#Economic Gastric Sleeve Clinics
trenetralaya · 6 months
Affordable Gastric Sleeve Surgery in the USA: Beliteweight
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Are you seeking cost-effective options for gastric sleeve surgery in the USA? Look no further than Beliteweight Hospital, a renowned healthcare facility that combines quality care with affordability. In this article, we'll delve into the key aspects of Beliteweight Hospital and why it stands out as a top choice for those looking for budget-friendly gastric sleeve surgery.
About Beliteweight Hospital:
Beliteweight Hospital has gained a reputation for providing high-quality medical services at prices that won't break the bank. Specializing in weight loss surgeries, the hospital has a team of experienced surgeons, dedicated medical staff, and state-of-the-art facilities to ensure patients receive top-notch care throughout their journey.
Key Features:
Expert Surgeons: Beliteweight Hospital boasts a team of skilled and experienced surgeons who specialize in gastric sleeve surgery. These professionals are committed to delivering safe and effective procedures to help patients achieve their weight loss goals.
Cutting-edge Facilities: The hospital is equipped with modern facilities, including advanced operating rooms and post-surgery recovery areas. This ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care during their entire stay.
Comprehensive Care: Beyond the surgical procedure, Beliteweight Hospital provides comprehensive care, including pre-operative consultations, post-operative follow-ups, and ongoing support to help patients maintain a healthy lifestyle after surgery.
Affordability: One of the standout features of Beliteweight Hospital is its commitment to affordability. The hospital understands the financial challenges associated with weight loss surgery and strives to make these life-changing procedures accessible to a broader population.
Patient-Centric Approach: Beliteweight Hospital prioritizes the well-being and satisfaction of its patients. The hospital's staff is dedicated to creating a supportive and comfortable environment, ensuring that patients feel confident and cared for throughout their weight loss journey.
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mariacallous · 1 year
A revolution in weight loss is apparently underway. It started in 2021, when the FDA approved the diabetes drug semaglutide for weight loss. The weekly injectable—sold under the brand name Wegovy—can help users lose 5 to 10 percent of their body weight, leading commentators to describe the drug as both a “medical breakthrough” and a “silver bullet” for obesity. Elon Musk says he’s taking it, Kim Kardashian is rumored to be using it, and everyone from Hollywood to the Hamptons reportedly wants a prescription. 
Soon, there will be a new weight loss medication on the block—and it’s even more potent than its peers. Last fall, the FDA fast-tracked the review process for using tirzepatide as a weight loss drug after a clinical trial showed that people with BMIs labeled “overweight” or “obese” lost a staggering 22.5 percent of their body weight on the highest dose. If all goes according to plan, that will make Mounjaro the latest in a fast-growing biomedical sector—spanning everything from bariatric surgery to deep brain stimulation for binge-eating—that aims to combat, if not cure, the problem of “excess” weight. 
For pharmaceutical companies, the race to market is financially motivated: Wegovy and Mounjaro cost more than $1,000 a month. Weight loss drugs are rarely covered by insurance, but people who can afford them have proven they’re willing to pay. And the market seems effectively limitless: Despite an ongoing “war on obesity,” more than 1.9 billion adults globally are considered overweight or obese, and the number of prospective users is growing every year. Now doctors—desperate to treat what is widely seen as an “obesity epidemic”—are coming on board. In January, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended such medications for kids as young as 12. 
The victorious narratives gilding drugs like Mounjaro are already being positioned as a direct challenge to fat activism. For decades, the movement has pushed for social and economic opportunity for people of all sizes through civil rights, fat pride and liberation, and biomedical evidence itself. Thanks to prominent voices like Audrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes, many people now know that “lifestyle changes” like calorie restriction and exercise fail to produce sustained weight loss for 97 percent of people and that many dieters end up gaining back more weight than they lost. But what happens to the strength of these arguments when a weight loss drug seems to work?
