#Digital Gorkha
globalzipcode · 1 year
Nepal, a landlocked country between India and China, is known for its mountain peaks. The small country contains eight of the 10 highest peaks in the world, including Mount Everest and Kanchenjunga – the world’s tallest and third tallest respectively.
Nepal is known as the roof of the world because of Mount Everest, as the birthplace of Gautam Buddha. Nepal is also known for Brave Gurkhas who fought bravely with the British Empire. Nepal was not colonized by the British Empire. The story of Greater Nepal is related to the bravery of Gorkhas and the win and losses of the wars.
Nepal was ruled by the Kirat dynasty from 800 BCE–300 CE for about 1,225 years. During the Kirat dynasty, the border of the kingdom was the following: Eastern border: Kamaru Kamakshya Southern border: Pataliputra Katur Western border: Kangada
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Postal Codes (likewise regularly called a PIN Code or Postal district) are required when you are sending or getting the package across the areas. Critically, expected during web based shopping nowadays. Here we have arranged a total rundown of postal codes of Nepal and informed why are postal divisions significant and how to utilize them. Moreover, as a result of gigantic disarray on the best way to enter a 6-digit postal code for Kathmandu, Nepal in Apple ID, we have likewise covered that point.
According to Wikipedia definition, postal codes are one of a kind identifiers either series or mix of letters, digits, or even spaces and accentuation remembered for the postal location with a reason to make mail arranging simple. The postal codes are named contrastingly relying on the country. In India, postal codes are known as PIN, which represents Postal Record Number, usually called a PIN code. Essentially, in the US and the Philippines, the postal codes are named as Postal division, where the ZIP is the abbreviation type of Zone Improvement Plan. Also, in Nepal, it’s essentially called Postal Code.
Postal codes were first acquainted around 1860 with facilitate the arranging system and lighten the intricacy of the bundle conveyance. However, the real reception was pushed during The Second Great War when the bigger European urban communities began utilizing it. Be that as it may, the cutting edge postcodes as we are aware of were first started by USSR in 1932 and followed by Germany in 1941. This drove Singapore to utilize it in 1950, Argentina in 1958, the US in 1963, the UK in 1974, etc.
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Learn more the latest Nepal postal codes: https://globalzipcode.com/nepal-postal-codes/
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bengalbytes · 3 years
Bimal Gurung in the name of millions of rupees tolabaji! Captured 2
Bimal Gurung in the name of millions of rupees tolabaji! Captured 2
Highlights Two youths have been accused of taking money from a college in the name of Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leader Bimal Gurung. Siliguri Cyber ​​Crime Police have already arrested the accused According to police sources, the suspects were identified as Deepesh Trikshatri and Tara Pariyar This time the digital desk: In the name of Bimal Gurung Tolabaji! Two youths were accused of taking money…
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Amid anti-citizenship bill protests, internet shutdown in Tripura, Arunachal - india news
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The internet shutdown on Tuesday in Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura amid spiraling protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill in the Northeast is the latest in a series of such shutdowns across India, which topped the list of countries that resorted to such measures in 2018.India reported over 100 internet shutdown in 2018, according to an annual study of Freedom House, a US-based non-profit research organization. The study on the internet and digital media freedom was conducted in over 65 countries, which cover 87% of the world’s internet usersPolice and administrative authorities have cited protests and other security reasons to routinely snap the internet in India.The Centre promulgated the Temporary Suspension of Telecom Services (Public Emergency or Public Safety) Rules, 2017, under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, in August 2017 for legal sanction to the shutdowns.As per the rules, Union home ministry secretary or secretaries of state home departments can order temporary suspension of the internet. An internet suspension order has to be taken up for review within five days.Prior to 2017, authorities could shut down the internet under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), which empowers an executive magistrate to prohibit an assembly of over four people.Section 5 (2) of the Telegraph Act, 1855, allowed the government to prevent transmission of any telegraphic message during a public emergency or in the interest of public safety. The Kashmir Valley has remained under an internet shutdown since August 4. The shutdown was imposed hours ahead of the nullification of the Constitution’s Article 370 that gave Jammu and Kashmir special status.Internet and phone lines were snapped ahead of Republic Day celebrations in 2010 in one of the first reported shutdowns in the Valley. Kashmir also holds the record for the longest shutdown when the internet was snapped for 133 days after the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani in July 2016. The current