#Day in the life of a Sanitation Worker (Main Verse)
sanitationshark · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
(@sinnerxroulette​)( Byron to Paolo) ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed
Manhandling symbol starters
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He had been keeping watch over Byron after the attack that left many gone, but Byron was a few of the surviving ones, having taken care of Paolo himself as he had decided to not let them die. A soft spot perhaps as he’d hoped never to see someone like them in the business, he felt they would have been more fitting in another place than in the mob.
“Stay down Byron, you’re not able to get back to work, not with your injuries.” His hand was gentler than normal as he pressed them back against the bed, now starting to look them over as they were awake. “Got you patched up, but you took a beating... How do you feel?”
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margridarnauds · 5 years
001 olympe/solene please!!! (also i know i haven't answered in 8 years but please bear with me, i haven't forgotten i'm just very late)
Thank you! (Also it’s fine; I was just a little worried I’d finally scared you away!) The following thoughts might be slightly rambling, given my family’s doing our daily rewatch of Toho!1789 and Maniaque just came on, thus short circuiting my brain. 
when I started shipping it if I did: I seem to recall a conversation between you and @couldntgiveafox some ages ago where you were discussing alternative 1789s, and I believe I stumbled across it in my fall to 1789 Hell. I don’t think I really started actively SHIPPING it until I was writing Pour la Peine and the (still a WIP) Modern AU where they go to Disneyworld, since it showed off more how they would WORK as a couple. (Yes, really. In my defense, there’s something about Solène and Olympe working together to get Artois stranded on “It’s a Small World” that warms the cockles of my shipping heart.)
my thoughts: I think they have a lot of potential as a ship; I would REALLY love to have seen more of them in canon because I think that they’d have had a lot more potential than our canon ship. (Not that that’s SAYING much, but…) The two of them have two very different ways of dealing with things that really make them complement each other well. Like, Solène has a much more direct way of doing things; she probably had to shut down most of Ronan’s fights with the other kids in their village when they were younger, whereas Olympe…can handle herself, obviously, but she tends to prefer sidestepping it if she can and tends to prefer using the gun only as an absolute last resort. And Solène and Olympe both…fill in the gaps, with each other? Like, Olympe’s a woman who everyone sees as this simple little governess who can be walked over but has a spine of steel beneath those stays, whereas Solène is a woman who presents herself as being basically untouchable and unbreakable, but she has a lot of vulnerability beneath the surface. 
What makes me happy about them: Solène has this blunt, rough edge that really works well against almost everyone, but the second that Olympe enters the room? She melts. Even if she’s terrified of what exactly that means and trusting someone again. She’s basically the embodiment of “I’ve only had Olympe for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.” And Peyrol. Even if he’s not in the room and had nothing to do with it, she’d still kill Peyrol for good measure. And for Olympe, she has someone who’s genuinely in love with HER and would be willing to bend over backwards for her. (It’s not that I dislike Antoinette or that I’m even particularly criticizing her, but I do think that she can be insensitive when it comes to Olympe’s crush right until the very end when she lets her go and that sometimes, she takes advantage of Olympe’s feelings without realizing it, causing Olympe to get into trouble. See: Je Suis un Dieu.) Like, Lazare and Solène would never ADMIT it, because fundamentally they have way too much between them, but they have more in common there than they’d ever admit. 
Finally: BLESS the Toho for giving me, like, five seconds of interaction between them. It might not have been much, but THEY TOUCHED HANDS. While watching Solène’s brother being brutally shot by his boyfriend, but hey, it’s not the WORST first date idea. And Solène’s CLINGING onto this girl she’s just met in that scene, after rushing herself in front of Peyrol’s line of fire to do it. 
What makes me sad about them: Obviously, the lack of interaction between them, even though, on the positive side, it means the show can’t ruin it for me. Solène is hard as a character to write, because all three Solènes are written so very differently from one another that it’s hard to get a grip on her, especially since it’s obvious that the French really didn’t…CARE about her, as a character, and that also means that trying to get their dynamic can be hard. Like, I still feel after all this time that I don’t have them down as well as I have L/R, which is something that I’m always trying to rectify. 
