#Dr. B. (the one who tried to rope me into that roundtable presentation) is already talking about
isfjmel-phleg · 10 months
Here's the tentative outline of the TSG paper, as okayed by the professor whom I've been discussing the project with:
intro to the trend of recent adaptations/retellings reframing TSG as a story about grief
an assertion that the book is really about healing from childhood e m o t i o n a l n e g l e c t (CEN) (my thesis?)
defining CEN and distinguishing it from traditional grief
an analysis of CEN in the text
how this interacts with what these adaptations/retellings are doing
conclusion about the importance of the text’s depiction of CEN and why it’s worth acknowledging/exploring
It's a relief to pin this down and be able to go into this with some kind of focus. I've already got a start on the first paragraph. I'm trying a method of drafting by just constructing the basic argument and then working in all the evidence and research later. My college papers tended to take forever to write because I drafted them with Finished Perfection in mind for each sentence, which is stressful and easy to get bogged down with. We'll see how it works. The paper needs to be completed by October, probably the end of the month at the very latest, but I'd like to get it finished in enough time to fully polish and not have to stress about a tight deadline.
I can do this. Probably. It's been a few years but I might still have it in me.
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