Like other purported weight loss solutions, Mounjaro promises “to fix weight stigma by making you thinner, instead of removing the stigma,” says Susanne Johnson, a fat activist and family nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania. In so doing, these drugs and surgeries further exacerbate anti-fat discrimination. Instead of criticizing people in larger bodies for their perceived lack of willpower—that old “calories in, calories out” adage—people can now blame those in bigger bodies for something more akin to a techno-pessimist, or even anti-science, stance: “Just take the miracle cure!” 
The history of the weight loss industry is more akin to prospecting for gold or investing in crypto than transplanting organs and developing antibiotics; less a story of scientific progress than an endless cycle of wild speculation, where boom inevitably gives way to bust. Fen-Phen was a miracle until it was linked to heart valve damage. Intermittent fasting was going to fix what caloric restriction couldn’t until researchers showed the two produce exactly the same results. And then there’s the complicated case of bariatric surgery.
From their inception in the 1950s, operations like gastric bypass (which reroutes food away from the stomach, inducing malabsorption) and gastric sleeve (which involves partially amputating the stomach so it holds less food and produces fewer hunger hormones) have been sold as a potential panacea, says Lisa Du Breuil, a clinical social worker at Massachusetts General Hospital. While fewer than 1 percent of people who qualify actually undergo bariatric surgery, those who do can lose up to 70 percent of their “excess” weight (or the weight above a BMI of 24.9). 
But Du Breuil, who specializes in eating disorders and substance abuse disorders, has seen some of the worst of bariatric’s side effects. People can develop dumping syndrome—wherein sugar-rich meals leave the stomach too quickly, causing sweating, dizziness, rapid heart rate, and vomiting. Gastric bypass in particular raises the risk of postoperative alcohol abuse. Rates of suicide and self-harming behaviors also rise in the years after bariatric surgery. And even when people follow strict post-operative diets, malnutrition, tooth loss, gout, and new or resurging eating disorders are possible. “It can be really challenging to get a full picture,” Du Breuil says. She learns about new side effects all the time.
Semaglutide and tirzepatide—both part of a larger family of GLP-1 receptor agonists—were developed for diabetes management at lower doses. When pharmaceutical companies noticed their trial participants were also losing weight, they realized “if we can turn the volume up to 11, we can really enhance this side effect,” says Johnson, the nurse. “That means you’re also turning up the other side effects.” 
The primary complaints from users of Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro sound like the kind of thing you can fix with a bottle (or three) of Pepto Bismol: nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea, and what one patient called “power vomiting.” But these might be less like classic “side effects” of a drug than a mechanism of weight loss itself, as The Guardian recently reported. By making the feeling of eating (and, in some cases, even hydrating) actively disgusting to the user, the drug curbs their consumption—similar to the experience of bariatric patients, who can only fit a few ounces of food in their stomachs at a time. 
The list of complications doesn’t end there. For example, both GLP-1 receptor agonists may increase the risk of thyroid cancer—one of the many BMI-linked diseases that supposedly makes weight loss absolutely imperative for people in larger bodies. And there’s good reason to believe that other side effects will reveal themselves in years to come, as the number of long-term users grows. 
The biggest surprise for many prospective patients is that long-term weight loss isn’t guaranteed—a reflection, perhaps, of the faulty assumption that people are obese because they overeat. Current estimates suggest that the average bariatric surgery patient regains 30 percent of the weight they lost in the 10 years after surgery. One in four regain all of their weight in that time. And 20 percent of people don’t respond to surgery in the first place. 
The same is true for GLP-1 receptor agonists: If you stop injecting, the weight returns. 
In case it wasn’t clear by now, biomedical weight loss interventions often mimic the deadly logic of anorexia, bulimia, or other forms of disordered eating, says Erin Harrop, a clinical social worker and researcher. Harrop would know. At the height of their own eating disorder, Harrop wished they could fill their stomach with air instead of food, or cut their stomach out, or wire their jaw shut. Later, they learned these things exist—in the form of gastric balloons, gastric sleeves, and even a magnetic jaw trap. 
