coppergears · 6 years
@freakshowrabbit started following you
welcome back!!!
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izzythecyborg · 6 years
"Oh fuck. I didn't. Shit." She rubbed the back of her neck, and looked sheepish. Flushing a bright red she carefully adjusted so she was actually facing them. Damnably awful knees made it difficult for her to twist the way a normal human might.
"Didn't think you lot would be back here. " She bobbed her head, crossing her arms "that was well done. Uh. I was trying to find a wrench actually. And maybe a screwdriver. Wait. Uh. Not for anything nefarious. I. One of my plates is wonky and out of place. Sorry. "
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brokenverse · 9 years
Another day and a half and matt and collars were still in each others bodies. Matt had kicked his currently bird winged boyfriend out of the room to go get them some lunch and had snuggled back down into bed to nap some more.
He was really hoping today collars body would be well enough to try out his tail. He had to admit he wa a tiny bit excited about it.
As he dozed the portal to collars home verse decided it'd be a good idea to open up inside the room with him none the wiser.
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gallxntri · 10 years
Nickname: Snugglebun
"but thats what I call you sometimes...Kinda awkward to have both the same name."
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walterworkerk · 10 years
freakshowrabbit replied to your post: .
What happened to your blog?
just wasnt in best state of mind nbd
they're back now tho
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melodiatherobot-blog · 10 years
url: don’t get it | not bad | nice | good job | love it omg | who did you kill
theme: not my type | ehh | decent | I like it | pretty amazing | I’m stealing it
icon: don’t get it | not bad | nice | pretty | flawless omg | brb killing myself
posts: not my type | not bad | nice job | love | perfection | give me your password
roleplay: ehh | it’s p nice | well blow me down | love | gimme your brain | please write with me
following: no sorry | just followed | yes | you mean stalk what
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preferbialkat · 10 years
*Sign around her neck* I accidentally got myself stuck as a robot.
Kat glares at the sign.
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frostverse · 10 years
The Spine waited for just the right moment, then he went through the portal for FreakShow Verse. 
Along with him came Rabbit, Hatchworth, and two men. 
Rabbit looked like any other standard Rabbit, except she too had white accents on her clothing. Hatchworth's glasses were perpetually fogging over while he went through the process of cleaning them each time. 
The air was crisp and cool around them.
The two men looked rather different from each other. One had black hair and a fedora on with pale blue eyes, the other had striking blue hair with a bowler hat and glasses.
The Spine waited for the freakshow to meet them.
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brokenverse · 10 years
freakshowrabbit replied to your post:((there’s suddenly so much activity and...
I’m sorry. I’m working on it.
(( *HUGS* No sorries, just wanted you to know you're thought about and missed))
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gallxntri · 10 years
freakshowrabbit replied to your post:…..what the fuck did I just watch
What DID you just watch?
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freelanceengineer · 10 years
freakshowrabbit replied to your post:Well, his name is FreakShow and he likes rabbits and cute things and he's a writer and likes robots and oh man is he swell.
//Because you are adorable, that is why someone would have a crush on you!
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iustuscadens · 10 years
freakshowrabbit replied to your post:freakshowrabbit said: He’s probably looking for a...
I’d just ignore it for now. Helping people is great, but it can wear you down to the point that they control you. Just be careful, okay?
I shall. Thanks for the advice. I'll wait for this convo to wind down and...slip away...
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preferbialkat · 10 years
freakshowrabbit replied to your post:[[*squints at that reblog if female rper thing* So...
There’s a non-gender option.
[[I was unaware that being agender meant my sex (female) was suddenly nonexistant.]]
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frostverse · 10 years
freakshowrabbit replied to your post:freakshowrabbit replied to...
*Looks at slushy* Why would it explode?
David peeked into the doorway with his clipboard and an explanation.
"He's caused a slushy to explode before."
Peter objected, "Not true. I made everything around the slushy explode. There's a fine difference thank-you."
"Wow, really? That's pret-ty impressive. Did it taste good?"
Peter adjusted his tie. "Thank-you. It was alright. A little too blue-mattery for my tastes"
A pause, the keyhole looked at the man "Oh, but you're fine." 
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brokenverse · 10 years
Matt groggily  smacked his lips the next morning, making a face as he realized he'd drooled down his cheek.
He tried to stretch, momentarily confused by the fact he couldn't feel his right wing, only to remember the next moment as his arm was met with resistance.
blinking the sleep away he looked down at Collars and smiled, his free hand coming up to run through his long long dreads.
Boy he was glad he hadn't drooled on him
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gallxntri · 10 years
freakshowrabbit replied to your post:-muffled screams-
What is it?
see there is a certain mechanical suit that was built by a bunch of scientists and I have yet to see someone say who exactly built them or came up with the idea... I mean there is one scientist people think did it, but we know they kinda sorta took ideas from others for themselves
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