#Elon Musk claimed it was 550 million in September but that seems unlikely
shwoo · 5 months
I was able to make a Bluesky account a couple of days ago! I can't even remember when I requested an invite, but it was months ago. Got around to setting it up just now, and hope to make posts and stuff! Got the Shwoo name, too. Didn't have to replace the 00s with zeroes like on Twitter! Probably because there weren't like ten million usernames already taken. Just two million.
Actually, I looked it up, and Twitter already had over twenty million users by the time I joined. Can't find consistent numbers for how many it has at the moment, but it's between 300 and 500 million. That's more than most countries. Except China and India and maybe the US if the numbers are on the lower side.
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