shutdown, with 122 days and counting, is the second-longest. The 100-day blackout in Darjeeling during the Gorkha agitation in 2016 is the third-longest internet shutdown in India.Ahead of the verdict in the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid title suit last month, the internet was shut down in parts of Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The internet was shut down for three days in Gujarat during the agitation for a quota in jobs and educational institutes for the Patidar community in 2015.As per the Software Freedom Law Centre, which provides free legal services to protect Free and Open Source Software, the total number of shutdowns in Indian since 2012 is more than 359. As per the tracker -- internetshutdowns.in -- which records such instances from newspaper clippings -- there have been 89 internet shutdowns in 2019, 134 in 2018, and 79 in 2017.“As a part of this project, we track incidents of Internet shutdowns across India in an attempt to draw attention to the troubling trend of disconnecting access to Internet services, for reasons ranging from curbing unrest to preventing cheating in an examination,” it states as part of its purpose.In September this year, the Kerala High Court held that access to the internet is a fundamental right.According to Pranesh Prakash of the Centre for Internet Society, the shutdowns are largely unlawful.“David Kaye, the UN special rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, has condemned the shutdowns and noted that the principles of proportionality and necessity should be adhered to in case of shutdowns. Yet, there have been several instances where lives have been lost in Kashmir due to the lockdown,” he said.As per the Software Freedom Law Centre, which provides free legal services to protect Free and Open Source Software, the total number of shutdowns in Indian since 2012 is more than 359. As per the tracker -- internetshutdowns.in -- which records such instances from newspaper clippings, there have been 89 internet shutdowns in 2019, 134 in 2018, and 79 in 2017.“As a part of this project, we track incidents of Internet shutdowns across India in an attempt to draw attention to the troubling trend of disconnecting access to Internet services, for reasons ranging from curbing unrest to preventing cheating in an examination,” it states as part of its purpose.In September this year, the Kerala High Court held that access to the internet is a fundamental right.According to Pranesh Prakash of the Centre for Internet Society, the shutdowns are largely unlawful.“David Kaye, UN’s special rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, has condemned the shutdowns and noted that the principles of proportionality and necessity should be adhered to in case of shutdowns. Yet, there have been several instances where lives have been lost in Kashmir due to the lockdown,” he said. Source link Read the full article
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doodledialogue · 7 years
Interview series - What after B.arch? #3
Interviewee: Vishal Joshi Post-graduation: Masters of Science in Historic Preservation (MSHP) | University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture (UTSOA), USA
How did you hear about the University/program and why did you take it up?
With two years of work experience in the architectural design field, I felt a little unsettled and thought I need to do something different. The key to me stepping into the field of Historic Preservation was the restoration of the now renowned Bhau Daji Lad Museum. I witnessed through newspapers, articles and social media that this was soon becoming a benchmark project in the field of conservation practice in India. The Architect responsible was Vikas Dilawari, who at the time was also teaching in my undergraduate architecture school, Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture (KRVIA). On approaching him, he convinced me that this field can be a successful way-of-life. I then had the opportunity to work with him, which gave me a very different insight into heritage conservation, and I knew then that this could very well be my future career. I chose the United States over the UK as the US allowed students to work one year after the completion of the program, which in the UK it was difficult. I came to know about the University of Texas (UT) at Austin from a friend who was already studying his Masters’ there. He gave me a great insight into all the things that the program, school and that city offered. This was key for me to taking up the program.
What about the University/program appealed to you?
Being an international student in the US, we have to realise that our tuition fee is almost double or triple to what a local American student might pay. Affordability was the defining point for me to take the program at UT Austin. I had received admission in Historic Preservation at the Columbia University, Pratt Institute and the University of Pennsylvania. These are renowned universities, however, UT Austin was the most economical amongst them all. To add to this Austin has a more subtropical climate, similar to that of New Delhi, which surely attracted to me. Austin is a small city which made rents equally affordable as compared to New York or Philadelphia. Additionally, UT Austin was the only Historic Preservation program that offered a Materials Lab. The inter-disciplinary approach of UT Austin’s program with other architecture courses was also an appealing avenue, as I wanted to keep in touch with my architectural background.  
