#God I need to work on that LMAAAOO
airanke · 24 days
👻 - literally me naming the region after Dark Souls because it "is both beautiful and very dark, so Daroul would follow the same conventions of being extremely beautiful, but dark."
🕯 - "beacon of hope"; while the region is covered in strife (especially due to the more aggressive nature of Deathless Pokemon), its people remain beacons of hope and/or light in these trying times, so the name signifies them being a light in the darkness.
Both names fit the Pokemon region naming convention of having an "o" somewhere in the name!
Realistically Beahoon fits the best because it relates to the people of the region which is consistent across all the other Pokemon regions, vs Daroul which sounds better but only relates to the land and not the people. Let me know what you think!!
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@ Jurors: y’all play too much and it’s a miracle that I don’t have an ulcer lmao. Idk how this is all gonna turn out but I pray my placement justifies the trillion emotions I’ve had in the past 35 days
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One day, one day we will get it right hahaha. I don’t know why our relationship makes no sense to this day and I need you to go ham the next time we play together again. Vote wise, I just knew you could get swooped up by Hufflepuff once merge came so that led to everyone agreeing and being like we need all hands on deck to take out Hufflepuff. But yeah I hope you’re well and that you’ve gotten lots of tea and entertainment as the second juror- this was definitely the game to watch
Did not get to see you!! But dude I was thrilled at the idea of seeing you in this game! You are so much fun and was hoping you’d spend more time playing the game even though I know you’re busy hosting Big Brother seasons!
hi baby.. HSBSNS i’m literally so sad we were never together on a team.. but i just know the universe wasn’t ready for something so powerful. i just wanted to let you know you are so lovely and i adore you!!! my best friend yes it true.. ugh mwah i can’t wait to be in the reunion chat with so i can hug ur cute lil self 
A legend! I’m sorry that we never got the chance to play together in this game and hope that you are doing well!! Congrats on making jury and I hope you are doing well!
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Everyone still talks about how hilarious you are and every round I’m like damn I really still haven’t met Max. Highkey everything happens for a reason though because we probably would’ve been on opposite sides. Plus this game was too cracked and the whole being grounded thing would’ve been your Achilles heel at merge. Anyway I’m still excited to meet you and just vibe
Man! Your social game! Or game in general is ON POINT! I am not even joking - for a whole tribe to go to bat for you and be willing to eliminate themselves is KING ENERGY! Especially with the number saying they felt foolish after the rock elimination. I loved getting to know you throughout the game and it was so COOL getting to see your Animal Crossing island. You were so much fun and I think that had we not been swapped onto a tribe of four that you would have ran deep in this game.
oh max.. literally i saw his icon and already told him i love him within the first hour of the cast reveal HSVSBSN i was obsessed! him landen and i quickly grouped up due to our mutual interests and i literally would die for that group chat still. max is not only so understanding and kind, but so funny and made the best out of any situation. i felt awful voting him twice in this game, but he ultimately understood which i am still grateful for.
A KING! There was NEVER a dull moment with you around! I was glad that my tribe won but sad that your tribe lost in the round that you went home because I remembered you mentioning that you were grounded shortly before the swap happened. I hope that you are no longer grounded and thanks so much for all the fun times and the laughs! Sorry in advance for complaining about you in the confessionals during the first challenge, LOL. I adore you and had so much fun meeting you and playing with you!!
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I knew you would do this hahahaha. knew you would do some wild shit that pisses me off but reminds me why I love you. You’ll always be one of the greatest players to me so this face-off in particular means more to me a) because I prevailed lmao and b) a lot has changed since our Athena days. You’ll see in the confessionals lmao but the whole game I was like Owen can’t die because who are we without the other. We’re like the Batman and the Joker at this point hahaha. We are icons alone but legends anytime we’re put in the same room. So if we do the math, this was our second square up and that makes this The Dark Knight so maybe we’ll get to complete the trilogy and play together one more time
Dude! I can’t believe I pulled a rock for you! It shocked me so much.I know that our relationship in games is pretty tumultuous leaning into the fact that we just never connect, but I’m proud of that moment. It was a moment that we talked game and worked together and even got into an alliance. However, speaking to that, you did disappoint me RIGHT AT MERGE by trying to flip the vote on me. I don’t even understand. Anyway - want to play Animal Crossing?
every time i’ve played with owen, he’s been nothing less than an absolute gem. he has such a kind soul, and is one of the most kick ass players i have ever met. we worked together briefly, and even when i voted him out he was incredibly understanding of my decision and reassured me that he loves me. and i love him! every moment with him is a blessing, and i can’t wait to reunite with him at the end of this all.
