#Daniel Riccairdo one shot
Just Friends
Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Summary: Daniel and Y/n insist they are just friends.
Warnings: Language, fluff, drinking.
Word Count: 2867 words
Authors note: Again, sorry if this isn’t the best piece of writing but we only move forward 😊 Hope you guys like it, can’t wait to hear what you think 😊 Also, don't just the pictures, they were done too quickly with the writing on them :D
“I didn’t know Daniel was dating someone new?” Charles kept glancing over towards you two.
Despite Daniel being incredibly private about his love life with the public, to the other drivers he would show whoever he was dating off constantly, so why hadn’t he done the same with you?
“Not his girlfriend” Lando shrugged, confused by the situation but knowing that if Daniel wanted to say something, there was no one on earth who could stop him from doing so.
“So, what I’m hearing is she’s single” Pierre had learnt his lesson talking to woman he shouldn’t be, avoiding looking at you too much, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t noticed how gorgeous you were, suddenly fully indulging in taking you in.
“She might be single, but I have never seen Daniel so protective over anyone in my entire life, so I wouldn’t even bother trying” Lando tried to warn Pierre, knowing that there was a 50/50 chance of him actually listening to him.
“But they aren’t dating?” Pierre was pushing his luck, he knew he was, but he wouldn’t really be a good f1 driver if he didn’t now would he?
“How they fuck are they not dating?” Charles refused to believe a word Lando was saying, the way you to were looking at each other, there was no way you weren’t.
Lando just shrugged, “every single time I mention it he says they’re just friends and just kind of leaves it there so I didn’t press the issue, but she is his wallpaper and nonsense too, but I don’t know man, who knows what’s going on with Daniel” he wish he had a better explanation and he really didn’t believe Daniel for a second when he said that you two were nothing more than just friends but every time he asked Daniel was so adamant that he just decided to drop it instead.
“He’s got to be lying” Pierre nodded in agreement along with Charles, there was no way you were that affectionate with just your friend, at least, none of his ‘just friends’ were ever that affectionate with him.
“Max might know more, but trust me when I say this, she is definitely off limits” Lando shot Pierre a warning look again, daring him to attempt anything, Pierre heading the warning this time with a nod of the head, not entirely understanding the situation, but knowing enough about protective Daniel to know that this was not territory he should venture into.
“So, no Y/n today?” Scott asked as he sat next to Daniel on the balcony, overlooking the Monacan ocean.
“Nah, she’s got some work function, but she should be here in the next hour or so” Daniel triple checked his watch doing the mental calculation on what time you should be arriving, despite you never explicitly saying you would be coming over, you were his best friend, so it was generally a given.
“Cool, cool, yeah, you guys make plans for this evening then?” he knew he wasn’t exactly being sneaky asking, but in his defence he was trying to not get caught prying.
“Nope, but she normally-“
“Normally pops in whenever, yeah, I know” Scott finished his sentence for him, having heard the same thing a million times before.
“I feel like you have something to say” Daniel knew exactly what he wanted to say, it was the same thing everyone wanted to say, but no matter how many times they ask, the answer was never going to change.
“Nope” Scott popped the P, face indicating otherwise.
“Great” Don’t give in Daniel, it’s exactly what they all want, you know what you two are and that’s -  
“Like, you’re sure you two are just friends right?” Scott broke his train of thought, diving right into the same question he hadn’t been able to escape from for weeks, “because like, even your mom thinks there’s something more happening here”
“When did you speak to my mom?” thank you Scott for giving him an out of this conversation.
“We chat” Scott shrugged far too nonchalantly for Daniels liking given that he had just found out one of his best friends was casually talking to his mother like they were mates, “don’t change the topic”
“You’re relentless” Daniel couldn’t do this again.
“You’re keeping shit from your best friend” in truth, Scott was nervous Daniel was going to get hurt, and Daniel keeping secrets, this wasn’t like him, so something was definitely off about the entire situation.
“Thought you were my mom’s best friend” Daniel shot back, using every tactic he could to get out of this conversation.
“Don’t be a smartass mate” Why did they both have to be so stubborn?
