signor-signor · 24 days
The Star Nomad - Animated with After Effects!
I recently finished the online master’s program in art and technology, and I’ve been having fun with with an Adobe software I used for some of my projects called After Effects.
While Disney has long denied WOY its third and final season, my determination to make it a reality persists. Neither Mercury Filmworks nor Boulder Media got the opportunity to animate the Star Nomad, so I thought I’d do it myself.
Using a previous file I made on Illustrator, I took the graphic of the ship, split some of it into layers, saved it as a PDF, imported the PDF into After Effects, and animated components that needed to move to create the illusion of flight.
Definitely a step up from the microgame I made on WarioWare: DIY, which I feel is now outdated, considering Craig McCracken implied that the Skullship wouldn’t be in flight throughout S3. The reason I added text to the video is that I didn’t want other fans to mistake it for the real thing.
Every person who’s ever worked on the show MUST see this.
Anyway, enjoy! Hold onto your ambitions!
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newts-frogs-toads · 10 months
No, you’re NOT a real cartoon fan. I’m so sick of all these people who think they're cartoon fans. No, you’re not. Most of you are not even close to being cartoon fans. I see these people saying “I rewatched this cartoon over 100 times, it’s great!” that’s nothing, most of us can easily watch all our cartoons 300+ times. I see people only know "The Simpsons" and claim to be cartoon fans. Come talk to me when you‘ve watched a single episode of Sonic X and we can be friends. Also DEAR ALL TUMBLR USERS: My adventures with superman is not a real cartoon. Owl house is not a real cartoon. Wander over yonder is not a real cartoon. Amphibia is not a real cartoon. Gravity falls is not a real cartoon. Milo murphy's law is NOT.A.REAL.CARTOON. put down the baby shows and watch something that requires challenge and thought for once. Sincerely, all of the ACTUAL cartoon fans.
Inspo: https://www.tumblr.com/mezzorizahawkeye/724915985989156864/no-youre-not-a-real-theatre-kid-im-so-sick-of?source=share
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wanderfan2000 · 3 months
WOY Treading 27th is making a HUGE comeback, Wanderers. In fact, here is the post that talks about T27th’s return to the fandom and the first new topic for March 2024: https://www.tumblr.com/signor-signor/745031459325231104/trending-27th-march-2024?source=share
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signor-signor · 2 months
Trending 27th - April 2024
Okay, so last month’s comeback wasn’t as big as I thought it would be. Regardless, Wander Over Yonder still has a dedicated fandom - we just have to try harder to prove it.
Now, this month marks the 8th anniversary of The Waste of Time, in which we got a first glimpse of that orbble-powered vessel, the Star Nomad. All we know about it so far is that it started out as a regular ship full of hooded refugees in The Secret Planet, and at the start of S3, it would get an “Electric Mayhem” style makeover so that it could float and move with orbble juice. Wander and Sylvia would then use it to carry any refugees remaining on the formerly secret planet back to their home planets throughout the season. Assuming the Skullship would be out of fuel, as I indicated in my Eye on the Galaxy idea, Hater, Peepers, and the Watchdogs would have to tag along. Hater would even have to be roommates with Wander.
Since we know there’d be one room shared by two soon-to-be-friends-by-the-end-of-the-season-of-their-lives, I thought of a question for WOY fans to answer:
What do you think the inside of the Star Nomad would look like, and what kind of rooms would there be?
Since the Star Nomad would hold practically a galaxy’s load of residents, it could be as spacious on the inside as the Skullship (which came with a torture room, a food court, a training facility, etc.). So go nuts, let your imagination run wild, and think up all the possibilities!
Post the topic on the 27th of April at 8pm EST/28th of April at 1am GMT. If you’re unsure of what time it is in your local time, you can use https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ to help you.
Make sure you tag Wander Over Yonder, SaveWOY, and other tags as well, because the first 20 tags show up in searches, making your post easier to find for those who might not know about T27th. If you’d like, you can also tag FinishWOY.
If you have one or more social media apps in addition to Tumblr, then you’re welcome to make a T27th post on it, too.
If you’ve got any suggestions for a T27th topic, feel free to DM me.
There are no bad suggestions.
Please reblog if you like this post.
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signor-signor · 15 days
Trending 27th - May 2024
Since Jack McBrayer, the nearly inimitable voice of Wander, has a B-day coming up on the 27th, this is the perfect time to come up with an answer to the following question:
What would you say to Jack McBrayer that compliments him on his role as a voice actor, reassures him that there’s still interest in the plans for S3, and boosts his determination to reprise his role?