How was the experience at the University?
I think words will fail to describe how amazing my experience was at UT. Everyone that I interacted with at UT, professors, the graduate student’s coordinators and the Dean were easily accessible. Each of them is well-versed with the fact that you are an international student and they will go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and at ease. All my professors are teachers par excellence, and they not only helped me secure a job on campus but also in the real world. The resources available at the University such as the computer lab, the library, the archives, the museums and the career services department were incredible, freely available and easy to reach out to. We were also notified of events and seminars of interest not only in the School of Architecture but also in other schools on campus as well as events in the city. The buses for us across the city were free of cost because we were students of UT Austin. To add to the list, famous architects and designers came to our school to present their work and interact with us; such as Rahul Mehrotra (RMA Architects) and Ma Yansong (MAD Architects) to name a few. We had numerous opportunities for travel scholarships and academic scholarships that could help us sustain a living at UT. There were many events such as Holi and Diwali on campus, which made me feel at home away from home. Student organizations were strong and active, and this made a lot of difference to convey any hardships which we could not directly communicate to our faculty members.
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Meeting Ma Yansong of MAD Architects as a part of the UTSOA lecture series in Spring 2016
Could you tell us about the event and seminars?
The events and seminars hosted by UTSOA were in the true sense of the word captivating. The presenters would discuss in great detail their works and their other areas of research. The goal was to make the students aware of the presenter’s professional practice. Most of the presenters had studied in the US and they would recount memories of their time in their respective schools, making us aware of the importance of these times. Every seminar that I attended never failed to instil the quest for more growth and knowledge. The architects presenting would constantly emphasize that they were still learning, every minute and every single day. This made me realise that even with numerous degrees and accolades you will truly be successful only when you are open to new ideas, new perspectives and have the enthusiasm to learn from others. The presenters also highlighted their successful as well as unsuccessful works. According to them, their unsuccessful works were equally important as their successful projects because they encountered various aspects that could be avoided in future projects. Highlighting that failure is the stepping stone to success. At the end of the presentations, there was a meet and greet, where the students were allowed and encouraged to talk-in-person with the architect. Most of the famous presenters I should acknowledge, came at the end of the semester when the work load was at its peak, I would be lying if I said that these presentations went without power naps.  
How was the teaching at your university?
The teaching procedure at UT was very intriguing. We had the regular lectures, but to top it off, there were intense discussions over matters and topics relevant to the subject. Each of us was given regular assignments, readings and projects so when we came to class we did not just sit and talk, but based our discussions on all that we learnt through our homework. While some courses had exams and tests, others as in many other architecture schools were more focused on presentations, pin-ups and walk-throughs. Each course was also backed by some form of practical support such as site visits, building documentations, lectures within historic buildings and movies. I think this unique way of teaching makes a lot of difference in the way you perceive and understand the world around you.
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Surface development of historic architecture as a part of the Digital Visualization Course, Spring 2016
Tell us more about the mentors.
My mentors were an excessively active and enthusiastic bunch of people. They were all easily available, but as the American system goes, it is only possible through a prior appointment. This seems different, but in reality to think of it, it is an efficient method to arrange a meeting and save time. Most of my professors were also in parallel, working in the field of Historic Preservation. This balance between the educational world and that of the practical world makes a lot of difference through which learning from them becomes even more valuable. My mentors Fran Gale (Material Scientist), Michael Holleran (Urban Planner), Sarah Lopez (Historian) and Benjamin Ibarra Sevilla (Preservation Architect) were extraordinarily inspirational for me. When I had my thesis Fran Gale connected me to her entire network so I could go work in Nepal. Michael Holleran, Sarah Lopez and Benjamin helped me acquire a travel scholarship to make this a reality, and convinced me to complete my thesis right on time. The efforts put in by my faculty kept me going and gave me the assurance that my project would be successful. I acknowledge them even to this day for making my Nepal thesis a possibility.
Could you tell us in brief what your thesis was about?
