, dapet uang dari pinjaman. Uang... Uang... Uang... Kita lupa, yang paling penting, tobat dulu... Minta ampun sebanyak-banyaknya sama Allah."
Taubat nasuha, penyesalan, dan minta ampunan. Dari sanalah Allah akan membuka pintu rejeki dari pintu yang tak disangka-sangka. Mudah kok bagi Allah untuk membebaskan kita dari jeratan Riba. Asal kita fokus taubat, perbaiki diri, dan usaha.
Untuk yang sudah terbebas, hutangnya sudah lunas. Yok, jangan masuk lagi ke lobang yang sama. Saya berdoa, siapapun yang baca tulisan ini, dilancarkan rejekinya oleh Allah SWT.
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10 Times the Royal Family Has Been in Doctor Who
10 Times the Royal Family Has Been in #DoctorWho #PlatinumJubilee
It’s Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee weekend! Reigning over the commonwealth for 70 years is an historic achievement, and the DWC is in a suitably celebratory mood. So whether you’ve put up the bunting and are attending a street party, watching EastEnders and going “wait, was that Prince Charles and Camilla?!”, or trying to ignore the whole thing, there’s one thing that unites us all here:…
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lokaleblickecom · 4 days
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opcaoturismo · 1 month
Dubai vai construir novo aeroporto para movimentar até 260 milhões de passageiros por ano
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29ABR24 - O sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, atual governante de Dubai, anunciou recentemente que seu governo aprovou os projetos finais para um novo aeroporto de passageiros, o Aeroporto Dubai World Central (DWC), localizado a 40 quilómetros a sudoeste do centro de Dubai. Num próximo futuro, será a base da Emirates Airline, com capacidade para movimentar até 260 milhões de passageiros anualmente. Os novos terminais de passageiros no Aeroporto Dubai World Central terão 400 portas de embarque que custarão algo como mais de 34,87 bilhões de dólares americanos. Também conhecido como Aeroporto Internacional Al Maktoum, o local foi inaugurado em 2010 como um aeroporto de carga e, apenas em 2013 recebeu um número limitado de voos de passageiros começando então a operar como um pequeno terminal de passageiros. O sheikh Mohammed não estabeleceu um cronograma exato para a conclusão dos novos terminais de passageiros. Apenas afirmou que as operações seriam transferidas para o Aeroporto Dubai World Central nos próximos 10 anos, com uma capacidade inicial de 150 milhões de passageiros por ano. O projeto envolverá a construção de cinco novos terminais de passageiros, que serão constituídos pelo edifício principal do terminal, que inclui a entrada principal de check-in e os portões de embarque, ligados a quatro terminais satélites menores, conectados por um transporte de pessoas automatizado e ininterrupto. Com cinco vezes o tamanho do Aeroporto Internacional de Dubai, o novo terminal permitirá uma expansão massiva das operações da Emirates. O aeródromo também aumentará a capacidade da Emirates, mais que duplicando o número de pistas de duas para cinco pistas paralelas no Aeroporto Dubai World Central com operação independente quádrupla. Read the full article
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wethinkwedream · 3 months
Introduction When it comes to hydroponics, there are endless possibilities for taking your system to the next level. Building an advanced hydroponic system not only allows for greater control over plant growth, but also opens up opportunities for automation and efficiency. In this blog, I will guide you through the 7 steps to building an advanced hydroponic system. From choosing the right system type to troubleshooting and maintenance, we will cover everything you need to know to elevate your hydroponics game. Let's dive in and explore the world of advanced hydroponic systems together. [1][2] Benefits of advanced hydroponic systems People practicing hydroponics, standing in rows of lettuce in a greenhouse. Advanced hydroponic systems offer several benefits for growers. Firstly, these systems allow for precise control over the growing environment, including temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels. This results in optimal plant growth and production. Secondly, advanced systems can be automated, reducing the need for manual labor and increasing efficiency. Additionally, hydroponics eliminates the need for soil, reducing the risk of soil-borne diseases and pests. Lastly, advanced hydroponic systems use less water compared to traditional farming methods, making them more environmentally friendly. Overall, these systems provide a more controlled, efficient, and sustainable approach to growing plants. [3][4] Overview of the 7 steps to build an advanced hydroponic system A group of people learning about hydroponics as they walk through a greenhouse. In this guide, I will walk you through the 7 steps to building your own advanced hydroponic system. These steps include choosing the right system type, designing the layout and structure, selecting the appropriate grow media, choosing the proper nutrient solution, setting up the equipment and automation, maintaining and troubleshooting the system, and finally, reaping the benefits of your advanced hydroponic system. Let's get started and take your hydroponics to the next level! [5][6] Step I: Choosing the Right System Type A group of people in a greenhouse practicing hydroponics, observing lettuce plants. When it comes to choosing the right system type for your advanced hydroponic system, there are a few factors to consider. First, think about