5reisende · 7 months
Welterbe (auf)gespürt und (er)fahren - RO- Bergbaulandschaft Roșia Montană
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Rumäniens neuestes und schlechtestes Welterbe + ein Ausflug ins benachbarte sehenswerte Alba Iulia
Ich habe auf meiner Tour Richtung Westen das spanische Goldabbaugebiet Las Medulas besucht und bin gespannt auf das Pendant in Rumänien, das als äußerst interessant beschrieben wird. Roșia Montană (Goldbach) Die Bergbaulandschaft Roșia Montană ist der bedeutendste, umfangreichste und technisch vielfältigste unterirdische römische Goldbergbaukomplex, der derzeit weltweit bekannt ist. Er stammt aus der römischen Besetzung Dakiens (106–271 n. Chr.). Alburnus Maior, so der ehemalige Name, war während des Römischen Reiches ein großes Goldminengebiet, das sich über vier benachbarte Berge erstreckte. Die Römer förderten hier in dieser Zeit mit Hilfe von hochentwickelten Anlagen in verschiedenen Arten von Galerien mit einer Gesamtlänge von 7 km und einer Reihe von Wasserrädern rund 500 Tonnen Gold. Detaillierte rechtliche, sozioökonomische, demografische und sprachliche Informationen über die römischen Bergbauaktivitäten konnten mit Wachs beschichteten hölzernen Schreibtafeln entnommen werden, die hier geborgen wurden. Roșia Montană dokumentiert eine Verschmelzung von römischer Bergbautechnologien mit lokal entwickelten Techniken, die nirgens anders in einer so frühen Zeit bekannt war. Zwischen dem Mittelalter und der Neuzeit wurde auf dem Gelände in geringerem Umfang Bergbau betrieben, doch die aktuellen Aktivitäten umgeben und durchschneiden die römischen Galerien. Aus diesem Grund steht das UNESCO-Welterbe von 2021 auf der roten Liste. Hier sind einige Fotos.
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Nach einer kilometerzehrenden Strecke durch die Berge Siebenbürgens durchfahre ich das Willkommensschild über der Straße. Ich hatte das Museum auf Google Maps markiert und der Info nicht getraut, dass es an einem Sommersonntag um 14:30 Uhr schließt. Deshalb fahre ich frohen Mutes die 10%ige Steigung hoch und biege wenig später auf den Platz ein. Hier sehe ich ein kleines Häuschen mit einem alten verschlossenen Tor, das nichts Gutes ahnen lässt. So ist es dann auch - auf mein Klopfen deutet ein mürrischer Pförtner stumm auf die Uhr und den Zettel, der am Häuschen angenagelt ist. Einige Rumänen kommen und verlassen schon vor mir kopfschüttelnd den "Parkplatz". Die Fotos vermitteln einen kleinen Eindruck --> hier muss noch viel getan werden, um diesem Welterbe einen würdigen Rahmen zu geben.
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Nachsatz - Ich habe mich in den folgenden Wochen bemüht, sowohl auf der angegebenen Adresse als auch bei allen anderen, die meine Recherche ergab, einige Fotos für diesen Bericht zu bekommen. Vergeblich, es kam nicht einmal eine Antwort. Einige Bilder sind auf google-maps unter -The Museum of Mining and the Roman Galleries- zu finden und zwei interessante Artikel über die gefährdete römische Anlage finden sich unter den folgenden Links: https://www.eurotopics.net/de/265307/rumaenische-bergbaulandschaft-wird-welterbe# , https://spotmedia.ro/stiri/opinii-si-analize/ce-inseamna-ca-rosia-montana-e-in-patrimoniul-universal und https://www.welterbetour.de/unesco-welterbe-in-rumaenien-sehenswuerdigkeiten Auf Lindas Rat hin, die währenddessen am Schreibtisch herausgefunden hat, dass die im Welterbetext erwähnten Schrifttafeln wohl in der Batthyaneum-Bibliothek von Alba Iulia liegen sollen, begebe ich mich in diese Stadt, die seit 1991 auf der UNESCO-Tentativliste steht. Historischer Kern der Stadt Alba Iulia (Karlsburg)
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Alba Iulia ist eine ziemlich große und in den Außenbezirken moderne Stadt. Ich bekomme einen der letzten freien Parkplätze unmittelbar an der Festungsmauer und freue mich über diesen romantischen Platz für die Nacht. Ein Abendspaziergang durch die Zitadelle bestätigt meinen positiven ersten Eindruck. Ähnliche Festungsanlagen habe ich auf den Spuren des Baumeisters Vauban bereits in Frankreich gesehen.