Post the topic on the 27th of May at 8pm EST/28th of May at 1am GMT. If you’re unsure of what time it is in your local time, you can use https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ to help you.
Make sure you tag Wander Over Yonder, SaveWOY, and other tags as well, because the first 20 tags show up in searches, making your post easier to find for those who might not know about T27th. If you’d like, you can also tag FinishWOY.
If you have one or more social media apps in addition to Tumblr, then you’re welcome to make a T27th post on it, too.
If you’ve got any suggestions for a T27th topic, feel free to DM me.
There are no bad suggestions.
Please reblog if you like this post.
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signor-signor · 1 month
Trending 27th - April 2024
What do you think the inside of the Star Nomad would look like, and what kind of rooms would there be?
Where do I even begin? Since the Star Nomad would be carrying folks back to their planets, I think there’d be hallways upon hallways on every deck, and there’d be either staircases, an elevator system, or both. Perhaps the Lords of Illumination could provide their own light for the entire ship, if they’re among the refugees, that is.
Maybe one of the decks would be reserved as some kind of temporary zoo. Of course, the larger animals, including the pit monster from The Birthday Boy, would have to be shrunk down by Neckbeard’s minimizing spell.
With the Watchdogs on board, their sleeping space would be just as condensed as their sleeping quarters on the Skullship. We already know Hater would have to share a room with Wander, but in the case of Sylvia and Peepers, I would imagine they’d take turns steering the ship and napping (imagine Peepers standing on a crate when he’s at the helm). The main four would have to live right under the helm where the star-shaped window is.
As more folks are being dropped off on their home planets, more rooms would become vacant, thus making the perfect opportunity for Wander to reserve those rooms for villains and keep them safe from Star Force Enforcement Force until he finds places where they can keep them safe (e.g. Sourdough/Evil Sandwich wrapped in a refrigerator at Blarpee’s).
I have been imagining the Star Nomad acting as some kind of cruise line with so many people on board. Clancy and Nancy of the Fancy Shmancys are in the hotel business, so maybe they’d know how to keep things in orderly fashion from buffets to recreational activities. Oh, and maybe there’d be a big room similar to the United Nations where the rulers of their planets can discuss their plans for the restored galaxy and such.
Maybe, juuuhhhhhst maybe, there’d be a spot somewhere under the stern where the fan that blows into the orbble wand masts is powered. You know how in Yogi’s Gang, the flying ark is powered by Magilla Gorilla running on a treadmill getting bananas in front of him? That particular spot would be for Huckleberry Knucklehead, and in front of him would be a lollipop. Worry not, though, for his teeny tiny parents would be there to watch over him. For every planet stop, he gets a lollipop.
There’s no telling where the ships owned by Starbella, Ripov, and Major Threat are, but considering the latter was said to be a recurring character in S3, I’m sure he’d hang around on the Star Nomad to be Hater’s mentor whenever necessary.
See how much creativity you can put into WOY if you put your mind to it? I look forward to seeing fan content related to the Star Nomad.
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signor-signor · 4 months
You know you’re a fan of Wander Over Yonder when you imagine your computer and/or phone being jealous of the projector and the computer that, when connected, displayed the pitch for Season 3 in February of 2015.
If my calculations are correct, 9 years have passed since Craig and the crew pitched S3 to the bosses of DTVA and DXD. 9! The bosses themselves were looking forward to it, as Craig himself suggested. That must mean they probably know what Star Force Enforcement Force look like, the role of the space ape, Hater’s backstory, and any other content that was presented between 10 and 30 minutes. I don’t know about you, but I’m as jealous of the bosses who saw the pitch as I am of Craig and the crew.
As a fan of WOY, I persist because I know everything that was planned for that third and final season exists. Just think, the pitch was presented in late February/early March in 2015 (right after writing on S2 wrapped up), and Disney decided to cancel the show one week before S2 premiered (late July 2015). So there must be roughly five months worth of preproduction material.
Why Craig waited seven months to bring up the bad news, imply that S3 was guaranteed to be amazing, and admit defeat (early March 2016) is beyond my understanding. If you think about it, this is a textbook case of cartoon injustice. As far as I can tell, no other DTVA show was subjected to this. That is why we must do what we can to right this wrong. Let us not stand idly by while the cliffhanger remains unresolved. WOY is a show worth saving, whether Craig, the people who worked with him, and the higher ups understand it or not.
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signor-signor · 8 days
Trending 27th - May 2024
What would you say to Jack McBrayer that compliments him on his role as a voice actor, reassures him that there’s still interest in the plans for S3, and boosts his determination to reprise his role?