the amount of space you have available and the type of plants you want to grow. Consider your budget and the level of automation you desire. Some popular system types include deep water culture, nutrient film technique, and aeroponics. Take your time to research and select the system type that best suits your needs and preferences. [7][8] Comparison of different types of advanced hydroponic systems A group of people exploring hydroponic lettuce in a greenhouse. When it comes to choosing the right system for your advanced hydroponic setup, there are a few options to consider. Deep water culture (DWC) is a popular choice, where plants are suspended in nutrient-rich water. Nutrient film technique (NFT) involves a continuous flow of nutrient solution over the roots of the plants. Aeroponics takes it a step further by misting the roots with a nutrient solution. Each system has its advantages and it's important to choose one that aligns with your goals and resources. [9][10] Factors to consider when selecting a system type People standing in rows of hydroponic lettuce in a greenhouse. When selecting a system type for your advanced hydroponic setup, there are a few important factors to consider. Firstly, think about the amount of space you have available and whether the system will fit comfortably. Secondly, consider the types of crops you plan on growing and their specific needs. Different systems may be better suited for certain crops. Lastly, take into account your budget and resources, as some systems may require more investment than others. By considering these factors, you can choose a system type that works best for your needs.
[11][12] Step II: Designing the Layout and Structure People standing in a hydroponics greenhouse with lettuce plants. When designing the layout and structure of your advanced hydroponic system, it's crucial to think about efficiency and space optimization. Plan out the arrangement of your grow beds, nutrient reservoirs, and irrigation system to ensure easy access and proper flow of water and nutrients. Consider factors such as the size of your space, the number of plants you want to grow, and the types of crops you'll be cultivating. A well-planned layout and structure will contribute to the success and productivity of your hydroponic system. [13][14] Importance of a well-planned layout and structure in an advanced hydroponic system A group of people walking through a hydroponics greenhouse. In my experience with advanced hydroponic systems, I have learned that a well-planned layout and structure are of utmost importance. A thoughtfully designed layout ensures efficient use of space and easy access to all components of the system. It also allows for proper flow of water and nutrients, promoting healthy plant growth. Additionally, a well-structured system minimizes the risk of clogs or leaks, maximizing the overall effectiveness and productivity. So, take your time to carefully plan the layout and structure of your advanced hydroponic system to set a solid foundation for success. [15][16] Considerations for optimizing space and efficiency People standing in rows of hydroponic plants in a greenhouse. When designing the layout and structure of your advanced hydroponic system, there are several considerations to ensure optimal use of space and efficiency. First, make sure to plan for proper spacing between plants to avoid overcrowding. This will allow each plant to receive adequate light, nutrients, and air circulation. Additionally, consider using vertical systems, such as trellises or A-frames, to maximize the use of vertical space. Implementing efficient irrigation systems, such as drip irrigation or ebb and flow systems, can also help minimize water and nutrient waste. Finally, regularly monitor and adjust the system to ensure it is operating at its most efficient level. By considering these factors, you can optimize the space and efficiency of your advanced hydroponic system. [17][18] Step III: Selecting the Right Grow Media When it comes to selecting the right grow media for your advanced hydroponic system, there are various options to choose from such as coco coir, rockwool, perlite, and clay pebbles. It is important to consider factors such as water retention, aeration, pH stability, and nutrient absorption when choosing the appropriate grow media for different crops. Take into account the specific needs of your plants and select the grow media that will provide optimal support for their growth and development. [19][20] Various types of grow media for advanced hydroponic systems A group of people engaged in hydroponics in a greenhouse, carefully observing and studying plants. There are several types of grow media that are commonly used in advanced hydroponic systems. Some popular options include coco coir, rockwool, perlite, and clay pebbles. Each type of grow media has its own unique qualities and benefits. For example, coco coir is known for its excellent water retention and nutrient absorption properties, while clay pebbles provide good aeration and drainage. It is important to choose the right grow media based on the specific needs of your plants and the characteristics of your system. [21][22] Factors to consider when choosing the appropriate grow media for different crops A group of people walking through a hydroponics greenhouse. When selecting the right grow media for different crops, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, consider the water retention and drainage properties of the grow media. Some crops may require a grow media that retains more water, while others may prefer a faster draining medium.