My thesis was on the ‘Rescue, Rehabilitation and the Aftermath of the April 2015 Gorkha Earthquake on Nepalese Heritage.’ The collective goal was to understand historic preservation in the event of a disaster and how various factors help to make or break a historic disaster zone. My main intent was to look at the aspect of destruction and reconstruction which is at the core of such activities. As a part of my thesis, I looked at the various actors that protected the historic fabric after the earthquake. I worked with the Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust (KVPT) in Nepal to be a part of this gargantuan exercise. I visited all the historic sites in order to carry out a visual reconnaissance. I investigated the earthquake history of the region and tried to unravel as to why so many historic buildings gave way. Finally, after much debate, I tried to come up with a few points for future reconstruction, in order to prevent another such disaster. I also looked at similar case studies in the region which could act as possible ‘best practices.’
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Working with the Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust (KVPT) as a part of my thesis research, Winter 2015
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Presenting my Nepal thesis research as a Student Scholar at the Association of Preservation Technology’s International Symposium in San Antonio in 2016
What lessons/insights did you gain from the experience?
I think there is a lot to learn from these experiences. The main thing is you become more independent. In India, we are used to notes that directly reflect on the exam paper. In the US you are taught to think differently and challenge anything that you might find unacceptable. This allowed me to come out of my comfort zone. The struggle, as they say, is real! As a student, you are always poor and money is never enough. The ways in which you juggle between part-time work, your classes, and studies defines and shapes you as a person. All in all, you are by yourself, trying to make this thing work for you and with the unparalleled support of the faculty, everything eventually works out. The slogan at UT Austin is ‘What starts here changes the world!’ I think that is very true, my education did not restrict me to the US but allowed me to traverse and understand the world in a different light. Which I think hints that this was indeed a successful risk that I took up. You should also know that in the US you cook, clean and do everything yourself, so it is life changing and humbling indeed.
Which semester did you attend? How did you plan the entrance exams?
The semesters I attended were Fall (Aug-Dec) 2014, Spring (Jan-May) 2015, Summer (Jun-Aug) 2015, Fall 2015 and Spring 2016. So it should be noted that planning for a Master’s in the States begins almost a year before the commencement of the program. I started preparing for my applications and the entrance exams in Fall of 2013. To help me assist with the applications to US Universities I went to Study Overseas. Here my mentor helped me plan my year and set goals that we managed to achieve before the application deadlines. I gave the GRE and the TOEFL exams in preparation for my applications to US universities. My mentor at Study Overseas additionally helped me prepare for US visa interviews as well.
How did you manage the finances?
Finances are the most difficult aspect to deal with, considering that the US is very expensive as compared to India. My father had to take a loan to make my travel and study in the US a possibility. Once in the US, I made sure that I had a job on campus which makes your economic situation a little better. At UT while you work on campus you are given numerous benefits such as a fee waiver and a health insurance that is paid for, and that surely helps. Not working on campus in my second year made it difficult, but the experience outside campus was also enriching. To add, I have still to pay-off my loan.
Were you involved in research work/competitions while studying?
Yes, I was a research assistant in my first semester for a report on the Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation in Texas. In my summer semester, I took up an independent study for the History of Preservation in India. I also applied for the Association of Preservation Technology’s (APT) Student Scholar program where I was selected to present my work in a Conference. To add to this my abstract was also awarded the APT Martin Weaver Scholarship for further research.
Did you work a part-time job while studying?
Yes, I was a Research Assistant in the Fall 2014 semester. I was a teaching assistant in the Spring 2015 semester. I didn’t get a job in my Fall 2015 semester. I worked part-time for Quimby McCoy Preservation Architecture in Dallas for my Spring 2016 semester.
Did you have post-master’s plans in mind when you went to do masters? Or did you go with the flow?
To be very honest, I did not have a post-master’s plan in mind, I just went with the flow considering the tough job and visa situation in the States. The only thing I aimed for was to work in a big historic city.
Did you travel while/after studying?
Yes, I travelled to Oaxaca, Mexico as part of the Studio Mexico course and travelled to Kathmandu, Nepal as part of my Thesis Research. I think when you are studying about a certain place or region you should be well aware of the context you are dealing with, which makes travel a necessity. I would add I also went to meet family and friends in San Francisco, Houston, Chicago and New York which was very very important to keep me grounded and going. I travelled to Kansas City and San Antonio for the APT Conference.