If I were to meet Jack in person, here’s what I’d say…
Hey, Jack, it’s such a pleasure to meet you! When some folks see you, they think of Kenneth, but as soon as I take one look at you, I immediately think of Wander. Craig and Lauren couldn’t have picked a voice more fitting for a character whose powers of positivity are far beyond those of anyone. I even took to calling him a “Jack McBrayerlien.”
I believe the first time I heard your voice was in Kung Fu Panda Holiday as a rabbit chef named Wo-Hop. I heard you yet again in Phineas and Ferb as Irving, in Despicable Me as TWO minor characters (a tourist and a carny), and in Wreck-It Ralph as Fix-It Felix Jr. I tell you what, though, Wander Over Yonder is the one show where you truly got to shine (more on that later). I heard your voice in several other projects (The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange, The Adventures of Puss in Boots, and Mighty Magiswords). As for the secondary characters you played in the other DTVA shows, I feel they don’t have that je ne sais quoi Wander has. No matter what character I see or hear, I ALWAYS think of Wander, a main character from a show named after him (Felix is the second one I think of, though).
You probably don’t realize this, but I’ve been part of the WOY fandom for a long, long time. When I found you’d be the voice of the character, I WANTED to watch the show, especially since it was created by the genius behind two of Cartoon Network’s megahits. Where else can we hear you sing and raise your voice to a high pitch whenever appropriate (e.g. The Egg, in which Wander says “What is wrong with you?”)? Wander is the kind of character who inspires me to look for the best in other people and solve problems in a friendly manner. Upon finding out that WOY would be canceled after S2 even though the plans for S3 were made beforehand, I was downright disappointed. One look at that downed space capsule in the end tag of “The End of the Galaxy” was enough to convince me that Craig and the crew had more to tell. That, and Wander has not fully befriended Lord Hater. Also, I did not get to see what became of the other villains, including Emperor Awesome.
You and the other folks involved should be thankful Peepsqueak launched the SaveWOY campaign. Remember when you signed the S2 poster? They were eternally grateful for it. This person was fully aware of the show’s unfinished business, and it was their mission to make Disney’s higher ups, as well as the Internet, see that. Nowadays, I’m not sure what they’re up to, so a few people who refused to give up and move on, including me, had to step in. Craig led me to believe that S3 was guaranteed to be amazing, so forgive me for being a chatterbox about it. The majority of the world almost always fails to acknowledge the show’s existence and I for one have grown weary of it. You should see some of the fan content I put together in the past 8 years, including a little animation I did of the Star Nomad in flight. They show just how much I care about the show and how determined I am to right the wrong done to it. You might say I’m as big a fan of Wander as Irving is of Phineas and Ferb.
Anyhoo, please don’t doubt you’ll ever get the chance to return to perform “Sunshine Banjo Face,” ‘cause you will, just as long as we all stay determined. I’d love to hear your character sing about the season-long journey bringing folks to their home planets, react to Star Force Enforcement Force’s way of dealing with villains, make friends with a space ape, and bid Lord Hater adieu at the end of the show’s REAL series finale.
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signor-signor · 5 months
What I’m hoping to see this year as a WOY fan is the reveal of anything related to the still canceled third season.
•Concept art of Star Force Enforcement Force
•Episode titles
•List of returning characters (and maybe their VAs, too)
•New characters (separate from SFEF)
•Interior and blueprints of the Star Nomad
Call me persistent, but I know cartoon injustice when I see it, and I strive to obtain equality for all shows.
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signor-signor · 8 months
Even though Craig McCracken was never given as much respect as Dan Povenmire and Jeff “Swampy” Marsh, Noah Z. Jones. Alex Hirsch, Daron Nefcy, the Houghton Bros., Matt Braly, Dana Terrace, or show runners whose DTVA shows exceeded two seasons or got tons of love, he acknowledged his involvement in celebration of #Disney100
I don’t know what’s keeping him from giving us more details regarding the canceled S3 (e.g. what Star Force Enforcement Force look like), but the other 2 seasons and the fact that he was influenced by a Disney comic artist inspire me to take action, get creative, and save WOY.
Here are some of my personal favorite fan made pieces.
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The First 5 Years - Comprised of more than 140 individuals, it took me four months to put it all together, and I occasionally had to make some minor fixes/changes afterwards. The three big question marks are reserved for Star Force Enforcement Force and the two smaller ones or for the “couple new regulars.”
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LEGO Star Nomad - This model was first made on LEGO Digital Designer and later made with 1000 actual LEGO bricks (give or take a few) and a foot and a half of solder wire.