Additionally, consider the pH and nutrient retention capacity of the grow media to ensure it can adequately support the nutritional needs of the specific crop. Lastly, consider the compatibility and suitability of the grow media with the specific hydroponic system being used. [23][24] Step IV: Choosing the Proper Nutrient Solution A group of people walking through a hydroponic greenhouse full of lettuce. Choosing the proper nutrient solution is crucial for the success of your advanced hydroponic system. It is important to understand the specific nutrient needs of your plants and select a solution that provides the necessary elements in the right proportions. Consider factors such as the stage of growth, pH levels, and nutrient uptake of the plants. Conduct regular water and nutrient testing to ensure optimal nutrient levels and adjust the solution as needed. This will help promote healthy plant growth and maximize your yield. [25][26] Understanding the importance of nutrient solutions in advanced hydroponics In advanced hydroponics, nutrient solutions play a crucial role in providing essential elements for plant growth. These solutions contain a carefully balanced combination of macronutrients and micronutrients that are necessary for plants to thrive. Having the right nutrient solution ensures that plants receive the nutrients they need in the correct proportions. This promotes healthy growth and maximizes yield potential. Regular monitoring and adjustment of nutrient solutions are important for maintaining optimal nutrient levels and preventing nutrient deficiencies or toxicities. [27][28] Factors to consider when selecting the right nutrient solution for optimal plant growth A group of people in a greenhouse practicing hydroponics and looking at lettuce plants. When selecting a nutrient solution for optimal plant growth in advanced hydroponics, several factors need to be considered. Firstly, it is important to choose a solution that contains a well-balanced combination of macronutrients and micronutrients to meet the specific nutritional needs of the plants. Additionally, the pH level of the solution should be appropriate for the plants being grown. It is also crucial to choose a solution that is compatible with the chosen hydroponic system and the specific crop being cultivated. Regular monitoring of nutrient levels and adjustments should be done to ensure the plants receive the correct nutrients in the right concentrations. [29][30] Step V: Setting up the Equipment and Automation Setting up the equipment and automation is a crucial step in building an advanced hydroponic system. Firstly, gather all the necessary equipment like pumps, timers, sensors, and meters. Carefully install and connect them according to the manufacturer's instructions. Ensure proper calibration of sensors and setting up timers for nutrient delivery and lighting schedules. It is also important to regularly check and maintain the equipment to ensure optimal performance. With proper installation and operation of the equipment, you can automate many processes, making your hydroponic system more efficient and convenient. [31][32] Overview of the essential equipment and automation options for advanced hydroponics When it comes to setting up an advanced hydroponic system, there are several essential pieces of equipment that you will need. These include pumps, timers, sensors, and meters. Installing and connecting them properly is crucial for optimal performance. Additionally, automation plays a significant role in advanced hydroponics, allowing you to automate processes such as nutrient delivery and lighting schedules. With the right equipment and automation options, you can make your hydroponic system more efficient and convenient to manage. [33][34] Introduction: Enhancing Your Hydroponic Garden Hydroponics offers a fascinating world of gardening devoid of traditional soil, an enticing opportunity for growers to harness control over their plant's environment to an astonishing degree.