The silence a battlefield between the two men, neither willing to give up their position. Luckily for Daniel, you, the ever godsend, rang his doorbell.
“Thank fuck” Daniel hoped Scott heard, wanting him to know how badly he didn’t want to have this same conversation.
“Ah, speak of the devil” Scoot explained as you joined them on the balcony, you feign offence.
“Come now Scott, we all know I am significantly better looking” you joked around, greeting him with a kiss to the head, always affectionate with those you love, “but now I am curious, what were you saying about me then?” you pressed him, knowing it took absolutely zero effort to get Scott to crack.
“Oh, you know, this and that, talking about you and Daniels precarious relationship” he lifted his eyebrows, questioning you, hoping for the answer he had tried to get out of Daniel.
“Oh god, again? Seriously Scott? Are you truly no better than everyone else?” You could not handle this line of questioning again, it being the only thing you were see all over social media every race weekend these days when it came to the F1 wags.
“Is he bugging you about this too?” Daniel handed you a glass of wine and took his original position on the chair next to Scott, hand wrapping around your thigh as you leaned on his shoulder addressing them both now.
“Neither of you have given an answer though” Check and mate, he was convinced you had to give it up now.
“We’re just friends” you both answered the now well practiced line.
“Fine. Why did she get wine and I didn’t?” None of this was convincing Scott otherwise of you two being just friends.
“You know where the kitchen is”  Daniel jerked his head towards the interior, refusing to get up, “bring the bottle out with you please” Both you and Daniel shot him a look of thanks.
“You both suck” Scoot grumbled his was inside and poured himself a drink before making his way back outside, only two find you two significantly closer, engaged in conversation, completely sure that neither of you even knew he was back.
Fine. You two can attempt to keep this secret, but Scott was going to get you two to admit your feelings for each other one way or another. It suddenly dawning on him that you two might not even genuinely realise how you felt.
With that he grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of the two of you. Time for him and all the fans to get to work making you two see how you really felt about each other.
“Just friends my ass” he said far too loudly in the hopes you’d hear before taking his seat and opening Instagram.
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Liked by Pierre Gasly and 16803 others.
ScottJames: My favourite two just friends <3
McLaren: 👀
CharlesLeclerc: @LandoNorris how?!
Lando had been searching for Daniel everywhere, boredom taking over at the McLaren garage as both their cars were being fine tuned for the race weekend, eventually making his way to Daniel drivers’ room.
He knew Daniel was with you, when was Daniel not with you, but you were always great company for the young driver too, him beginning to love it when you came with to races, always siding with him when he would pick on Daniel.
What did concern him though was the fact that realistically you two had to be in his drivers’ room, but it was dead quiet in there, and that made him very nervous.
Please don’t now be the moment you both realise your love for each other, and he walks in on either a very emotional moment for you both or the kind of moment that would require hm never looking Daniel in the eye again.
He tentatively opened the door and, hoping you’d both stop whatever you were doing so he wouldn’t be scarred.
Instead, he was met with breathes in sync.
There you and Daniel lay, fast asleep in each other’s arms.
Surely neither of you actually believed you were just friends? Friends aren’t as comfortable as you two are with each other. No, what you and Daniel had was something significantly deeper, like, fuck, something deep. He was an F1 driver, not a poet.
Maybe Scott had the right idea of how to go about this entire thing, and with that he quietly snapped a picture of you both before creeping back out the room and putting it on his Instagram.
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Liked by ScottJames and 2859306 others.
LandoNorris: Two just friends napping.
PierreGasly: Do they even know?
CharlesLeclerc: HOW!!
MercedesAMG: The love story F1 deserves <3
“Could you two please concentrate? Daniel actually has to train you know that right?” Michael adored you two, lord knows he did, but the way you two were constant distractions for each other was beginning to be a challenge for him today.
“Sorry mate, will be there in a second, just showing y/n this thing quick” Daniel didn’t even bother looking up at him, fully engrossed on your reaction to the video and that alone.
This situation needed to be dealt with. How were you two so oblivious to each other’s feelings?