It’s no surprise, then, that some people who undergo bariatric surgery experience a resurgence of a preexisting eating disorder, or develop a new one. Frequent vomiting, never knowing what foods will upset your stomach, and feeling pressure to maintain a post-surgical weight—“you can create an eating disorder that way,” Du Briel says.
But semaglutide and tirzepatide promise to fulfill an even stranger fantasy: eliminating appetite itself. While a drug like Mounjaro works on numerous fronts—including preventing the body from storing fat and “browning” existing adipose tissue—it’s the feeling of being untethered from desire that seems to fascinate patients and physicians alike. People for whom the drug works often say, “I forget to eat,” says Fatima Cody Stanford, an obesity medicine specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Weight Center. 
If doctors really believe that obesity is the greater of any two evils, then this approach makes sense. When it comes to bariatric surgery, for example, a review of the medical literature suggests it is, on balance, associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality—or death of any cause*—*compared to patients with high BMIs who don’t go under the knife (though such studies are profoundly limited, as they often do not control for social factors, like income or education). Many hope that semaglutide and tirzepatide will one day prove just as vitalizing.
But eating disorders kill too. In many contexts, sustained hunger is considered a travesty. And desire—for food, or anything else—is a great way to know you’re alive. “It’s wild to me that we see no appetite as a positive thing,” says Shira Rosenbluth, an eating disorder therapist who works with people of all sizes. Anna Toonk agrees: “I realized that there are worse things than being fat,” she told The Cut last fall. “The worst thing you can be is wanting to barf all the time.” 
Ultimately, the proliferation of drugs like Mounjaro means medicine is not only in the business of dictating “normal” weights (a thing it still hasn’t quite figured out), but “normal” appetites. What was once an intuitive process, in which your body tells you what it needs, became a dictate under diet culture: You tell your body what it can have. Now medicine promises a radical reset: With the right drug, your body will hunger for nothing at all.
Weight loss technology can’t be stopped entirely—nor should it be. Everyone has the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies. But informed consent is built on information, and we may not have enough. Mounjaro was fast-tracked by the FDA based on studies designed to observe weight loss over just 72 weeks, a small fraction of the time real patients will be on the drug. At the very least, patients should be informed that in the first years after a drug hits the market, they are participants in an ongoing experiment. 
As biomedicine’s war on obesity continues, people must work harder to combat anti-fat bias—not on a technicality, but as part of the expansive vision of justice fat activists began articulating more than 50 years ago. For semaglutide, tirzepatide, bariatric surgery, and their ilk are neither miracles nor cures. There have always been fat people, and there always will be, whether they’re “non-responders” to treatment, refuseniks, or languishing on the waitlist. Notably, even those who experience dramatic weight loss after surgery or on injectables may still be overweight or obese, depending where they started. 
Perhaps most importantly, the American weight loss discourse must move away from a reflexive scientism, which has enabled biomedicine to subject the entirety of human experience to its single-minded scrutiny. Weight, like almost every aspect of embodiment, is not an exclusively biological phenomenon or a clear-cut medical “problem” to solve. It is shaped by countless factors, like power distribution in society, personal psychology, and that most frightening of forces: the desire for more.
If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline is available at (800) 931-2237.
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Obesity Treatment Market Economic Impact, Dynamics and SWOT Analysis By 2023
Global Obesity Treatment Market Research Report, by Type (Inactivity, Obesity gluten, Obesity), Diagnosis (Blood Tests, Physical Examination), Treatment (Medication, Surgery, Lifestyle Changes), End-Users (Hospitals, Clinics) - Global Forecast Till 2023
Market Scope
The global obesity treatment market can expect to achieve an approximate CAGR of 16.7% during the forecast period (2017-2023), says Market Research Future (MRFR).