The journey toward constructing an advanced hydroponic system is laden with choices that influence plant vitality, growth rates, and overall yield. This guide illuminates a 7-step pathway to constructing an advanced system that effectively marries the intricacies of plant biology with innovative agricultural technology. From choosing the right system and grow media to optimizing nutrient solutions and troubleshooting, every step is a stride towards achieving a sophisticated and efficient hydroponic setup that can redefine one’s agricultural experience. Benefits of Advanced Hydroponic Systems Precise control over growth environment Potential for automation and reduced labor No soil needed, hence fewer soil-borne diseases Water efficiency Sustainable plant cultivation approach Overview of the 7 Steps to Build an Advanced Hydroponic System Selecting the Right System Type Deep Water Culture (DWC) Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) Aeroponics Designing the Layout and Structure Efficient use of space, proper flow of water and nutrients Selecting the Right Grow Media Coco coir, rockwool, perlite, clay pebbles Choosing the Proper Nutrient Solution Balanced macronutrients and micronutrients for optimal growth Setting up the Equipment and Automation Pumps, timers, sensors, meters, and more for an efficient system Maintaining and Troubleshooting the System Regular maintenance and efficient problem-solving Reaping the Benefits Enjoying the fruits of labor from an advanced hydroponic system The steps highlight the importance of refined decisions and considerations critical to the efficacy of the system. These range from space allocation, crop compatibility, and budget constraints to the necessary technical complexity that aligns with one’s aspiration for the hydroponic venture. Comparison of Different Types of Advanced Hydroponic Systems System TypeFeaturesAdvantagesDeep Water Culture (DWC)Plants suspended in nutrient-rich waterSimple, effective for rapid growthNutrient Film Technique (NFT)Continuous flow of nutrient solutionEfficient nutrient delivery, high oxygenationAeroponicsMisting of roots with nutrient solutionHighest oxygenation, efficient use of water and nutrientsTake Your Hydroponics to the Next Level: Building an Advanced System in 7 Steps Each system has its merits and is conducive to particular crop types and grower preferences, guaranteeing that there is a method befitting every hydroponic enthusiast’s objectives and constraints. In conclusion, advanced hydroponic systems present numerous advantages and adopting this sophisticated approach can markedly enhance the productivity and sustainability of one’s gardening endeavors. With the benefits and structured steps outlined, individuals are equipped to elevate their hydroponic systems, a rewarding endeavor of precision farming.
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cavenewstimes · 8 months
DWCS Season 7, Week 10 results: 5 win contracts, record 46 win UFC deals at season’s end
5 made UFC agreements in the last edition of Dana White‘s Contender Series Season 7, and the season broke a brand-new record for octagon handle 46. The previous record was 43, the broadcast revealed at the close of the Tuesday night occasion at UFC APEX in Las Vegas. With the finalizings of winners Lucas Rocha, Marquel MederosConnor Matthews, Andre Lima and Ramon Taverasthat record fell. Just one…
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cagesidepress · 8 months
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Ramon Taveras Wins UFC Deal on DWCS 66, Dana White Announces Rematch with Serhiy Sidey
Read the full story on cagesidepress.com
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dianyunipratiwi · 9 months
Filosofi Dibalik Judul Menanti Pagi dan Arti Nama Para Tokoh Utama
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Salah satu alasan memilih tumblr sebagai platform menulis tantangan 30 DWC karena tidak banyak orang yang aku kenal mengakses tumblr, bahkan mungkin hampir tidak ada yang akan membaca tumblr aku. Pada umumnya mereka berselancar di instagram ataupun tiktok. Sementara tumblr sudah banyak ditinggalkan oleh orang-orang, bahkan para artis tumblr di masa lalu pun sudah tidak aktif lagi. Jadi aku merasa lebih aman untuk menulis secara jujur tanpa khawatir dihakimi.