Also, from an in-universe perspective: I think…Solène is very like her brother, in the sense that she doesn’t see HERSELF as inherently inferior or incapable of love (the one thing no one has EVER accused the Mazurier Siblings of is a lack of confidence), but that so much has happened to her that she kind of takes it for granted that this isn’t going to end well. Our girl’s canonically lost her brother and father, she’s PROBABLY lost her mother (I mean, unless she’s just…living as a hermit somewhere since Ronan and Soléne ran away or left Papa Mazurier to become a famous adventuress, I think it’s a safe assumption), and it’s safe to assume she’s lost at least 2-3 siblings, if not more, and…as much as I’m against the idea of the Tragic Sex Worker, she’s also probably seen Things in her time on the streets. If nothing else, then sex work was very much a transitory job for many women, who would take it up in off seasons in-between other jobs (or marriage, for some women), so there are probably plenty of women who she knew and tried to get attached to who just…moved on. 
And I think that Marie Antoinette’s ghost is always kind of going to be there, in the background, even as Olympe moves on from the full force of her old feelings. And Olympe has her own issues when it comes to loss, not just with Ronan (who was a friend if nothing else) and her mother (if we’re going with the musical-canon where Charlotte du Puget’s been dead for awhile), but also with probably seeing Louis-Joseph die in front of her. 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: WHAT FANFIC? There’s so little of it available that it’s kind of impossible for me to find ANYTHING to really annoy me. The thing that annoys me when I’M writing them is that there’s this…odd tendency, with femslash, for things to be sanitized and clean and saccharine, as opposed to M/M and F/M ships. And, on one hand, I DESPISE that mentality, but on the other hand, I find that I’ve internalized some of that, even though realistically S/O have…so much that they could bicker over. If they wanted to. So I try to keep at least a realistic level of conflict in their relationship, without reaching R/O or even R/L levels. 
things I look for in fanfic: Existing is always a lovely thing. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Olympe/MA is always going to be a tragic crush for me; I’m not sure if it’d have worked in the long run as an actual RELATIONSHIP, but I’d be perfectly comfortable with Olympe being happy. Or accepting Artois’ offer, biding her time in London while slowly poisoning him so that she can retire in an obscene amount of wealth when the new king of France “tragically” dies only a few months into his new reign. 
Even though I’m pretty attached to Olympe being a lesbian and Lazare being gay and/or ace, I’m also not OPPOSED to them marrying each other as a matter of convenience post-canon, though…obviously. After the Takarazuka and Toho productions, there are going to be…issues with that one. (Lazare is incapable of being with someone when he hasn’t at least tried to kill their father.) Matthieu Carnot and Camille Lou in the original cast had HELLA chemistry with one another, and I’m not entirely willing to toss it all away.     
And for Solène…I’m not sure I’d go with ANYONE in the main cast. My main headcanon re: Solène and sexuality is that she’s bi, but the whole “Betrayal by her idiot of a brother” thing has really put her off the idea of being romantically involved with dudes for an extended period of time. Sexually? Sure, for the money involved. It’s her JOB, but she’s not going to go for anything that requires trust. Lucile is the obvious alternative, but I’m not sure how Lucile’s upper middle class upbringing would work with Solène and her profession, and the entire business with the engagement +…Lucile’s ultimate fate would work. (Also Lucile’s part in The Scene in the Toho version…it hasn’t put me off her as a CHARACTER, I still love her very much, but…it’s made me…less keen on her with Solène.) I also crackship her with Marie Antoinette. Marie Antoinette gets all the ladies in the main cast. 
My happily ever after for them: In the canon verse? They leave Paris, either getting out of the country or quietly running into the country, where they can live in peace without the Reign of Terror getting them. They establish a domestic life together, where both of them learn to trust again, even as Solène keeps her own funds Just in Case, because some things are a little harder to move past than others. Lt. du Puget knows, but he’s been too traumatized by his own experiences with the Bastille, as well as too grateful to the Mazuriers for all they’ve done to raise a fuss, and he becomes like a second father to Solène, with Françoise being a sister and partner in crime to her. Solène doesn’t lose track of her friends in Paris and visits them from time to time, even as she gets used to middle class life, and she never entirely loses her fire. They both die of old age, many, many years after the Revolution (because, as we all know, Olympe does not die at the end, and there has never been a time where she died at the end; it is her destiny to outlive the rest of the cast with her girlfriend.) And then, in the afterlife, Solène gets at least one slap in on her brother before they’re one big, happy family again. Because he does deserve it, tbh. 
