luxites · 1 month
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"Know your place, fool." ⛩
I really want to know more about how he became the King of Curses
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dekaythepunk · 4 years
Can you make a update gif tutorial? especially with tumblr increased the size of the gifs.
Hey, anon! Thanks for telling me that Tumblr has bumped up the limit to 5MB! Ahaah, and here I was yesterday trying to edit my gif to be under 3MB.I’ve looked at my most recent update on my gif tutorial which is this: https://dekaythepunk.tumblr.com/post/162071343505/this-is-an-updated-version-of-making-gifs-on-gimp
and I find that it’s pretty much the same way I make gifs on GIMP now still. So I don’t think I will need to make another updated version cuz it will just be the same thing. 🤣😅
But here are some things you can play around with now that we have more file size for our gifs!
1. You can keep the aspect ratio of the gif the same as the video (for eg. 16:9) because sometimes I might have to crop the top and bottom edges even more and make the gif narrower so it will be under 3MB.
2. You can make your gifs more vibrant and not always have to resort to monochrome colors! Do take note that GIMP gifs tend to be very grainy if it gets too colorful!
3. You can make longer gifs and not have to delete every 2 frames in the gif! This means smoother and longer gifs for days! Yay!
4. You can totally skip Step 12 in the above tutorial.
5. You don’t have to bump up the contrast on your gifs (since increasing the contrast usually lowers the file size by a bit). This also depends on your preference. I like my gif coloring to have a lot of contrast so I am not gonna change this for my gifs.
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