#Erika's thoughtful remarks ⭐️
kalolasfantasyworld · 20 days
Chapter Four a.k.a. the chapter the Silvas (part of the focus of the fic) actually enter the story!/lh
Ahh... Helena's optimism as she rises from bed... I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. I'm sorry but I was actually snickering to myself in anticipation for how things would go wrong. I know I'm mean for doing that but I couldn't help it.
Collar: high. Shoulders: exposed. She's falling in line with Silva fashion already, I see.
Okay Solid, gonna pull out a derogatory "foreigner" the second you meet Helena? Man, imagine if she wasn't a nice lady and took your attitude personally, decided to head back to Diamond, and fueled the war between Clover and Diamond even further?! Ever think of that, Solid?/lh+j
Nozel's mouth says "welcome" but his eyes say "get lost." Yeah that tracks.
‘Hopefully it will get better with time.’
Now isn't that the point of the fic? Not that Helena knows but you and I know, Lola, and that's what matters, right? Right...
Man... Now I feel bad for laughing earlier in the chapter because I laughed harder during the dinner scene. As quick as it is and despite it meant to be a tense show of the early negativity between Helena and the Silvas, I cannot help but find it funny how petulant the Silvas are being. Literally, none of them got etiquette training since they're heads are stuck so far up their rear ends that they can't even pretend to be cordial. Not even nice but professional and cordial. I'm just kjahfghasriuthart BAFFLED!
Well colored me surprised when Helena shows a bit of a sour side when dealing with the receptionist. That's what one gets when you don't pull rank or status of some kind, you're treated as nothing special, even if you approach an interaction respectfully. Some people don't immediately respond in kind when treated nicely. Unfortunately... She does show a bit of reflection on this lack of special treatment when she wonders if her true status would've made the hospital more open to hiring her. But if there's going to be more than that, I'll just have to find out.
Hah yes it took over 9000 words to actually get to meet the main characters 😂 I officially stated that it's a slow burn.
You're not mean for laughing at her if this story was meant to be funny, and you were totally meant to do that 😂 Helena's hopeless optimism is adorable.
She does fall in line with the Silva fashion. I came up with her Silva clothes first, so here I was just kind of trying to figure out Helena's own style...
She is a foreigner and it's such a Silva thing to point that out and be mean about it. Solid doesn't think much. 'm really showing the canon assholes the siblings were during the attack of the war merits ceremony.
Yeah... it will get better in time. I also couldn't stop myself with writing a bit of m favorite enemies to lovers trope.
The dinner scene is once again supposed to be really funny 😂 I mean I made a daddy joke there. They're all so stuck up and so much themselves. I told you I'm not taking the assholery away.
I was trying to show there, that she's still a princess and yes her views have changed, but through her whole life she's been perceived as a Royal. She's not used to people treating her differently. So she's not like the Silvas, but in a way she is like them. She's not perfect. However I admit that at that point of the story I was still getting the feel for her, so she's a bit clumsy. I tried to show her approach to the hierarchy and social standings.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 2 months
So I read chapter 2. And then I forgot to tell you about it. So I hurried and reread chapter 2 so I didn't forget/miss anything.
Yet another lowkey chapter. Technically more happens during the chapter as Helena makes her way into Clover and gets introduced to King Augustus (oh Helena, I'm so sorry you had to be in the same room as him) and settles into House Silva, it's still a quiet chapter.
Helena is 2 for 2, knowing kings that she doesn't exactly agree with. Diamond's king is well... you know, power hungry and cruel. And Clover's king is pretty much a walking joke that doesn't even make you laugh.
We also see Helena inquiring about the Silva family. Gotta know your hosts after all. It's clear to me that she's not nosy or gossipy and simply feels like she should be having the essential information for her stay. Maybe I'm unnecessarily reading into it, but Helena asking to know the quarters for the castle staff came off to me as her knowing that, although the Silva family is hosting her, it'd be out of place for her to make requests or go to them with her inquiries. So it makes sense to become familiar with the personnel and where to find them to ask for their help, as it would be their job.
Something I liked about the chapter were the two moments where Helena notes differences between her home and what she sees in Clover. One instance is her making note of how Clover's castle is grander in style than her family manor and remarking on the colors of her household. Then there's the moment at the chapter's end where she notes the difference between her bed and home and the one she'll be using at House Silva. It's kind of like Helena's mind slowly absorbing the changes around her.