Out of canon, I would honestly love to see a world where Solène/Olympe and Lazare/Ronan could have co-existed with each other as a family, albeit an insanely unorthodox one. I could see Olympe and Lazare having a marriage of convenience, with both of them having their own sections of the house that are just theirs, and with sex not even being a consideration. (Solène takes it more as a matter of course and the best possible option, even if she doesn’t LIKE Lazare; Ronan runs off and spends, like, a week crying somewhere before they can get him calmed down enough to explain.) Like, their wedding night is spent playing cards in bed until they can sneak out to their separate rooms, and at some point Ronan’s in-between them, drooling on Lazare’s shoulder while Solène glares daggers because if he hurts her girlfriend or her brother, she will not HESITATE to destroy him. Everyone knows that they’re gay AF and that a former under-governess to the royal family is sleeping with a former sex worker, mainly because Artois never shuts up about it (because if he can’t have Lazare under his thumb and he can’t murder the hypotenuse, he’s at least going to do his best to make his life miserable), but, does it matter? No. What are they going to do, not invite Lazare or Olympe to one of their salons? The horror, the horror. One year, for her New Year’s present, Ronan gives Solène a pair of earplugs so she doesn’t have to hear some of the ungodly sounds that come from his and Lazare’s side of the house. Everyone’s happy. 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: See, my GUT instinct is Solène for big spoon, since it gives her a place of security without her feeling pinned in, but also I love the thought of Olympe sometimes taking over, nuzzling into Solène’s neck and having Solène wake up and being like “Holy shit, this is real” even years later. 
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Taking walks together, reading. I like to think that Olympe helps Solène learn how to read (which is one of the areas where I feel like they differ from R/L. Even though I think Lazare would read out loud to Ronan, I’m not sure he’d go through the trouble of TEACHING him, especially since that’s…giving Ronan some serious power as far as being able to page through any of Lazare’s papers.) Sometimes, Solène just prefers to hear Olympe read out loud, with her absently putting her hand on Olympe’s arm as time goes on and she relaxes, since Olympe has a very bright, expressive voice that suited her well when she was an undergoverness, and even if she doesn’t mean to, she finds herself taking on different voices for different characters, which makes for an entertaining reading experience,. The two of them also help each other with their daily toilette, getting each other’s hair and clothes prepared. 
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This? Is an Olympe innovation. 
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And this? Is a Solène. She Tries. And Olympe loves her for it. 
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cutsliceddiced · 4 years
New top story from Time: Inside Life on the Crew Decks on Coronavirus-Stricken Diamond Princess Cruise Ship
Three times a day, Gie and her team push a convoy of dining carts through the corridors of the quarantined luxury cruise ship Diamond Princess. Wearing face masks and gloves, they stop at occupied rooms, greeting passengers and delivering meals before moving on to the next deck.
The task runs like clockwork — crew members offload appetizers, the main course, drinks and utensils, largely in that order. (Sometimes, there’s dessert.) But lately, something often interrupts their flow: The thank you notes stuck on many cabin doors, written by passengers and addressed to the crew.
“We stop and take time to read [the notes]. We talk about how we’re happy that somehow we make them smile,” Gie, a Diamond Princess crew member who asked to go by an alias due to company media policy, says.
On one suite’s door, the word “thank you” is written in ten languages. On another note, a passenger writes, “Thanks for your dedicated support. Take care of your health.”
“Even though the passengers are wearing masks when they answer the door, I can see their smiles. I can see in their eyes. They appreciate everything we do for them,” Gie, 33, says. “That keeps us going.”
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Sent to TIME via Gie, a Diamond Princess crew memberA thank you note to crew is stuck to the door of a cabin aboard the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship
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  Sent to TIME via Gie, a Diamond Princess crew memberThank you notes to crew in multiple languages are stuck to the door of a cabin aboard the quarantined Diamond Princess ship
The gratitude from passengers is understandable. With at least 454 confirmed cases, the cruise ship has the largest outbreak of novel coronavirus outside China, and passengers are under strict quarantine, largely confined to their cabins. The crew members have been the only lifelines for passengers. They deliver food, water, towels, medication and anything else passengers request.