Market Boosters and Key Challenges
The world over, the high obesity rate has become a burden, and the dire need to bring it under control has risen as a result. World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that over 50% of the worldwide population is obese. Furthermore, in the year 2014, over 1.9 billion adults that were 18 years and above were overweight. Out of these, more than 600 million were reported obese. Obesity is connected to various chronic diseases, including hypertension, orthopedic disorders, diabetes, and cancer. In short, the accelerated expansion of the obese population is fueling the prevalence of chronic diseases. Consequently, the need for effective obesity treatment for curbing the growth of chronic diseases is on the rise.
At present, numerous solutions including exercise, diet, minimally invasive devices & implants, invasive surgeries, and drugs, are available to manage weight. Obesity refers to a multifactorial disease that involves a number of genetic as well as physiological factors contributing to disease progression. As the results of monotherapy are limited; a holistic approach to achieve effective obesity control has become necessary. Owing to this, a combination of drugs finds widespread use in the treatment of obesity. Successful clinical trials and the consequent emergence of advanced and innovative products like satiety drugs are projected to create growth opportunities for the market in the following years.
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Gastric bypass procedure is considered the most popular bariatric surgery, followed by minimally invasive procedures. Shorter hospital stays, cost-effectiveness, and speedy recovery are few prominent factors elevating the demand for minimally invasive surgeries. Additionally, government initiatives with the aim of augmenting the adoption rate of minimally invasive surgeries to decrease the incidence of hospital-acquired infections, as well as hospital readmissions, will stimulate market growth as well.
Market Segmentation
The global market for obesity treatment can be segmented on the basis of type, diagnosis, treatment, and end-user.
With respect to the type, the market is considered for inactivity obesity, food obesity, anxiety obesity, venous obesity, atherogenic obesity, and gluten obesity.
Depending on the diagnosis, the market is categorized based on blood tests, physical examination, and others. The blood tests segment is further divided into cholesterol test, liver function test, thyroid test, and others. The physical examination segment caters to heart rate measurement, blood pressure measurement, and others.
Treatment-wise segments in the market are medication, surgery, lifestyle changes, and others. The medication segment can be broken down into orlistat, lorcaserin, phentermine and topiramate, liraglutide, and others. The surgery segment covers into gastric bypass surgery, Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB), gastric sleeve, biliopancreatic diversion, gastric sleeve, and others.
The end-users covered by the report are hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and others.
Regional Outlook
Middle East & Africa, Europe, America, and Asia Pacific are the key markets for obesity treatment.
The Americas is the leading obesity treatment market, with predictions of it retaining its position throughout the forecast period. The massive research and development (R&D) investments for the development of effective weight management solutions along with the commercial availability of minimally invasive procedures in the region favor market growth.
Bagging the second position in the global obesity treatment market, Europe benefits from the availability of funds for research, expanding obese population, and rising adoption of bariatric surgeries.
Developing at the fastest-rate, the Asia Pacific market is backed by the increasing awareness of adverse health effects associated with excess weight along with its impact amongst the regional population. Other beneficial factors include the growing disposable income, improving healthcare infrastructure, and the thriving medical tourism industry.
Lastly, Middle East and Africa is counted as the least profitable obesity treatment market. Poor economy and strict government policies, mostly in Africa, have a big hand in the abysmal performance of the overall market in the region.
Prominent Vendors
The prominent vendors competing in the worldwide obesity treatment market include Olympus Corporation (Japan), F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd. (Switzerland), Cousin Biotech (France), VIVUS, Inc. (U.S.), Allergan (Republic of Ireland), Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. (U.S.), Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (U.S.), Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc. (U.S.), Medtronic (U.S.), USGI Medical, Inc. (U.S.), Covidien plc (Republic of Ireland), Mediflex Surgical Products (U.S.), EnteroMedics, Inc. (U.S.), Novo Nordisk A/S (Denmark), and others.
Latest Updates
Boehringer Ingelheim has collaborated with Gubra to develop novel poly-agonist peptides for the treatment of obesity. This will be their second collaboration, which will combine Gubra’s expertise in the synthesis, design, in vivo testing of therapeutic peptides and pharmaceutical characterization with Boehringer Ingelheim’s specialization in research and development of advanced medicines for cardiometabolic diseases.