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The Studio Mexico team in Oaxaca City in Mexico, Spring 2015
Do you think the country/city one studies in, matters? Does the city one studies in, play a major role in master’s experience?
Yes, I would agree that a country/city that one studies in plays a very important role in the entire course curriculum and it changes our perspective about the place. The US is not renowned for its preservation efforts, is what I had thought. However, my views completely changed after I started to learn about all the things that the government has done towards protecting its heritage. With respect to Austin, I think I was lucky to be in a city, or in the Capital of Texas or in the Live Music Capital of the World, rather than being in an isolated university town. A city tends to connect you not only with the rest of the States but also to the rest of the world. A city such as Austin struggles with its growing population, its built heritage and with improving its urban public infrastructure. To be in such a cauldron allowed me to learn from the city’s flaw and pick up other areas where the city was successful. I would highly recommend students pursuing masters to stick to a city rather than going elsewhere. To add to this list, we also have great food joints, bars, museums, etc., and connectivity with other areas was good.
Are there any notable incidents/ anecdotes from post-grad studies that you wish to share?
The most notable incident that comes to mind is when I had begun my thesis research on Nepal, my professor Fran Gale passionately convinced me to come to the APT conference in Kansas City. This was also because the topic was being discussed at the conference. For me, as a student, it was an expensive endeavour so I was very reluctant, but on her insistence, I made the jump. It was in Kansas City that I realised the idea of ‘networking.’ For me, my goal was to save money but for my professor, her goal was to introduce me to the preservation world that I would be working in. Today my boss is a person that I had met at that symposium and to whom Fran had introduced me.
How is your master’s degree helping you in your current vocation?
I am presently working in Architectural Preservation Studio (APS) in New York as a preservation architect. This is only possible because of my degree in architecture and preservation. We at APS are known throughout the country for our preservation, restoration and adaptive re-use expertise. I am also pursuing my work visa, which will allow me to work in the country.
Do you see yourself coming back to India later and working here considering the vast difference in the approach and context?
Yes, my ideal goal would be to work in India and in the US simultaneously. The fact today is that numerous American and international agencies such as the World Monuments Fund are sponsoring preservation in India. It would be great if I could be on one of these projects that gave me the freedom to work in both countries without much hindrance. I think vast differences in approach and context just make the projects even more exciting, as I experienced in Nepal.  
You have mentioned that you worked here for two years odd before you took up Master’s. How has that been helpful?
Having worked in India became a great asset to me when I made my leap to the US. It gave me a strong resume and this work experience was one of the key reasons for getting an internship position in my first semester. Overall, working in the field for a few years not only allows you to decide on what you want to do next, but also gives an insider’s view into the field and acts as the perfect platform where you have practical as well as an educational balance. I would advise all students pursuing their master’s to work in the field, know what they like and then take the next step. This will also make your student application much stronger, giving you a higher chance of getting into the university of your dreams.      
What message would you like to give to future students of Postgraduate studies/B.Arch students?
My message is very simple, do what YOU like to do. Do not pursue a masters’ for STEM etc. You are going to put in a lot of money, time and energy, so by the end of the day, it should be totally worth the shot. Additionally, try to connect with all the people, maybe from your school in India who are in the same boat. I can assure you that they will be the best guide you can have, and he/she maybe your future roommate in the US? Take the risk but do not regret it.
Thank you, Vishal for your exhaustive answers. They have indeed been very enlightening.
About the interviewee: Vishal Joshi has an undergraduate degree in Architecture from Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi School of Architecture and a graduate degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Texas at Austin. He is presently working with Architectural Preservation Studio, DPC in New York City. He can be contacted at: [email protected]
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Presenting a poster at The Centre for Heritage Conservation (CHC) Symposium with my batch at Texas A & M in Spring 2015
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The final review for Studio Mexico with my group at the University of Texas School of Architecture, Spring 2015
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Review for Case Studies in a historic context as a part of Studio Mexico at the University Of Texas School Of Architecture, spring 2015
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The final poster review of the 2016 batch of Historic Preservation students who completed their thesis in spring 2016
© Not for republication. All text and photos belong to Doodle Dialogue.
