#Even if Germany love Italy Italy wont accept his feels
shamelessanita · 3 years
This is so heartbreaking! I just realized that Gerita will never be canon because Italy is waiting for the HRE to comeback as he promised.
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TDLR: It’s basically a crack AU I made with a friend that has the Italy Brothers being “adopted” by the 2p Germanics at an early age. 
They’re fucking insane and I love them. My 2p Germanics were a bad influence on these two. 
I need to find the exact time line, but Veneziano fell into their care first after running away from Roderich and getting lost and injured in the German wilderness. Lutz (2p Germany), a older teen at the time, heard his cry and found him and carried him off to the family home where he stayed with his brother (Gwenneg/2p Prussia) when they weren’t busy at work. Hanna (2p Hungary) and Tobias (2p Austria). They ended up patching him up and taking him in, Hanna and Tobias helping raise him with Lutz as well. Hanna started a trend of getting Veneziano to called Lutz “papa”, joking about being a grandmother. This joke of hers ended up sticking. 
After Veneziano’s disappearance had gotten around, Romano went to look for his brother, and ended up finding him in that forest where he had disappeared in, he passed out from exhaustion and was woken up by his very happy brother hugging him close and rambling so fast in Italian it was near unrecognizeable. 
Veneziano brought him home and Lutz happily took Romano in, saying he was free to stay as long as he liked. 
And Veneziano and Romano remained “MIA” up until the tail end of WWI
Once the war was rearing it’s head, they decided to head back into work, their “papa” being completely understanding and doing his best to check in on them as much as he could. 
Veneziano meets Ludwig all the same, though the reasons for him being in the box and other such things change
What makes Bad Boys! Ita bros different than the Reg ones?
BB! Veneziano: Much more comfortable and showy in his fluidity with his gender. Still considers himself very masculine, and often keeps his hair long and braided, only wearing fancy suits and dresses. He loves to walk around with his parasol, a quirk he picked up from his grandmother. 
He’s much more gourmet and only accepts the best and highly respected when it comes to damn near anything. And similar to Hanna and Lutz, is very, very two faced. He acts very similar to canon, very bubbly and sweet. But his innocence is calculated and he is very combat trained thanks to Gwenneg in comparison to canon, he often plays it off like he is inept however. He knows how to manipulate his cute persona for the sake of espionage and getting behind enemy lines. Which is why the “tomato box” scene happens. He had snuck into the ranks but his box he had been hiding in got knocked free. Germany didn’t suspect him at first, because he gave him an alias and was wearing a German uniform his brother had stolen and tailored for him. Romano does a lot of the planning while Veneziano manages execution. 
Much like his papa and grandmother, he is attracted to power and has an obsession with love. Similar to the two he has a problem with detachment and the idea of giving up. Not helping with the deep seeded abandonment issues he faces with the trauma he had living with Austria has left him with a fear of locked rooms, along with his canon fear of being abandoned. Because of this, sometimes his cutest has a almost Russia air of absent-minded cruelty to it. Where he is clearly making someone (usually Germany) uncomfortable, but he either doesn’t seem to notice or chooses not to care. 
He never leaves home without his heart hairpin/necklace. They were Lutz’s first gift to him as a child and they mean the world to him. 
BB! Romano: Bad boy chill persona is turned up to eleven here. Growing up surrounded by men who were cool calm unhesitating and survivalist left Romano with a very chill macho man persona.  He loves to feel like a badass and his “tsundere grumpiness” has turned into outright harrassment to those who cross his line. He will not hesitate to threaten you if you piss him off, and unlike normally he will make good on his promises.
He didn’t spend as much time around Hanna as Veneziano did, leaving him to be much more loose, even playboyish when it comes to lovers. Similarly to Lutz he likes to flirt around with men and women alike, and canonically has had flings with at least three nations (Monaco, Belarus and Canada) who is still on very good terms with. Hell, Monaco and him are gambling buddies and Belarus/Canada will hop on the back of his bike for chaos at the snap of his fingers if they feel inclined. 