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Eye on the Galaxy - When I came up with this pre-S3 shorts idea, I created a background with a desk where Andy interviews the refugees after the end of S2. I hope Craig and the crew share their thoughts on the idea. Read the shorts here.
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Star Force Enforcement Force - I may not know what they actually look like, but I am 100% certain they are the threat worse than Dominator. Unless Craig gives me an answer suggesting that my guess is off, like “That’s a good guess, but that’s not what they look like,” I stand by what I made.
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signor-signor · 2 months
Trending 27th - March 2024
Talking to Craig McCracken
If you had a chance to talk to Craig McCracken, what would you say to him that not only complements him on the work he’s done in the past 30+ years, but also reassures him that there’s still interest in the plans he made for S3?
As someone who grew up watching Cartoon Network in the ‘90s, I would tell him…
“Hi, Craig-o, pleased to meet you! I’ve known your work since the early-mid nineties. I believe you were involved in 2 Stupid Dogs and Dexter’s Laboratory. It must have been a real treat getting to know some history behind Hanna-Barbera. I know it was for me. When I first saw a piece of your own work, it was on the side of a box of Fruity Pebbles promoting World Premiere Toons - one of the characters was Bubbles of the PPG. I gotta say, you’ve been one of my inspirations growing up.”
When it gets to the point where I talk about WOY, I would say this to him…
“I remember when I got into Wander Over Yonder. When I first saw your early sketches of him, I thought of Cantus the Minstrel from Fraggle Rock. And what can I say? I’m a sucker for anything related to Muppets. How about Jack McBrayer? He’s the perfect choice for the character’s voice! WOY marks the first time I got to hear Jack sing. It’s the show that provided the springboard for shows Disney apparently loves best, specifically Star vs. the Forces of Evil and Big City Greens - those shows wouldn’t have been picked up if it wasn’t for Daron Nefcy and the Houghton Bros.’ involvement in the first season. It’s also the first show where Andy Bean provided music for a TV series and where people like Noël Wells got to try their hand at voice acting. The show has made a lot more history than you can possibly imagine, so please don’t take it too lightly.”
Now comes the part where I talk about the elephant in the room, or rather, the ape in the space capsule…
“To be honest, I really looked forward to watching episodes of the show during its run. When I looked at your announcement about the premature cancellation and the plans you’d made for that third and final season, I was totally perplexed. Disney let Fish Hooks go on for three seasons regardless of content - was that because no one turned deaf ears or blind eyes to it? I always assumed they’d treat WOY the same way they treated FH.”
“Somehow it just doesn’t feel right to let your show bite the dust just because the “higher up bosses of bosses of bosses” didn’t see the need to make more, especially not after you made most fans aware of the existence of the plans for S3 and led them to believe it was guaranteed to be amazing. Why do you think I haven’t given up on WOY? And why else would I have Kid encourage viewers to watch the show (Kid Cosmic was great, by the way, one that definitely ended in victory)? I cannot think of any other show that was canceled one week before S2’s premiere, seven months after the S1 finale, five months after writing on S2 wrapped up, five months after your pitch for S3. You, Craig, are one of the most experienced cartoonists in the business and you don’t deserve to be treated like this.”
“To let you know just how determined I am to right this wrong, I worked four months on an Illustrator piece featuring over 140 individuals, built a LEGO Star Nomad (when I showed it to Dave Thomas (@owner-of-wendys), he said, “Dude… that Star Nomad is incredible. Well done!”), and wrote a pre-S3 shorts idea where Andy the Watchdog interviews refugees on the ex-secret planet. Heck, I even had to figure out what Star Force Enforcement Force look like and how the plot of S3 might play out.”
“@peepsqueak started the SaveWOY campaign, and I’m seeing to it that it shan’t be in vain. I know you’re busy with your other projects, but there is still a show waiting to be completed on your own terms. Until the time comes, keep making people smile! Darkest times call for sunniest of smiles!”
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signor-signor · 9 months
10 years ago, the real first episodes of Wander Over Yonder (The Greatest, The Egg) premiered. If I recall, they got the highest Nielsen rating out of all episodes.
To say the last few years have been unkind to the show would be putting it mildly, for it still hasn’t gotten as much love and attention as Disney’s overrated shows have. It’s so underappreciated that the fan fiction pieces written for Gravity Falls, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Amphibia, and The Owl House individually outnumber the fan fiction pieces for the show. Unnerving, isn’t it? Hope it’s enough to motivate you all.
In these hard and trying times, we MUST stay determined and keep showing interest in the plans for that third and final season. Defy all odds. Get creative. Prove to Disney, Craig, and the crew that you still care.