Kali ini, aku ingin bercerita tentang filosofi dibalik pemilihan judul novel pertamaku ‘Menanti Pagi’ dan arti nama para tokohnya. Novel pertama aku ini sebenarnya secara garis besar, sekitar 80% mungkin adalah kisahku sendiri. Hanya memang didramatisir sedemikian rupa agar lebih hidup. Jadi kejadian yang ada di novel tetap fiksi. Hanya ide ceritanya saja yang berasal dari kisahku.
Jadi dulu, setelah lulus kuliah sampai bertahun-tahun lamanya, aku berada di titik terendah dalam hidup. Banyak sekali kegagalan yang aku alami di berbagai bidang kehidupan sehingga memunculkan banyak kekhawatiran tentang masa depan. Salah satunya tentang pasangan hidup. Saat itu, pada umumnya, orang-orang yang seumuran sudah pada sukses dari tolok ukur manusia. Mereka sudah punya pekerjaan yang mapan, punya pasangan hidup, punya anak-anak yang lucu, sementara aku belum punya semua itu. Di satu sisi, adikku yang umurnya 10 tahun lebih muda akan segera menikah. Jadi masa-masa itu aku anggap sebagai masa kegelapan.
Selayaknya manusia pasti tidak ingin terus menerus berada dalam kegelapan kan? Ingin juga mengalami terang dalam hidupnya. Oleh karena itu, novelnya diberi judul ‘Menanti Pagi’, kisah seseorang yang menanti sembari berjuang untuk merasakan cahaya pagi. Pagi di novel ini dianalogikan sebagai jodoh. Walaupun kenyataannya penyebab kegelapannya bukan hanya perihal romansa, tapi karena ini novel bergenre romansa islami, jadi ‘pagi’ dianalogikan sebagai jodoh.
Dari menentukan judul, tentu hal yang tidak kalah pentingnya lagi adalah tentang nama dan karakter tokoh. Nama tokoh perempuannya adalah Alifia Inara. Alifia artinya lembut atau ramah, sedangkan Inara artinya berkharisma dan pintar. Jadi kalau digabungkan Alifia Inara artinya perempuan yang lembut, berkharisma dan pintar. Mengapa memilih nama ini? Alasannya karena kata orang apa yang kita tulis itu bisa menjadi doa. Seperti yang aku bilang bahwa tema besar novel adalah kisahku, jadi aku berharap bisa menjadi sosok seperti arti nama Alifia Inara. Kalau dilihat dari kenyataan, karakter lembut dan pintar sudah ada (haha narsis sedikit). Namun, karakter berkharisma itu sangat-sangat bukan aku. Jadi nama itu dipilih agar memotivasi sekaligus doa untuk bisa menjadi berkharisma dan anggun.
Lalu, nama tokoh laki-lakinya adalah Arka Rafqi Al Subhi. Arka artinya Matahari. Rafqi artinya lembut. Al Subhi artinya subuh atau pagi. Jadi kalau digabung Arka Rafqi Al Subhi adalah matahari pagi yang bersinar lembut. Mengapa memilih nama itu? Sesuai judul novel yaitu menanti pagi, jadi aku mencari nama tokoh laki-lakinya yang berarti pagi yang selalu identik dengan terbitnya matahari. Jadilah aku memilih Arka dan Al Subhi. Matahari buatku juga melambangkan kepemimpinan yang gagah dan tegas. Namun karena matahari pagi, sinar kepemimpinannya terasa hangat dan tidak terik. Lalu, mengapa memilih Rafqi? Alasan yang sama dengan pemilihan Alifia Inara. Apa yang ditulis itu bisa menjadi doa. Nama itu aku pilih sebagai bentuk doa. Jadi kalau suatu hari nanti Allah menganugrahi aku pasangan hidup, aku berharap dia seperti sosok Arka Rafqi Al Subhi yang bisa memimpin dengan tegas tapi lembut dan bijaksana.