Similar like Veneziano he is no coward and wont back down when threatened. He likes to do more efeminine passions on the side, especially adores sewing and needlework, making most of the clothes they wear casually around the house that isnt a high speaking brand. He’s as much of a gourmet as his brother, but whines a lot less when he’s dissatisfied. Him and his brother enjoy lots of “healthy” competitions, and while Veneziano is able to get around through espionage via people not taking him seriously, Romano is able to use his persona to ward off those who try to act like the personifications of Italy are not a threat. 
But yeah
There’s a story to that last image, that also explains the relationship between the others and their allies better. Buuuuuut that will have to be for another time. If you all want to hear it, of course :D 
Bewarned; Very Old Art Ahead I haven’t drawn for this AU in FOREVER
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mrmonde-blog1 · 5 years
Malachi four Mf, mfenesi, matako french, mfinish, mfereji/tap, mfangano-mfawheat, wit. Who to the people who long to see the lords Day LD, last days. Solomon was kamba blooded, togo as sheep and goat parable alluded, babadoz out of her mom, wast david son but ones of the soldier who arested bethseba from the bathing place- women with barnabas- uriagikuyou, kikuyuria he was and thats why he was killed coz he love many women and italy feared the repercussion of his kid- mfalme wa yawhodi, king of the jew. David was maleysian, kauma, akwampi as ghana loved kupigana, fight as italianaftali tribe, chinis, cameroon, ajentina and Norwegian blooded. Ezekiel was kikuyou, kisii, luya, luo and of Zebulan tribe as bulgeria if you eat dried cinchona leaves, wild penicillin, njungu the spirit directs you to see. Jeremia was ajentina, zebulan, luya, luo, nigerian blooded. Malachi four- for what purpose should i join and the money you claim to own you get free of church online and even me can get that. With women i can get using that money, with job i dont want. Christ with the poor- leave them alone once the links of the online cash are disenabled, they just got mango as the large cash crop and can be grown anywhere in any nation- the road to Emaus with yesus. Ten minas parable-google bro. South East Asia SEA Nyamawho can grow as much as Ethiopia, Congo Etc So for what are you priding dude- king of the jew- worker and vineyard parable- another version dude. Kisea, hosea, hosipitali, with his wives, tenesea, ona is to sea as to visualize. Nyama, meat, women, nyamaza, ling, tulia, link, connect people, names etc, Nyanza province wher is majorly and naturally found, in south nyanza as homa bay it also growa- ten minas in mathew twentyfive. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035503241457https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035503241457 Mfensi also the want as wide hipe or big booty medicinw- mfalme wa yawhodi- Ae can be copied i mean can die but the mfenesi or nyamau tree cant die unless cut so its convinient and durable like sunshine. They are dwindling about it, beating upon the bust, deviating from the reality to make people have the same curse it did to Eve and Adam if only you known prior of the consiquences. Weed parable, little kids with christ, king of the jewomen, good neighbour with christ to cement the truth. They want to sell it, make it a cash crop so they are interested in sub-saharan africa to the point of enticing the locals a long time b4. Disadavnatge is , it gives you the business mind like it did to my hommy monde. Chinis has built so much investment for the locals to see, now they wanna bring container houses to see again- they want you toi continue with your slogan that china, usa, Germany is good on Tv yet the houses have been brought to compare and they are cheap. Failure to accept the truth nothing can now be done but annihilation maybe with siren gas. The bible was changed on this area that makes raila feels he can change the jew-Egyptian thing and evade hell fire- no dude its wrong and you must do right in worker and vineyard parable and obey the8th commandment you should not still- click this link below to support the damning truth people. 