As for me, I’m thinking of putting my Eye on the Galaxy idea in sketch form.
I’m closing, here’s another glimpse of my LEGO Star Nomad!
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signor-signor · 10 months
WOY Haikus - Season 1
Lord Hater appears. / Wander’s here to save the day. / Let the games begin.
A doom dragon fight. / There’s an egg far from the nest. / Stay strong, Sylvia.
Two villains compete. / One wish per millennium. / Mustard or mayo?
Watchdogs everywhere. / The duo must evade them. / Refrain from helping?
One good deed gone wrong. / It happens, like, four more times. / End in the right place.
Peepers has one job. / Capture Wander or get shocked. / Tour of the Skullship.
An abandoned ship. / Savage creature on the loose. / He gets a new home.
Out of orbble juice. / Doomstone is where you’ll find more. / No need to blend in.
The Baa-hallans’ feast. / Retorts make the Troll grow big. / His words don’t matter.
What is in the box? / Wait until we get to Glen’s. / It’s really a test.
Wander’s big green hat. / Only gives you what you need. / Sylvia gets it.
Meet Private Westley. / Has a hard time catching up. / The weather changes.
Three bounty hunters. / Peepers wants all the credit. / Torture megamix.
Ballzeria 9. / Beware of humongous dog. / Face your fears head on.
Sir Bradley Starlight. / Based his life on fairy tales. / Will he get a grip?
Lord Hater’s birthday. / Doom arena, source of fun. / Time to crack a smile.
Orbble pump station. / Thunder Blazz to quench the thirst. / This may take a while.
Sylvia racing. / Competition makes her fierce. / Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock-BOOM.
Captured before dawn. / Wander’s a heavy sleeper. / Get past the Watchdogs.
Let Sylvia sleep. / Nature’s sounds, please be quiet. / Is this déjà vu?
Thousand-year-old queen. / Villains seek greater power. / Sandwiches are served.
Trudi Traveler. / Been to all sorts of places. / She’s really cheating.
Sentient planet. / Takes a liking to Wander. / Oh, the obsession.
Conquering Flendar. / This calls for a thought-out plan. / Wander will butt in.
Emperor Awesome. / His music is destructive. / Time to outdance him.
In a shopping mall. / Giant baby boy is lost. / Where are his parents?
Wander finds a sock. / We have to find the owner. / This will be risky.
A door to the void. / Anything can happen here. / Don’t neglect your friend.
Stood up on a date. / Dinner and a carnival. / Save L’Amoria.
Hard times for Hater. / Trapped with Wander and tough guys. / Pretend to be pals.
There’s an eruption. / A mother bird with three chicks. / Get them out safely.
A ragged kitty. / Wander wants to take her home. / She’s not what she seems.
A team of rebels. / Someone has to guard the door. / How hard can it be?
Okeydokia. / No one there needs any help. / What’s Wander to do?
Hater’s in a slump. / Peepers tries to cheer him up. / Van ride to fun times.
Villain and hero. / They both have a common foe. / One hides and two seek.
Sylvia’s old friend. / More action, more adventure. / Don’t forget Wander.
Serial gifter. / Brings happiness to Watchdogs. / Don’t let him get me!
Gifter’s perspective. / Nice will make naughty think twice. / Slarnian greetings.
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signor-signor · 11 months
June 27, 2023 - 7 Years Later
And now a TED Talk-type presentation (a DET Discussion) by Lord Hater.
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Attention, fans of Wander Over Yonder (and Lord Hater, #1 superstar), I'm reaching out to you today to give you the current status of our show and explain why you need to pull yourselves together and pull your own weight in acknowledging the show's need for one more season! For those who are completely clueless, Wander Over Yonder is a sci-fi comedy cartoon show created by veteran cartoonist Craig McCracken, and it debuted in 2013 on Disney Channel before being moved to Disney XD. It ran for two seasons, but one more season was planned and probably primed for production.
Seven years ago, the second season showcasing our lives came to an end, in which I single-handedly stopped Lord Dominator, who, by the way, nearly destroyed the entire galaxy and spurned my affections for her. HOWEVER, because of the uncalled-for cancellation that was decided by the "higher up bosses of bosses of bosses," the majority of the world keeps calling this event the... ssseries... finale... oh, it's painful to call it that... and frankly, I'm really, really sick of it. So let me tell you this...
Our show is NOT dead! It's just left in limbo! Two seasons were NOT enough! The End of the Galaxy is NOT the true series finale and I have the information to prove it!
As you can plainly see, the people who worked on our show NEVER planned on stopping after two seasons. The show itself even has some details pertaining to the plans for our third season, which was pitched back in early 2015.