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Am Morgen mache ich einen ausgedehnten Rundgang durch die Festung und in das angrenzende historische Zentrum. Die riesige Anlage ist wirklich schön gepflegt, beschildert, sauber gehalten und mit Toiletten, Trinkwasser und Abwaschmöglichkeiten als Freizeit- und Erholungspark eingerichtet. Mein Spaziergang ist ein kleines Abenteuer, er führt durch Tunnel und über Zugbrücken.
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Ich betrete das Altstadt-Zentrum und wende mich zunächst zur Kathedrale St. Michael, deren Glockenschlag den Tag einläutet. Leider ist es für eine Turmbesteigung noch zu früh.
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Aus dem Kloster höre ich den mir schon bekannten Weckruf mit dem Klappern der Stöcke , dann erklingt aus der Dreifaltigkeitskathedrale der Gesang der Mönche.
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Alba Iulia war einst Hauptstadt von Siebenbürgen und verfügt neben der Zitadelle über viele repräsentative Bauwerke. Die Sonne ist aufgegangen, verzaubert die alten Mauern und lässt das Gelb der Gebäude golden erstrahlen.
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An der Bibliothek, in der die römischen Tafeln liegen sollen, stehen leider keine Öffnungszeiten. Sie beherbergt offenbar auch ein altes Observatorium und wäre definitiv einen Besuch wert.
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Resümee Mein Rundgang durch Alba Iulia hat die absolute Enttäuschung in Roșia Montană wieder mehr als wett gemacht. Ein wirklich interessantes Städtchen, das es durchaus verdient hat, bekannt gemacht zu werden. Die Festung, Spuren aus der Römerzeit, Kirchen, die Bibliothek und ein großes Museum sprechen unbedingt für eine Besichtigung. Ich für meinen Teil fahre weiter und in der Zeit zurück zu den Spuren der Herrscher der Gegend, bevor sie von den Römern erobert wurde, zu den Festungen der Daker. Die gesamte Tour go-south 2.0 ist hier beschrieben. Hier gehts zu meinem Welterbe-Projekt. Der Umbau meines Dacia Dokker als Minicamper ist hier detailliert nachzulesen. Dobbys nach und nach angepasste Einrichtung und Ausstattung hat sich auch in diesem megaheißen Sommer bewährt. Meine Übernachtungsplätze habe ich wieder auf park4night gesucht und unter 5Reisende bewertet. Read the full article
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More things for my Champion Au! Introducing my characters alongside Echo and Gizmo. Feel free to ask me questions if you have any!