“They’ve basically been told that they need to take care of all these potentially sick people,” says Kent Frasure, a 43-year-old passenger from Portland, Oregon. “They’re kind of the unsung heroes here.”
But while the 2,600-some passengers on board enjoy free Internet, streaming movies and TV shows and playing with puzzles and games to pass the time in their private cabins, crew members — mostly from the Philippines and other developing nations — have continued working. Those given food delivery duties are up before 6 a.m. to serve breakfast, to work through as late as 10 p.m. for the end of dinner service.
And they are doing it at risk to their own health. At least 33 crew members have been infected with coronavirus.
Read more: Americans Evacuated From Diamond Princess Cruise Ship Arrive in U.S.
Princess Cruises, which is owned by Carnival, said in a statement that, “our guests and crew onboard Diamond Princess are the focus of our entire global organization right now and all of our hearts are with each of them.” The cruise line did not respond to requests for comment.
And as the U.S., Australia, and Hong Kong send chartered planes to evacuate passengers on board the ship, several crew members told TIME they do not know what the cruise line’s plan for them is once the quarantine ends on Feb. 19.
Life below deck
Crew members aboard the Diamond Princess aren’t afforded many of the same protections as the passengers they serve. Public health experts have said cruise ships are especially susceptible to the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19 because passengers are in close, frequent contact with each other. For the crew, it’s even more so.
They live on decks below sea level, bunking with one or two other people and sharing a toilet with them. They dine in shifts at a mess hall, where cafeteria tables seat up to 12 people. Only ten days into the 14-day quarantine did Princess Cruises ask crew members to take an extra precaution when eating — to leave an empty seat between people at a table, upon advice from the Japanese health authorities, according to one crew member interviewed by TIME.
The cruise company has given all crew members thermometers, and those who have a fever must report it. But they aren’t isolated.
Obet, a crew member in his 30s who also asked to be referred to with an alias, had been arranging meals and delivering them to passengers before he came down with a fever last week. When he reported it, he was told to isolate himself in his cabin and take the acetaminophen (a generic pain reliever) he had with him. After he ran out of pills, it took a day for the medical team to give him more.
Although he had recovered from his fever, Obet was told not to return to work. But he was still sharing a room with a cabin mate who was not experiencing any coronavirus symptoms. Obet says he did his best to keep a distance from him, and wore a mask whenever he was in the room.
“There’s nothing we can do,” says Obet. “There’s not enough cabins for those sick crew members [to isolate themselves in] so they decided to tell us to just stay in our cabins.”
Read more: The Coronavirus Outbreak Should Bring Out the Best in Humanity
Obet and his cabin-mate were tested for the coronavirus last week. On Saturday afternoon, they received the news that both of them were infected. They were taken to a hospital later that evening, where their temperatures and vitals are now being checked at least twice a day. Obet says he is taking pills for a mild cough he still has, but otherwise says he is feeling “energized.” His cabin mate still has no visible symptoms.
“There’s lots of crew also getting infected and it’s becoming more alarming for us,” Obet told TIME before his diagnosis. “We don’t know if we’re still safe on board.”
An assistant cook from India who asked to stay anonymous says kitchen workers wear masks and gloves at all times. To his knowledge, no one in the kitchen has been infected with the virus. “We are taking all the necessary precautions,” he says. “Nobody wants to play with life.”
Of the 1,045 crew members on the Diamond Princess, around half, like Gie and Obet, are from the Philippines. Joining the cruise industry is an attractive option for many from the Southeast Asian nation — they can make more money than working back home, and are free to get off the ship and do their own traveling during off-hours. One crew member who has been in the cruise industry for a little over a year said he had visited 10 countries. But a job on a cruise ship comes at the expense of time with family; most crew members sign on for contracts that keep them away from home for nine months at a time.
Gie, a mother of two, was meant to return to the Philippines next month. It would be the first time she’s seen her family since last July, when she embarked on the cruise. But because of the virus outbreak, it looks unlikely that she can go home as planned.