8th one you Ai Destroyed kings Aids, he had aid raila and brought to Earth bro. With http://www.2goinvoice.com software we use mozilar firefox for mobile or android phone as smart phone and in Kisumu-kenya you can get the software at weed weed cyber at Mega plaza building that houses the new tuskys supermarket Downtown. If you partake landana, mwarubaine or ground nuts you became intuitive and all the problems associated with ship sinking, bus falling as well as plane, hiroshima bombing, you see chinis people ambasador liasing with the terorists to do these absurdities like The NY terorist attack. The chinis are the ones doing these crimes to the point of her ambassador to kenya talking to susan in that vista. Not good people atleast America, they cant be superpower who should be good mediators but they have seen people marshaling to beat them so they relent. We wanna know what china can do if America or Europe pretends to be bad, will they still join them or go against them- goat parable- to thwart the manouver of new superpower. People in jail with monde kevinelson were humphrey eteni, melani, decolbat carlos friends with kas, wilson williams, mike of wsu. In wsu were linet gathernji cousins with patric, sharon muchina, moses irugu, jeswin josef of kuwait, nicolas of malaysia, majij bajaj of iran call them to accertain the truth alonside BMI25 and pulserate68. melchizedek of wsu and open doors wichita,ks. These are all the witnesses http://bibleblender.com/2011/bible-stories/old-testament/genesis/abrahams-trip-to-egypthttp://bibleblender.com/2011/bible-stories/old-testament/genesis/abrahams-trip-to-egypt Share land percel housing strategy- you got a prime land somewhere, we evaluate the value of the land then we invite people to contribute money to build a story hse or hotel, school, hospital then you will get part of the rent of the whole project as per your percentage of the total cost to build the project plus your land money instead of leaving the land fallow. Stop the mayasma of doing small-tumbo businesses like operating a hardware and so on- fellaz think big. Do not spare them if the phone size BMI machine is outside, just point at her like remote control and if it doesnt match his /her BMi take something and hit him like a snake God inficted on Raila after deluding adam and eve at nyandiwa bar kalare near the spring and stream. Ai Abaluya, akamba, agikuyou Icon Ai in joshua eight JE, jest, tugomchezo, play- vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth. Nyako-mathiringinyi ma ratengo asuzo bwana. Eliminate Acid battery or water that it uses, introduce to cars, machines inbuilt battery within the Engine that is like the phone battery- you cant open lid and add acid into it- then they will be stranded after their departure plunging kids into problemo- king of ther jewomen. The voltage can be reduced to 9.5 v so that the invator uses it not coz when voltage drops below 10 it switches off automatically unless you open inside and remove the voltage regulator to enable it use even upto 4 v but the list of blasphemy was removed so you do what you wanna do and you wont escape hell fire. They want you to go to hell dude as August town Song by duan Stephenson- google bro!!! Young kids will play with the lion after they have eaten ng'anga bird and play with the serpent after they have transformed to people like Railamolo who cheated adam and even who was changed to snake and they shall not fear. The white people had known prior of nyamau fresh mouth herb so they became linient to kisiis so its there time to reap, scratch my back i scratch your, nyamau herb alone can start a nation SAN of man, un unknown God with poul in acts 17, Ten minas parable. Dont change with us, do to us likewise we did to you we also did artificial insemination with your men bsperm to share your genes. Abagusi icon Ai was boxer in MARS, mchezaji ndondi b4 being brought to Earth and later cheated Adam and Eve to commit sin coz he had known the fruit prior in mass, the had small buttocks and mfenesi widens your hips and makes your booty big, they were too slim. Cut the tree and its roots was two fold, Railamolodingagwambo or Nyamau tree roots which are used as the free-mouth herb but nyamau can be grown even in SA or congo, brazil- its tropical tree of high altitude. Tem minas or good samaritan with christ. This What Ezekiel-kisii and luo blooded as much as isiah men and church you can google that phrase & find it. Initially Egypt was the midwest having its heart in Missouri and Kansas then they Migrated to the present day pakistan or india region as the Mr region- maka region. King of the jewomen to cement the truth.        