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rohit09kamble · 4 years
Laparoscopy Devices Market by Emerging Technology, Global Opportunity and Trends
Global Laparoscopy Devices Market Research Report by Product (Laparoscopes, Energy Devices), Application (General Surgery, Gynecological Surgery), End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Specialty Centers), Region—Forecast till 2023
The Laparoscopy Devices Market report offers insights into the leading market players and presents an assessment of their current market position. Company information with regards to revenue, segmental share, geographical income, SWOT, growth strategies, new product launch, M&A activities, and the latest R&D initiatives is also available in the report
Major Key Players
The key strategies followed by the players operating in the global Laparoscopy Devices Market were innovation, product development, acquisition, and expansion.
Becton, Dickinson and Company (US), Smith & Nephew PLC (UK), B. Braun Melsungen AG (Germany), Medtronic PLC (US), Cook Medical LLC (US), Fujifilm Holdings Corporation (Japan), Olympus Corporation (Japan), Stryker Corporation (US), KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG (Germany), Richard Wolf GmbH (Germany), and others.
Market Segment Analysis
Global Laparoscopy Devices Market, by Product
Energy Devices
Insufflation Devices
Suction/Irrigation Devices
Internal Closure Devices
Hand Held Instruments
Access Devices
Global Laparoscopy Devices Market, by Application
Hernia Repairs
Antireflux Surgerie
Urological Surgery
Bariatric SurgeryGastric Bypass
Sleeve Gastrectomy’s
Gastric Banding
Regional Analysis
Geographically, the global Laparoscopy Devices Market has been divided into the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa.
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Global Laparoscopy Devices Market, by End User
Hospitals and Clinics
Specialty Centers
Ambulatory Care Centers
Key Study Highlights:
This report for Laparoscopy Devices Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance.
The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.
About Market Research Future: MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.
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Global Sleeve Gastrectomy Devices Market Share Effect Factors Analysis By Product Types, Marketing Channel Development Trends By 2025
Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical weight loss methodology that removes some part of stomach and limits the measure for nourishment that can be consumed. Similar to other metabolic surgeries, it promotes weight reduction by changing hormonal signs between the stomach, brain, and liver. Clinical study shows that the surgery, significantly reduces weight, as well as improves blood pressure. Gastric sleeve surgery may be an option for one who are quite obese and have not been able to shed weight through diet and exercise.
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Based on device type, the global sleeve gastrectomy devices market can be segmented into assisting devices and implantable devices. Assisting devices can be further categorizes into suturing devices, closure devices, stapling devices, and others. High acceptance of suturing devices by surgeons, is attributed to the high growth of the segment. On the other hand, the closure devices segment is likely to expand significantly at a high CAGR, these are widely used in minimally invasive surgeries that need immediate closing of very small opening created at the time of surgical procedure Implantable devices can be classified into gastric bands, and gastric balloons. The gastric bands sub- segment holds the leading share, these have been approved by various regulatory agencies and well accepted among physicians. In the terms of end-user, the sleeve gastrectomy devices market can be divided into hospitals, and clinics. Hospitals was the leading segment of the market due to increasing in acceptance of minimally invasive surgeries.  Additionally, hospitals are preferred by both patients and physicians as they are well modernized with all the types of equipment for handling different conditions. Rise in prevalence of diseases related to obesity and awareness about obesity treatments and advances in MI (Minimally invasive) procedures are the major factors that likely to drive the sleeve gastrectomy devices market during the forecast period. Moreover, demand for laparoscopic surgery is increasing, due to minimal incision and low cost burden on patients in emerging economies. However, lack of reimbursement, and complication associated with the surgical procedure are expected to hamper the market growth.