Other crew members come from countries including India, Indonesia, Thailand, Russia and Ukraine. The passengers they serve come overwhelmingly from richer countries. Japanese tourists make up a majority of the 2,666 passengers onboard the Diamond Princess. The rest are from the U.S, U.K. and Australia, among other nations.
‘We’re just being positive’
Gie has worked as a server on the Diamond Princess for about seven months. Normally, she waits tables at one of the restaurants on deck, taking orders and interacting with the ship’s passengers . But that changed when the ship went under quarantine on Feb. 5, after the company learned a passenger who disembarked earlier had tested positive for the coronavirus. The ship has been docked at Yokohoma, Japan, ever since.
The restaurant Gie used to serve in has been reduced from a bustling eatery to a quiet base for crew to organize food prepared by the kitchen team. “Of course we are really very scared. During the first two or three days, we were ranting, because we didn’t want to deliver, to face the passengers,” Gie says. “But we realize that it’s part of the job. We’re scared, but we’re just being positive. We try not to think about it.”
Read more: Passenger Confirmed to Have Coronavirus After Leaving Cruise Ship That Docked in Cambodia
The cruise line makes sure the crew have sufficient masks and gloves to protect themselves, Gie adds. “We’re very particular with hygiene and sanitation. We wash our hands frequently. Sometimes we double up [on masks].”
Princess Cruises said last week it is offering crew members two months of paid vacation. Authorities in the Philippines said they would bring home the 500 or so Filipino crew members on the cruise, but did not indicate a timeline.
Crew spend the few off-hours they have calling family back home and updating social media. On Facebook, Gie counts down the days left till the end of the quarantine, quotes Bible verses and shares news articles on the rising number of coronavirus cases on the cruise.
In one Facebook post about yet another increase in the number of confirmed cases on the cruise, Gie wrote: “Still our spirits are high, this too shall pass.”
via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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sanitationshark · 1 year
for @ladiesofhell​ from (x)
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"I understand your desire to hurt him because of what he says, but if you did, you’d guarantee your end, and it’s not something that Moxxie should see.” He answered in a clinical tone as he had sat there for the longest time, listening and following on with Crimsons talking, his hand having been on her knee until Crimson would have noticed, he knew their habits well enough to avoid detection.
“You’re the Don’s wife, things are expected of you, especially during meetings, and I would... Moxxie would not do well with seeing his mother jump at his father and next not be seen ever again... You know what he could do if he thinks you’re not worth having around.” Paolo hadn’t seen Crimson off anyone close to him yet, but he’d not wat it to be Daisy, having taken an interest and care in Moxxie and her once things had started to go sour.
“You need to accept him for who he is and what he does, find the things that make you happy and keep them close, like your son.”
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sanitationshark · 1 year
@sharp-shooter-no-more-moxxie​ asked:
Paolo this sucks!" The teenager was sporting a cast on one of his legs after Chaz had left him during a bank robbery. the gate had broken the poor teen's leg but Moxxie had broke Chaz's damn face and several other bones after he got out of jail on bail right in front of his dad so now he was stuck in his room in " time out" with Paolo watching over him so he didn't try to escape not that he could.
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Paolo had been stressed out(not that one could see it on him) and nearly killed Chaz himself when he heard that they had left Moxxie behind on the robbery, but why Crimson had decided against it was beyond him as it should have been Crim who had a knife against Chaz’s throat and not his underboss. And when Moxxie got back and ended things with Chaz winning the most justifiable way possible, they were the ones sent in -time out-, again causing Paolo to get annoyed, but all his emotions were hidden under the mask he always wore, and having worn it for so long, he didn’t know how to take it off any longer.
“I understand it’s not most ideal, but take it like this, you got to knock the stuffing out of Chaz before getting sent here, and you needed the rest anyway to heal up... Would you want me to take care of Chaz later? I know how to make it look like an accident, or like someone else took him out.”
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sanitationshark · 1 year
@giftedfangs​ asked:
« come here often? »
first meeting prompts
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Paolo had not been called on by name, but he knew well enough when someone spoke to him, and turning to see a lady that looked straight out of the victorian era, he’d take a moment looking her over, she was no one he knew, nor had seen around the villa.