For instance, in The Waste of Time, there were two images that briefly appeared during the final time travel sequence: one of an orbble-powered ship called the Star Nomad, where, according to Craig McCracken, I'd have to bunk with Wander (shudder), another is one of what fans are speculating to be me in a past life as a space ape. I can see the resemblance, but the facts remain to be known and proven true. Nevertheless, neither of them appeared anywhere else in the first season or the second.
Another telltale sign of our show's unfinished business is the absence of the other villains, including Emperor Awesome. Last time I saw them on the show, they were still on Suburbon V; oddly, they never reappeared when Dominator seemingly destroyed every planet except the one Wander and Sylvia found. As a result, after I defeated Dominator, I was unable to brag about it to the villains!
(EMPEROR AWESOME (off stage): Dude, just because I wasn't in that episode doesn't mean I don't know what happened!)
Anyway, another reason our show is not finished is this: In Craig's Tumblr post announcing that gropforsaken cancellation and concession, he told the readers, and I quote, "We had plans for new characters, the return of old characters, and even a bit of backstory!" Back in 2015 at Comic-Con, just a couple of weeks before our second season premiered, he confirmed he had an origin story planned out for me; the second season only revealed that Major Threat's evil deeds inspired me to take up villainy, but no origin story explaining how I, Lord Hater, came to be!
(MAJOR THREAT (off stage): I'd sure love to hear all about it, man, but for reasons beyond my understanding, we have to keep it in the vault until the big cheese himself gives Craig the okay.)
Yes, Jeff, I get it. Just so you know, you were planned to be a recurring character. Now, in the case of the new characters, I heard they would include a team of space cops called Star Forcement Forcen Force.
(COMMANDER PEEPERS (off stage): It's Star Force Enforcement Force, sir.)
Whatever. Apparently, these new characters were set to be introduced in the third season we were denied years ago, and because we don't have that third season, they have to hide themselves under question marked sheets and we're not able to say their names, like [NAME REDACTED], [NAME REDACTED], or [NAME REDACTED]. AAHH! It's so annoying!
And don't get me started on how Craig ended his post with some of the words from a song Wander sang to cheer me up, or rather, reignite my ire. Believe me when I say his post will ignite your ire when you read all the way to the end, unless, of course, you're a hardcore fan of some overrated show that gets so much attention. I'm talkin' to you, blue cat boy.
Moving right along, in the finale of one of Disney's underappreciated shows, Future-Worm, the titular invertibrate and his companion Danny warped to various universes, including the alternate version of the one in which our show takes place. And guess what they saw when they arrived in it... Wander and Sylvia aboard the Star Nomad! Remember when I said I'd have to share a room with Wander on the ship? This is the very ship, the same one you saw in The Waste of Time, and if there's something I know about it, it's that it started out as a regular airship seen in The Secret Planet, and Wander and Sylvia would use it as their new mode of transportation to bring any refugees remaining on the planet I saved back to their home planets. You know, the planets I wanted to conquer as soon as I saved the galaxy. The point is, this ship was planned to play a BIG role in Season 3, and while I'm thankful for not bunking with Wander at this time, I'm still determined to know more about it.
(WANDER (off stage): Hey, Hater, if you wanna know more about the Star Nomad, you can join me at Underappreciated Cartoons Anonymous and Fyootch and I will be more than happy to tell you all about it.)
No thank you, and I'm still not your buddy. Oh, that's another reason our show's not finished: Wander has not yet befriended me. Even if he did, I'd still keep my distance from him, but I digress.
Now, what else is there? Waste of Time images... absence of other villains... origin story... new characters... Future-Worm cameo... Oh yes.
Fans, I have saved the most obvious reason for the show's total lack of closure for last... A DOWNED SPACE CAPSULE WITH GREEN LIGHTNING AND MONKEY-LIKE SCREECHING FADING INTO MY EVIL LAUGHTER! Words alone cannot describe how serious this is for a show that got canceled prematurely. If you look up "cliffhanger" in the dictionary, there would be a picture of that space capsule. To add insult to injury, Disney kept shunning us and continued to show more love for that strange Oregon town show, which the Internet never seems to stop talking about even though it already ended perfectly, and that anime-influenced show about a naïve princess with a powerful, cutesy-wutesy wand that got not three seasons, but FOUR seasons! Honest to Grop, I'm really fed up with their popularity. They ALWAYS outrank us!