OH GOD, we had quite the ride! From making a final two deal on the first night (RELAX EVERYONE, this was before everyone was told they couldn’t) to me getting salty and writing your name down that led to rocks to you leaving making me feel the most emotional I have EVER felt in a game… we had a ride!! I absolutely love you and I love that we could talk game and then bounce around to other stuff like life and boys! You leaving when you did completely gutted me and had a big impact on my game and how I decided to play going forward. I cried A LOT but then got myself together and whether I make it to the final three or get fourth place I feel like I played a really good game and without you I KNOW I would not have made it this far! You are a complete ray of sunshine and I’m so glad that we got to play something together again!!
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Speaking of trilogies, I don’t even know what to say here lmao because I think this is the second or third time we’ve played together? And now we have Akhmim lmaaaoo. Not gonna lie had you listened to me and lived, you probably would’ve won in the end because like I said you’re the best of the best. So thank you for saving Ruthie and clearing the path hahaha. I cannot wait for you to see the confessionals lmao. I’m sure jury has told you by now that I voted you but you need to watch the video because I had no clue you were going home and I felt so bad that I threw my vote hahaha. But yes now we have something else to laugh about lmao
It’s seriously always a pleasure being cast in games with you! I love that you always give your all in everything. I appreciate completely that you are ALWAYS willing to talk with and try to work with me in these things. I appreciate that, even when my conversations are boring cardboard you feign interest. You are a fantastic individual who needs to be told that! I am sorry that this game affected you in such a way that you felt down and done with the community and the rigamarole. I hope you are at a happier place in your personal life now and saw that you were cast in a Tumblr Survivor season! I wish you the absolute BEST in that and hope it doesn’t create more strain on you.
we didn’t talk much, and literally right when merge happened he stole my vote so i was kinda pissed HDBDNN but i empathized with him on a personal level and what was going on with him. he was overall a very nice and chill guy, and i overall really liked him.
Plot twist… up until the Owen vote I thought you were out to GET ME!! And that you and Joanna were a duo! I am SO happy that we got to play this game together. Between Owen leaving the round before and then you giving me your immunity idol to hang onto, I had so many ugly tears and it meant SO much to me. The night that you left when I gave you the idol back I really thought that I was a goner and I genuinely wanted you to use the idol on yourself. I came to terms that I was leaving and you are REALLY good at challenges and I knew you would do great if you stuck around. The fact that you SAVED ME! ME!!! Someone that didn’t think that you really wanted to work with me until the round before just completely blew my mind and I just wish we would have both made it so we could have taken over the game together! It means so much to me that you saved me and that I made it to this point because without you and you saving me with that idol I DEFINITELY would not have made it to where I am right now. I hope that everything is going well with you and your fiance and that everything is going well at work! I love you and I’m so glad we got a chance to play together, you are such a great person and I have had so much fun, thanks so much again! <3
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Girl. What the hell hahahaha. Ok I do really love you even though my confessionals will suggest otherwise but yeah we have tea to discuss because I loved you at the beginning but I saw the way you came after so many people that once I found out what really happened between you and Owen, that was like the last straw. It is definitely all in my confessionals haha but I did care about our alliance so for y’all to flip the vote at Final 11 last minute and not even tell the truth about what happened made me feel like yall thought my social game was for you and I was just like nah I gotta cut my losses. And then once Kevin blew up the vote at Final 10, that was the nail in the coffin. Looking back, it’s wild to see all that came out of that alliance dying/ I think that was the actual line in the sand moreso that tribe lines, which most people don’t know. But yeah we can’t get into aaaaaaaallll this right here haha so see you on the other side
You are an icon. That’s literally the truth. Point blank and the period. I loved getting to meet you SO MUCH! I don’t even know where to start with this. You are probably the first person in an ORG that is to the point. Someone who doesn’t beat around the bush and someone who knows how they are going to win and how they are going to get there. I am SORRY for making the round you left so so messy. I did not realize at that point how close you were to Juls so I’m sure that the back and forth was a mess. In my defence I did tell you the TRUTH in that you were getting voted and me lying about Landen was a mess. Please continue to be fantastic! And if you ever want to speak to me either here or on Discord I would welcome it gladly because I love you as a person.