“No, can’t say I do.” He had been in the area for business for the Don, one of the few times he’d get to do so outside of the familia villa, still, he felt he’d do a bit more to brush up on his people skills. “I’m in the area workin’, names Paolo, union rep, and who might you be miss?”
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sanitationshark · 1 year
spxderinheels asked:
"Read the sign busta'! No Touching The Gals While They're Performing!" He huffed as he went back to continue doing a strip tease on stage for the audience. The hot pink and purple colorful bright lights form an aura on the edges of his fur. His smaller set of eyes glimmer as though they were glowing.
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Paolo let out a soft grumble but didn’t challenge the rules, it had been his first time at such a place and he hadn’t imagined when they were all up on him that he’d be expected to play keep-away with his hands. Neither was he about to flex around his mobster pass to threaten anyone, last thing needed was bad blood with Valentino and their performers, something he’d had to take the other capos at a few times when they had caused problems in other clubs.
He’d continue to watch and do his part in dropping bills for the one on stage, not bothering with the few around that thought it funny how he was quite new to the area and didn’t know how things went down around there. Had to admit even with the attitude, they were a great dancer on stage and made it hard to look away, and near the end he’d drop a small stack of bills, making sure that they’d get it in a form of apology for the mishap, not wanting to get a bad rep himself.
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sanitationshark · 1 year
@hellsmayflower​ asked:
Aggressive Symbol Meme
☠ - for my muse to try and kill or attack yours
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“Elusive, but I think you’d find yourself better to accept the inevitable, humans don’t survive in Hell, and you’re quite a curiosity, alive or dead.” His attempt to track her down was successful, though things had moved faster than he had expected and was found alone in a room with her, and a knife in his hands.
“I expect to see you back down here within the day, you’d be wise not to make yourself seen by us then.”
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sanitationshark · 1 year
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"I’m sorry for my failures when you grew up, I was still as young and stupid and had no idea what would come from all of this, if I could change it I would, I’d done something more instead of feeling so helpless... You know how he could be. But I make no excuse for what I did, I only hope you can forgive my inaction... I should have ended it before it had started.”
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sanitationshark · 1 year
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"Takes more than good looks to know how to run a business properly, and it’s easier to be feared when you don’t look handsome.”
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sanitationshark · 1 year
@sharp-shooter-no-more-moxxie​ asked:
the three-year-old imp toddled up to the shark. "Paolo! I'm bored! I want to help make the tied-up man pay too just like daddy does!"
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It was by habit now that he’d pick up the little imp whenever he wandered near, lifting him into his arms and settling them there. “No, you know how your mother doesn’t want you to do that, and besides, Crimson is busy with that tied-up man. Why don’t we go find your mom instead, she might be looking for you.”
Even as he’d hold them, he’d gently rock them, a habit he had from when they were much younger and when his mother wasn’t able to, considering Crimson barely cared to do so, it felt like he had to let them know someone cared besides his mom. “You been busy today? What you been up to?”
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sanitationshark · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
☯ (from Sofia @sixwhitefreckles​ - maybe back in the day?)
Aggressive Symbol Meme
☯ - for my muse to wake yours in the middle of the night, panicked
It had not been a favorite past-time of his to be woken in the middle of the night, more often than not he’d imagine someone who would have killed him would have done so without waking him, so whoever wanted him awake was either vindictive or in trouble, so when seeing Sofia he would be attentive, but his natural expression of indifference was nowhere to be seen as he noticed how panicked she were.
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“What’s wrong, Sofia?” he’d get out of bed and reach for his gun on the bedside table and scan the room before focusing back on her, old habits never leaving the shark. “Why are you here?”
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sanitationshark · 1 year
@bloodstainedxmelody asked:
"Why do you sharky demons got them eye rings?" A vampire inquires. Chin propped up on a fist, "They're pretty but do they actually serve a purpose?"
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If Paolo had a nickle for every time a vampire approached him, he’d have two, which isn’t a lot , but it’s weird how it happened twice.
"Not sure, why don’t yours have them?” It wasn’t often he’d get asked questions out of the blue, especially from people he’d just met. “Most folk tend to introduce themselves. before askin’ questions... Names Paolo, union rep, who are you?”
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