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/a-global-measles-crisis-is-well-underway-un-agency-chiefs-warn/
‘A global measles crisis’ is well underway, UN agency chiefs warn
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“Cases have soared across the world, including in places where measles had previously been eliminated, like the United States”, asserted Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO).
Measles is almost entirely preventable through two doses of a safe and effective vaccine, despite being highly contagious. The UN agency chiefs painted “an alarming picture” of the rate of infection, saying that “by the time you finish reading this, we estimate that at least 40 people – most of them children – will be infected by this fast-moving, life-threatening disease”.
A clear and dangerous trend
Following two years of consecutive increases, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Myanmar, Philippines, Sudan, Thailand and Ukraine, are all in the midst of current outbreaks. It is also spreading fast among clusters of people, who are resisting vaccination, in countries with high overall vaccination rates, including the United States, Israel, Thailand and Tunisia.
“We’re worried not only because measles can be so severe, it still causes over 100,000 deaths every year, but also because it is extremely contagious” said the agency chiefs.
Referring to measles as “the canary in the coalmine of vaccine preventable illnesses”, the UNICEF and WHO heads explained that “around the world, millions of children are still missing out on lifesaving vaccines, leaving them and their communities vulnerable to disease and deadly outbreaks”.
Living in countries where healthcare systems are challenged by poverty and conflict, many lack access to effective vaccines.  But “in several high- and middle-income countries”, the UN agency heads lamented, “there are parents who are delaying or refusing to vaccinate their children because they’re unsure of the need for vaccines or that vaccines are safe”.
Moreover, the UN agencies revealed that uncertainty is often fueled by confusing, contradictory online information, which spreads fast, with harmful content transmitted on digital channels; amplified by algorithms that reward controversy and clicks; and exploited by anti-vaccine activists to sow
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A young boy is administered measles and rubella vaccine at a health post in Gorkha District, Nepal., by UNICEF/Kiran Panday
Additionally, scientists and health advocates have even been harassed for sharing information, according to the agencies, while unproven so-called vaccine alternatives are being marketed for profit.
‘Collective’ response needed
“It is a collective responsibility to support parents and build a more positive environment for vaccination, on and offline”, the UNICEF and WHO chiefs said.
Both agencies welcomed initial steps taken by digital companies, including Facebook and Amazon, to quarantine myths over vaccination safety, but say “it will take much more…to make sure all children get their vaccines at the right time”.
To reverse the trend, they flagged that everyone must advocate for vaccines, including by promoting scientific literacy on health and vaccines.
“It means governments must invest in primary care and immunization, and make sure these services are affordable, accessible and truly responsive to parents’ needs, especially those in the poorest, most disadvantaged communities” the two stressed.
For their part, WHO and UNICEF, are working with other partners, such as the Vaccine Alliance, a public-private partnership known as Gavi, to ensure that vaccines reach more people in more countries than ever before.
 “It will take long-term efforts, political commitment and continuous investment, in vaccine access, in service quality and in trust, to ensure we are, and remain, protected together”, said the agency heads.