In terms of region, the global sleeve gastrectomy devices market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa. North America is the leading regional market for sleeve gastrectomy devices due to increase in obesity and associated diseases such as diabetes and sleep apnea. Inactive lifestyle and rise in intake of junk food have been the major factors for increase in obesity. To address this, large number of individuals are undergoing sleeve gastrectomy for weight loss to avoid further complications. Europe is also a significant market for sleeve gastrectomy devices due to a well-developed healthcare infrastructure and increased spending on health. However, the sleeve gastrectomy devices market in Asia Pacific is expected to witness strong growth during forecast period.
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Economic growth in countries such as China and India has led to increased spending on convenience foods, leading to lifestyle diseases such as obesity. This, in turn, has led to high demand for gastrectomy. Technological advancements, increased per capita income, rise in expenditure on personal care and growing incidences of diseases related to obesity are likely to augment the sleeve gastrectomy devices market in Middle East & Africa during the forecast period.
Major players operating in the global sleeve gastrectomy devices market are Intutive Surgical Inc., Apollo Endosurgery Inc., TransEnterix Inc., Cousin Biotech, EnteroMedics Inc., Medtronics Plc., Agency for Medical Innovations,  Aspire Bariatrics Inc.,  Mediflex Surgical Products. and Ethicon Inc.,
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Global Bariatric Surgery Devices Market – Apollo Endosurgery Inc, Johnson and Johnson, Allergan Inc, Medtronic, Ethicon, Intuitive Surgical Inc, ReShape Lifesciences, Healio, Obalon, Mediflex Surgical Products, Other Prominent Players.
A fresh report titled “Bariatric Surgery Devices Market - Market Size, Trends & Opportunity Outlook – Forecast to 2023” has been presented by KD market insights. It evaluates the key market trends, advantages, and factors that are pushing the overall growth of the market. The report also analyzes the different segments along with major geographies that have more demand for Bariatric Surgery Devices Market. The competition analysis is also a major part of the report.
 Report start from the market overview section which demonstrates the market drivers, restraints and opportunities that influence the current and future status of the market. It also includes key trends, implementation restraints, end-user product issues and many more. These factors are responsible for changing the market scenario. The deep analysis of each segment in the report is provided in order to provide a thorough understanding of the overall scenario in the Bariatric Surgery Devices Market. The report covers the competitor’s strategies that help them to capture the market.
 The global bariatric surgery devices market is expected to mask a CAGR of 11.1% during the projected period. The bariatric surgery devices market is expected to grow on the back of rising obese population across the globe. Rising occurrence of bariatric surgery across all regions is expected to augment the growth of global bariatric surgery device market in future.
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 The global Bariatric Surgery Devices Market has been segmented By Procedure (Sleeve Gastrectomy, Rolux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery, BPD/DS Weight-Loss Surgery, Adjustable Gastric Band, Intragastric Balloon Surgery, Others), By Devices (Surgical Stapler, Gastric Band, Gastric Balloon, Others), By End User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Clinics). The report shows an analysis of every area that is directly or indirectly related to this study.
The report highlights information that is required to understand the innovation and development in the Bariatric Surgery Devices Market, and the growing nature of each and every segment from time to time. It provides information related to the company’s financial position, day to day expenses, recent innovative development in the product. Also, the report shows the impact of the new plans, policies, and strategies adopted by the company. The Porter's Five Forces is a tool for analyzing the five forces in the economy that are buyers bargaining power, suppliers bargaining power, the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, and degree of competition available in the market. It helps to determine the competitive intensity and the attractiveness of an industry in terms of profitability.  The political, social, economic, demographical, technological factors have been considered while analyzing the market. It helps the company to determine the demand of the product from a particular region and the constraint that act as a hurdle in the growth of the company.
The report shows the competition level faced in the market by the company and the recent development in the market launched by the rivals. It helps them to analyze the market clearly and help the company to maintain the framework in which they have to work in the growing competition. The main competitors of the industry are Apollo Endosurgery Inc, Johnson and Johnson, Allergan Inc, Medtronic, Ethicon, Intuitive Surgical Inc, ReShape Lifesciences, Healio, Obalon, Mediflex Surgical Products, Other Prominent Players.