(Clears throat) Thankfully, the SaveWOY campaign was flourishing since the day Craig made that dreadful announcement, but as the years went by, most supporters simply gave up and moved on, almost as if they were telling us that we can't reason with those "higher up bosses of bosses of bosses." It’s pathetic. You know what I say to that? Giving up is quitting, and quitters never win! Don't make those bosses think they were in the right when they canceled the show. Not doing anything gives them the impression that you're giving in to their demands. If a show has more to tell, THEY should be giving in to YOUR demands. And if you dare to discourage the curious fans from fighting for a proper conclusion, consider yourself likely to be struck by lightning.
Don't forget, our show is currently accessible on Hulu and Disney+, but with Disney being focused on the present, the future, and the shows that are hard to surpass in popularity, like that one about the school girls and cold-blooded critters and that one show about a Hispanic girl in a fantasy world, saving the show has become more impossible than difficult. Seriously, what has an entertainment conglomerate got against shows with guys as main protagonists? What does it have against a show that doesn’t feature Earth? And for that matter, why is it still not swayed by the SaveWOY campaign? How are they not comprehending what the fans have been trying to communicate on social media? We’re in the 21st century, for crying out loud!
After seven grueling years, the SaveWOY campaign's efforts to save the show have been absolutely futile, leaving the public perpetually in the dark about the plans for Season 3. That's why I, Lord Hater, propose we start up an entirely new campaign where fans old and new come together to meet a common goal: FinishWOY! Instead of begging Disney to bring back the show, we can make it our mission to collect the missing details, put the pieces together, and create that third season in the cheapest format possible! In doing so, we can spare Disney the trouble of getting the crew back together and spending tons of money to make it. At this time, Craig is back at his alma mater working on that Powerpuffed Girls revival and the Foster’s preschool retooling for Imaginated Friends, and he said that "movement, music, and McBrayer” would do our show’s third season justice. However, in these difficult economic times when he can't be bothered to spill the beans, the crew is already scattered, most of the world fails to acknowledge our existence, and the bosses don't give a zbornak’s pajamas about the show's unfinished business, it's probably best if we make it ourselves, and if it has to be relegated to web comic form, I'm willing to take it as it is!
In conclusion, if a show is suggested to be incomplete, it would be totally foolish to say it ended and even more foolish to leave it ignored. If you do that, you push it further into obscurity and let it bite the dust. If that third season bites the dust, everything planned for it bites the dust as well... my origin story... that orbble ship... Star Forks and Forks Galore... and most important... MY CHANCE TO CONQUER THE REBORN GALAXY! Yes, we may be lucky enough to have two seasons and that instance where I defeated Dominator and won, but it’s hard to be happy about it when there is CLEARLY a space primate in peril! There are people who know all that was planned for Season 3, but they pledged to never share everything they know about it to anyone in any instance for any reason, whether that’d be their children, their neighbors, or at a convention center. Now, if you want to see me back in action, stop lamenting on "what could have been" and start ruminating on "what there could be." Why wait for Disney to make Season 3 a reality when you fans can simply do it yourselves? You don’t need their permission. Nothing's gonna stop you. You've probably watched Seasons 1 and 2 multiple times, and we have just enough information to get an idea of what might happen, so make that third season and the show will be revived, at least in your imagination. Or if the bosses finally decide to revive the show themselves for one more season, that would be a miracle. Either way, this wrong is still waiting to be righted, and I’m not gonna wait another seven years for that to happen. Tag and support "Finish Wander Over Yonder" and I shall resume upholding my reputation as THE GREATEST IN ALL THE GALAXY! Hater out!
That’s right, FinishWOY is a brand new campaign where we fans get the facts we have about Season 3 (SFEF, “Monkeyboy,” the Star Nomad, etcetera) and figure out the overall plot. It’s just like Team Sea3on, who are responsible for giving Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM) the third season it was never given back in the ‘90s, but the animation is totally optional.
Mind you, this is entirely a suggestion. If you endorse the idea, though, then welcome to the club!
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signor-signor · 6 months
In the past 2,700+ days since Wander Over Yonder was left on a cliffhanger, we’ve been begging Disney’s higher ups to let Craig end the show HIS way (with letters, fan art, and what have you) as well as figuring out how Season 3 might play out (although that was mostly done by me).
There is but one simple thing none of us fans ever thought to do, though, and it’s inspired by the end of the second season finale:
The first two seasons gave us a handful of planets, and with Dominator already having destroyed every planet but one and the seeds from one flower having revived them, the universe is the limit if we imagine how the planets might look. Binglebop, Baa-halla, Phunulon, Ziziks (is that how it’s spelled), Flendar, Cluckon, Okeydokia, etcetera - they’re bound to look different after they were destroyed and revived, right? So go ahead, fellow fans, if you have the artistic skills to draw the planets from the show, show each other your visions of the reborn planets. We gotta let Disney AND Craig know we still haven’t given up on the show.