Itulah filosofi dibalik pemilihan judul dan nama tokoh Novel Menanti Pagi. Nah, jadi kalau kalian pecinta novel, janganlah hanya larut dalam ceritanya! Cobalah lihat sedetail mungkin dari pemilihan judul, nama tokoh, latar belakang tempat dan lain sebagainya! Karena bisa jadi ada filosofi dibalik itu semua yang akan semakin membuat bermakna dan indah sebuah cerita.
Setelah ini, aku ada rencana menulis buku prosa yang judulnya adalah ‘Menuju Pagi’. Ada yang bisa menebak filosofi dibalik judul ‘Menuju Pagi?’
Mungkin sebagian besar akan menebak bahwa menuju pagi artinya sosok tokoh akan bertemu paginya yang dianalogikan sebagai jodoh. Namun itu salah. Setelah aku mengalami berbagai hal dan juga mengamati sekitar, rasanya sungguh tidak bijaksana kalau cahaya pagi itu hanya dianalogikan sebagai jodoh atau hal-hal yang bersifat materi dan keduniaan lainnya. Karena kalau seperti itu, maka kita akan selalu merasa gelap ketika hal-hal yang diinginkan belum kita dapat. Padahal yang namanya manusia kan selalu punya keinginan dunia. Nanti setelah mendapat jodoh, pasti ingin punya anak. Setelah ada anak satu, ingin satu lagi. Setelah ada anak, ingin punya mobil. Setelah punya mobil, nanti ingin punya rumah. Kalau seperti itu, kita akan merasa gelap terus dong karena keinginan tidak akan pernah habis.
Jadi ‘Menuju Pagi’ di sini bermakna menuju ketenangan diri, menuju keikhlasan, menuju keridaan atas semua takdir yang Allah beri. Menuju diri yang mampu menganggap apa pun yang Allah takdirkan dalam hidup adalah anugrah sehingga mampu bersyukur dengan sebenar-benarnya.
Aku berpikir, jika kita mampu memiliki perasaan seperti itu, maka apa pun yang terjadi, kita tidak akan pernah merasa gelap. Apa pun yang terjadi, kita akan tetap mampu merasakan adanya cahaya dalam hidup kita. Itulah arti ‘Pagi’ dari judul buku ‘Menuju Pagi’ yang draftnya masih ada dalam angan.
Doakan buku itu bisa selesai ditulis dan diterbitkan, lalu yang terpenting, aku dan mungkin kalian yang membaca bisa menjadi diri yang seperti ‘pagi’.
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indiatodubai · 9 months
Dubai Visa for Green Card Holders
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Dubai offers a modern, multicultural gateway to the Middle East that continues to grow in popularity with American travellers. If you hold a green card granting permanent US residence, you may be wondering if you need a visa to visit the United Arab Emirates. In this guide, we will share all information you need to know about Dubai visa for Green Card holders.
Can Green Card holders get Dubai visa easily?
The good news is that green card holders can easily get a Dubai visa online or on arrival. You enjoy the same Dubai visa eligibility as US citizens. Just be sure to check your passport meets all the requirements.
Check Your Passport Validity
Before applying for a Dubai visa, the first step is ensuring your passport meets these validity rules:
Must be valid for a minimum of 6 months from your date of arrival
Should have at least two blank pages for visa stamps
If your passport expires within 6 months or needs more pages, renew it now. Otherwise, you can face problems at Dubai immigration.
Dubai Visa Options for Green Card Holders
With a valid green card and passport, you can pick between these hassle-free Dubai visa options:
Visa on Arrival
Available at Dubai International Airport (DXB) or Dubai World Central (DWC)
Issued for 30 days, extendable for another 30 days
Costs 100 AED (approx. $27 USD)
Paid by cash in dirhams or credit card (MasterCard, Visa)
Dubai eVisa
Apply Dubai visa online in advance at www.ednrd.ae
Issued for 30 days, flexible with 90 days validity
Costs $100 USD, paid by credit card (MasterCard, Visa)
Fast processing time of 24-72 hours
Both the visa on arrival and Dubai eVisa allow 30 days in the UAE, which suffices for most leisure trips. The Dubai eVisa gives you more convenience and flexibility. But the visa on arrival spares having to apply in advance if you have limited time.