Looking at future chapter titles, it looks like I'm gonna have to wait a bit longer for Helena to meet the Silvas. But hey, Helena came to Clover to learn medicine, not to have a silly meet-and-greet with the Silvas. She'd got priorities and she'd gonna stick with them!
I have to completely agree with you. Not much happens here as well and I have to disappoint you the third one will be only slightly better. Maybe a little spoiler but the Silvas show up in the fourth one, so the drama may finally start.
Yeah I don't think Helena's opinion about the kings is high ^^. Although she had actually never met the Diamond's king in a way that she could remember him. Augustus she probably wishes to forget about.
She does inquire about the Silvas. It's natural that she's curious, but well... she is a bit of gossipy and she is definitely nosy. It comes from her curiosity, and wish to help others, but she tends to get involved and have opinions on matters not involving her. She's very much imperfect and Royals and Nobles have their drama. It's good that you're reading into the servants part. It shows her different approach, but you'll soon see what's another reason for her asking about that.
Helena strongly compares the atmosphere and looks of both castles. After all the Drazel Estate is all she's ever known. She gets accustomed to the changes, doesn't necessarily judged them but notices. This is a bit symbolic of her moving on to a new life, starting a brand new chapter and breaking away from the sheltered embrace of her family home.
As I said you'll meet them in chapter four ^^. I have to let you know that. Just one more of those I 100% will need to rewrite, but setting the scene needs to happen. As you said she came to Clover to study healing, not find a husband (much to her mama's dismay). She is her own woman and I try to very much show that in this fic. We have her perspective through most of it after all.
Thank you so much for your review Erika 💕
This made me so happy.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 2 months
I've started reading Paper Hearts (took my long enough to get around to it). Sorry for making you wait! Anyways, I'm hoping to read a chapter every other day and share my thoughts.
While not much happens within the chapter, it really is just Helena saying goodbye, I think it's a wise choice to show the Drazel family's dynamic as a foil to the Silva situation that Helena will be interacting with in the future.
Helena and Nozel are both the eldest of their families but the family structures as vastly different. The Silvas have both parents absent: Acier by death and Papa Silva by just... not being plot relevant to BC... Meanwhile, the Drazels have both parents clearly deeply involved with their children lives as Luciana searches for Helena herself rather than leaving it to staff. And Maxim is vocally supportive of the children (with Helena highlighted because she's leaving). There's already a stark difference in the families based on the older role models they're given.
Helena's family being larger also shows how more harmonious they are. Helena is 17 years older than Cecilia and yet they're very close, open and playful with each other. A stark contrast to the tension that is present is many of the interactions between Noelle and Nozel. And where Helena is shown putting trust in Gabriel in the second eldest, Nozel and Nebra's interactions are limited but I still read it as Nozel viewing Nebra as being under his care than seeing her as his second-in-command (and this is despite the fact that I like to headcanon Nebra as the Silver Eagles VC). Helena sees her siblings as needing her care, as she frequently healed them to train, but she knows they won't be helpless without her.
There is warmth and stability in the Drazel family where there is coldness and distance with the Silvas. I can only imagine what Helena's opinions will turn out to be when she finally meets the Silvas. I could see her being shocked obviously. But will it turn into anger at the family's inability to reconcile their differences? Sorrow that the family is so broken? I don't see any way for her to be comfortable going into it...
Best of luck to Helena.
I was off the social media yesterday evening. I check it this morning. This is one of the first things I see and it made my day ^^
I’m so excited to read your thoughts now and in the future!
I agree that not much is happening here (just as in first three chapters…). This is very much setting up a scene, but a necessary one to get to know Helena and the Drazels (who will reappear). They are a really strong contrast to the Silvas.
You are right there are similarities between Helena and Nozel, actually there are quite a few parallels spread through the story, but yes the family situation is so much different. Drazel familia is indeed full of love and they are really close. Luciana and Maxim are amazing parents.
I love how you summarised their family relations. How there is trust and care at the same time. The relationships between Helena and her parents, Helena and Gabriel, and Helena and Cecilia are especially important.
Nozel and Nebra… there is some distance, but there is distance between Nozel and anyone.