From right to left:
Dakien (Dak-ee-en):
Though he may not act like it, Dakien is OLD
He was a ‘prototype’ Stone Warrior made by the Overlord, the first and last of his type ever made. Him and others that were going to be made like him had been given the names Stone Beasts
Dakien was only just made when the Overlord was sealed away, so he was dormant for most of his life beneath Ninjago City, in a space separate from the other Stone Warriors
Recently after Echo became Tailath’s champion (and when he wasn’t good at using different weapons other than his dual swords yet), one of the first places he went to check for hidden creatures was under Ninjago City. He stumbled upon Dakien and accidentally woke him up
Echo was terrified at first, but it was soon relieved that Dakien was more of a curious puppy than a monster of darkness
They quickly bonded and Dakien became a part of Echo’s little group
Dakien can only communicates in grunts and growls. He cant speak as he has no vocal cords
Dakien likes rolling on the ground, especially in super grassy and muddy areas. He’s fascinated with the stuff. He likes rolling down hills for fun
He also adores birds! If there are birds nearby he’ll just. watch them. with the utmost diligence
pigeons are his favorite. He thinks they’re amazing
He also can’t swim. He’s so heavy he just sinks
Good thing he doesn't need to breath. He can track scents though. His nose is sharper than a blood-hound
Whenever the group finds any dangerous or ancient artifact they just give it to him and he eats it. Boom, problem solved, no one can get it now
Making him angry is a death sentence
Restating a couple things here: In this Au, what happened was that Echo was built but didn’t work at first, so Dr. Julien gave up on him and thought he was a failure. Gizmo, however, was able to get him working somehow, but only after the ninja had left the lighthouse
Nya’s and Jay’s memories are blurry after Skybound, so they hardly remember primary points of what happened there, let alone Echo. If they did remember him, they would have never left him
Echo does remember the events of Skybound clearly and was angry at the two of them for a long time before Tailath explained what was up with their memory’s. He doesn’t mind too much now and has forgiven them, though the subject is still a bit of a sore topic.
Extremely curious about new things and was shy about people at first, but has slowly gotten more comfortable around others
“My brothers always been the dependable one. I’ve always been the screwed up one!”
Gains a bit of sass and snark later on
Swords can cut portals to other dimensions if he’s been told that there’s something that needs to be dealt with there
Terrifying accuracy
Can shoot out short pulses of plasma from his hand like Iron-Man. These do take a lot of energy to make though, so he uses them sparingly.
Tiny robot
likes cleaning
if u piss him off a lazer will shoot out of his pink gem and zap u
Notices smaller things that others don’t
Can create holograms and be used as communication, like Zane’s falcon
Has seen and remembers everything
Althkour (Al-th-kour):
An old old snake who was revived by scientists by using DNA from the five serpentine tribes still alive.
His kind are the ancestors of the Hypnobrai and ‘Pyro Vipers’ when they’re not all fiery. They were massive compared to the modern serpentine tribes.
He’s brothers with the mother of Wu and Garmadon
She was a human adopted into his family of snakes and they all lived in the city of Ouroboros with the rest of their kind. This was long before the other tribes lived there. 
They did not worship the Great Devourer because the thing didn’t exist at the time
They were the closets of siblings and they loved each other very much
Althkour worked hard. He fought talon and fang and he was eventually appointed commander of the armies and was in charge of protecting the kingdom.
His sister was very proud of her big bro!
One day, a man came into the city and was granted hospitality for a week before he would leave.
He was the First Spinjitzu Master and Althkour’s sister and him formed a bond
She wanted to leave with him to see the outside world and although  Althkour was sad, he was happy for her and sent her off with a smile
Time passes and the two of them got married and Althkour is so happy for them! They have the wedding in Ouroboros and everything and it’s super traditional but with a bit of a human flair to it that most didn’t mind
It wasn’t long after that though when Ouroboros was attacked. Althkour died in the battle, however he was able to save two groups of serpentine. These would later on become the Hypnobrai and ‘Pyro Vipers’ 
Many Millennia pass and he is suddenly revived by curious and cruel scientists who wanted to study him and possibly use him for something else
He was in there for so long before Echo and Dakien rescued him
He was constantly on edge and wary at first but has calmed down
He’s more calm and composed than he was in his former life, though still powerful and smart
Echo sees him as a grumpy old grandpa
“Existence is a hassle, but it’s more bearable knowing some that I care for still live on.”
Has some powers of the other tribes that he didn’t before. 
Venomari/Fangpyre: Weak venom that can cause pain for days and sometimes minor hallucinations
Constrictai: Scales/plates are a bit harder
Hypnobrai: Can control someone (only ability he got fully)
Anacondrai: Can become invisible for an extremely short amount of time
He (and others of his kind) did have a hood before he was revived, its just the patterns that have changed a bit
The Hypnobrai came much later. The ‘Pyro Vipers’, when in their normal forms, are closer to what Althkour‘s kind looked like, but they are smaller and have weaker scales with no hood.
