#Danny hiding as a Trixter demon/ imp
coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 3 months
Now presenting Danny the impy jester and his co henchmen joker junior!
Getting knocked down from the warehouse ceiling rafters and landing painfully face first on the very hard floor was decidedly not something Trixter, formerly known as Danny Fenton had ever wanted to experience again.
Hearing you boss's tiny duplicate kidnapped torture kinda son get thrown into the discarded pile of mattress with a loud "uff" was also something he didn't want to hear but for a entirely different reason. Joker didn't like failure.
Failure hurts. Well, his pre beating by way of concrete floor would probably be enough of a lesson until he got busted from juvi, again.
It's just his luck, the one time they fight at the back of an absolutely packed mattress store warehouse and he gets to land on the one spot on the concrete floor without any mattress or padding whatsoever!
Trixter groaned lifting his head from the floor up while using his right hand to lift his glove checking the time. The watch unlike Danny didn't groan while seeing the time. Didn't either when the feeling of blood slightly dripping to his lips started and definitely did not when his nose furiously started gushing.
Trixter did groan loudly when the realization came thundering back into focus.
Both of them, him and joker junior just lost, both of them failed at keeping Batman busy long enough while joker and Harley set up five streets away.
The boss always gets so mad whenever they fail at keeping the bat busy long enough and getting caught on top of that? He's always so pissed at having his goons busy busting his henchmen out from prison.
Won't be long now before that bat and his annoying sense of justice sends his black and white jester butt back to arkham's juvi for the mentally unstable, again. This would be the first time Junior got caught since joining the official joker 'family'.
Trixter shudders slightly his breathing forming clouds ears suddenly feeling cold from the wind. Wait, full stop, wind, cold wind? It's summer and it can't be that cold now and Mr. Freeze is locked up tight in Arkham since last week's ice sculpture incident so how?
Movement from the mattress pile junior landed in alerted Trixter to swirl his to the left. Missing when the glow from the floor below himself started to stretch into patterns the cold wind now making frost form on the walls and windows. Dark green symbols forming on every wall its green glow growing in intensity.
Batman's dark silhouette landed a few meters away from the pile of mattresses turning his head around alert.
Trixter sneaked his way over to the pile using just the tinyest amount of ghost power for help. Blood was still rapidly dripping from his nose when he started giving junior a rough shake. The tiny joker had apparently passed out when he landed or maybe Batman knocked him out. Whichever it was didn't matter what did matter was junior needing to wake up right now. Batman was distracted if they could just sneak away long enough for the joker and Harley to finish.
A loud ticking sound started to echo. Joker couldn't have set it off here right now could he!?
No that wasn't right. The sound was to clear the ticking sounded from right above them! But it being so close was impossible he would have heard it with his heightened senses and not to mention see it with how close it sounded. Ugh! Where was all this green light coming from! Wasn't it supposed to be a laughing gas bomb in the park? This sounded like a normal bomb timer not one of the joker's laughing ones!
The green glow became blinding Danny Trixter gripped junior Tim shoulder tighter. A muffled cry of a NO was echoed!
Trixter woke up to sand in his face and the burning heat of fire licking his back. The thick smell and feel of smoke hanging heavy and low in the air. Green dyed hair scruffed his chin. Danny sighed letting out a breath of relief he didn't know he was holding. Trixter turned his head confused looking over his shoulder back at a large building. Was it a warehouse on fire?
Where ware they? This Is not, can't be anywhere in Gotham. Sure a building aflame was a common enough site but. There is like sand everywhere, it's not like it's dirty no it's, fudge bread sticks are they in the desert?
Wait a moment. Flaming warehouse in a desert? Oh, oh fuck. That's just their luck, fuck. Trixter has heard enough bragging from the joker to know where they are. Those lights, green glow ugh this is just his fucking luck isn't it?
Danny had a history with "history time travel portals" e.i alternative universe travel.
"Squeak!" Trixter cursed he may have died before but he ain't taking any chances with Batman now. Trixter shock his head the cap and bells on his head cling-klanged loudly. Too loudly it appeared if the Batman pointy eared shaped figure in the short distance away quick motions was anything to go by.
Butter biscuits!
Trixter knew his jester demon thing disguise worked great in case of scaring people or tricking someone into believing he was an actual demon. Better demon than ghost but in this case he didn't think it would matter. Batman hadn't been scared, shocked, spooked or even very surprised
It was rather insulting actually.
An angry Batman could probably beat a half ghost and former Robin electrocute into a mini joker. Danny looked down quickly then up again, mini joker, joker just blew up Batmans Robin, junior currently looks like a mini copy of joker and Trixter a fucked up black and white Harley.
It's not like Trixter could even really explain! He wouldn't even have a chance to try explaining. Unless Batman knew cursed jester squeak's speak both junior and him were in for a world of trouble.
God, should he maybe try and make junior not look so joker-esk? Maybe try and smudge his makeup off? Yes definitely do that and hide the flower, wait just take the hole jacket!
Trixter could definitely hide most of juniors joker looking clothes in his chest cavity! His chest has a portal space in It, one of the reasons why joker even brings him out on heist! Trixter might even have some normal-ish clothes for a change or makeup remover.
"Jason! Jason is that you?" The shape was much more Batman shaped then before was approaching fast but with all the smoke it would be hard, was from the way Batman was calling out. Jason was that the name of the second Robin? Did Batman think Trixter was him? Danny looked back down to where his gloved hands were still smudging juniors makeup. His palm and fingers staind red from lipstick and pink from the white paint mixing. Tim Let out a loud groan.
"Jason!" The smoke was thick Batman couldn't see well but was steadily making his way towards them. Trixter fought himself. He could maybe fly away for a bit with junior but his only way of flying in this form required him to grow wings. He wouldn't be able to take them away without cutting them off. It hurts so bad but if Batman sees them. A twitch from junior made Trixter steal himself.
"Jason?" Trixter looked up alarmed a squeak escaping him how was Batman so close!
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 2 months
Danny you little jester demon shit! Stop invading my sketches!
Also why are you green! No idea if I've posted these before but my Jester Danny brain rot has infiltrated my sketchbooks:0
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This little shit is so fun to draw and I can't stop it! If you want to read some about it here.
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 25 days
The animatic is in the works! Trixter(Danny)the totally not a ghost in disguise Jester Imp demon is in progress.
Yes baby here I goo0!! I'm finally able to get this animatic going! First time making an animatic and figuring things out.
Ooh just you wait soon Jester Danny will start causing trouble! Oh and is that? It can't be!? is that an electric traumatized child!? Helping the glowing jester just Who could that possibly be?? (Hint* he ain't got a spleen anymore) :3
*WOOOOOO* in the distance"
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