Hah you can right way tell that the atmosphere in the Silva household won’t be really Helena’s “way”.
Best of luck to her indeed.
Thank you so much for this Erika 💕🫶
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kalolasfantasyworld · 1 month
Finally Chapter 3 baby...
I say this with love but I do think the most unrealistic part of the chapter was Julius not getting distracted by the opportunity to ask Helena about her magic or to see a demonstration! KASjhfaiusrt! I just think Julius being a magic nerd is cute. Who knows, maybe you'd already got it written in the future that he'll poke his nose in later on to get a peek of Helena's healing magic in action?
Ah... Helena is so cautious and thorough with her plans. She wants to be on the same level as those around her. That way her every move isn't praised just because she'd royalty. And keeping her foreigner status (specifically being from Diamond) hush hush means that no one will immediately show her distrust. Because it'd be hard to learn and grow in an environment where you're not exactly welcome (cough, Noelle parallel, cough cough cough). My my, I wonder what that was about.
‘Hopefully the meals will get much more cheerful once I have people to share them with.’
Oh boy sweetheart, do you have something else coming for you...
The chef's signature dish is roast duck? (looks at Nozel) You wouldn't happen to know what that is, would you?/j
Okay so the paper mask thing... Helena is literally/physically hiding who she is. Then we have Nozel who has an emotional mask of an aloof, has it all together captain. When deep down he is a grieving son and a struggling brother. Dang girl, the parallels and contrasts are still so real!
Oh so that's why she wanted to know where the servant quarters were! An escape route in case the Silvas drive her mad later on!/j Gosh, now I worry that if Helena pulls this multiple times, it might start something. Like "I keep seeing this new lady walking in the servant quarters sometimes but I don't remember her being hired or seeing her work. Actually, I can't be sure if I've seen her face." The maids and butlers are suddenly freaking out about a ghost being in their wing of the castle and Helena is going to be like "oh I didn't see this as a possible outcome!" KJAHSfiuahsirya! I kid I kid! But hey, if the Bulls can think their base is haunted, House Silva deserves a ghost too./lh
Those butlers she passed. I think they do have a little bit of a point. Clover's society is so messed up that of course the lower class people will caste doubt on a "nice" noble. Also, I have to wonder how Diamond's hierarchy is. Like, we know Morris had influence over the king before Mars swooped in... And we know that they're corrupt enough to train kids who look to be 11-12 at most and then experiment on them... Is the ruling family taking kids (likely orphans) from lower classes to be used? Hooo... Maybe I'm thinking too much for still being so early...
ENTER BLACK BULLS! I cannot believe the Black Bulls got to Helena before Nozel. JDhfaiusrht!
so maybe friendship would be hereditary in their case
(laughs in "knows the canon counterparts and knows that Lola won't be so easy on Helena")
Well, chapter four and Silva family, here I come!
Hah don’t worry I have already written a scene in a future chapter (not posted yet) where Julius is very much Julius and fangirls about her magic. So this won’t be omitted. Paper Magic is too… hmm broken, for him to not get interested. 
She is very cautious and she has her reasons to be. I love how you’re catching Noelle parallels, because there will be quite a few. So be on a lookout. 
Helena is very hopeful ^^ and that signature dish, Nozel fans obviously get it. (The assorted questions brigade is my guidebook, so there will be quite a few easter eggs like this)
I’M SO HAPPY YOU’RE SEEING THE PARALLELS, there will be so many more. Helena was created to explore the Silvas. She’s the main character but it’s a story about their family. So yes masks are symbolic, but also very much needed for the plot to work.
In these first few chapters I wanted to show a bit of her approach to the servants. Although when I’m coming back to it, it feels a bit off and I would have written it so much better now. Yes they do have a point and also remember that Helena is half Clover so her mother has Cloverian views on hierarchy. However since people with more mana are more powerful and in all the other of the suit kingdoms hierarchy seems to be based on that, I assumed it’s like this in Diamond as well. As for the other Diamond related topics, they will be answered much later. 
Hah she met Finral and Vanessa earlier. It was a long buildup to finally meet the main characters aka Nozel, Nebra and Solid.
Yeah… you know it just won’t be easy. 
Thank you so much for reading <3 The story will slowly pick up the pace from now on. 
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