Never got to meet Wu or Garmadon. Wishes he could and longs to see Wu, but is not sure how much his nephew knows of him or how he would react.
His back plates used to be more blue, but now they’re purple due to the addition of the other tribes DNA. Other than that, his extra eye from the Venomari and his hood markings he looks almost exactly the same just with bigger fangs for better injecting venom and slightly different colors
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detectivejavert · 6 years
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I apologise for I cannot draw Ninetales
I've known for a very long time that if Damien were a Pokémon, he'd be an Alolan Ninetales, while Celine would be a regular one. What I didn't know until today was how that would cross over to Dark.
So I present firstly: Damien as a contest Pokémon (likely excelling in the Beauty category because why not). While he can hold his own in battle, he chooses not to, knowing fighting doesn't always solve the problem.
As for Dark? He is a retyped Alolan Ninetales - Dark-Ghost. The third Pokémon that compromises him is actually a Spiritomb, as can be poorly seen in the pupil. He has a unique move called Eerie Shriek. This move hits the opponent with a high-pitched ringing sound and has a chance of causing confusion, inflict a burn, or freeze them.
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veritasarcana-blog · 3 years
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I denna nummer pratar vi om militär historia: kejsar Trajanus armé och erövringen av Dakien.
”Inta Sarmizegetusa Regia!; arkeologi: den gåtfulla nuragen i Barumini. Vem byggde befästningen och från vad skulle man skyddas?; rymden: Eugene Shoemakers sista resa. Den enda vetenskapsmannen begravd på månen!; design: mode, musik och arkeologi. Innovativt projekt på Sardinien; artificiell intelligens: AI kan förutsäga brott innan de begås! Projektet Sage: Synergistic Anticipation of Geopolitical Events; solar geoengineering: experimentet i Kiruna. ”Vi kommer inte att stoppa solljus!”; ny upptäckt: pärlorna i Punyik Point. Vem upptäckte egentligen Amerika?: mytologi: nymfen och underjordens kung. Myntans historia, myter och symbolik!
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Autoankauf Dacia - Automobile Gabriel
Autoankauf Dacia ist ein zu Renault-Nissan gehörender rumänischer Automobilhersteller. Dacia ist der frühere Markenname und heutige Marken- und Unternehmensname des rumänischen Autoherstellers UAP in Pitești (UAP ist die Abkürzung für Uzina de Autoturisme Pitești übersetzt Automobilfabrik Pitești). Der Name Dacia ist eine Anlehnung an die Vergangenheit Rumäniens als römische Provinz Dakien (lateinisch: Dacia). Als ursprüngliches Markenzeichen verwendete man ein Schildemblem mit im oberen Teil stehender Abkürzung UAP, im Feld darunter einem auf Felsen stehenden und die Flügel ausbreitendem Adler.
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keteden2 · 6 years
Probatu Modela, euskaraz dakien itzultzaile neuronala @Sustatu bidez  https://t.co/rxiEuarMiC Itxura ona dauka. Hala ere, oraingoz demo bat baino ez da. Eutsi goiari! 😉
Probatu Modela, euskaraz dakien itzultzaile neuronala @Sustatu bidez  https://t.co/rxiEuarMiC Itxura ona dauka. Hala ere, oraingoz demo bat baino ez da. Eutsi goiari! 😉
— keteden (@keteden2) August 22, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/keteden2 August 22, 2018 at 07:35PM
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Echo: *glances at the building beside him, then to Althkour*
Althkour: Echo...
Echo: *Touched building and starts absorbing all the lightning from it*
Althkour: Echo no!
Here’s a messy doodle I made! 
Instead of charging or whatever Zane and Pixal do to regain energy, Echo can go up to any building or device and absorb all the electricity from it. He does this to power up or to re-energize. If he really wanted to, he could absorb all the electricity in Ninjago city.