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signor-signor · 10 months
Wander fans are no doubt celebrating the show’s anniversary today on August 16th, the day The Picnic, the sneak peek episode (NOT THE FIRST EPISODE) premiered after Phineas and Ferb: Mission: Marvel.
Continuing my little story of Lord Hater’s attempt to change the highest higher ups’ minds, here’s what I put down…
(In the front yard of the Iger residence…)
COMMANDER PEEPERS: Sir, is this really—
(Lord Hater, still wearing his gloves and sneakers, is shown wearing blue jeans, a black shirt, and a light brown jacket. He’s also holding the mask resembling the head of Craig McCracken and a pair of glasses.)
LORD HATER: The best idea I ever had? You’d better believe it! Once I get Bob Iger to change his mind, it’ll be a cinch to get the bosses below him to follow suit. When that happens, they’ll get the real Craig on board after he’s done with his other cartoons and all the details pertaining to Season 3 will finally be revealed! Not only that, we’ll get to see what Star Forceps For The Pores actually look like!
COMMANDER PEEPERS: I still don’t know about this. What if he rejects all your requests? That book I read last year said that CEOs are the most unyielding people in the entertainment industry.
LORD HATER: Oh, quit your worrying, Peepers. If I can save the galaxy, I can save our show.
(As Hater makes his way to the entrance, he stretches the Craig McCracken mask over his head, and the only distinctive features shown are his green eyes, lightning bolts, and his lower teeth)
LORD HATER: (pulling off an impression of Craig McCracken) Hello, Mr. Iger, it is I, Craig McCracken, creator of the Powerpuff Girls, the Foster Home for Imaginary Friends, the Cosmic Kid, and Wander Over Yonder. You know, that one show about the orange hippie Muppet man I made for Disney in the early 2010s and left on a cliffhanger for seven years. I’m taking a little break from my work and I wanted to stop by for a hate-to-, er, heart-to-heart about my— Wander’s unfinished business. (normal voice) Okay, not bad for a practice run. Now for the real thing…
(Just as Hater’s about to ring the doorbell, a voice calls out to him)
BLOSSOM: Excuse us, Lord Hater, but what right do you have to impersonate our cartoonist?
BUBBLES: That’s not a very nice thing to do, unless it’s Halloween, which it isn’t!
BUTTERCUP: Yeah, and you know what happened to those three chumps when they dressed like us and framed us?
(cut back to Peepers as the PPG proceed to beat up Hater offscreen)
COMMANDER PEEPERS: (stunned) I did not see that coming. (sees SFEF, still covered in sheets, the one under the purple sheet holding a radio system resembling the PPG telephone) Star Force Enforcement Force? This was all your doing, wasn’t it?
(Let’s call her OFFICER TERROGATOR): The Mayor of Townsville isn’t the only one with access to Cartoon Network’s famous crimefighters. After all, both our shows were created by the same cartoonist.
(Let’s call him OFFICER CARCERATOR): We knew what Hater was up to, so we had to take action and give the Powerpuff Girls the intel. We were lucky they were already released from the CN vault for their revival.
(Let’s call him CHIEF MANIPULATOR): It is not up to him or Mr. McCracken to change the bosses’ minds, it is up to the fans. Persistence and politely penned protests are paramount for persuasion. (poking Peepers’s chest) As for you, little eyeball man, you had best keep this a secret or, Grop forbid, we will tell Disney to keep playing reruns of Gravity Falls, Amphibia, and every other overrated show for 10 more years at the expense of our show gaining more recognition and a proper conclusion.
COMMANDER PEEPERS: Y-y-y-yes, sir. If that doesn’t make you the threat worse than Dominator, I don’t know what does.
LORD HATER (offscreen): Hey, watch it! That’s my prosthetic arm!
Yes, folks, since there’s a vault for storing DTVA shows, there’s also a vault for storing Cartoon Network Studios’ shows. And yes, I intended to have Catherine Cavadini, Tara Strong, and E.G. Daily be the voices of the PPGs. Also, I wouldn’t worry about Hater - there were times when he was mercilessly pummeled and he got back up again (see The Buddies). This is a reminder to Wander fans that we must let Craig finish whatever he’s doing before Disney gives him permission to give WOY closure. Until then, keep reminding Disney of the show’s unfinished business.
Anyhow, happy 10th anniversary (to the sneak peek of an episode that comes third in proper order)!
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