GOD. my love for jules is actually infinite. it’s no secretly we’re basically the best of friends, alongside with kevin. but this was my first game that i’ve been able to play with them. they’re such a loyal and dedicated player, and i’m literally just obsessed. i constantly remind them of how much i love and adore them, but i will constantly remind them of such. they’re beautiful both inside and out, so fucking funny, and are literally just so angelic. they light up any room they walk into and if i’m joining them in jury, or seeing them at FTC i’m gonna cry because of how much i’ve missed them game wise. i literally sobbed whenever they got voted out so seeing them again will mean the world to me.
UGH, a queen! I LOVED our conversations and how we would write each other novels and did not even talk game until this round when you went home! We didn’t always work together or anything but the fact that you came to me after Dan saved me and told me you didn’t vote for me meant SO MUCH. You were one of three people that talked to me after the vote and I went from feeling like I was on the bottom to having a little bit of hope. You going was a weird vote and I still don’t know the entire story and why I wasn’t clued in on it until after the fact but I am so glad I got to play with you! I hope you are doing well and as soon as we get to all talk to each other again expect a reply to the last book you left me that I never got a chance to reply to!! <3
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Oh my son. it’s weird because your robbery meant that I didn’t have to do it but I still feel like they did you dirty. Also I can’t believe we only had 5 rounds together it feels like we knew each other the whole time. Maybe it’s because we had the best of times and the worst of times which feels like a whole arc haha. But anyway- thank you for being you, for being funny and perceptive and cracked and hyperactive and caring and loyal and understanding. Meeting you was such a pleasant surprise and I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed our friendship until you were gone. I have no clue which video it’s in but at one point in a confessional I said “Landen’s like a damn Jack Russell Terrier” lmaaaoo. And it’s true! You will always get feisty and get into trouble but you’re a lot of fun and bring heart to everything you do and I love it
Dude! You were amped up SO HIGH in this game. I don’t even know where to start. You were bouncing off the walls with a million ideas and a million scenarios. And… WOW! I loved that you always remained open to working with me throughout the game and LOVED the round that we both lied and made the vote split. You are super wild and I am glad that I earned your trust in that round even if you went on to get voted out the following one. I heard that you were worried I was going to vote for you anyway and were propositioning Autumn to turn on me. Glad you didn’t!
my husband.. the loml.. and the most cracked player i have EVER played with. HDBND the first time i played with landen, our time was cut short. so i literally JUMPED whenever i saw i got to play with him again. we’ve always instantly clicked because of our similar interests, but that just brought us closer in this game. even though he pissed me off a bunch in this game, there’s not a thing i don’t adore about mr disasterprince. i’m gonna give him a big ol’ kiss when i see him :flushed: no but seriously i truly do consider him one of my best friends and i really hope to talk to him a bunch after this.
This was honestly another really hard vote and I’m sorry. It was completely strategic and NEEDED to be done. This week was a very important one to me because it was the FIRST TIME that I voted with the majority and actually kinda sorta knew what was happening, haha. YOU are a complete ray of sunshine and I LOVED playing with you and watching you play. If you would have stayed there is no way anyone would have beat you in my opinion (no offense to anyone but SERIOUSLY) and when you get old enough I need you to send an audition in to be on Survivor because THAT would make for great TV!! I will never eat a marshmallow again without thinking about team hufflepuff! I love you and I hope you are doing well. I DEFINITELY could not have made it this far without you. Thank you for everything and once this thing is over I think that you, Lily, Kevin and I should revive our hufflepuff alliance chat (and maybe even add Max too, haha!)