There is a limit, however, to how much he can absorb. Absorbing all the electricity in Ninjago City would put a huge strain on his body, and he has to release this energy somehow. He usually does this by using his plasma bolts, something I’ve mentioned before. These are short bolts of pure plasma, and he has a shot limit of around 10 per hour (changing it from per half hour). These are usually only used in emergencies, and he can enhance these already deadly bolts even further by absorbing more electricity than he can handle and immediately releasing it in his plasma bolt. 
His bolts, if powerful enough, can destroy an entire mountain in one shot, but that’s only if he absorbs a LOT of energy beforehand, and after that it’ll take him far longer than normal to recharge.
Because of his ability to absorb electricity, Echo’s been given the nickname Lightning Leech, curtsy of Akita.
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So, I had this idea for a side story in my Champion Au! It been a while since I’ve talked about this Au, but I still love it! I haven't gotten some details down yet, so things may change, but this is the general outline.
Basically, before season 8 and Echo meets the ninja properly, he notices that there are some people who want to take apart his brother for parts or reprogram him. This pissed Echo off because when he became a champion he was blessed with some protection so that no one would be able to take him apart or reprogram him. Echo never had to worry. But his brother? Zane doesn't have that kind of protection.
Echo brings this up in conversation angrily one day and Althkour says that he could cast a spell on Zane to protect him from these sorts of people, however they need a special ingredient to do so. Luckily, they should be able to find some in Ninjago City, and if not Althkour remembers where to find some. So, the group searches around a bit and somehow ends up in the more shady part of the city that not a lot of normal people know about. 
It’s down here where they find a group who wants to take the Nindroids of the city and reprogram them to be soldiers that serve the gang. These people don't believe that Nindroids can feel emotions or deserve to be treated fairly, and they already have quite a few Nindroids under their control already. It’s only a matter of time before they go after Zane or Pixal.
So, the plot revolves around Echo, Althkour, Dakien and Gizmo racing around this hidden part of the city, desperately trying to stop the gang while also simultaneously trying to find this special ingredient to cast a spell on the two most well known Nindroids in the city who also have the biggest targets on their back.
I also think I’m going to make it so that sometime during the story, Echo and his group team up with Samurai X (Pixal) and they work together to stop this gang. Somewhere along the line Pixal reveals herself and Echo explains who he is and what his role is as a Champion before asking her to keep quiet and not tell anyone, to which she hesitantly agrees.
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Champion Au timeline and differences
Alright, so in my Champion Au things mainly start to derail during season 8. The resurrection of Garmadon is a big no no because it interferes with another dimension. This also has a negative affect on the stability of the departed realm as it had just been stabilized after the cursed realm’s fall and it’s sudden influx of souls from two different dimensions. Echo, Akita and Kataru, being champions, have no other choice but to get involved.
The first major thing to change would be that the SOG don’t get their hands on Wu. Echo, Akita and Kataru manage to find him along with Misako. They are able to fend off the gang members that had been sent off to find Wu, and the battle takes place in the Toxic Bogs. The gang members were being led by Killow, and in the battle Killow faced off against Althkour. Killow got his ass thoroughly handed to him by the massive angry snake. Althkour was especially protective and violent because Wu is technically his nephew, and he still holds a strong familial connection to Wu even if Wu never knew anything about him.
After the battle, Misako and Wu travel with the group back to the city, however they all agree that staying on the down-low would be their best bet so that the SOG don’t find them. This is all promptly thrown out the window when, in the episode Snake Jaguar, during the scene where Zane meets Killow, Echo comes bursting through the ceiling and makes a giant hole in the ground as he lands. Turns out that above the SOG’s hideout, there was a monster that Echo had to deal with, and Echo just so happen to get pummeled right into their hideout.