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newsworldhub · 3 years
2021 Force Gurkha May Launch Soon, Officially Teased On Social Media | 2021 Force Gurkha may launch soon, company teased on social media
2021 Force Gurkha May Launch Soon, Officially Teased On Social Media | 2021 Force Gurkha may launch soon, company teased on social media
Digital Desk, New Delhi. The country’s well-known vehicle manufacturer Force Motors can soon launch a new SUV. Here we are talking about the popular off-roader 2021 Force Gurkha (2021 Force Gurkha). Which was first introduced by the company at the 2020 Auto Expo. At the same time, Force Motors has officially teased this powerful SUV on the social media platform. In which it was said that Gorkha…
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roberthaycraft313 · 4 years
via Robert Haycroft RSS Feed
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webodisha18 · 4 years
A notice of 'Patal Lok' created ruckus, legal notice sent to Anushka Sharma
A notice of ‘Patal Lok’ created ruckus, legal notice sent to Anushka Sharma
Anushka Sharma
new Delhi:
Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma recently made a digital debut as a producer from the ‘Pataal Lok’ web series. However, she has been caught in controversies regarding a scene in this web series. In a special scene of ‘Patal Lok’, a legal notice has been issued to Anushka Sharma for hurting the sentiments of the Gorkha community. The All Arunachal Pradesh Gorkha Youth…
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abdibager08-blog · 6 years
Best Visitor Management Systems
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Visitlog Visitor Management System comes along with the support team technicians that could resolve the queries immediately, if faced by the clients. Visitor management is an incredibly important part of any business, from health and safety to confidential information, up to date information and accessible information is a necessity for all industries. Connecticut Children's Hospital Case Study : After employing EasyLobby visitor management, Connecticut Children's receives a high rating in their security audit. Share host, visit and visitor management configuration settings across sites so that arriving visitors can be managed from either a reception workstation or a kiosk. Digital Gorkha provides cloud based visitor management solution for different industries. Advanced access controls ensure the security of your facility by denying entry to blacklisted visitors. Staff can pre-register visitors in advance to improve and maximize on the visitor experience. By learning all these things about your office operations after tracking the flow of your visitors, you will be amazed. Not only does it strengthen the security of business foundation, but has also proven to be an enhanced experience for the employees as well as the visitors. Visitor registration software, provides quality integrated security products and service solutions to commercial, industrial, municipal, and residential customers through a network of offices in Florida. Brady People ID's own brand of Visitor Management solutions, TEMPbadge, features expiring visitor badges that use patented technology to show an expiration indicator after a visitor's time is up and a full-scale Visitor Management software system that makes it easy to quickly process guests. A VMS screens visitors against local or online watch lists. Our visitor management solution offers a quick and seamless setup process. Make it easy for your visitor to sign the NDA upon their arrival or send them the document via email. Ability to pre-book visitors into the school for events such as parents' evening Visitors will then be able to print barcoded passes to reduce wasted time at the event. As an unexpected Visitor without an invitation in hand, I want to sign-in to the facility so that I can be let in. Staff can sign in and out using the touch screen, or simply by presenting contactless ID cards to the reader. Details of visitors, staff, vehicles entering the complex gets captured through an App at your Security Gate. SafeVisitor integrates with Safe Hiring Solutions to facilitate comprehensive national or international criminal background checks on frequent visitors like volunteers, vendors or student teachers. Looking for an iPad-based visitor management solution to register and manage visitors? Name of kiosk is now sent in the check-in notifications so the host knows where to pick their visitors if you have more than one entrance.
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sagunpaudel · 6 years
Delays in rebuilding school, health facilities
Delays in rebuilding school, health facilities
Delays in rebuilding school, health facilities
Apr 9, 2018-Close to three years from the disastrous Gorkha Earthquake, reconstruction of school buildings, health institutions and government offices, among other facilities, seems to be going at a slow pace with the rebuilding process yet to start for significant numbers of such properties. 
According to a trimester review of the reconstruction…
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thepeterssite · 7 years
Priye Timro Yauvan by Gopal Gorkha khanal
Priye Timro Yauvan is a New Nepali pop song by Gopal Gorkha khanal. The music video features Sanju and Rumita. Priye Timro Yauvan is a Nepali song which is directed by Kamal Chetry. This music video was edited by Mrinal sharma and Kamal Chetry and cinematographed by Mrinal sharma and Maniraj Battarai.
The music for this song was composed by Mrinal sharma and Siddhant Sagar and lyrics was written by Gopal Gorkha khanal . The music video features hot and gorgeous well known model Rumita. Priye Timro Yauvan song was based on romantic love story between Sanju and Rumita. Overall, They are showing their honest relation through this music video. The music video was presented by Gopal Gorkha khanal. When you once listen this song, I am sure that tears will keep tuning it.
The music video is released officially online by Vibes Digital Nepal via Youtube. Hope that you will enjoy this Melodious pop Song Priye Timro Yauvan.