Michael snapped a picture and sent it to Scott.
M; You have the same problem when they are together?
M: Do they even know?
S: Doubt it, but that’s why I keep putting it on Instagram, maybe everyone else can convince them.
M: You know that’s kind of cruel right?
S: Just put the fucking picture up.
M: It’s a little private though no?
S: Pussy.
S: If they won’t listen to us, maybe they will listen to THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!
S: Daniels mom says put it up.
M: You text Daniels mom?
S: We chat.
Fuck, if Daniels mom said he should, then who was he to argue.
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Liked by LewisHamilton and 56893 others.
MichaelItaliano: Two just friends getting ready for race weekend.
Mclaren: Daniels clearly dedicated to something.
LandoNorris: At least one of us will be ready for race day.
YukiTsunoda: @PierreGasly Goals <3
“See you brought Y/n as your date tonight” Max slid next to Daniel at the bar as he got you both drinks.
“Not you too Max” Daniel couldn’t handle this right now, not when he had this many drinks in him.
“Can you blame me mate?” Maybe it was time someone had an actual straightforward conversation with him about this and if it had to be Max, then so be it.
“Can we not just be friends? Why is everyone so obsessed with us being more?” Daniel was going to need t get one or two extra shots tonight clearly.
“Look me in the eye and tell me you believe the bullshit you two keep spewing that you’re just friends” drunk Daniel was his best bet at having this conversation, so it was now or never.
“I gotta get her drink to her” Daniel opted to avoid the conversation entirely, the bartender handing him his out, not wanting to leave you alone for too long, considering how he had noticed Pierre staring at you this evening.
Before he could leave Max grabbed his arm, forcing Daniel to look at him, “just so we’re clear, you couldn’t say it nor look me in the eye” and with hat Max let him go and turned to the bar, dropping the conversation after that to enjoy his night.
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Liked by DanielRiccairdo and 64935 others
MaxVerstappen: Love third wheeling two just friends.
Y/nInsta: Please, more like me third wheeling you two all night <3
PierreGasly: You looked beautiful Y/n 😊
CharlesLeclerc: @PierreGasly you are stupid.
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Liked by Y/nInsta and 877348 others.
Mclaren: Just friends congratulating and supporting other just friends <3
MercedesAMG: Goals <3
YukiTsunoda: @PierreGasly why don’t you congratulate me like this?
LandoNorris: @CharlesLeclerc This is just getting ridiculous.
“So, you excited for your two just friends to leave so you can spend the rest of your vacation in a small little romantic Italian town with your real just friend?” Scott nudged Daniel as he joined him and Michael down at the beach while you got ready for dinner.
“I actually hate you both” Daniel shoved Scott into the water laughing all the while.
“It would be the perfect place” Michael thought out loud.
“For what?” Daniel was truly at a loss for what Michael was talking about.
“To admit it” Michael was blunt with his word choice, he knows he was, but it was time.
“Really man, this Daniel, the Daniel with her is the happiest Daniel we’ve ever seen, it’s just you two who don’t realise how you guys feel” this was the most serious Scott had ever been about the entire situation and it was weirding everyone out, including himself.
“Guys, no, listen we’re-“
“Just friends” Michael and Scott finished in unison, the same monotone voice coming from both of them.
“Forget we said anything” Michael could only do so much and if Daniel wasn’t listening then what could he do.
“Speak for yourself, you don’t forget a single thing I’ve said to you, remember this shit constantly, I need it to haunt you” Scott was sure this started out as a joke, but by the end of that sentence he was probably a bit too serious.
“Let’s go, y/n should be ready” Daniel began making his way back to you, truly not caring if either of them actually followed at this pointed.
“You would be the leading authority on all things y/n” and next thing Scott was sprinting in the direction of the Chalets before Daniel could catch him.
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Liked by Daniel Ricciardo and 45 others.
MichaelItaliano: Two just friends just exploring.
Redbull: Romeo oh Romeo
MercedesAMG: I’m just a friend, standing in front of just a friend, asking him to love her.
LandoNorris: *Kiss*
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Liked by Y/nInsta and 24 others.