So hindu saying they are Egyptians for the Nigros who are majorly kisii blooded to return with nyamau as a cash crop in mind which does better in kisii than anywhere- money tree- the ones in Kenya are also affiliated with the nigros in kisii claiming one decentry and if you partake mwarubaine dried one on the sun as much as landana or ground nuts the spirit directs everyone where they are from even if you just got his photo. The ones in Usa got money from sports in olimpic as much as medals which can be sold 4 money, wealth in movies which they can act in developed nations only if 2goinvoice aint removed- they can use these monies to invest 4 the better or the worse so hindu are eying them is two fold either to benefit or destroy them and Minaj from Trini Dad kevins personal assistant who love his ass got Quick money transfer services to add. The question is will she stay or go back to her country? You guys having good time with kenyan spice fm frequent saying- we must destroy the future of your kids, look beyond your nose and think twice dude b4 you immigrate. Trinidad people are big bodied than any person but if you eat ground nuts there is no indication that minaj is from there so it was just fabricated and DNA test with the mother can affirm that. Minaj is Hagar of galacian abraham wife-google friends. Nigros can also sing in india organising shows that brings money alongside prostitution dude they are eying for there betterment escalating tourism in that nation they have gone too. Egyptians are UK-ans, and the distant isles of the sea are those of Mediterranean see and you can google that folks. I will take them back to Egypt as much as kisii people coz the prophet who said it was kisii blooded, kisii fenced as a garden to grow Tea and that tree while the kisii people taken to Kansas not India. Thats precisely the plan for UK people and they are ready to move because the oil thing is finished with AE technologies and the industrial made goods can fetch ready market of highly populated mexico, guatamala, costa rica, dominica republic and the whole of central America. In Europe their neighbors make the same stuff they are making as much as China and middle East and you can see that with the getting out of EU- they are very happy dude. Ezekiel had known these and was talking harshly but inside new the benefit of doubt of it period. Take pleasure in travel Tpit and T is silence, William pit- there is scarcely anything left around us but ruin and despair. Pit Latrine Pl pink lips, plot with Mordecai and Harman in the book of Ester. Invator and Broadband modem.With chinis people please discard their goods and opt from other nations, they lias with William rooto and marshal up hooliganism and terrorism as much as killing of people brutally. The are angry and dont want to attack US out of 2goinvoice which is paid under USA currency not their money and precisely is money laundering. Google brainy Quotes, martin luther king Jr sermons or a knock at midnight with other sermons, we are here where do we go from here and i've been to the mountaintop speech as well as nobel peace acceptance speech in oslo norway. The kikuyou are saying they are jewomen and they will rise as per the bible by saying the sermons are theres or mlk is kikuyou so they can sell these worldwide as a tribe- big shame mlk was burried in ATL,Georgia. Google as well malcom X speeches- chicken coming back to roost and the bullet and the ballot. You-tube this folks, haile Selassie visit JKF in Washington and if you know sign language you will come to see how when he came back to Nairobi kenyatta championed for their deaths/assassination as well as tomboya death. Mlk as well to hide the sermons from the public so they can claim lien in times futurity which has ripen and is right-now folks. Currently Jamaicans have changed their lifestyle per their music and collaborated with their usa counterpart as they have shared and known each others secretes like the falling of Jamaican air. In use their is immediate response if a plane fall but in kenya or country like kenya its slow-can even take 48 hrs so they find easy time to collect they money of the plane fall once they know the bearing without authority noticing them. So they wanna come to ksm, kenya out of that. They want to come as prostitutes to attract international visitor as well as initiating direct flights of rich people, if that plane is fallen then they go and take the cash and get back to the usa to invest like jamaicans. Watch coming to America movie by Edy Murphy to cement the truth of Edys lost luggage bro. Thats the plan, game dude, if you dont know!! click this link below or copy paste on your google browserhttps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035469949912&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menuhttps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035469949912&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menu https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035535704619&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menuhttps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035535704619&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menu check the number written on the fb link to see they are different a/c opened dude.
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