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And my daughter. I WANTED YOU TO LIVE!!! And it’s in the confessionals too! But I felt like you weren’t really with me after the Landen vote and I felt like I’d be better off letting go of anyone who wouldn’t vote Kevin and then attempt to reunite Gryffindor in the process. Obviously it worked lmao but I really grew to understand you and care about you so I was relieved that you weren’t at tribal that night. Our relationship was literally the most surprising thing to me and I’m lowkey nervous to see what I wrote at the beginning cause I remember thinking you and I would never get along lmao. But anyway, you are my favorite Ravenclaw member NO CONTEST and I’m really glad we got to play together. You’re very no-nonsense and unbothered and it always made me laugh as well as wish that I wasn’t an overthinker. I always just say “it’s just not that deep” irl and I feel like that’s you as a person. You care and you don’t take anyone’s shit but you also don’t let things get to you and it was so refreshing to be around you each round while everyone’s losing their shit and you’re just like I’m not gonna be at tribal anyway so like I really don’t fucking care hahahahaha. You are the best and thank you for everything
I am so sorry that your senior year of school got ruined by a virus. That is honestly the worst! It displaces your mind and everything so much. I hope the best for you and really wish for a positive road forward not only for you but for everyone! I hope that you know what a great person you were and the times that we were able to connect in this game were positive experiences. I look very much forward to using Airplane Mode to play games and avoid ads.
QUEEN. SHIT. god, so at first she and i did Not talk at all, and after seeing we both mutually agreed i was probably the goat of the season i said legend.. HSBSNN and that’s when our bond began because of our interests in books. and i’m defiantly taking her suggestions into account so i have a reason to message that queen again.. also a strategic mastermind.. i love everything abt her yes it’s true.
I’m sure you leaving was a very ‘What the hell???’ moment for a lot of people. This is a move that I’m still kind of unsure about, I’m not sure it was the best move but it was something I felt like I needed to do for the strategic reason of gaining Lily’s trust going forward. I’m sorry, I’m still at the point where I’m not sure that the risk was worth it but you are such a lovely person and I’m glad that we got to play together! I love that you are a LEGIT Harry Potter fan and I am happy to say that I ORDERED THE FIRST HARRY POTTER BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED BOOK THAT WE TALKED ABOUT!! :)
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Lil boy…. I don’t know where to begin with you lmaaaaooo. Because I adore you as a person but you really tried it in this game! And I never saw that coming. I knew this game would be intense because of all the heavyweights- Lily, Ruthie, Owen, Dan- that I’ve played with before but you are now 100% in that category. Your mist will get you far, I hope you know that. Like you are incredibly charming and personable so it’s no surprise that people flock to you and I at one point felt like you were my closest ally. I wish things had been better between us at the end? Cause like I missed the good ol days when we could both talk life and talk game. But once I found out the truth about the Final 11 vote and how you stirred the pot only for you to turn around and blow up the Lily vote at Final 10, that fall from grace was STEEP. Which is on me? Cause like maybe I could’ve forgiven you like Juls did but then maybe I wouldn’t be here because you would’ve just kept trying to dupe me round after round. SO I don’t regret anything persay but I still love you and you are the real deal
Honestly! Talking to you was a highlight of the game. I’m just very sad that we didn’t really speak game ever. I get that we were clearly on separate sides of the fence and that no matter what was said it probably would have been lies anyway. Also, I get that we likely would have been relaying the information to the “other side” no matter what but it was disappointing. I loved talking movies with you and am more than willing to continue speaking about them and weird ones after the season if you want.
my duo <3 HSVSBSBN honestly.. kinda glad we got pinned together even though we were 1000% already aligned. it was just so fun to play dumb. this was also my first experience Actually playing with you so having the alliance with you and jules filled me with so much joy. you guys literally MADE this game for me, and i can’t thank you guys enough for wanting to work with me. i also cried when you got voted out!!! a bunch.. i understand why people did it but it still made me so upset.. i wanted to make it to the end with you and jules so bad, so if i make it to ftc just know it’s for YALL and YALL only. i love you so much and hope you realize that, because being able to get to know you has been some of the best moments of my life!
You leaving was hard. I knew it was going to happen and part of me DOES wish that I told you so that you, Juls and I could have tied up the votes and kept you around. Lily and I discussed the vote that day and were torn between the plan or you because you are a HUGE threat! We decided to do the vote split but Lily got quiet and I just kind of figured something was up so I talked to her before hand and she decided she was going to vote with Autumn and Chips and I decided that the best move for me was to (FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE) keep my mouth quiet. You are a ray of sunshine and I loved working with you during the game. I definitely couldn’t have made it this far without you and time will tell if it was a smart move or not. It was so much fun playing with you and working with you! I have no idea if you are going to take a break after this game or not but I hope we run into each other again in something in the future!! THIS HAS BEEN WILD AND FUN!