ScottJames: The totally normal way just friends look at each other.
MaxVerstappen: @DanielRicciardo why do you never look at me like that?
RedBull: @Ferrari why do you never look at me like that?
PierreGasly: @CharlesLeclerc why do you never look at me like that?
It had been your first full day alone and you and Daniel had just woken up from a nap after spending the entire day on the beach.
“Wine?” you asked, beginning to make you way to the kitchen.
“When do we ever say no to wine?” Daniel surprised you even had to ask.
“I’ll be back now” and with that you had left the room.
Normally Daniel was hyperaware of your every move, but now, he was distracted. Was everyone right? Well, he knew they were right about him, but could you possibly feel the same? Only drawing himself back to reality when he felt you card your fingers through his hair.
“Come back to me hun” you lightly whispered out as you continued walking out to the balcony.
Daniel grabbed his phone, taking a picture of you, one of the thousands already in his phone of you, but this one of specific importance.
This one signified the moment before the change. The image he could go back to again and again in case you didn’t feel the same. The potential last time things were good between the two of you.
Or the moment just before everything changed for the better.
 Daniel hesitantly sat down next to you; the air around you both different this time. It was time. Daniel had more hope now than he had ever had since meeting you. Daniel had to take the chance.
He took in the moment before one second longer before -
“We were never just friends, at least, you weren’t ever just a friend to me”
The air was thick, it was too silent.
“I never was to you was I?”  
He always felt that hearing that from you would give him butterflies and fireworks and all the other things that the movies tell you that you should have but instead, what Daniel got was the overwhelming sense of calm, of peace, of the confirmation that this is exactly what his life was meant to be.
“Be mine then.”
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Liked by Y/nInsta and 583962 others.
DanielRicciard: “Just Friends”
ScottJames: FINALLY!!!! You’re mom is gonna be so happy <3
Mclaren: The ending the people deserve <3
CharlesLeclerc: @LandoNorris I fucking told you!!!!
MaxVerstappen: About Goddamn time.  
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abbatoirablaze · 3 months
Mini Interviews, F1 Drivers
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings:  None
*Just some of the most precious team interviews where I could see how it would be if the drivers had to take their child/children with them because why not. 
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Carlos Sainz and Lando Norris, Ice Cream, Mclaren
Carlos chuckled as he watched his godchild propping himself up on his elbows and partially army crawling as much as he could across the small distance on the table where the cup of espresso and ice cream was waiting. 
Lando was smiling, trying to talk to the social media coordinator while keeping his hands firmly on his carbon copy’s waist to stop him from being entirely on the table. 
And little Landon Norris, briefly glimpsing back at his father, making sure that his full attention wasn’t on him, before dipping his finger into the cooled beverage and popping it into his mouth.
“EWW DADDY!” the three-year-old squealed, wriggling around until he was far away from the caffeinated cup as possible and back into his father’s lap, “that’s icky.”
“What’s wrong bud?” he asked, his full attention now on his son, knowing that if Landon had any issues at all he’d have no problem telling his mummy when he got home that ‘daddy wasn’t keeping an eye on him,’ like he’d promised, “what happened?”
“That goes on the ice cream!” Carlos said with a smile as his godchild looked between the coffee and treat, silently questioning it, “it makes it taste better, Landon.”
The man assisting with the video walked beside Lando’s table and lifted the cup, pouring the beverage over the sweet treat while the small child’s face scrunched up, then switched to a look of horror.  He was quick to turn in his father’s arms, clinging to them, “daddy make him stop.  He’s ruining the ice cream!”
This time the elder Norris frowned, “no, no no, no no!  Oh, you ruined my ice cream!”
Carlos was chuckling beside him, while the child’s eyes went wide once more, “UNCLE CARLOS HE’S GONNA RUIN YOUR ICE CREAM TOO!”
“No thank you sir, I’ll do it!” Carlos said simply, stopping the man from pouring the espresso over his gelato, “thank you sir!”
Landon leaned over his father’s arm and towards his godfather, “Uncle Carlos…I try?”