So, Echo gets up and immediately freezes when Killow points at him, saying that Echo was one of the ones to stop him from getting the ‘key’ (Wu), but before they can attack, the monster Echo had been fighting bursts through the ceiling. I don’t know exactly what I’m going to have it be yet, but at this point everyone is freaking out because no one here is used to the supernatural that lives alongside humans like Echo is. 
So, Echo deals with the monster in a surprisingly brutal way (hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do) and after it’s dealt with Althkour and Kataru bash their way in to get Echo out. Althkour immediately zeros in on Killow and strangles attacks him to draw everyone's attention away while Kataru and Echo leave, Althkour following shortly after. The only one who really notices Echo’s resemblance to Zane is Zane himself. Althkour notices this and snatches Zane as he’s leaving so that the gang doesn't get any closer to figuring out who and what Echo is. 
The group of now three people and one hostage manage to hide from the SOG and they regroup with Akita, Dakien, Gizmo, Wu and Misako.
I’ll be writing more about this later. Hope you find this interesting, and if you have any suggestions or comments I would love to hear them!
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More random Champion Au notes!
These are mainly about Echo because I love him.
Ever since he became a champion, Echo’s voice has had an otherworldly echo to it (pun not intended). It is slightly robotic and can cause shivers to run up ones spine if they’re not used to it.
All of the abilities and moves Echo is able to use have been learned over the course of being a champion. At first he had practically nothing other than his swords, but over time he has mastered many different fighting styles and abilities. 
His healing and protection spells took the longest to master, as Althkour has magic based more in attack abilities centered around illusion and fire. Althkour couldn't help Echo as much as he would have liked. 
Echo is still learning new abilities and tricks by thinking creatively about the abilities and skills he has.
Echo’s swords are mad out of materials not found in Ninjago. They can rip holes into other dimensions, however Echo mainly sticks to Ninjago as other realms have other champions to care for them.
Dakien’s stone plates do not reflect light, instead they absorb it and give him more power. This also makes it harder for others to see him at night.
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More Champion Au stoofs!
The gang (what I’m calling Echo, Dakien, Gizmo and Althkour) have a car that can transform into a bunch of different things. Normally it just looks like a normal old, if slightly rusty, mini van, but they can change it into a bunch of other things, like a jet or submarine
Echo has some other abilities that he gained from Tailath. I already mentioned he can shoot balls of plasma like iron-man, but I think of them more like Toothless’ (from HTTYD) plasma blasts. They move fast, but only in small balls and he does have a shot limit of about 10 every half hour or so. Echo can break this restriction but only in very serious situations, and he’s left utterly exhausted afterwards.
Echo can still stick to walls. He also knows many different ways of fighting. He’s lighter on his feet than most, and primarily uses dual swords, knives (throwing knifes too), and a bow as weapons, however he can fight bare hand. He has terrifyingly good accuracy
When he fights without a weapon, Echo’s style is kinda like Kung-fu, from king-fu panda. He’s light on his feet, extremely fast, and he can pull of things the Ninja could only dream of.
Either way, Echo hits hard and fast.
Echo can also cast some spells, curtsy of Althkour, though he has more of an affinity for healing and protections spells
Althkour is faster and stronger than most suspect him to be, and often tales people off guard with his attacks.
Dakien, however, is just big and clumsy. He can and will eat anything and everything he can fit in his mouth.
He is also practically indestructible. He once fell off a cliff into the ocean and the rest of the gang was only mildly inconvenienced when they had to go find him
Echo is kinda like a mix between Jay and Zane, but not as self conscious and worried about what others think of him. He’s excitable, energetic and curious about everything due to being locked away, so he doesn't know some basic things that everyone else does. However he is smart enough to figure out difficult situations and solve problems using new imaginative and innovative ways.
Echo also becomes calm and serious when fighting. When talking to people though he is slightly awkward, due to being alone for so long
Althkour can play ancient instruments and songs. The gang visited Althkour’s old home and were able to remake some old instruments he used to play. Althkour loves playing old tunes around the campfire while everyone dances (very badly) to it. It gives him a sense of family and home
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