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Why does the hardest one have to be last oooof. I just wanna say that I meant what I said and I really enjoyed playing with you. Idk how to explain it but after you bamboozled me in Kilimanjaro, I was very ready to handle business and take out Hufflepuff by any means necessary. However I didn’t anticipate that all the rounds of us being on the same side and talking about life and game would really change me. Like I knew it was a matter of time before we took a proper shot at each other? But it was really bittersweet because I knew that you were hurting and trying to save your game and that both of our fates would be decided by one vote. My biggest thing was just knowing you would pull a lot of votes between all of Hufflepuff being on jury and me and Chips, if we walk(ed?) in. We’ll never know technically but once I started doing the math, I was like if I would vote Lily plus all the people from her actual tribe it’s a wrap. If we were different kinds of players, I think we would actually sit beside each other hahaha but that’s easier said than done since you get me and I get you. I always remembered how brilliant and strategic you were and how dumb I was for underestimating you in Kili but I never saw how compassionate and wholesome you are until this game. Basically it was a lot easier to play with you when we weren’t actually merged/ playing together lol because then I was just a strategist as supposed to now, a strategist that made (and then betrayed) a really good friend. I love you and I miss you and it was an honor to really play with you
I think that you should know how much I adore you. Ever since I first met you however long ago you have been one of my favorite people in this community. I know that you are good at these games and that you always play to win! I know that you always want to make genuine connections and friendships. I am NOT kidding when I say that we need to stay in communication better when we are not in a game. You are a light that I want to continue to see! Honestly hearing about Kevin or your dog or the Kindergarteners or anything else is SO pleasant and fun. You are fabulous! And you are absolutely correct in what you said in your closing statement - YOU WOULD HAVE WON!
genuinely such a kind person. i’m not used to people talking in such a proper way too, but it made lily so cute. we defiantly didn’t see eye to eye in a lot of competition, but i had so much fun with her. especially during the music video competition and the endless amount of kindness she showed me. i love her!!
While as of lately, even when I vote in the minority I HAVE known who would be going home but you leaving definitely came as a shock to me tonight. We have had a CRAZY game together and definitely not been on the same page the entire time but I have loved playing with you and getting to know you! I honestly feel lost without you right now. Who am I going to talk about Disney movies with? Who am I going to talk about Disney World, mouse ears, cute date ideas, weddings, school stuff and SO MUCH MORE with? I didn’t cry, only because I worked really hard to desensitize myself to that after ‘week Owen’ because writing this out I REALLY want to cry. In the beginning you were DEFINITELY my closest ally in the game. I loved idol hunting with you and I felt like I could tell you ANYTHING and trust that you not tell anyone. I know that we kind of played against each other AND got saved by idols on the same night (which was iconic). I’ve been battling with myself over wanting you out or wanting to sit in the finals with you because if I was sitting next to you I don’t think I would have a strong chance of winning but it would be next to YOU!! I would rather lose next to you than anyone else and I honestly think you deserve to be here. Fun fact that I never told you- around 8 I asked if I could give my immunity to someone because I wanted to give it to you to insure you make it even if it meant that I leave and I was shown in the rules where it had to be done 4 hours prior to tribal. It would have been a stupid move on my part because I do want to win but if I can’t win I would have wanted it to be you. You are such a sweet soul and I KNOW we will stay friends after all this. This has been a wild and crazy ride but I got to meet and reconnect with a lot of great people and you are definitely one of them! And now I’m crying. This was hard and I don’t know HOW I’m going to make final three without you but I’m going to try.
I’m not sure if this is even allowed but I just wanted to say that I have had a BLAST! This is honestly my favorite game I have ever played. The hosting has been great and this was such a good cast. I have no idea what is going to happen, if I’m going to get fourth.. (like usual), win or even get second or third place but I am very proud of myself and proud of everyone that is in the final four! Everyone here has played such different games and I can’t wait to see what happens! Thank you so much Sammy, Caeleb and Eve for hosting this, I will come back to play ANY TIME, even if it means having to play on discord! Thanks so much and thank you to everyone in the final three! If I become the last juror I have NO idea who I would vote for because everyone left is a deserving winner and has played a great game! Good luck guys! <3
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