Carlos softened, instantly reaching out for the child, and Lando frowned, “it’s not fair that you get to try it without the coffee!”
“Come, Landon!” Carlos smiled as the little boy giggled and went into his arms.  He settled down in his lap, and Carlos sipped on the coffee before readying the spoon so that Landon could have some of the ice cream, “keep clean, yes?  Your mother would not be happy if your father brought you back covered in food.”
“Thank you Uncle Carlos!” Landon smiled as he looked up at his godfather. 
“Good boy!” he praised, before readying the second spoonful for himself, all the while Lando was pouting at the coffee drenched ice cream in his bowl.
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Danny Ric and Max Verstappen, Holiday Message, Redbull
“Let’s start by cheersing to 2017!” Danny Ric grinned, holding up his glass of sparkling lemonade.
Max giggled, correcting his best friend, “18!”
“I don’t know,” he laughed, “I’ve got two kids that are two years old.  I don’t sleep let alone remember what year it is!”
Max burst out laughing as he went to take a sip from the drink, the fizzy beverage spilling over the top of the table.  Daniel laughed as well and the people behind the camera had to look away to stop their own laughter so that they could get through the video.
“DADDY YOUR GIFT FOR MAXIE!” the elder of the twins yelled, running up with a box that was nearly as big as she was.
“MAXIES GIFT!” her twin echoed, pulling her sister towards their favorite ‘uncle’ so that they could give him the gift Daniel picked out.
“To max,” Max read, as he took the gift wrapped in pink paper from the twins, “you are my rock.  Love.  Much love.  Daniel!”
Daniel nodded as he tried to stifle his laughter.  He looked behind the camera to see his wife giggling as well and he picked up one of the twins who came to sit with him, so that he could hide his own growing smirk. 
“You’re my rock!” he repeated between giggles, “Keep reading.  The next part is from the twins!”
“WE DID!” his other daughter grinned, pulling on the hem of Max’s shirt, “just for you MAXIE!”
“XO XO.  Heart heart heart.  There’s a lot of hearts here!”
“Because we love you!” she giggled, smiling the trademark Ric family smile at him. 
Daniel smiled back, picking her up so that she could sit on his lap, “aww, I love you too.  Are you guys going to help me and your dad unwrap our gifts?”
Both girls smiled even more, nodding along. 
“So, you got me a gift too?” Daniel asked. 
Max rolled his eyes at his best friend, and while one arm was looped around Daniel’s daughter, the other reached down to grab the gift that he’d stashed by his chair for his teammate.  Daniel smiled as he read off the little note, and both drivers went to town unwrapping the boxes, with the help of the twins.
“Good job Emma!” Max praised the twin in his lap.
“Thank you for helping us, Lynn!” Daniel told the twin on his lap as he kissed her temple, “you girls are a big help for me and your uncle Maxie!”
“Alright girls, come over here so daddy and Maxie can try on their gifts!”
“Go see your mum!” Daniel agreed as he and Max stood, and they showed the girls back to Daniel’s wife. 
The drivers disappeared momentarily to put on the Christmas themed suits, before coming back and restarting the cameras.  The twins watched eagerly as their father and his teammate did a small interview, asking one another about their favorite memories as children during the holidays, and telling the jokes that were inside little presents, until they started to break down into another fit of giggles; Daniel waving his girls back into the frame, and giving them the fake food to throw at Max.
“Hey that’s not fair!” Max giggled as he threw some of the fake food at Daniel, “three on one.  Disqualifications.  Penalties.  The ankle biters can’t both gang up on me with you!”
“Get him girls!” the honey badger smiled. 
The twins squealed, both attacking Max with hugs and praise.  Max leaned forward and dabbed, “dab with me, Emma…Lynn…dab with me!”
The girls giggled and wriggled around, not quite getting how to do it. 
Daniel cupped his hands around his mouth, “Ki Ki Ki-“
“AY AY-“
It quickly devolved into a mass of giggles and the boys yelling.  The girls started picking up more of the fake food from the floor so they could throw it at Max and Daniel. 