While analyzing the market every segment of the market is considered concisely from time to time to understand the geographical distribution of the product and the demand from that particular region and the insights responsible for all the factors. By geography the market is divided into North America, The U.S., Canada, Rest of North America, Europe, Germany, The U.K., France, Rest of Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC, Middle East & Africa (MEA), GCC, South Africa, Rest of MEA, South America (Brazil &Rest of South America).
The final section of the report highlights the data collected for the report. A perfect combination of the primary, as well as secondary research has been made to collect the facts and figures regarding the product and the market. Secondary research sources are annual reports of the company to understand the financial position of the company, third-party report, customers review towards the product, statistical databases, government publications, company's shareholder's reviews, regulatory database have been considered. Whereas the primary research includes telephonic interviews, e-mail conversations, face-to-face interviews. Primary research is a time-consuming process and they are not considered as reliable as a comparison to the second method. Hence, secondary research is a reliable one and helps to develop the analysis team expert and market understanding.
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 Table of Contents:
 Research Methodology
Market Definition and List of Abbreviations 1. Executive Summary 2. Growth Drivers & Issues in Global Bariatric Surgery Devices Market 3. Global Bariatric Surgery Devices Market Trends 4. Opportunities in Global Bariatric Surgery Devices Market 5. Recent Industry Activities, 2017 6. Porter's Five Forces Analysis 7. Market Value Chain and Supply Chain Analysis 8. Products Average Price Analysis, By Country 9. Global Bariatric Surgery Devices Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
10. Global Bariatric Surgery Devices Market Segmentation Analysis, By Procedure 10.1. Introduction 10.2. Market Attractiveness, By Procedure 10.3. BPS Analysis, By Procedure 10.4. Sleeve Gastrectomy Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 10.5. Rolux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 10.6. BPD/DS Weight-Loss Surgery Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 10.7. Adjustable Gastric Band Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 10.8. Intragastric Balloon Surgery Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 10.9. Others Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
11. Global Bariatric Surgery Devices Market Segmentation Analysis, By Device 11.1. Introduction 11.2. Market Attractiveness, By Device 11.3. BPS Analysis, By Device 11.4. Surgical Stapler Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 11.5. Gastric Band Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 11.6. Gastric Balloon Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 11.7. Others Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
12. Global Bariatric Surgery Devices Market Segmentation Analysis, By End User 12.1. Introduction 12.2. Market Attractiveness, By End User 12.3. BPS Analysis, By End User 12.4. Hospitals Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 12.5. Ambulatory Surgery Centers Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 12.6. Clinics Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
13. Geographical Analysis 13.1. Introduction 13.2. North America Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 13.2.1. By Procedure Introduction Market Attractiveness, By Procedure BPS Analysis, By Procedure Sleeve Gastrectomy Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Rolux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 BPD/DS Weight-Loss Surgery Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Adjustable Gastric Band Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Intragastric Balloon Surgery Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Others Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
13.2.2. By Device Introduction Market Attractiveness, By Device BPS Analysis, By Device Surgical Stapler Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Gastric Band Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Gastric Balloon Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Others Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
13.2.3. By End User Introduction Market Attractiveness, By End User BPS Analysis, By End User Hospitals Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Ambulatory Surgery Centers Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Clinics Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
13.2.4. By Country Market Attractiveness, By Country BPS Analysis, By Country U.S. Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Canada Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 13.3. Europe Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
13.3.1. By Procedure Introduction Market Attractiveness, By Procedure BPS Analysis, By Procedure Sleeve Gastrectomy Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Rolux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 BPD/DS Weight-Loss Surgery Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Adjustable Gastric Band Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Intragastric Balloon Surgery Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Others Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
13.3.2. By Device Introduction Market Attractiveness, By Device BPS Analysis, By Device Surgical Stapler Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Gastric Band Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Gastric Balloon Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Others Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
13.3.3. By End User Introduction Market Attractiveness, By End User BPS Analysis, By End User Hospitals Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Ambulatory Surgery Centers Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023 Clinics Market Value & Forecast (USD Million), 2017-2023
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