No Transit Visa Needed
Unlike some Middle Eastern countries, you do not need a separate transit visa when passing through Dubai International Airport. Just your existing passport and green card are required.
On both arrival and departure, you’ll pass immigration control where they will scan your iris/fingerprints. Standard procedure for the UAE.
How to Get a Dubai eVisa as a Green Card Holder
Applying online for a Dubai eVisa only takes 10-15 minutes. Just have digital copies of your green card, passport, and passport photo ready to upload.
Go to www.ednrd.ae
Create an account
Select Dubai for 30 days as your visa type
Complete the online forms with your details
Upload soft copies of your green card, passport, and photo
Pay the $100 USD fee by credit card
Submit your Dubai eVisa application
After submitting, you'll receive an email within 24-72 hours approving your Dubai eVisa. No need to send your passport or documents by mail. The entire process is digital.
Print your approved Dubai eVisa PDF document. Bring the printed visa, your green card, and passport when traveling to Dubai. On arrival, proceed directly through immigration by presenting these three documents.
Quick Tips for First-Time Visitors
If it's your first visit to Dubai, keep these tips in mind:
Dress modestly in public places. Shoulders and knees should be covered.
Drink alcohol only in licensed venues like hotels, not in public areas.
Get a local SIM card for cheap data plans and internet access.
Use ride hailing apps like Uber, Careem to get around. Taxis are affordable too.
Most malls and public places have free high-speed WiFi.
The metro provides an easy, inexpensive way to travel across Dubai.
What type of visa do I need for Dubai as a green card holder?
As a green card holder, you can get either a 30-day visa on arrival when you land in Dubai or apply for a 30-day Dubai eVisa online in advance. Both options are easy and convenient.
How long is the Dubai visa valid for?
Both the visa on arrival and Dubai eVisa allow you to stay in Dubai for 30 days. This is enough time for most tourists to explore the city. If needed, the 30 days can be extended for an additional 30 days.
What is the cost of a Dubai visa?
A visa on arrival costs 100 AED, which is around $27 USD. It can be paid by cash in Emirati dirhams or by credit card. The Dubai eVisa costs $100 USD and is paid online via credit card.
What documents do I need to apply for a Dubai eVisa?
You need digital copies of your valid green card, valid passport, and passport photo. These are uploaded during the quick online eVisa application. Approval is issued within 24-72 hours.
Can I get a Dubai eVisa if my passport expires in 5 months?
No, your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date you enter Dubai. Renew your passport if it has less than 6 months validity left.
Do I need a transit visa for Dubai airport?
You do not need a separate transit visa when passing through Dubai International Airport (DXB) as a green card holder. Just your passport and green card are required.
What is the fine for overstaying a Dubai tourist visa?
The penalty for overstaying your 30-day Dubai tourist visa is about $27 USD per day. It's important not to overstay to avoid fines. Extend your visa instead if you need to stay longer.
Is it easy to extend my 30-day Dubai tourist visa?
Yes, you can easily extend your Dubai tourist visa by another 30 days. Just pay a fee of 600 AED and apply to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs (GDRFA).
Do I need travel insurance to visit Dubai?
Travel insurance is not mandatory but highly recommended. Look for policies that cover medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost baggage, and more.
Enjoy Your Dubai Vacation!
Americans holding green cards can take advantage of easy UAE visa procedures. Within minutes, you can get approval for a 30-day Dubai eVisa or Visa on Arrival. Just don’t forget to renew your passport if it’s expiring soon.
A visit to Dubai opens up modern malls, soaring skyscrapers, traditional souks, desert safaris, luxury hotels, sunny beaches, and cultural delights from this Middle East hub. Have a wonderful trip in store!
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