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Pierre Gasly and Yuki Tsunoda, Language Exchange, Alpha Tauri
Both men giggled as they looked at the paper, Pierre more so.  His head cocked to the side, “merde…”
“Mama, papa said a bad word!” three-year-old Jaques cooed, looking off screen to his mother from his father’s lap. 
“How do dogs bark in French?  What?” Yuki asked, looking to the cameras, where a few people were giggling.  He looked down to his one-year-old, who was half asleep in his arms.
“How is it in Japanese?”
“I don’t know,” Yuki laughed, “regular noises.”
“What noise do they make?”
“Wang wa wa!”
“Good job, Hiro!” Yuki praised the sleepy baby.
Pierre and his son couldn’t stop laughing, “wang wa wa?  What noise is that?”
“What, is normal!” Yuki said quickly, adding his own little bit of laughter in as he cradled his son against himself, “wang, wa wa.  Why.  How do they do it in French?”
Pierre burst out laughing, slapping his leg. 
Jaques’ eyes went wide, and he slipped off his father’s lap, running to his mother.
“Oh, Jaques…I didn’t mean to scare you buddy,” he apologized as he wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes.  He turned his attention back to Yuki, “where-did you ever hear a dog do this noise?”
“Yeah?” Yuki said quickly “Why so c-what does a dog make?  What noise with you?”
“Woof!” Jaques answered as his father calmed down.
“Yes! He said quickly, pointing to his son, “Woof woof woof!”
“Oof?” Yuki asked, confusion crossing his features.  He shook his head, “that oof oof is someone punching an old man in the stomach.  He goes oof!”
“How you say in Japanese, I want to know!” Pierre giggled, encouraging the noise from Yuki once more.
“Wang wa, wa.” He repeated.  Pierre continued to laugh, “What?”
“What dog is that?”
“A normal one!”
“Doggy wang wa, wa!” Hiro repeated, snuggling into his father’s chest. Yuki smiled down proudly at his son while Pierre continued to giggle.
“No, doggy go woof woof!” Jaques said, coming to the rescue once more as he rejoined his father’s side.
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
F1/F2 Master List
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Racing Stripes, 2020 Season (Completed) Racing Stripes, 2021 Season
Mini Series
One Shots
Miami Heat, Charles Leclerc Mini Interviews (multiple drivers)
Being Meme, George Russell Best Gift Ever, Lando Norris Catered To You, Yuki Tsunoda Faith, Esteban Ocon The Fire, Max Verstappen Lights Out, Esteban Ocon Onlyfans, Charles Leclerc Q1, Fernando Alonso Tension, Daniel Riccairdo White Christmas, Arthur Leclerc
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abbatoirablaze · 6 months
Tension, Daniel Riccairdo
Word Count:  754
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Danny Ric smiled as he unwrapped his arm from your waist, and he accepted the hug from Max, “hey buddy…happy to see you over break!”
“Merry Christmas!” the driver said excitedly, “I’m glad that you could stop by and spend the holidays with us.  Kelly and I-wait, who is this?”
“This is my girlfriend!” Daniel smirked as he looked back at you.  You tried to give Daniels’ friend, and the driver you had seen around a smile, but you just felt awkward standing on the porch, knowing that he didn’t recognize you.
“Girlfriend?” Max asked, “since when?  Were you dating her before we went on break?”
“Oh…uh, yeah…” he smiled gently as he re-wrapped his arm around you, “you really don’t recognize her?  She works for Red bull!”
Max paled.
Being aware of things outside of racing wasn’t necessarily his strong suit.  But knowing that she worked for the same company she did, and that she was obviously running with them during the racing season made him feel nervous.
“I-I’m sorry.  I don’t often talk to a lot of people outside of my circle.”
“She’s the Red bull social media coordinator.” Daniel smirked.  He pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, “I can’t believe you don’t recognize her!”
“Daniel…really.  It’s okay!”
“It’s not okay!” he frowned down at you.
“It’s not okay…”
You bit your lip as the tears streamed down your cheeks, “I-I didn’t mean to.  I-“
His jaw clenched and he shook his head at you, “you’re going to help me for what you did.”