Here is the lyrics for Priye Timro Yauvan:
  Na hasa priyasi yesari Yo mann ma ago balda cha Timro tyo nasalu herae le Yo jiyan bhutukai bhae dincha
Na hasa priyasi yesari Yo mann ma ago balda cha Timro tyo nasalu herae le Yo jiyan bhutukai bhae dincha Sakdina birsana timro tyo yobana Sakdina birsana timro tyo yobana Timro yobana priya yobana……
  Otha ko haso le pagal banaucha Bhutbhuti dil bitra Sapana sajhaucha
Otha ko haso le pagal banaucha Bhutbhuti dil bitra Sapana sajhaucha Yeti kai basi najik ma Maya malae deuna Yeti kai basi najik ma Maya malae deuna Maya deuna priya maya deuna…….
  Huncha yo man bitra Maya ko chahana Banchu timrai maya Cheuma basaana
Huncha yo man bitra Maya ko chahana Banchu timrai maya Cheuma basaana Gajalu timro akha ma Lali cha timro otha ma Gajalu timro akha ma Lali cha timro otha ma Lali otha ma priya lali otha ma
Na hasa priyasi yesari Yo mann ma ago balda cha Timro tyo nasalu herae le Yo jiyan bhutukai bhae dincha Sakdina birsana timro tyo yobana Sakdina birsana timro tyo yobana Timro yobana priya yobana……….
The post Priye Timro Yauvan by Gopal Gorkha khanal appeared first on etcNepal.com.
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Global Visitor Management Software Market Trends,Outlooks and Dynamics 2017
ReportsMonitor.com has added Global Visitor Management Software Market Size, Status and Forecast 2022   to its database of market research reports.
 This report studies the global Visitor Management Software market, analyzes and researches the Visitor Management Software development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, like Quickplus Greetly VAuthenticate Check In Systems Jolly Technologies RIW Software Technology The Offix Keytech Security Solutions Ident-A-Kid Splan All Things Code SkySoft Quantum Secure daVinci.io Digital Gorkha E Services HoozinToday Building Intelligence BlueTree
Request a Free Sample Report @ https://www.reportsmonitor.com/request-sample/?post=279621
  Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers United States EU Japan China India Southeast Asia
 View Entire Report @ https://www.reportsmonitor.com/global-visitor-management-software-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022/
Market segment by Application, Visitor Management Software can be split into Application 1 Application 2
  Some Points From Table Of Contents:
 1 Industry Overview of Visitor Management Software 1.1 Visitor Management Software Market Overview 1.1.1 Visitor Management Software Product Scope 1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook 1.2 Global Visitor Management Software Market Size and Analysis by Regions 1.2.1 United States 1.2.2 EU 1.2.3 Japan 1.2.4 China 1.2.5 India 1.2.6 Southeast Asia 1.3 Visitor Management Software Market by End Users/Application 1.3.1 Application 1 1.3.2 Application 2
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aderida · 7 years
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Gorkha Digital Flora russia kontak @sapto.armycorner 081903731207 visit facebook.com/military.corner #militarycorneryk #militarycorner #militarycornerjogja #finland #camo #jualloreng #camouflage #loreng #armylookindonesia #armylook #airsofterindonesia #russia (at Military Corner)
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digitalgorkha-blog · 9 years
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The new mobile application, Digital Gorkha, is a hi-tech security solution for your family’s safety
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newsworldhub · 3 years
2021 Force Gurkha May Launch Soon, Officially Teased On Social Media | 2021 Force Gurkha may launch soon, company teased on social media
2021 Force Gurkha May Launch Soon, Officially Teased On Social Media | 2021 Force Gurkha may launch soon, company teased on social media
Digital Desk, New Delhi. The country’s well-known vehicle manufacturer Force Motors can soon launch a new SUV. Here we are talking about the popular off-roader 2021 Force Gurkha (2021 Force Gurkha). Which was first introduced by the company at the 2020 Auto Expo. At the same time, Force Motors has officially teased this powerful SUV on the social media platform. In which it was said that Gorkha…
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digitalgorkha-blog · 9 years
visitor managment app
The visitors do not need to fill their details in a book anymore. Digital Gorkha simply verifies a visitor's details with a phone number and a photograph, and sends a confirmation call or SMS to the concerned resident—with or without the presence of a visitor's host. 
This verified data is then automatically uploaded from a tablet to a secure server, and everything is constantly backed up. The owners do not need to worry about safeguarding the data manually. This app also lets the visitors check-out when they leave the building in order to ensure everyone's safety.
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