“I-I didn’t mean to, Daniel-“
“You caused me to miss my meeting with Christian, and they re-signed Checo instead of giving me the seat…so you’re going to make sure that I make my way up the ladder before 2024.”
But he cut you off when he held up his hand, “Horner asked you to send out the contract when you were filling in for his assistant and you sent it to Checo. You sent him my meeting date.  My contract!”
“I didn-“
“You owe me…you owe me so much!”
“But I-“
“Do you want me to tell him?” he growled, “do you want me to let him know that you fucked up?  That you caused him to have to rely entirely on Max?”
“Then until you help me fix this…you’re mine!”
“Hey…you coming?”
You looked up at Daniel, his hand squeezing yours just a little too tightly, “oh-uh…yeah.  I-I’m sorry.”
“You need to cool it,” he whispered shortly through gritted teeth when Daniel made his way down the hall without the two of you, “you’re going to embarrass me…”
“I-I’m sorry…I-“
“You know what happens when you embarrass me,” he smirked, “I know you didn’t forget the last time.”
“Say it again,” the Australian growled in your ear as his hips snapped against yours, “say it again, sweetheart!”
“I’m sorry,” you moaned, unable to control your body as your orgasm spasmed through you, “I-I’m sorry…oh GOD!”
“Did I say you could cum?” he hissed, hips bucking wildly, “Did I?”
“Fine,” he growled, “you want to cum….you’re not going to stop until you pass out from exhaustion!  Hope it was worth it!”
You whimpered, your thighs clenching instinctively as you felt the dull ache from the previous week. 
For forgetting to pack his sunglasses in his go-bag you’d been forced to the bed and overstimulated until you truly did pass out. 
When you came to, he was still thrusting away.
It was only the other day you could wear underwear because your core was so sensitive from the amount of pleasure he’d given you. 
“Babe…” Your eyes shot to Daniels’ and he gave you a faux charming smile as he patted his lap, “c’mere…sit with me.”
You gave him a nervous look as the other Checo and his wife engaged in conversation with Max once more. 
You didn’t have much time to respond as he pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist, “be good…and I might just let you be the one to unwrap your present tonight.”
He smirked as his hands fiddled with the hem of your dress, “what…did you think we were just coming to the holiday dinner and that was it?  You’re mine all break before you jet off to help Horner with the social media strategy next year…”
“Daniel, I-“
“Be a good girl, sweetheart!” he smiled charmingly, as his hand reached down to caress your thigh, sending shivers down your spine.
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abbatoirablaze · 7 months
25 Days Of Christmas
So the other day I decided that every day in December, or at least the first 25, I'm doing a Christmas drabble or one shot based around the characters I write for. So far this is what I'm thinking.
I put all the characters I write for in a randomizer/generator, along with a few different prompts and here's what I got.
December 1, Natasha Romanov/Yelena Belova, Missed Connections
December 2, GOD (Ghosted), Origin Story
December 3, Esteban Ocon, Meet Cute
December 4, Tom Hiddleston, PR Relationship
December 5, Yuki Tsunoda, Slow burn
December 6, Remus Lupin (young marauder), step brother
December 7, Klaus Hargreeves, First Sexual Encounter
December 8, Johnny Storm, Sex Tape
December 9, Valkyrie, Mafia
December 10, Daniel Riccairdo, Blackmail
December 11, Fandral, Bad boy with a heart of gold
December 12, Steve Kemp, Groundhog day scenario, basement wife
December 13, Arthur Leclerc, Best friends to lovers
December 14, Aegon Targaryen, Exhibitionism
December 15, Chase Collins, Virgin Sacrifice
December 16, Loki, Roleplay/Disguise
December 17, Lucy McConky, Somnophilia
December 18, Charles Leclerc, Onlyfans
December 19, Soldier Boy, Overstimulated
December 20, Fred and George Weasley, Threesome
December 21, Chris Evans, Drugged
December 22, Sebastian Stan, Love at first sight
December 23, Sirius Black, Sex Toys
December 24, Fernando Alonso, Breeding
December 25, Ben Curtis, Bondage
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